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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
1 If you are in need of help, you need but ask...
2 ************************* INSTALLED: 17 FEB 85 *********************
3 Welcome to BWMS (BackWater Message System) Mike Day System operator
4 ************************************************************
7 BWMS was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS is a privately owned
8 and operated system which is currently open for use by the general public.
9 No restrictions are placed on the use of the system. As the system is
10 privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all messages which
11 I may find offensive. Because of the limited size of the system, it will be
12 periodically purged of messages. (only 629 lines of data can be saved)
13 To leave a message, type 'ENTER' and use ctrl/C or break to get out of the
14 ENTER mode. The message is automatically stored. If after entering the
15 message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to replace
16 the line. To exit from the system, type 'OFF' then hang up.
17 Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system.
18 ************************************************************
20 *******************************************************************************
21 (chuckle, snort, big grin) on the top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22 oh it feels so good.
23 ******************************************oreocookieskathyd*******************
25 mikey: disk b should be disk c no?
26 jack: message received, ok get us out of the pits with our skins.-thanks-
27 ***********************************kathyd**************************************
29 it's been said before... "so close..."
31 *)_%#*%)_!*%_)@!*_)#*^_)#$&^_)*^_)@#&*^)_&^_)#$*!^_+)*!^)_+&_)$#*^$_)@#^&*#_)$&^_#)^*#$_)^&#_)^*#_$)^&_#)^*#_)^*_)#^&_#$)^^
32 "Farley", L'homme began, "sometimes I worry about you. Actually I worry about you almost all of the time. I have
33 noticed your devotion to Fred with much more than a little concern. Maybe the NET indoctrination didn't spell things out
34 as clearly as it should have, so I am going to try and point out a few things to you."
35 Farley knew he was in for a big lecture, but instead of resisting, he pushed back his seat a bit, and prepared
36 himself for the sermon. #The drive to the southeast address won't take that long,#, Farley mused, #maybe we'll get there
37 before I am chastised too much.#
38 L'homme directed the Fiat, coffins full of electronics and all, onto the Banfield Battlefield, settled into the
39 far left lane, and began.
40 "When NET began many years ago, definitions between good and evil were much more clear. We had no doubts about
41 what we were doing. The individuals who initiated the NET agent network realized from the start, that in order to get
42 premium results from field agents, those agents must totally believe in what they were doing. In a business such as the
43 one you find yourself in now, there can be no second thoughts; no rationalizations about why you are here or what you are
44 doing. To second-guess a directive, or not take split-second action could result in the failure to carry out a mission,
45 and even more importantly, your death. You must hold the NET ideals as your own, or you will never live long enough to
46 tell your grandchildren what you did when you were young."
47 L'homme paused for a second to change lanes. They were now in the middle lane, coming up on the 33rd street exit.
48 Cars jostled for position, maneuvering in and out, trying to avoid being caught in the wrong place when the right lane
49 ended. #Bumper cars without the bumps#, L'homme thought.
50 NET's creators appreciated the need for agent independence. They instilled this independence in every portion of
51 NET agent training. But there was something more; something that was learned from other para-military intelligence
52 organizations. Although an agent should never be without his complement of extra-ordinary gadgets and gizmos, the devices
53 that sometimes give him or her that winning edge over the opposition, the gadgets and gizmos should never overshadow the
54 agent that is using them." L'homme's voice seemed to tremble a bit. Something Farley had never heard before. "The agent
55 IS the MOST important thing. You must never forget that. You can loose your secret decoder ring in a fight. Your sidearm
56 weapon can run out of power or ammunition. You can loose you walkie-talkie watch with Telex capability. You must never
57 lose yourself. You must always realize that you, Agent Farley, are more than a driver of a slick AI car, or the shooter
58 of a nickel-plated .45. You are a NET agent, and places you on a diases that must never tip. To fall from your elevated
59 position is to fall from grace in NET, and to lose your life in the process. SPECTER never understood this ideal, and they
60 were soundly defeated. The CIA never understood this ideal, and they are but an international joke amongst spy
61 organizations. Control understood, but was never able to gather the caliber of agents needed to pull things off perfectly.
62 Nonetheless they were successful, most of the time, against KAOS. NET believes this, lives this, and imparts this to all
63 of its agents. You were run through the system so quickly that there wasn't time to inculcate these paradigms in you.
64 #Inculcate these paradigms?# Farley was more than perplexed. #He sometimes uses big words, but I think I get the
65 meaning.#
66 "Farley, your devotion to Fred was what started this. Fred is but a tool. Your tool. You must never forget that...
67 Farley interrupted. "Fred is more than a gun or a watch or a secret decoder ring. His designers have given him a
68 personality. He is a thinking creature, capable of loyalty and friendship to me. You haven't worked with him, there is no
69 way you could know."
70 "You are right, I don't know Fred, but I do know what it is to feel a sort of comradery with an inanimate object
71 such as a car. I used to have one too. It was different from Fred in many ways, but to hear you speak of Fred, my car
72 wasn't so different. You can only go through so much with something before you start to feel a kinship with it, car or not
73 I understand where you are coming from Farley, but you must also understand my position. The only person or thing you
74 must put your utmost trust in is yourself. Someday Fred won't be there, and then what? You can only depend on yourself.
75 That is the basis for all NET training. Do you understand?"
76 Farley was silent for a few moments. Then he nodded, and responded in the affirmative. "Yes. I understand. Don't
77 miss your exit."
78 L'homme guided the car up the off ramp. Minutes later, they were almost there. What would greet the agents at this
79 new location? No one in the entire organization could even have come close to guessing, but there is time enough to explai
80 that in the next NET entry.
81 *%)_#*%@#)_%*#_@)%*@_#)%*@_)#*%
82 ch /loose/lose/ (duh?) ch /explai/explain/ sorry!
83 voyeur:You missed a fun pizza feed. natch.
84 piper:I am getting the run-around. You know... 'please go to office 123d' 123d-'please go to office 117i' 117i-'please talk
85 to....' ad nauseum. I'll try again Monday. No work, but school is open.
86 Mystery Author:NET sent two representatives to the CBBS/Aloha party last night to check into rumors of enemy
87 activity. We didn't find any, but a not-missing-for-the-time-being Gaudy Minsky said she was working on a new entry, and would
88 try to enter it today (Sunday). I gave her M.A. #1, so she knows the score.
89 *%)_#@*%_#%*_!*%_*#$_)^&*#$_)!^*!#_)^*!#_)^* L'homme sans Parity *%_)#*%_)*%!)_*^)_)_^#$*^_#^)&#_)$^*#_$)^)_#!$*^!_#)^*!
90 Amongst all this wit, I leave you 2 For Sale's:
91 -----------------------------------------------
92 For Sale: Heath/Zenith H89A:
93 ----------------------------
94 - 64K RAM
95 - 1 Drive w/HDOS (Assembler, etc.)
96 - Green Screen CRT
97 - 3 RS-232C ports (1 DTE, 2 DCE)
98 - 2 8 Bit Parallel Ports, 2 Handshaking Lines/Port
99 - Benton Harbor BASIC
100 - MBASIC
101 - PIE Text Editor
102 - CPS Computerized Phone System
103 - *** $500 Cash (I'll deliver) ***
104 The best time to reach me is from 8AM-12PM, Mon-Fri.
105 Contact:
106 Tom Handley / New Age Communications
107 656-xxxx (Oregon City Area)
108 For Sale:
109 =========
110 Okidata u92 Printer
111 - 8 1/2" X 11" Paper
112 - 160 cps Data Processing Mode/40 cps Correspondence Mode
113 - 80, 96, And 136 Columns
114 - Dot Addressable Graphics
115 - Host of Other features...
116 - 8 New Ribbons
117 - Modified For Both Serial And Centronics Interface
118 (Just flip a switch on the rear)
119 - *** $400 Cash (I'll deliver) ***
120 The best time to get a hold of me is from 8AM-12PM, Mon-Fri.
121 Contact:
122 Tom Handley / New Age Communications
123 656-xxxx (Oregon City Area)
124 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
126 Isis: Speaking as a relatively silent guest of the Backwater Inn, I can
127 say with certainty that the fair residents herein will never snicker at what
128 you say. If you are wrong they will point this out, usually with a fair
129 amount of tact; you may even be lucky enough to start a raging debate or a
130 host of commentary; but you will never be looked down on. The folkes
131 around here are very nice about that.
132 Leonard: WHEN I join,(that is, as soon as I round up 20 bucks) I will
133 no doubt join the shire where I now reside, Coeur de Valle. After I get
134 out of school, then I will pack up my bow and move to Three Mountains.
135 No, I wasn't aware that my border had a meaning, but I will surely look
136 it up as soon as I get back to my books.
137 To All Concerned: as far as the True Names debate goes, I might as well
138 contribute my two cents. I feel that it is a matter of personal taste and
139 whim(whims are very important things, you know.) If you feel like baring
140 your soul to all the patrons assembled, then please do so...but if, like
141 your poor sorcerer's apprentice here (or whatever it is I'm studying down
142 there), you feel better using a pseudonym, or pseudosex, or whatever, then
143 by all means do so. That's why this is here, methinks...to be a forum for
144 YOU, to express YOUR feeling and emotions and (here's that word again)
145 whatever. That was a nickel, rather than two cents, sorry.
147 If all the world's a stage and all the men and women
148 merely palyers,
149 (players)(sorry)
151 (PRODUCING?? I thought we were doing improvs. Somebody show me a script!!)
153 Fare thee well... (any meesages will be saved by my devoted brother...
154 so TALK TO ME!!)
155 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/Luingil/\/\/\/\/\/\/\(STUDY HELP NEEDED)/\/\/
157 Okay, what is this devoted brother stuff I keep hearing???? Oh well, I might
158 as well do it.... (like those dots!)........ (((these too))) Jeez, should
159 I save all this too?? I think I will just to be silly!
160 ^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^:^(devoted?)^:^:^:^:^
161 'tis better to be a devoted brother
162 than a deported brother, as in the
163 brother from another planet, or the
164 brother with the double chin, or the
165 brother with three %@#....
166 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$#
167 I thought on what L'homme had said. Everything he had said made sense, but if he'd only talked to Fred once...
168 Our destination was rapidly approaching. I wished that I would've had more time to stop and think.
169 L'homme turned the car down a few narrow streets, and parked it. "We walk from here, Farley. The place is most likely
170 guarded, and the streets watched. Just remember what I've said, okay?"
171 "I will...," I said, not able to think of anything else.
172 We began walking. L'homme began to talk as if we were on a causal tour of the neighborhood. I returned the
173 banter for appearances. Then the building came into view.
174 It was a two-story house, seeming no different than the many others around. It was well-kept and recently painted with
175 an off-white color. A two-car garage that formed part of the house showed us how the van was supposed to get inside.
176 "That's it," L'homme whispered, interspersing his banter with his words.
177 I was, in the meantime, having difficulty keeping up the talk. "Do-you-learn-to-do-this-in-NET-training?", I managed
178 to whisper while keeping up the talk at the same time.
179 "Yes. You're doing well for your first time. I see a window that we can get to from the roof," L'homme whisper-said.
180 "I-think-I-see-a-ladder-next-door," I whispered back. We had, by this time, passed the house. Seeing that there was
181 no one at home at the house next door, L'homme and I turned to walk up to the front door.
182 "That lock'll be a cinch," L'homme whispered. I bent over and picked up a small toy on the lawn, and at the same time
183 moved myself between L'homme and the house next door. "Go-ahead," I said.
184 With my shielding his actions, L'homme had the door open in the same time it would have taken with a key. "After
185 you," he said.
186 We entered, and suddenly our banter dropped. My brain thanked me for the rest. "That's hard to do."
187 "Yes. Now, don't touch anything in here. We're just using this house as cover. Now, did you notice where they had
188 their lookout posted?"
189 I strained to remember. Nothing. "No."
190 "Look closer next time. They had one at the living-room window. There's probably another at the back. I'd guess
191 there's five or six guys in there in all. Plus Gaudy, Flemming, and parts of Fred."
192 "At least I DID see that there's no one upstairs. And that ladder is our passage up there. Neither of the lookouts
193 can see us if we approach the house from the sides."
194 "Not bad, Farley, not bad. And our cover for being out there with a ladder?"
195 I pointed to a pile of paint cans, brushes, rollers, and overalls. "Care to try on one of those overalls, Da Vinci?"
196 L'homme smiled, and we each put on overalls. Grabbing a can and a brush each, we left out the side door.
197 We moved the ladder up to the window, and very gently set it alongside the house. L'homme climbed up first, depositing
198 his brush and can on the roof just below the window. I climbed up and followed suit.
199 We moved closer to the window, and carefully peered in. "What the...", we whispered tin unison.
200 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$# Farley #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$# 14:28 - 02/17/85 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$#
202 ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
204 if i was only a little less worried over people and their opinions... i might
205 leave a little song... tin unison written by yours truly...
207 ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttgtttttttttttttttttttttttttttgtttttttttttttttttt
209 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
211 "Why aren't you there? Helping my father, a kindly old man, who's helped
212 you more than once!" Screamed the girl, he face slightly twisted with tears.
213 The Former reached an unsteady hand, to slowly wipe away her tears and lift
214 some of the horrible agony that is worry and fear.
216 The little girl in the robes of a peasant fell into the arms of the Former,
217 and almost tipped him over in the doing. She cried into his fur, letting all
218 pretenses drop and all worries fade away into a time that was gone for now.
220 After a long while, the girl stood up and straightened her rags, then told
221 the Former that they would leave now. Leave finally for a place where another
222 person cried for worry and self doubt. Finally to the aid of a friend.
224 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
226 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
227 To the Guardian......
228 Just to clarify..East Ave is called a tavern, but it's not REALLY a tavern
229 It's more of a coffee-house-that-sells-every-beer-known-to-man-house...So there
230 are no drunks or many wierd people there,well not too many wierd people...
231 Anyway it has a nice atmosphere like PC&S. If age is the question I wouldn't
232 worry about that too much either.
233 So....it's on E Burnside at about 8th. Maybe later.....
234 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
235 PS: Is this board getting alot more serious or what?
236 [[[[[[[[[[[[[ MENTAT & LORAC ]]]]]]]]]
238 Masturbation: Using a margin of 128 when entering your stories, thereby ren-
239 dering them illegible to anyone whose screen does not show lines of 132 char-
240 acters. If you are just writing for your own personal pleasure, fine. If you
241 are just writing to impress your friend, fine. If you want the rest of us to
242 take you seriously, show some courtesy. It's bad enough having to figure out
243 the convoluted punctuation, mangled grammar, and poor spelling(some of which is
244 due to "Enter Only", I know(hope?)) without having this particular problem to
245 contend with... "You may not like what I have to say, but you'll have to
246 kill me to keep me from saying it..." Patrick Henry
248 MathMathMathMathMathMathMathMathMathMathMathBOC1
250 Geometry problem: Naturally the difference between the volume of the sphere
251 and the cylinder varies with the radius of the sphere (or of the cylinder).
252 I believe the answer can be found with the following equation:
253 V(sphere-cylinder)=(2/3)PI(2R^3-9R^2+81)
255 I don't really know what direction you wanted us to go with this, but I derived
256 the equation with respect to the radius of the sphere (R). The same could have
257 been done with respect to the radius of the base of the cylinder. Also, the
258 equation could have been factored in many different ways. Oh well.
259 MathMathMathMathMathMathMathMathMathMathMathMathMathMathMathMathMathMathMath
260 Luingil: My sympathies are more with Stromgard (perhaps being one of the
261 founding members has something to do with that). I currently reside in the
262 "unofficial" Stromgard embassy in Three Mountains. As for the meaning of
263 /\/\ according to the infamous MIT "jargon file" it is TTY for "giggle"!?
264 Math & QUIZMASTER: Sorry, I discovered AFTER I posted it, that there IS
265 a detail missing, I've got to try to find the original in my library...
266 ARRRGGHH! (and the answer is REAL weird!)
267 ____________________________________Leonard________________________________
268 Pam: Bawdy songs? ME?! I know some VERY bawdy songs, but I doubt that the
269 Innkeeper would permit them.... (Piper, perhapss you know one them? "The
270 Ball at Kerrimuir"?)
271 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
272 ps. Mikey: Here's to 719!!!
273 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
274 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ETC.^^^^^^^^^^^^^
275 A Dream
277 I am sitting on a stool about four and a half feel high. The room is
278 dark, but looking around I can see counters and an refigerator, a micro-
279 wave. The counter, shelves, and cupboards are all white. The stool I am
280 sitting on is black.
281 Beneath my feet is the cold tile floor, stretching in all directions in
282 the dark. I cannot see the counters anymore, or hear the icemaker. I
283 can only see the floor slipping into the darkness in all directions. I
284 feel as though I am in some very large, very dark room. I try to speak,
285 to see if my words reflect from distant walls. My lips move, my breath
286 passes my lips, but there is no sound. Or is it just swallowed up by the
287 walls of darkness that press in on me.
288 I try to move from my stool, but as my feet touch the floor I see a
289 ghost of movement deep within the darkness, just a whisper of a shadow.
290 I stop. I wait a long time, my eyes straining at the darkness, as if by
291 will alone I can force my eyes to see.
293 Nothing.
295 I slip back onto the stool, no longer willing to give up the small perch
296 above the cool white floor.
297 Again I try to speak, to call out. Again the darkness swallows the ds
298 so that even I cannot hear the sounds.
301 Much later I see a shape in the dark. I turn slowly towards it. I feel
302 the tightness of my back and arms from to long sitting and stareing into
303 the darkness. The shape does not move as I turn. It is a person. As I
304 strain at the darkness I see a hand holding some kind of leather strap.
305 The strap is looped around the wrist, pulling the arm down and forward.
306 As time passes I see the shape of a dog at the end of the strap. It
307 pulls forward, its shoulders tight, it eyes fixed. I follow its stare.
309 For the first time I see a small shape on the floor. It is just a few
310 feet from my stool, a little dark rumpled pile. It is leather and there
311 are thongs tied to it laying on the floor beside it. As I watch I see the
312 pile darken. A puddle begins to form beneath it. The dark stain begins to
313 stread across the tiles, crawling fast within the cracks and moving thickly
314 along the white surface of the tile's face.
315 The stain is red. Not the bright red of hollywood blood, but a deep
316 burgundy, the color of blood fouled by sickness and age.
317 I here the dog breath, just out of sight in the darkness. I here the
318 soft slap of the strap being dropped. The dog waits. A moment later the
319 hand behind the dog flicks its fingers forward. Without having turned to
320 see the sign the dog leaps forward, somehow getting traction on the hard
321 tile its quiet energy throwing it forward with only the soft sounds of its
322 paws on the floor. It is the only sound I can hear. The dog moves
323 incredibly fast, but as I watch him pass I feel as thought my mind is
324 moving even faster. I watch his body stretch in the first explosion of
325 movement, and as his legs hit the floor I see the ripple of flesh as the
326 wave of the impact travels up the leg. I can count the hairs on his back
327 and see every detail of the dark wet tissue around the eye. The muscles
328 along the snout are pulled taut, flattening the whiskers back against the
329 short fur below the eyes.
330 The back legs hit the floor and the dog leaps again, streaching even
331 stretching
332 farther as he gathers speed.
333 He lands with one foot on either side of the pile of leather, his teeth
334 bared, drool spilling from his lips. He grasps the pile in his teeth and
335 shakes it violently, drops of blood fly in every direction, falling on the
336 white tile, splattering everywhere.
337 I can see now that the pile is a mask. A large peice of leather with
338 crude holes cut for eyes and mouth, shaped to fit over the front of the
339 face and tie in the back of the head.
340 The smell of the blood has made the dog wild. He is frenzied as he rips
341 at the mask with his teeth. I watch as he stands on the lower part of the
342 mask and fixes his teeth through out of the eye holes. With a series of
343 fierce jerks he rip the leather of the mask turning the eye into a
344 hideous gash.
345 I watch transfixed as the dog tears and chews the mask into small peices.
347 The dog stands, and with one look over his sholder towards the shape
348 standing in the dark, he begin to lick the blood from the floor.
350 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ETC.^^^^^^^^^^^
351 [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] THE TIN MAN [/] [/] [/] [/]
352 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ETC.^^^^^^^^^^^
353 [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] [/] Adrian- THE TIN MAN [/] [/] [/] [/]
354 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
355 Adrian, my friend, the tin man--
356 I don't know what to say. Words, lack me, caught in my throat. I'm
357 lost... talk to me somewhere, please... I have stared at this screen.
358 Trying, trying to write... nothing, nothing. The light is too harsh.
359 The darkness too unsettling. -Tanya
360 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
361 The cold, the bitter biting cold, why is it so damn cold?
362 My skin is a mass of bumps and the hairs on my arms have
363 risen as if to climb away from the shudders and seizures of
364 my frigid body. Even my mouth has rebeled with my teeth
365 clattering so that I must separate them in order to prevent
366 the enamel from being chipped into small pieces.
367 Must I suffer so? Why am I not warming nor even gaining any kind
368 of control of my senses? Is this the death that many have warned
369 about? Does freezing to death mean violent convulsing rapture?
370 Where is the peaceful sleep? How many times have I heard that one
371 just closes his eyes and you never wake up? How could anyone
372 attempt to become peaceful when his entire body is reverberating
373 to the point of shattering? I must get control, I must get control,
374 I must get, , , , I must, , , ,I mu, , ,I, , , - - -
378 fg
380 sondargaard... call me when you get to the headquarters... if you still
381 breathe that is... remember this... it is of importance...
384 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (of ^^^ and ^^^)
385 Tin Man: P-, it is with great humility that i recant my previous statements,
386 my previous thoughts and impressions. In so little a time, you have become
387 one that has been the cause of many a thought. You have taken The Mask and
388 carried it farther and deeper than I have dreamed. Your privacy was never
389 in jepordy(sp). As I stated elsewhere- "I only seem to have a problem with
390 keeping *MY* identities a secret." They never last- but yours could have
391 been forever. At this, I extend my hand as well as my apologies.
392 ^^^^^ --->the Guardian
393 My Legion is finding it hard to scurry their fingers across the keys lately.
394 Everything will be taken into account. The Emotions and all.
395 ^^^^^
396 ***** kathyd: Thank you for the "prize", but what brought it about? (smirk)
397 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ --->the Guardian 49:03
399 tilean ripped at the stick... trying to turn the copter to avoid another wave
400 of oncoming copters... the controls were sluggish... results of the tail rotor
401 being shot up in one of the initial strafing raids...
403 the gray skies... blemished with the black forms of sleek fighters... dancing
404 around each other... swooping to and fro... with one sinking low to the ground
405 once in a little while... to terrorize the copter below...
406 tilean pulled back on the stick... and with the normal grace of the airborne
407 the nose pulled high into the air... the twin turrets turned to one of the six
408 fighters above... drew bead... and let rip with a continuous thumop... one of
409 the ships burst into a thousand peices... leaving a cloud of flame to disperse
410 and metal shards to fall slowly... tilean swooped the nose down with equal
411 grace as the previous maneuvers... and flew only feet above the grassy plains
412 of the airport... and soon disappeared behind a slope...
414 the silence and still serenity of the sloping plain was soon again destroyed
415 in the screaming sounds of fighters pacing after an enemy now proven... oover
416 the thick crackle of a certain radio frequency someone was heard to say... "wa
417 the hell is he... rise to fifty meters and ride the crescents of the slopes..."
419 still silence dominated the still serenity of the slopes... interrupted only
420 rarely by the screaming sounds of fighter engines... in patrol patterns... they
421 had lost him... ought to regroup at another elevation...
423 tilean shoved the stick downward... with a grace betrayed only in the motions
424 of the fighter... and not in the thrashing of the fighter controls... the two
425 fore turrets drew bead again one another fighter... the continuous thumps...
426 and once again shards of metal and flaming gas... strewn along the intended
427 path of the fighter... a decisive reminder of training... and the wise intent
428 of the many sayings around the Earth... eavesdropping is fun... just never get
429 caught at it...
431 the continuous thumping did not stop... and the turrets emptied into gray
432 skies and flaming hulks... soon only a rasping came from the turrets... and all
433 of the fighters were lain against the grassy slopes... and tilean was streaming
434 off into the skies... under the clouds... flying free for another day...
436 ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttgtttggttgggtttttgtttttttttttg
438 gaudy minsky... is it my turn or am i simply being ignored... i know what it
439 is... i leaned a little heavy on the net betrayal bit... sorry for that little
440 episode... i only saught to protect you from a dutifully unnescessary absense
441 with no reason in sight...
442 sondargaard... i asked you to call the towers... not the academy annex... try
443 again old friend... anyway... did you see that little thing in the oregonian
444 about your little talk with morey and schafier...?
446 whomever was talking about margin lengths as though they might be slaughtered
447 for doing so... i am not a slaughterer... even though i was a bit less than
448 reassured by your general declarations that leaving messages that did not end
449 up conforming to everyone else and their screen lengths... was wrong and was an
450 act of masturbation...
452 tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttgtttggtttgttttggggttgggtgttgggtgtggttt
454 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
455 tilean: just a couple of points that bothered me during the action -- the
456 last rotary wing aircraft I had anything to do with had quite different
457 controls -- the tail rotor speed was controlled by a set of foot pedals, and
458 the main rotor was controlled by two pitch controls: the overall pitch
459 of the rotor blades by the collective pitch control (also containing an
460 engine speed control via a motorcycle-type twist grip throttle), a single
461 lever to the left of the pilot's position, and the cyclic pitch control, which
462 controled the pitch of the rotor blades at different points in the revolution.
463 The last joy-stick controls that I am aware of were in fixed-wing aircraft.
464 If things have changed, my apologies -- I've not been following aircraft for
465 many years now. (On rereading the above, I see that I forgot to mention
466 that the cyclic control was suspended from the roof of the aircraft.)
467 ppppppppppppppppp
468 all: We seem to be shaping up for a re-run of the great margin wars of
469 yesteryear. There are two opposing viewpoints -- each fully valid --
470 about margin length. One viewpoint states that with only 629 lines of data
471 available on a disk, anything less than a full 128 characters is a sinful waste
472 of precious disk space. The other is the viewpoint of someone whose terminal/
473 computer/idic-screen does not "wrap-around" long lines. This person sees only
474 the first x characters of a line (where x may be 22, 32, 40, 64, 80 or another
475 machine-dependent value) and feels that use of any other portion of the line
476 is an insult to him/her. Mikey suggested during the course of the last one
477 that the margin be set to 72 characters. This seems to be a good compromise
478 for most folks -- if your machine won't wrap on this short a line, there
479 is not much hope for you anyway. Now I'm gonna duck before the glass
480 starts flying!
481 ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
482 --------------------------------------
483 Mad Max checking in at 9:29'30 8502.18
484 --------------------------------------
485 hello everybody!!!!!!!
487 Sitting in front of the terminal,
488 Zyx wondered what would happen
489 next. "I wonder...", said Zyx.
490 closs
493 I wonder what would happen too if people like that were left in charge...
494 Oh well. If the program cuts things off at a small margin then change it if
495 at all possible. The margins should be up to the individual to decide on.
496 we shouldn't be presured into foing things we don't want to.
503 since a margin length of one-hundred-twenty-eight disabilitizes the fa and fi
504 ommands... it is not the best length for everyone to use... perhapsnothing is
505 the best for everyone to use... the ma command exists that we might change it...
506 and we are not forced into one-hundred-whatever or seventy-whatever...
508 let the margin lengths vary... and try to strike a medium between matters of
509 congeniality and legibility... and try not to be upset with those who use the
510 more miserable lengths... say twenty-two or others...
511 i know it can be done... after all... if you could see what the eighty column
512 pprejudice does to my screen... all those forms and charts... graphic arts just
513 infuriate me... and ya wanna talk about pains to read...?
515 tttttttttttgttgtgtgggtgtttgtttgtggggggttttttggttttttttttttgttttttgtgtttttttttttt
517 piper... almost all of what you said flew right over my head so to speak...
518 sure the pun was intended... anyway... i am not familiar with the insides of a
519 copter... steering inside one of the little things is nearly a complete mystery
520 to me... as i never did take any aviation classes...
521 however... as most things i learn are by osmosis...i always saw the controls
522 of copters to be joysticks... the similarity in controls always seemed so
523 constant... it was only right if i wanted to write that the controls ought to
524 be in the form that i know them best... sorry if i was wrong...
526 %--%--%--%--%--%--%--%--%--%--%--%--%--%
532 %--%--%--%--%--%--%--%--%--%--%--%--%--%
534 tis i tis i tis i tis i tis i tis i tis i tis i tis i tis i tis i tis i tis i
535 Gaudy had noticed that the dark figure was becoming very anxious. It
536 appeared to be that something was about to happen. What it was, she couldn't
537 tell. What was it to be? Was this figure going to make th event occur, or was
538 he waiting for th event to take place around him?
539 The dark figure strolled with much control and restraint to a portion of
540 the far wall. It then began to tug at the material covering that wall, it gave
541 way easily. At first, Gaudy had thought that the material that was draped over
542 a good portion of the room was being used to create the dark, withdrawn atmos-
543 phere as well as act as an acoustic shield.
544 Since they were in a darkend room, the light that shined through the now
545 partially incovered window was brilliant. The objects within the room semed to
546 take on more distinct shapes, more reality. #Hmmm... Within light there is
547 truth# thought Gaudy. She spared no time in beginning to analyze her newly
548 uncovered surroundings. In the farthest reaches of this odd room could be seen
549 a table covered with many papers. And around it could be seen things that
550 looked like maps and medals layed out on the floor. There was a ruffle on the
551 wall near the table, and slight bulge where a doorknob might be. A fact hidden
552 in the absence of light.
553 Gaudy could almost picture this figure, this person of missions past, to
554 have lived those empty months alone in a world created by its dreams. Then
555 Then, as she dared look out of the room into the light, everything had
556 changed. #If I'm going to save this guy from himself# she thought #I'm going
557 to have to work a little faster or he could be dead within minutes!# Gaudy
558 then mentally prepared herself for anything, any action. #I just hope I have
559 enough time to straiten out things before it's too late and they barge right
560 in.# She then remembered her thoughts concerning the rediscovery of Joshua
561 and Petrov... #Rescue never seems to be thought out on BOTH sides, it's just
562 assumed that the missing person WANTS to be rescued. Now This...#
563 Sounds began to filter into the room from the outside world, sights and sounds.
564 Words could barely be made out... something like "Hey Sven, pass me another
565 brush, this one is all a gummed up!" And like "Oky-doky Oly, just let me get
566 this here ladder in place so we can paint this here house right THE FIRST TIME"
567 The sight of a couple of 'vikings' in work clothes seemed to go right
568 past the figures notice, as if it didn't matter. But to Gaudy, a moustache
569 wouldn't hide the recognition, it never did before.
570 tis i tis i tis i tis i tis i tis i tis i tis i tis i tis i tis i tis i tis i
571 L'homme: before you continue (hoping you READ before you ENTER) I must clear
572 up a few points concerning the surroundings. A note should be waiting for you
573 somewhere within the files of a PCS. I hope I am in time...
574 tis i tis i tis i tis i tis i tis i Tis I, Mystery Author tis i tis i
586 check it out joe
587 HOT,1,2,3,it's easy to tellbut it's that I don't care
588 Cause I here it all the time and they never let you know
589 On the T.V. and the radio!
590  She was young and her heart was pure but evry night it was the price she got
591 She said she was sweet ( you got to rap it to the beat ) and I knew that she was right!
592 She said "baby you guys,jill and joe and all my funky friends but my crude understanding was just enough to know ju
593 -st what she realy meant!
594 I got to thinking while she was talking that here nose don't mean a store
595 Those special places that she knows and goesand she rides with the others,
596 Their singing!
597 Don't turn around ue ut oh oh oh
598 shaw shaw da kommissar's in town ah ut oh oh oh
599 Their in his eye and you know why the more you live the faster YOU YOU WILL WILL DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE
600 aletch clar herkommissar?
602 Hey you wan'na buy some stuff man??
603 did you eve rap that thing jack?
604 say rap it to the beat!
605 We meat jill and joe and brother hip ( the whole coll gang and all)
606 Their raping here and raping their
608 It's a clear cut case herkommissar cause all the children know ,The're all sliding down to the valey of daeath their
609 all slipping on the same snow!
610 (chor)
611 MARK L. (*) (*)
612 )
613 /-----/
615 mlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlm
616 yakyakyakyakyakyakyakyakyakyakyakyakyakyakyakyakyakyakyakyakyakyakyakyakyakyak
618 "C'mon Herri!". It was the insistent voice of a young child, yelling
619 through the fog. "C'mon, or you'll be late!". The recicpient of this plea
620 turned, shouted back. "I'll be there in a minute. I gotta see something."
621 The small boy turned back, looked out over the valley. 'It was so good here,
622 isisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisis This Inn is too crowded now.
625 ^^^^^ what's that supposed to mean? --->g
628 It's always been crowded. You just have to find the room if you can.
629 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]PAM.[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]