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89501 23-AUG 21:15 General Information
RE: Hard Drive (Re: Msg 89484)
As I feared, my drive is pretty much as you described (with 10 or 12 total
pins on a dual row header), so I think it is probably correctly set. Need to
play with the OS-9 drivers some more, I guess!
89502 23-AUG 21:37 General Information
RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89430)
RE> If enough OS LEvel II people send in their $25,, then "if" enough
> request OS lev II support, we will concider it.
I heard this a year ago. Andn have asked "what support IS offered to
OS-9 (aside from OSK) users,,, andn can not get an answer. Other then above.
Unfortunately there is no OS-9 (only) national support group,, though
many would like to see one. I suppose there's a simple answer,,
i.e. it takes a few who like doing much for many. (with little finicial
I suppose concidering theh actual OS suport in place with the OSUG,,
wouldn't it be fairer to tell OS9'ers,, that it is primarily an OSK group?
Corrections,, on the above welcome.
Terry Simons
Opinions expressed here, are strictly those of the author,,
"who else would come up with such zanny ideas"?
89504 23-AUG 21:39 General Information
RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89427)
>>if the OS9UG actually supports OS Level II any more,, or if
it's primarily OSK?<<
OSK is going to be recieving the more serious dedication, for the
obvious reason that, it's still supported commercially, and still has
growth potential. While the same is not true for Level two<it has no
growth potential> it is still supported. So much in fact, that they
opened a VP spot specifically for Level II. The UG supports all
versions of OS-9, and will continue to support Level II, so long as
users are there to support it. This is the word I've always gotten
from reading the MOTD and other publications, and from what I've heard
from the officers here.
>>Other than 6 newsletters per year for twenty five dollars
(whatta deal),,<<
It really isn't a bad deal. If I'm guessing correctly, they are
probably lucky to be able to afford publishing the MOTD at that rate
so I'm not complaining. You have to remember, this isn't a mainstream
market. You have to expect to pay a little more, in order for things
to work out in the long run. If we had the membership count equal to
the number of subscribers to Byte and PC Magazine, we'd be doing a lot
better. Unfortunately that isn't the case, so we have to tackle things
a little differently.
>>what can an OS level II user expect to recieve in support for
his Coco?<<
Hmm, that's a good question with one simple answer( in about 98
parts<Grin>). It all depends on how much YOU, as in You and any other
member who joins, decide to give to the UG as far as
service,feedback,donations and such. I imagine some future projects
may be, and I don't speak for the UG on this:
Updating Level II by either obtaining source code from MW<now
more unlikely than ever after Jim Destefano's stunt last year>, or
recognising a patch installation set up like Rick Ulands as official.
Rounding up a database center with records of
Users,Vendors,Clubs,User groups and other people and organizations
related to OS9, in order to make communication between them easier.
This could help on occasions such as when a vendor needs a list of
users in a certain state he wants to make a mailing list for, or users
looking for where they can find a certain product.
An official(central) OS-9/Coco related BBS List that would be
updated regularly.
Keep in mind none of these ideas are actual projects currently
underway within the UG, that I know of, but I imagine they are very
possible future projects<since I would like to undertake them myself
when I get the chance :-) >
Keep in mind, just like with OSK, Level II support is going to be
very limited if not nonexistent if the members sit back and expect all
the work to be done for them. That goes against the very definition of
a users group, where the USERS make the difference. So you may very
well see a LOT of Level II support in the future<exactly what is being
done, an officer will need to clarify that>, but that depends on the
status of the users.
89508 23-AUG 21:40 General Information
RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89457)
>>Any takers??<<
You got one in me. Update us on it when possible, you may find a
few interested people. About how many do you think will be
enough<talking minimum here>? I would love to see it brought back into
89515 23-AUG 22:17 General Information
RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89502)
I understand your point. A year ago I was ignored in the heat of the
changing of the gaurd. Maybe you should chat with Colin McKay. He was
very responsive to my questions and did a good job of convincing me that
input was what the UG needed more than anything. They also need people to
colaborate with them. Many people have ideas but don't want to be a part of
on. One thing is for sure; we need some kind of forum to gel the Coco
OS9 community. I'm trying to support the conferences here and posting info
about them on the Cocolist. These are my only forums. I don't know who is
on Genine or CIS or AOL that might be able to help me. If the UG could
bring more Coco users together I believe that would be worth the $25.00.
You can reach Colin at cmckay@northx.isis.org.
89517 23-AUG 23:27 General Information
RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89504)
>> OSK is going to be receiving thte more serious oconcideration, foro
> obvious reasons ......
That's all well and good. Nothing wrong with that.....
EXCEPT: Beliece it or not,, there are "many" CoCo users who'd like soe
some "OS-9" good OS-9 support. Askin them to join a group who after a years
is still saying,, send in you money,, then "create that arm of the group",,
ion) yourselves,, and.... This ii old hat,,
and not real support.
I'm supposed to be a RSDOS'er,, which in practice on my CoCo I am. Yet
when my group calls for more OS-9,, they got it. Or is it too much to say
if you're going to head up a group,, it's "your job", to find (and granted
at times it does take some digging) those whio can respond to the groups
Back to theh original point: if it's an OSK group, fine. Say so,, and
perhaps the OS-9'ers,, will get soemthing together "FOR OS-9",, instead
of sendig on another twenty five bucks,, and hopping next year will
be different.
better ideas are welcome,,, , Terry Simons
89519 23-AUG 23:53 General Information
RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89502)
> RE> If enough OS LEvel II people send in their $25,, then "if" enough
> > request OS lev II support, we will concider it.
> I heard this a year ago. Andn have asked "what support IS offered to
> Os
> OS-9 (aside from OSK) users,,, andn can not get an answer. Other then
> above. Unfortunately there is no OS-9 (only) national support group,,
> though many would like to see one. I suppose there's a simple answer,,
> i.e. it takes a few who like doing much for many. (with little
> finicial reward)
> I suppose concidering theh actual OS suport in place with the OSUG,,
> wouldn't it be fairer to tell OS9'ers,, that it is primarily an OSK
> group?
> Corrections,, on the above welcome.
Terry -
First off, the OS-9 Users Group is exactly that: an organization
set up by OS-9 USERS, to allow them to help each other out, share
experiences, and work towards common goals. It is NOT a commercial
venture set up to provide services in exchange for dues. It is not
a group of volunteers who will perform services for members -- other
than a small set of people who have agreed to hold positions (elected
or appointed) on the executive to provide core operating management
functions for the group, publish the newsletter, and assist/facilitate
activities undertaken or mandated by the membership to support OS-9.
As with any "users' group", the success of the group, and the amount it
can accomplish, is directly proportional to the amount of effort
contributed by the main membership.
In terms of support for OS-9/6809 relative to OS-9/68000 (or OS-9000),
this will in fact be most strongly influenced by the contributions of
the members involved in each respective group.
Currently the officers of the Users Group are as follows:
Position Name EMail Address
--------------------- ---------------- ----------------------
President Carl Boll cbj@delphi.com
Executive VP Colin McKay cmckay@uuisis.isis.org
Director Ed Gresick edelmar@delphi.com
Director Eddie Kuns ekuns@pisces.rutgers.edu
Director Ken Scales kscales@delphi.com
VP Communications Paul Jerkatis mithelen@sandv.chi.il.us
VP OS-9 (6809) * Brian Goers briangoers@delphi.com
VP OS-9 Brian Goers briangoers@delphi.com
Secretary Howard Luckey luckyone@delphi.com
Treasurer Br. Jeremy revwcp@delphi.com
Librarian Zack Sessions colorsystems@delphi.com
MOTD Editor Joel Hegberg joelhegberg@delphi.com
* Acting pending appointment of a replacement.
Scanning through this list, it is clear that OS-9/6809 still has a
very strong presence in the group:
- the President and Treasurer are 6809-ONLY users.
- the Executive VP has a business that is very active in the 6809/6309
- a dedicated Vice President position exists for the 6809/6309 segment.
However, as I suggested earlier, the OS-9 Users Group is NOT the _officers_
of the group; it is the _members_!!!
Ken Scales
Director, OS-9 Users Group
Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES Internet:kscales@delphi.com CIS:74646,2237
89532 24-AUG 21:10 General Information
RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89517)
Terry, I'm not going to waste a lot of time with you here, so get the lint out
of your ears. Being associated with a UG yourself, you should know quite well
that it is the USERS who make the USERS GROUP. If no 6809 users join, there
will be no reason f
or 6809 support! However, as you have been told several times in this thread,
OS-9 6809. Does that sound like no support to you?? Get real, here, Terry.
6809 users will
have to provide services for other 6809 users. That is a given. Most OSK
users cheerfully provide guidance to ANYONE who needs help with the 6809, when
they can. But in my case for example, it has been 4 years since I had
anything to do with the 6809
version of OS-9. How good do you expect my memory to be?? And why should I
(or any other OSK users), maintain a 6809 system so I can provide support to
you and others who choose to stay with 6809 systems for no payment?? $25 per
year is going to cove
r expenses, and that is pretty much that! So, to recap -
1. The 6809 using members of the UG are getting the same support
(or better than!), as the 68xxx users are getting.
2. Any member of the UG who needs support for a specific system is
going to need to get it from users of similar systems - a connection
which the UG is working to provide!
3. If you want more 6809 support, encourage other 6809 users to JOIN.
So the base from which support can be drawn is larger.
4. Stop beating dead horses, Terry. Bury them, they stink!!
sign me : Pissed off OS-9 UG member - not speaking for officers or
the OS-9 Users Group.
89539 24-AUG 22:06 General Information
RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89532)
I wqas just asking what support an OS-9'er could expect from th e OSUG.
Sorry it it's upsetting question. Youo and many others in the UG are
ast to say there's anything wrong woith that,,,
or pretty soon someon'll want to tell me which ocomputer to use.
(oops that shoulda been OSK'ers)
I think I've gotten th e answer. I should encourage OS-9'ers to join,,
then support themsleves. That's clear enough.
Thanks again,, Terry Simons
89540 24-AUG 22:13 General Information
RE: OS9UG (Re: Msg 89539)
Terry, if it's not clear enough, I was irritated because you seem to be saying
the group will not support members of the group, when the problem right now is
there are not enough members of the group!
End of Thread.
89503 23-AUG 21:39 Games & Graphics
RE: Allen Huffman's Maze Demo (Re: Msg 89403)
>>Ah so you liked Dungeons of Daggorath too eh? <<
Let's put it this way. When I was first starting out computing
with the Coco, at LEAST 80% of my time was spent figuring out D of D.
I have heard that Castles of Tharrogad wasn't that could, but I have
never played it. I may pick it up sometime just to check it out.
Another sequal, this time on OS9 would be nice.
Polaris always was a challenge. I didn't like it nearly as much
of DD, but it was addicting once you got into it. A lot of the Tandy
Paks were pretty good games for that time. Mega Bug was my first<it
might have come with the system>, and I fell in love with that. It was
much harder than pak man<G>
89505 23-AUG 21:39 General Information
RE: OSK/AMIGA (Re: Msg 89431)
Thanks for the info Ken. Now I know why the name Digby Tarvin
sounds so familiar<grin>. I'm gonna file that message away for future
reference. Hopefully Digby's still going at it.
89506 23-AUG 21:39 General Information
RE: OS-9 Live (Re: Msg 89449)
>>The real beauty of all these systems is that you CAN,if you
want to, first set them up as terminal systems....<<
But to this day, I've never understood why anyone would want to?
Besides cost reasons. I would just assume stay on the Coco until I
could afford a complete system.
89518 23-AUG 23:52 General Information
RE: OS-9 Live (Re: Msg 89506)
> >>The real beauty of all these systems is that you CAN,if you
> want to, first set them up as terminal systems....<<
> But to this day, I've never understood why anyone would want to?
> Besides cost reasons. I would just assume stay on the Coco until I
> could afford a complete system.
Chris -
You may want to pass that question on to Jim Pottage (JPOTTAGE). He has
been running a terminal-based system for a few months now, and I have
the distinct impression he is really enjoying it!
Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES Internet:kscales@delphi.com CIS:74646,2237
89542 24-AUG 22:53 General Information
RE: OS-9 Live (Re: Msg 89506)
> >>The real beauty of all these systems is that you CAN,if you
> want to, first set them up as terminal systems....<<
> But to this day, I've never understood why anyone would want to?
> Besides cost reasons. I would just assume stay on the Coco until I
> could afford a complete system.
> >Chris<
Well, that all depends.. If you KNOW you definitely want to go on to
OSK, then you may as well go ahead and jump in. As I understand it, the
only drawback to using a terminal system is that you couldn't use the
graphic-specific functions of a "complete" system. I myself went ahead
and got a complete system, even had my monitor waiting when my system
arrived.. but, as I said, I can see where it would be a good way to
get started.. Might check the latest (August??) issue of 68 Micros. There
is a really good article describing the various ways, with estimated costs,
for getting started with the various systems.
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051
*** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 ***
^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
End of Thread.
89507 23-AUG 21:40 General Information
RE: Conference Announcement:OS-9 Late Ni (Re: Msg 89467)
I agree, Rick sure made it a pretty bulked up setup. I think what
gets me is, he assumed that both floppy drives are 5 1/4" when mine 5
1/4" for /d0 and 3 1/2" for /d1. I know, I can just copy the
respective disks to the one with the proper format and take it from
there. The problem is I think we will be aiming to get these into the
hands of Rsdos Crossovers, who will NOT have an easy time at this.
Hopefully it will be setup in the future to take Disk formats in
consideration<especially when the boot disk winds up in /d1 at the
end of the process if I remember correctly>.
>>Maybe a conference of "PatchOS-9... The OS-9 Upgrade?" could
be scedualed?<<
Sure, why not? I'll get back to ya when it does get shedualed<I'm
still sketchy on what the second and third conferences are going to
89509 23-AUG 21:40 General Information
RE: OS9 Vendor Information (Re: Msg 89473)
Well I'm no vendor or anything, but I'm glad to see your
attacking the San Diego Fair AGAIN, this is something we need to to do
consistently<each year> all around the country. Eventually OS-9 is
gonna start looking familiar and more friendly to people. I hope you
get as good a reaction if not better, than last years!
Btw, are you going to be typing up another post fair article?
89535 24-AUG 22:01 General Information
RE: OS9 Vendor Information (Re: Msg 89509)
>Well I'm no vendor or anything, but I'm glad to see your attacking the San
>Diego Fair AGAIN, this is something we need to to do consistently<each year>
>all around the country. Eventually OS-9 is gonna start looking familiar and
>more friendly to people. I hope you get as good a reaction if not better,
>than last years!
It's the hustlers like Lee Weddington and Tom Birt from the OS9 User Group
in San Diego do all the work, I just show up and enjoy the spotlight :-)
We're in the New Technology Section again but this time are on the main
aisle and will have to compete with some really big, well financed,
operations. Fortunately, given a chance, OS9 can do a lot of speaking for
itself. This year we have a 486 to run OS9000 on and most of my G-Windows
demo programs port smoothly so we should have a better display than last
>Btw, are you going to be typing up another post fair article?
You betcha! Especially if it goes well again this year :-)
Stephen (PAGAN)
End of Thread.
89510 23-AUG 21:40 General Information
Atlanta Fest
Can someone tell me who to get in touch with for information
relating to the Atlanta Fest? Is Alan Dages the man again?
89520 23-AUG 23:53 General Information
RE: Atlanta Fest (Re: Msg 89510)
>> Can someone Tell me about theh Atlanta Fest
Here's a prelim to our upcomming article on same:
The Atlanta Fest:
Holiday Inn, Northlake October 1 & 2, 1994
Show hours Sat Oct 1 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Sun Oct 2 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Vendor set up Sept 30th 6:00 - 9:00 PM
Admission $10.00 whole show
Reservations, Holiday Inn North 1-800-465-4329
Rooms about $55 Mention Fest rate
Sponsered by Atlanta Computer Society
PO Box 80694 Atlanta, GA 30366 BBS: 404-636-2991
Editors note: Last month> I (Terry Simons) am planning on
making the Atlanta Fest. And will probably have a booth.
Update: I've bought the plane tickets, and reserved a
booth. Excepting the unforseen,, I'll be there! And expect to
take a few extra days to see at least some of the great city of
The prime purpose is to meet some of my many CoCo friends,
Rick Cooper, Frank Swygart and Atlanta club members who've also
been with MI&CC for several years. I'd really like to take a
week bringing my wife and daughter. Atlanta is a great city to
see in itself. In the height of my seasonal work, a week just
isn't practical,,, but what the hay? "Aren't good friends
worth it"? And not having seen that part of the country,
combining it in a (at least short) vacation, isn't a bad idea.
Remember Atlanta is the sight of the upcomming summer Olympics!
I'll be there,, like the (grin) OSK guys,,, "to set and jaw
with friends, and if I sell something,,, that's OK too".
Terry Simons, UPGRADE Editor
End of Thread.
89511 23-AUG 21:40 Programmers Den
System Calls(??????)
Can someone point me to some referance material related to System
calls and how to use them from Basic09(syscall)? I'm really held back
right now, because I have little understanding of how to use them.
I've been reading OVER and OVER, the technical section of the Level II
manual and the SYScall part of the Basic09 manual, but it still isn't
covered well enough. Does 'Starting OS9' or 'Inside OS9' cover any of
this? I will try tracking down used copies if so<or if it's the OS-9
book David Graham is planning on reprinting, I'll wait for that>.
What I'm currently having trouble with, is I want to check each
file read in from disk<on my protector program>, to see if it has the
directory attribute set, so it won't attempt to delete it<returning a
214 error>. How do I use FD.ATT(if I am supposed to use it) with
syscall? The teck section gives me plenty of tables for lookup, but
nothing that covers the simple topic of how it all works. Is there
good source code in the DBases here that demonstrate how it works? I
will also need to know this for when I continue working on my homebrew
text editor. Randy has already given me code that demonstrates how the
echo is turned off, but I still have trouble because I don't know how
to use syscall in the firstplace.
At least now I know what one of my future 'OS-9 Late Night'
topics will be<Grin>
89522 24-AUG 02:04 Programmers Den
RE: System Calls(??????) (Re: Msg 89511)
I will do some digging, I should have a file which will give you all the info
you need.
With all best wishes,
Brother Jeremy, CSJW
OS9 User's Group Treasurer
89533 24-AUG 21:17 Programmers Den
RE: System Calls(??????) (Re: Msg 89511)
Chris, to give credit where it is due, it needs to be said here that Start
OS-9 will be republished by Farna Systems (Frank Swygert:DSRTFOX).
I'm in a position to facilitate, and happy to be so!
89543 24-AUG 22:54 Programmers Den
RE: System Calls(??????) (Re: Msg 89511)
> Can someone point me to some referance material related to System
> calls and how to use them from Basic09(syscall)? I'm really held back
> right now, because I have little understanding of how to use them.
> What I'm currently having trouble with, is I want to check each
> file read in from disk<on my protector program>, to see if it has the
> directory attribute set, so it won't attempt to delete it<returning a
> 214 error>.
What you need is the "SS.FD" getstat call, which was omitted from the
tech manual.. From the data I have scribbled in it goes as:
SS.FD function code = $0F reads file descriptor into mem
dunno if it works as setstat or not.
A = path # <natcherly>
B= $0F SS.FD
X= ADDR(buf) predefined buffer for file descriptor
Y= # bytes to read
I assume you know how to set up the SysCall function. When you get it,
you check the FD.ATT byte, say you name it FD_Att:
IF ( LAND (FD_Att,$80) = 0 ) THEN \ (* Not a directory
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051
*** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 ***
^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
End of Thread.
89512 23-AUG 21:48 Programmers Den
Um3Play vs Nitros9
From: WDTV5 To: UMUSE 4.10 U (NR)
This file goes with Umuse3, version 4.10, specificly with the UM3Play
module of that release. Apologies are hearby offered to Mike K. for
hacking his code so quickly.
Running under a Nitros9 system, the baud rate of the seriel timer in this
module is about 36.5 kbaud. Obviously this isn't going to work when the
devices on the other end of the bit-banger cable are expecting a feed
reasonably close to 31,250 baud, the midi specification speed.
To restore operation of the bit-banger midi driver, grab your copy of
dEd and get sector $11 of Um3play on the screen. At offset $7D in this
sector you'll find an $04 between a $C6 and a $12. This is the value
loaded into the B register and subsequently decremented to zero to
establish the correct bit timing. Changing the $04 to an $06, writing
the sector, and verifying the file will restore the timing to around
31,500 baud, close enough for my two casio keyboards to run flawlessly.
I tried a $05, but both keyboards rejected that approximatly 33 kbaud,
and they both rejected an $07, about 30 kbaud. so the $06 is as close
as we're gonna get.
I hope this helps the Nitros9 users who also have Umuse3.
Cheers all, Gene Heskett, WDTV5@delphi.com
89513 23-AUG 21:52 General Information
RE: David Versus Goliath (Re: Msg 89475)
> Has anyone had a chance to read the article with the above title in the
> Sept. issue of 'WIRED'?
Yes...it hit the stands here in Des Moines Friday or Saturday, and I got my
copy on Monday.
> Besides being quite humorous, it also gives a
> good brief description of the history of Microware and OS-9.
Pretty good, though someone not knowing about OS-9 could, I fear, read it
and come out thinking that OS-9 doesn't run on any CPU other than the 6809,
which, apotheosis of 8-bit CPUs though it is, probably won't show up in a
set top box IMHO. :-)
Opinions herein are solely those of their respective authors.
Clipper Chip: Big Brother Inside
89514 23-AUG 21:53 OSK Applications
RE: many (Re: Msg 89487)
> IS FHL/Hazelwood still in business?
As far as I know, it is--FHOGG recently posted something about some remaining
Sculptor packages (I don't recall which version), so you could send him some
email and find out from the person who should know if anyone does.
Opinions herein are solely those of their respective authors.
Clipper Chip: Big Brother Inside
89534 24-AUG 21:18 OSK Applications
RE: many (Re: Msg 89514)
Hazelwood is in business. I recently heard from a local OS-9er who is dealing
wiht them....
End of Thread.
89516 23-AUG 22:18 General Information
Northern Xposure
As Mike said:
> You can reach Colin McKay on the internet cmckay@northx.isis.org.
You can also reach him at:
Colin McKay
7 Greenboro Crescent
Ottawa, Ontario
K1T 1W6
Phone 613-736-0329
Regards... / Ken
Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES Internet:kscales@delphi.com CIS:74646,2237
89521 24-AUG 01:24 General Information
OS9UG Town Meeting
Just a reminder... Today (Wednesday 08/24/94) is the OS-9 Users Group's
Town Meeting at 10:00 PM Eastern Time (7:00 PM Pacific) right here in
Delphi's OS-9 SIG. Hope to see as many people attend as possible.
Several OS9UG officers will be there to answer your questions.
Best wishes,
Joel Mathew Hegberg
= Joel Mathew Hegberg M.O.T.D. Editor =
= (JoelHegberg@delphi.com) 68'micros Columnist =
= (JHegberg@aol.com) Sub-Etha Software Programmer =
89531 24-AUG 21:09 General Information
RE: OS9UG Town Meeting (Re: Msg 89521)
I hoe that you or someone else is planning on making a transcript of the
conference tonight. Due to an emergency, I will not be able to attend it.
89546 25-AUG 00:36 General Information
RE: OS9UG Town Meeting (Re: Msg 89531)
> I hope that you or someone else is planning on making a transcript of
> the conference tonight. Due to an emergency, I will not be able to attend
> it.
Yes, a transcript will be available shortly. Thanks for your interest.
= Joel Mathew Hegberg M.O.T.D. Editor =
= (JoelHegberg@delphi.com) 68'micros Columnist =
= (JHegberg@aol.com) Sub-Etha Software Programmer =
End of Thread.
89523 24-AUG 02:53 OSK Applications
I suppose I could dust off the evaluation copy of OS9000 tha MW sent me &
see if it boots up on this 486 I have here. hmmmm ....
89527 24-AUG 20:06 OSK Applications
RE: OS9000 (Re: Msg 89523)
> I suppose I could dust off the evaluation copy of OS9000 tha MW sent me &
> see if it boots up on this 486 I have here. hmmmm ....
Yeah!! Do it Bill! We would love to see you active in the OS-9
bunch again!
Write WIZPRO-OSK (grin)
A stitch in time --------------------
------ is worth two in the bush
John R. Wainwright <<CIS -- 72517,676>> <<DELPHI -- JOHNREED>>
89547 25-AUG 04:18 OSK Applications
RE: OS9000 (Re: Msg 89523)
>I suppose I could dust off the evaluation copy of OS9000 tha MW sent me &
>see if it boots up on this 486 I have here. hmmmm ....
Why not? It certainly would give you a chance to rediscover the power
of os9. And that os9000 niche needs software .... Very badly.
Michele Marie Dalene
End of Thread.
89524 24-AUG 06:54 General Information
From: ALAIN1155 To: ALL
I have acquired an Epson Action Printer model 3260. Unfortunately, i can only
get it to print garbage. There is no dip switch to set and according to the
manual, one should set his printer driver to emulate either the Following:
LQ-150, LQ-860,LQ-2550,Styl
us 800,LQ570+,LQ-870.
The specs and pins assignement is as follow:
DAta Format: 8-bit parallel
synch: Strobe pulse
handshake timing: busy and acknlg signals
signal level: ttl compatible
connector 36 pin 57-30360 amphenol
signal return
pin pin signal direction
1 19 strobe in
2 20 data 1 in
3 21 data 2 in
4 22 data 3 in
5 23 data 4 in
6 24 data 5 in
7 25 data 6 in
8 26 data 7 in
9 27 data 8 in
10 28 acknlg out
11 29 busy out
12 30 PE out
13 --- SLCT out pulled up to 5V through 3.3 kohm
14 --- auto Feed XT in
15 --- NC ---
16 --- ground --- logic ground level
17 --- chassis ground ---
18 --- NC ---
19-30 --- ground --- twisted pairs return signal ground
31 16 init in
32 --- error out
33 --- ground --- same as pin 19-30
34 --- NC ---
35 --- +5V out
36 --- NC ---
I am using a seriaface made by CRC. Anyone knows how to make this printer work
with my COCO.
89528 24-AUG 20:31 General Information
RE: (Re: Msg 89524)
From: JRUPPEL To: ALAIN1155 (NR)
You didn't mention if the Serial interface was powered (having it's own power
supply). I had a similar problem with my AP5000 and found out that there was
no voltage to power the interface. Might be a place to start.
John Ruppel
CocoNuts in Lansing
End of Thread.
89525 24-AUG 08:56 OSK Applications
Ispell and screen
I'm not certain if you've picked up on this over on CompuServe, but Bob asked
that I cross post this over here. Looks like he's narrowed down the problem
with screen and Ispell.
What's our next step?
#: 20240 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
Tue 23-Aug-94 19:57:41
Sb: #20238-tscrn
Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203
To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X)
Okay...I have ispell working under screen. It appears that the problem is as
1. I believe that ispell changes the EOR setting in the path desc.
Normally this is a $0d. I don't know that ispell changes it to, but I
assume a 0.
2. ptyman's output routine checks characters against the EOF setting in the
path desc. If it matches and autolf is needed, a LF is output.
What I have done is to modify the test to see if the character==EOR or if it
is a $0d. However, this is probably not the way to do it properly. Before I
update my posting...anyone know how scf handles this? I see a few ways....
1. Test for EOR or a CR,
2. Test for a CR only if EOR is set to 0,
3. Force Ken to recompile ispell.
BTW, Steve, please cross post this over to Ken's arena.
*- Steve -*
89526 24-AUG 10:06 General Information
NitrOS9 release
From: MROWEN01 To: ALL
I'm on a terminal so I can't post the message from here (maybe tonight?).
The developers of NitrOS9 have released some data about the new release of
NitrOS9 on the Cocolist. The new release sounds like it has even more speed
improvements. Special attention to improved serial I/O and support for high
speed modems seems to be a big plus in the new release. I believe that this
product is maturing and should be considered by any Level II Coco users. It
is only about $40.00 for the software and a 6309 CPU. Everyone working on
this product should be commended for their hard work. I for one am going to
make the plunge soon.
Mike Rowen
89529 24-AUG 20:47 OSK Applications
Could someone with a Compuserve account cross post "xlate.lzh". The
aurther wishs to have it spead around as far as possible.
Thanks in advance.
John D.
89536 24-AUG 22:02 Programmers Den
RE: Make command (Re: Msg 89452)
> Yes. You could make one target in a makefile with multiple targets by
> saying:
> make <target>
I thought this was the case. The trick you used to compile all was neat,
though. It may have been documented, but if so, it's another thing I missed.
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051
*** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 ***
^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
89537 24-AUG 22:03 Programmers Den
RE: Make command (Re: Msg 89486)
> Another inpoortant point is, makes default target is always
> the first target it fines in the makefile, regardless of what that
> targets name is.
Hmmm... It seems to me that make requires a target on the command line,
at least the MW version (the one I use)... maybe not, but I thought
I'd issued the make command without a target named and got a
"make: cannot find target" (or the like).
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051
*** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 ***
^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
End of Thread.
89538 24-AUG 22:03 General Information
CDROM reader
I'm on the verge of getting a CDROM reader for my MM1 but also have
a Mac Color Classic with which I would like the drive to work. As a
result I am contemplating an external SCSI drive and have grabbed the
cable description posted by HAWKSOFT. Figure I would get an extra
MAC SCSI cable and sacrifice it to make moving the drive back and
forth easy. My question is this: I've heard reports of guys using
a single speed SCSI SCROM reader on the MM1 but have not heard of
anyone using a double speed. Will a double speed one work on the MM1
given current software? Thanks for the info.
89541 24-AUG 22:33 General Information
Start OS-9
I have the Book and disk "Start OS-9" by Paul Ward for sale. $25.00 plus
shipping will cover it.
Keith Bauer
CIS:71102,317 Delphi:keithbauer Internet:keithbauer@delphi.com
Via InfoXpress/OSK ver 1.01 How 'bout them Cowboys!
89544 25-AUG 00:02 General Information
OS9 Users Group
From: MROWEN01 To: ALL
am not a UG memeber (yet). If you missed the OS9 UG meeting on-line,
be sure and read the transcript when it's posted. I got some decent answers
to my question about what can the Ug specifically do to help members. I
believe that you will also get a feel for the current status of the UG.
89545 25-AUG 00:28 General Information
FYI for new C programmers
From: MROWEN01 To: ALL
I am attempting to learn C, have been for years! I have wrangled with
many books, but most are heavily slanted toward the DOS world (YUCK). I
have finally found an excellent book that should help any OS9 user L2 or
OSK/OS9K. It's called Practical C programming by Steve Oualline. It's
published by O'Reilly & associates Inc (The best UNIX books ever made!).
This book covers UNIX and DOS C programming with most emphasis on
C under UNIX. This very closely resembles the OS-9 world much more so than
any DOS books on the subject. It is written for new comers to C. It covers
style and how to use the make utility and other good tidbits besides just
code slinging. Advances through arrays pointers structures serial I/O and
bit wise operations. At 396 pages, this book should work nicely for any
OS-9 user who wants to learn C. The cost was $29.95. The cover has a small
question at the top "Why Does 2+2=5986?" obvious to anyone who has played with C
Mike Rowen
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