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91885 26-FEB 19:49 General Information
RE: $200 CD-i (Re: Msg 91871)
On 25-FEB 18:04 HAWKSOFT said to DSRTFOX
> No! The videos do not require a double speed drive. My Memorex (the
>orig Tandy) works just fine. Tho if the disk is really dirty you will
>get an occasional small green flash when it is unable to read the
>video info.
> Chris
Chris, did the original model require the cartridge to play the videos? Or
was it ready for them (I know it cost a good deal more, but could have just
been cost of new technology at the time)? Also, will the current cartridge
work with the older models (if required?)
On another subject, you need to send me a listing of EVERYTHING you have for
sale for tha CoCo and MM/1. I'm printing a catalog listing everything from
every vendor I can get ahold of. I have your ad put together in the magazine
already. Is this all the soft/hardware items you sell though? I want to have
as complete a compilation of CoCo/OS-9/OSK items possible. Later, if the
catalog gets big enough, I'll split it into CoCo and 68K versions.
Francis (Frank) Swygert
Publisher, "the world of 68' micros" Magazine
`[1;35;41mRainbow V 1.11 for Delphi - Registered
91922 2-MAR 20:28 General Information
RE: $200 CD-i (Re: Msg 91885)
Hi Francis (Frank)!!
> Chris, did the original model require the cartridge to play the videos?
> Or was it ready for them (I know it cost a good deal more, but could have
> just been cost of new technology at the time)? Also, will the current
> cartridge work with the older models (if required?)
The original did not come with the digital cartridge. I purchased one
about a year ago at Best Buy. I had a long list of compatible players,
including the Philips CD910 (which is what the Memorex is inside). So it works
> On another subject, you need to send me a listing of EVERYTHING you have
> for sale for tha CoCo and MM/1. I'm printing a catalog listing everything
> from every vendor I can get ahold of. I have your ad put together in the
> magazine already. Is this all the soft/hardware items you sell though? I
> want to have as complete a compilation of CoCo/OS-9/OSK items possible.
> Later, if the catalog gets big enough, I'll split it into CoCo and 68K
> versions.
I'll check over my most current list and E-Mail you a copy. The release
of CDF (the CD file manager is emminent!!!).
:-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> Chris "HAWKSoft" <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-:
******************< Uploaded w/ InfoXpress vr. 1.02.00 >******************
End of Thread.
91886 26-FEB 20:17 OSK Applications
RE: BStart.a (Re: Msg 91884)
> I found a module on the MM/1 disks called "cstart.a" . After looking
> at this I have determined that this must be the assemble code for
> CSTART.R that all C programs use.
> When I try and compile this with a simple Hello C program, I get the
> following error from the linker.
> error - Initialized data (or jumptable) allowed only on program or
> trap handler modules.
You cannot have initialized data (or any data structure) in a subroutine
module.. All data will have to be passed as parameters. If you're not
familiar with how Basic passes variables, you'll need to review this.
CoCo packages had an option in the linker (-b, I think) that would
link a Basic09 subroutine package.. if you have the Coco compiler, you might
review it for some pointers.. You might need to look at the OSK Basic
docs to see that the correct register (a6) is used to point to the data
area. I know in CoCo OS9, you had to juggle it around. I don't have
OSK Basic so don't have the docs for it.
One other little gotcha, too, if you deal with floating point variables,
you might want to verify that both C and Basuc use the same format for
storing the Floating Point data. This was another difference in the
CoCo, but I think maybe they are the same in OSK. The way to check this
is to pass a float from basic to your subroutine and do a "printf"
to see if it's the same.
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
91888 26-FEB 21:45 OSK Applications
RE: BStart.a (Re: Msg 91886)
OSK Basic uses the same math trap as C, so format is the same.
91896 27-FEB 21:29 OSK Applications
RE: BStart.a (Re: Msg 91888)
> OSK Basic uses the same math trap as C, so format is the same.
I thought the literature for OSK Basic _did_ list the same format as
the one in C, but wasn't sure. I don't have OSK Basic, so wasn't able
to give a definitive answer, though.
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
91903 28-FEB 22:48 OSK Applications
RE: BStart.a (Re: Msg 91886)
I also discovered that the cstart.a I have also gives the same error for
the following C program.
#include <stdio.h>
printf("Hello World\n");
I tried using the cstart.a that I already had and got the same error.
I then used the cstart.r that I always use with C programs and it compiled
and worked. Thus the cstart.a file I have is bad.
OSK Basic passes all pararmeters via the stack.
D0 = parameter count
D1 = address of first parameter
stack = first 4 bytes = address of second parameter
2nd 4 bytes = address of third parameter
and so forth.
If I remember right a C program using the d
parameter comes out the same way.
Also making ML subroutine modules from assemble is easy. All that is need
is to set the psect to
psect Name,(Sbrtn<<8)!Objct,(ReEnt<<8)!1,0,0,Name
Since the cstart.r contains the front end code for a C program, that is
where the main psect is located.
OSK is different from OS9 (6809). There is not much difference between a
C program and a ML program in OSK as far as how parameters are passed.
I suppect that the cstart.a file I have is bad and if I could fine a
cstart.a that will compile with the Hello.c program, I may be able to
come up with a way to make ML subroutine modules for Basic using C.
John D.
91929 3-MAR 20:17 OSK Applications
RE: BStart.a (Re: Msg 91903)
> I also discovered that the cstart.a I have also gives the same error
> for the following C program.
> #include <stdio.h>
> main()
> {
> printf("Hello World\n");
> }
> I tried using the cstart.a that I already had and got the same error.
Did you just take the cstart.a that came with the system and edit the
PSECT? That won't work.. There are data variables set up in it and this
won't work, as data variables are not allowed in a subroutine module.
If you want to do a universal rof, you might first push the first
parameter's data onto the stack first off, then you could set up a
header file to define your offsets, like
#define PNUM 0
#define P1Adr 4
#define RET 8
#define P2Adr 12
... {add enough for all cases }
Hmmm... OSK Basic doesn't pass parameter size? If so, you need to
add this between all the parameter addresses.
Again you probably won't need any type of lead-in psect.. Or, you might create
one just so you would have the psect set up and possibly define the
parameter passage stuff.
One other thing RE: your cstart.a. You didn't try to compile the cstart.a
using "cc" did you" This won't work, because it will try to
include "cstart.r" when it compiles. You might want to write a "makefile"
for your assembly.. you can use "cc -r..." to compile the original .c
sources to rof's, but in the end you'll have to call "l68" directly
for the final compile pass.
> I then used the cstart.r that I always use with C programs and it
> compiled and worked. Thus the cstart.a file I have is bad.
> OSK Basic passes all pararmeters via the stack.
Possibly not, see above.
> I suppect that the cstart.a file I have is bad and if I could fine a
> cstart.a that will compile with the Hello.c program, I may be able to
> come up with a way to make ML subroutine modules for Basic using C.
One way to tell is to do a "cc -r cstart.a" to compile a new cstart.r
(don't overwrite your original, do this in /r0 or somewhere).. Then
cmp your new cstart.r to the original.. (there will be a few bytes
different in the date area, but you can figure them out).
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
91931 3-MAR 21:29 OSK Applications
RE: BStart.a (Re: Msg 91929)
I made a new makefile having it compile the stock cstart.a along with
the following C code.
#include <stdio.h>
printf("Hello World");
This time I didn't touch anything in the cstart.a . Just had the makefile
compile both the cstart.a and the above code. Got the same error.
Turned around and changed the makefile to use the cstart.r in the
i /dd/lib directory. Compiled with NO errors. This is why I say the cstart.a
in the /dd/def directory is BAD.
The first step made a cstart.r, but when the linker tried to combine the
two, that is when I got the error.
I have a friend that has a OSK disasemmbler. I may ask him to decode the
cstart.r into a assemble source file for me and then try it out.
There has to be a way to make ML subroutine files from C that OSK Basic
can use.
When we translated the old 6809 ML code into 68000 code. All that was
needed to make them into subroutine ML programs that OSK Basic could read
was to change the psect and setup the front end to reconize how OSK Basic
sends data to a ML program.
OSK Basic sends data to a ML in the following manor
D0 = Parameter Count
D1 = 1st parameter
Bottom of stack
4 bytes - Second Parameter
up 4 bytes - Third parameter
and so forth.
This is the same as when parameters are sent to a C program.
argv - argement list
argc - argement count.
When compiled to ML, the argv and argc use the same registers and stack
arangement as above that Basic uses when passing parameters to a ML
subroutine module.
Since the two are SO similiar, there HAS to be a way to write subroutine
ML modules for Basic using C and I suppect it has to do with the
cstart module.
Since the cstart.a routine in /dd/defs seems to be bad, I need a cstart.a
that WILL compile and link with the above simple C code to start off with.
John D.
91953 5-MAR 02:04 OSK Applications
RE: BStart.a (Re: Msg 91931)
> I made a new makefile having it compile the stock cstart.a along with
> the following C code.
> #include <stdio.h>
> main()
> {
> printf("Hello World");
> }
> This time I didn't touch anything in the cstart.a . Just had the makefile
> compile both the cstart.a and the above code. Got the same error.
Yes, but when you made your dependency list for your module, did you
specify the command to be "l68 cstart.r ...."? What I'm saying is, if
the name of the above program is "test.c", and your output program is
to be named "test", you need something like this: (I'm going to indent
to be sure the editor does not concatenate lines-the preceding dots
should not be there).
.. l68 cstart.r{that you made} test.r .... -l=/dd/lib/clib.l
* if you do not include the above, make will send the command
"cc cstart.r test.r {etc}.. and it will try to link cstart.r
twice. This may be your trouble.
.. cstart.r:
.. test.r:
> Turned around and changed the makefile to use the cstart.r in the
> i /dd/lib directory. Compiled with NO errors. This is why I say the
> cstart.a in the /dd/def directory is BAD.
It shouldn't be.. As I said earlier, go to /r0 or somewhere, copy cstart.a
to there, and do cc cstart.a -r and then cmp it with your original cstart.r.
The bytes for the date will be different, but otherwise, it will more than
likely be the same.
> The first step made a cstart.r, but when the linker tried to combine
> the two, that is when I got the error.
See above. I suspect that if you specify "l68", your own code will
compile. Again, you will not be able to define any data areas in your
subroutine module. Any variables you use will have to be passed from
Basic, and any you define in the module will have to be automatic, that is,
defined *WITHIN* the function itself (that is, after the first brace) and
none can be defined outside the function. This applies to your cstart-type
module, it can not define any data storage.
> OSK Basic sends data to a ML in the following manor
> D0 = Parameter Count
> D1 = 1st parameter
> Bottom of stack
> 4 bytes - Second Parameter
> up 4 bytes - Third parameter
> and so forth.
> This is the same as when parameters are sent to a C program.
> main(argv,argc)
> argv - argement list
> argc - argement count.
> When compiled to ML, the argv and argc use the same registers and stack
> arangement as above that Basic uses when passing parameters to a ML
> subroutine module.
No, no.. C *DOES NOT* normally pass the count and size to a function.
This is just a special case for main(), and cstart passes them itself, but
C does not automatically pass them. When Basic calls a subroutine, IT
will pass them, and you will need to interpret them.
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
91959 5-MAR 15:48 OSK Applications
RE: BStart.a (Re: Msg 91953)
Attached is the C progrom, the Makfile, and the first few lines of the
cstart.a . If I use the cstart.a file as is, it compiles and I can run the
test program. I get the error when I changed the psect in the cstart.a to
tell it it is a subroutine module.
C Program
#include <stdio.h>
printf("Hello from a C Subroutine Called from OSK Basic \n");
# Makefile for BTest
btest: cstart.r btest.r
l68 cstart.r btest.r -l=/dd/lib/clib.l -l=/dd/lib/sys.l\
# Compile cstart.a and btest.c
cstart.r: cstart.a
cc -qrt=/r0 cstart.a
btest.r: btest.c
cc -qrt=/r0 btest.c
* @(#)cstart.a 2.1.8 2/23/89
* cstart.a - C program startup routine
use /dd/defs/oskdefs.d
Typ equ 1
Edit equ 7
Stk equ 2048+1024 some default stack size
Cerror equ 257 arbitrary C error
* psect cstart_a,(Prgrm<<8)!Objct,(ReEnt<<8)!1,Edit,Stk,_cstart,trapinit
* psect cstart_a,(Sbrtn<<8)!Objct,(ReEnt<<8)!1,Edit,Stk,_cstart,trapinit
psect cstart_a,(Sbrtn<<8)!)bjct,(ReEnt<<8)!1,0,0,_cstart
The first psect above works and btest.c program compiles no errors,
Run perfect.
The next two psects, cstart.a compiles to cstart.r, same btest.r - ERROR
l68 - error - initialized data (or jumptable) allowed only on program or
trap handler modules.
The third psect is same as psect in the SysCall assembly code in back of
Basic Manual.
This is my basic setup. From the C program and makfile, you should be able
to dupilcate my results and see the error first hand.
BTW I compared the two cstart.r 's.
My cstart.r 1270 bytes
/dd/lib/cstart.r 1274 bytes.
John D.
91962 5-MAR 17:57 OSK Applications
RE: BStart.a (Re: Msg 91959)
> Attached is the C progrom, the Makfile, and the first few lines of the
> cstart.a . If I use the cstart.a file as is, it compiles and I can run
> the test program. I get the error when I changed the psect in the cstart.a
> to tell it it is a subroutine module.
It sounds like you have not gotten rid of all your data variables. If you
have, then I can't understand, but the error you are getting sounds like it
is... Be sure all your "vsect" variables are deleted and see what happens.
Especially if you can compile the program with it left as a program module..
Ummm.. yes! If you can compile using the cstart.a without errors as a
program mod, then you have left the vsect variables in.. because otherwise,
you would get "unresolved variable references" in the link. Be sure all
your vsects are removed.. you cannot have vsects in a subroutine module.
> BTW I compared the two cstart.r 's.
> My cstart.r 1270 bytes
> /dd/lib/cstart.r 1274 bytes.
That _is_ something to look at.. You don't have an original distribution
disk? Here's what you might try.. It could just be the way something is
defined. Try assembling it (as a prog module), and then rdump both your
product and the original cstart.r, see if the CODE length is the same.
If so, make a .c file with just main(){} in it. compile it and link using
both cstart's. Have both modules with the same module name (you could
compile one, then rename the file, or use the -n option. Then cmp
them.. If they are the same, then you're OK.. else you might check with
Dave Graham (you have an MM/1, don't you) and ask him to send you a
fresh copy of cstart.a Technically, none of us would be supposed to
send it to you.
BTW.. my cstart.r is also 1274 bytes.
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
91978 6-MAR 20:02 OSK Applications
RE: BStart.a (Re: Msg 91962)
Are you talking about removing the vsect entries in CSTART.A ??
Calvin Dodge sent me a file showing how to make a C subroutine and I was
able to duplicate what he sent. The problem is seems to be with things
like printf. In his approach, the linker balks at the printf statement.
Looking at the assemble file generated by C, it has a call to _printf,
which is the function to print a string on the screen.
What I am after is be able to write a C subroutine that say will format
a window, set back/for ground colors, print text, mabey do some graphics,
and such. Using something like a C subroutine will run faster than doing
the same thing in Basic.
If you like I can send you the approach that Calvin sent me. It works
for things like adding two Integer numbers and such, but the concept should
be the same for any C subroutine module.
John D.
91980 6-MAR 22:46 OSK Applications
RE: BStart.a (Re: Msg 91978)
> Are you talking about removing the vsect entries in CSTART.A ??
Right. You cannot define data storage in a subroutine module.
> Calvin Dodge sent me a file showing how to make a C subroutine and I was
> able to duplicate what he sent. The problem is seems to be with things
> like printf. In his approach, the linker balks at the printf statement.
Some of the library routines define data storage themselves and I think
printf _does_ define some.. maybe not globally, but no data structures
can be defined.
> Looking at the assemble file generated by C, it has a call to _printf,
> which is the function to print a string on the screen.
Is _printf() a function he defined? If you want a printf, you will have
to define your own and somehow get around the data definitions, somehow
making them "automatic". BTW, you'll probably not be able to use
any of the lib routines. Many reference "errno", at the least. Hmm..
you might, in your mainline subroutine module, push some stack area,
reset "a6" to point to the base, and define offsets within this stack
for "errno" etc. (You'll need to save your original a6 and restore it
before exiting from the subroutine module.
> What I am after is be able to write a C subroutine that say will format
> a window, set back/for ground colors, print text, mabey do some graphics,
> and such. Using something like a C subroutine will run faster than doing
> the same thing in Basic.
Yes, it would probably be faster. It may take some doing to get it to
work.. Would it be extremely hard to rewrite the whole program in C? If
you're familiar with C, you can progress pretty quickly in making the
conversion. I've done it myself and you can follow the Basic program's
structure pretty closely.
> If you like I can send you the approach that Calvin sent me. It works
> for things like adding two Integer numbers and such, but the concept
> should be the same for any C subroutine module.
If you would like, I would like to see what he did, from curiosity, if
nothing else.
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
91983 7-MAR 20:35 OSK Applications
RE: BStart.a (Re: Msg 91980)
First step is to get the program Basic/ML working as is. This is a port
from the OS9 Basic09/ML program.
Next is to play around with this version, make enhancements, and ect.
Third step is to rewrite the program completely into C. The Basic/ML port
will become shareware and the C version will become commercial. The Basic/
ML version will be strickly MM/1, but the commercial version will be able
to be run on a non-MM/1 OSK platform.
The shareware version could benifit from being able to use subroutines
that didn't have to be in only ML or Basic.
I know that Power Basic has this abilty, was hoping a way was availble
to make it easier to make enhancement to the shareware version.
BTW I did come across a C program on the Internet comp.os.os9, that sent
me some C code that showed how to make C Subroutine modules that could be
linked and accessed from a C program.
It beginning to look like to be more trouble that it is worth, to make
or take a C program and make it into a subroutine module that Basic can
John D.
End of Thread.
91887 26-FEB 21:26 General Information
Text Editor
I am looking for a word processor and text editor for OS9. I currently
use Simply Better but am switching over. Would like to find VED, etc.
Any ideas out there?(g)
91890 26-FEB 22:44 General Information
RE: Text Editor (Re: Msg 91887)
Bob van der Poel Software
PO Box 355 PO Box 57
Porthill, ID Wynndel, BC
USA 83854-0355 Canada VOB 2NO
604-866-5772 (US or CANADA)
Bob has VED and VPRINT; both of which are excellent products.
Another product to go with that is Tsspell, spell checker, from Radio
Shack. Cat. No. 26-3266. Let me know if you can't find it I have an
extra I may part with.
Also, to integrate it all together, you might want to get WPShel
available from ColorSystems (Zacksessions), PO Box 540,
Castle Hayne, NC 28429-0540
Voice (919) 6751706 Data (919) 675-1847
WPShel sets up a point and click mouse interface for the above programs
and saves some typing at the command line. I use all of the above.
Best regards, Keith
91895 27-FEB 21:29 General Information
RE: Text Editor (Re: Msg 91887)
> I am looking for a word processor and text editor for OS9.
> Would like to find VED, etc.
REVKAK gave you Bob Van DerPoel's address.. I heartily recommend Ved,
coupled with VPRINT.. It takes a little time to set up the configuration
file (and you can have more than one). These files define printer codes
to do some pretty fancy printing. I have played around with it a little,
and if your printer has the capability, you can do some REALLY professional
looking output.
Ved supports wrap-around text, auto-indent, and just about anything you
would want.. The only drawback I have seen with it is that it does not
support control codes within the text. No problem with normal text,
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
91911 1-MAR 03:54 General Information
RE: Text Editor (Re: Msg 91887)
> I am looking for a word processor and text editor for OS9. I currently
> use Simply Better but am switching over. Would like to find VED, etc.
> Any ideas out there?(g)
> cl
Ved and Vprint are good as is WPShel from COLORSYSTEMS here. Dynastar was the
featured word processor for OS-9, but it is only available now as used
software if you can find it. Tandy also sold a program called TSWord. It was
a graphical shell which work with component programs TSEdit, TSFormat and
TSSpell which is the best spell checker for OS-9. These programs may still be
available from Tandy using the special order catalog. Regarding text editors,
there is a score of them. Check the database here.
Good Luck.
91925 2-MAR 22:35 General Information
RE: Text Editor (Re: Msg 91887)
If you use Multi-Vue and like the "point & click" interface style, a
fairly good word processor is still available from Owl Ware called
Window Writer v.1.3a writen by R.C. Dash. It sells for around $50
and has a professionally printed manual. After using Microsoft Word
at work on a PC, I got spoiled with using the mouse for so many
actions, that this one seems very intuitive and doesn't require a
great deal of time to learn. If you don't have an old Rainbow
around for the address, here's the phone number printed in the
manual: 215-837-1917.
91930 3-MAR 20:42 General Information
RE: Text Editor (Re: Msg 91925)
Thanks for the info on Window Writer. I have the Multi-Vue but never
put it to work. Do you think it is a good pgm. Lots of trouble getting
it up and runnin.(g)
91996 8-MAR 19:48 General Information
RE: Text Editor (Re: Msg 91930)
Multi-Vue is alright if you don't care to get too deep into OS-9, or if
you use Windows or a Mac and are spoiled with "point & click". However,
I would not recommend MV if you don't have a hard drive. To much disk
overhead for floppies. I've been using a hard drive for 6 or 7 years
and I forget some users have floppy-only systems. Multi-Vue is sometimes
a little slow, but can be improved with system patches and the use of
a 6309 cpu.
91997 8-MAR 19:57 General Information
RE: Text Editor (Re: Msg 91996)
I'm trying to crank up MultiVue now. Hope to get er goin soom.(g)
End of Thread.
91889 26-FEB 22:25 New Uploads
CDL Basic demo uploaded
Date: 26-FEB-1995 21:46 by FHOGG (able to edit the Group)
The file 'CBManual' is a straight text file of the mini manual for the demo of
CDL Basic, a true native code 68000 compiler for OS9/68000.
The file 'cbdemo.lzh' is the complete demo with the mini manual compressed with:
'LHa Vrs. 2.01 for OSK - Ported June 15, 1992 M.Haaland'
The file 'cbdemo.ar' is the complete demo with the mini manual compressed with:
'Ar V2.00 - archive file manager'
This is a complete working demo of CDL Basic Version 1.0 that is only limited in
the size of the program you can compile. Many examples are included that will
compile with the demo.
Topic: New Uploads
1 CBMANUAL - TEXT OF MANUAL (Size: 35136 Count: 0)
Dow: CBManual
2 CBDEMO.LZH - FULL DEMO LHA 2.01 (Size: 92865 Count: 0)
Dow: cbdemo.lzh
3 CBDEMO.AR - FULL DEMO AR2 2.0 (Size: 148732 Count: 0)
Dow: cbdemo.ar
Enter ? for assistance or UPLOAD to add more files to the group.
EDIT> The preceding has just been uploaded to 'data.new' I will also upload
it to CI$ for those who want it there.
Frank Hogg - FHL
91891 27-FEB 00:42 General Information
RE: Graphics on the Internet! (Re: Msg 91881)
From: KSCALES To: 01GEN40
> I would also like to know if someone here can contact Colin McKay
> and find out if he is in fact the "Colin McKay" I saw in the"Honor-
> ary Crew Members" list. And, if so, how did he get his name on their
> list.
I have passed your enquiry on to Colin.
> Also, to any of you in the Southern California area, there is a Star
> Trek convention in San Diego on March 4, Saturday from 11:00AM to
> 6:00PM. I will be there, in uniform, as a Vulcan CMDR named Siran.
> Any info to my quest will be greatly appreciated. See ya among the
> stars!
Siran, Vulcan (AB) was my home until I left for University. I had
many good friends there. Please say "Hi!"
> LONG LIVE OS-9! <FOREVER> ** In whatever form it is in!
> -= GEN =-
Cheers... / Ken
Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES Internet:kscales@delphi.com CIS:74646,2237
91955 5-MAR 12:02 General Information
RE: Graphics on the Internet! (Re: Msg 91891)
From: 01GEN40 To: KSCALES
Hi Ken,
Unfortunately, I have never been to Vulcan (Alberta I presume), and
again unfortunately, I have never been to my homeworld of Vulcan. My
parents came to Earth many years ago as ambassa
dors to Earth. I was
born in San Diego, California, but, I claim Vulcan as my home world
since I am indeed of that Galictic species. (That should have been
"Galactic" not Galictic!) I am told that computer keyboards on
Vulcan are more logically laid out and much easier to use! Then
again, who needs a keyboard with voice interaction? It is indeed
unfortunate that I cannot pass on "hellos" to your friends..{f*w3
Whoa, I just got a line of random garbage printed in this message
as I was sitting here pondering my thoughts. I wonder if it has any-
thing to do with this lousy weather we are having at this time. Oh
well, I do not think they will remain in this text since they look
like that would be printed if you listed a binary file to the screen.
See ya, in the stars...
LONG LIVE OS-9! <FOREVER> ** In whatever form it is in!
-= GEN =-
End of Thread.
91892 27-FEB 04:50 General Information
Does anyone know where I can get a Hitachi 63B09E?
I've checked with B&G and Mouser with no luck at all.
I also called Burke & Burke's tech & order lines but
they've been disconnected
Those chips are plumb hard to find!!!!!
91901 28-FEB 22:38 General Information
RE: 63B09E (Re: Msg 91892)
Hi John, you can get 6309 chips from several sources from within
the community. I believe Conect sells them(and will install them
for you), and Northern Xposure sells them as well as the Nitros9
Native mode software. Since we're on the subject, Northern Xposure
will be online discussing just that very topic this coming
Monday(March 06) on OS-9 Late Night. By the way I should mention
that I'm not sure if they are the 63B09E or some other variation
of that chip.
See Ya
91907 28-FEB 23:18 General Information
RE: 63B09E (Re: Msg 91892)
John, have you read 68Micros page 19? Small Grafx Etc. Offers a 63C09E
with socket. (206)692-5374.(g)
91912 1-MAR 03:54 General Information
RE: 63B09E (Re: Msg 91892)
From: ISC To: JLIND (NR)
> Does anyone know where I can get a Hitachi 63B09E?
> I've checked with B&G and Mouser with no luck at all.
> I also called Burke & Burke's tech & order lines but
> they've been disconnected
> Those chips are plumb hard to find!!!!!
> John
Sounds like you might try calling Hitachi.
End of Thread.
91893 27-FEB 18:35 General Information
RE: Another question about Delphi! (Re: Msg 91879)
From: PAUL8 To: 01GEN40
On 26-FEB 11:38 01GEN40 said to PAUL8
N So as not to get logged off of Delphi, Just type 'US' and it brings
N you back home. No need to bother "THE SERVICE". Thanks. See ya.
N LONG LIVE OS-9! <FOREVER> ** In whatever form it is in!
N -= GEN =-
Thanks for the help.
`[1;33;41mPaul-Boston visit us we need your money I mean historic Bstn
`[1;33;44mHappy Sailing; Another Day Above Ground
`[1;30;41mRainbow V 1.12.6 for Delphi - Registered
91956 5-MAR 12:06 General Information
RE: Another question about Delphi! (Re: Msg 91893)
From: 01GEN40 To: PAUL8
Hi Paul,
What is this that I see in your tag line?:
'[1;30;41mRainbow V 1.12.6 for Delphi - Registered
See ya, in the stars...
LONG LIVE OS-9! <FOREVER> ** In whatever form it is in!
-= GEN =-
91966 5-MAR 21:47 General Information
RE: Another question about Delphi! (Re: Msg 91956)
From: PAUL8 To: 01GEN40 (NR)
On 5-MAR 12:06 01GEN40 said to PAUL8
N Hi Paul,
N What is this that I see in your tag line?:
N '[1;30;41mRainbow V 1.12.6 for Delphi - Registered
N See ya, in the stars...
N LONG LIVE OS-9! <FOREVER> ** In whatever form it is in!
N -= GEN =-
Please explain. Most likely the tagline you saw is something I
`[1;33;41mPaul-Boston visit us we need your money I mean historic Bstn
`[1;33;44mHappy Sailing; Another Day Above Ground
`[1;32;45mRainbow V 1.12.6 for Delphi - Registered
91975 6-MAR 01:55 General Information
RE: Another question about Delphi! (Re: Msg 91966)
I think the referance is to the ANSI escape sequences at the begining
of the tag lines, that show up as "garbage" characters for those that
don't use terminals that reconize ANSI escape sequences (like the ADM-3
I am on right now.) These type of escape sequences can really reck havoc on
certian terminals that don't reconize them (There are one that will lock up my
adm3, and require me to power cycle it to get it to work again)
End of Thread.
91894 27-FEB 18:35 General Information
N >>is it anti-Murdoch perhaps?<<
N I doubt it. Even the 'Boston Herald' which is the Murdoch owned
N paper makes little mention of Delphi in there Computer and Telecom
N type articles. I think the main mention comes in the Email
N addresses of the paper and it's editors. I guess we can't accuse
N Rupert of overusing his paper for self promotion (G).
N See Ya
N >Chris<
I can not understand this. Mabey I am used to Email. But a lot of emphasis
is put on email which is simple to use.
`[1;33;41mPaul-Boston visit us we need your money I mean historic Bstn
`[1;33;44mHappy Sailing; Another Day Above Ground
`[1;31;42mRainbow V 1.12.6 for Delphi - Registered
91897 27-FEB 21:49 OSK Applications
CDL Basic demo uploaded
Last night I uploaded three files to 'data new'. They are the full demo version
of CDL Basic v1.0. If you get a chance please make them available.
91899 27-FEB 22:22 OSK Applications
RE: CDL Basic demo uploaded (Re: Msg 91897)
I (or Boisy, who is my new helper) will take care of them this week...
91900 28-FEB 19:26 OSK Applications
RE: CDL Basic demo uploaded (Re: Msg 91899)
End of Thread.
91898 27-FEB 21:50 OSK Applications
CDL Basic demo
In case you are in a hurry the CDL Basic demos are available on CI$ in dl12.
91926 3-MAR 00:01 OSK Applications
RE: CDL Basic demo (Re: Msg 91898)
Personally, _I
I won't buy anything until I have OSK 2.4 or later.
Allen Morgan
91936 3-MAR 23:54 OSK Applications
RE: CDL Basic demo (Re: Msg 91926)
I was referring to the demo being available on compuserve. I used the CI$ as a
reference to the extra cost of compuserve. However I beleave Paul has made the
demo available here.
As far as waiting till 2.4. That is your choice and you are will not get a
argument from me about it.
91989 8-MAR 01:16 OSK Applications
RE: CDL Basic demo (Re: Msg 91936)
> As far as waiting till 2.4. That is your choice and you are will no get
a argument from me about it.
Yep, I think it is somewhat out of your control. I just can't trust that
guy to deliver on his promises- can't stay focused. Instead of finishing
OSK 2.4 for the Kix, he goes off and designs another board, the Kix\20.
Not to mention that the original system would have sound and be "multi-
media" like the MM/1 only (supposedly) better. We are falling behind
in Gwindows versions, presumably due to the lack of OSK 2.4. And now,
instead of meeting the original ( 1992) promise of 2.4, he goes off and
fiddles around with Basic. Would he care to respond, in writing, to
this forum?
I trust you will relay this to Mr. Smith.
Allen Morgan
BTW, I still have my receipt for the original disks I sent back to
you in (damn, the exact date is smudged) early 1994. I guess I had
better get them back. The OSK 2.4 and latest Gwindows was going to
be ready "any day now".
End of Thread.
91902 28-FEB 22:39 General Information
Late Night Reminder:NX
This is another friendly reminder that this upcoming Monday,
March 6 at 10:00 PM, Colin McKay of Northern Xposure, will be
online representing his company to discuss the upcoming release of
Nitros9 v 1.21. Nitros9 is a software update to the OS-9 Level II
system which allows the system to run in 6309 Native Mode for
those Coco's running with the 6309 Chip. This, for those who might
not know, will give a considerable speedup boost to the Coco, that
has been long overdue. Please try and be in attendance for this
conference if you have any comments or questions, so perhaps Colin
and Alan won't have so many Fido Net and Internet posts to answer
over and over and over and over...<Grin>
Also, the following week, on March 13, I will be discussing a
project I am starting for the OS-9 Users Group. Since not all the
details are completely hammered out, I will scratch the surface
for now. It will be similar to Rick Cooper's 'Coco Directory',
with more of an OS-9 slant. I will collect information that
relates to topics specific to the OS-9 community and add it all to
the respective databases. So far, off the top of my head, I have
about seven or eight database files set up for these topics. For
instance one database is for Users and will contain user
information for all people within the Coco and OS-9 community.
This data will include, Name,Address, Email Address, the computers
they currenly use that run OS-9(I'm planning on taking information
from DECB users also, but I'm not too clear on that yet. 1) I'm
not sure if it's in the best interest of an OS-9 User Group and 2)
Rick Cooper seems to be doing a fine job handling this area as it
is, but this will be up for discussion). I have set up all these
databases using the MSworks Database on the clone and I'm on the
Coco right now, so I don't have the files in front of me, but I
think there are a couple other fields in the 'Userlist' record
that I'm unable to remember. Anyway, I hope you get the point(I'm
not very good at putting ideas on paper). I am going to seperate
the conference into to major parts. First I'm going to start it
off by going into greater detail about this project and dig deeper
into what it's many purposes will be. If we can make this work, it
will be a BIG asset to the OS-9 community. This is a very
important project and will play a big role in how difficult or
easy future activity will be. Second, towards the latter part of
the conference, I will seek out people who will be interested in
volunteering their efforts in helping round up this information.
This is a great opportunity for all of us OS-9 Users Group members
to get together and finally WORK TOGETHER to accomplish a big part
of the future of the OS-9 Market as we know it. Let's lay down the
foundation for the future of the OS-9 Users Group! By the way, in
either the upcoming MOTD or the one following that, will be an
article also detailing my feelings on this project and some of the
same topics that I will be presenting in the conference.
See Ya!
91904 28-FEB 22:59 General Information
RE: hard drive jumpers (Re: Msg 91875)
Well, I got it straightened out. The darn jumper was on but not making
contact. I'm still trying to figure that out. I did a little "squeeze" on the
jumper and it works now. Yeah, a book like that is worth it, even if only to
help someone else. No need to fax the info. My principal would really
appreciate all that tech stuff chewing up his thermal paper (Probably serve
him right!) but email would be OK. I'd make a label and stick it on the top
of one of the chips on the drive. The funny thing is.....I walked away from
the problem for a day, came back and the first thing I checked, and I have no
idea why I checked it, was the problem. Zen computer reapair?
91905 28-FEB 23:01 General Information
RE: hard drive jumpers (Re: Msg 91876)
OK, thanks. I will file it for future use.....in several places! I believe
in redundancy. I you store five copies, you have an 80% chance of finding
one within a year (grin).
91908 28-FEB 23:55 General Information
RE: hard drive jumpers (Re: Msg 91904)
I wonder how that has happened to me so often!<grin>
91909 28-FEB 23:55 General Information
RE: hard drive jumpers (Re: Msg 91905)
OUCH! I know THAT problem well!<g>
91917 1-MAR 21:42 General Information
RE: hard drive jumpers (Re: Msg 91904)
From: ISC To: WA2EGP
The funny thing is.....I walked away from
> the problem for a day, came back and the first thing I checked, and I have no
> idea why I checked it, was the problem. Zen computer reapair?
Don't laugh. I have been doing tech troubleshooting for years and that walk
away from the problem tactic works. We "modern" techies forget the immense
power of our subconscious minds.
91973 6-MAR 01:15 General Information
RE: hard drive jumpers (Re: Msg 91917)
From: WA2EGP To: ISC
Well, I also think we have a "math coprocessor" in the brain some where.
There are times where I came up the right answer to a problem in school (I
teach Physics) without actually thinking about it. Complicated stuff too.
I guess all the other trash going on between the ears gets in the way (grin).
End of Thread.
91906 28-FEB 23:07 OSK Applications
RE: IFF Sounds (Re: Msg 91880)
Let me know details on Ribbs_OSK. I have an older OSK box that I'm thinking
of dedicating to a local OS9 BBS.
91923 2-MAR 20:32 OSK Applications
RE: IFF Sounds (Re: Msg 91906)
At present Ribbs_OSK is being ported to the MM/1 under KWindows. The
only reason for this is the orginal Ribbs ran under the COCO Windio and
KWindows is almost a exact copy as far as the commands are concerned. Thus
for now Ribbs_OSK will ONLY run on a OSK system running KWindows. After
we get the port complete, then I plan to re-write it into C. At that time
is will be easy to make a Gerneric version that will run on ANY OSK box.
thanks for the interest. If you like I can keep you posted on the
development. I plan to either release it to the public or at least demo
it at the Chicago Fest. If you are going, make sure to stop by the
Blackhawk booth and say hello.
John Donaldson
91949 4-MAR 23:36 OSK Applications
RE: IFF Sounds (Re: Msg 91880)
> Thanks for the tips on the IFF sound files. I now have them working
> real good in the new Beta Version of KTerm. If beta testing proves out,
> the new KTerm will be ready for Chicago Fest.
Fantastic! I'm glad I could be of some help.
-- Joel.
91974 6-MAR 01:19 OSK Applications
RE: IFF Sounds (Re: Msg 91923)
1. Would like to get to Chicago
2. Would have liked to use the old OSK box. Don't want to risk the MM/1 to
voltage spikes on the phone lines (we've got 'em). Well, I guess I'll
Keep me posted. Obviously, It doesn't have to be fancy since the old machine
is terminal only.
91977 6-MAR 19:55 OSK Applications
RE: IFF Sounds (Re: Msg 91974)
I'll keep you informed. Two of us have just finsihed testing the OS9 code
part of the port. That is when you set OS9 as your terminal mode, Ribbs_OSK
does send out the correct codes. Colors are not correct, but that is in the
pallete selection. Need to setup correct color palette codes, but that is a
minor bug for now. ANSI selection bombs Ribbs_OSK to a command prompt.
Suppect a bad call, that should be easy to find.
John D.
91986 7-MAR 21:45 OSK Applications
RE: IFF Sounds (Re: Msg 91977)
Sounds like it is getting along. My terminals are monochrome so color isn't
important (well, maybe......). My friend Bob Billson used to use me to
beta test stuff he did because I had a color monitor on the CoCo while he had
monochrome. Stuff would look good on his monitor but magenta on yellow didn't
quite look good (you should have seen yellow on magneta!). Keep me (us)
End of Thread.
91910 1-MAR 02:32 OSK Applications
Do you know if anyone has looked into the Get/Put bug on the MM/1 ?
I started playing around to see how difficult it would be to move Pac09
over to the MM/1, but the Get/Put problem brought me to a screeching halt.
I'm sending the following test program to help show the problem.
/* Get put test */
/* A routine to test getting and putting objects */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mouse.h>
#define STDIN 0
#define STDOUT 1
#define STDERR 2
static MSRET Ms;
int Wpath = STDOUT;
int Wpath2;
int P_id;
int xx, yy, buf, offset;
P_id = getpid();
Wpath2 = open("/w", 3); /* open a 320 x 208 window */
DWSet(Wpath2, 3, 0, 0, 40, 26, 1, 0, 0);
Palette(Wpath2, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* set to black */
Palette(Wpath2, 1, 218, 218, 255); /* set to white */
Palette(Wpath2, 2, 255, 218, 0); /* set to yellow */
CurXY(Wpath2, 2,1);
writeln(Wpath2,"First we draw and Get five objects",34);
FColor(Wpath2, 2);
/* Draw and Get dot #1 */
SetDPtr(Wpath2, 100,31); Bar(Wpath2, 101,32);
GetBlk(Wpath2, P_id,1,100,30,2,3);
/* Draw and Get dot #2 */
SetDPtr(Wpath2, 200,31); Bar(Wpath2, 203,32);
SetDPtr(Wpath2, 202,30); Bar(Wpath2, 203,32);
GetBlk(Wpath2, P_id,2,200,30,4,4);
/* Draw and Get dot #3 */
SetDPtr(Wpath2, 300,31); Bar(Wpath2, 305,32);
SetDPtr(Wpath2, 302,30); Bar(Wpath2, 303,33);
GetBlk(Wpath2, P_id,3,300,30,6,4);
/* Draw and Get dot #4 */
SetDPtr(Wpath2, 400,31); Bar(Wpath2, 407,32);
SetDPtr(Wpath2, 402,30); Bar(Wpath2, 403,33);
SetDPtr(Wpath2, 406,30); Bar(Wpath2, 407,33);
GetBlk(Wpath2, P_id,4,400,30,8,4);
/* Draw and Get dot #5 */
SetDPtr(Wpath2, 500,31); Bar(Wpath2, 509,32);
SetDPtr(Wpath2, 502,30); Bar(Wpath2, 503,33);
SetDPtr(Wpath2, 506,30); Bar(Wpath2, 507,33);
GetBlk(Wpath2, P_id,5,500,30,10,4);
FColor(Wpath2, 1);
CurXY(Wpath2, 0,5);
writeln(Wpath2, " Now we will PUT each of the 5 objects", 38);
CurXY(Wpath2, 0, 6);
writeln(Wpath2, " 10 times, vertically, adding 2 to the", 38);
CurXY(Wpath2, 0, 7);
writeln(Wpath2, "horizontal position for each PUT we do", 38);
/* Now we will put these objects 10 times, with a 0-9 pixel offset */
FColor(Wpath2, 2);
for (buf = 1, xx = 100; xx <= 500; xx += 100, buf++) {
for (offset = 0, yy = 72; yy <= 117; yy += 5, offset += 2) {
PutBlk(Wpath2, P_id, buf, xx + offset, yy);
FColor(Wpath2, 1);
CurXY(Wpath2, 3, 16);
writeln(Wpath2, "As this shows, the PUT's are byte", 33);
CurXY(Wpath2, 7, 17);
writeln(Wpath2, "location sensitive.", 19);
FColor(Wpath2, 1);
CurXY(Wpath2, 8, 24);
writeln(Wpath2, "Press button to continue\n", 25);
ckbutton(Wpath2, 1, 1); /* wait for button press */
CWArea(Wpath2, 0, 5, 40, 20);
CWArea(Wpath2, 0, 0, 40, 26);
CurXY(Wpath2, 1, 5);
writeln(Wpath2, " Now we will use the same values, but",38);
CurXY(Wpath2, 2, 6);
writeln(Wpath2, "we do a Lset(Wpath2, 2), to set the", 35);
CurXY(Wpath2, 5, 7);
writeln(Wpath2, "logic too AND ", 14);
/* Now we do the same thing, except we do a LSet(Wpath2, 2) first */
LSet(Wpath2, 2);
FColor(Wpath2, 2);
for (buf = 1, xx = 100; xx <= 500; xx += 100, buf++) {
for (offset = 0, yy = 72; yy <= 117; yy += 5, offset += 2) {
PutBlk(Wpath2, P_id, buf, xx + offset, yy);
LSet(Wpath2, 0);
FColor(Wpath2, 1);
CurXY(Wpath2, 2, 17);
writeln(Wpath2, "As you can see, we have the objects", 35);
CurXY(Wpath2, 1, 18);
writeln(Wpath2, "being PUT properly, but using the AND", 37);
CurXY(Wpath2, 2, 19);
writeln(Wpath2, "operation can't always be done, you", 35);
CurXY(Wpath2, 1, 20);
writeln(Wpath2, "get unwanted color interactions, when", 37);
CurXY(Wpath2, 2, 21);
writeln(Wpath2, "you don't want them.", 20);
CurXY(Wpath2, 8, 24);
writeln(Wpath2, "Press button to continue\n", 25);
ckbutton(Wpath2, 1, 1); /* wait for button press */
KilBuf(Wpath2, 0);
91918 1-MAR 22:25 OSK Applications
RE: Get/Put (Re: Msg 91910)
> Do you know if anyone has looked into the Get/Put bug on the MM/1 ?
> I started playing around to see how difficult it would be to move Pac09
> over to the MM/1, but the Get/Put problem brought me to a screeching
> halt.
Yeah, the Get/Put bugs are also holding up development of the K-W version
of another game. Rumour has it that a "Windio V55" was under test that has
the fix, but it wound up in limbo when the re-patriation of Windio
ownership occurred at the end of February.
Best to speak with David Graham (NIMITZ) to find out what the plans are
for the next release of K-Windows.
Cheers... / Ken
Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES Internet:kscales@delphi.com CIS:74646,2237
91919 2-MAR 03:49 OSK Applications
RE: Get/Put (Re: Msg 91918)
> Yeah, the Get/Put bugs are also holding up development of the K-W version
> of another game. Rumour has it that a "Windio V55" was under test that
> has the fix, but it wound up in limbo when the re-patriation of Windio
> ownership occurred at the end of February.
Thanks for the info, I'll see if I can get ahold of David and
see what the status is.
91950 4-MAR 23:36 OSK Applications
RE: Get/Put (Re: Msg 91910)
> Do you know if anyone has looked into the Get/Put bug on the MM/1?
I did compile and check out the code you posted earlier and ran some
experiments to be sure it wasn't caused by scaling, which it wasn't.
The test program you most recently posted shows a lot. I'll post it in
the MM/1 Developer's Group and see what people say about it. (I'll
forward email to you.)
> I started playing around to see how difficult it would be to move Pac09
> over to the MM/1, but the Get/Put problem brought me to a screeching
> halt.
We have to fix that! :)
By the way, there was a problem with the exit of your program that
caused problems when running your older test-programs after running your
recent one. 2 things... you tried to do a KilBuf to a path after you
closed that path, and you also left off the P_id parameter on the KilBuf
> Select(Wpath);
> DWEnd(Wpath2);
> close(Wpath2);
> KilBuf(Wpath2, 0);
Changed to:
KilBuf(Wpath2, P_id, 0);
-- Joel.
91952 5-MAR 01:05 OSK Applications
RE: Get/Put (Re: Msg 91950)
> The test program you most recently posted shows a lot. I'll post it in
> the MM/1 Developer's Group and see what people say about it. (I'll
> forward email to you.)
Thanks Joel, I hope it helps
> We have to fix that! :)
Yes, because it looks like its going to be easier than I thought, to
move pacman over to C. If you know of anyone that has some Pacman IFF
sound effects.....
Also, on the CoCo3, the game just used the joystick, but I was wondering
if it should also be setup to be able to use the keyboard as well as the
joystick on the MM/1. What do you think ?
> recent one. 2 things... you tried to do a KilBuf to a path after you
> closed that path, and you also left off the P_id parameter on the KilBuf
> call.
I guess I could say that I was too focused on the Get/Put problem or
maybe it was late and I was tired, or someone came in when I was gone,
or ..... DARN ! I can't think of any more excuses ;)
91954 5-MAR 07:45 OSK Applications
RE: Get/Put (Re: Msg 91952)
> Yes, because it looks like its going to be easier than I thought, to
> move pacman over to C. If you know of anyone that has some Pacman IFF
> sound effects.....
Excellent. I'm sort of working on a game right now (not Pacman <grin>)
and I've been using my Mac to make/edit sound effects. It's rather
interesting to see how you can turn a seemingly ordinary sound into
something very strange for a game.
> Also, on the CoCo3, the game just used the joystick, but I was
> wondering if it should also be setup to be able to use the keyboard as
> well as the joystick on the MM/1. What do you think ?
Definitely keyboard! (I've never had any luck with my joystick port on
the MM/1.) Keyboard would be ideal, since the newest Windio (the one
Boisy uploaded recently to the database here) supports a _gs_keysns()
call to detect if the arrow keys are pressed. I think the information
on the call may be in the docs included with the update. If not, let me
know and I'll locate them for you.
> or someone came in when I was gone,
You too? That happens to me all the time as well! Wish I could catch
the guy... <grin>
-- Joel.
End of Thread.
91913 1-MAR 19:47 General Information
RE: Internet stuff (Re: Msg 91770)
I know what you mean, but I get unlimited time through a local Internet
provider for $26.95 per month so I don't have to watch the clock. I do
handle all my mail off-line, but haven't found the right software to handle
news groups off-line yet.
-- Greg
91914 1-MAR 20:02 General Information
RE: Internet stuff (Re: Msg 91778)
With the right software, you can handle mail and news groups offline as well
with SLIP/PPP. All of the mailers for Windows (Pegasus, Eudora, etc.) batch
download mail so you can work offline. On the other hand, the current news
software I've found work with news groups online. Probably haven't found the
right news software yet and haven't had time to do it myself.
Of course, the big disadvantages with UUCP are the complexity (especially
setting up) and being limited to mail and news groups (and perhaps rare
FTP by mail transfers). SLIP is pretty easy to get going and lets you use
your choice of sockets-based software so you can do as much or as little
as you want. I started with Eudora then later switched to Pegasus for mail,
and handle all of my mail offline (both packages batch download mail with
POP3 and batch upload with SMTP). News groups I handle online with either
Trumpet News or WinVN (WinVN has a nice UU decoder built in that handles
split files) because I haven't found an offline news reader/downloader yet
for Windows Sockets.
The account I have with the local service provider is $26.95 per month and
is unlimited time so I don't have to watch the clock.
-- Greg
91981 7-MAR 03:25 General Information
RE: Internet stuff (Re: Msg 91762)
> The "preferred" method is to use a SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol)
> or PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol). These are basically two similar ways of
> running TCP/IP protocols directly over a serial line with a high-speed
> modem. I'm currently using a SLIP account with the Trumpet WinSock
> package for Microsoft Windows and, as far as the applications are
> concerned, it looks just like have a network connection. The difference,
> of course, is that I'm using a 14.4Kbps modem instead of Ethernet/Token
> Ring network boards and a T1/T3 line.
But those of us who want to run news for our bulletin board systems uucp
is the best way to get news. For personal reading SLIP will allow you
to read online, but for those of us who do NOT have local access to
the internet can't afford to read news and mail online. Also for people
like me who only have a CoCo, there is no SLIP software at this time, though
a package has been ported that hopefully will be released soon. Also UUCP
does not tie up phone lines as often as running UUCP.
> I have to agree that UUCP is an out-dated way of connecting to the
> Internet, but UUCP is more widely available at present than is SLIP/PPP
> packages. UUCP lets you transfer mail, news groups, and files whereas
> SLIP/PPP lets you do practically everything you can do from a computer
> directly on Internet -- including gopher, world wide web (with graphical
> browsers like Mosaic and NetScape), FTP, etc.
These services are better accessed INHO using a login shell account on a Unix
machine that is connected to the internet or using an online service such as
Delphi. Why do individual users need to become PART of the internet when
it is cheaper usually to access through a login account.
======================== InfoXpress 01.01.00 OS-9/6809 ======================
| Narnia BBS: 12am-8am PST serving CoCo OS-9 users
----|---- StG network: sysop@Narnia "Exclusively OS-9"
| Delphi: JEVestal@delphi.com
Yuba City, CA InterNet: JEVestal%narnia@sandv.chi.il.us
| or : JEVestal@citrus.sac.ca.us
(916) 671-3943 Voice: 8am-12am PDT :1 Corinthians 1:18 & Romans 1:16
Jim Vestal: Assistant editor of The International OS-9 Underground,
"Magazine dedicated to OS-9/OSK Users Everywhere
End of Thread.
91915 1-MAR 20:08 General Information
RE: Hidden Menu Selection? (Re: Msg 91793)
I agree that I prefer to eat my chili "in the raw" as you say. I was just
chiming in that I have eaten it with spaghetti and rice and that these
combinations aren't bad. Still, I prefer it in the raw with crackers.
I've never heard of that variety of mushroom. It does sound interesting, but,
as I said, I'm no fan of mushrooms. Quite frankly, I have a solitaire opinion
of such things -- if it tastes like fish, why not just eat fish and save the
trouble? :-)
Of course, I've heard people say things like, "Rattlesnake tastes just like
chiken." My question is, "Have you ever eaten chicken?" :-)
-- Greg
91927 3-MAR 19:10 General Information
RE: Hidden Menu Selection? (Re: Msg 91915)
> Of course, I've heard people say things like, "Rattlesnake tastes just like
> chiken." My question is, "Have you ever eaten chicken?" :-)
RIGHT! -- I don't care what it TASTES like -- it's a SNAKE!!
Ever hear George Carlin on the subject of lobsters?
"... OK, so you see something that looks like that crawling out
from behind your furnace. Your first instinct is to cook it and
eat it? Right. "
John R. Wainwright <<CIS -- 72517,676>> <<DELPHI -- JOHNREED>>
End of Thread.
91916 1-MAR 20:19 Telecom (6809)
RE: infoexpress? (Re: Msg 91794)
I have to admit, there are a few die-hards around that think the no-code
license is the FCC's curse to amateur radio, but those are few and far
between -- thank goodness! Most of the amateurs in the Louisville area
admittedly had mixed emotions at first, but now think it is an excellent
entry-level license that opens the world of amateur radio. Of course, this
stems from the fact that the majority of the Technician class licensees in
the area are fine folks. Not everyone will upgrade beyond Technician, but
nobody I knows holds that against them. After all, not everyone has the
desire to work the HF bands and, frankly, I don't know anyone that can afford
to take full advantage of the VHF spectrum.
I entered the hobby as a Technician and decided to upgrade to Tech Plus
(5 wpm code) and General (13 wpm code) to obtain HF voice privileges. It was
a little over a year that I decided to upgrade. I guess I may be one of the
few code lovers left, but I've enjoyed working CW so much that I'm trying to
push my code speed as high as I can go. I think I'm more surprised than anyone
because a year ago I wouldn't touch code with a 10 foot pole; now it's my
operating mode of choice.
-- Greg
91928 3-MAR 20:17 Telecom (6809)
RE: infoexpress? (Re: Msg 91916)
> I have to admit, there are a few die-hards around that think the no-code
> license is the FCC's curse to amateur radio, but those are few and far
> between -- thank goodness!
I guess I'm a perfectionist or something.. it just seems like "cheating"
somehow.. It does appear that code would be fascinating.. I got a
code drill for the coco a couple years ago.. you could read a file and
it would beep out the code.. I messed around with it a little bit, but
let it slide...
> because a year ago I wouldn't touch code with a 10 foot pole; now it's my
> operating mode of choice.
It does seem like it would be really great.
If I remember correctly, one of my friends' call letters is WA9UXQ (I think).
His name is Ron Camp.. Darn, forgot to get the frequency he usually
monitors but he is on most nights.. He doesn't do a whole lot of "ratchet
jawing" in the CB-ers terminology, but does like to talk.. You might
try to raise him if you'd like -- I'll try to think and get some
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
End of Thread.
91920 2-MAR 14:35 System Modules (6809)
File Managers
From: JRB To: ALL
Does anyone know the register parameters for OS9 Level 1 (6809) File
Manager operations? I am aware of the operations provided by each manager
(Create, Open, Makdir etc.) but not the entry parameters.
Thanks in advance.
Jon Bird.
91921 2-MAR 19:46 General Information
Conference UPDATE
This is an update to let you all know that the Nitros9
conference orginally scheduled for this coming Monday will be
pushed up to the following Monday, March 13th and this coming
Monday we will have an Open Forum Conference, so if you want to
talk about anything and everything, stop by this Monday for the
Open Forum. My conference on the OS-9 UG Project that was to
originally take place on the 13th will be postponed until sometime
in April. Once I have the next schedule completed, I reannounce
that one. Sorry about all the changes as of late, but this is a
necessary evil. Hopefully the next schedule will be a bit more
Btw, it looks like my schedule at work is going to change
sometime in the next couple weeks, and if that is the case the
conferences, starting in April will be on Tuesday instead of
Monday nights. Once I get the word, I'll let you know here to
See Ya
91924 2-MAR 21:14 General Information
Internet IRC
Has anyone using OS-9(coco) tried conferencing in the Internet's IRC area?
If you have done so successfully, could you please leave your methods here
for this dummy! I've tried several times without sucess even following
their instructions. I even managed to mess up my current settings but I
got them straightened out. I will be eternally grateful...:-( Thanx
91933 3-MAR 23:06 General Information
RE: Internet IRC (Re: Msg 91924)
> Has anyone using OS-9(coco) tried conferencing in the Internet's IRC area?
> If you have done so successfully, could you please leave your methods here
> for this dummy! I've tried several times without sucess even following
> their instructions. I even managed to mess up my current settings but I
> got them straightened out. I will be eternally grateful...:-( Thanx
> Charlie
Make very sure that the terminal program that you are using has TRUE VT100
emulation. If it does not, the output that you see on your screen will be
full of extra characters. In addition, make sure you enter the command /echo
host before you go to IRC.
91934 3-MAR 23:35 General Information
RE: Internet IRC (Re: Msg 91933)
I'm using SuperComm so I not sure I'm getting TRUE VT100 emulation. Probably
not. What terminal program are you using? Charlie
91940 4-MAR 18:32 General Information
RE: Internet IRC (Re: Msg 91934)
> I'm using SuperComm so I not sure I'm getting TRUE VT100 emulation. Probably
> not. What terminal program are you using? Charlie
I don't think any of the versions of Supercomm have true VT100 (check with
RANDYKWILSON here about this). When I know that I want to surf the 'net or
use IRC or Telnet I defer to VTerm which is a fully-featured RS-DOS comm
program with true VT100 emulation. It works perfectly. However, there is one
VT100 emulator comm program available for OS-9. It is KBCOM downloadable in
the database here (search on VT100). There is also a small standalone VT100
terminal emulator there called (appropriately) VT100.<grin>
91951 5-MAR 00:18 General Information
RE: Internet IRC (Re: Msg 91940)
Okay then, I'll have to download. I had VTerm but I believe I sold it. I'll
have to look around. I had used Vterm exclusively prior to getting into OS-9.
Since I got hooked(OS-9), I sold most of my RS-DOS software. I'll try the
KBCom version on the database. I'm desparate, I have a conference in the IRC
tommorrow morning at 11am. Meeting some old friends who never even touched
a computer when I knew them six years ago. Now they have PCs and Macs. I have
to upgrade soon, my coco is not keeping up. I just haven't decided which
machine to go to yet. I'd love to run OS-9 on a MAC but the software is too
expensive. I think Frank said a $1000. Frank=Dsrtfox. Oh well! Thanx much
for the help. Regards Charlie
91976 6-MAR 03:58 General Information
RE: Internet IRC (Re: Msg 91951)
You are welcome to the help anytime. I hope KBCom worked for you and that the
conference worked alright.
91984 7-MAR 21:19 General Information
RE: Internet IRC (Re: Msg 91951)
>I just haven't decided which machine to go to yet. I'd love to run OS-9 on a
>MAC but the software is too expensive. I think Frank said a $1000.
>Frank=Dsrtfox. Oh well! Thanx much for the help.
I recommend buying a good PC and a BIG hard drive. It will run various
versions of UN*X, like Linux, which reminds me a lot of OS-9 (a lot of
boot-file compiling, and it supports window-swapping hotkeys, just like our
favorite OS!). A Mac is good for desktop publishing and it is easy to use,
but the PC is beginning to catch up. More and more people are buying PC's
every day, and I predict that at the rate they are selling, they will take
over the market completely in a matter of a few years. If you don't have one
you will be left in the dust! What you choose really does depend on what you
want to do with the thing. Anyway...
* UniQWK v3.3a* The Windows Mail Reader
'[1;35;40m-=> Delphi Internet Jet v2.000 - (C) PBE
91992 8-MAR 01:55 General Information
RE: Internet IRC (Re: Msg 91984)
A PC is also suitable for OS-9000, which unfortunately cost about the
same as the MAC port. If you win the lottery, you may see a PowerPC
version on a desktop machine next year. Windows NT will soon be the
OS of choice for industrial controls, it's much less money and it has
a GUI built in.
End of Thread.
91932 3-MAR 23:02 General Information
I live in mid-Missouri in a town of 14,000. Here in Fulton there are
two colleges, the state mental health facility, the state diagnostic
center, and the state school for the deaf. The two colleges have
internet access but no dial in to there VAXs. I'm wondering what the
chances would be of getting a Tymenet or Sprintnet node here? Anybody
have a feel? Who does one contact?
91944 4-MAR 21:21 General Information
RE: Tymenet/Sprintnet (Re: Msg 91932)
You can contact SprintNet at 1-800-877-5045, extension 5 and Tymnet at
1-800-336-0149. They can tell you the nearest node to you from your
area code and/or zip code. Hope this helps. Keith
End of Thread.
91935 3-MAR 23:52 General Information
PAL programming
I recently built 2 2Meg DAT and memory boards, and have run into a slight
problem. Nobody I've called either knows what I want done, or can even do it.
(Prog. a PAL chip of course) Does anyone out there have capability/desire to
program a few PAL's for me if I send them plus SASE and some palm grease ? :-)
91937 4-MAR 01:43 General Information
RE: PAL programming (Re: Msg 91935)
if you want PAL,s programmed talk to MARTYGOODMAN right here on Delphi..
leave him a message in E-Mail!
End of Thread.
91938 4-MAR 03:06 OSK Applications
I D/L'ed the file cbdemo.lzh tonight and there may be an error in it.
I tried twice and both time I get a CRC error in the executable
Stephen Carville
91939 4-MAR 12:54 OSK Applications
RE: cbdemo.lzh (Re: Msg 91938)
I suspected this also, but, I was able to extract it with LHa 2.07 on my
MM/1... What version of LHa did you try? I believe the archive was made with
v2.01, which may be one of the versions that had a weird bug in. I'll rebuild
the archive tonight with 2.07, which should hopefully clear up the CRC problem.
Paul Jerkatis
OS-9 Sig Database Manager
91941 4-MAR 18:32 OSK Applications
RE: cbdemo.lzh (Re: Msg 91938)
> I D/L'ed the file cbdemo.lzh tonight and there may be an error in it.
> I tried twice and both time I get a CRC error in the executable
> DEMO/CMDS/cbdemo.
> Stephen Carville
What decompression prog. are you using? Try LHA instead of LZH. Sometimes it
91961 5-MAR 17:51 OSK Applications
RE: cbdemo.lzh (Re: Msg 91939)
>I suspected this also, but, I was able to extract it with LHa 2.07 on my
>MM/1... What version of LHa did you try? I believe the archive was made with
>v2.01, which may be one of the versions that had a weird bug in. I'll
>rebuild the archive tonight with 2.07, which should hopefully clear up the
>CRC problem.
I orignally used Lha v 2.01. I FTPed over to chestnut and grabbed Lha v2.08
and tried again with the same results. I then waited for you to upload and
post the new archive. I D/Led the new archive twice with the following
cbdemo.lzh Ymodem download extracted with lha v2.08
Header for: cbdemo
Module size: $2A7D2 #174034
Owner: 0.0
Module CRC: $E5E5E5 Bad CRC
Header parity: $96C7 Good parity
Edition: $9 #9
Ty/La At/Rev $101 $8000
Permission: $555 -----e-r-e-r-e-r
Exec off: $50 #80
Data size: $7C80 #31872
Stack size: $3E8 #1000
Init. data off: $2A7BE #174014
Data ref. off: $2A7C6 #174022
Prog Mod, 68000 obj, Sharable
cbdemo.lzh Zmodem download extracted with lha v2.08
Header for: cbdemo
Module size: $2A7D2 #174034
Owner: 0.0
Module CRC: $E5E5E5 Bad CRC
Header parity: $96C7 Good parity
Edition: $9 #9
Ty/La At/Rev $101 $8000
Permission: $555 -----e-r-e-r-e-r
Exec off: $50 #80
Data size: $7C80 #31872
Stack size: $3E8 #1000
Init. data off: $2A7BE #174014
Data ref. off: $2A7C6 #174022
Prog Mod, 68000 obj, Sharable
I next tried downloading the .ar archive with the following:
cbdemo.ar Ymodem download extracted with ar v2.0
Header for: cbdemo
Module size: $2A7D2 #174034
Owner: 0.0
Module CRC: $204861 Bad CRC
Header parity: $96C7 Good parity
Edition: $9 #9
Ty/La At/Rev $101 $8000
Permission: $555 -----e-r-e-r-e-r
Exec off: $50 #80
Data size: $7C80 #31872
Stack size: $3E8 #1000
Init. data off: $2A7BE #174014
Data ref. off: $2A7C6 #174022
Prog Mod, 68000 obj, Sharable
I still have no usable copy. Has anyone been able to D/L this program
Stephen (PAGAN)
91963 5-MAR 18:37 OSK Applications
RE: cbdemo.lzh (Re: Msg 91961)
> I orignally used Lha v 2.01. I FTPed over to chestnut and grabbed Lha
> v2.08 and tried again with the same results. I then waited for you to
> upload and post the new archive. I D/Led the new archive twice with the
> following results:
> I still have no usable copy. Has anyone been able to D/L this program
> sucessfully?
I got the same thing you got with the .lzh files. My ident looked identical
to yours (same CRC). Looks like about the last 193 bytes in my module are
e5's. I used lha v2.06 so it isn't lha-specific. Apparently we have
some glitched files..
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
91965 5-MAR 21:05 OSK Applications
RE: cbdemo.lzh (Re: Msg 91963)
OK, I didn't do an actual "ident" so didn't realize that the file in the
archive was actually bad... I'll let Frank know in mail, and in the
mean time will remove the group from the new uploads area...
91967 5-MAR 22:11 OSK Applications
RE: cbdemo.lzh (Re: Msg 91961)
[stuff deleted]
> Header for: cbdemo
> Module size: $2A7D2 #174034
> Owner: 0.0
> Module CRC: $E5E5E5 Bad CRC
The `E5' is the byte that is used by Format on `osk' box's.
I also used lha 201, to 208 with the same results. It will
extract the file but it is damaged :(
For `grins' I used dEd on the file just to see what's there..
A lot of text then the `block' is filled with the E5's.
Maybe Frank can upload just the `cbdemo' file again? Frank???
johnbaer@delphi.com | Posted with Ved 2.3.1 | I am Pentium of Borg. You will
or | and | be approximated. Resistance
jbaer@pacs.pha.pa.us | InfoXpress 1.2.0 | is more or less futile.
91972 5-MAR 23:50 OSK Applications
RE: cbdemo.lzh (Re: Msg 91967)
> > Module CRC: $E5E5E5 Bad CRC
> ^^^^^^
> The `E5' is the byte that is used by Format on `osk' box's.
> I also used lha 201, to 208 with the same results. It will
> extract the file but it is damaged :(
Yeah, I figured the series of E5's was that.. Umm.. what's the diff
between 208 and 206 - worth changing?
> For `grins' I used dEd on the file just to see what's there..
> A lot of text then the `block' is filled with the E5's.
I did "dump". Do you have dEd for OSK? If so, where'd ya get it? I looked
here and on CI$ and couldn't find it, would like to have it...
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING
*** Sent via InfoXpress/OSK - Vr. 1.02 ***
91990 8-MAR 01:29 OSK Applications
RE: cbdemo.lzh (Re: Msg 91967)
How about chopping the file length to the point where the E5's
start? Will Lha accept it? Or, maybe do the chopping after
uncompressing, and then redo the CRC? Just throwing some crazy
ideas your way....
End of Thread.
91942 4-MAR 19:29 General Information
User Groups
Does anyone know of a coco or os/9 user group in Tucson Az. ?
Tony in Tucson
* ODN Ver 1.30 Beta - Delphi Navigator for OS/2 *
91945 4-MAR 22:04 General Information
RE: User Groups (Re: Msg 91942)
No club in Tucson anymore as far as I know but we have a pretty
good club in
Phoenix. We have 10 to 12 usually at each meeting a couple
more stay-at-home
members. 602-997-8216
We meet the second Wed of each month at 7:00PM.
Drop me a line at the address below and I can give you an
91988 7-MAR 22:06 General Information
RE: User Groups (Re: Msg 91942)
>>Does anyone know of a coco or os/9 user group in Tucson Az.
Well I don't know anything about a Tucson UG but do believe
there are a few members online who are from the Phoenix area UG
who might be able to help...
See Ya
End of Thread.
91943 4-MAR 19:47 General Information
Can someone tell me how to get a text pgm from a OS9 disk to a RS disk
while working in OS9?(g)
91946 4-MAR 22:06 General Information
RE: OS9 to RS DOS (Re: Msg 91943)
You can use the OS-9 utility called "rsdos" to transfer rsdos
text files to os-9 providing
you have the correct cc3disk installed at boot up time. I
think cc3disk versions 10 and
11 will work.
91947 4-MAR 22:50 General Information
RE: OS9 to RS DOS (Re: Msg 91943)
Yep, I thinkn its here in the database too. What you want is "RSDOS", and
I think it comes with a companion proggy called (logically) "PCDOS" which
allows access to pcdos formatted diskettes too. AFAIK, the only caveats
have to do with the use of the "RAW" optionword, seems you've got to use
it, else weird text translations take place with pcdos. Oh, one other item,
I can't use them anymore without useing a special boot disk, the no-halt
controller does NOT support the mode used for the pcdos access, but I
think it works for the RSDOS thingy since both are 256 byte sector devices.
Cheers, Gene
91957 5-MAR 14:27 General Information
RE: OS9 to RS DOS (Re: Msg 91947)
Thanks Gene. Am giving it a try.(g)
91958 5-MAR 15:32 General Information
RE: OS9 to RS DOS (Re: Msg 91946)
I must have misstated the problem. I can read RSDOS from OS9 but not
OS9 from using RSDOS. Do you know of a method for this procedure?(g)
End of Thread.
91948 4-MAR 23:36 General Information
RE: Revised Late Night Schedule (Re: Msg 91882)
> Btw, I'm gonna start working out the schedule for April and May,
> so if there is ANYONE(vendor, User, Club rep or what have you) who
> is interested in holding a conference of some sort, please get
> back to me so I can get the schedule set earlier.
I'd love to hold a conference on my proposed OS-9 Global Clipboard
Library which is currently in beta-testing. Could I have Monday, April
3rd reserved if it's still open?
Best wishes,
Joel Mathew Hegberg
91987 7-MAR 22:06 General Information
RE: Revised Late Night Schedule (Re: Msg 91948)
>>I'd love to hold a conference on my proposed OS-9 Global
Clipboard Library which is currently in beta-testing. Could I have
Monday, April 3rd reserved if it's still open? <<
You bet you can ;-) I have you down for the third. If anyone
else is proposing a library, you know my email address<Grin>.
Btw, just a reminder to everyone, next week(yes REALLY this time
:-) ) Northern Xposure will be on to discuss Nitros9 V1.21!
See Ya
End of Thread.
91960 5-MAR 16:24 General Information
SCSI Host Adapter
From: DAVID106 To: ALL
Is it still possible to get the Disto SCSI host adapters? I have a
Quantum 105LPS drive laying around, and am very tired of running off floppies
anymore. But my multipak interface currently has in its slots:
1: RS-232 Pak (radio shack)
2: dead, nothing works in that slot.
3: Disto 512K RamDisk
4: Disto Super Controller
So, I need a host adapter to go in one of those slots. Would that be a
halting controller, like the floppy one is? And can a Q105LPS be hooked up?
I seem to remember something about sector size? CoCo needs 256byte sectors?
Still dreaming of Linux...
Dave F.
91968 5-MAR 22:23 General Information
RE: SCSI Host Adapter (Re: Msg 91960)
From: VE3DAC To: DAVID106
Disto make a Scsi adaptor which plugs into the mini bus of their controller.
I forget if it works on the SController 1, certainly on the 2 and then you
get the no-halt feature. Check out the 3 in one and 4 in 1 adaptors. You
still need a Scsi controller.
Merv Curley
Deposited with Delphi 03/05/95 at 9:24pm
* ODN Ver 1.30 Beta - Delphi Navigator for OS/2 *
91970 5-MAR 23:39 General Information
RE: SCSI Host Adapter (Re: Msg 91968)
From: DAVID106 To: VE3DAC
Do you happen to know their address and/or phone number? I'm surprised
anyone still markets anything for the CoCo's, really.
Thank you,
Dave F.
91971 5-MAR 23:45 General Information
RE: SCSI Host Adapter (Re: Msg 91970)
Talk to DISTO right here!!!..be quick ..he has a few 4 in ones left,at last
post he was taking them to the next CoCofest to get rid of them!so be quick!
or look in the ad,s..
91991 8-MAR 01:45 General Information
RE: SCSI Host Adapter (Re: Msg 91970)
There is a lot of used equipment in the Fidonet OS9 echo for sale
or trade. If what you have won't work out with the 4n1 board, maybe
you could arrange for a trade. Your Quantum Scsi hard drive _has_
a controller built into it, it should plug right into the Disto
4n1 SCSI port. I don't know the answer to your 256 byte/sector
question. In fact, my Quantum papers don't show that part number.
It does show the LPS105AT which is an IDE drive and that will NOT
work for you. Oops, here is the LPS105S..105 MB, 205,561 logical blocks,
four heads, two platters, 64K of hardware cache. Here is a phone number
for Quantum off of a 1993 pamphlet: 408-894-4000, and a "900" number:
Hope this helps,
Allen Morgan
91993 8-MAR 03:56 General Information
RE: SCSI Host Adapter (Re: Msg 91991)
Yeah, that's the drive. Hmm... 105M/205561 = 535. Guess those host
adapters need 256 byte sectors? Appearently I can't do it.
Thank you,
Dave F.
91994 8-MAR 19:05 General Information
RE: SCSI Host Adapter (Re: Msg 91993)
I'd like to note that most CoCo hardware (except B&B's
mfm/rrl), start out with 256byte sectors. But nowadays, it's
Matt Thompson released both a PD and commercial version of
the 'scsisys' hard driver. Works with any disto, lr tech, or
Kenton..... allows specifing 512 or 256 byte sectors, has a
cache, etc, etc (more etc in the commercial one, of course).
With a neat menu driven descriptor maker, _and_ OS9
formatter included, it's a very nice package. I believe Northern
Xposure carries it?
Rick Ulland CoNect
rickuland@delphi.com 449 South 90th Street
"Operating System Nine"-268m Milwaukee WI 53214
End of Thread.
91964 5-MAR 18:40 General Information
RE: Going to the FEST! (Re: Msg 91796)
From: MODEL299 To: DISTO (NR)
Glad to hear it. Missed you last year. Please put me down for a copy of
the 2-Meg diagrams. That will help me with any repairs I might have to
do in the future. Mark
91969 5-MAR 22:43 General Information
From: The UPGRADE Magazine, "Mid Iowa & Country CoCo"
Just finishing up my Taxes for my CPA, then an annual Conservators
report,, time ran short in the last short month. This month's UPGRADE
will be a 2 page hardcopy of pertinate information.
But I doubt our members wil be dissappointed.
As some of our members were pleasantly surprised receiving Software
packages with Doc's in December & Janurary. A tad over 20 each month
and the response was great! But still,,, looking around my basement
is appx 120+ pieces of Original software of all types.
Soooooo,, this month I'll pack 'em all up and when I run out of
those I'll just turn to the 100 or so system disks to fill out the
Ya might say this month we had a drawing,,,
Next month,,, sorry no more software just our usual Full disk issue.
Terry g (as in Grin, but really it's Glen) Simons UPGRADE Editor
91982 7-MAR 19:17 Applications (6809)
I've recently started using Pete Lyall's cron, and seen some
strange happenings- enough to wonder if there is a patch or
different version I _should_ be using. What happens is
occasionally cronerrs logs _everything_ and I mean everything-
all the text sent to the printer, for example. One day it logged
an entire tcom session, both ways, including an ASCII download.
Or is it just me?
Rick Ulland CoNect
rickuland@delphi.com 449 South 90th Street
"Operating System Nine"-268m Milwaukee WI 53214
91985 7-MAR 21:44 Applications (6809)
RE: cronhelp (Re: Msg 91982)
Yeah, it does have a problem. It eats its own working buffer due to not
having a seperate buffer for the input line AND the output line. If you
look around here, I've got at least one better version in the database,
that uses memory modules as data so it doesn't have to open a disk
file once a minute. The disadvantage of that is that it has to be re-
assembled each time you want to change something, but the scripts
included make that a piece of cake. It takes so. little cpu time that
you will not be able to detect that its running unless it has something
to really do, in which case it ups its own priority to 127 and gets
right along with it.
Are you ready to ship the 232 packs? I saw the note, btut right now,
tonight, delphiui has seen fit to disable the v32.bis line I did have
into here, and I'm for sure not going to fool around at 170 cps for
too long!
Cheers RickU, Gene Heskett
91995 8-MAR 19:06 Applications (6809)
RE: cronhelp (Re: Msg 91985)
Good to hear from you. Thanks for the crontip- I'll have
to stoke the old manual program again and go dbase surfing...
Just got the boards today. Initial testing showed the
expected 3 missing traces- after appling the traditional wire
wrap wire repair it seems I am just about ready to ship. Going to
let this one burn a few days while duplicating paper/disks, with
no smoke begin licking stamps Monday. The line is now 4 long and
I have 5 uarts in stock;-)
Sounds like you have my kind of luck- '...disconnected the
fast line 3 days before the port came out.....'
Rick Ulland CoNect
rickuland@delphi.com 449 South 90th Street
"Operating System Nine"-268m Milwaukee WI 53214
End of Thread.
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