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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
001=Usr:0 Null User 06/30/87 20:34 Msg:0 Call:0 Lines:19
1$If you are in need of help, you need but ask...
2$************************* INSTALLED: 29 DEC 87 ***************************
3$Welcome to BWMS II (BackWater Message System II) Mike Day System operator
7$BWMS II was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS II is a privately
8$owned and operated system which is currently open for use by the general
9$public. No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the
10$system is privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all
11$messages which I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the
12$system, it will be periodically purged of messages (only 999 lines of data
13$can be saved). To leave a message, type 'ENTER'. Use ctrl/C to get out
14$the ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering
15$the message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to
16$replace the line. To exit from the system, type 'BYE' then hang up.
17$Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system.
002=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 12/29/87 22:04 Msg:948 Call:6399 Lines:7
20 Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle: If three things might happen, one of
21 them probably will. If it doesn't, then one of the other two might. But if
22 not even this one does, then it's all on the last one. In the event of this
23 last one not happening, which it might not, the experiment is best
24 abandoned. A judicious application of this principle will explain, among
25 other things, the rise of capitalism and why women take so long to get dressed.
26 ***************************************************************************
003=Usr:296 MATTHIAS BRUNNER 12/29/87 23:01 Msg:949 Call:6400 Lines:4
27 Well I haven't been on the system for a while so could someone bring me up to
28 date. Is the Inn still running strong. How about a debate anyone? Gary Hart or
29 foriegn affairs? Anything?
30 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzmatthias (a new name too)zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
004=Usr:13 voyeur 12/30/87 01:06 Msg:950 Call:6405 Lines:6
31 ::::::::O O::::::::::12/30/87::::::::::::::::::::::::::01:30:58:::::::O O::::::
32 Hmmm... Domestic affairs gave Gary Hart some real problems. I don't really
33 know if he'd do any better with foreign affairs. Maybe with Lee as his
34 advisor? I think I'll stick with Al "I'm in charge now" Haig. At least you
35 know where you stand with him.
36 :::::::::O O:::::::::::::::::::::::voyeur::::::::::::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::
005=Usr:23 Grann 12/30/87 11:30 Msg:951 Call:6409 Lines:1
37 ++++++++++++ Grannlurk. Winter term approaching rapidlllllyyyyyyyyyyy +++++++
006=Usr:245 Doug King 12/30/87 12:37 Msg:952 Call:6411 Lines:3
39 EEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!! Not Winter Term already! GGGGGGRRRRRR!!!!!!
40 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Bartender SLUG>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
007=Usr:262 Jody Knox 12/30/87 12:45 Msg:953 Call:6412 Lines:16
41 Hi. Another new person. (Me, I mean.)
42 Anybody here that I've seen on other boards and can fill me in on the way this
43 one works? I'm not entirely familiar with the total message board system, but
44 I've been reading old stuff, and it looks fun.
45 Any advice for the new girl?
46 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Jody |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|
47 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
48 Jody, what other boards are you on?
49 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
50 Leonard: Those "little things" are tanks and they are not (repeat NOT) after
51 Justin. They're after VanderVecken. He knows and is taking appropriate
52 action. I think I saw his feet sticking out from under his bed.....
53 (Sorry, RT)
54 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BRITTANIA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
55 By the way SLUG, how DARE you steal my boarders??
56 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
008=Usr:283 KEVIN CONNELL 12/30/87 13:09 Msg:954 Call:6413 Lines:16
57 ...............................................................................
58 Geeez! What an original boarder, eh? I'm new here, as you can guess, but I
59 know Slug from Hodini's, and other boards, but I can't say much more for the
60 rest of you people.... Does anyone want to fill me in on what's goin' on?
61 How 'bout you Slug? Why don't ya fix me up with a Burbon <sp?> and seven....
62 Mmmmmmm... My favorite! Oh, yeah... I forgot to tell you my name is Kevin, But
63 You can just call me Kev, or Kev C., or Who, Which is very popular at JD's,
64 cause I said this..."Who knows, who cares, and who gives a shit?", And then
65 everybody started cracking jokes, but oh well.... Does anyone here frequent
66 3cpu? It's a great board...
67 ...............................................................................
70 JEeesh... I screwed up on that one..
009=Usr:298 Lord Beaker 12/30/87 16:10 Msg:955 Call:6415 Lines:10
73 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
74 Well I'm not sure THAT exists, but oh well. Who can say for sure? Thats
75 proably why we don't know, I don't anyway. Maybe it was all lost in the
76 transition phase. I hope not!
78 Lord Beaker
80 Oh, I could use a little help controling the weather. My efforts don't seem
81 to be accomplishing a whole lot.
82 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
010=Usr:290 Robert Tice 12/30/87 18:13 Msg:956 Call:6417 Lines:6
83 Hay, anyone out there know much about chemistry? If so, what makes black spots
84 in a fiberglass swimming pool? And I'm not talking about plants, etc. but chem
85 chemical reactions, such as might, MIGHT, occur with the chlorine in the pool
86 told that this reaction will produce the black spots on the liner surface, but
87 I find that hard to understand. It just shouldn't do it at the temperatures
88 involved. Anyone have any feelings on this subject?
011=Usr:299 Agitar 12/30/87 19:50 Msg:957 Call:6419 Lines:8
89 &*(&*(&*(&*(&*(&*(&*(&*(&*(&*(&*(&*()*&)*&)*&)*&)*&)*&)*&)*&)*&)*&)*&)*&)*&)*&
90 Hello? I'm lost. Has anybody seen me anywhere? Maybe in a pool, swirling?
92 What is this place, anyway? Is this the only place in this place? Is there
93 any other place where I can place my questions? Help?!?
95 The Agitar
96 ^$%^%$^%$^%$^$^%$^%$^%$^%$^%$^%$^%$^%$^%$^%$^%$^%$^%$^%$^%$^%$^%$^%$^%$^%$^%$^
012=Usr:23 Grann 12/30/87 21:54 Msg:958 Call:6422 Lines:9
97 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
98 Kev: I frequent 3cpu. Not as Milchar or Grann, though... just an
99 abbreviation of my mundane name.
100 ++++++
101 Hum, it would appear that Grann is getting restless...thee old travelin'
102 itch he caught from Milch must be acting up again, but he's been too busy
103 with local affairs to go jaunting out to other dimensions and lines. Maybe
104 a quick outing as a lesson for his apprentice? Hum.
105 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ M&G +++++ 871230222530 +++++++++++
013=Usr:283 KEVIN CONNELL 12/30/87 22:12 Msg:959 Call:6423 Lines:11
106 ..............................................................................
107 Who are you? You told me you frequent there, but who are you.. oh, yeah, the
108 author function..
109 ..............................................................................
112 ............................................................................
113 IT only tells me who wrote this, Imight add small, program.
114 ............................................................................
014=Usr:272 Talos 12/30/87 22:55 Msg:960 Call:6424 Lines:13
117 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
118 / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \
120 AAAHHHHHH!!!!! Back from a little R&R! Oh what fun it to sleep 14 hours a daaay
121 yeah! There's something about vacations that make ya wanna sleep, so I figure
122 why fight it? Everybody enjoy the snow? I got a little icy on the roads though,
123 <Geez, I guess we used to much silver Nitrate, eh Metallion?>. Off to find
124 Fun, exitement and really wild things,
126 Talos
127 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
128 / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \
015=Usr:245 Doug King 12/31/87 00:47 Msg:961 Call:6429 Lines:10
130 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
131 Britania this is MY boarder! YOU stole it from me! As for black spot in hot
132 tubs I think it is a reaction from the heat and chlorine. It happened to my
133 partents tub and the "Hot Tub Guy" said it happens because we use Chorline that
134 is solid little chunks. He said we should switch to liquid chlorine instead.
135 Boring huh? I was hoping it was Commie Mutant Bacteria from Space or something!
136 Well drinks are on me! Or call me a Houdin's Place 639-6634 and O
137 (OOOPS!) I'll give you MANY drinks at the Bar! Call now!
138 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Bartender SLUG>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
016=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 12/31/87 12:10 Msg:962 Call:6435 Lines:1
017=Usr:298 Lord Beaker 12/31/87 12:42 Msg:963 Call:6437 Lines:8
141 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
143 Party with Marcos!! He and his sgnfcnt other are throw'en a big one for the
144 last day in '87. Be there.
146 LB\__/
147 oo
148 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
018=Usr:283 KEVIN CONNELL 12/31/87 14:54 Msg:964 Call:6440 Lines:12
149 ...............................................................................
150 HEY SLUG! I'm the guy who ordered A pitcher of matini's for tonight! How bout
151 It? This is a bit hard to do with a alkahal blood content of 50%.. Ugggggggg
152 Thisah is in teresting............ I always thought that I was supposd to get
153 intoxicted on thenight but i couldnt wait Ohh...i am going to have a
154 headake
155 ...............................................................................
158 I for go t to tell you that i draynk that last bottle of 20 / 20 rasbery
019=Usr:245 Doug King 12/31/87 18:49 Msg:965 Call:6452 Lines:4
161 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
162 Hey Dude I forgot about the martini's! Here's the pitcher now though. Drink up
163 and maybe you should share a little with the rest of us? Please Please?
164 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Bartender SLUG>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
020=Usr:298 Lord Beaker 12/31/87 19:32 Msg:966 Call:6453 Lines:4
165 **
166 MUSE??
167 **
021=Usr:13 voyeur 12/31/87 23:37 Msg:967 Call:6456 Lines:7
169 :::::::O O:::::01/01/88:::::::::::::::::::::::00:04:16::::::::::::O O::::::::::
170 Despite what the half-hour-slow TIme function says, I
171 Made It To The Top
172 of the New Year. With these 999 line disks, it's hard to hit the top of one
173 of them, especially since they fill so slow. What we need are some of those
174 wordy NET people. Maybe some 1:1.5 L5 code. Or not.
175 ::::::::O O:::::::::::::::::::::voyeur:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::O O:::::::::
022=Usr:252 dave brunker 12/31/87 23:48 Msg:968 Call:6457 Lines:7
176 0000000000000000000 12:12am 000000000000000000 1/1/1988 00000000000000000000000
177 AH ahahahahahahahahahaha
179 Kodachrome 8)
180 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
181 P.S. Happy New Year!! 8)
182 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
023=Usr:21 Fable Master 01/01/87 05:10 Msg:969 Call:6458 Lines:1
183 FMFMFMFM Well, it's now 5:36 in the morning on 88/01/01. FMFMFMFM
024=Usr:298 Lord Beaker 01/01/87 15:15 Msg:970 Call:6465 Lines:10
184 -=-=-=-=-=-=-
185 Happy New Year!!
187 We Love you '88!
189 Later days '87!
191 G0d Beaker \__/
192 oo
193 -=-=-=-=-=-=-
025=Usr:283 KEVIN CONNELL 01/01/87 19:29 Msg:971 Call:6473 Lines:28
194 .... HEy, Slug... I got the pitcher at Hodini's, but you dudes can have this
195 one.. Kodachrome, you called almost every board last night, didncha? I've
196 seen your messages on 3cpu, Hodini's, etc...
197 ....................................................>>Who................
201 /
220@Kiss that 999 lines bye!
026=Usr:23 Grann 01/01/87 22:25 Msg:972 Call:6481 Lines:5
223@Interesting stuff, the above... Was there lots more .. lines originally?
224@Oh, Happy New Year! Before you know it BWMS II will be celebrating its
225@first birthday.
027=Usr:272 Talos 01/02/87 00:17 Msg:973 Call:6483 Lines:33
229 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
231 Ah, a New Year's Day and a BRIGHT sunny morning to start it. Those of us who
232 started the day with a wonderful 50 psi hangover in our brains (at about 3:30pm
233 or so in the evening) probably didn't appreciate as much but WTF. However,
234 there is a solution...
236 Dr. Seltzer's Hangover Helper!
237 For relief
238 of headache, fatigue
239 heartburn, itching teeth
240 burning eyes and generalized
241 aches & pains
242 associated with a hangover.
244 Gneral Contants:
245 Calcium carbonite 840 mg.
246 Thiamine 250 mg.
247 Aspirin 450 mg.
248 Acetaminophen 288 mg.
249 Caffeine 64 mg.
251 This should help in those wonderous situations when you cant stand at a 45
252 degree without getting air sick. Otherwise grap a Sazerac Cocktail, (Or a
253 picher full in more extreme cases,) and try to relax.
255 Happy New Year to one and all
257 Talos
259 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
028=Usr:29 The Bard 01/02/87 00:59 Msg:974 Call:6485 Lines:6
260 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101
261 Now that we have something approaching a hardware standard, L5 may be
262 superceded by the likes of crypt and msgs may be sent via uucp or other
263 arcane techniques.
264 ps to all agents: you *do* all have rcyrpt from 3.20.03 don't you?
265 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101
029=Usr:304 DOMINIQUE ROCHE 01/02/87 14:21 Msg:975 Call:6493 Lines:2
266 EN
267 Hello, please welcome a new user. Hope there's room for one more! Say hi to me
030=Usr:23 Grann 01/02/87 21:04 Msg:976 Call:6506 Lines:10
268 0606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060600606060606060606060606
269 Note to 01: L5 is only slightly less secure than crypt. Note Crypt
270 Breaker's Workbench for one.
271 Rcrypt? What's that? I'd use confide and then run it through btoa to
272 make it suitable for mailing.
273 On second thought, if messages were passed to/from UN*X systems only,
274 then cat file | compress | crypt | btoa | mail is highly secure. Once the
275 file is compressed crypt produces much tougher to break encryption.
276 On the other end, cat ciphertext | atob | crypt | uncompress > plaintext.
277 0606060606060606060606060606 Net 06 06060606060606060606060606060606060606
031=Usr:283 KEVIN CONNELL 01/02/87 21:17 Msg:977 Call:6507 Lines:6
278 ....................................
032=Usr:272 Talos 01/02/87 21:44 Msg:978 Call:6508 Lines:2
284 So, tell me Ralph, do you sell Buicks?
033=Usr:210 BRITTANIA SCARBO 01/03/87 14:07 Msg:979 Call:6519 Lines:6
286 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BRITTANIA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
288 My boarder, my boarder, my boarder, my boarder, my boarder, my boarder, MINE!!!
290 Yours is backward, anyway. Nyahhh!
291 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
034=Usr:290 Robert Tice 01/03/87 17:41 Msg:980 Call:6526 Lines:5
292 ===============================================================================
293 TO SLUG:
295 What guy told you it was because of using hard chlorine? Can you give the
296 company or individuals name or telephone number or any of that type data? I
035=Usr:245 Doug King 01/03/87 18:01 Msg:981 Call:6527 Lines:11
298 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
299 Hey dude I'll see if I can find out who my Dad talked to about the spots. I
300 should warn you now that the guy he talked to is in Calif. Thats were his hot
301 tub is. But I think it also happened to my mom's hot also and that's in Oregon
302 but she didn't seem to care much about the spots so she didn't talk to anyone.
303 Have you asked anyone around this area? I have some friends that run Cal Spa's
304 in Clackamas, they might know. TO BRITTANIA: Nyahhh!!! to you too! It is YOUR
305 boarder that is backward, or may it's just you! HA HA HA! Anyway it was MY
306 boarder FIRST! So Nyahhh!
307 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Bartender SLUG>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
036=Usr:307 Dan Gray 01/04/87 11:42 Msg:982 Call:6547 Lines:7
308 .................
309 New user here. I see a couple of BBS systems mentioned here, and am interested
310 especially in 3cpu. Would anyone be willing to leave the #'s here?
311 Leave a message to 'Astro'
312 Also is anyone out there interested in computerizing telescopes? Maybe we could
313 compare notes?
314 ..................
037=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 01/04/87 17:10 Msg:983 Call:6555 Lines:5
315 070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707
316 Ahhh... It is nice to stretch one's limbs again, if only for a second. The
317 phone lines from Las Vegas are remarkably clear of noise. The miracle of
318 living in a technological world, oui?
319 070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707
038=Usr:245 Doug King 01/04/87 17:46 Msg:984 Call:6556 Lines:4
321 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
322 Why would anyone want to call Las Vegas? Because they have no Burgervilles?Oui?
323 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Bartender SLUG>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
039=Usr:290 Robert Tice 01/04/87 18:51 Msg:985 Call:6558 Lines:1
324 I keep hearing about 3CPU. What type board is it, and what's it's number, and
040=Usr:245 Doug King 01/05/87 12:42 Msg:986 Call:6575 Lines:9
326 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
327 3cpu's phone number is 246-xxxx. This board is a little different than the
328 average BBS. It is set up with different rooms and you can travel through each
329 room. Every room is a different topic like "Programing" or "Downhill Skiing"
330 but there are alot more than that! I heard they can have a max of 64 rooms but
331 I could be wrong! I just started a room thier called "THE BAR" were the
332 wiery traveler can stop and have a drink.
333 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Bartender SLUG>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
041=Usr:311 Jane Urry 01/05/87 21:34 Msg:987 Call:6590 Lines:5
334 I did it! I'm finally on! Byron, thanx.
335 Be careful of feminist motorcylists -they don't care enough about maintenance.
336 Triumph
337 BYe/OFF
338 help
045=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 01/06/87 02:18 Msg:991 Call:6601 Lines:3
342 I don't know about you, but the last thing I would offer a "wiery" traveler is
343 a drink. I mean really now, you have no idea what a combination of "wieriness"
344 and alcohol might produce. Shudder.
046=Usr:21 Fable Master 01/06/87 13:45 Msg:992 Call:6606 Lines:7
346 .
347 Greetings to the House of Midgard from:
348 .
349 Fable Master
350 .
047=Usr:312 Lisa Gronke 01/06/87 17:27 Msg:993 Call:6609 Lines:16
352 ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^
353 ^ BBS-FEST ^
354 ^ Sponsored by Portland Computer Society ^
355 ^ Thursday, January 14, 1988 ^
356 ^ PPS Child Service Center (old Washington HS) ^
357 ^ ^
358 ^ 7:30 PM Room C-121 ^
359 ^ ^
360 ^ All BBS Sysops and BBS users are invited to attend. ^
361 ^ ^
362 ^ Meet the faces behind the fingers that type to you. ^
363 ^ Panel disucssion focusing on multi-user and networked BBS. ^
364 ^ Program moderated by Lisa Gronke. ^
365 ^ ^
366 ^ Mark your calendar now! ^
367 ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^
048=Usr:29 The Bard 01/06/87 22:59 Msg:994 Call:6621 Lines:7
368 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101
369 btoa & atob? There are people that actually *use* those? I thought everyone
370 used uuencode and uudecode?
371 As for rcrypt, check your disks... either filed under 4000 or 3.20.03
372 (hint,hint)
373 Actually, I bet uu(en/de)code would puzzle most people. (yoohoo, Robin!)
374 010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101
049=Usr:210 BRITTANIA SCARBO 01/08/87 00:39 Msg:995 Call:6645 Lines:9
375 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brittania <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
378 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brittania <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
380 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brittania <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
382 (Get the picture, Slug?)
383 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
050=Usr:245 Doug King 01/08/87 16:59 Msg:999 Call:6673 Lines:4
385 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
386 Well, Nyahhh to you, Brittania! It's MY boarder! Your momma wears combat boots!
387 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bartender SLUG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
051=Usr:23 Grann 01/08/87 19:59 Msg:1000 Call:6680 Lines:18
388 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
389 "Your momma wears combat boots?" Nice rebuttal, that. It reminds me of a
390 time in London when I witnessed the Fiftieth Annual Professional Debate
391 Tourney. The winning arguement had the same distinct elegance that your
392 arguement simply oozes; it was "Oh, yeah? Well, you're just stupid. Pinhead."
393 This was by the visiting American team of Dewey, Cheetum, and Howe, the
394 U.S. National Debate champions.
395 That afternoon I returned to the old Inn and witnessed a similiar debate
396 which rapidly escalated to a form of arguement called a "boarder war". As I
397 recall it solved nothing, hurt some feelings, and wasted a lot of disk space.
398 Generally two things happen when more than one person claims a boarder: 1)
399 the person who used it first has rights to it, and the second finds another
400 boarder to replace his/her own. 2) Neither party cares, in which case they
401 both continue using it but mark it in a way that still identifies it as
402 their own.
403 These are not laws, but merely suggestions that have kept peace in the
404 past, perhaps they still apply?
405 +++++++++++++++++++ An Old-Timer +++++++++++++++++++++ 870108204118 +++++++
052=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/09/88 20:45 Msg:1001 Call:6730 Lines:16
406 ***********************************************************************
409 Interesting....
410 Those of you who have been keeping track of the BWII system
411 date and time probably have noticed that it has not been correct
412 for some time. I've been having trouble with it. I couldn't set
413 the clock. Everytime I would try the system would blow up. I don't
414 know why. Anyway, I tryed looking at it with debug, but debug has
415 some problems with some of the code and I couldn't get very far.
416 Seems that debug doesn't know how to deal with a direct to memory
417 push/pop from the stack. Anyway, out of shear frustration I decided
418 to try replacing the 8088. The one in there was a NEC 8088. The one
419 I put in its place was an Intel part. Guess what? Now everything
420 works fine.
421 **************************** CM ***********************************
053=Usr:245 Doug King 01/10/88 01:56 Msg:1003 Call:6745 Lines:8
423 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
424 Hey Cistop Mikey, you're gonna have problems with that Intel part because I've
425 put a curse on the company. Intel and I had a disagreement which cause me to
426 fight dirty. They desirve it! A good quote I heard from Steven Wright which has
427 nothing to do with Intel or their parts: "There is a fine line between fishing
428 and just standing on the bank like an idiot."
429 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bartender SLUG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
054=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 01/10/88 02:12 Msg:1004 Call:6746 Lines:4
430 So, exactly what is your idea of fighting dirty? Remember a battle of wits
431 with an unarmed person isn't a fair fight. And hey, would you mind getting
432 all your cars outta my driveway?
433 ----------------------------------letni-----------------------------------
055=Usr:245 Doug King 01/10/88 14:45 Msg:1005 Call:6761 Lines:9
435 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
436 Hey Letni (Intel spelled backwards) you're not paying attention! I said I put a
437 curse on the company, so thats fighting dirty! They will have so many problems
438 from this curse that they will soon go out of business! Their stock has already
439 gone WAY down since I put the curse on them two months ago! And my car is not i
440 in your driveway! But that Tri-Met bus is! Oh and Intel is an unarmed person
441 when it comes to wit! What a bunch of dumb bunnies!
442 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bartender SLUG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
056=Usr:7 Leonard Erickson 01/10/88 20:48 Msg:1006 Call:6770 Lines:5
443 Hey! Wait just doggone minute here! One of *my* company's major customers is
444 Intel. If they go out of business it'll cause *us* a lot of trouble.
445 Don't curse the company, just curse the idiots responsible for the problem.
446 (If the problem is segmented architecture, don't curs, just switch to Motorola)
447 __________________________________Leonard______________________________________
057=Usr:117 jason themnax 01/12/88 09:49 Msg:1007 Call:6813 Lines:15
448 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* themnax of lananara *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
449 stumbling around beyond the sadrat'ul muntaha...
451 slowly the inn faided into focus. What's all this racket?
452 *=*=*=*=*=*
454 story continues...
456 Darktorn would not have considered himself an object of fear, except
457 perhaps to the roots, nuts, berries, squrels and assorted critters his people
458 subsisted on. He'd heard of others though; like the flyers of grey mountain.
459 For such among the elendar unwilling to inovate yet discontent with thair
460 resources the carrivans of the rainbow folk were easy prey.
461 Sometimes captives could be ransomed or sold as slaves to other tribes.
462 *=*=*=*=*
058=Usr:117 jason themnax 01/12/88 10:43 Msg:1008 Call:6814 Lines:44
463 sometimes goods could be sold or bartered or put to some use. it was even
464 rumered that the secrets of the motion box had been devined. more likely the
465 boxes themselves put to other ends.
467 *=*=*=*
469 The halls of stately giants, green furred with life, had become to Lojos a
470 static colaage as the caravan rolled ever onward. The approaching clearing was
471 a welcome chaange of sceen.
472 There would be no stopping here though the bard realized as he chewed
473 thoughtfully on a joint of roast beast.
474 The others, all save the cook were sleeping so as to be alert when there
475 turn came to releave the helm.
476 "looks like we've got trouble" Bivul said to him as he reached for the
477 signal chord that would alert the cook and awaiken the others.
478 They approached the meadow from a slight rise. A barrior, looking for all
479 the world like a solid stone wall obstructed not only the road but appeared to
480 have been built accross the entire meadow. The slight defferance in elevaation
481 hd concealed it until they reached the point of actual ddecent.
482 Fortunatly thair pace had been unhurried and they had seen the obstruction
483 in time. They had plenty of room to come to a 'safe' stop. But then what?
484 One of the dissadvantages of the multi-wagon carrivan in a tactical
485 situation was that it could not be readily turned about in the width of any
486 reasonable roadway. The best chance would be to pull the pin connecting the
487 trailers then turn the lead wagon around and get the hell out of there,
488 abondoning the rest of the train to wwhat ever fate awaited it.
489 This still left one ore two minor difficulties. Someone would have to
490 physicaly lean out the back of the powered wagon, an exposed and vulnerable
491 possition.
492 That was the drill every merchanter carrivan that had made it back from an
493 encounter alive had rehersed to a fine edge.
494 Derath who was both cook and one of the alternate drivers, as soon as
495 speed staarted slackening simultanios with the bell chord having been pulled,
496 knew what was required. To hesitate while the others roused would be to throw
497 away all.
498 Leaning out to pull that pin, he was the first to be lost. Not, however,
499 before spending his lastt to finnish the job.
500 As the carrivan emerged from the trees, so did thair attackers.
501 Small men they were, wearing little more then fantastic spiral patterns of
502 purple die. They rode great death hounds and rained forth a storm of arrows.
503 Most twanged harmlessly into the van's wooden sides. Most, one had found Derat
504 Bivul leaned tword thair enimies around one side of the unit. Lojos the
506 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
059=Usr:262 Jody Knox 01/13/88 19:19 Msg:1009 Call:6848 Lines:7
507 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BRITTANIA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
509 Yo, Slug! My momma does NOT wear combat boots! *I* do!
510 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
511 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|
512 Nobody likes me................ Nobody even knows I exist....................
513 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Jody |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-
060=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/13/88 20:58 Msg:1010 Call:6852 Lines:7
514 Jody: Of course you exist, your name appears right ^ there, that
515 means that you exist doesn't it? And if I see your name, then I
516 know that you exist. If you did not make yourself visible then
517 I wouldn't know that you existed. But do I exist? Yes, I must,
518 after all I am writing this.
519 ########################## INK ################################
061=Usr:245 Doug King 01/13/88 21:33 Msg:1011 Call:6853 Lines:3
521 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
522 You said it, I didn't. But for some reason I'm really not suprised, Brittania.
523 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bartender SLUG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
062=Usr:23 Grann 01/13/88 22:58 Msg:1012 Call:6856 Lines:14
524 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
525 Just because there is an order to the phosphors that flow upon my
526 CRT that make it seem as if you exist, INK, that is not proof. It
527 is proof that the phosphors are ordered.
528 Jody- it is hard to know what to say when someone says, "Nobody likes
529 me." I believe no one here HATES you, so if you are correct and my
530 belief is correct than the only possibility left is that no one has
531 an opinion about you, or is neutral. What you say here is our only
532 means of judging what kind of person you are until a day comes in which
533 we might see you in the flesh, as a whole being. Being liked and
534 admired, at least on Backwater, is based only on whether what you say
535 is liked and admired.
536 So- say something.
537 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ M&G +++++ 13 Jan 88 ++++++++++++++++++
063=Usr:272 Talos 01/14/88 01:09 Msg:1013 Call:6858 Lines:9
539 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
540 Jody:
541 Who are you? I haven't seen you here before, so unless you do something to
542 change my opinion, I like you.
544 Talos
545 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
064=Usr:214 The Mysterious F 01/14/88 17:52 Msg:1014 Call:6870 Lines:4
547 What a positive attitude, Talos! How disgusting. In my most cynical
548 fashion, I'll make statement. Until you say something, Jody, I DON'T
549 like you. So there!
550 -------------------------- Fred -------------- ...
065=Usr:21 Fable Master 01/14/88 18:23 Msg:1015 Call:6871 Lines:14
552 .
553 Jody: Like Talos, and unlike Fred, I like you.
554 .
555 Fred: Starting with a negative assumption is a losing proposition.
556 .
557 The House of Midgard: What's with you people? Say *SOMETHING*!
558 .
559 The Muse: How are you and Helix getting along these days? Gonna
560 come and see me sometime?
561 .
562 Fable Master
563 .
066=Usr:298 Lord Beaker 01/14/88 21:11 Msg:1016 Call:6876 Lines:16
565 --==---===----====-----=====------======-------=======--------========
566 What if none of you exist (Jody, Talos, Fred, Fable Master, ect.) and its all
567 an alien plot to make me believe that you are there! Maybe for some strange
568 psycho-analisys. HOLD IT! What if I'm some strange alien construct designed
569 to think it exists, only to fool other non-existing constructs into thinking
570 other things don't exist also! What if these aliens don't exist either!
574 Send help! We don't exist!
575 Or do we?
576 Lord G0d (anti/pro existence) Beaker \__/
577 oo
578 Maybe were random occurances?!?
579 ========--------=======-------======------=====-----====----===---==--
067=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/14/88 22:56 Msg:1017 Call:6882 Lines:7
581 ######################################################################
582 Actually, none of you exist, you're all figments of my imagination.
583 I created you all for my own entertainment. If I ever wake up you
584 will all disappear. So hope and pray that I will continue to have
585 this nightmare, or at least that I'll eat the rest of that anchovy
586 pizza if I do, or else this will all disappear!
587 ########################### INK ######################################
068=Usr:219 Friar Mossback 01/14/88 23:40 Msg:1018 Call:6884 Lines:1
588 off
069=Usr:317 Gep Hardt 01/15/88 09:09 Msg:1019 Call:6889 Lines:3
589 """you don't exist if your parents' druther is PRO-CHOICE ...
590 Poor little oozing,pickled PROtoplasm spending time in
591 a jar. Gep """""""""""""
070=Usr:298 Lord Beaker 01/15/88 22:59 Msg:1020 Call:6919 Lines:8
592 --==---===----====-----=====(ect)
593 I'm sorry INK,
594 but you were only designed by the non-existant aliens as a non-existant
595 creature to believe you were dreaming all of us who, are not here.
597 Lord G0d Beaker \__/
598 oo
599 =======-------======------(ect)
071=Usr:272 Talos 01/16/88 00:20 Msg:1021 Call:6923 Lines:8
600 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
601 Look, start out thinking we don't exist and go from there. It's a hell of a lot
602 easier! Fred, what's with the negative waves baby? Why can't you relax, and
603 enjoy yourself or say something rightous?
604 Drinking wine and eating some cheese,
605 Talos
606 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
072=Usr:32 JOHN SILVERMAN 01/16/88 02:11 Msg:1022 Call:6927 Lines:2
073=Usr:7 Leonard Erickson 01/16/88 02:25 Msg:1023 Call:6928 Lines:8
610 Recommended reading for all you budding solipsists (look it up!) out there:
611 "All you Zombies" an old short story by Heinlein...
612 "I know where *I* came from, but what about all you zombies?"
613 and
614 "I don't use aspirin. I took one once and you all went away..."
616 (Both quotes are approximate, it's too late to go doigging for the book now)
617 _________________________________Leonard_______________________________________
074=Usr:55 Stray Cat 01/16/88 11:39 Msg:1024 Call:6930 Lines:5
618 @#$%^& @#$%^&^@%#$ %&^&% &^%&%&% &^%&^&^%& @*()(* #&&*(*&$ (*&(*&$(* &*(*&@#$%
620 why tacoma?
622 @)(* ()(*#$_)(* &*(@*#$&*(*@#&$7 &*(@#*$&*(@*#&$ &*@#&(*&(@#*&$(*&$#0)(!*&#$)(y
075=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/16/88 12:43 Msg:1025 Call:6932 Lines:8
623 *****************************************************************
624 I notice in InfoWorld mention that the TRS-80 Model 4 running
625 TRS-DOS v6.02 would no longer boot as of January 1st 1988.
626 Acording to the article it doesn't recognize any year past 1987.
627 Seems it looks at the system clock on boot up and if it doesn't
628 like the year it won't boot. Interesting little bug if true.
629 Or as InfoWorld said, "either the cleverist bit of
630 marketing in microcomputer history...or a really stupid mistake."
076=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY 01/16/88 12:45 Msg:1026 Call:6933 Lines:14
631 ************************** CM *********************************
632 ###################################################################
633 If you create yourself how can you prove to anyone else that you
634 exist? It is a self feeding loop. If you don't create yourself
635 then at least you can spend your life looking for the proof that
636 you do exist. You'll never find it, but at least it will give
637 you something to do.
639 M&G: Ahh but does not the orderof the phospher thus give me existance?
640 You respond to the order thereby givin acknowledgement of that order.
641 What is life after all but order out of chaos? Hmm but then if one
642 was to apply that here there obviously is nothing but chaos, and thus
643 there can be no life here. Beam me up Scotty!!!
644 ################################# INK ################################
077=Usr:245 Doug King 01/16/88 14:10 Msg:1027 Call:6935 Lines:4
646 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
647 I can sum up all of discussion into one quote:"Life's A Bitch And Then You Die"
648 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bartender SLUG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
078=Usr:214 The Mysterious F 01/16/88 22:12 Msg:1028 Call:6944 Lines:12
649 True that TRSDOS won't boot accept a 1988 date. It'll do just fine if you
650 don't bother to set the date. (There's a revised version that fixes the
651 bug.) By the way, if anybody has a Model 4 they want to unload, I'd be
652 glad to take it off your hands for you.
654 Why the negative attitude? Mostly to be different. And partially because
655 I'd rather be pleasantly than unpleasantly surprised. I don't think I
656 really meant it. But then again, who knows? :-)
658 Starting with a negative assumption is a winning proposition, Fable Master.
659 You have nowhere to go but forward!
660 -------------------- Fred, I think ---------- ...
079=Usr:13 voyeur 01/17/88 04:00 Msg:1029 Call:6952 Lines:13
661 Some usage statistics I've collected for this board:
662 month messages calls
663 --------- -------- -----
664 June 199 984
665 July 121 983
666 August 99 863
667 September 99 731
668 October 126 731
670 messages per day: 4.26 calls per day: 28 msg/call: 15.2%
672 I see I missed lines/msg. Maybe next time. The more recent months will
673 have to wait until I get the next batch of Archives.
080=Usr:7 Leonard Erickson 01/17/88 18:48 Msg:1030 Call:6965 Lines:13
674 Ah, yes the TRSDOS 6.2 (and LDOS 5.1.3) "date bug". When they expanded the date
675 and time info stored in the directory (originally it only stored month/year!)
676 they were a bit crowded, so some brilliant person came up with a scheme that
677 coded the year in into 3 bits... So it only knows about years in the 1980-87
678 range.
679 The fixed version uses up space intended for the update password, meaning
680 that you no longer can have both a user password anad a maintenance password.
681 <sigh>...
682 I'd just as soon find out where it stores the "80" that is added to the year
683 and zap it to 88.
684 Anybody wanna buy a Model *I*? (genuine antique)(pronounced gen-u-wine anti-cue
685 by the salesman:-)
686 ______________________________Leonard__________________________________________
081=Usr:252 dave brunker 01/18/88 21:02 Msg:1031 Call:6980 Lines:13
687 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
688 0 I thing I know why this d-drive isn't filled up since I last called.
689 0 (1-1-88 and its now 1-18-88) Everybody is on Donaldo's, right? 0
690 0 Well, tell me any-/every- body, if you were given the option of giving up 0
691 0 your family or being able to resist any sin, love everyone, become briliant 0
692 0 at doing anything you want and (If you use your given gifts) go to heaven 0
693 0 whitch woudl you chose and why? 0
694 0 0
695 0 head-in-the-clowds-Kodachrome 8) 0
696 0 0
697 0 Who's Jodi? 0
698 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-18-'88 0 0 0 9:18pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
082=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par 01/18/88 22:43 Msg:1032 Call:6984 Lines:8
700 Slug: I was referring to you when I mentioned the battle of wits. Interesting
701 that you thought I was referring to a company that can place 275000 trans-
702 istors on a tiny piece of silicon. Was your curse placed before or after
703 Intel got the 25 MHz 80386 running? As for stock prices, look around the
704 high-technology index. No one has weathered the recent stock plunge with
705 out some paper-value damage. And you were very clever for figuring out my
706 name. You win a used 1 MHz 6502.
707 ------------------------------------letni--------------------------------------
083=Usr:272 Talos 01/19/88 00:19 Msg:1033 Call:6987 Lines:6
708 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
709 What is the number at Donaldo's? I keep losing it. I think I'd probably give up
710 sin and keep my family. Who needs sin when you can devise your own religion? :)
711 Talos
712 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
084=Usr:298 Lord Beaker 01/19/88 21:11 Msg:1034 Call:7007 Lines:15
714 -==---====-----======-------========---------==========-----------============
715 This Jodi person went and started a whole line a philisophical conversations
716 and contemplations, and now she(I assume the female case)is gone.
718 Could this have been a random occurance, or was she sent by a greater being
719 to break us out of our traditional bonds of common thought. Desteny say I!
721 I'd choose the family. It's not much, but I love them. Besides, I've never
722 realy believed in Heaven to strongly, 'cept maybe that time I was going down
723 Blossom Bar (On Rouge River) Backwards in deflating raft.
724 Lord G0D Beaker \__/
725 oo
727 ============-----------==========---------========-------======-----====---==-
085=Usr:272 Talos 01/20/88 01:22 Msg:1035 Call:7014 Lines:55
729 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
730 There's a cancer eating away at America, and I wan't to make sure everyone
731 knows what it is. By now you've all heard too much about the PMRC - Those
732 Washington Wives who seem intent on turning this country into a facist state.
733 But there's more to tell, and it's important. Have any of you noticed that
734 Albert Gore, the husband of Tipper Gore, the lady who's the head of the PMRC,
735 is now running for President? How do you feel about a guy who seems intent on
736 doing away with Rock-n-Roll sitting in the White House? Kinda makes you hope t
737 that 'ol Gary Hart can keep from getting horny long enough to run.
738 If you don't believe me when I say there's a connection between the PMRC &
739 Albert Gore running for President, just call the PMRC's phone number in
740 Washington, DC. You might be surprised to find the person anwering the phone
741 saying "Gore for President, headquarters." The truth is that Tipper used her
742 crusade against Metal and Rock bands as a springboard for her husband's
743 presidential bid. To me, Rock-n-Roll has always been something more than a tool
744 for politicians to use to attract attention to themselves.
745 One of the things that has me really pissed off is that she (Tipper) used
746 copyrighted material without the different band's permission in her book
747 "Bringing Up Kids In An Rated Society." She never even asked for permission.
748 Luckily for her nobody got steamed enough to sue her. Hopefully she'll come out
749 soon from behind her husband and take on the on going debates head on. She just
750 can't be the totalitarian preacher she want's to be. She's a fundamentalist,
751 just like Oral Roberts and all those other television evangelists who want to
752 save your souls - FOR A PRICE. Hey Tipper, what's YOUR price?
753 Unfortunately, fundamentalists only see life one way - their way. If
754 something doesn't fit into their vary narrow view of right and wrong, they
755 condemn it as wrong. I'm just waiting for the day when Tipper comes out and
756 calls Rock-n-Roll satanic. She's come awful close at times. But maybe she's too
757 smart for that. With her husband running for president, she's probably white
758 washed her opinions, making them seem very safe and positive. But I'm one guy
759 who still thinks that censorship in any form is not only wrong, it's unamerican
760 !
761 I'm sure by now some of you are wondering what all this has to do with you
762 ? The fact is that it has a lot to do with everyone. If people like Tipper Gore
763 come to power, we can not only kiss off Rock-n-Roll, but a lot of other import-
764 ant things as well. Those people want to ban schoolbooks that discuss evolution
765 . They want to set us back to the Dark Ages. If we sit around and think they
766 can't do it, they may just surprise us. I'm sure that people in Germany, before
767 Hitler cam to power, didn't think a small group of fanatics could do them any
768 damage either. We can't forget the lessons of history - though people like the
769 PMRC would probably prefer we didn't read history books.
770 Some of you may be wondering why I'm bringing all this up now. For a long
771 time I was like everyone else; I heard about the PMRC and just assumed they
772 would go away as soon as Tipper and her friends found something better to do
773 with their time. Now I see the whole sinister plot in action. With Albert Gore
774 now running for president, I realized I couldn't keep quiet any longer - the
775 situation wasn't going to go away. If anything ti was gonna get worse.
776 I realized that if I kept my mouth shut, by the time my band got itself
777 together to go out and start playing some serious gigs, no place in the whole
778 country would book us (or anyone else). They'd be afraid that some Governmental
779 agency would give them a hard time if they dealt with a Rock-n-Roll band. It's
780 still not too late to do something about it, so I'm speaking up, and I hope you
781 do the same.
782 Talos
783 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
086=Usr:245 Doug King 01/20/88 13:02 Msg:1036 Call:7018 Lines:4
785 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
786 Hey Talos, that interesting stuff! What do you suggest we, as individuals do?
787 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bartender SLUG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
087=Usr:298 Lord Beaker 01/20/88 15:43 Msg:1037 Call:7021 Lines:8
788 -----------------------------------------===================================
789 Do just what Talos did. Inform people of the truth!
791 Thanks Talos
793 LB\__/
794 oo
795 ==============================----------------------------------------------
088=Usr:210 BRITTANIA SCARBO 01/20/88 16:42 Msg:1038 Call:7022 Lines:26
796 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brittania <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
797 Not only that, but I'm an officer, too.
798 Try that on for size, Slug!
799 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
801 Fable Master: Midgard says "Hello." It looks like I'm the only Midgardian on
802 these days. I'll tell Muse and Richard and Co. That you're interested in us.
803 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
805 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Jody's back! |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-
806 Gads! I didn't *mean* to start such a load of philosophy! One voice in the
807 crowd.........
808 Fred- Well I don't like you, either, so there!
809 Tlaos, M&G, Fable Master- Thanks for the support. Would you like to start a
810 fan club? I'd be glad to give you my autograph and
811 all that crud.
812 Lord Beaker- I'm not just a random occurrence, though sometimes I am pretty
813 random. I'm glad that my presence makes people think, though. I
814 believe in thinking! In fact, I do it often.
815 Talos- Sorry about the typo above. What's a Talos? I'll support your cause, too
816 INK- If you aren't sure either of us exists, that's your perogative. But I know
817 I'm here. You may be or not be whatever you wish or don't wish.
818 Now that I'm back, what's everybody going to talk about?
820 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Jody's going again. |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|
089=Usr:298 Lord Beaker 01/20/88 21:33 Msg:1039 Call:7030 Lines:9
822 -==----========----------------================================----------ect.
823 Well Jody,
824 You just blew my theory to peices. Unless that last message was random to
825 but I won't get into that. What do you care or not to talk about.
827 Lord G0d Beaker \__/
828 oo
829 -==----========-----------------===============================---------ect.
090=Usr:272 Talos 01/21/88 00:52 Msg:1040 Call:7035 Lines:34
831 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>OH NO! HERE HE COMES AGAIN!<*><*><*><*><*><*>
833 Jody,
834 Thanks for the support. I'm glad believing in you turned out to be
835 something that worked! Sure, I'll send ya my autograph for yours! :]
837 Slug,
838 Tell your friends, tell your family, (But don't tell mom or she'll ground
839 you!) :> But seriously, alert people to what's goin' down. Many people I've
840 talked with have been very surprised to find out what's been happening.
842 ALL!,
843 For the sake of information, this anti-rock campaign started when Tipper
844 Gore was passing her Daughter's room and heard her playing WASP's "Animal, ....
845 Like a Beast". How she got the song I don't know. At that time the song wasn't
846 released on any American albums or as a single. But ever since then Metal and
847 WASP in particular (I'm not too fond of the group but I do like a couple of
848 their tunes.) has been a primary target for Tipper and the PMRC. I guess she
849 feels we're (I'm a musician too, so that's why I'm so heavy into this!)
850 corrupting her daughter's morals. Maybe if Tipper really thought about it, she
851 would have realized that her daughter was telling her something - "Even good
852 families like Rock-n-Roll. It's just too bad that Tipper's bible is stuffed so
853 far down in her ears that she couldn't hear what her own daughter was telling
854 her.
856 L.B.
857 Theories were made to be broken. (heh heh).
859 All again!,
860 Thank you and Morning,
861 Talos
863 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>Over the Hills and far far aw!<*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
091=Usr:117 jason themnax 01/21/88 11:04 Msg:1041 Call:7038 Lines:39
865 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* themnax of lananara *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
866 hello Jody
867 Hmmm all this life/existance stuff. Reducing to 'high concept' is usualy
868 an absurdum. That bit about life being a female canid might be a point of
869 departure for some sort of verbal surrealism but grandois assumptions tend to
870 rattle my cage. How life is perceieved has a lot to do with what one chooses
871 to think of thereof. The only way i can see life as being itself something
872 to find dissapointment in is that it might fail to live up (or down) to some-
873 one's expectations but is that realy a failure of life? or is it more a short-
874 comming of having expectations? you might be amazed how truely much more
875 pleasant it can be without them! off course life is also sort of addictive
876 but thats maybe another question. As is extance.
877 minerals certainly exist. it is aggreed by many they do not live as such.
878 pet rocks or no. it is also quit possible that our awairnesses have an
879 existance quiet seperate aand in no way dependent upon 'life'.
880 *=*=*=*=*
881 might as whell move on tword the end of what is so far written...
882 Bivul leaned back toward thair enimies around one side of the unit, Lojoce
883 the other, both spitting blow darts for all they were worth. Lojoce achieved
884 little resault but Bivul's stings found good effect.
885 By now Cymchal, one of the alternate drivers had arrived squerming through
886 the pass-back, more naked than not. He took the yiller. Bivuul's aim, now
887 freed of the distraction of driving, became truely devistating. From the rear
888 Lamshal, the other hunter, brought his archery to bear,
889 Soon lojoce's flank was in somewhat better order. Only Nelutha the healer
890 remained out of action. This due more from a shortage of positons to fire from
891 than any tradition or reluctance on her part.
892 Cymchal had gotten them turned around and it looked like they were going to
893 be able to win clear when a winged one appeared in the sky, not that anyone was
894 noticing.
895 That was when the motion box broke loose and they where without power.
896 Somehow one of the attacking elandar had managed to insinuate himself among
897 the wagon's undercarrage and Goddess only knows where he could have gotten
898 that wrench, let alone the knowledge to use it.
899 The stunt had almost certainly cost its performer his life. Point was, it
900 would now almost certainly take thair's.
901 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
092=Usr:21 Fable Master 01/21/88 14:00 Msg:1042 Call:7040 Lines:9
905 .
906 Greetings Themnax,
907 .
908 Do you know who I am? I know who you are.
909 .
910 Fable Master
911 .
093=Usr:21 Fable Master 01/22/88 12:30 Msg:1043 Call:7075 Lines:37
922 MMMM. ; . M AMMMMV 'MMMM"" ' '. .MMMMM
923 MMMMM . MMMMMV '. .. ; .MMMMMM
929 MMMMM MMMMMM: @@. .' @@ : 'MMMM. MMM
930 MMMM' MMM''': :@: '. .' ..@@@ : .MM
931 MMMV '' : '@@@@: '. .' .@@@@@ ........./MMMMMM
932 MMM : @@@@@. .' . .' A. .@@@@@' MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
933 MMM:..........: '@@@@@@@. ! '. - - - . '. .@@@@@@@@ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
934 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM '@@@@@@@@@@@@. ! .@@@@@@@@@@@@' MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
935 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM '@@@@@@@@@@@@@...@@'..@@@@@@@@@@@@' AMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
936 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
094=Usr:320 FINE BUSINESS 01/22/88 18:21 Msg:1044 Call:7086 Lines:5
950 &&&&& %%%%% &&&&& %%%%% &&&&& %%%%
951 It's been over a year since my last time at the Inn.
952 The only phrase that comes to mind is: "The more things change..."
953 &&&&& %%%%% Chameleon
095=Usr:322 Stray Cat 01/22/88 21:47 Msg:1045 Call:7091 Lines:5
955 ???...???...???...???...???...???...???...???...???...???...???...???...
957 FM . . . . I believe you have mail elsewhere.
959 ...???...???...???...???...???....???...???...???...???...???...???...???...
096=Usr:298 Lord Beaker 01/22/88 22:37 Msg:1046 Call:7093 Lines:14
961 -==-===-====-=====-======-=======-=======-========-=========-==========-====
962 Wonderful picture. I was Impressed. ("I" in the existanal sense)
964 Remember....................................................................
965 January 29, 1988--- Day Glo Friday. Make statement or something.
966 It dosent matter so long as you wear Day Glo Clothes.
967 ............................................................................
969 Lord G0d Beaker \__/
970 oo
971 ====-==========-=========-========-=======-======-=====-====-===-==-=-(close
972 enough)
097=Usr:272 Talos 01/23/88 00:29 Msg:1047 Call:7098 Lines:4
974 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
975 January 25-28,
976 Anti Day-Glo day Protesting!
977 <*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>
098=Usr:324 RANDY VAN MOODY 01/23/88 01:12 Msg:1048 Call:7102 Lines:17
978 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
979 = =
980 - ***** ***** * * ***** -
981 = * * * * ** ** * * -
982 = ***** ******* * * * * * * -
983 - ** * * * * * * * =
984 = * * * * * * * * -
985 - * * * * * * * * =
986 - * * * * * * ***** -
987 = =
988 - KRM97080 AFR 111 RAT 27 GRESHAM CONTROL UNIT#3 -
989 = 27.155 MEGHERTZ =
991 = -
992 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
994 /S
099=Usr:325 Mix Master 01/23/88 01:36 Msg:1049 Call:7103 Lines:5
995 *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
996 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
997 * * ** **CCCC