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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
One of the things which bothers me about certain
Fundamentalist Christians is their insistance on the Bible
as the ultimate authority. Yet they selectively read it to
support their beliefs and opinions against whatever minority,
group, or activitity they happen to be attacking. In their
efforts to criticise viewpoints and lifestyles different
from their own, they are fond of Biblical quotes from the
Old Testament; especially from the books of Leviticus and
Deutotomy. The Old Testament contains important ethical and
moral provisions such as the 'Ten Commandments', which have
had a strong impact upon Western culture. Yet, it should be
remembered that the Bible, especially the Old Testament is
an historical document. I suggest that much of the Old
Testament has no relavancy to modern society. And that it
is 'faulty logic' to selectively quote from it, while
ignoring the rest (most) of the material. Accordingly, I
searched through the Old Testament myself, and picked out some
of the more colorful admonisments. It was great fun. And I
hope it will help put the Old Testament into its proper
ANIMAL SACRIFICE was considered an important way of atoning
for one's sins. A number of complete chapters in the Old
Testament describe the practice. Yet I know of no contemporary
Christian or Jew who practices animal sacrifice. Here are some
1) You should make burnt offerings of cattle, sheep, doves,
and pigions. (Lev. 1.3, et al)
2) You should sprinkle animal blood upon the altar. (Lev. 5.9,
et al)
3) The priests and their garments should be anointed with oil
and blood. (Lev. 8.30, et al)
DIETARY RESTRICTIONS may have been more relavent before
refrigeration. While it is true that Orthodox Jews do follow
some of these dietary restrictions, nobody else does...
1) Do not eat sheep fat, lest your soul be cut off from your
people. (Lev. 7.24)
2) Eat no manner of blood, lest your soul be cut off from
your people. (Lev. 7.26, Deut. 12.23, 15.23)
3) Do not eat camels, rabbits, or pigs. Neither should you
touch them, for they are unclean beasts. (Lev. 11.4, 11.6,
11.7, Deut. 14.7, 8, Isa. 65.4)
4) Do not eat crab, lobsters, oysters, nor any other seafood
except for fish. (Lev. 11.10, Deut. 14.10)
5) Of course you may eat locusts, beetles, and grasshoppers.
(Lev. 11.22)
1) Do not go to the temple drunk, lest you die. (Lev. 10.9)
2) Do not shave your head or beard, for it is a defilement
to do so. (Lev. 21.4, 5)
3) You should not wear garments of different kinds together,
such as wool with cotton. (Deut. 22.11)
4) No tatoos. (Lev. 20.28)
5) Any man with a pimple should be quarantined for seven days.
(Lev. 13.2-4)
6) You should not touch dogs or cats, for they will make you
unclean. (Lev. 11.27)
7) You should not touch the mouse, tortoise, lizard, or snail,
for they will make you unclean. (Lev. 11.29, 11.30)
PUNISHMENT in the Old Testament is very severe by today's
standards. In fact one might wonder how the Jewish people
survived at all...
1) If you have a rebellious son who does not obey you, you
should take him to the elders of the city who will stone him
to death. (Deut. 21.18-21)
2) The penalty for blasphemy is stoning to death.
(Lev. 24.10)
3) If a man finds out that his new wife is not a virgin, he
may take her to the elders of the city who will stone her to
death. (Deut. 22.13-21)
FINANCIAL ISSUES in the Old Testament are completely
overlooked today...
1) The land (Israel?) shall not be sold. This would seem to
prevent all private ownership of property. (Lev. 25.23)
2) Creditors shall write off all debts every 7 years (unless
they are foreign debts...There goes the mortgage!).
(Deut. 15.1, 2)
OTHER PRACTICES which are now (largely) frowned upon...
1) Having more than one wife. (I Sam. 30.5)
2) Purchase of and ownership of slaves. (Deut. 15.12)
3) If your slave wants to stay when you offer him freedom,
you should thrust an awl through his ear so that he will be
your slave forever. (Deut. 15.16, 17)
MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. There are many other admonisments
and rules...
1) Do not plant a grove of trees near the temple. (The grove
of trees was associated with Ashtarte). (Deut. 16.21)
2) He who has been castrated may not enter the temple.
(Deut. 23.1)
Phil Hansford
(818) 353-8891 (modem only)