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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
This is the command help summary available on BWMS II running on the Sanyo.
The command list changed depending on the user operation level (see below).
Unlike the original BWMS, this help list assumed that the users could view
text in 80 columns and was formatted for that width.
BackWater Message System II Command Summary');
(lower case command letters are optional. # = optional number)
AUthor ------- List authors (?) Help cmd ------ Help command list
ALL ---------- Print new msgs BBS ----------- Local BBS systems
LiNe/TOp # --- Go to line DOCtor -------- Different kind of help
BOttom # ----- Go to bottom TARget/WUMPus - Simple on-line games
UP # --------- Go up line TIme/STats ---- Current time/stats
DOwn # ------- Go down line EPrompt ------- Select enter prompt
HEre # ------- Show current line NU Y/N -------- Line numbers printed
LIst # ------- List lines NP Y/N -------- Number prompt in enter
PRint #,# ---- Print lines LF Y/N -------- Linefeeds enabled
FI string ---- Find a string EL Y/N -------- EOL delay enable
FA string ---- Find all strings ANSI Y/N ------ ANSI video enabled
DA/DB/room --- Select Drive/room CO Y/N -------- ANSI colour enabled
LOst --------- Lost message CC Y/N -------- Control chars visible
Un LEVel # ------ Select level SET ----------- Set user flags
L4 SEssion # ---- Go to session MESsage # -------- Go to message
ENter # ------ Enter lines MANual ----------- Display full manual
REplace # ---- Replace one line CHange /old/new/ - Change old to new
DElete #,# --- Delete lines UNdelete #,# ----- Undelete lines
L4 XProtect #,# - Protect lines XUnprotect #,# --- Unprotect lines
KIll #,# ----- Kill lines GO / Please cmd -- Command precursor
Un PRIVate ------ Send private mail MAIL -------- Read your mail
APply -------- Apply for logon CALL -------- Show call info
logON # ------ Log onto system USer #,# ---- Show user info
L4 HN Y/N ------- Show Header Names User -1/-2 -- Show Twits/New users
BYe / OFF ---- Log off system TEst # ------ Test command
^^ The lines with "Un" were only available to users that had logged on
with a valid user number.
The Lines with "L4" were only available to trusted users with
Level 4 or high access.
The lines without "Un" or "L4" were available to all users.
There were four levels of access, level zero (null user), which were users
that had not logged in. Level one, which were normal usrs that had logged in.
Level four, which were trusted users that were allowed low-level sysop
privileges to cleanup after unruly users. Level seven which was God level
privilege only available through the console.