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89571 27-AUG 13:08 General Information
RE: chestnut access (Re: Msg 89570)
I just thried itr, and it worked fine for me. Did you use Delphis FTP or
FTP from somewhere else? Did you supply "anonymous" as the username.
The password really won't matter after that, but convention has it that
you should enter your Username@Site.Domain for the password.
89572 27-AUG 13:12 General Information
RE: File xfer (Re: Msg 89203)
First, practical matters:
A friend of mine who's considerably more knowledgable about telnet
than I am suggested that ZModem might actually work over telnet.
If you're logging into a Unix host through modem, then you may
need to make sure you have an 8-bit connection (not 7even as is
common for Unix dial-ins). You may also need to enable ZModem
control escaping. Worth a try, certainly.
Second, other issues:
One of Kermit's strengths compared to, say, ZModem, is that it's
possible to implement very simple Kermit programs that will work
quite well with any other Kermit implementation. On the other
hand, modern versions of Kermit are both very fast (only slightly
slower than ZModem) and extremely flexible. In fact, over connections
that aren't noiseless, windowing Kermit has the potential to be
significantly faster than ZModem. Unfortunately, Delphi is not
alone in only supporting very basic Kermit. It's kind of odd,
really, since windowing Kermit is doubtless more widely used
than WXModem, which Delphi does support. With Delphi's push
for Internet connectivity, perhaps it's time they re-evaluated
their decision not to support windowing Kermit, which is one
of the few protocols that consistently works over Internet
- Tim
89573 27-AUG 13:21 Programmers Den
RE: Make command (Re: Msg 89436)
To reiterate something James Jones said, and which bears repeating:
`make' knows NOTHING about C, or the C compiler, or the C linker.
It doesn't know what `main' is, or how files get included. In fact,
`make' is used to compile assembly language, fortran, perform
backups, etc. I'm working on a large project right know which
includes three moderately-sized programs and a 300-page book.
I have a makefile set up which enables to to type `make book'
to run all the source code through a formatter program, and
collect that together with the text of the book and run the
whole thing through a typesetting program. Alternatively,
if I type `make programs,' it compiles the programs. The reason
this works is that `make' is in fact a general tool that can
be used with any project that works from building new files
from old files. (I can also type `make backup' to automatically
build an archive of the 50 or so files in the project that
I can copy to a floppy disk for safekeeping.)
- Tim
89575 27-AUG 13:45 Programmers Den
RE: Make command (Re: Msg 89537)
`Standard' make behavior is that if no target is given on the command
line, then the FIRST target in the makefile is built. This is why
`all' is typically the first target in the makefile. Often, `all'
is the second target in the makefile if the makefile builds a lot
of programs. The first target would then be something like `default'
that compiled only a basic collection of the programs. That way,
`make' with no arguments would build the basic collection, and
`make all' would build everything.
- Tim (who's spent a lot of time and energy getting
really hairy Unix makefiles to work on OS9)
89580 27-AUG 17:56 Programmers Den
RE: Make command (Re: Msg 89575)
Even though you have received a private thanks in E-mail, I want to say it
again in this public forum. Thanks for the help and clear explanations.
End of Thread.
89574 27-AUG 13:32 General Information
RE: ZModem Info Needed (Re: Msg 89287)
When a ZModem sender starts up, it goes through the following steps:
1) Sends `rz<Return>' to attempt to start a ZModem receive program
on the host. This allows you to upload to Unix, for instance, without
having to give a command at both ends.
2) Sends a `ZRQINIT' packet, whose first five bytes are ALWAYS
**<CAN>B00 The `**' is padding, the <CAN>B identifies a hexadecimal-encoded
packet header, and the 00 identifies this as a `ZRQINIT' packet.
The next 8 bytes are the argument to ZRQINIT, which is normally zero,
and the last four bytes are the CRC, which is again, normally zero.
By convention, CR LF XON are included after any ZModem hexadecimal
packet (Well, almost any.). Sometimes ZRQINIT has a non-zero argument,
which is probably what's confusing you.
In practice, the four bytes <CAN> B 0 0 are typically used as an
auto-detect string. The <CAN> rarely appears in terminal emulations
(pretty much never in ANSI X3.64-derived emulations such as VT100),
so you can often get by with searching for a <CAN> and then just
checking the next three bytes.
Automatically detecting a ZModem receiver is similar, except that
the ZModem receiver starts with a `ZRINIT' packet (packet type 01).
Don't watch for the argument or CRC unless you're mildly masochistic,
since the ZRINIT argument varies considerably. The catch is that
you should only do this if your terminal program allows you to
set up which files to transfer well in advance, since once you
see the ZRINIT packet, you typically only have 30-60 seconds
in which to start the transfer. Prompting the user for a file
to send after you see ZRINIT is not recommended.
Conveniently, I've been researching ZModem lately. Feel free to ask
if you have any more questions. I get on Delphi about every two
weeks lately, but you can also reach me at: kientzle@netcom.com.
- Tim
89576 27-AUG 14:32 General Information
RE: (Re: Msg 89568)
From: JRUPPEL To: ALAIN1155 (NR)
Yckthe sync timing and whether the sync trigger is normally high or normally low
and xmode your /p to match. I had a problem getting my printer to understand
my interface, too, and now thart I think of it, I think I changed or jumpered
a couple of pins....
89577 27-AUG 14:35 General Information
RE: Info Xpress (Re: Msg 89216)
Mark is no longer selling InfoXpress. I am in the process of deciding
on a distributor (the list of possibilities includes myself). Meanwhile
I will be collecting orders and will pass these on when everything is
89586 27-AUG 22:40 General Information
RE: Info Xpress (Re: Msg 89577)
Well Bill, ad me to your list of possible vendors (FARNA Systems) and send me
e-mail if you want to consider me anyway. Most of my stuff is DECB and OS-9,
only one specific OSK item (a Quick Reference Guide) now. If you want/need to
split off the OSK and O
S-9 versions, that's okay by me also.
End of Thread.
89578 27-AUG 14:35 OSK Applications
RE: Xlate.lzh (Re: Msg 89529)
I just grabbed it and will post it on CompuServe. I probably won't have
time to try it out, have you? <g> I don't want to post something that
doesn't work....
89582 27-AUG 21:39 OSK Applications
RE: Xlate.lzh (Re: Msg 89578)
I have been using it to translate the 6809 code that the RIBBS BBS uses
into 68000 code. You still have to make some fixes, but at least it does
the hard work for you. it will not translate the header part. That is the
beginning psect part. If you know a little bit about 68K assemble, you
should not have any problem finishing the conversion. once I did that it
was a snap to compile. The only other problem I ran into was, the compiler
barfed on things such as "bne.s, bra.s, & ect." All I had to do was change
them to "bne.w, bra.w & ect".
Thanks for putting "xlate.lzh" on Compuserve. The aurther has some more
programs that he may put int PD. When he does, I'll be putting a copy of
them here on Delphi.
John D.
End of Thread.
89579 27-AUG 17:51 General Information
RE: Why CoCos? (Re: Msg 89472)
Actually, you can learn a lot on a level I system, but you can't have
nice pictures and readable 80 character screens. You can learn plenty
about programming, which for some of us is the only reason for owning
Thinker Toys - whether a COCO-2 or a Cray Y-MP.
89581 27-AUG 18:40 General Information
RE: OS-9 Live (Re: Msg 89553)
> The curent issue of 68'micros is the August issue, and is avialable as a
> back issue for $4. Let me know if you need one!
*I* don't need one... I subscribe ... <BG>
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051
*** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 ***
^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
89587 27-AUG 22:42 General Information
RE: OS-9 Live (Re: Msg 89581)
Ever notice how easy it is to reply to the wrong person? ;>
End of Thread.
89583 27-AUG 21:53 Telecom (6809)
info express
what is info express. and where can i get it. also how can i zmodem at 9600.
will nitus09 help. i am running a 6309 with the very first version of
powerboost. not in native mode.
Brian Smith
89607 28-AUG 16:27 Telecom (6809)
RE: info express (Re: Msg 89583)
> what is info express. and where can i get it.
InfoXpress is a program that can dial up CIS and/or Delphi and
grab your messages and email as fast as possible so that you can
read them offline at your leisure and reply offline at your leisure
without incurring lots of connect time charges. (InfoXpress is
actually a pretty general program, script-driven, but as far as
I know, the only scripts written so far are for CIS and Delphi.)
Where can you get it? That's currently under discussion/in flux.
See recent messages from/to BILLDICKHAUS. If you're interested,
send him email (he wrote the program, and IMHO it's a nice piece
of work--I hasten to add that I'm not associated with him save
that I bought a copy of InfoXpress).
> also how can i zmodem at 9600. will nitros9 help.
Judging by recent messages to the BITNET CoCo mailing list, yes
it will. "Sliding window" protocols, of which zmodem is one,
put a pretty heavy load on the machine because they're designed
so that the sender does *not* wait for acknowledgement before
sending the next packet (most of the time), which means that
the receiver has to be able to keep reading incoming data even
while it's writing to disk what it just read. If you have a
sufficiently large RAM disk, try downloading to it and then
copying to more permanent storage afterwards.
Opinions herein are solely those of their respective authors.
Clipper Chip: Big Brother Inside
End of Thread.
89584 27-AUG 22:02 General Information
user names
Hey you guys. would you take just a moment to do a short profile.
when I type <who> and get a list uf usernames, then i type </whois username>.
a lot of times i get <there is no information on 'username'>.
How is anybody supposed to know who to ask for help, if they don't know who you
are or what kind of equipment you have.
for example, I wouldn't ask someone who has a 512k coco using rsdos term
program about my 2 meg coco.
Brian Smith
89585 27-AUG 22:18 General Information
RE: NitrOS9 data (Re: Msg 89562)
Thanks Mike!~
89588 28-AUG 02:05 Telecom (6809)
File transfer
Can somebody explain to me the procedure for sending a binary file from my
workspace to another user's workspace? Thanks,
89603 28-AUG 14:10 Telecom (6809)
RE: File transfer (Re: Msg 89588)
You do it through MAIL, by typeing:
SEND/FOR Filename.Ext
at that mail prompt... (the "/FOR" tells Delphis mail util that it is
a "Forgien" format message, and won't display all kinds of junk
when the user tries to read it)
Paul Jerkatis
89608 28-AUG 16:27 Telecom (6809)
RE: File transfer (Re: Msg 89588)
> Can somebody explain to me the procedure for sending a binary file from
> my workspace to another user's workspace? Thanks,
I don't think you can do that directly; you'll probably have to mail it to
the other user.
Opinions herein are solely those of their respective authors.
Clipper Chip: Big Brother Inside
End of Thread.
89589 28-AUG 04:25 General Information
Funny Coincidence
I think it would probably be a good idea for me to clear up some
possible confusion here before it has a chance to get started.
A number of you have downloaded the Gold Runner 2000 announcement file
that I uploaded several days ago. I happened to be looking through a
compuetr gaming magazine of some sort yesterday and happened to see an ad for
a new version of the old game Lode Runner, something like Lode Runner: The
Adventure Returns. Lode Runner also happens to be the game I redesigned with
Gold Runner 2000. I jsut want everyone to know that my game and the new Lode
Runner bear no resemblance to each other whatsoever. I wasn't even aware that
someone else was re-doing that 10 year old game until yesterday. In my own,
obviously terribly biased opinion, the screen shots the ad had for the new
Lode Runner didn't resemble or give any idea of the old game at all, whereas
I stayed true to the idea of the old game, though improving it greatly by
expanding and detailing the graphics characters and background.
How dare some other mainstream programmer take my idea and turn it into a
probable huge success on the IBM! :)
..Digital Frontier Productions...
89590 28-AUG 04:44 Applications (6809)
I have been experiencing some trouble with your UUD utility. I have
successfully used UUE to encode a 65k file into a single 94k .uue file, but
when I try to use UUD on it, I get the following:
ERROR #207
At first I thought that I simply didn't have enough memory, so I unlinked
all unnecessary modules, but I received the same error. I tried making eight
200 line files out of the 65k file, but this didn't help the problem. I am
using a 512k
CoCo without Shell+.
89591 28-AUG 10:38 Applications (6809)
RE: UUD (Re: Msg 89590)
It sounds like UUD needs more stack space. Try tacking on a #16k or
#32k on the end of the command line when you run it.
If you have source, you can add -M=16k to the link line in the makefile,
or alternatively, use DEd on the UUD executable, and change the two bytes
at hex $0b/$0c
to $4000.
Let me know what happens.
89613 28-AUG 18:21 Applications (6809)
RE: UUD (Re: Msg 89591)
You were right. Using a memory modifier fixed the problem completely! I'm
surprised I didn't think of that last night (maybe because I was trying it at
4:00 AM!) Thanks,
End of Thread.
89592 28-AUG 10:59 General Information
RE: Atlanta Fest (Re: Msg 89441)
Like I said before, I do not have the time or insperation to finish it. It has
a lot of work (mostly software) left. I have 3 left that work with a MS DOS
adapter card (included). They cost me $300 dollars to build each. (Proto-type
costs are high when you only make a few boards, 4 layer boards at that). I
am willing to sell them at $100 each (shipping included) with all the docs,
files, diagrams and sourse listings. But!!!!! And its a big but. I make to
garranties what so ever and no money back. At best, I can give you a little
on-line support. -Tony.
89593 28-AUG 11:00 General Information
RE: Atlanta Fest (Re: Msg 89443)
Please read #89592. -Tony.
89594 28-AUG 11:00 General Information
RE: Atlanta Fest (Re: Msg 89500)
Please read #89592. -Tony.
End of Thread.
89595 28-AUG 11:04 OSK Applications
RE: Digitizer for MM/1 (Re: Msg 89458)
Please read #89592. -Tony.
89596 28-AUG 11:47 OSK Applications
I uploaded it yesterday, I'll go check on it now and make sure its enabled.
89597 28-AUG 11:47 Telecom (6809)
InfoXpress Status
InfoXpress Status
The original distributor of InfoXpress, DCCS (Dirt Cheap Computer Stuff)
has closed up shop, is no longer accepting orders, and is no longer
shipping InfoXpress. Please contact me in Mail if you have placed an
order for InfoXpress and have not received it. Distribution will be
passed on to another vendor in the near future. Until that time I am
collecting orders (please use Mail) to be passed on to the new
distributor. Please do not send me money, and do not expect me to ship
you a copy of InfoXpress. I apologize for the inconvenience, and will
try to resolve this as soon as possible.
Bill Dickhaus, author of InfoXpress
What is InfoXpress?
InfoXpress is a software package designed to automate the process of
connecting to communications services, then downloading, viewing and
replying to the message base. InfoXpress will automatically log onto a
service, check for any waiting electronic mail, enter one or more user
forums and download all messages not previously read - and do this for
more than one service in a single session. Once all the messages have
been collected, InfoXpress allows the user to interactively read and
reply to the messages while offline. Replies and messages are stored
and then uploaded th next time InfoXpress connects to that service. The
purpose of InfoXpress is to not only automate the message gathering
process, but also to save you time and and reduce online connection
InfoXpress is available for OS9 LII and OSK (OS9/68000). For the OS9
LII version, minimum hardware requirements are: a CoCo3 with 512K, a
hardware serial port and a modem that will reset itself when DTR is
toggled. At least 160K free memory must be available, as well as 4-6K
of system memory. A hard drive is recommended, as the programs and
supporting files take up about 550K of disk space, and this does not
include message file space requirements. If a floppy system is used, a
no-halt type is recommended. SACIA, or a similar serial driver (not the
stock ACIAPAK) is recommended, with the input buffer set to at least 1K,
as well as any other patches or modifications that improve serial port
The OSK version requirements: a minimum of 256K of memory, a hardware
serial port, a modem that will reset itself when DTR is toggled and
approximately 300K of disk space for programs and supporting files.
Disk space requirements do not include message files, which can become
quite large. Although InfoXpress was developed on an MM/1, K-Windows
calls are not used, so InfoXpress should run on any standard OSK 2.4
system, and might also work on other versions of OSK.
The current release of InfoXpress is 1.2.0, which supports forums and
Mail on Delphi and CompuServe. Additional scripts are provided for
capturing weather and stock quote information on CompuServe.
89599 28-AUG 13:20 General Information
RE: Crashed Coco3 (Re: Msg 89177)
I bought a new (used) 512k coco 3 and and old style MPI, strapped the
*CART Interupt lines of the MPI and I am back in business. Now I will
upgrade the new coco3 one step at a time. First the 6309 socket and
then the 2 meg upgrade. The "startup crash" that intermittantly occured
on my old coco3 does not occur on this one. I doubt very much that the
upgrades will cause ony problems either. Thanks for all your help on
the problems....
89600 28-AUG 13:28 General Information
RE: sidewise and business software. (Re: Msg 89178)
I am a fairly proficient OS9 user, but still haven't been able to install
Accounting Level II on my system. I have to cantact Chris Dekker for
help. Now that I have a working Coco 3 again, it will be high on my list
of priorities. After I get it up and working for my business, I would be
happy to write a review. I'll let you know.
89601 28-AUG 13:31 General Information
RE: sidewise and business software. (Re: Msg 89145)
I can't tell you much about what Accounting Level 2 does because I haven't
installed it yet, but you can order it from C. Dekker/RR #4 Centerville, NB/
End of Thread.
89602 28-AUG 14:05 General Information
RE: Roger Krupski's CC3Go modules (Re: Msg 89360)
I downloaded it from here, the filename is cc3go.ar under system modules.
89604 28-AUG 14:20 General Information
RE: Sculptor (Re: Msg 89374)
I have Sculptor OS9/6809 v1.14:6. Is this version source code compatible
with the OSK and MSDOS versions? With the runtime package, I could actually
sell a sculptor application to another coco user? (Could I)
89605 28-AUG 14:26 Programmers Den
RE: Pprogrammers (Re: Msg 89415)
I have seen such a program, unfortunately it was on an MSDOS machine. I
can check with my boss (who has it) to see if by chance it was written
under Qbasic or something where the source code would be available.
89606 28-AUG 15:35 Applications (6809)
RE: Database Deletion of DScan V4.0!! (Re: Msg 89485)
From: 01GEN40 To: MITHELEN (NR)
Hi Paul,
KBcom? Is that not for OS9/68K? Or am I thinking of another program?
What is the name of the program which was OSTerm ported to OS9/68K? I
forget off hand. Oh well! If it is for the CoCo I may try it out, but
I have tried other communication programs such as Telstar, Supercomm (I
think is the name)... I have always returned to OSTerm. I do like it!
I have never used any non-OS9 program for communicating. I do not use
non-OS9 programs for much of anything!
I have re-submitted DScan V4.0 and had much better success this time.
LONG LIVE OS-9! <FOREVER> ** In whatever form it is in!
-= 01GEN40 =-
89612 28-AUG 18:12 Applications (6809)
RE: Database Deletion of DScan V4.0!! (Re: Msg 89606)
From: KSCALES To: 01GEN40 (NR)
> KBcom? Is that not for OS9/68K? Or am I thinking of another program?
KBcom has been released (both a shareware and an enhanced commercial version)
for CC3 Level 2. Eddie has also created a version for the MM/1, but has
not yet released it.
> What is the name of the program which was OSTerm ported to OS9/68K?
Originally, Vaughn Cato did a quick port of OSTerm for the MM/1, which was
marketed as TasCOM by CoCoPro! After CoCoPro! left the market, Northern
Xposure arranged to upgrade the program and distribute it
as OSTerm/68K. The MM/1 version now contains significant enhancements
compared with the earlier versions: optional GUI frontend, external
(user-definable) protocols, significantly enhanced VT100 and ANSI emulation,
and many other enhancements. Since I have been involved in this project,
I will stop there...
Regards... / Ken
Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES Internet:kscales@delphi.com CIS:74646,2237
89623 28-AUG 18:58 Applications (6809)
RE: Database Deletion of DScan V4.0!! (Re: Msg 89612)
By all means, Ken - blow your horn!
89624 28-AUG 19:00 Applications (6809)
RE: Database Deletion of DScan V4.0!! (Re: Msg 89612)
By all means Ken - blow your horn!
The loyal competetion!
End of Thread.
89609 28-AUG 16:40 General Information
RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89539)
From: 01GEN40 To: MRUPGRADE (NR)
Hi Terry,
I AM sorry, Terry, but I feel the need to aid the defense of all the
OS-9/68,6309 users out here. From what I have read, you are a user of
RSdos (which in reality, there is no such thing). My question then, is
this: If you do not use or use OS-9 Level 2 on a limited basis, why be
so concerned about the OS-9 Level 2 users getting support through the
OS-9 Users Group? I, myself, am not a current member of any User Group
and still I receive plenty of support for OS-9 Level 2. By reading the
messages in this forum, I have gotten as much or more support then I
might have if I were a member of a Users Group. Please correct me if I
am wrong about your "RSdos" usage. See ya.
LONG LIVE OS-9! <FOREVER> ** In whatever form it is in!
-= 01GEN40 =-
89610 28-AUG 16:44 General Information
RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89540)
From: 01GEN40 To: NIMITZ
Who do I see (communicate with) in order to become a member of this
OS-9 Users Group? See ya.
LONG LIVE OS-9! <FOREVER> ** In whatever form it is in!
-= 01GEN40 =-
89611 28-AUG 16:49 General Information
RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89610)
From: NIMITZ To: 01GEN40
Having sent that message publicly, I'd bet you'll be contacted by about
a dozen different officers! Try CBJ - Carl Boll.
89614 28-AUG 18:45 General Information
RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89517)
Terry, when your group called for more OS-9, they got it why?
Because the USERS got active and supported OS-9. At this time, there
is not activity for the 6809 because none of the users are
communicating<that is now changing I think, with the new conferences,
and increased Internet activity>.
The UG will support OS-9 Level two, hence it's own VP, but how
much support you get reflects the amount of activity coming from us
the users. This is what a users group is all about. As others have
already told you, it's not a business where products are being sold,
yet an organization where projects and activities can be centered
around. If you have something you want to see done for the coco
community, you can round up the people for the project and start your
game plan, and will have the UG backing that, depending on how
reasonable the request is, can help bring all the parts together so to
speak. Consider it the kernal of the OS-9 community.
>>if it's and OSK group, fine. Say so,,...<<
Why? It's not an OSK group. It's an **OS-9** group, meaning
anything related to OS-9. If it presents itself as a majority of OSK,
that is only because the USERS of OSK are making the difference. The
directors of the UG will probably have a little bias against Level II
where it makes sense, such as financial sponsorship. I can't think of
too many things that would be reasonable for the UG to drop money into
for projects/materials relating to OS-9 level two, since it will
probably not come back in any form. It would need a sure way of
getting the money back to the UG. Even that's not definate tho. I
imagine we have to wait for a specific situation involving funds to
come along to get a clearer perspective. I think a few exceptions
would be a few hardware/software projects.
>>and perhaps the OS-9'ers,, will get something together "FOR OS-
9",, instead of sending on another twenty five bucks,, and hoping next
year will be different.<<
First off, the OS-9'ers already have something together "FOR OS-
9". It's called the OS-9 users group, something we have taken for
granted so much, we haven't begun to utilize it. Why start yet
another group to complicate things more, and only get similar results?
If they want a more intimate atmosphere, they can also subscribe to
regional UG's such as MI&CC, Glenside, CHI-UG, as well as ACS and
others that aren't as well known. Btw, hopefully in the near future we
can get a reference of all such smaller clubs<technically most of you
guys are probably larger, membership wise, than the National UG, but
I'm referring to the regional coverage>. I would like to see the UG
with a good working relationship with all such clubs, perhaps setting
up some more regional branches<clubs> itself in areas that can use
them. Again, this depends on the needs and willingness of users. That
is the whole point of the UG. As far as hoping next year will be
different, perhaps if we did more than sit on our hands last year it
would have been a little better? What is the exec supposed to do about
What we need is a snowball effect. Let's get things rolling, even
if it's only many smaller projects. That way, people with little
leisure time can still have at least a little they can contribute.
What would you like to see Terry? Btw, since you are the President of
MI&CC, you are very qualified to answer this. How do you think the UG
can help your club as well as others, and how would you like to work
with the ug? I think a lot of collarboration with it's smaller clubs
could be a driving force into the UG's future, and I think both sides
should tap into each other.
See Ya
End of Thread.
89615 28-AUG 18:45 Programmers Den
RE: System Calls(??????) (Re: Msg 89543)
Thanks for the the syscall info David. I'm gonna save that
message as yet another one of the help messages from here :-) I'm not
sure how well I'll do with it when I try it out, but from the message,
it is starting to make a little more sense. Reading source code from
Basic listings in the Underground isn't hurting either.
I'll let you all know how it works out when I try it.
89619 28-AUG 18:45 Programmers Den
RE: System Calls(??????) (Re: Msg 89561)
Thanks for the Syscall data James. I'm gonna save your message to
a file with David's(these really do make great future references), and
will let you all know how I do when I try it out. I'm still not too
sure, but it is starting to make a little more sense.
See Ya
End of Thread.
89616 28-AUG 18:45 OSK Applications
RE: OS9000 (Re: Msg 89523)
>>I suppose I could dust off the evaluation copy of OS9000 that
MW sent me & see if it boots up on this 486 I have here.<<
Well, I think it's a safe bet that you can count on having OUR
support ;-)
89625 28-AUG 19:39 OSK Applications
RE: OS9000 (Re: Msg 89616)
Hi Chris--I'll second your statement of support to Bill!! <Phil>
End of Thread.
89617 28-AUG 18:45 General Information
RE: NitrOS9 release (Re: Msg 89526)
I noticed there was some more talk of it on the list. I haven't
been real anxious to go 6309 like most of the others for some reason,
but now I too think I'm gonna make the plunge. A lot of the
compatibility problems should be corrected with this next version.
89618 28-AUG 18:45 General Information
RE: OSK/AMIGA (Re: Msg 89552)
>>Digby is indeed still going at it! I have made him an offer of
becoming a US rep for the Amiga version of OS-9<<
This is good news! Keep us updated, and hopefully if the system
is complete and mature enough, we'll be able to get a promotional
project going as well as porting Amiga software to OS-K, making it a
boon to both sides. I'm assuming it still needs some work before
anything can be started<that 68020 version would be nice>. Actually I
can't see me personally involved in any such promotional program(until
after I do everything else), but I can see where when the time is
right, you should push it heavily, if you do become a rep. Btw, do you
have an Amiga?
89620 28-AUG 18:46 General Information
RE: Conference Announcement:OS-9 Late Ni (Re: Msg 89566)
>>That would be ok, I have the latest version of PatchOS-9 for
review in the OS-9 Underground.<<
Good, I'll be looking forward to that. Btw, when is the next
Underground going to be out?
>>Concerning Monday nights:...if so I won't be home in time for
the conference!<<
D*mmit Jim!<grin> Really, keep me posted. If people aren't able
to show, and I can find a good night where I don't have to be up early
the next morning, then reschedualing won't be a bad idea. For now of
course the schedual stands as Monday Nights at 10:00 pm eastern time.
I agree, the live interaction can really help those of us who
want to learn more about programming. I imagine general use of OS-9
including bootdisk making will be the main focus of the first one, but
hopefully we'll get some programming stuff in there<as I could sure
use some educating<G>. I too am interested in C, but won't be getting
too serious with it for a while. I do plan on taking it up tho<it
looks like a good language anyway>, so I try to soak up whatever I see
mentioned about it, as much as possible as it will come in handy
later. Btw, do you still plan on covering basic09 in the Underground?
I really like the Basic training series, tho I understand you plan to
move more in the direction of C there. Is there anything in the works
for Basic09, such as covering system calls,errors and debugging, and
small routines.
89621 28-AUG 18:46 General Information
Conference Reminder
This is just a reminder to all that Tomorrow we will be having
the first of hopefully many OS9 conferences.
***OS-9 Late Night ***
***Monday August 29, 1994**
***At 10:00 PM !!EASTERN!! :-)***
Bring your thoughts,questions,opinions, and Money...(Ok, maybe
I'm getting a little obnoxious<G> ). This conference is going to be
directed by those who attend, so if you have system problems this is
the place to go for answers in real time :-) What should we be doing
in the community to improve the quality of the Coco and OS-9? Monday
night we can throw some ideas around.
If I get my way the following three conferences will be dedicated
topics covering some important current events within the community.
Once I have things finalised, I'll make the official announcement in
forum, hopefully by either Tuesday or Wednsday night.
89622 28-AUG 18:46 Users Group
New Ug Project
I am currently in the process of compiling a nationwide list of
Computer shows/fairs for the OS9 Users Group. If anyone would like to
help out with collecting information regarding shows in your area,
please leave me some email.
I will be seeking out shows that will be held in the Boston/New
England area, but will need help from people in other states. If you
can provide information about shows held annually each year<or
upcoming one time events> in your area, please send me a message with
the details and I will add it to a Database. Once I have enough
entries, I will send the list off to the UG, and will keep it updated
This will be a great help for the UG so that we can keep a
regular record of shows coming up, should the exec plan to send a
representative to these general computer shows to inform the people
there of OS-9 and the UG. The vendors could also send attend with OSk
hardware and software. Being present at general PC shows may be one of
the better ways currently to promote OSK, and while it won't show
right off, I would not be surprised to see a decent upsurge in sales
after a regular attendance of these shows throughout the country.
Eventually enough interest will emerge that people will look forward
to seeing OSK Machines when they attend. The more they see of OSK and
understand, the more they will get comfortable with it, and be willing
to be such a machine. We all know who likes to attend Computer
If anyone wants to jump in on this with me, please leave me mail.
I would like to compile as thorough a list as possible, covering as
much of the country as possible<and canada perhaps>, before sending
the first edition off to the UG. Hopefully MW will find this usefull
What I need for info is:
The Name of the show
The name of the people who are running it, as well as who to get
in touch with for info regarding it,and a phone number/mail address.
Date the event will be on.
The location of the the event itself<street,city,state,zip if
And any more info you can come up with is welcome.
This project is open to anyone who wants to participate, be you
Level II or OSK ;-)
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