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89048 3-AUG 18:35 General Information
Does anyone know if there are any books available for "curses"? The package
comes with OS9000 and is taken from Unix. <Phil>
89055 3-AUG 20:41 General Information
RE: gen (Re: Msg 89048)
You should be able to find something at any respectable book store... Look
in computer section, probably grouped with the Unix stuff...
89064 3-AUG 23:12 General Information
RE: gen (Re: Msg 89048)
There are books (or at least one) available. I picked up one at a local Barnes
& Noble called Unix Curses (I belive - of course I can't find the darn book
right now, probably buried in my UNIX stuff). It wasn't cheap. If I locate it
within a reasonable amount of time, I'll send you the name and author. BTW,
it also explained termcap as an introduction to curses. I guess I gotta clean
this place up. (grin)
89078 4-AUG 08:56 General Information
RE: gen (Re: Msg 89048)
The best books on any UNIX topic are from O'Reilly & Associates, Inc (IMHO).
I have several of their books. I do not have the Curses book, but I'm sure that
it will be every bit as authoritative as the others. The book is called
Programming with Curses. It's $12.95. Call in US 1-800-998-9938.
89079 4-AUG 18:43 General Information
RE: gen (Re: Msg 89055)
Thanks for the lead! <Phil>
89080 4-AUG 18:45 General Information
RE: gen (Re: Msg 89064)
That's the kind of book I'm looking for. I have a Barnes and Noble near by.
Thanks! <Phil>
89081 4-AUG 18:47 General Information
RE: gen (Re: Msg 89078)
Thanks for the lead Mike! I'll give em a call. <Phil>
End of Thread.
89049 3-AUG 19:01 OSK Applications
RE: MM/1 Sound cable (Re: Msg 88972)
Thanks Chris. I need all the pointers I can get. Say, can I get your catalog
in electronic form? Same goes for all vendors out there! I need to get a
sourcebook going!
89050 3-AUG 19:15 System Modules (6809)
RE: Making a new boot disk from scratch (Re: Msg 89042)
Hey! Thank you, Dennis! I looove kiwi!
89067 3-AUG 23:28 System Modules (6809)
RE: Making a new boot disk from scratch (Re: Msg 89050)
you is welcome<grin>
89085 4-AUG 21:49 System Modules (6809)
RE: Making a new boot disk from scratch (Re: Msg 89042)
Thanks Dennis, but you can get that by typing "modpatch -?". Doesn't help
a guy like me who has no idea what he's doing!! I did (apparently) get it
to work with no problems. I exited with plain BREAK though, so they might
not have taken!!
Will find out next time I boot (didn't have time to do it all tonight)
89086 4-AUG 21:51 System Modules (6809)
RE: Making a new boot disk from scratch (Re: Msg 89085)
Bill, I did as you said, only exited with a plain BREAK (you didn't mention
how to get OUT of it!!!!). And I forgot to run COBBLER before I had to
quit and come to work too. Will try it all again tomorrow. Had to make a
new boot tonight first. Thanks for the help!
89103 5-AUG 21:04 System Modules (6809)
RE: Making a new boot disk from scratch (Re: Msg 89086)
I thought I mentioned it, but maybe I did not. Here are the steps for
changing diskette access time:
l d0
(that's L d0, not 1 d0)
c c 14 00 03
(exit with CTRL/BREAK, [that's control and break TOGETHER which is the eof
Good Luck.
89107 5-AUG 21:54 System Modules (6809)
RE: Making a new boot disk from scratch (Re: Msg 89086)
In addition to exiting with CTRL/BREAK, also don't forget to cobbler
your disk before you exit the system so that the changes remain permanent.
End of Thread.
89051 3-AUG 20:11 General Information
RE: New Conference(Ideas Welcome) (Re: Msg 88992)
Hi Ed!
> > officers are online anyhow. I imagine 1 or 2 at least will be able to
> > find time to stop by for an hour or two and discuss any current
> > events, ideas and proposals with the community. ....
> So long as meetings are informal, I see no problem with people meeting in
> conference (or in the forum) to discuss the OS-9 UG or matters they
> feel might/should be the province of the UG. Such meetings/discussions
> could be very beneficial. Certainly, the officers and/or directors could
> participate as well.
> your home, at the local school, etc. Does the fact that members call me
> and/or the other officers and directors mean others are being snubbed?
> > .... 2) I wonder myself about the possibility of making Delphi the
> > official online home of the UG. Would this be a snub to the other
> > services?
> The need for an 'official online home' for the UG has been discussed at
> several BOD meetings. Nothing concrete has resulted from these
> discussions.
> Keep up the interest and good ideas.
Just a quick idea re: an 'official online home'. Would it be possible to
work out a deal with Delphi (similar to Rainbows) where OS9UG members could
join for free and maybe get a little better deal on connect time? Maybe like
5 hours for $12 instead of 4 for $10? Would get more people to the 'official
online home' and add another perk to the membership. (Are you listening, Paul
J ??)
BTW, would you like a demo copy of GCDP the G-window audio CD Player??
I've got the window refreshing itself and a few other fancies. If you have
a CD-Rom connected, the worst it will do is display 'NO DISC' on the display
Chris (the other one)
:-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> Chris "HAWKSoft" <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-:
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89056 3-AUG 20:49 General Information
RE: New Conference(Ideas Welcome) (Re: Msg 89051)
I doubt the feasability of getting discount rates for UG members... I also
do not think it is appropiate to limit the "online home" to one specific
system... the online home should be the Internet... that gives the most
people the easiest access...
89090 5-AUG 01:17 General Information
RE: New Conference(Ideas Welcome) (Re: Msg 89056)
> I also do not think it is appropiate to limit the "online home" to one
> specific system...
I agree.
= Joel Mathew Hegberg M.O.T.D. Editor =
= (JoelHegberg@delphi.com) 68'micros Columnist =
= (JHegberg@aol.com) Sub-Etha Software Programmer =
89114 5-AUG 23:25 General Information
RE: New Conference(Ideas Welcome) (Re: Msg 89006)
>>Possibly, and I'm pretty sure the OS9UG does not want to limit
itself to one official online home.<<
That is a good point. I didn't think of it that way. ONE official
online homebase might be holding it back.
>>I suspect we'll have some on-line meetings lined up in the near
Sounds great. Now I can concentrate on those other
>>I wouldn't expect them to be more frequent than monthly.<<
That should be fine, unless we should, by freak of nature,
experience an unstoppable surge of activity. ;-)
See Ya
89115 5-AUG 23:25 General Information
RE: New Conference(Ideas Welcome) (Re: Msg 89009)
>>I would be interested, but Sunday night is not my best night.
How about a Monday or Wednesday night conf?<<
I'm willing to switch to either Monday at 10:00 or Wednseday at
9:00 if you all are. The only catch for me is, depending on what
happens at work in the next two or three months, I might have to
switch from Monday to Tuesday.
Everyone, let me know what the best times are for you so I can
figure out a good time. I'm trying to make it so I'm not up too late
on work nights.
89117 5-AUG 23:25 General Information
RE: New Conference(Ideas Welcome) (Re: Msg 89031)
>>I work on Sundays.....<<
Why didn't I think of that? LOL
Sounds like it might not be on Sunday afterall if everyone else
agrees :-)
89118 5-AUG 23:25 General Information
RE: New Conference(Ideas Welcome) (Re: Msg 89051)
>>Would it be possible to work out a deal with Delphi (similar to
Rainbows) where OS9UG members could join for free and maybe get a
little better deal on connect time?<<
I'm sure any deal similar to that is possible. Whether it
feasable yet, is probably doubtfull. That would surely cost some money
on the UG's part, and at this point the money that is
available(probably not much) would be better spent on other things.
I like the idea tho. If such an online home was established it
would also be nice for the system to have a way of knowing whether or
not you are a member, for cases where you want access to
information/files that are available to members only.
End of Thread.
89052 3-AUG 20:11 OSK Applications
RE: many (Re: Msg 88989)
> The CD-ROM drivers, do they also include a File manager to handle
> ISO-9660 disks? I have thought about working on such a file manager
> myself; however, I don't want to duplicate what has already been done.
> I'd love to be able to take some off the shelf CDs, and use them with my
> BBS.
No, the drivers from Dirt Cheap use the rbf file manager. This means that
you must use custom programs to copy files, read directorys, and such. David
Graham <NIMITZ here> posted a message that he had someone working on a real
file manager for CD's. I don't remember who it was, but, my hand went up
immeadiatly for beta-testing!!!
:-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> Chris "HAWKSoft" <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-:
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89058 3-AUG 20:54 OSK Applications
RE: many (Re: Msg 89052)
Yeah, so did mine! I have (sorta its being repaired/replaced) an NEC CDR-25
that I'm going to use with the Amiga, but if the drivers were avail, I also
could read it on the coco since I'm already scsi with the SC-II+4n1. So
as I said, my mitt went up as a beta tester too. Now if the originator
of that rumor is copying the mail, maybe we'll get it going. I'd love it!
Cheers, Gene
89072 4-AUG 01:34 OSK Applications
RE: many (Re: Msg 89058)
Rumor? We don't need no stinkin' RUMORS!
Ray Patterson of Patterson Electronics is working on CD file manager stuff, for
ISO9660 with extensions. (he is following the full standards), He will also
be taking Mark's place in the MM/1 world, providing repair work and assisting
me with hardware stu
ff from time to time. Currently he is planning to run up to St. Louis this
weekend and make an offer on Mark's remaining MM/1 stock and his machine.
89108 5-AUG 21:54 OSK Applications
RE: many (Re: Msg 89072)
Hi David!
> Rumor? We don't need no stinkin' RUMORS!
> Ray Patterson of Patterson Electronics is working on CD file manager
> stuff, for
> ISO9660 with extensions. (he is following the full standards), He will
> also be taking Mark's place in the MM/1 world, providing repair work and
> assisting me with hardware stu
> ff from time to time. Currently he is planning to run up to St. Louis
> this weekend and make an offer on Mark's remaining MM/1 stock and his
> machine. David
YAY!!!!!!!!!! Will the file manager support CD-I as well???? <g> Seriously,
if I can offer any assistance, have Ray contact me (or vice-versa). I have
played around with the CD-I disks in my CD-Rom reader quite a bit. They're
a bit different tha the ISO9660 disks. The CD-Rom reader uses a special mode
to access CD-I disks.
BTW, this beta-tester is warmed-up and ready!!!!
:-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> Chris "HAWKSoft" <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-: <-:
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End of Thread.
89053 3-AUG 20:36 Programmers Den
RE: shareware stuffs (Re: Msg 89029)
From: WDTV5 To: WA2EGP
Given there is a 'back EMF', but under steady state conditions, non-measurable.
Thats why I alluded to the AC circuit and impedances. However, since its
readily apparent that you studied the subject at l;least as well as I have,
is it because there's more $$ in biology or what? My background is a story
to repeat (ad nauseum). I had an alchoholic old uncle who made his beer $
by fixing the "all american 5 tubers". He had a list on the wall that told
him to change this if it did that. When I (at 6-7 years old) asked what
was wrong with the parts he changed, he couldn't tell me. I wanted to know,
and thats the story of how I got into electronics with an 8th grade
education! I've never stopped sticking my nose into things to see how they
work. My nose has been replaced with a 100 mhz dual trace scope, but not
much else has changed in the past 50 years except the steady march of
progress. While I use all kinds of "smart sand", and I've taken a mail
course or two on how its made, the fact that what is basicly sand can
actually do these things is still a case of wonderment to me at times.
But then, as I said, my reading is eclectic, and some of the stuffs I read
in the biological field are equally amazing. Cheers, Gene Heskett
89061 3-AUG 22:57 Programmers Den
RE: shareware stuffs (Re: Msg 89053)
From: WA2EGP To: WDTV5
Well, the reason I got a degree in bio was that 1. I was better in it in HS
than chem 2. I was never exposed to physics in HS. My old man was a ham radio
operator from "way-back" but due to reasons I choose not to make public, I
wasn't interested in electronics at that time. When I hit college, I had to
take physics and the professor was so bad, he and the course made no sense.
(Note: If I had it in HS, I would have survived quite nicely) My HS did not
prepare me for college at all. I retook the course with the head of the
department and aced it. The original prof I had got canned. Never really got
into it because of the way calculus was treated by the math dept.....no
applications! (Newton was spinning in his grave.) The only thing that kept me
going was the ham radio, which I got into after the old man died. Geez....I
even got jobs based on what I learned from that hobby. Got into computers from
picking up an old 8080 at RS and then tried to build a machine to use it.
Even got it to work (once). Moved from one machine to another (all orphaned)
until OSK. Been fun. One thing though, I've learned more teaching the
subjects I teach than I ever learned in school. I pick up a lot in reading
but the darn job gets in the way! Too bad I'm too numerant to buy lottery
tickets. Then I could really have the time....
89062 3-AUG 22:59 Programmers Den
RE: shareware stuffs (Re: Msg 89043)
Sounds like your cable company has VERY leaky cables. (Probably a bad hook up
at a neighbor's house) At least the good stuff is leaking in.
89068 3-AUG 23:30 Programmers Den
RE: shareware stuffs (Re: Msg 89062)
I have seen Others like it! all over! MOST tv,s on the market right now,STINK.
their TV input lines are so prone to outside stuff......even Hams have fun!
89071 4-AUG 00:06 Programmers Den
RE: shareware stuffs (Re: Msg 89061)
From: WDTV5 To: WA2EGP
Lotery? nah. I don't think I've put more than a $20 bill in it since they made
it legal here and there years ago. Like you, I know who really makes the $ on
and it darned sure isn't you or I. And as to the comments re the HS physics
stuffs (and teachers) I have to agree! I conned them into letting me sit in on
the senior class when I was in the 8th grade. Lasted about a month, till the
teach got Newtons 3rd wrong and I called him on it. Got expelled for 3 days
even if I was right! That was just one reason I gave up on "formal" schooling
lo, these many years ago. They ahd taught me how to read (but not how to spell
on a $#@%& qwerty keyboard) at around 500 per, with enough phonics to take it
from there. So I did. Gee I wish they were still teaching phonics in schools
I'm constantly amazed at the simple words children see in the paper on a daily
basis that, because they have no foundation in phonics, is total gibberish to
them! And of course, they are now in the paper business and can't spell the
flippin headline right, let alone the text! Frankly it makes me want to run for
the school board, but then I find that there is so much federal meddling in the
"approved" curriculums that we'ed all have to cover wash in hot dirt to actually
make any worthwhile changes. My wife is a teacher too, and I can tell you that
the biggest problem in the school classroom today isn't curriculum, its
The inability of the teacher to maintain order in the classroom is because there
are no tools left for them to use to establish order in a dis-orderly class.
She has even been "on report" for yelling back at a kid who was busy useing
the whole library of 4 letter words on her! I could go on, but I'm sure the rest
of the teachers here can fill in their own horror stories.
Cheers - Gene
89074 4-AUG 03:24 Programmers Den
RE: shareware stuffs (Re: Msg 89071)
Hey! I see that you're interested in electronics. Question: Do you make PC
boards? What method(s) do you use? I ask because I am compiling a document on
making boards, and I need more input. Thanks!
-=Mark=- (KE6JKS)
89088 4-AUG 23:19 Programmers Den
RE: shareware stuffs (Re: Msg 89071)
From: WA2EGP To: WDTV5 (NR)
Agreed on the teachers' stories. Actually is not discipline but actually
allowing the teacher to do their job without some one sticking their nose in
and removing the teacher's authority. The kids see that as a license to play
since the teacher can't do anything because they will be sitting outside the
principal's office.
As far as lotteries go, I played once. Didn't win so I stopped. Actually
I've found shareware kind of a lottery. (Some one had to get back to the
thread.) The times I have sent in money, most of the promised support was
vaporware. Checks were cashed but no manuals, or upgrades, or bug warnings
were received. Now this is not every one that I "registered" but enough to
make me a little skeptical when I see all the nice promises. That was all in
the DOG world. I have not gotten to looking at all the programs that I have
d/l'ed for OSK. I do have to send in some bucks for some that are pretty good
eventhough I haven't used them much. I will admit that in some cases I have
slacked off in that area. So many programs...so few time slices. (grin)
89097 5-AUG 05:39 Programmers Den
RE: shareware stuffs (Re: Msg 89043)
Have you called their repair service. Most cable companies will want to
leaks in their systems because the FCC is getting very picky about it.
Usually this will be bad outlet wiring, a bad drop or a crack in the dis-
tribution lines. Call them up and if they don't fix it call them again.
I should warn you though that every once in a while the TV will be at fault.
Some TV's have inadequit (sp) shielding and there is nothing the cable company
can do about that. If that is the problem they should be able to bring in a
test set and show you that it is a TV problem and not the cable.
John Brown
89122 6-AUG 00:22 Programmers Den
RE: shareware stuffs (Re: Msg 89097)
it is the tv....problem is the signal is very strong here.....and itworks fine
with the VCR<better screening>......the other tv in the house is the same..
it creeps in via the link between the two..There was NO problem BEFORE they
switched the stations around! they moved 13 to 41......and 20 to 13...
The problem can be fixed if THE CABLE CO ...Switched 13 back to 13.....
Channel 13 here can be recieved with rabbit ears or ones finger!on the back
End of Thread.
89054 3-AUG 20:40 General Information
RE: lotus1-2-3 files on os9 (Re: Msg 89028)
As far as I know, SYLK was a Microsoft standard. In all my years
of using Lotus 123, I've never seen mention of SYLK either in the manuals
or on the online help system.
89083 4-AUG 19:20 General Information
RE: lotus1-2-3 files on os9 (Re: Msg 89054)
>As far as I know, SYLK was a Microsoft standard. In all my years
>of using Lotus 123, I've never seen mention of SYLK either in the manuals
>or on the online help system.
Maybe, but it would not hurt if that person did try it. I think Lotus
does use it. it is a "standard" at worst all he will have is a garbled
output file. at best, he may be able to process the work sheets.
Michele Marie Dalene
End of Thread.
89057 3-AUG 20:50 General Information
RE: rma assembly language (Re: Msg 89045)
From: WDTV5 To: ALAIN1155
hehe, thats the Relocating Macro Assembler, part of the level 2 upgrade
to the C compiler. Most folks let the rest of the compiler feed it. The
book that come with is accurate, if awfuly concise to the point of not
telling you everything of the minutae. Basicly what it does is to take
the output of either C.Pass2 or C.Opt, and translate that "assembly"
source codes nemonics into machine code the cpu understands. However,
the resultant code is not yet executable because it still needs to be
"linked" with the startup front end, and any librarys it uses. This is
why most run it as part of the C compiler itself. That makes about 90%
of all the housekeeping automatic. The corresponding linker which was
originally called "c.link" is now called "r.link" and you'll find it on
the same disk. There are "aftermarket" replacements for the compilers
executive program "cc2" which have those name conversions already done,
or you can just rename them to the older name as long as the old files
aren't around in the same path.
Cheers, gene
89076 4-AUG 05:21 General Information
RE: rma assembly language (Re: Msg 89057)
From: ALAIN1155 To: WDTV5 (NR)
OK, but when to enter a machine language program and then try to use RMA to
assemble it, i always get bad mnemonics errors even thought i copied the
original codes as is. Therefore i cannot continue with r.link to finish the
process. Also what is the use o
f the DEFS files
End of Thread.
89059 3-AUG 21:39 Telecom (6809)
RE: 9600 Baud (Re: Msg 89023)
Humm, that sure sounds like a clock problem. And we are infamous for that!
Whats occuring is a loss of the ability to recognize an interrupt from the
rs-232 pack. It can occur from several causes. The first, and easiest for
non-solderers to handle is to get the latest clock module for your system.
Unforch, we have at least 4xvendors solutions to the problem, and only the
one thasts right for your system will work. Furinstance, I've had a hardware
clock with battery backup so long I tend to forget there are those who still
have to set the clock time/date at bootup. And I'm inclined to think that
the jumper mod in the multipack is still a given. Thats where you pull the
pcb out of the mpi, uncover the bottom, locate pin 8 on all the sockets
for the plugins, and solder a jumper across the bottom connecting all pin
8's together. Some eeven jumper the slot switch, or jumper it all the way
to the edge connector where it plugs into the coco. With the long term
dependability of that cheep slide switch, thats not too bad an idea, but I
did not do mine that way, and I only think its hurt me once in 8-9 years.
What happened is that the clock as written for the normal distribution
os9, doesn't properly reset the Gime chips internal registers. This bug,
if you want to call it that, effectivly prevents comm progs from running
above 600 baud reliably. With the fixed clocks, that gime toggle is
handled correctly, and no data is lost even at 9600-14,000 rates. The mpi
fix can be required also depending on the software configuration required
to match your exact hardware. I wouldn't think of try it without it here.
But then, I'm full and wish the mpi had at least 4 MORE slots!
Anyway, if you can find the package of clocks in the database that contains
the phrase "ed9", by Eddie Kuhns, thats the best place to start. If you're
running a native mode system, then that clock for your system will still need
to be converted to run in the native mode. In the unlikely event you are
native, and a Disto SC-II + 4n1 user, then theres a clock I converted
here in the database too. I hope this information is helpfull.
Cheers, Gene - I'll be offline for the next 2-3 weeks, vacation and all that.
89060 3-AUG 22:14 Telecom (6809)
RE: 9600 Baud (Re: Msg 89059)
Dear Gene:
As a native Disto SC-II/4-in-1 user...thanks for the clock. Leave it to
me to fit the unlikely event catagory...............
Del *.txt*
(oops wrong macro)
With all best wishes,
Brother Jeremy, CSJW
OS9 User's Group Treasurer
89070 3-AUG 23:52 Telecom (6809)
RE: 9600 Baud (Re: Msg 89060)
You are welcome Brother Jeremy! While I'm not an "official" member of the
users group, let me add my .02$ worth and say that the huge majority of the
users left, ARE here on delphi. Why not make it the official home of the
users group?
Cheers - Gene
End of Thread.
89063 3-AUG 23:12 General Information
A little tale...
> > A pilot's flying a small, single-engined charter plane with a
> > couple of really important execs on board. He's coming into
> > Seattle airport, only there is a thick fog, less than 10ft of
> > visibility, and his instruments are out. So he circles around
> > looking for a landmark. After an hour or so, he's pretty low on
> > fuel and the passengers are getting very nervous. At last, in a
> > small opening in the fog, he sees a tall building with one guy
> > working alone on the fifth floor.
> >
> > The pilot banks the plane around and winds down the window and
> > shouts to the guy, "Hi! Where am I?", to which the solitary
> > office worker replies, "You're in a plane". The pilot winds up
> > the window, executes a 275 degree turn and proceeds to execute a
> > perfect blind landing on the runway of the airport 5 miles away.
> > Just as the plane stops, so does the engine as the fuel has run
> > out.
> >
> > The passengers are amazed and one asks how he did it. "Simple,"
> > replies the pilot, "I asked the guy in the building a simple
> > question. The answer he gave me was 100 percent correct, but
> > absolutely useless; therefore, that must be Microsoft's Support
> > Office and from there the airport is just 5 miles away on a
> > course of 87 degrees! Any questions?"
------- end -------
89065 3-AUG 23:20 General Information
RE: A little tale... (Re: Msg 89063)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...thump (fell outta my chair).
That's better than the one someone told me (and I can't vouch for its truth)
about a business that wanted a cheap file server, so they got a CoCo III.
Unforch the Intel machines couldn't keep up with it(!). BTW, with a little
modification, that story could read Tandy's Support Office....
89091 5-AUG 01:17 General Information
RE: A little tale... (Re: Msg 89063)
Another very funny story, Marty!
= Joel Mathew Hegberg M.O.T.D. Editor =
= (JoelHegberg@delphi.com) 68'micros Columnist =
= (JHegberg@aol.com) Sub-Etha Software Programmer =
End of Thread.
89066 3-AUG 23:26 General Information
I hope I'm not too late. I have good news for everyone interested in obtaining
The C Programing Language by Kernighan & Ritchie.
Remember these numbers. ISBN 0-13-110163-3 (800) 947-7700
Prentice Hall Publishing has the book in stock. Credit cards orders are
89069 3-AUG 23:41 OSK Applications
RE: Ghostscript (Re: Msg 89032)
> It took about 11 minutes per page, but the quality on my Citizen GSX-140+
> was excellent! (I was using the "epsonc" driver, just in case there was
> some colour in the files, but there wasn't. I also have a basic ATM
> font set. On my 68070...)
> Many thanks for all of the effort you have invested in porting this
> package. Now I just have to convince Darleen that I really do need
> more MIPS, more than we need that new chesterfield...
Glad you like it, Ken. I've learned a lot about "C", the GNU GCC
compiler, and PostScript on that project.
BTW, for a quicker check for color in a PostScript
file, use the kwindows driver in the gs2 program. It does color.
Try the "escher.ps" demo in the "gslib" archive for a neat bunch
of multicolor interlocked butterflies.
A stitch in time --------------------
------ is worth two in the bush
John R. Wainwright <<CIS -- 72517,676>> <<DELPHI -- JOHNREED>>
89073 4-AUG 01:55 OSK Applications
RE: Ghostscript (Re: Msg 89069)
I too would like to thank you for all your work on getting
Ghostscript working on the MM/1.
I was able to get it working with this hp550c printer, and the
escher.ps & tiger.ps pictures printed out beautifully.
I just wish there was one more program added to Ghostscript,
something that would let me convert Gif's or other picture files, to
a Postscript .ps file which I could then print out.
This would sure save me a bunch of the head scratching that I'm
doing now, in trying to write a screen printer program.
----- Larry Olson -----
End of Thread.
89075 4-AUG 03:43 Telecom (6809)
Need more speed!
Can anybody out there please tell me how to use higher speeds than 4800 baud
under OS9? Right now I am using a converted DC Modem Pak with Sacia at 4800
I can't seem to get reliable operation at 9600 baud w/ this combo, though. I
assume that the problem is that I don't have hardware handshaking. I would use
a better RS-232 device, but none of them ever worked properly. Any help will be
greatly appreciated!
-=Mark=- (KE6JKS)
89084 4-AUG 21:00 Telecom (6809)
RE: Need more speed! (Re: Msg 89075)
I use two modems at 9600 baud with 100% reliability. i couldn't get more
then 4800 baud with sacia until i got nitros-9. i had even tried other
drivers but no luck. hardware handshaking is not required for 9600 baud.
I have been using two modems at 9600 baud (sometimes both running at the same
time!) without a problem
89089 5-AUG 00:22 Telecom (6809)
RE: Need more speed! (Re: Msg 89084)
Mike, just what exactly is your hardware setup? Modem? RS232? I'd like to try
that next(9600). I already have my system Nitros-9ed. Thanx Charlie
89093 5-AUG 05:11 Telecom (6809)
RE: Need more speed! (Re: Msg 89084)
Nitros-9? Where can I get that? BTW, what RS-232 interface are you using?
-=Mark=- (KE6JKS)
89105 5-AUG 21:42 Telecom (6809)
RE: Need more speed! (Re: Msg 89075)
One of the best RS-232 devices I have found is the RS-232 pak from
CoNect. You can reach Rick Ulland who makes and sells it through
REVCWP here. It can drive long cables and has all socketted chips.
It also supports all handshaking signals.
89109 5-AUG 22:17 Telecom (6809)
RE: Need more speed! (Re: Msg 89093)
> Nitros-9? Where can I get that? BTW, what RS-232 interface are you using?
Mark, sales of NitrOS-9 are currently "on hold", pending release of
the upcoming new release (v1.20), slated for later this month. The authors
are madly working at putting together a new package, incorporating a lot
of the feedback they got from users at the Chicago Fest. (Yes, the RBF
compatibility problem with 'lha' is fixed, amongst other things. And a
totally different approach to installation.)
Distribution arrangements for the new version are still being arranged,
but Northern Xposure will definitely be involved.
Contact Colin McKay through Internet at:
cmckay@northx.isis.org (IN%"cmckay@northx.isis.org" from Delphi)
Or: Northern Xposure
7 Greenboro Crescent
Ottawa, Ontario
K1T 1W6
Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES Internet:kscales@delphi.com CIS:74646,2237
-- Composed with KVed/Ved and uploaded with InfoXpress --
89110 5-AUG 22:19 Telecom (6809)
RE: Need more speed! (Re: Msg 89105)
Dear Bill:
I agree about the CoNect RS-232 pak. Rick built a good piece of hardware
and it received this monk's 5 cross rating...
With all best wishes,
Brother Jeremy, CSJW
OS9 User Group Treasurer
End of Thread.
89077 4-AUG 05:26 General Information
From: ALAIN1155 To: ALL
Does anyone knows if it is possible to patch multivue so that a direccally
appearing on boot up
89082 4-AUG 18:57 General Information
RE: multivue (Re: Msg 89077)
Hi Alain--I used to do that and I think if you can run MV from your HD, then
you can put the same command as the last one in your startup file and you
should be there. Hope I remember right. <G> <Phil>
89094 5-AUG 05:16 General Information
RE: multivue (Re: Msg 89082)
Do not have a HD. Tried it but did not work. looks like startup ignores it
89102 5-AUG 18:48 General Information
RE: multivue (Re: Msg 89094)
Do you have a program module called autoex in your CMDS? <Phil>
End of Thread.
89087 4-AUG 21:54 General Information
RE: OS-9 Patches for the Coco III (Re: Msg 89040)
Bill, from the survey results I recently got back, you're about the
"typical" CoCo user.... using a combination of OS-9 and DECB apps, and
a DOS or other box for heavier work. I do the same, using Dynacalc for my
business records, DML9 for mail labels (both OS-9), Simply Better for text
processing and billing, and UltimaTerm for telecom. I d/l with that then use
the RSDOS command to transfer the files to OS-9 with never a problem. Keeps
me from having an MPI also!!
Then, of course, I do al the DTP work on a 486DX/50....
89104 5-AUG 21:21 General Information
RE: OS-9 Patches for the Coco III (Re: Msg 89087)
from here in OS9 as well as Dynastar which I have seldom used. I also use
WPShel from Colorsystems. On the RSB side I have Max-10, Simply Better
and Word Power 3.3 of which I use Max-10 the most, but I also have MYED,
Quikword and CC3Write from here. I use the no-halt controller from
Disto for my floppies, so Ultimaterm gives me trouble. So does
Word Power 3.3. I like the RTC though, so, it's a minor inconvenience.
I am still looking for a good terminal program for OS-9 which is vt100
compatible and has all of the file transfer protocols like Supercomm
does. I have an old-style MPI on which I have strapped all of the
pin 8 connections and an old Packard/Bell 2400 baud modem running to
a CoNect RS-232C pak.
I have a P5 Pentium 60 mhz box on order with soundblaster, CD/ROM
and tape backup on order.
542 MB hard drive & 8 MB of memory. Probably will dim the house
lights when I plug in that power strip.
89106 5-AUG 21:45 General Information
RE: OS-9 Patches for the Coco III (Re: Msg 89087)
That first line from my previous message should read: "I have VED from
Bob van der Poel, WPShel from Colorsystems, Dynastar which I seldom use
and sled and ed from here for OS-9.
89130 6-AUG 16:54 General Information
RE: OS-9 Patches for the Coco III (Re: Msg 88994)
> I have debated switching to
> another system but i just don't see one out there that can do the smooth
> multitasking os9 does. Even the newest IBM machines just don't do it
> right. Ive seen 486 systems bogged down running three programs.
Yes, I went throught the same process, I did get an OSK system, but still
use my coco.
Actually, the coco can multitask more smoothly than a rather high-end MS-Dos
system. As an example, I log into a local BBS. It is operating a 486-40,
I believe. I have no problem knowing when the Sysop is doing something.
I will type 5 or so letters sometimes before they come back to me. Really
When you think of the quality of OS9, or OSK, unless you truly need the
compatibility, you can't go wrong staying with it.
-- David Breeding --
CompuServe : 72330,2051
*** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 ***
^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
End of Thread.
89092 5-AUG 02:09 System Modules (6809)
RE: Smartwatch / Ken-ton Clock (Re: Msg 88970)
From: BILL32H To: [ (NR)
Let me see if I can make things more clear. I have:
lr-tech (owl w/ 24 pin clock chip (("ST" MK48T02B-20)) (FF74 - FF7F)
clock (FF70)
Disto SC-II (28 pin rom ((cc3disk.alt)) (FF58 - FF5F)
Standard But fixed /t2 (FF68 FF6B)
Straped MPI
1 meg
The problem is that the lr-tech clock chip is run down.So I put a battery
on the stupid thing now it runs at about 1/20th its normal speed ( Wrong
battery from other chip) .
Owl has the correct chip but it is OLD (I don't trust the battery).SO I
need one of two things (Unless someone else has an idea).
1: A source for the above mentioned clock chip
2: A way to use a smartwatch with sc-ii and cc3disk.alt (FF58 - FF5F)
89123 6-AUG 00:31 System Modules (6809)
RE: Smartwatch / Ken-ton Clock (Re: Msg 89092)
there is a smartwatch for the Sc-II...I use one myself....also works with
ADOS-3 Extended......it is a double plug/socket..eprom plugs in top....one
problem crops up...the cover needs a hole cut in it,as the eprom and Smart
watch now are too high.....talk to ART..here ...Dennis <ps> also there
is an updated DISTO clock driver for the smartwatch in the database....
End of Thread.
89095 5-AUG 05:19 General Information
OS-9 Dev. Pack.
Does anybody out there have an OS-9 Development Package that they are willing
to part with? I desperately need one!
-=Mark=- (KE6JKS)
89100 5-AUG 07:11 General Information
RE: OS-9 Dev. Pack. (Re: Msg 89095)
I don't have the Dev pack, but it's on my wish list. It's still available
from Radio Shack via the consumer mail #. Ask the store if you can look at
the consumer mail catalog. There has been a number posted here...I HAVE IT!
..Well this is the Express order line. It may get you there too. The number
is 1-800-321-3133. I don't have a catalog number. I ordered TS-spell back in
February for $11.54. The Dev pack may be pretty cheap these days too. If you
do order it, please leave a note to me here. Thata way others will have the
info. Tell them it's a CMC product when you call. That will notify them to
look in the consumer mail catalog (CMC). Hope this helps.
End of Thread.
89096 5-AUG 05:20 General Information
sidewise and business software.
From: ALAIN1155 To: ALL
I am looking for a copy of the Sidewise software from Derringer along with
Computerware small business software. They used to have a payroll, account
receivable and account payable package.
Anyone willing to upload me a copy of thse or sell them to me are welcome to
89098 5-AUG 06:57 General Information
RE: CD-i == Way Cool... (Re: Msg 88840)
> Rebel Assault is "in the works" for CD-i!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news. I noticed your arrival in one of the
CD-i sigs on c-serve, but I believe you came in about 2-3 weeks too late for
the discussion on Rebel Assault. Apparently, for several reasons, the only
one of which that was detailed being that it wouldn't be ready for the
upcomming Christmas season, the CD-i DV version of RA has been shelved
"indefinitely". A LOT of people seemed unhappy about that. I really couldn't
understand why. The only time I've seen the game was at Winter CES in Vegas,
but I didn't think it was all that much. There must be much more to it than I
> I would *love* to see a CD-i disk with the old classic arcade games...
I've seen a few people mention this, and it always surprises me how
dedicated people are to those old games. If it would sell more players, I'd
be all for it. Actually, though, the 2 best old classic arcade games are
already on CD-i, Dragon's Lair and Space Ace! :) Frankly, I went to an arcade
here 2 years ago willing to buy their old beat up arcade Space Ace machine for
$700.00, so getting it on CD-i is like a dream, and all those other disks are
just a bonus!
You know its funny that I think this is probably the only CD-i discussion
going on on Delphi. For awhile now I've been wondering why it doesn't have its
own section here. Of course, its hard to beat C-Serve with several Philips
people and a slew of CD-i developers online.
89101 5-AUG 07:18 General Information
RE: CD-i == Way Cool... (Re: Msg 88890)
> I rent one here in Phoenix at a used video game store...
What store here rents CD-i players? I have heard that there were 2
Blockbuster video stores that rent them, but I have no idea which 2 they're
> They stated that the CD's were hard to find but I get mine at Incredible
> Universe.
That was true not so long ago, but since Incredible Universe came to town
Best Buy has gotten better in their CD-i support, depending on which location
you go to. Between the Superstition Springs and Scottsdale Pavillions locations
I've found a considerable number of titles, plus the Scottsdale location now
has the DV cartridge.
> I have not yet seen the new cheaper Magnavox model...
Service Merchandise on Southern is displaying it. In fact its the only
model they stock.
> Incredible Universe did not seem to have the Magnavox model...
I was there this evening. They only had about 7 Philips 220's left. One
of the pro-CD-i sales persons there told me they're selling about 2-3 per week.
That is, compared to less than half as many 3DO players. (Did you notce they're
offering 2 free disks just to get people to buy 3Do players?)
> The CD-i seems to have 3 to 4 times the available software (than 3DO)...
Either you haven't been there in awhile or you've been confused by the
oversized 3DO software packaging. They've expanded the CD-i software area at
the expense of area devoted to 3DO software. There are less than 15 3DO titles
there, compared to at least 60-70 CD-i titles, (ok, maybe your 4 times figure
is pretty close :) ).
Incredible Universe does have it hands down for extent of CD-i support,
but I would suggest looking into Best Buy a little more. You mentioned that
you buy your disks from IU, but for the ones that are also available at Best
Buy, Best Buy sells them for less, (and they were the people who were nice
enough to extend me the considerable credit needed to get the 220, DV card and
several titles!) :)
End of Thread.
89099 5-AUG 07:00 General Information
RE: Sears (Re: Msg 88871)
> Well, I would be speaking to the manager about that.
The Sears CD-i horror story doesn't surprise me at all. If I had to
depend on my neighborhood sears for CD-i, I would never even give it a
second look. Although it is usually running, the display is pitiful. They
haven't updated their software list since 92. They don't even have titles
out to test drive anymore.
89111 5-AUG 22:22 General Information
RE: Review of Microsoft Windows 4.0 <gri (Re: Msg 88749)
Not bad!! I saw a BBS tagline once that said "Dogs crawl under fences,
software crawls under Windows !!!" I suspect this person was not a Windows
supporter. Just a hunch!! -Mark-
89126 6-AUG 03:03 General Information
RE: Review of Microsoft Windows 4.0 <gri (Re: Msg 89111)
'lo folks, just dropped by to see if OS9 was still active.
I see Greg is here & Marty. Reminders of old times way back when.
-Bill Brady
89128 6-AUG 09:37 General Information
RE: Review of Microsoft Windows 4.0 <gri (Re: Msg 89126)
Hi Bill--Nice to hear from you. OS9 is very active so why not become a regular
End of Thread.
89116 5-AUG 23:25 Telecom (6809)
RE: VT100 emulation (Re: Msg 89011)
>>But the program, vt100 does support vt100 and vt220 etc, but it
has no built-in features such as capture buffer ...<<
Yeah, like I (think) I said, it isn't a full fledged program like
SuperComm or KBcom, but is usuable<I have used it on Delphi a few
times myself>, and would imagine it can be a pretty good package when
combined with an autodialer and some transfer protocol programs. I
know it doesn't go a long way towards our new "Complete and
Userfriendly" trend, but does make a fun project :-) .
89119 5-AUG 23:25 General Information
Ok, I am starting to get replies as to WHEN the conference(s)
should be held. Keep those coming(Thanks Jim and Bro. Jeremy). Now I
just need more input on WHAT kind of conferences you want to have. I'm
open to anything, including my own ideas :-) I need as much input as
89120 5-AUG 23:25 General Information
Old Monk, New Toy
Dear friends:
Once again from the depths of the obscure equipment and
unknown hardware bin, I have managed to obtain an interesting
piece of practical peripherality. (Hold on it will probably get
worse.) I picked up an AVAL PKW 1000. Now what is an AVAL PKW
1000, you may ask? Go ahead, I'll wait while you ask. Funny you
should ask, it is a self-contained EPROM programmer. It has a
hex keyboard 0-F, and 8 commands keys:
on a control panel about the size of a calculator. It is labeled
a Pecker 10 Intelligent Programmer. To the right of the control
panel is a socket adapter, about 3x5 inches labeled FX-1. It has
a zero insertion force socket and will take either 24 or 28 pin
eproms. It lists that it can program 2716 up to 27C256 eproms.
The socket adapter is removable and other types of eproms could
be used with the appropriate adapter. There is a Parallel I/O
port connector and an RS-232 jack on the back.
Overall, the unit is about one foot square and about 2-3 inches
deep. It plugs into a standard outlet. Unfortunately, it did
not come with any instructions. Has any one ever heard of the
company? If so does any one know of where I might get an
instruction manual? This is a real nice looking unit and the
preliminary test that I have performed suggest that it is in
working order. Now as much as I have never been one to let
facts stand in the way of my making a decision, I would like to
have at least a vague idea of how to use this piece of equipment.
With all best wishes,
Brother Jeremy, CSJW
OS9 Users Group Treasurer
89121 5-AUG 23:25 Programmers Den
program update
I'm just bringing you up to date on what happened with the
program since I last talked to you. I did change the command line to
put the ',' between the two quoted parameters and it did return the
filenames from the text file. Now my next problem was, it would return
all those files, but keep returning them over in over again. What I
was doing was, I had a for/next loop(which I probably didn't need
since I was getting the names from a file, not keyboard) that kept
count on the files coming in. Problem? It was on the OUTSIDE of my
While/do/endwhile loop, instead of the inside! At least this one was a
simple solution<G>. The good news is, I'm just about done. I have one
more bug to work out, which knock on wood, looks like I will have
fixed today. Then I will just clean up the code and then change the
parameter structure. I'm gonna make it so that instead of having to or
three different variables, I'll combine them all into a complex data
type, so they don't have to be seperated with commas. After that, I'll
doc it up,LZH it and get it into the database so I can start on my
next program<yippie>.
This is getting fun ;-)
89124 6-AUG 01:48 General Information
Hi everybody!
I was about to perform the IRQ mod on my MPI, but I suddenly remembered
s to this modification? I assume that it would render autoboot ROM Paks
useless, unless a poke is used to manually start them. Correct me if i'm wrong.
(I hope I am!)
-=Mark=- (KE6JKS)
89125 6-AUG 01:50 Applications (6809)
Word processor
Does anybody know of a word processor for OS-9 that is up to par with Max-10?
Is there really going to be an OS-9 port of Max-10?
89127 6-AUG 04:06 Applications (6809)
RE: Word processor (Re: Msg 89125)
Brother Jeremy has received permission to port Max-10 to OS-9. He also
has the source code. It will take time, but the port will probably
happen. At this time, the best word processor for OS-9 is probably
Dynastar, but I don't think it is available commercially anymore from
Frank Hogg. However, maybe someone here will sell you a copy.
Alternatively, there are many text editors available in the data
base, and they can be integrated with WPShel available from COLORSYSTEMS
here. In doing that, you add a spell checker and a viewer and a text
formatter and you will have your own full-fleged word processor.
89129 6-AUG 14:10 Applications (6809)
RE: Word processor (Re: Msg 89125)
Dear Mark:
This past spring I requested and received the source code for MAX-10 from
Dave Stampe. I have given the code to a team of five programmers and they
are working on the project. I hope to have a formal notice out about the
progress of the port at the end of August.
With all best wishes,
Brother Jeremy, CSJW
OS9 User's Group Treasurer
End of Thread.
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