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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
From: r16a@jupiter.sun.csd.unb.ca (Roger Earle)
Newsgroups: rec.arts.anime
Subject: Wacky Anime DefinitionsDictionary
Keywords: life will be rather boring after this.
Message-ID: <1992Dec18.204911.1754@jupiter.sun.csd.unb.ca>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1992 20:49:11 GMT
Organization: University of New Brunswick
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The Wacky Anime Definitions Dictionary V 1.53
( W.A.D.D.)
Compiled by Roger Earle(r16a@jupiter.Sun.CSD.unb.ca or r16a@UNB.ca)
Akane (Ah Kahn Ay): (v) To protect someone from an imagined evil, which the
person being protected does not perceive.
eg.: Reagan akaned the US from the "Evil Empire" of the Warsaw Pact.
Akira: (verb) To reach such a high level of psychic power you
can't control it. Ex:Kyousuke Akira'd and blew up the disco.
Ako/Bko thing" (noun) A running fight so destructive you can follow
it from a distance just by watching for the smoke.
Ex:Ranma and Ryouga did the Ako/Bko thing through the zoo and all
the animals escaped.
Ben Dixon: v. To die 'cause you're a bonehead.
Bubblegum: (prefix) Roughly equivalent to "Mechacyberpunk-"
chainsaw : (verb) synonym for Macek.
Daicon (Girl) v. 1. The jiggling of one's breasts, esp. female. 2. The
independent animation of the jiggling of one's breasts.
eg., My hentai roommate loves to hang out by the beach,
and watch the girls Daicon as they jump in the surf.
eg., She really Gainaxed when she sneezed!
Dirty Pair event: (noun) any incredibly destructive and casualty-causing
event which is no-one's fault in particular.
Ex:"Due to a minor Dirty Pair event, Southern China is now mostly
DOSH, Doshko(n): A wise man who knows all the answers but can't
be bothered to tell them to you -- you have to find out yourself. As
a verb, to behave as a Dosh: "Ben Kenobi really doshed Luke."
D-load: (verb) To launch as many missiles from an Armored Veritech/Valkyrie
as it is capable of launching. Usually used against a large number of targets.
WARNING: Avoid doing this while wearing a Dirty Pair T-shirt. Unexpected things
may happen, and it won't be your fault!
Face fault : (noun) falling to the ground, landing on your face. Ex: Lum
flew through the door and Ataru did a face fault.
Gainax (Girl) v. [see Daicon (Girl)]
Genma(noun): One who constantly uses his/her offsprings for personal gain.
(slang): One who acts like a complete ass.
Gundam (verb)- The act of killing off a major character, just as the audience
was beginning to like the person.
EG. Tragically, Lt. Yar was gundamed before ST:TNG became popular.
(from Kido Senshi Gundam -who are we kidding? all of them, of course!)
Gundam (adj.)- The state of being an expensive, undefeatable prototype for an
otherwise ineffective weapon system.
EG. Because the BM-1/BM-2 was so gundam, Jung Freud, in her Sizzler Black
could not follow Katsumi and Noriko into the interior of the BusterMachine 3.
(from Kido Senshi Gundam)
Kasumi(verb): To cook and clean continously and doing nothing else. 2. To
drive doctors with glasses crazy with ones presence.
KAOS(n): A deus-ex-machina, often in the form of a wizard who COULD
do everything that all the heroes do, but can't seem to be bothered.
See also DOSH(ko).
Kei: v. To lose one's temper with very destructive results.
Kenshiro (verb): To hit one's opponent so hard and fast they don't notice
they've been clobbered, until the full reality of it kicks in.
eg. In their first fight ranma-chan Kenshiro'ed kunou. (as seen when at the
end of the fight ranma has a slightly ripped tunic from kunou's sword
and kunou looks fine, until he drops with ranma's footprints all over
his body).
Kick-Ass Mode: (noun) An obvious change in the plot of an anime, sometimes
accompanied by a change in the appearance of characters or mecha or starships,
that implies that the good-guys will now "kick ass" and beat the holy fuck out
of their opponents.
Khyron (verb)- The act of ramming an enemy, committing suicide in the process.
SEE Kamikaze
EG. The A-Wing pilot khyroned the Super Star Destroyer, causing it to plummet
into the Death Star.
KIRK (v): To break or severely test the Prime Directive, as in,
"This used to be a great planet 'til they kirked it."
Kou(verb): To up-chuck on sight of carrots or any products made mostly of carrots.
Kodachi(verb): The act of painting ordinary roses to a black color and then
using its petals to make a big mess when exiting from a scene.
Kunou(noun): One who does not know when he/she has been defeated. 2. A two
(adj): Stupid; doltlike; idiotic; obnoxious;
Kyosuke (Kee Yous Kay): (v) (1) To end up with exactly what you -didn't- want,
due to inaction or merely fate. (2) To end up in a ridiculous situation
which, you are sure, could only happen to -you-.
eg(1).: Darrell kyosuke'd himself when he proved unable to decide what
classes to take until they were all already full.
Lt. South Burning(noun): The state at which a secret was about to be revealed
but suddenly the holder of the secret blows up and
the secret goes along with him/her.
(from Gundam 0083)
Macek: (verb) To rewrite a story according to your own preferences,
with no regard for the original material.
Ex:Jim Macek'd "King Lear" and gave it a happy ending.
Madoka (Mah Doe Ka): (v) (1) To reveal one has an unexpected inate
ability/forte just in the nick of time. (2) To subdue an opponent
with such an unexpected and untrained ability. eg.: Max Madoka'd
Myria when they first played an arcade fighter game.
After all, Madoka is probably aware of her inate abilities.
It is just that no one else knows until the moment of truth.
Miitaka (verb)- The act of catching a glint of sunlight (with sound effects)
at a proper theatrical moment. Often performed by tennis instructors.
EG. His sword miitakaed as he drew it from its sheath, informing all that he
was a blademaster.
(from Maison Ikkoku)
Minmei : (noun) exceedingly cute female character with large eyes that
shimmer frequently. Cranial content is usually somewhat lacking. Synonym:
Space Woo-woo.
Minmay : (verb) behaving in the fashion of a Minmei. Ex: HEY! Can't you
read? The sign says "No Minmaying"!
nabiki - 1. To capitalize on a situation and make a profit. 2. To obtain or
try to obtain money by selling information, or threatening not to withhold
information from others.
Noriko (verb): To fire one's mechs'/ships' ultra-megadeath weapons by screaming
it's name at the top of your lungs.
most notable EG: "BUSTERRRRR BEEEEAAAAAMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!"
Ota (Verb). 1. Synonym for Miitaka. 2. To make decisions that only make
sense in the present if you can see the future ( or have
read the script ahead of time) B-{)
Parn: (verb) To charge headlong into the nearest foe only to bounce off due to
inferior skill/power. Note this is different from Uwaa (q.v.) in that
said person survives the incident.
Ex. Kou rushed to GP01 and attacked Gato only to be beaten repeatedly in
ep 1 & 2 of 0083.
Ranma(verb): To be beaten senseless because one was acting like a complete ass.
Ex: John was ranmaed after he called his girlfriend
"not cute".
Rick Hunter: v. To say "uh!" a lot.
Robotech (ro' bo tek) v. 1. To take various bits of plotline which are not at
all connected and jam them together until they almost fit into one continous
story. 2. In missiles, to scatter in a random direction after launch, then
converge from several directions on the target. (Thought to confuse/defeat
anti-missile systems.)
Roy Fokker v. To die 'cause you're being a macho schmuck.
Rumiko: v. to gradually escalate chaos and confusion to critical mass.
"The Iraqi situation Rumiko'd until..."
Ryoga(noun): A person with absolutely no sense of direction what-so-ever.
2. The state of being lost all the time.
3. The act of carrying an umbrella no matter what the weather is
(ed. note: it would appear from 2 and 3 that Ryoga can also be used as
a verb)
SAGAN (n): An uncountable number: billions and billions and
billions: "Captain, we're sagan kilometers from our previous position!"
"Impossible! The universe isn't that big!"
Scott Bernard (skot' ber nard') v. To fire all one's available missiles at a
single or small number of targets, esp. from an Alpha or Legioss mecha, when
the target is at best worthy of one to three of them. Note that it is possible
to Scott Bernard other missile-rich mecha as well, including various Destroids,
mobile missile platforms, and the SDF-1. (Remember Force of Arms? :-)
SEIYA(v): To absorb tremendous punishment and keep on going, fixated
on a single goal: "Rocky Balboa did a Seiya and won the heavyweight title."
Also, to fall off a cliff and climb up it repeatedly.
SFH (Submunitions From Hell)- (n) 1. Any sort of missile that contains dozens
if not hundreds of guided bomblets/minirockets designed to spread huge
amounts of destruction over a large area. 2.(v) to use such ordnance in
battle (acronym only). Example: The _Minerva_ SFH'd Big Murphy's pirate
base to cover the escape of the Crushers.
See also: Scott Bernarding on a budget or 3M on a budget.
Shampoo (verb)- The act of emerging through walls, often in the middle of
EG. The incredible Hulk shampooed through the wall, surprising the
(from Ranma 1/2)
Takahashi: (see Rumiko)
Tetsuo (tet' soo oh) v. To run head-on into an obstacle, usually on a
motorcycle or in an aircraft or automobile, and explode violently.
(As someone mentioned after this definition appeared in the UF3 glossary, this
makes Tetsuo somewhat analogous to a Ford Pinto.)
3-M : (verb) abbrev. of Macross Missile Massacre. Synonym: Scott Bernard.
Ukyou(noun): One who makes Japanese pizza with an oversized spatula.
2. A person who is in love with a complete ass(see Ranma) who
only considers the said person a "good friend".
Uwaa: (verb) To fight someone whom you should never have bothered with and paid
for your mistakes.
Ex. The nameless pilots who faced a newtype in Gundam series.
Yamato (verb) - to resurrect or bring back by completely changing the
continuity of the universe.
ex. The entire crew of the StarLeaf was Yamatoed for _Ten Little
Gall Force_.
People who claim responsibility for these: :) :) :) :)
From: cwagner@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Christian Wagner)
From: dhiga@aludra.usc.edu (Darold Higa)
From: seawasp@vm2.cis.pitt.edu (Sea Wasp)
From: afj9838@rigel.tamu.edu (JOHNSON, AARON FLEMING)
From: GREENJ@YaleVM.YCC.Yale.Edu
From: kay@bigwpi.WPI.EDU (k)
From: dcb@wdl1.wdl.loral.com (Predecrement David)
From: chrismg@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (christian gadeken)
From: mfrose@ais.org (Martin Rose)
From: chadwick@world.std.com (Chadwick Ngan)
From:<thmartin@romulus.rutgers.edu>Theresa Martin
From: r16a@jupiter.Sun.CSD.unb.ca (Roger Earle)
From: wolfone@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Patrick Chester)
From: garion@micromed.com (Chris Thi Nguyen)
From: dlo@Bonnie.ICS.UCI.EDU(Dickinson Lo)
some written originally by David Gerrold in Starlog):
a couple from the glossary from UF2
Any additions to this would be welcomed, appreciated and,
in fact hoped for :) (the more, the merrier)
{ for the legally curious, all characters and vehicles mentioned above are copyrighted by their respective creators and/or companies.}
This has been brought to you courtesy of Usenet, the readers of r.a.a., and
the Department of the Blindingly Obvious. which bears no resemblance to any
organization, real or imagined. :)
Roger Earle Director of P.R.
Department of the Blindingly Obvious. :)
Internet: r16a@unb.ca
Advice on skiing: Go that way really fast. If something gets in your way, TURN!
-Charles Dumarr, Better Off Dead