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#: 21348 S1/General Interest
30-Jan-96 01:40:46
Sb: #21228-Ram Pak
Fm: Michael E. Ward 103501,2361
To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142
It seems no one has replied to you, so I'll give it a shot:
I DON"T have a RamPack for sale, But (somewhere around here)
I DO have the Tony Distefano Book that describes how to build it.
As for the software, Can't help there, but maybe SYSop can point you to it.
#: 21343 S1/General Interest
24-Jan-96 23:00:28
Sb: #21338-What`s OS/9 ?
Fm: Alan Nichols 72411,3060
To: Hui Richard 101535,1546
OS-9 is a real time operating system. It is used quite a bit in industrial
controllers and
is apparently more popular with European manf than U.S. firms.
It runs primarily on Motorola processors (6800 series, 68000 series) but has
ported to Mac and Intel (PC).
The originator is Microware, Inc. in Des Moines, Iowa.
#: 21344 S1/General Interest
25-Jan-96 10:28:30
Sb: #21338-What`s OS/9 ?
Fm: Richard E. Crislip 102746,407
To: Hui Richard 101535,1546
<Help please, what`s please is OS/9 ?!
Thanks for all !!>
OS9 is a UNIX like multitasking operating system that will run on just about
any computer. It was the operating of the Space Shuttle (don't know if it still
is). I was first intruduced to it with the Radio Shack Color Computer 3. That
"toy" computer when ran under OS9 level 2 was a true interrupt driven
multitasking platform during the days of $2,000+ 8088 PC that couldn't even
dream of multitasking.
Today OS9 lives in PC's, Ataris and any other computer that wants to use it. It
was written by and still supported by MicroWare. The operating system is
primarily used in automated manufacturing environments, places that aren't
glamorus (like the Space Shuttle) but necessary.
That is an overview. Hopefully some techie will be able to fillin some of the
details 8-).
_|_ Cruisen on AutoPilot
----O---- R.E.C.
#: 21347 S1/General Interest
29-Jan-96 20:24:30
Sb: Who Uses OS-9 and CoCo
Fm: Michael F. Trombley 103545,3054
To: all
Is there anybody out there who uses the Color Computer and / or OS-9?
Please E-Mail me I am interested.
#: 21350 S1/General Interest
02-Feb-96 13:59:53
Sb: bye
Fm: Jim Vestal 103037,2655
To: all
Hi all. As much as I would like to keep this account I have decided that it
was no longer worth $10 a month. There are so little activity in this forum
that I barely use 1 our of (one out of) the five hours per month. And
Compuserve is now moving all their services to the GUI based system that I
won't be able to access with eithor my CoCo or my Amiga.
I enjoyed my visit here to past few months and if this forum is still here
later in the year I may come back for a short visit.
You can contact me via email at jev@pobox.com or visit my web site at
You can also visit my ftp site at:
Jim Vestal, of 09-Online Systems assistant editor of the OS-9 Underground
Cyberzine http://val.net/~zog
#: 21345 S7/Telecommunications
26-Jan-96 20:01:35
Sb: IX logoff
Fm: David Breeding 72330,2051
To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X)
It's me, again.... :-)
I'm still fretting over dropping carrier in the midst of a telnet session.
I wonder if perhaps in your next release you might incluse an option whereby it
would issue a "bye" command on CIS, it already does on Delphi, and then close
the path without hanging up the modem, or possibly allow a logoff script?
I normally iniz my serial port in startup, and this will keep the connection
after the path is closed. With my first suggestion, I would be able to stay
online with the server, or with the former, could log off from the server
gracefully. I don't know how they handle dropped carriers, whether they
continue your time till a timeout or what.
-- David Breeding --
CIS 72330,2051 Delphi DBREEDING dbreeding@cumberland.com
Composed with InfoXpress/OSK Vr. 1.02 & VED Vr. 2.4.0
#: 21346 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
29-Jan-96 15:56:53
Sb: #21340-#OS9 v3.0 ISP
Fm: Alptekin Aydogan 100527,324
To: Jost Eberbach 73502,2041 (X)
Hallo Jost,
wir hatten bis jetzt die Palette von E5-E17 unter OS9 2.4 mit OS9TCP laufen.
Vor kurzem habe ich eine BAB-40 (Prozessor wie E17, aber andere Architektur)
mit Version 3.0 (3.0.1 oder 3.0.2 weis ich im Moment nicht) in Betrieb genommen
und hatte den gleichen Effekt, es ging nicht mit OS9TCP. Dafur funktioniert
aber ISP von MW bis jetzt ohne Probleme (OS9-Net von MW vertragt sich nicht mit
OS9-Net von ASS, aber wir setzen sowieso NFS ein). Info von Eltec war, OS9TCP
sei fur die Version 3.0 noch nicht freigegeben. Da NFS, TELNET und FTP
funktionierten, mein Programm (VME-PC-Kommunikation uber TCP-IP) auch mit
kleinen Anderungen lief (Verkleinerung der Puffergrose beim Ubertragen), habe
ich die Sache nicht mehr verfolgt. Ich nehme an, das irgendwann ein Update
kommt oder so. Ich verwende noch SS_SEVENT aber werde es demnachst mit SS_SSIG
versuchen, muste laut Dokumentation von MW funktionieren, aber man weis ja nie
There is 1 Reply.
#: 21349 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
01-Feb-96 02:50:45
Sb: #21346-OS9 v3.0 ISP
Fm: Jost Eberbach 73502,2041
To: Alptekin Aydogan 100527,324 (X)
Hi Alptekin,
Danke fur Deine Info.
Hab ich mir schon gedacht, das OS9TCP nicht mit OS-9 3.0. Dasselbe ist mir
schon mit verschiedenen seriellen und Grafiktreibern passiert. MW haben irgend
etwas in der Speicherverwaltung fur Geratetreiber verandert, so dass viele alte
Treiber nicht mehr funktionieren. Es ist aber erstaulich, das nach uber 2
Jahren, in denen 3.0 auf dem Markt ist, immer noch nicht alle anderen
nachgezogen haben, und ihre Software angepasst haben!
Wir haben von Dr.Keil ein patch fur den 3.0 Kernel bekommen, mit dem sich
einige Probleme erledigt haben. Nur dass send() bleibt leider immer noch
hangen. Naja.
Press <CR> !>