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6 Applications (6809)
RE: TSEDIT? (Re: Msg 86279)
> I don't have a problem with orphanware in concept... but one DOES need to
> be responsible in searching out those who no longer support a program. And
> I'd say wait a reasonable time before accepting anything as "orphaned" ...
> say at least three years. But that pretty much leaves most CoCo stuff
> open, doesn't it?
An example to demonstrate that the proper searching needs to be done is
the case of the Oblique-Triad library of games: With the demise of
Rainbow and its advertising, most folks probably assumed that the
software was no longer available.
Of course, when Colin McKay contacted them before Atlanta Fest '93, he
found that they had existing stock, but had lost their marketing channel.
Colin arranged for Northern Xposure to become their distributor, and the
software is now advertised in 'the world of 68' micros', as well as
mailout catalogs, etc.
Regards... / Ken
Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES Internet:kscales@delphi.com CIS:74646,2237
86331 17-MAR 19:52 Games & Graphics
RE: new user hard drive (Re: Msg 86311)
You need to replace the clock module in your new boot file to correct the
problem with supercomm. Matt had the same problem and figured it out. Contact
him for the necessary modules for KQ3, LSL, FSII, and the new clock.
86332 17-MAR 20:13 General Information
RE: cocofest (Re: Msg 86326)
From the most recent OS9 Underground I found the add. It is said here to be
may 21 and 22. This is the Chicago fest
In the New Discoveries section it is also announced that the fourth annual
Pacific Northwest CocoFest will be taking place pm on
June 24 and 25. I haven't much more about this one as of late, but it
says you can contact Donald Zimmerman at (206) 871-6335 for details.
I imagine there is probably more talk about this on Fido, but I haven't read
much there for a while now.
86341 17-MAR 21:35 General Information
RE: cocofest (Re: Msg 86326)
CocoFest! Sat. May 21st and Sun. May 2nd
Holiday Inn in Elgin, Ill
Special Room Rate for the Fest! $52.00/night + tax
See ya there!!!
86345 17-MAR 22:32 General Information
RE: cocofest (Re: Msg 86315)
DATELINE: March 2, 1994
This is the second year that GLENSIDE Color Computer Club is UNDERtaking
the sponsorship, planning, and execution of the Chicago-area held CoCoFEST!
Last year brought 30-plus exhibitors to the show, including Microware, the
developers of OS-9, which is proving to be the heart of the hard-core CoCo
enthusiasts. Disk Extended Color BASIC programs and programmers were also
highly visible, as they should be, being the operating system of machine, out
of the box. We were further excited that so many exhibitors chose the FEST!
to present their wares for the OS9-68000 systems, and we further hope to
garner their presence this year, again.
This year, GLENSIDE is officially announcing that tickets for the FEST!
will be discounted by the amount of $5.00 for students between the ages of 6
to 16, when accompanied by an adult, and that children 5 years old and under
will be admitted free of charge.
As of this writing, there are twelve official exhibitors. They are:
1) Barsoft, Dave Barnes
2) ColorSystems, Zack Sessions
3) DELMAR, Ed Gressick
4) Hawksoft, Chris Hawks
5) Farna Systems, Frank Swygert
6) Crystal Palace BBS, Nelson Howard et al
7) DISTO, Tony Distefano
8) Budgetware, Brian Kitt
9) JWT Enterprises, Jordan Tsvetkoff
10) Adventure Survivors, L. E. & Nan Padgett
11) The Chicago OS9 User's Group
12) The National OS9 User's Group
In addition, there have been verbal intentions of attendance by Kala Software,
CoNect, Animajik Productions, SBUG, and one or two others whose names escape
me at this time.
Seminars are being planned for, but are not yet cast in concrete, except
for the first meeting on Sunday Morning, which we hope to continue as a
tradition. That meeting will be the Meditation, Praise, and Worship Service
presided over by Brother Jeremy, a CoCo Comminuty member for as long as I can
remember, having seen him at the first Rainbowfest I attended, which I believe
was in 1986 in Schaumburg, Illinois.
The site of the FEST! is fairly easy to get to, being alongside of I90 at
IL RTE 31, with a couple of turns onto West River Road. Air travelers can
reach the site from Chicago's Midway Airport by taking I55 west to I355 north
to I90 west to Elgin; O'Hare arrivals would take I190 out of O'Hare and follow
the signs to I90 west to Rockford, but be sure to get off at IL RTE 31 in
Elgin; Arrivals at Mitchell Field in Milwaukee will want to head south on I94
to I294 south to I90 west (same as before); and finally, should you fly into
Rockford, head north to IL RTE 20 east to I90 east until you approach IL RTE
31, and follow the earlier directions to the Holiday Inn.
All in all, we at GLENSIDE expect to have a fun-filled weekend filled with
friends, food, excitement, and prises....oh, did I forget to mention the
PRIZES? Well, you'll have to come to find out about those. But rest assured,
they will be there, along with the BADGES that we forgot about, last year.
BELIEVE ME!!!! After all the requests for BADGES! We won't forget them a
second time! Come and join us in the revelry.
I got this off of another board and did not think that they would mind me
posting it here.
With all best wishes,
Brother Jeremy, CSJW
OS9 User's Group Treasurer
86358 18-MAR 07:34 General Information
RE: cocofest (Re: Msg 86345)
Bro. Jeremy,
> As of this writing, there are twelve official exhibitors. They are:
13. Dirt Cheap Computer Stuff Co.
I'll be there too!
Mark Griffith
Dirt Cheap Computer Stuff Co.
"Cheap, But Not Trash"
(Uploaded with InfoXpress Ver. 1.01)
End of Thread.
86333 17-MAR 20:18 Applications (6809)
Multi-Vue Up and Running
Well, after constantly putting it off, I recently<FINALLY> got
Multi-Vue up and running. This time around, I played it smart and
abandoned ALL of it's documentation<grin>. My only prorblem right
now<before I install the Gshell patch> is that the only way I can get
some programs to run is by clicking it once and then selecting 'Open'
in the files menu. I know this is one way to do it, but isn't this
only necessary when the command will have some options o iuldn't I be able to just simply click the icon once for it to
Anyhow, MultiVue don't look too bad but it isn't gonna be where
the majority of my work is done. I'll always be another command line
man at heart :-)
86355 18-MAR 01:31 Applications (6809)
RE: Multi-Vue Up and Running (Re: Msg 86333)
There are four secrets to MultiVue. Install Kent's gshell.
Install that gshell. Intstall it (gshell). Get a faster hard drive.
Click click ought to do dang near anything. (hmmmm- try click twice
not click-file-open)
It still gets more better after following 1 thru 4.
End of Thread.
86334 17-MAR 20:18 Programmers Den
More Basic Stuff
I'm in the middle of another little programming project<this
makes about 4 incomplete ones<G>, this one being a text editor in
Basic. I was wondering<I asked this before but we didn't get to far
with it>, is there anyway to turn the echo off<for when I'm using the
arrow keys>, besides shelling out to Tmode? I was told once that there
was a system call for this, but we didn't go into much more than that.
86335 17-MAR 20:29 Programmers Den
RE: More Basic Stuff (Re: Msg 86334)
Check the OS-9 tech manuals, there is a section on SCF setstat's
(set status of a device) if you use that with SysCall, you will be
able to do anything tmode can do..for a simple editor in Basic, it is
probably easier to just use tmode from a shell..
-* Mike
86338 17-MAR 21:25 Programmers Den
RE: More Basic Stuff (Re: Msg 86335)
Thanks, I'm gonna check that out. Right now it is a small incomplete program
consisting of two procedures, and the screen writes are very SLOOOWWW. If I
run the keyread procedure by itself it is great but it takes a lot of time
when that and the main eitor program are running eachother back and forth. I
figured that as well
as shelling out to tmode are two of the many possible reasons.
A lot of my inspiration comes from the simple editor project in the Guide to
Windows book. It is just another half *ss project now until I get a new
Can't stand not having something to print source out on! :-)
86349 17-MAR 23:29 Programmers Den
RE: More Basic Stuff (Re: Msg 86338)
Yo Chris,
Change the terminal control parameters is very easy to do with SysCall. And
while others may argue against the slight overhead increase (is there any?), it
has one very distint advantage. When your program is done, it can put the
terminal back to the way it was. No hardcoded exit conditions.
Read up on SysCall (I know you know how to use it), I$Getstat, I$Setstat,
and SS.Opt. Also, pages 6-4 through 6-6 in the tech section of the manual.
Note that SS.Opt only copies the PD.Opt section, so the offsets into your
buffer will be $20 less than the numbers listed. offset 00 would be PD.DTP.
otally untested example code:
Procedure no_echo
TYPE regs=cc,a,b,dp:byte;x,y,u:integer
DIM s1:regs
dim old_opt(32),new_opt(32),char:byte
run syscall($8d,s1)
new_opt(4)=0 (kill echo here)
run syscall($8e,s1)
get #0, char
until char=$0D (loop until <cr> is pressed)
run syscall($8e,s1) (put the orig "tmode" back, untouched)
This program should get the option part of the path descriptor (same thing
tmode does), make a copy of it, turn echo off in the copy, and then use
the copy to reset the options. Then it runs in an idle loop, snarfing all keys
pressed, exiting only on a <cr> (or break etc). Then, on exit, it sets the
options back to how they were. The program does not know, or care how they
were set. It just gives the original copy of the options back.
You can control anything tmode can do this way. This includes echo, line feeds,
Break and Shift-break, page pause, and on.
Next weeks lesson will be on how to grab the original window's type,
palettes and size so thatthey can also be restored on exit. :>
86350 18-MAR 00:31 Programmers Den
RE: More Basic Stuff (Re: Msg 86338)
Nah, shelling to tmode is almost un-noticable, try this, do a for/next
loop to say, 100 times, and run tmode over and over..and time it by
printing date$ at before for and after next to show how much time has
elapsed, then remove the tmode line, and do it again, I bet there is
almost no difference, IF you are using the standard microware shell
or dont have or your shell+ prompt set to show the current directory
I doubt any real speed is involved there..I could be wrong though..
for you have any for/next's in your program? if so, make the variables
all integers, this will speed up loops alot (but it you really need the REAL
type number, then there is nothing you can do, but any un-dimed variables
default to real's..this can be slow)
-* Mike
86357 18-MAR 01:46 Programmers Den
RE: More Basic Stuff (Re: Msg 86350)
The main problem with shelling out to tmode, is there is no way to restore the
terminal back to exactly the way it was before your started the program,
which is the polititically correct thing to do when you start chaning terminal
86360 18-MAR 12:25 Programmers Den
RE: More Basic Stuff (Re: Msg 86357)
True, but if he is only changing the echo, and if it is hard-coded for
coco windows, then it wouldnt really matter..because echo is always on in
a coco window.
But if it were going to be used on terminals..well then that is a different
-* Mike
(I do agree though that syscall should be used for a major program, I think
shelling to tmode is ok for a smallish editor, but then, figuring out syscal
is a great way to learn a bit more about the OS, so, I dunno, I will just
sit on the fence on this one :) )
86368 18-MAR 23:16 Programmers Den
RE: More Basic Stuff (Re: Msg 86357)
"the politically correct thing to do??"
End of Thread.
86336 17-MAR 21:16 General Information
RE: CoCo2 Emulator runs Level One OS9 (Re: Msg 86305)
Make that $75.....
86339 17-MAR 21:28 General Information
RE: CoCo2 Emulator runs Level One OS9 (Re: Msg 86305)
If you guys are serious ..... make the offer direct to the author!
He can be reached on Internet --- read his doc file in COCO2-13.ZIP archive.
=== Jesse ===
86352 18-MAR 00:36 General Information
RE: CoCo2 Emulator runs Level One OS9 (Re: Msg 86339)
can you post his inet address in the forum? I havent dled the coco 2
emulator, and really dont feel like downloading the archive, and a
coco zip program..thanks..
-* Mike
86361 18-MAR 15:08 General Information
RE: CoCo2 Emulator runs Level One OS9 (Re: Msg 86339)
From: CBJ To: JES68K
Why not just send him a msg noting the interest invoked and the fact that
there are offers to purchase the package at $25.00 from at least 4 people by
my count.
86370 19-MAR 00:06 General Information
RE: CoCo2 Emulator runs Level One OS9 (Re: Msg 86352)
I thought my post would at least encourage someone to read what the author
himself wrote, but if you are too lazy, here's his Internet address:
Jeff Vavasour
=== Jesse ===
86371 19-MAR 00:13 General Information
RE: CoCo2 Emulator runs Level One OS9 (Re: Msg 86361)
From: JES68K To: CBJ (NR)
I'm not one of the four people interested in a Coco-3 version of the
emulator ..... those interested should do the writing. I also read his
entire doc file and his future possible interest in doing a CoCo-3 (which
I wish others would read). I'll keep my $25 for other things, I really
don't think MS-DOS with its limitations is the right OS to use to do a
CoCo-3 emulation with (I have my doubts that it is possible ... but then
I also thought OS9 Level One would not run ... call me doubting Jesse).
=== Jesse ===
86377 19-MAR 09:08 General Information
RE: CoCo2 Emulator runs Level One OS9 (Re: Msg 86370)
:) Thanks, If I had the right utils to unzip IBM stuff on the coco
I would have downloaded it and read it....but I never got the coco unzip
stuff on my clone I run unix..thanks again for his address, I will
email him..
End of Thread.
86337 17-MAR 21:24 General Information
RE: PC6300 (Re: Msg 86320)
Well, I guess I'm stumped at the moment. I went and looked it over today and
darned if I cou;ld come up with either number (6300 or 7300) from anyplace
on the back label! Then I got busy and never got back to checking on some
of the docs I've got laying around in what passes for an office. Looks more
like a morgue at the local weekly paper. I might be back on this thread
when I have more concrete info. Cheers, Gene
86346 17-MAR 22:35 General Information
RE: PC6300 (Re: Msg 86337)
I'll let you know what's on mine once Rick Ulland and I open it up on friday
With all best wishes,
Brother Jeremy, CSJW
OS9 User's Group Treasurer
End of Thread.
86340 17-MAR 21:31 Telecom (6809)
RE: Transmitting Via Modem, Etc. (Re: Msg 86322)
Sure it is possible, I do that with my brother-in-laws laptop all the time
from my 512K Coco and a null-modem cable... The only difference is that I use
Supercomm, but, a comm program is a comm program when you are null-modemed
and not looking for pretty screen codes and such(besides, supercomm supports
Zmodem!) Just connect a null-modem cable from the comm port on the PC to the
rs232 port on the coco, in the PC communications software, set it up to use
the comm port that the null modem cable is hooked to(ex. Comm1) and set the baud
rate for both machines at 19200. With the Coco, send the program and with the
PC recieve(just like transfering with a modem). Works great!!!!
86342 17-MAR 21:38 General Information
RE: Eliminaotr (Re: Msg 86329)
To the best of my knowledge, the Eliminator controls ALL devices no-halt
but having never used one, I'm not totally sure. And I have NO idea about the
par port!!! I do believe though that the floppy controller portion is no halt.
86351 18-MAR 00:35 General Information
RE: Eliminaotr (Re: Msg 86342)
Good, that is what I was hoping, I am picking up that eliminator from
Chris Serino on friday, so I was just doing a little research on it :)
I just hope I dont have too many problems re-genning a boot with the
eliminator modules (this new coco is real sensitive to the blob, because
boots I have made for this system sometimes crash, but work on a friends)
weird.."she" has been behaving lately though..let me install OS9p4 and
a few patches without even batting an eye.. :)
thanks for the info... -* Mike
End of Thread.
86343 17-MAR 22:28 Telecom (6809)
high speed patches
I remember once seeing a file here(i think) that dealt with some 'high speed'
hints for use with Sacia and a patch for such. I didn't need it before but now
I think I do(bad screen problems with Supercomm at speeds in excess of 4800bps)
and would like to look it over. Does anyone know where or what it is???
86348 17-MAR 23:27 Telecom (6809)
RE: high speed patches (Re: Msg 86343)
I think the patches for Sacia that you're looking for were in the SuperCom
2.2 archive.
[Access CoCo of L.A.(Lower Alabama) (205)598-2100 Fido: 1:18/75]
86356 18-MAR 01:38 Telecom (6809)
RE: high speed patches (Re: Msg 86343)
Might this be the tip file Randy wrote for the last Supercomm release?
Check yer archives! -ricku
End of Thread.
86344 17-MAR 22:28 Telecom (6809)
RE: BBS (Re: Msg 86313)
Thank you Jeff, for your help.
With all best wishes,
Brother Jeremy, CSJW
OS9 User's Group Treasurer
86353 18-MAR 01:02 Telecom (6809)
RE: BBS (Re: Msg 86344)
You are very welcome brother Jeremy!
If I make it out to this years "Last CoCofest" I hope to
catch up to you as well as everyone else here that
makes it there!
Good luck with all your projects!
Jeff Yoder
End of Thread.
86347 17-MAR 23:03 General Information
RE: Hello All... (Re: Msg 86319)
Correct, there is nothing legally wrong with use "diff" formats, such as
ipatch. But I feel it much better in situations like this (things like gshell
are another matter) to at least attempt to contact the original author,
explain the what's and why's of the changes, and try to get permission to
upload a complete new binary. Less hard feelings this way, and it's easier
on me *and* the end user.
Note that I followed the same approach on SuperComm. Version 2.1a was
originally just a set of bug fixes. I was literally within minutes o
uploading it as an ipatch file when I finally got in touch with Dave, the
orig author. The result of that contact was not only permission to upload
a complete new binary, but also to continue development. Hence v2.2, and
soon-to-be-released v2.3.
86354 18-MAR 01:10 General Information
Fest Attendence
BlackHawk Enterprises, Inc will be at the Chicago CoCofest. We will ship
our first MM/1 within 1 week, and hope to ship 3 more within another month
to 6 weeks, INCOR willing. ;(.
We WILL have MIDI boards with Ultimuse/K, Serial paddle boards, Tape drive
software - and will bring Archive Viper 150 MB SCSI tape drives for those who
preorder them. We will also be introducing 2 new pieces of Software.
KTerm 2.0 and Desktamer 2.0 (OSK and OS9 L2 w. MultiView). And MAYBE some
other goodies!!
86359 18-MAR 07:35 Telecom (6809)
RE: 9600 on a CoCo... (Re: Msg 86325)
> No Mark, that was NOT my original statement... The original statement was
> that using Stock OS-9 level 2, and a stock RS-232 pack, with standard
> 6551 ACIA, your could not get reliable 9600 baud comunications. And this
> is what this whole thread has been about. I stand by this statement,
> because it is 100% truthful and fact... To argue this point any further is
> a complete waste time...
I disagree. If you had included the STOCK part in your original
statement, I wouldn't have said anything since it is true a stock CoCo
under OS-9 can't do 9600 baud very well. The part I took exception to
was your statement that the problem is the buggy 6551 which is not true.
Regardless, let's just agree on the point that it is very well possible
for a CoCo running OS-9 to achieve 9600 baud or greater on a serial port
using stock hardware but with some modifications and newer drivers.
/*********** /\/\ark *************/
(Upload with InfoXpress Ver. 1.01)
86373 19-MAR 02:42 Telecom (6809)
RE: SandV BBS (Re: Msg 86101)
> The MM/1 side showed no errors, while the Sun side had only 7 retries (don't
> know how big the test file was)
> --
Thats great Paul, soon as Scott has it finiched, tell him that I would like a
copy for my MM/1, also let me know wat the cost will be... Thanks!
End of Thread.
86362 18-MAR 21:02 General Information
Sounds of theh Hounds
Hi Frank, I'm happy to say Allen from Wolver Software just
called, and reports all authors contibutions are now merged.
"Sounds of the Hounds"
CoCo III version is soon to be come a reality.
I do want to point out, "I will not be selling this product".
All marketing will be handled directly from the source. Or
Wolver Software, Inc in LA. I've recomended your '68 Micors, as
well as UPTIMES, NINETIMES, and they have contacted Rick Cooper,
(Rick's CFDM). I mentioned your intro offer, but they said their
thinking was 1 full page followed by three half pages.
Intorduction will be Via The UPGRADE Disk magazine (boy, did I
have to talk for that one) in early April. Then they are
expecting to start ads May or June. BTW: remind mem to ask CBJ
about it being at the ChiCo Fest. I doubt they will take a
booth, but are looking for someone to have it there, for them.
I'm trying to talk 'em down,, but their targeting price at
$44.95. I'd quickly agree it's worth every penny, but don't
think the CoCo market will handle that much at this point. I
might get them to go for a little less. What do you think?
Til then,,, Terry g
86363 18-MAR 21:12 General Information
Hi Carl,
As you've read in the UPGRADE soon to be released is: "The
Sounds of the Hounds" V3.7 (CC3 version) from Wover Soft, Inc.
Their primarily PC these days,, but got this one rewrote for
theh CoCo community.
I got the promo for the ChiCo Fest, booth inforamtion. and as
you know, the opening Concrete season won't allow me to be there.
Besides "I personally, nor MI&CC" will be selling S.O.H. anyway.
The qestion is: can you suggest a vendor who has a CoCo with
RGB screen, that wuold be willing to tkae orders, demo, sell,
BTW: it does look like you've got a good start on booths, I
just don't know which ones are MM/1 and which are CoCo?
Oh,, and som will be send to UPGRADE subscribers, for review
(quite a few actually), would you have time to review it for
CoCo 1,2,3 or would you suggest someone else?
Til then,,, Terry g
86364 18-MAR 21:36 Programmers Den
Monk needs Stampe
Dear friends:
I am trying to locate Dave Stampe author of MAX-10. Any help will be greatly
With all best wishes,
Br. Jeremy, CSJW
OS9 User Group Treasurer
86365 18-MAR 22:39 Programmers Den
RE: Monk needs Stampe (Re: Msg 86364)
He's probaly like Tim Jenison, who wrote MAX III. He wrote it for a price
and split. Was never really a part of marketing. that's why we've
never seen an upgrade to MAX III. Or even patches.
Tim is however doing very well, on the AMIGA. There his product or one of,,
sells near two thou. Video Toaster.
Colorware as well changed hands after MAX II.
You ocould have quite a search.
Til then,,, Terry Simons
End of Thread.
86366 18-MAR 22:47 General Information
Hi Frank,,,
I forgot to mention, "I will be sending you a copy of "Sound
of the Hounds" for review. Will you review it or someone else?
Oh,, and I'll say it here so as not to flood the base with
"Sounds of the Hounds" messages:
Many of you now subscribing to the UPGRADE will recieve a
prieier copy of "The Sounds of the Hounds". Several go to
mags,, and we'll be sending out a number to our regular MI&CC
members, asking or a review.
Remember as stated in the last UPGRADE.
1. this is a very unique adventure.
2. Many who don't usually play adventure games, will still
enjoy S.O.H.
3. The realistic story line, is said to literally scare CoCo
Oh, and BTW: I know it's been said before, but the unique "copy
protection" on this disk allows confidence. Well let me put it
this way; It backs up easy,,, but,,, Well I'm not allowed to say
Til then,,, Terry g
86367 18-MAR 23:04 General Information
Mark Griffith said:
> Bro. Jeremy,
> > As of this writing, there are twelve official exhibitors. They are:
> 13. Dirt Cheap Computer Stuff Co.
> I'll be there too!
14. Northern Xposure
Colin sent in the vendor's registration yesterday.
Cheers... / Ken
Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES Internet:kscales@delphi.com CIS:74646,2237
86369 18-MAR 23:50 General Information
Dear Friends:
I purchased an AT&T PC6300, an old 8086 based MSDOS (I think) machine. It has
a nice hard drive and perhaps some other useful things. I do have a problem
however. There is no boot disk. It looks for a floppy, switches to Hard
Drive, and then back to Floppy. Does anyone have an old copy of MSDOS 1.x.
Rick Ulland of CONECT suggested a CPM86. Gene thought maybe UNIX. It has a
128k of ram...............You should see the power wires running to the mother
board, 4 guage wire. The hot wire from the battery for accesories in the
Monk Mobile (station wagon) isn't that heavy. I have some 8086 code that was
used to drive some Benoulli Drives and a Tape backup unit. I also have a
cross assembler, so you can why I would like to get this thing runnning. It
would, hjhowever, make a wonderful case for a COCO, and just might eventually.
With all best wishes,
Br. Jeremy, CSJW
OS9 User Group Treasurer
86372 19-MAR 02:41 General Information
RE: MM/1A Mouse Mysteries Revealed?? (Re: Msg 86136)
> the cheap one worked best with orig MM/1 and still works with
> the MM/1A. As others have said, the thing seems to like
> cheap mice.
I have a Logitech TrackMan Mouse on my MM/1a, and it works fine, just have
problems with KVED, Kved dont seam to want to recognice the number 1 butten on
the mouse...
86374 19-MAR 02:42 Telecom (6809)
RE: Telecom (Re: Msg 86196)
> How do I set the buffer size in Sacia? Same for T2 how do I set it's baud,
> xmode will do t2 won't it? I am running os9 l2 w ith supercomm 2.2 and it
> t2=2400 the same as my modem is set to.
You need the Xmode utility from the Eliminator package to set You buffer size
and CTS/RTS flow controll, that should fix Your lost chars problem...
86375 19-MAR 02:43 General Information
OS9 for the Macintosh
Here's a messages I pulled off of comp.os.os9. If anyone is interested in
OS9 for the Mac this could be your chance
****************** start of message ***************************
OS-9 for the Mac
From: Samuel Latt Epstein <picosof@acm.org>
Date: 16 Mar 1994 03:48:05 GMT (1 screen)
Is there any interest in running OS-9 on the Mac? We (Quite Inc.) have been
selling Mac/OS-9 for the last several years, however interest has been less
than overwhelming. If you would like to run OS-9 on your mac simultaneously
with mac applications, HFS and Appletalk access, or possibly on your
Powerbook please email. We are currently considering whether or not to
continue to upgrade and support the product.
Thanks! :) picosof@acm.org
********************* end of message *************************
Stephen (PAGAN)
86376 19-MAR 02:46 General Information
New Account
Hi All!
Just to let you all know that I know have a new account, I probably
won't be using the Zogster account anymore.
Also, the OS-9 Underground's TC70 system is running 3 new listserv
type mailing lists for all those interested, plus there are now
accounts on the system (@zog.wa.com) for staff of the OS-9 Underground.
Alan's email address is: zog@zog.wa.com or sysop@zog.wa.com.
To receive help from Alan's listserv software send a message with
the line HELP and it will send you back a help file, the address
is listserv@zog.wa.com.
======================== InfoXpress 01.01.00 OS-9/6809 =======================
| Narnia BBS: 24 hours serving CoCo OS-9 users
----|---- StG network: sysop@Narnia "Exclusively OS-9"
| InfoNet: JEVestal@ins.infonet.net
Marysville, CA Internet: JEVestal@narnia.citrus.sac.ca.us
| Compuserve: 74044,3324 | Delphi: JEVestal
(916) 743-2617 Voice: (916) 743-4264:1 Corinthians 1:18 & Romans 1:16
Jim Vestal: Assistant editor of The International OS-9 Underground,
"Magazine dedicated to OS-9/OSK Users Everywhere"
86378 19-MAR 09:44 General Information
RE: Unix System V problem (Re: Msg 86215)
Its nice to know there are those who respond with advice and encouragement.
Lately, knock on wood and fingers crossed, we haven't had any lockups. We're
not sure if we really did something in our rooting (pun intended) in the files
that has caused this hiatus in the crashes or if it just decided to go into
remission on its own. Either way we'll take it. Thanks again to you and all
who responded to my inquiry.
86379 19-MAR 10:51 Games & Graphics
JPG graphics
Is there any utility that will view JPG graphics, or convert JPG to something
that View can handle?
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