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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Compiled by "the Bard"
-Rudyard Kipling
What is a woman that you forsake her?
and the hearth fire, and the home-acre?
to go with the old, grey Widow-Maker?
She has no house to lay a guest in
but one chill bed for all to rest in
that the pale suns and the stray bergs nest in
She has no strong white arms to fold you
but the ten times fingering weeds to hold you
out on the rocks where the tide has rolled you
Yet, when the signs of Summer thicken
and the ice breaks and the birch-buds quicken
yearly you turn from our side and sicken
Sicken again for the shouts and the slaughters
you steal away to the lapping waters
and look at your ship in her winter quarters
You forget our mirth, and talk at the tables
the kine in the shed and the horse in the stables
to pitch her sides and go over her cables...
Then you drive out where the storm clouds swallow
and the sound of your oar-blades, falling hollow
is all we have left through the months to follow
Ah...but what is a woman that you forsake her?
and the hearth fire, and the home-acre?
to go with the old, grey Widow-maker?
-Robert Cook
tune: "Stand Up For Jesus"
Stand up! Stand up for Odin, you warriors of the beard!
lift high the Raven Banner that half the world has feared!
From Angleland to far Vinland shall sound the Warrior's Cry
Till every foe is vanquished, and Odin reigns most high!
March forth with steel flashing beneath the naked Sun
and never stand at rest again 'til all the World is won!
Let scarlet sword his symbol carve in every nation's sod
'Til every man still breathing stands up for OdinGod!
Let ships with prows of Dragons the mighty oceans cleave
and every land not Odin's our crimson gifts receive
let Raven Banners fill the sky where every man has trod
And all the soil beneath them belong to OdinGod!
Stand up! Stand up for Odin, you Warriors of the North!
With silver swords a-flashing to victory go forth!
From Angleland to far Vinland our joyous conquest lead
'Til every foe is vanquished, and Odin's Lord, indeed!
-W.J.Bethancourt III
-Ed Hirt
copyright 1982 W.J.Bethancourt III and Ed Hirt
tune: Men of Harlech
What the use of wearing panties
whalebone corsets of your Auntie's
boxer shorts and other scanties
best of all is nude
there's such fun in going bra-less
now that it's no longer lawless
'specially if your figure's flawless
best of all is nude
nude is what you're born in
shirts are never torn in
underwear and lacy flimsies, garter belts and other whimsies
yards of itchy cloth to put your form in
ducks all do it, maidens rue it
even ancient Picts in Britain blue it
going naked's how to do it
best of all is nude!
If your garters aren't elastic
tie them up in knots fantastic
(panty hose is something drastic!)
best of all is nude!
If you're tired of wearing clotheses
shed your garment 'mongst the roses
never mind the old bluenoses
best of all is nude!
Nude is best for ducking!
Worst for horses bucking!
Moonlit nights will see such sights
that are very best for fooling round
.....and elbows!
Nudity is grand to see
a well-known antidote to virginity
take your clothes off and you'll see:
best of all is nude!
copyright 1984 W. J. Bethancourt III
tune: "Same Old Man/Leatherwing Bat"
Hi said the Norn, sittin in the sand
once I talked to a great Grey Man
spun three times and said with a sigh
hadn't been for the Runes had his other eye!
Chorus: hi diddle i diddle i day
hi diddle i diddle i diddle ay
hi di diddle i diddle i day
fol the dink a dum diddle do di day
Hi said the Lady, dressed in green
prettiest thing I've ever seen
she went down underneath the hill
and came back out of her own free will
Brian Boru, on Irish ground
walked three times the Island round
Norsemen came lookin for a fight
just another Irish Saturday night!
Hi said Lugh on the banquest night
a poet and a player and a good wheelwright
a harper and a warrior and none the least:
a Druid and he got in to the Feast!
Harold Haardrada's face was red!
Came to Britain and he wound up dead
Stamford Bridge is where he's found
got six feet of English ground
the Legion with it's Eagles bright
marched into the Pictish night
met them there upon the sand
gave em up to the Wicker Man!
eight-legged steed and hound of Hel
the one-eyed Man, he loves ya well
fire burn and fire spark
are you then feared of the dark?
The Circle forms, the Circle flows
the Circle goes where no man knows
Hail to the Lady, one in three:
Present is Past and Past is Me!
Rhiannon's Birds are still in flight
all thru the Day all thru the Night
Hail to the Lady, one in Three
Present is Past and Past is Thee!
Hi said the Lady dressed in white
sang the Day and sang the Night
sang the Land and sang the Sea
sang the Song, and then sang Me!
Salt and oil and mirror bright
fire and fleet and candlelight
by fin and feather, leaf and tree,
fill the cup and blessed be!
From the misty crystal sea
came the Lady to the lea
Sword and Roses in Her Hand
spread their seeds thruout the Land
Came the Stag from oaken wood
saw the Lady where she stood
by the fire burning bright
came to know his heart's delight!
By Sword and Harp, and Irish Hound
Blessed Be: the Day I've found
Hail to the Lady, one in Three
Present is Past and Past is WE
By Oak and Ash and Holy Thorn
Blessed be the Day you're born!
Fire burn and fire bright
walk in safety thru the night
Why should I sit and sigh
Broo and bracken, broo and bracken
Why should I sit and sigh
All alone and weary
When I see the plover rising
Or the curlew wheeling
It's then I'll court my mortal lover
Back to me is stealing
When the moon begins her waning
I sit by the water
Where a man born of the sunlight
Loved the Faerie's daughter
Oh, but there is something wanting
O but I am weary
Coming blithe, now bonny treads he
O'er the knolls to cheer me
-W.J.Bethancourt III
(c) copyright 1990 W.J.Bethancourt III
(Tune: "Dublin City")
As I walked out one quiet evening
At the hour of twelve at night
Who should I meet but a fair young maiden
Combin' her hair by candle light;
Lassie, I have come a-courtin'
Your kind favours for to win
And if you'd heed my petition
I would be your Paladin...
(CHORUS) Gather roses in the Springtime
Gather roses while ye may,
Time is passing; roses wither;
Winter comes; we're here -today-.
Have you seen the dew a-formin'
On the grass at early morn?
Have you seen the forest quiet,
Or a stag that's barely born?
Have you seen the dawn a-breakin'
O'er the Western Ocean's tide?
Have you felt my heart a-beatin'
When it's held close to your side?
I can give no gold or silver,
I can give no fields of land,
I can give no servants brisk
To wait on you both foot and hand;
I can give you wide roads callin'
Wind and Rain, and Moon and Sun,
Songs to sing, and love and laughter,
Dresses made of plain home-spun.
Come dance with me upon the greensward
in the moonlight, in the Spring.
Dance with me within the forest
Dance with me within the ring!
Earth below us, stars above us,
Fire and water by our side,
Dance with me within the moonlight,
Dance with me, and be my Bride!
While the Moon her watch is keeping
all thru the night
While the weary world is sleeping
all thru the night
O'er thy spirit gently stealing,
Visions of delight revealing
Breathes a pure and holy feeling
all thru the night
Though this Bard must roam full lonely
My true harp shall sing praise only
Love's soft dream, alas, is over
Yet my strains of love shall hover
Near the Presence of my Lover
Hark! A solemn bell is ringing
Thou, my King are heavenward winging
Earthly dust from off Thee shaken
Soul immortal shalt thou waken
With thy last, dim journey taken
Neath this Stone my King is sleeping
Stars around Him softly sweeping
Once and Future King preserving
Britain's Saviour there reserving
All around him Stars observing
all thru the night
Holl am ran-tire sehr thuh wed-ont
ahr heed ah nos
Dum-ar forth ee vro go-gawn-yont
ahr heed ah nos
Gol-i ar-all you tuh wull ooch
ee are thang os gweer bred vairtch-ooch
tie-leer nave oith m'yoon thu-wail-ooch
ahr heed ah nos
note: The last verse is phonetic Welsh.
"ll" is pronounced by putting the tip of your
tongue to the roof of your mouth, and saying "h"
and "l" at the same time...sort of.
"ch" is pronounced as German.
(Child #44)
recorded by Steeleye Span "Below the Salt"
She looked out of the window, as white as any milk
He looked in at the window, as black as any silk
(Chorus): Hello, hello, hello, hello you coal black smith
You have done me no harm!
You never shall have my maidenhead
That I have kept so long!
I'd rather die a maid, aye, and then she said,
And be buried all in my grave,
Than to have such a nasty,
husky, dusky, fusty, musty coal black smith!
A maiden I will die!
She became a duck, a duck all in the stream
And he became a waterdog, and fetched her back again
She became a star, a star all in the night
And he became a thundercloud and muffled her out of sight
She became a rose, a rose all in the wood
And he became a bumblebee and kissed her where she stood
She became a nun, a nun all dressed in white
And he became a chantry priest to pray for her by night
She became a trout, a trout all in the brook
And he became a feathered fly, and catched her with his hook
She became a quilt, a quilt all on her bed
And he became a coverlet, and gained her maidenhead!
note: This has MANY variants. See Robert Graves' "The White Goddess" pg. 401!
There were three men come out of the West
Their fortunes for to try,
And these three men made a solemn vow:
John Barleycorn should die!
John Barleycorn should die!
(nb: 4th line of each verse is sung twice)
They plowed, they sowed, they harrowed him in,
Threw clods upon his head,
And these three men made a solemn vow:
John Barleycorn was dead!
CHORUS: Fa la la la, it's a lovely day!
Sing fa la la lay oh!
Fa la la la, it's a lovely day!
Sing fa la la lay oh!
They let him lie for a very long time
'Til the rain from Heaven did fall,
Then Little Sir John sprung up his head,
And so amazed them all!
They let him stand 'til Midsummer tide,
'Til he grew both pale and wan,
Then Little Sir John he grew a long beard,
And so became a man!
They hired men with the sythes so sharp
To cut him off at the knee
They rolled him and tied him about the waist,
And used him barbarously!
They hired men with the sharp pitchforks
To pierce him to the heart,
And the loader he served him worse than that,
For he tied him in a cart!
They wheeled him around and around the field,
'Til they came to a barn,
And there they made a solemn mow
Of poor John Barleycorn,
They hired men with the crab-tree sticks
To strip him skin from bone
And the Miller he served him worse than that:
For he ground him between two stones!
They have wheeled him here and wheeled him there
And wheeled him to a barn,
And they have served him worse than that
They have bunged him in a vat!
They have worked their will on John Barleycorn
But he lived to tell the tale;
For they pour him out of an old brown jug,
And they call him home-brewed ale!
Here's Little Sir John in a nut-brown bowl,
And brandy in a glass!
And Little Sir John in the nut-brown bowl
Proved the stronger man at last!
For the huntsman he can't hunt the fox
Nor loudly blow his horn,
And the tinker can't mend kettles nor pots
Without John Barleycorn!
(Note: sing the chorus after every other verse. For SCA use, this song is very
effective as a solo performance in the beginning, with more and more people
joining the chorus as the High Table is served, ending (preferably) with a
presentation of home-made mead or ale.)
-recorded by Steeleye Span
"Oh where are you going to?"
said the False Knight upon the road
"Oh I'm going to my school."
said the wee boy and still he stood
"What is that upon your back?"
said the False Knight upon the road
"Ah weel, it is my books!"
said the wee boy and still he stood
Oh, what have you got there? I wish you was on the sands.
I have got my bread and cheese! Yes, and a good staff in my hands!
Oh won't you give me some? I wish you was on the sea.
No, ne'r a bite or crumb! And a good ship under me!
And the ship to sink.
An inch away from shore!
I think I hear a bell.
And it rings you straight to Hell!
In Nottamun Town, in Nottamun Town
Not a soul would look up not a soul would look down
Not a soul would look up, not a soul would look down
To show me the way to fair Nottamun Town
I bought me a horse t'was called a grey mare
Grey mane and grey tail and green stripe on her back
Grey mane and grey tail and green stripe on her back
Weren't a hair upon her that was not coal black
She stood so still threw me to the dirt
She tore at my hide, she bruised my shirt
From saddle to stirrup I mounted again
and on my ten toes I rode over the plain
When I got there no one did I see
they all stood around me just looking at me
i called for a cup to drive gladness away
And stifle the dust for it rained the whole day
And the King and the Queen and the company more
Came a riding behind and a walking before
Come a stark naked drummer beating a drum
With his hands in his bosom came marching along
Sat down on a hard hot cold frozen stone
Ten thousand stood round me but I was alone
Took my heart in my hand to keep myself warm
Ten thousand was drowned that never was born
-Gwydion PenDerwyn
copyright probably to Nemeton
In the mountains of Cambria, by Rhymney's bright stream
I have oft slept in heather, and dreamed a bright Dream
No mortal could wake me, nor see what I've seen
No landscape could ever compare.
'Twas the Land of my Fathers, unfettered, and free
Ere the time that the Saxon swept over the Sea
When mistletoe grew 'neath the shining Oak Tree
No landscape could ever compare!
(Chorus): Dreaming of Prydein, asleep on a hill
When I awaken, will you be there still?
Oh, Island of Poets, my dreams you can fill
But never the long waking hours.
Mighty Poets and Warriors traversed every road
Leaving stories and legends wherever they strode
Their pasts are recalled in the humblest abode
In tales of the sunnier days.
Now my story is ended, my song is all gone
I have slept thru the evening, and into the dawn
Yet still, I remember your Face, Albion,
And your older, and much wiser ways!
-Padraic Colum
recorded by Theodore Bikel
My young love said to me: My mother won't mind
And my father won't slight you for your lack of kind
She put her arms 'round me; these words she did say:
It will not be long, love, 'til our wedding day!
Then she stepped away from me, and she moved thru the Faire
And so fondly I watched her move here and move there
At last she turned homeward, with one star awake
As the Swan in the evening moves over the lake.
Last night she came to me, my dead love came in
And so soft did she move that her feet made no din
She put her arms 'round me; these words she did say:
It will not be long, love, 'til our wedding day!
-Ian Anderson
recorded: "Songs from the Wood"
Jethro Tull
copyright 1977 Salamander Music
pub. USA: Chrysalis Music Corp.
May I make my fond excuses for the lateness of the hour
But we accept your invitation, and we bring you Beltane's Flower
For the May Day is the Great Day, strung along the Old Straight Track
And those who ancient Lines did Ley will heed this song that calls them back!
Ask the Green Man where he comes from, ask the Cup that fills with Red
Ask the old grey Standing Stones who show the Sun His way to bed
Question all as to their Ways, and learn the Secrets that they hold
Walk the lines of Nature's Palm, crossed with Silver and with Gold.
(Chorus): Pass the Word, and pass the Lady
Pass the Plate to all who hunger!
Pass the Wit of Ancient Wisdom
Pass the Cup of Crimson Wonder!
Join in Black December's Madness! Lie in August's welcome Corn!
Stir the Cup that's ever filling with the Blood of all that's born!
For the May Day is the Great Day, strung along the Old Straight Track
And those who ancient Lines did Ley will heed this Song that calls them back!
-variant lyrics by Ioseph of Locksley
May I make my fond excuses for the lateness of the Hour
But I accept your invitation, and I bring you Beltane's Flower
For the May Day is the Great Day strung along the Old Straight Track
And those who ancient Lines did Ley will heed this Song that calls them back!
Ask the Green Man where he comes from, ask the Sun his way to bed
Ask the grey and Standing Stones where last they lay their head
Ask the Lady where She's standing, growing young, and growing old
Cross the Lines of Nature's Palm, marked with Silver, crossed with Gold
For the May Day is the Great Day strung along the Old Straight Track
And those who ancient Lines did Ley will heed this Song that calls them back!
Ask the Lady where She's standing in the green and growing corn!
Take the Cup that's ever filling with the Blood of all that's born!
For the May Day is the Great Day, strung along the Old Straight Track
And those who ancient Lines did Ley will heed this Song that calls them back!
So, pass the Cup, and pass the Lady!
Pass the Plate to all who hunger!
Pass the Wit of Ancient Wisdom
Pass the Cup of Crimson Wonder!
(repeat verse 1)
-Gwyddion PenDderwyn, Amy Falkowitz, Ann Case, Len Rosenberg
recorded by Joe Bethancourt
"Celtic Circle Dance"
She danced on the water, and the wind was Her horn
The Lady laughed, and everything was born
And when She lit the sun and its' light gave Him birth
The Lord of the Dance first appeared on the Earth
(Chorus): Dance, dance, where ever you may be
I am the Lord of the Dance, you see!
I live in you, and you live in Me
And I lead you all in the Dance, said He!
I danced in the morning when the World was begun
I danced in the Moon and the Stars and the Sun
I was called from the Darkness by the Song of the Earth
I joined in the Song, and She gave Me the Birth!
I dance in the Circle when the flames leap up high
I dance in the Fire, and I never, ever, die
I dance in the waves of the bright summer sea
For I am the Lord of the wave's mystery
I sleep in the kernel, and I dance in the rain
I dance in the wind, and thru the waving grain
And when you cut me down, I care nothing for the pain;
In the Spring I'm the Lord of the Dance once again!
I dance at the Sabbat when you dance out the Spell
I dance and sing that everyone be well
And when the dancing's over do not think that I am gone
To live is to Dance! So I dance on, and on!
I see the Maidens laughing as they dance in the Sun
And I count the fruits of the Harvest, one by one
I know the Storm is coming, but the Grain is all stored
So I sing of the Dance of the Lady, and Her Lord:
The Horn of the Lady cast its' sound 'cross the Plain
The birds took the notes, and gave them back again
Till the sound of Her music was a Song in the sky
And to that Song there is only one reply:
The moon in her phases, and the tides of the sea
The movement of the Earth, and the Seasons that will be
Are the rhythm for the dancing, and a promise thru the years
That the Dance goes on thru all our joy, and tears
We dance ever slower as the leaves fall and spin
And the sound of the Horn is the wailing of the wind
The Earth is wrapped in stillness, and we move in a trance,
But we hold on fast to our faith in the Dance!
The sun is in the southland and the days grow chill
And the sound of the horn is fading on the hill
'Tis the horn of the Hunter, as he rides across the plain
And the Lady sleeps 'til the Spring comes again
The Sun is in the Southland and the days lengthen fast
And soon we will sing for the Winter that is past
Now we light the candles and rejoice as they burn
And we dance the Dance of the Sun's return!
They danced in the darkness and they danced in the night
They danced on the Earth, and everything was light
They danced out the Darkness and they danced in the Dawn
And the Day of that Dancing is still going on!
I gaze on the Heavens and I gaze on the Earth
And I feel the pain of dying, and re-birth
And I lift my head in gladness, and in praise
For the Dance of the Lord, and His Lady gay
I dance in the stars as they whirl throughout space
And I dance in the pulse of the veins in your face
No dance is too great, no dance is too small,
You can look anywhere, for I dance in them all!
-Wm. Butler Yeats
recorded by Judy Collins
I went out to the hazel - wood
Because a fire was in my head
Cut and peeled a hazel - wand
Tied a berry to a thread
And when white moths were on the wing
And moth - white stars were flickering out
I dropped the berry in a stream
And caught a little silver trout..........
I had but laid it on the bank
And gone to blow the fire a-flame
Something rustled in the air
Something called me by my name!
It had become a glimmering Girl
With apple - blossom in her hair
Who called me by my name, and ran
And vanished in the brightening air........
Though I am old, with wandering
Thru hilly lands, and hollow lands;
I'll find out where she has gone
To seek her lips, to take her hands-
And walk thru long green dappled grass;
To pluck 'til Time, and times are done:
The Silver Apples of the Moon;
The Golden Apples of the Sun...............
-Bela of Eastmarch, KSCA
Ron Ellik
-tune: "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp"
Yggdrasil, where Nine Worlds clash, is a noble piece of ash
That shelters Norns and Gods and all that crew
There, a Dragon gnaws the base of an Eagle's resting place,
And four Harts, a Goat and Squirrel are there too!
Frigga took a year or so, and, except for mistletoe
Got from everything an Oath for Balder's good
Evil Loki wished him harm, so he hired Hodr's arm,
And the staff the Blind God threw was kissing-wood!
Tyr vowed Fenris-Wolf his hand if he couldn't break the Band
That All-Father's wisdom made both light and hefty...
Lupine muscles strained away, but the magic held its' sway -
And from then on, till The Time, they called Tyr "Lefty!"
When Thor went out to fish, he quickly got his wish,
and he hauled a Jormangandr from the Bay.
But Hymr cut the cable, and Thor was only able
To brag about the "one that got away..."
When Thor called upon the Giants, they didn't show defiance,
But they soon got rid of him, and of his Hammer!
For the sea he could not swallow, and old Grandmaw beat him hollow,
And the House-Pet caused an awful katzenjammer!
Asa-Thor became a "her" for to repossess Mjollnir,
And unto a frosty brute his troth did plight;
But the vittles that he ate would an army more than sate,
And the chefs at Utgard always rued that night!
Each God's Apple every day, kept the doctor far away
'Til a Giant captured Ydun from their Halls...
Loki fetched home Bragi's Bride, with Her health-food store beside,
Plus a char-broiled eagle underneath the Walls!
Odin said to Mim: "I think I would sort of like a drink."
Answered Mim: "That will cost you your left eye!
For you've come up very late to the Well at Wisdom's Gate
And the set-up prices, after hours, are high!"
Oh, the Giants brought their War up to Bifrost's very Door
And the battling wrecked Asgards perfect clime-
Jormungandr, Hel and Fenris dealt out Death in doses generous
And, in fighting, did the Aesir pass The Time!
(Tune: Wagner's "Flight of the Valkyries")
We fly through the night skies
Flashing our fat thighs,
Picking up dead guys;
You call this a job?
You take the blond guy,
I'll take the redhead!
Wait, he's not dead yet;
Let him go . . . splat!
Chorus: Woo-oop! Woo-oop!
Woo-oop! Woo-oop!
Woo-oop! Woo-oop!
Woo-oop! Woo-oop!
We're hunting the Wabbit!
We're hunting the Wabbit!
We're hunting the Wabbit!
We're hunting the Wabbit!
-Li Kung Lo
(c) copyright 1985 Richard Munroe
A ragged vagabond he was, a lady fine was she
They walked along the leeward shore on a footpath through the trees
They plied their troth to the wind and the stars but a mile from the town
Though promised to a lord she was, yet still he laid her down
Upon the bracken and the boughs, they made their forest bed
And she let down her flaxen hair, and these were the words she said:
Lay me down, you wanderer, love me well tonight
I'll be leaving with the cock's crow, before the morning light
Lay me down in this forest, come and lay here by my side
For I'll be gone at daybreak, to be a noble's bride
Though untied to the land you are, I'll love you well, quoth she
But my lord must never know, for a jealous lord is he
They made their tryst, but not alone, for their meeting had been seen
Too full of love were they to hear the laugh of the faerie queen
She saw these lovers lying so, and an angry queen was she
For woodland night is faerie's realm, and love is never free
So lay me down, you wanderer, love me well tonight
I'll be leaving with the cock's crow, before the morning light
Lay me down in this forest, come and give your love to me
But know that you may have to pay the queen of faerie's fee
To trespass on my land, she spoke, a pledge you will give me
You'll never give your own true love to any man save he
And you, a footpad though you are, a man without a home
You'll never leave this lass again, no more will your feet roam
Their passion burned like faerie fire, the queen she laughed with glee
But they cared not, for the light of love was all that they could see
So lay me down, oh wanderer, love me well tonight
I'll be leaving with the cock's crow, before the morning light
Lay me down in this forest come and give your love to me
But know that we may have to pay the queen of faerie's fee
The queen came forth, her eyes afire, enraptured both were they
She kissed them both upon the brow, just e're the break of day
They did not stir when daylight came, touched by the morning dew
For she was a weeping willow, and he a stately yew
And these two trees can still be seen,with their limbs entwined just so
And this song can still be heard at the point of Tupelo
Lay me down, you wanderer, love me well tonight
I'll be leaving with the cock's crow, before the morning light
Lay me down in this forest, come and lay here by my side
For I'll be gone at daybreak, to be a noble's bride
So lay me down, you wanderer, love me for tonight
I'll be leaving with the cock's crow, before the morning light
Lay me down in this forest, come and give your love to me
But know that we will have to pay the queen of Faerie's fee
-Leonard Cohen (c) 1966
God is alive.....Magic is afoot...God is alive....magic is afoot...
God is afoot.....Magic is alive...Alive is afoot..magic never died!
God never sickened. Many poor men lied. Many sick men lied.
Magic never weakened. Magic never hid. Magic always ruled. God is afoot.
God never died!
God was Ruler, though his funeral lengthened.
Though His mourners thickened, magic never fled.
Though His shrouds were hoisted the naked God did live;
Though His words were twisted the naked magic thrived;
Though His death was published round and round the world
The heart did not believe.
Many hurt men wondered. Many struck men bled.
Magic never faltered. Magic always led.
Many stones were rolled, but God would not lie down!
Many wild men lied. Many fat men listened.
Though they offered stones, magic still was fed!
Though they locked their coffers, God was always served.
Magic is afoot....God is alive....
Alive is afoot....Alive is in command.
Many weak men hungered. Many strong men thrived.
Though they boasted solitude, God was at their side.
Nor the dreamer in his cell, Nor the captain on the hill:
Magic is alive!
Though His death was pardoned 'Round and 'round the world,
The heart would not believe!
Though laws were carved in marble they could not shelter men;
Though altars built in Parliaments, they could not order men;
Police arrested magic and magic went with them, ah!
For magic loves the hungry....
But magic would not tarry, it moves from arm to arm,
It would not stay with them; it cannot come to harm:
Magic is afoot! It cannot come to harm.
It rests in an empty palm. It spawns in an empty mind.
But magic is no instrument: magic is the End!
Many men drove magic, but magic stayed behind; Many strong men lied.
They only passed thru magic and out the other side!
Many weak men lied. They came to God in secret and
Though they left Him nourished, They would not tell Who healed;
Though mountains danced before them They said that God was dead!
Though His shrouds were hoisted, the naked God did live!
God is alive! Magic is afoot...God is alive... God is alive...
Magic is afoot...
This I mean to whisper to my mind: This I mean to laugh with in my mind:
This I mean my mind to serve 'Til service is but magic, moving thru the world
And mind itself is magic, coursing thru the flesh
And flesh itself is magic, dancing on a clock,
And Time itself, the magic length of God!
God is alive...Magic is afoot...Magic is afoot...God is alive..
Magic is alive...God is afoot...Alive is afoot...God never died.
Many strong men lied. They only passed thru magic and out the other side!
This I mean to whisper to my mind: This I mean to laugh with in my mind:
This I mean my mind to serve 'Til service is but magic, moving thru the world
And mind itself is magic, coursing thru the flesh
And flesh itself is magic, dancing on a clock,
And Time itself, the magic length of God!
tune: "Old Time Religion"
(Chorus): Give me that real old time religion (3X)
It's good enough for me!
We will have a mighty orgy We will sacrifice to Yuggoth
in the honour of Astarte we will sacrifice to Yuggoth
it'll be a mighty party Burn a candle for Yog-Soggoth
and it's good enough for me! and the Goat With a Thousand Young!
We will all be saved by Mithras If your rising sign is Aries
We will all be saved by Mithras You'll be taken by the Fairies
slay the Bull and play the zithras Meet the Buddah in Benares
on that Resurrection Day! where he'll hit you with a pie!
I hear Valkyries a-comin There are people into Voodoo
In the air their song is comin there are people into Voodoo
They forgot the words! They're hummin! I know I do, I hope you do!
But they're good enough for me! and it's good enough for me!
We will venerate Bubastis We will read from the Kabahlah
We will venerate Bubastis We will read from the Kabahlah
If you want in, then just ast us! It won't get us to Valhalla
'cause that's good enough for me! But it's good enough for me!
We will all bow down to Enlil There are some who practice Shinto
We will all bow down to Enlil there are some who practice Shinto
Pass your Cup and get a refill! there's no telling what WE'RE into!
With bold Gilgamesh the Brave! but that's good enough for me!
We will all see Aphrodite We will all sing Hare Krishna
Though she's pretty wild and flighty We will all sing Hare Krishna
She will meet us in her nightie It's not mentioned in the Mishna
And she's good enough for me! But it's good enough for me!
It was good enough for Loki We will all go to Nirvana
It was good enough for Loki We will all go to Nirvana
He thinks Thor's a little hokey Make a left turn at Urbana
and that's good enough for me! And you'll see the Promised Land!
Here's to those who copy Conan There will be a lot of lovin
Here's to those who copy Conan when we're meetin in our Coven
They're just Followers of Onan Quit yer pushin and yer shovin
and that's good enough for me! So there's room enough for me!
We will have a mighty Party It was good enough for Sappho
In the honor of Astarte With her lady on her lap-o
Grab your chiton - don't be tardy She put Lesbos on the map-o
'Cause she's good enough for me! With her pagan poetry!
Shall we sing a verse for Venus, Well the Christians all are humming
Of the Gods she is the meanest, Cause they say their God is coming,
Cause she bit me on my...elbow Our God came three times this evening
And it's good enough for me. And that's good enough for me.
We will worship like the Druids, Some guys have a circumcision
Drinking strange fermented fluids, On account of their religion,
Running naked through the woo-ids, An embarrassing incision
Coz that's good enough for me. Cut just ENOUGH from me!
We will sing a verse for Loki It was good for old Jehovah
He's the old Norse god of Chaos He had a son who was a nova!
Which is why this verse don't Hey there, Mithras! Move on ova'!
rhyme or scan or nothin' Another resurrection Day!
But it's good enough for me...
(more yet!)
It was good for Thor and Odin It could be that you're a Parsi
It was good for Thor and Odin It could be that you're a Parsi
Grab an axe and get your woad on! Don't need a ticket; you get in free
and it's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
Azahoth is in his Chaos Just like Carlos Castenada
Azahoth is in his Chaos Just like Carlos Castenada
Now if only he don't sway us It'll get you sooner or later
That is good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
If you think that you'll be sav-ed Jerry Falwell thinks he's sav-ed
If you think that you'll be sav-ed In a lamb's blood he's been lav-ed
If you follow Mogen David And HE thinks that I'M deprav-ed
Then that's good enough for me! But that's good enough for me...
We will sing to Lady Isis We will all bow down to Dagon
She'll stand by us in a crisis We will all bow down to Dagon
And She hasn't raised Her prices He still votes for Ronald Reagan
And She's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
There are those who, when they've got e-
Normous problems that are knotty
They just take them to Hecate Thanks to great Quetzacoatl
And that's good enough for me! And his sacred axolotl
And his gift of chocolatl
Was a time, so I've heard tell, a And please pass some down to me!
Fine and promising young fella
Gave his all to serve Cybele
But that's damn well not for me!
Well, she raised an awful flurry When old Gerald got it goin'
When she made the scholars worry When old Gerald got it goin'
Thank the Gods for Margaret Murray! All that hidin' turned to showin'
She is good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
We'll sing praises to Apollo When we all bowed down to Nuit
Where the Sun-God leads, I'll follow There was really nothin' to it
From Ionia to Gaul-o (Alex Sanders made me do it...)
And that's good enough for me! But that's good enough for me!
Let us sing the praise of Horus We went off to worship Venus
As our fathers did before us By the Gods! You should have seen us!
We're the New Egyptian Chorus Now the Clinic has to screen us...
And we sing in harmony! But that's good enough for me!
It was good enough for Granny It's not good enough for Reagan
She could throw a double-whammy It's not good enough for Reagan
That would knock you on your fanny He's too square to be a Pagan!
And she's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
We will gather at our saunas Meeting at the Witching Hour
When the spirit comes upon us By the Bud, and Branch and Flower
To perform the Rites of Faunus Folks are raising up the Power
And that's good enough for me! And that's where I want to be!
(and more yet!)
We will worship mighty Cthulhu In the sky I hear a hummin'
H. P. Lovecraft's big old hoodoo It's the UFO's a-comin'
(1930's fiction voodoo....) That's not banjos that they're strummin'
But that's good enough for me! But it's good enough for me!
Oh the Phillistines abound Oh we all will follow Buddah
Oh the Phillistines abound Oh we all will follow Buddah
They had the biggest Baals around And we'll eat no food but Gouda
And that's good enough for me! Which is Gouda-nuff for me
Oh, our Spirits will awaken We'll sing praises to Apollo;
Oh, our Spirits will awaken Where the Sun God leads we'll follow
Watch the Universe a-quakin' ('Though his head's a little hollow) -
Which is Gurdijeff to me! He's good enough for me!
Let us raise a toast to Bacchus, We will worship Great Cthulhu,
We will raise a royal ruckus, We will worship Great Cthulhu,
Then we'll lay us down and f**k us And we'll feed him Mr. Sulu
That's good enough for me. 'Cause that's good enough for me!
It was good enough for Buddha, We all worshipped Dionysus
As a god he's kinda cute-a, 'Till we ran into a crisis -
And he comes in brass or pewta' The bar had raised its prices;
So he's good enough for me! That's not good enough for me.
Uncle Crowley was a dreamer We will go and sing "Hosanna"
At the Abbey of Thelema To our good ol' pal, Gautama,
But his magic is a screamer, He will never flim or flam ya',
So it's good enough for me. And that's good enough for me!
Oh we'll all be Fundamental When the clouds they are a'rumbling
And be Holy Testamental And the thunder is a'grumbling,
And never Trancendental Then it's Crowley that you're mumbling,
And that's good enough for me! And it's good enough for me!
There are some that call it folly Shall we sing a verse for Thor,
When we worship Mother Kali. Though he leaves the maidens sore?
She may not be very jolly They always come back for more,
But she's good enough for me. So he's good enough for me!
Shall we sing in praise of Loki, It was good enough for Odin
Though he left poor Midgard smokey? Though the tremblin' got forbodin'
Oh, his sense of humor's hokey, Then the giants finally strode in,
But he's good enough for me. But it's good enough for me.
Montezuma liked to start out There's that lusty old Priapus
Rites by carrying a part out He's just itching to unwrap us.
That would really tear your heart out, (He'd do more to us than tap us
But it's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!)
We will all bow down to Allah Where's the gong gone? I can't find it
For he gave his loyal follow I think Northwoods is behind it!
Ers the mighty petro-dollah For they've always been cymbal-minded
And that's good enough for me! And they're good enough for me!
(still more!)
I was singing Hari Rama We will pray with those Egyptians
With my friend the Dalai Lama Build pyramids to put our crypts in
'Til they dumped us in the slammer Cover subways with inscriptions,
But that's good enough for me which is good enough for me.....!
One-eyed Odin we will follow We will pray to Zarathustra
And in fighting we will wallow And we'll pray just like we usta
Till we wind up in Valhallow I'm a Zarathustra boosta!
Which is good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
Hare Krishna gets a laugh on I'll arise at early mornin'
When he sees me dressed in saffron When the Sun gives me the warnin'
With my hair that's only half on That the Solar Age is dawnin'
But that's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
We will sing a verse for Eris Of Great Murphy much is spoken
(Golden apples for the fairest!) For his Law shall not be broken
Though she sometimes likes to scare us It's not pretty when he's woken
But she's good enough for me! Things go wrong for you and me!
We will sing for great Diana If your god of choice is Squat
Who will teach of love and honor Well then trendy, man, you're not -
But you really gotta wanna! But you'll get a parking spot!
'Cause she's tough enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
We will venerate Bubastis Call Him God, or call him Allah
'Cause my cat walked up and ast us The priest will take your dollah
(Now the cat box is DISASTROUS!) Easy living from -your- follah-
But it's good enough for me! -wers, but sorry, -not- from me!
I'll sing some songs to Lilith, Now Danae was sweet as flowers,
Not so young, and not so girlish, She was into golden showers;
and She's always PMS-ish, And that showed her Zeus' power
but She's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
And what about this Bacchus, Diana is a little spikey
Who lives just to raise a ruckus? And she is a little dyke-ey
Loosens women so they'll f*** us, You don't have to be a Psych-e
Well, that's good enough for me! To know that's right for me!
Lilith wears a lacy nightie That Bob Larson shrieks and hollers
And She is a little flighty Fighting demons in his callers
She will get you all excite-y Save his program: SEND YOUR DOLLARS!
She's wet-dream enough for me! And that's good enough for me.
With the aid of my athame Well I'm tired of Ronald Reagan,
I can throw a "double-whammy" He's too square to be a pagan,
(And can slice and dice salami!) Let's all vote for Carl Sagan!
So it's good enough for me. He's good enough for me.
It's the opera written for us
We will all join in the chorus
It's the opera about Boris
Which is Godunov for me!