539 lines
22 KiB
539 lines
22 KiB
Public Message
[36mMessage # 12 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m
To : All
[33mFrom : Alan Dages
[35mSubject : Y'all come!
[37mDate : 95/08/19 16:14:00[33m
. Announcing Show hours:
. Sat. Sept.30, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
. 6th Annual Atlanta CoCofest Sun. Oct. 1, 10:00 AM-3:00 PM
. Holiday Inn, Northlake Vendor setup:
. Fri. Sept. 29, 6:00 PM-9:00 PM
. Saturday Sept. 30th. 1995 Sat. Sept. 30, 8:00 AM-8:45 AM
. and Sunday Oct. 1st. 1995
. Admission:
. $10.00 (Whole Show)
. Reservations:
. Holiday Inn, Northlake
. 1 (800) 465-4329 or
. 1 (404) 938-1026
[37m--- QuickBBS 2.76a
* Origin: ACS Inc. BBS 404-636-2991 (1:133/510)
[34m<[33mA[34m>gain, <[33mN[34m>ext, <[33mS[34m>top[37m[34m, <[33mR[34m>eply[37m[37m
[31m=*= [32mFIDO ECHO MESSAGES MENU [31m=*=[36m
<1> Scan \
<2> Read > OS9 Echo mail
<3> Leave /
<4> Scan \
<5> Read > CoCo Echo mail
<6> Leave /
<A> Scan \
<B> Read > MM1_TECH Echo Mail
<C> Leave /
<G>o back to Main Menu
<P>revious Menu (Messages Menu)
[35m[[37m59[35m][33m Command [37m>>> B Read Options
[34mMessages [33m5[34m to [33m402
[34mLast Read : [33m12
[34m <[33mF[34m>orward Read
[34m <[33mR[34m>everse Read
[34m <[33mI[34m>ndividual Read
[34m <[33mN[34m>ew Read
[34m <[33mM[34m>arked Read
[34m <[33mS[34m>elective Read
[34m <[33mQ[34m>uit ![33m
Command ? [37m
[32mPrompt for Reply ([33mY/n[32m) [37m
Public Message
[36mMessage # 26 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m
To : All
[33mFrom : James Jones
[35mSubject : parallel ports--bidirectional?
[37mDate : 95/08/22 19:24:34[33m
I got a printer that, for full utilization, wants to be able to respond
to commands. Question: are the parallel ports on the MM/1 capable of
bidirectional I/O? (If they aren't, is there a serial/parallel
converter that will support bidirectional I/O?) I tried "com /p" and
got back an error 203 (bad I/O mode), so I have my doubts.
[37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta
* Origin: Ocean Beach RiBBS_MM1 BBS (619) 224-4878 (1:202/745.1)
Public Message [31m(Rec)
[36mMessage # 28 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m
To : James Jones
[33mFrom : Warren Hrach
[35mSubject : Re: parallel ports--bidirectiona
[37mDate : 95/08/23 08:44:17
[32mNext Reply is Message [33m402[33m
On Tuesday, August 22nd, 1995 - James Jones wrote:
JJ> I got a printer that, for full utilization, wants to be able to
JJ> respond to commands. Question: are the parallel ports on the MM/1
JJ> capable of bidirectional I/O? (If they aren't, is there a
JJ> serial/parallel converter that will support bidirectional I/O?) I
JJ> tried "com /p" and got back an error 203 (bad I/O mode), so I have my
JJ> doubts.
According to the MM/1 Tech Manual the /p and /p1 are run from the
68230 chip. The manual states that it can operate in 4 modes providing
the proper driver is used.
Mode 0 - 8-bit unidirectional on each port.
Mode 1 - 16 bit unideirecional both ports.
Mode 3 - 8-bit bidirectional on each port
Mode 4 - 16 bit bidirectional on both ports
I just was talking to David Graham and he is looking for someone to
right a driver to support these functions so if interested contact him.
[37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta
* Origin: Ocean Beach MM/1 BBS (1:202/745.1)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 35 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m
To : Dave Kelly
[33mFrom : Colin Mckay
[35mSubject : Re: Os9ug
[37mDate : 95/08/24 10:54:00[33m
}kH &`}z
AyGr&W$)O' !Y
[37m--- Maximus-CBCS v1.02
* Origin: Micro80 Computer Club of Ottawa BBS (1:163/306)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 36 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m
To : Dave Kelly
[33mFrom : Colin Mckay
[35mSubject : Re: Os9ug
[37mDate : 95/08/24 10:56:00[33m
Hi, Dave.
Paul J gave the disks to Howard a week or two ago, and Howard said he would be
<EFBFBD>sending them off to you.
The exec has a meeting next week, so I'll make sure that it was taken care of.
TTYL. Colin.
[37m--- Maximus-CBCS v1.02
* Origin: Micro80 Computer Club of Ottawa BBS (1:163/306)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 56 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m
To : All
[33mFrom : Warren Hrach
[35mSubject : MM/1b announcement
[37mDate : 95/08/29 11:16:19[33m
We, the San Diego OS9/OSK usergroup purchased an MM/1b.
I am the Sales Rep in addition to being a member of
the usergroup.
Another member and myself just finished mounting the
motherboard in a std Mini tower case with no trouble.
We have one 1.4 meg floppy, 1 85 meg IDE hard drive
and 4 256k 30pin SIMMS memory installed. This gives
only 1 meg total memory for now. The usergroup funds
are flat now.
The system I received was the first production run
from Carl Krieder.
A few minor glitches have been overcome following
a call to Carl.
First one needs to boot up using a terminal plugged
into t0. The terminal baud rate had to be 38400.
I now have it booting at 19,200. Carl is going
to change the 2 ROMS to allow booting at 2.4, 9.6,
19.2, and 34.4k baud by flipping a dip switch.
Second the boot disks I received had to have the
floppy boot dd desciptor patched. Carl walked me
thru that. Subsequent systems shippped will have
these things taken care of.
To meet the sale price of $400 it was necessary to
leave off 2 of the 5 AT bus connectors. However a
sales rep can add these for a few extra $. Exact
cost not determined yet.
We have a Trident 8900 VGA card installed and
boot up with 2 windows on the VGA monitor. It can
go to 8 total but with 1 meg memory we had to keep
it down.
All in all it runs well and we are awaiting MGR
and new ROMS and updated floppy descriptors.
Carl is going to modify MGR to emulate Kwindows
to allow nearly all MM/1 Kwindws software to run.
Kevin Darling is also working on a full Kwindows
port for the VGA Trident 8900 card. I don't know
when that will be ready.
For those potential customers that do not have
an MM/1 and Microwares OS9-68k V2.4 they should
order the extra V2.4 system since the MM/1
comes with V3.0 and has no compiler, basic etc
software included. The extra V2.4 is $45.
Delivery should now be within 2-4 weeks on receipt
of order.
Warren Hrach, RiBBS/RiBBS_MM1 beta sysop, MM/1 sales rep.
+------------------- MM/1 Sales Representative --------------------+
| |
| Warren Hrach | Internet : warren@ocnbeach.jd.com |
| 4369 Newport Av. | Fido BBS : 1:202/745 (619) 224-4878 |
| San Diego, CA 92107 | Voice : (619) 221-8246 |
| (Support BBS for RiBBS_OSK on the MM/1) |
| |
[37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta
* Origin: Ocean Beach RiBBS_MM1 BBS (619) 224-4878 (1:202/745.1)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 112 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m
To : Colin Mckay
[33mFrom : Dave Kelly
[35mSubject : Re: Os9ug
[37mDate : 95/08/25 22:58:00[33m
CM> The exec has a meeting next week, so I'll make sure that it
CM> was taken care of.
Thanks, have the OCN disks in hand and am in the process of
the archives to change them to LZH.
Dave Kelly, OS9 Community Network, Region 19 Coordinator.
* Scribe 4.0 * Pro is to Con as Progress is to Congress.
[37m--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: THE GOLDEN COCO other's COMPUTER (1:106/941)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 113 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m
To : Warren Hrack
[33mFrom : Dave Kelly
[35mSubject : OSK library
[37mDate : 95/08/25 23:00:00[33m
I would like to include the OSK library in the distribution
of the OCN/OS9UG library.
If I send you some disk and postage would you copy it and return
it to me.
Let me know how many 3.5 disks formated at 720k to send.
Dave Kelly, OS9 Community Network, Region 19 Coordinator.
* Scribe 4.0 * A watch of nightingales.
[37m--- Maximus 2.01wb
* Origin: THE GOLDEN COCO other's COMPUTER (1:106/941)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 120 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m
To : Dave Kelly
[33mFrom : Warren Hrach
[35mSubject : Re: OSK library
[37mDate : 95/09/02 18:17:11[33m
On Friday, August 25th, 1995 - Dave Kelly wrote:
DK> I would like to include the OSK library in the distribution
DK> of the OCN/OS9UG library.
DK> If I send you some disk and postage would you copy it and return
DK> it to me.
DK> Let me know how many 3.5 disks formated at 720k to send.
I will send next msg with a complete listing with sizes I forgot
how to get the totals using ls but at least this way you can see the
number of files and there sizes.
[37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta
* Origin: Ocean Beach MM/1 BBS (1:202/745.1)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 121 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m
To : Dave Kelly
[33mFrom : Warren Hrach
[35mSubject : osk library
[37mDate : 95/09/02 18:20:27[33m
1536 ./MM1OFF 2176 ./OSKMUS 384 ./OSKTXT
1472 ./OSKAPP 320 ./OSKPRO 1760 ./OSKUTI
416 ./OSKGAM 640 ./OSKSYS 256 ./OSKWIN
832 ./OSKGRA 896 ./OSKTEL
7936 ./MM1OFF/ACCESS.LZH 12032 ./MM1OFF/SEDR0705.LZH
3876 ./MM1OFF/CAL.ar 8489 ./MM1OFF/TERMCAP.ar
16233 ./MM1OFF/CAT0512.AR 158592 ./MM1OFF/UPGRADE.AR
35932 ./MM1OFF/DC.ar 1152 ./MM1OFF/XFERHELP.AR
44398 ./MM1OFF/DESKTOP.ar 384 ./MM1OFF/csg.terms.lzh
32896 ./MM1OFF/EXTRACT2.LZH 8565 ./MM1OFF/desc.bbs
13440 ./MM1OFF/FINANCE.AR 3299 ./MM1OFF/files.bbs
656 ./MM1OFF/FLOP2HD.TXT 2181 ./MM1OFF/joystk.lzh
7168 ./MM1OFF/HDFORMT2.AR 3072 ./MM1OFF/logitech.ar
3003 ./MM1OFF/IFF.DOC.AR 3584 ./MM1OFF/mm1_hires.ar
18304 ./MM1OFF/MM1EXPAN2.AR 36586 ./MM1OFF/mm1fonts.lzh
2433 ./MM1OFF/MM1b.txt 718 ./MM1OFF/moded.txt
11264 ./MM1OFF/NEWCOLOR.AR 2555 ./MM1OFF/orderhard.txt
8448 ./MM1OFF/NEWDRIVERS.AR 2075 ./MM1OFF/ordersoft.txt
20224 ./MM1OFF/NEWSTUFF.LZH 752 ./MM1OFF/print.ar
46172 ./MM1OFF/PAINT.ar 2511 ./MM1OFF/t3fix.ar
3737 ./MM1OFF/PARLELHLP.AR 276 ./MM1OFF/vscfix.lzh
6784 ./MM1OFF/PLAN.LZH 45432 ./MM1OFF/win48.ar
6144 ./MM1OFF/PORTHLP.TXT 34882 ./MM1OFF/windio_ref.ar
5504 ./MM1OFF/SAMPLE.LZH 1260 ./MM1OFF/winscrpt.ar
23552 ./OSKAPP/AAPLAY.AR 2960 ./OSKAPP/files.bbs
11188 ./OSKAPP/BGFlicks.lzh 12516 ./OSKAPP/gclock2.lzh
11358 ./OSKAPP/BGPlaym.lzh 18906 ./OSKAPP/gifshow.lzh
15616 ./OSKAPP/CKFILE.LZH 36364 ./OSKAPP/graf.ar
48128 ./OSKAPP/IMAGE.LZH 24634 ./OSKAPP/heatgain.lzh
35200 ./OSKAPP/IMAGE2_5.LZH 99647 ./OSKAPP/hrecplay2.lzh
47545 ./OSKAPP/IMSTR140.LZH 39618 ./OSKAPP/imaster_101.ar
550142 ./OSKAPP/ISPELL21.LZH 828709 ./OSKAPP/me3_11c.lzh
63038 ./OSKAPP/JPEG_OSK.LZH 64297 ./OSKAPP/memacs.lzh
61056 ./OSKAPP/MAKPAL.LZH 4640 ./OSKAPP/mgeshow.lzh
35456 ./OSKAPP/MENULIB2.LZH 3968 ./OSKAPP/mouse.lzh
171520 ./OSKAPP/MICROSPELL.LZH 43320 ./OSKAPP/mplay102a.lzh
149504 ./OSKAPP/SC6_16_2.LZH 312462 ./OSKAPP/oskfax.lzh
13312 ./OSKAPP/TRMINFO1.LZH 404524 ./OSKAPP/pgp21src.zip
16384 ./OSKAPP/UGGOFIX.LZH 659449 ./OSKAPP/pgp262s.zip
57728 ./OSKAPP/VED_DEMO.LZH 3868 ./OSKAPP/pixshow.lzh
3925 ./OSKAPP/amort.lzh 115287 ./OSKAPP/secdr13e.zip
13824 ./OSKAPP/cursive.lzh 37678 ./OSKAPP/subetha.lzh
11670 ./OSKAPP/desc.bbs 12948 ./OSKAPP/time.lzh
264684 ./OSKAPP/dkbtrace.lzh 9253 ./OSKAPP/viewfax.lzh
47791 ./OSKAPP/doc070.ar 37587 ./OSKAPP/wr_demo.lzh
10752 ./OSKAPP/dpl.lzh
9216 ./OSKGAM/MJ_TREK4.ZIP 2806 ./OSKGAM/desc.bbs
38528 ./OSKGAM/OGRE_MM1.LZH 829 ./OSKGAM/files.bbs
276789 ./OSKGAM/OMEGA.LZH 8848 ./OSKGAM/othello.lzh
73600 ./OSKGRA/MM1.LZH 8772 ./OSKGRA/gclock.lzh
5376 ./OSKGRA/MM_ONE.LZH 12915 ./OSKGRA/instlspl.lzh
190208 ./OSKGRA/MNDLBROT.AR 99178 ./OSKGRA/jpegshow20.lzh
262128 ./OSKGRA/OS68K.LZH 10740 ./OSKGRA/os9ug.gif
14056 ./OSKGRA/christmas.lzh 48199 ./OSKGRA/racetrak.zip
4542 ./OSKGRA/clock.ar 63104 ./OSKGRA/sphere.lzh
28885 ./OSKGRA/colortest.gif 10995 ./OSKGRA/stars10.ar
5334 ./OSKGRA/desc.bbs 31649 ./OSKGRA/sunset.gif
16128 ./OSKGRA/dice.ar 1653 ./OSKGRA/temp
1632 ./OSKGRA/files.bbs 22236 ./OSKGRA/torusgold.gif
147637 ./OSKGRA/flicks1.lzh 21547 ./OSKGRA/vefshow.lzh
11754 ./OSKGRA/gadget.lzh 177637 ./OSKGRA/x29.lzh
192304 ./OSKMUS/MPLYSNDS.LZH 47138 ./OSKMUS/medevil.lzh
67456 ./OSKMUS/SOUND.LZH 73728 ./OSKMUS/modemula.lzh
627154 ./OSKMUS/XBLAD.LZH 27272 ./OSKMUS/modjkbox.lzh
72852 ./OSKMUS/algorith.lzh 36608 ./OSKMUS/mplaynew.lzh
80077 ./OSKMUS/aurora.lzh 120519 ./OSKMUS/ninjrabb.lzh
33984 ./OSKMUS/automate.lzh 184473 ./OSKMUS/odyssey.lzh
61056 ./OSKMUS/balad_mod.lzh 31104 ./OSKMUS/piano_mod.lzh
37830 ./OSKMUS/ballmain.lzh 101735 ./OSKMUS/pulse.lzh
45819 ./OSKMUS/barbrian.lzh 67139 ./OSKMUS/raucous.lzh
54511 ./OSKMUS/bignonia.lzh 219591 ./OSKMUS/sanxion.lzh
92192 ./OSKMUS/bkttf.lzh 40960 ./OSKMUS/savannah.lzh
119950 ./OSKMUS/blood$.lzh 26495 ./OSKMUS/seb4.lzh
50572 ./OSKMUS/bond007.lzh 29131 ./OSKMUS/seb7.lzh
15343 ./OSKMUS/caribmem.lzh 83969 ./OSKMUS/sleep.lzh
68608 ./OSKMUS/coolj.lzh 53179 ./OSKMUS/smoke.lzh
9141 ./OSKMUS/desc.bbs 104725 ./OSKMUS/soxosk.lzh
25728 ./OSKMUS/dreamtn.lzh 104725 ./OSKMUS/soxosk.lzh.0
86446 ./OSKMUS/drwho_mod.lzh 58624 ./OSKMUS/spamtracker.lzh
51136 ./OSKMUS/england.lzh 90584 ./OSKMUS/stone.lzh
36321 ./OSKMUS/fade2blk.lzh 1987 ./OSKMUS/strack.lzh
3734 ./OSKMUS/files.bbs 14848 ./OSKMUS/strack09.lzh
24576 ./OSKMUS/forgottn.lzh 16640 ./OSKMUS/strman.lzh
30519 ./OSKMUS/gametune.lzh 64633 ./OSKMUS/tarkus06.lzh
50965 ./OSKMUS/ghost.lzh 33677 ./OSKMUS/thesong.lzh
166912 ./OSKMUS/gilligan.lzh 41984 ./OSKMUS/thorax_mod.lzh
69852 ./OSKMUS/house_of.lzh 56219 ./OSKMUS/toccata.lzh
165129 ./OSKMUS/inferno.lzh 41296 ./OSKMUS/trabalas.lzh
82899 ./OSKMUS/invisfor.lzh 84449 ./OSKMUS/tracker.ar
100352 ./OSKMUS/jarre_mod.lzh 22760 ./OSKMUS/tubells_mod.lzh
35119 ./OSKMUS/jingbell.lzh 5246 ./OSKMUS/tytoon.lzh
202473 ./OSKMUS/lclowns.lzh 49783 ./OSKMUS/voltrun.lzh
12775 ./OSKMUS/letsnow.lzh 95171 ./OSKMUS/water.lzh
57547 ./OSKMUS/magfield.lzh 197680 ./OSKMUS/xmas_pud.lzh
285696 ./OSKPRO/atp_1_40.ar 897 ./OSKPRO/desc.bbs
33792 ./OSKPRO/blarslib.lzh 635 ./OSKPRO/files.bbs
25088 ./OSKPRO/calsmath.lzh 25386 ./OSKPRO/tcdemo.ar
76299 ./OSKPRO/cgfx5.lzh 350208 ./OSKPRO/zip_1_0.ar
21478 ./OSKSYS/68k8080m.zip 6784 ./OSKSYS/init.lzh
84096 ./OSKSYS/ASM68K.PAK 66304 ./OSKSYS/m6809.ar
114 ./OSKSYS/cls 1920 ./OSKSYS/os9p2.lzh
384 ./OSKSYS/csgterms.lzh 5828 ./OSKSYS/stdbmps.lzh
59991 ./OSKSYS/db6809.lzh 17280 ./OSKSYS/sys5tc.ar
3140 ./OSKSYS/desc.bbs 12418 ./OSKSYS/sysgo.ar
42202 ./OSKSYS/ds6809.lzh 8795 ./OSKSYS/sysgo10.lzh
1156 ./OSKSYS/files.bbs 81920 ./OSKSYS/teachc.ar
16768 ./OSKSYS/forth09.ar 76416 ./OSKSYS/xlate09.pak
30336 ./OSKTEL/EXTRACTOR.LZH 1863 ./OSKTEL/files.bbs
27476 ./OSKTEL/LADIALER.LZH 2048 ./OSKTEL/guardian.ar
48000 ./OSKTEL/MSTRM.AR 29773 ./OSKTEL/kterm_b.lzh
99200 ./OSKTEL/NETFAX.ZIP 311059 ./OSKTEL/linkup10.lzh
22528 ./OSKTEL/NIXPUB.ZIP 533983 ./OSKTEL/maxs_102.lzh
61312 ./OSKTEL/Sterm.lzh 41977 ./OSKTEL/palm2.2.lzh
63488 ./OSKTEL/UNXYZMDM.ZIP 21058 ./OSKTEL/phrases.lzh
7377 ./OSKTEL/ZYXEL.ZIP 59480 ./OSKTEL/strm9000.bin
132245 ./OSKTEL/atpsrc06.lzh 57472 ./OSKTEL/terminal_100.ar
27565 ./OSKTEL/bbsckit.lzh 1152 ./OSKTEL/xferhelp.ar
103342 ./OSKTEL/binkmm1.lzh 36051 ./OSKTEL/xydown.lzh
64 76280 ./OSKTEL/zmodem68.ar
4804 ./OSKTEL/desc.bbs
5720 ./OSKTXT/ZackSmax.txt 2117 ./OSKTXT/me.txt
3200 ./OSKTXT/crosslink.ann 21645 ./OSKTXT/mm1boot.txt
976 ./OSKTXT/desc.bbs 12427 ./OSKTXT/mm1faq.txt
11013 ./OSKTXT/eicn.txt 9984 ./OSKTXT/review.txt
370 ./OSKTXT/files.bbs 14425 ./OSKTXT/topslst.txt
22784 ./OSKUTI/AROSK.BIN 4195 ./OSKUTI/font_update.ar
15104 ./OSKUTI/DBACK.LZH 22400 ./OSKUTI/futils.lzh
16640 ./OSKUTI/ERROR.AR 1888 ./OSKUTI/get_fdir.lzh
13056 ./OSKUTI/FREE2.LZH 32352 ./OSKUTI/gifblast.lzh
4096 ./OSKUTI/GETSYS.LZH 39940 ./OSKUTI/help.ar
71424 ./OSKUTI/LHA206.AR 105472 ./OSKUTI/jpeg.lzh
24992 ./OSKUTI/Lharc.ar 6810 ./OSKUTI/lgrep_v2.lzh
12288 ./OSKUTI/M2O.AR 62485 ./OSKUTI/make.ar
169472 ./OSKUTI/MODS.LZH 6700 ./OSKUTI/make.lzh
12288 ./OSKUTI/O2U.AR 10047 ./OSKUTI/monitor.lzh
12800 ./OSKUTI/PICUTILS.LZH 30080 ./OSKUTI/msfm.lzh
4736 ./OSKUTI/PTYBIN.LZH 7235 ./OSKUTI/osk_utils.lzh
19584 ./OSKUTI/SCOPY.AR 2194 ./OSKUTI/prenv.ar
6784 ./OSKUTI/SH_HELP.AR 1073 ./OSKUTI/readme
12288 ./OSKUTI/U2O.AR 46336 ./OSKUTI/shellmat.lzh
37888 ./OSKUTI/UNARJ.LZH 16262 ./OSKUTI/snapshot.ar
28800 ./OSKUTI/UNC.LZH 14336 ./OSKUTI/stgmm1.lzh
1792 ./OSKUTI/ZERO.AR 34176 ./OSKUTI/tar.ar
19895 ./OSKUTI/addlf.ar 2347 ./OSKUTI/ulpfont.lzh
17534 ./OSKUTI/dedosk.ar 13457 ./OSKUTI/unsit.lzh
10408 ./OSKUTI/desc.bbs 28808 ./OSKUTI/unzip.ar
2816 ./OSKUTI/direct.ar 1792 ./OSKUTI/util1.ar
3968 ./OSKUTI/divide.lzh 6036 ./OSKUTI/wsee.ar
7202 ./OSKUTI/dssort.lzh 63239 ./OSKUTI/zip_bin.ar
4431 ./OSKUTI/dumpinit.lzh 173291 ./OSKUTI/zip_src.ar
3985 ./OSKUTI/files.bbs 51909 ./OSKUTI/zoo.ar
17851 ./OSKUTI/font.lzh
76299 ./OSKWIN/cgfx5.lzh 47724 ./OSKWIN/windio54.lzh
452 ./OSKWIN/desc.bbs 97344 ./OSKWIN/windio56beta.lzh
386 ./OSKWIN/files.bbs 33044 ./OSKWIN/windio_ref2.ar
[37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta
* Origin: Ocean Beach RiBBS_MM1 BBS [610] 224-4878 (1:202/745.1)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 329 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m
To : All
[33mFrom : Warren Hrach
[35mSubject : E-Mail new address
[37mDate : 95/09/13 17:33:43[33m
I have a new internet E-Mail address as follows;
I am receiving and sending mail from my UUCP on my MM/1 at this time.
Warren Hrach, RiBBS/RiBBS_MM1 beta sysop.
+------------------- MM/1 Sales Representative --------------------+
| |
| Warren Hrach | Internet : warren@ocnbeach.thegroup.net |
| 4369 Newport Av. | Fido BBS : 1:202/745 (619) 224-4878 |
| San Diego, CA 92107 | Voice : (619) 221-8246 |
| (Support BBS for RiBBS_OSK on the MM/1) |
| |
[37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta
* Origin: Ocean Beach RiBBS_MM1 BBS (619) 224-4878 (1:202/745.1)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 362 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m
To : All
[33mFrom : Dean Leiber
[35mSubject : i2c
[37mDate : 95/09/15 22:13:15[33m
I was wondering if anyone knows about drivers for the i2c bus for the
MM/1 or the SCC68070. I've called MW and they're still looking. I've
talked to Warren and he seems to believe that developments was
discontinued. Any help/info, would be appreciated!
[37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta
* Origin: Ocean Beach RiBBS_MM1 BBS (619) 224-4878 (1:202/745.1)
Public Message
[36mMessage # 402 *MM1_TECH Echo*[32m
To : Warren Hrach
[33mFrom : James Jones
[35mSubject : Re: parallel ports--bidirectiona
[37mDate : 95/09/18 04:38:53
[32mPrevious Reply is Message [33m28 [33m
Cool. I'm definitely interested, and would pay $$$ for such a driver.
[37m--- RiBBS OSK Beta
* Origin: Ocean Beach MM/1 BBS (1:202/745.1)
[31m=*= [32mFIDO ECHO MESSAGES MENU [31m=*=[36m
<1> Scan \
<2> Read > OS9 Echo mail
<3> Leave /
<4> Scan \
<5> Read > CoCo Echo mail
<6> Leave /
<A> Scan \
<B> Read > MM1_TECH Echo Mail
<C> Leave /
<G>o back to Main Menu
<P>revious Menu (Messages Menu)
[35m[[37m58[35m][33m Command [37m>>>