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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
From: jaime@tcville.HAC.COM
Newsgroups: rec.video.releases,rec.arts.disney
Subject: Beauty & The Beast: Work in Progress LD - Timing Analysis
Keywords: Beauty, Beast, animation, timing
Message-ID: <24416@hacgate.SCG.HAC.COM>
Date: 14 Dec 92 00:16:22 GMT
Organization: Hughes Aircraft Co., El Segundo, CA
Lines: 737
I just finished watching my copy of the Beauty and the Beasty: Work in
Progress laser disc, and out of curiousity, while watching the movie, I
decided to literally count how many minutes (or frames) of full
color animation were missing from this laser disc release.
For those not wishing to read any further, here's the result: in my count,
I found that 61.8% of the movie (not including end credits) was final
color animation. The rest is a divided up into storyboard, rough animation
and cleanup animation. Or roughly 49 minutes of the 80 minutes I counted were
final, full color animation.
Although I first thought this timing analysis was going to be an extremely
tedious and time consuming process, I actually enjoyed the time I spent
stepping through all the "work-in-progress" material. It made me appreciate
the film even more, and the craftsmanship and artistry that goes behind
making a film like this. Oh...and I ended up appreciating even more
the jog/shuttle dial on my laser disc player's remote control ;-)
The only disappointment I had was that this work in progress release, IMHO,
did not contain enough full color animation at key scenes at the end of
the film: it contains no final color animation of the Beast after he was
transformed back to a Prince. Nor is there color animation of Belle and the
Prince dancing at the end. Sigh. Also, did I mention the fact that the two
discs came with those cheesy, thin, inner plastic sleeves. Ughh!
Anyway, if you're a animated film lover, you'll enjoy this release. At first,
I had refused to buy this "crippled" disc, and it was only until reading
few glowing posts here in rec.video.releases that I decided to purchase it.
I picked up a copy earlier this week at the new Virgin records MegaStore
in Hollywood (about a dozen still in stock), since my usual LD hangount,
Ken Crane's in Westminster, was all out.
What follows is a time summary, and a detailed frame-by-frame summary of
the film. There's a good chance that I could have mixed up my Rough Animation
and Cleanup Animation labels on a few sequences, but that shouldn't really
throw off the final numbers. Enjoy. (And sorry for the stray quote marks
that might appear in the detailed summary. I don't what Excel was up to
when I converted the spreadsheet to text.)
- jaime villacorte
Hughes Aircraft Co, EOS jaime@tcville.hac.com
El Segundo, CA villacor@hac2arpa.hac.com
Time Summary
SB = Storyboard
RA = Rough Animation
CU = Clean Up Animation
FC = Final Color
SB - 117.4 seconds (2.5%)
RA - 689.2 seconds (14.4%)
CU - 1016.6 seconds (21.3%)
FC - 2948.4 seconds (61.8%)
total count = 4771.6 seconds (79 minutes 31.6 seconds, excluding
end credits)
Side 1 Side 2
SB - 77.5 seconds (4.4%) SB - 36.8 seconds (2.2%)
RA - 270.6 seconds (15.4%) RA - 226.6 seconds (13.8%)
CU - 389.4 seconds (22.2%) CU - 182.6 seconds (11.1%)
FC - 1020.3 seconds (58.0%) FC - 1195.0 seconds (72.8%)
Side 3
SB - 3.1 seconds (0.2%)
RA - 192.0 seconds (14.0%)
CU - 444.6 seconds (32.4%)
FC - 733.1 seconds (53.4%)
Detailed summary (very long)
===== Side 1 =====
Start Duration Type Description
(frame) (sec)
1 2.6 black
64 6.6 FBI warnings
222 1.4 black
255 14.8 Disney Home Video logo
609 259.3 Walt Disney Pictures Logo
962 9.8 FC Movie start
1198 24.4 CU Forest landscape.Zoom into Prince's castle
1783 12.4 FC Stained glass window of Prince
2080 100.4 CU Beggar woman, a rose, deception, and a spell
4490 4.6 FC Beauty and the Beasttitle
4601 41.8 SB Belle stepping out of house, walks into town
5605 19.5 FC "Bonjour..."
6072 3.3 RA closeup of Belle
6150 9.4 FC 2 women gossiping/singing
6376 3.5 CU Belle walks with basket
6459 11.7 FC More of the town
6740 3.8 CU Fruit stand operator gets hit with wife's rolling pin
6831 129.7 FC Belle steps into Bookseller's store
9943 7.2 RA Gaston grabs Lefoi: "Don't I deserve the best"
10116 41.2 FC Gaston walks after Belle
11105 10.8 CU Gaston: "Just watch I'm going to make Belle my wife"
11365 18.7 FC Song ends, Belle is walking out of the town"
11814 2.1 CU Belle looks at her book
11864 51.4 FC Gaston meets Belle, throws her book in the mud"
13097 2.7 CU Gaston to Lefoi: "Yeah don't talk about her father that
13161 4.8 SB Belle: "My father is not crazy...". Belle's house
13276 2.9 CU Gaston & Lefoi laugh
13346 53.3 FC Belle runs down to cellar, finds Papa"
14626 4.2 CU Papa with coke-eyed glasses: "My daughter - odd?"
14727 10.1 FC Belle: "I'm not sure I can fit in here"
14969 14.8 CU Belle derides Gaston: "He's not for me"
15324 1.9 FC Papa's machine starts
15370 1.3 CU Papa & Belle duck
15402 8.9 FC Machine cuts wood
15616 2.1 CU More wood cutting by machine
15667 1.4 RA Belle: "It works!"
15700 2.3 CU Papa: "It does?"
15756 9.4 RA Papa: "It does!"
15982 2.3 FC Papa heads off to the fair.
16037 3.6 CU Papa on hurse pulling wagon head on out
16124 10.1 FC Pan of landscape outside Belle's house
16366 6.3 CU Papa and horse, Phillipe, cross bridge"
16518 65.3 FC Papa and Phillipe enteres scary forest
18084 3.7 CU P &P get attacked by bats
18173 55.2 FC P&P runs away, almost going off cliff. Phillipe runs
19498 1.6 CU Papa opens gate to Beast's castle
19537 12.6 FC Wolf attack Papa.
19840 6.7 CU First glimpse of an imposing castle
20000 12.2 FC Papa enters castle
20292 6.6 SB Papa walks into hallway
20451 8.4 RA Papa: "Hello...". Whispers in the background"
20652 12.3 FC Papa: "Is someone there?"
20946 9.5 CU Lumiere to Cogsworth: "Have a heart"
21175 3.6 RA Papa: "Who said that?" Grabs Lumiere"
21262 2.2 CU Lumiere to Papa: "Hello"
21314 0.5 RA Papa gasps. Drops Lumiere
21327 0.9 CU Lumiere hits the ground
21348 2.0 RA Papa gasps, backs away"
21396 1.8 FC Papa: "Incredible!"
21439 4.8 RA Cogsworth: "Well now you've done it Lumiere"
21555 6.1 CU Papa picks up Cogsworth: "How is this accomplished"
21702 38.0 FC Lumiere laughs. Cogsworth gets wound up.
22615 2.0 CU Lumiere leads Papa into the Beast's chair
22662 10.9 FC Foot stool to Papa
22924 4.3 RA Hat stand takes Papa's hat away
23027 3.3 CU Cogsworth: "All right, this has gone far enough"
23107 4.0 RA Mrs. Potts meets Papa
23202 3.3 CU Cogsworth, lying face down on floor: "No tea"
23282 7.6 SB Mrs. Potts serves Papa. Chip meets Papa
23465 0.9 RA Booming sound
23487 1.3 FC Door bangs open
23519 0.7 CU Lumiere turns and looks at door
23535 1.2 FC Wind from door blows fire out in fireplace
23563 2.7 CU Chip hides behind Mrs. Potts: "Uh oh"
23628 1.0 FC Papa shakes in seat
23652 2.1 CU Beast's shadow rises above the seat
23702 1.3 FC Papa shakes in seat
23733 3.5 RA Beast, on all four, enters."
23817 0.9 FC Papa still shaking
23838 2.0 CU Beast: "There's a stranger here"
23886 6.8 FC Lumiere tries to explain. Beast gets angry
24049 11.2 RA Cogsworth: "I was against this from the start"
24317 3.8 FC Papa meets Beast, face to face"
24407 2.3 RA Beast: "Who are you!? What are you doing here?!"
24463 2.5 FC Papa, backing up: "I was lost in the woods"
24523 5.3 RA Beast: "You're not welcome here! What are you starting
24651 1.0 CU Papa: "Nothing"
24676 3.8 RA Beast: "So you've come to stare at the Beast?"
24766 1.3 CU Papa: Please...I meant no harm"
24798 3.8 RA Papa: "I just needed a place to stay"
24890 7.0 CU Beast picks up Papa. Heads out.
25059 60.3 FC Gaston goes to Belle's house for a wedding
26505 7.4 RA Belle: "What do you know about my dreams..."
26683 9.0 FC Gaston describes life with Belle
26900 5.2 CU Belle backs away from Gaston's smelly feet.
27025 4.2 FC Belle takes book away from table
27126 6.2 CU Gaston tries to corner Belle
27275 10.4 FC Belle: "I just don't deserve you"
27525 1.8 CU Belle opens door. Gaston falls outside
27568 5.3 FC Gaston in mud puddle. Belle puts out Gaston's boots
27694 11.3 RA Lefoi leads band - to Gaston "How'd it go?"
27965 6.2 CU Gason: "I'll have Belle for my wife. Make no
28113 3.1 RA Lefoi to pig in mud puddle: "Touchy"
28188 6.0 CU Gaston walks away mad
28331 13.6 FC Belle walks out of house, begins singing"
28657 5.6 RA Belle sings to animals
28792 2.7 FC Belle: "...no sir not me..."
28857 5.0 CU Belle: "...I want much more than this provincial
28976 36.7 FC Belle runs sings outside in a beautiful setting
29856 10.8 CU Phillipe with no Papa, returns to Belle
30114 12.4 FC Belle on Phillipe approach imposing castle gate.
30412 9.0 RA Belle: "What is this place?"
30627 17.1 CU Belle sees Papa's hat. Cut to Lumiere and Cogsworth
31037 16.6 FC Belle enters castle. Chip: "..there's a girl in the
31436 9.0 RA Mrs. Potts doesn't believe Chip
31651 15.0 CU Lumiere and Cogsworth see Belle
32011 1.4 FC Belle takes steps down a hallway
32044 8.0 RA Lumiere: "She has come to break the spell!"
32237 2.5 FC Lumiere and Cogsworth go after Belle
32297 8.3 RA Belle searching, hears noises\"
32497 6.5 FC Belle: "Is someone here? Wait-I'm looking for my
32653 8.0 RA Belle walks up spiral staircase
32845 1.8 FC Shot of interior of castle
32887 11.2 RA Belle sees Papa behind bars
33156 5.0 CU Beast grabs Belle from the back
33277 0.9 FC Belle drops torch, lands in water. Lights go out."
33299 1.7 RA Belle: "Who's there? Who are you?"
33339 5.9 FC Beast: "The master of this castle"
33480 1.3 RA Belle: "...can't you see he's sick"
33562 3.0 RA Belle: "But he could die...I'll do anything"
33633 2.5 CU Beast: "There's nothing you can do"
33694 5.0 RA Beast: "...he's my prisoner."
33813 2.0 CU Beast turns around after Belle yells "Wait"
33861 12.5 RA Belle: "Take me instead" Beast: "You would take his
34161 4.2 FC Belle: "If I did would you let him go?"
34262 4.6 RA Beast: "Yes, but you must promise to stay here
34373 3.9 FC Belle: "Come into the light"
34466 5.3 CU Shot of Beast's feet and chest
34594 1.3 FC Belle's eyes grow large
34626 3.1 CU Menancing head shot of Beast
34701 6.3 RA Belle gasps, retreats. Papa: "No Belle I won't let you
do this"
34853 12.3 CU Belle: "You have my word." Beast: "Done!"
35149 1.4 RA Beast begins pulling Papa away. Belle: "Wait!"
35183 11.9 CU Beast pulls Papa into enchanted carriage. Beast: "Take
him to the village"
35469 6.3 FC Carriage walks out of castle. Belle watching, cries."
35621 15.8 RA Lumiere to Beast: "...you might want to offer her a
more comforable room"
36000 5.4 FC Belle, crying: "You never even let me say goodbye"
36130 12.1 RA Closeup of Beast: "Let me take you to your room."
36420 5.3 FC Beast: "Follow me"
36547 2.6 SB Belle looking around
36609 3.3 SB Belle sees gargoyle
36689 3.0 SB Closeup of 3 gargoyle heads
36761 1.0 SB Belle sees a column with a face
36785 1.0 SB Belle runs away towards torch
36810 2.0 SB Belle meets up with Beast carrying torch
36858 1.9 SB Closeup of Beast's worried face, with Belle in
36903 1.8 SB Closeup of Belle's face with a tear falling out of her
36947 4.9 CU Lumiere to Beast: "Say something to her" Beast: "Huh.
37065 3.5 RA Beast "I..uhhh..hope you like here."
37150 7.4 CU Beast: "The castle is your home now, you can go anywhere
you like. Except the west wing"
37328 2.0 RA Beast: "It's forbidden!"
37375 4.0 FC Long shot of Beast and Belle on top floor balcony
37471 4.2 CU Belle enters her bedroom
37572 2.0 RA Beast: "If you need anything, my servants will serve
37621 1.5 CU Lumiere: "Dinner, invite her to dinner"
37860 62.3 FC Wipe to Gaston and Lefoi in bar in village
39356 9.0 RA Lefoi sings: "...it's not very hard to see why..."
39571 6.3 FC Lefoi: "no one's slick as Gaston. No one's quick as
39722 7.1 CU Lefoi ties belt around Gaston's neck. Gaston breaks it
39893 2.6 FC Lefoi: "...perfect, a pure paragon..."
39955 16.6 RA Lefoi and 4 guys around a table
40353 8.6 FC Gaston flexes
40559 3.4 CU Pan of bar
40640 62.7 FC Gaston shoots barrel of beer
42145 1.8 CU Barfly's catching flowing beer in their glasses
42188 11.2 FC Gaston sits down in chair.
42456 1.4 RA Four guys lift chair and Gaston up
42489 4.0 FC ..and drop him on Lefoi
42584 3.4 RA People in bar cheer
42665 20.1 FC Papa/Maurice runs into bar looking for help.
43148 1.9 Black
43194 Last frame of side 1
===== Side 2 =====
Start Duration Type Description
(frame) (sec)
1 2.5 Black
62 17.5 FC Bar people laughs at Maurice's tale of a Beast
482 2.0 RA 2 guys drag Maurice to bar's exit
529 37.0 FC Gaston sprouts an idea
1418 6.2 CU Gaston picks up Lefoi, sings, drops him.
1566 7.2 FC Gaston whispers plan into Lefoi's ear
1738 24.7 RA Gaston and Lefoi dance. Camera zooms out of bar window
2330 16.4 FC Papa in courtyard. "Will no one help me." Belle in
2724 4.1 CU Belle opens door for Mrs. Potts. MP: "I thought you
might like a spot of tea"
2823 14.8 FC Belle backs away, runs into Wardrobe. Chip approaches
with a cup of tea."
3178 3.2 CU Belle picks Chip up.
3254 9.8 FC Chip blows bubbles
3489 3.3 RA Belle: "...I've lost my father..."
3568 9.4 FC Mrs. Potts consoles Belle
3794 2.6 CU Mrs. Potts leaves to prepare dinner
3856 16.5 FC Wardrobe picks a dress for Belle
4251 4.5 CU Belle to Wardrobe: "..."I'm not going to dinner"
4359 8.0 FC Cogsworth enter: "Dinner is served"
4551 5.7 RA Beast pacing on all fours in the dining room.
4688 7.2 CU Mrs. Potts tries to calm Beast down.
4860 26.9 FC Beast: "She's so beautiful, and I'm...well look at me!"
5506 5.3 CU Mrs. Potts: You must help her see past all that"
5633 27.7 FC Lumiere "Here she is". Door opens
6298 1.2 CU Closeup of Beast's anxious face
6327 1.6 FC Cogsworth appears behind door
6366 3.2 CU Beast, smile to frown: "Well, where is she?!"
6442 81.9 FC Beast in front of Belle's room: "...if she doesn't eat
with me, she doesn't eat at all."
8407 6.4 RA Cogsworth asks Lumiere to stand guard in front of
Belle's room
8561 2.0 SB Lumiere salutes
8609 5.5 SB Shot from ceiling looking down at door entrance
8740 8.6 FC Beast in West wing holding magic mirror: "Show me the
8947 10.9 CU Belle's image in mirror: "I don't want to know him"
9209 55.5 FC Another leaf falls off flower. Beast "It's hopeless".
Belle emerges"
10542 7.8 CU Chip gets put away in drawer by Mrs. Potts
10729 23.8 FC Belle enters kitchen. Kneels to greet Cogsworth
11301 2.4 RA Lumiere shoves him away.
11358 8.9 CU Lumiere kisses Belle's hand. Belle: "I am a little
11571 5.8 FC Mrs. Potts: "Hear that! She's hungry"
11711 0.0 RA Mrs. Potts: Start the fire
11711 1.5 CU Mrs. Potts: "Breakout the silver. Wake the china."
11746 39.8 RA Lumiere gets cane and stick. Prepares to sing
12701 237.3 FC Be Our Guest musical number. Cogsworth: "Who said
anything about an enchanted castle?"
18397 2.8 RA Lumiere and Cogsworth fight
18463 22.4 FC Belle asks Cogsworth for a tour of the castle
19000 13.6 RA Belle tours the castle
19327 18.5 FC Cogsworth loses track of Belle
19772 1.3 CU Lumiere, Cogsworth, Footstool rush towards Belle"
19803 1.8 RA Belle begins up a staircase
19845 1.1 CU Cogsworth & Lumiere rush to block her path
19871 1.6 FC Belle: "What's up there?"
19910 2.4 RA Cogsworth: "..absolutely nothing of interest at all in
the West Wing..."
19968 3.3 FC Cogsworth: "...dusty, dull, very boring..."
20048 2.6 CU Belle: "Ahh...so that's the West Wing"
20110 3.5 RA Lumiere to Cogsworth: "Nice going"
20194 1.3 FC Belle: "I wonder what he's hiding up there"
20226 8.5 RA Belle starts up the staircase again.
20430 2.8 FC Cogsworth steps in front of her. "...we have exquisite
20496 4.5 CU Lumiere: "The gardens or the library perhaps"
20603 4.0 RA Lumiere: "Yes...indeed...with books"
20700 5.5 CU Belle begins heading down the staircase
20832 4.0 RA ...looks slyly back up the staircase.
20927 2.5 CU Cogsworth and Lumiere, unattentive head down a hallway"
20988 92.5 FC Belle in West Wing. Sees magic rose
23208 7.3 RA Beast jumps in. Protects rose
23383 29.0 FC Beast upset, shouts Get out". Begins to cry."
24079 4.0 RA Belle runs down the staircase
24175 15.0 FC ...then outside, and rides horse away from castle
24535 2.7 CU Belle on Phillipe riding through forest
24599 10.2 FC Phillipe stops at the sight of wolves
24843 2.6 RA Wolves surround Belle. Phillipe retreats
24906 1.1 CU Overhead shot of Phillipe being chased by wolves
24933 1.8 RA Wolves gaining on Phillipe
24977 5.9 FC Wolf jumps at Phillipe
25118 4.0 RA Unable to hold on, wolf slides off, hits tree
25214 1.8 FC Phillipe and Belle look back
25257 1.2 CU Wolf chasing
25286 0.5 SB Phillipe leaping
25299 1.0 SB Ice breaking
25324 0.7 SB Phillipe and Belle breaking through water
25340 1.5 SB Color picture of Belle and Phillipe in water
25377 0.8 SB Belle and Phillipe struggling to get out
25396 1.3 SB Belle and Phillipe leap out
25426 1.2 SB Belle looks back
25455 0.9 SB Wolf with mouth open
25476 1.2 SB Belle and Phillipe back on land. Wolves in water
25504 2.0 SB Belle looks back
25552 3.2 RA B&W get stopped by wolves. Belle falls
25629 3.1 FC Phillipe reins are tangled in tree branches
25703 7.8 CU Phillipe and Bell surrounded by wolves
25889 4.9 FC Wolf snaps at Belle
26007 1.3 CU Belle swings stick at wolves
26039 0.5 FC Wolf bites stick
26051 1.1 CU Wolf snaps stick in two.
26077 3.6 FC Wolf jumps on bell. Drags her down into the snonw
26163 1.8 RA Belle: "No!". A hand reaches up and grab wolf in
26205 3.3 FC Beast lifts up wolf. Roars at it.
26284 2.2 CU Beast throws wolf. Crouches down towards Belle
26336 1.4 FC Wolf pack approach.
26369 5.4 CU Beast attacks
26498 14.8 FC Beast fights of wolf pack. Throws a wolf into tree
26854 1.8 CU Wolf pack retreats
26898 12.5 FC Beast in pain falls to snow. Belle readies to mount
27197 4.4 RA Belle stops. Thinks.
27302 9.6 CU Turns, heads towards Beast
27532 103.5 FC Belle treats Beast in castle. Gaston, Lefoi, talking to
head of asylum
30017 2.7 CU Gaston raises arm to slap Lefoi
30081 35.9 FC Gaston and Lefoi arrive at Maurice's house, just after
he steps out.
30943 7.6 RA Gaston grabs Lefoi by the neck, leads him outside, thro
ws him in the snow
31125 1.8 SB Lefoi's impression in the snow
31167 1.3 SB Lefoi peers out of hole
31198 2.0 SB Gaston walks away: "Don't move from that spot until
Belle and her father come home"
31247 3.4 SB Lefoi: "But..."
31329 0.6 SB Lefoi emerges from snow. Swinging arm: "Aw"
31344 1.1 SB Smacks nearby water wheel: "Nuts"
31370 0.8 SB Snow falls on Lefoi
31390 2.1 SB Snow covers Lefoi
31440 2.3 FC Back at castle. Beast, Lumier, Cogsworth look down on
Belle who's walking Phillipe."
31496 8.0 CU Phillipe and Bell in yard
31689 5.0 FC Foot stool runs and jumps into snow
31808 13.1 CU Beast: "I've never felt this way about anyone. I want
to do some for her. but what?"
32123 13.2 RA Lumiere: "...no, no, it has to be something special
32439 6.8 FC Beast and Belle approach a room. Beast: "Belle, there's
something I want to show you"
32602 4.2 CU Beast opening door: "But first, you have to close your
32702 2.0 FC Belle with questioning look
32750 1.6 CU Beast: "It's a surprise"
32788 1.7 FC Belle closes eyes
32828 21.3 RA Beast leads her into library. Belle: "Now can I open
33339 2.9 CU Beast: "All right. Now"
33409 13.3 FC Belle seeing grand library: "I can't believe it. I've
never seen so many books in all my life"
33729 1.8 SB Beast: "You...you like it?"
33771 1.6 SB Belle: "It's wonderful!"
33809 1.8 SB Beast: "Then it's yours"
33851 2.3 SB Belle: Oh thank you so much!"
33906 4.9 FC Lumiere, Cogsworth Featherduster, Mrs, Potts, Chip
peer ing into library"
34024 8.9 RA Chip wonders what's so interesting
34238 78.8 FC Belle and Beast at dinner and feeding birds
36129 3.9 CU Beast: "...she glanced this way, and thought I saw..."
36222 38.3 FC Beast gets a snowball in the face
37140 1.9 CU and shakes it off
37186 12.7 FC Lumier, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts observe Belle and Beast
playing in the snow
37490 12.1 RA Belle and Beast in front of the fireplace
37781 11.1 FC Chip wonder what's everyone so happy about
38048 8.0 RA Beast taking a bath. Lumiere: "Tonight is the night"
38240 2.8 FC Beast: "I'm not sure I can do this"
38306 1.7 RA Lumiere: "You don't have time to be timid". Rose in
foreground is dying
38346 2.3 CU Lumiere: "You must be bold. Daring!"
38401 11.3 FC Beast steps out of bathtub
38673 3.3 CU Gets toweled off
38752 6.5 FC Beast getting lectured by Lumiere to confess his love.
38907 4.0 CU Beast getting a haircut
39004 2.0 FC Back of head getting trimmed
39052 3.8 CU Lumiere: "Wha la...you look so...so"
39144 2.0 FC Beast with sissy haircut: "...stupid"
39192 12.8 CU Cogsworth: "Your lady awaits"
39500 2.0 Black
39547 End of side 2
===== Side 3 =====
Start Duration Type Description
(frame) (sec)
1 2.6 Black
64 14.1 FC Belle in gown descends stairs. Beast approaches her
402 2.3 CU Shot of front of balcony [hey, the background looks
heart shaped. Awwww]
456 2.8 FC Belle and Beast step closer
522 2.5 RA Beast is smiling broadly
583 10.6 FC Mrs Potts begins singing
838 8.5 RA Beast and Belle arm in arm descend stairs
1042 9.4 FC B & B at long dining table
1268 3.7 CU Belle approaches Beast, pulls him from the table to
1356 4.7 FC B & B enter grand ballroom
1469 6.1 CU Belle positions Beasts hands for dancing
1616 5.6 FC B & B begin dancing
1751 2.2 RA Lumiere and Cogsworth smiling on the sidelines
1804 15.0 FC B & B dancing. Cupids painting on the ceiling.
2164 17.9 RA B & B dancing. Computer animated background moving
behind them
2593 7.3 FC B & B dancing. Beast looks over to the side
2769 2.8 RA Lumiere and Cogsworth giving the thumbs up
2836 6.0 FC Song winding down
2980 15.0 RA B & B ending dance with computer generated walls in the
3341 8.3 FC Mrs Potts tells Chip to go to the cupboard
3541 8.9 RA Chip hops away
3755 35.8 FC B&B outside on the balcony. Belle: "If only I can see my
father again. I miss him so much
4615 5.5 RA Beast looks sad, then begins to smile."
4748 6.8 CU Beast: "There is a way...This mirror will show you
4911 8.3 RA Belle, with mirror, wishes to see her father."
5111 4.8 FC Papa's image in mirror - struggling, falling down on a
5227 2.5 RA Belle: Papa. Oh no."
5286 2.3 CU "...he's sick."
5342 3.7 RA "...he may be dying...and he's all alone"
5430 8.7 CU Beast looks regretfully at dying rose: "Then you must
go to him"
5639 4.9 RA Belle: "What did you say". Beast: "I release you.
You're no longer my prisoner"
5756 2.7 FC Belle: "You mean I'm free?"
5820 29.7 RA Belle leaves Beast, thanks him for understanding.
Beast gives mirror to her."
6532 8.9 FC Cogsworth enters room thinking everything went well.
6746 1.5 RA Beast: "I let her go."
6782 8.3 FC Cogsworth (astonished): "You what? How could you do
6982 1.5 RA Beast: "I had too"
7018 3.0 FC Lumiere: "Yes...b.b.but. Why?"
7091 6.4 RA Beast: "Because I love her"
7244 3.2 CU Cogsworth tells the gang the bad news.
7320 19.1 FC Belle riding out of the castle. Chip sneaks out of room
7779 5.6 RA Phillipe and Belle ride out
7913 0.8 FC Forest shot
7933 5.1 CU Belle: Papa". Spots him"
8056 19.7 FC Papa lying face down in snow. Fade to Belle leading him
to house
8529 3.4 RA Papa in bed sick
8611 57.0 FC Belle and Papa in bedroom. Chip emerges from bag.
Asylum keeper enters, looking for Papa
9979 1.0 CU shot of angry people outside Belle's house
10002 1.0 FC Gaston smiling
10026 3.5 CU Belle: "No...I won't let you"
10111 10.0 FC Maurice is goaded by Lefoi to describe the beast
10352 1.8 CU Lefoi laughs
10395 1.4 FC Maurice: "I say 8 no ...more than 10 feet"
10429 5.1 RA Lefoi laughing to crowd: "You don't get much crazier
than that
10552 6.8 CU Asylum attendants lead Maurice away
10715 8.7 RA Belle: "No you can't do this" Gastong emerges: "Poor
10924 5.8 FC Gaston: "I might be able to clear up this little
11064 0.9 RA Belle: "If what?"
11086 2.0 FC Gaston: "If you marry me."
11133 5.4 RA Belle: "What?" Rejects Gaston"
11263 0.8 FC Papa being led away towards asylum wagon
11283 1.7 RA Belle rushes into house
11323 8.0 FC Comes out withthe magic mirror. Belle: "Show me the
11516 1.7 RA Beast roaring inside mirror
11557 1.3 FC Closeup of Gaston looking surprised
11588 6.7 RA Belle to crowd: "I know he looks really vicious. But
he's really kind and gentle"
11749 1.8 CU Closeup of Gaston behind Belle, getting angry/jealous"
11791 5.0 RA Gaston: "If I didn't know better, I'd think you had
feelings for this monster"
11910 3.0 CU Belle: "He's no monster Gaston. You are!"
11983 1.1 FC Closeup of Gaston looking angry/surprised/hurt/jealous
12010 3.0 RA Gaston grabbing mirror from Belle: "She's as crazy as
the old man!"
12082 1.5 CU Gaston to crowd: "The Beast will make off with your
12119 7.2 FC Gaston encouraging crowd to kill the beast
12292 1.0 CU Crowd: "Kill him!"
12316 19.6 RA Gaston (singing): "...it's time to take action boys,
it's time to follow me!"
12787 1.6 FC Torch thrown at haystack
12825 5.2 CU Gaston singing
12950 2.0 FC Gaston chases Lefoi who hides behind a woman's apron
12999 2.4 CU Gaston slaps Lefoi down to base of steps
13057 3.4 FC Gaston showing Lefoi the mirror
13139 1.6 CU Closeup of beast in mirror
13178 4.5 FC Gaston singing to Lefoi describing beast
13287 2.0 CU Gaston: "...hear him roar, see him foam..."
13334 4.0 FC Gaston: "...we're not coming home till he's dead...good
and dead!"
13431 0.9 CU Crowd cheering
13453 62.0 FC Gaston throws Belle and Papa into cellar. Crowd heads
off. Chip see's Papa's machine in yard.
14940 1.5 CU Crowd going across river, still singing"
14975 8.5 FC Crowd singing, cutting down a tree"
15179 0.3 CU Gaston sawing through fallen tree
15187 2.8 FC Crowd lifts log/battering ram
15255 1.5 CU Crowd with log heads towards castle
15290 13.6 FC Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs Potts, Foot stool watch
invaders head towards the castle
15617 1.4 CU Shot of Gaston carrying bow and arrow
15651 10.3 FC Gaston: "Take whatever booty you can find. But remember,
the beast is mine"
15897 6.3 CU Animated furniture descend stairs
16047 1.7 FC Crowd with battering ram, led by Gaston, cross bridge"
16088 1.5 CU Gaston and crowd at castle door
16123 14.2 FC Crowd hammerying away at castle door with log
16464 1.9 CU Lumiere just inside the door: "This isn't working"
16509 18.3 FC The Beast despondent: "Just let them come"
16948 3.0 CU Crowd breaks down door
17021 4.8 FC Camera pans at across castle interior - just furnitute
lying around
17135 2.0 CU Gaston waves the crowd in
17184 4.3 FC Lefoi grabs Lumiere to use as light
17288 2.4 CU Lumiere: "NOW!". Furniture begins attacking
17346 6.1 FC People getting beaten up by furniture
17493 8.7 CU Man gets kicked by table, ends up in chest. Gaston heads
up the staircase
17702 1.7 FC Back at Belle's place - machine in backyard starting up
17743 0.6 CU Machine's governing wheel spins
17758 14.8 FC Chip drives machine towards the house. Papa: "What the
18113 1.3 CU Papa grabs Belle: "Belle - look out!"
18145 9.4 FC Machine breaks through door. After smoke clears, Chip:
"You guys gotta try this thing."
18370 1.8 CU Front shot of mayhem at castle
18412 17.4 FC Tomato and coffee attack on crowd. Gaston, bow in hand,
is searching upstairs
18830 3.5 CU Wardrobe fights 2 men
18914 16.6 FC Lefoi corners Lumiere in corner. Cogsworth on his way to
the rescue
19312 4.9 CU Cogsworth, knife in hand, slides down banister towards
19429 23.6 FC Lefoi screams. Belle and Papa on Phillipe on the way to
castle. Men corner foot stool in kitchen.
19995 0.7 SB Foot stool crouching with kitchen drawers behind it
20011 0.7 SB Drawers open
20027 0.7 SB Knives pop out
20043 1.1 SB Demonic stove oven
20069 1.4 FC The three men scream
20103 3.0 CU The crowd retreats from the castle
20175 3.3 FC The furniture cheers
20255 6.0 CU Cogsworth: "And stay out". Lumiere kisses him
20400 14.1 FC Beast in West Wing. Gaston enters, bow in hand
Beast spots him, looks away. Arrow is fired
20738 0.8 CU Arrow hits beast in back
20757 7.5 FC Gaston kicks beast through window. Then kicks him off
20936 1.8 CU Beast sliding down roof
20978 20.1 FC Gaston goes after beast: "What's the matter beast, to
kind and gentle to fight back?" Breaks off wall
decoration to use as club
21461 1.4 CU Gaston approaches Beast. Belle in background riding
into castle courtyard: "No!"
21495 3.6 FC Beast sees Belle, Papa, Phillipe"
21581 2.2 CU Beast: "Belle" Belle: "No, Gastont!"
21633 1.2 FC Gaston winds up to swing
21661 1.0 RA Just at the last moment, Beast's hands catches club"
21685 3.3 CU Beast grabs hold of club, swing around to face Gaston"
21765 1.3 FC Gaston looks at Beast, in horror"
21795 4.3 CU Belle: "Let's go Phillipe". Enters castle"
21897 1.8 FC Gaston on Beast struggle
21940 1.9 CU Wide shot of fight on steeple
21986 7.7 CU Tighter shot of fight. Gaston slips, hanging on to roof
22171 0.9 FC Beast leaps
22193 1.7 CU Gaston and Beast land on another rooftop
22233 7.3 FC Gaston grabs clubs. Takes a swipe at statue - knocks
head off
22408 1.0 CU Gaston and statue - lightning flashes
22431 13.5 FC Gaston: Come on out and fight". Walks past Beast,
posing as statue
22755 1.9 CU Beast sneaks up behind Gaston
22801 3.7 FC Gaston swings club. Beast bites it in two
22889 7.0 CU Fight continues. Gaston: "It's over Beast"
23056 2.9 FC Gaston: "...Belle is mine!". Closeup of Beast's angry
23125 10.5 CU Beast headbutts Gaston in stomach. Lifts him by neck off
edge of roof. Gaston begs fo mercy.
23377 10.5 FC Gaston: "I'll do anything". Beast's angry eyes soften"
23629 5.5 CU Beast pulls him back to the balcony: Get out"
23762 1.3 FC Belle stepping out of upper balcony: "Beast!"
23794 0.8 CU Beast turns
23813 1.3 FC Beast: "Belle"
23843 1.5 CU Belle reaches down with her hand
23879 2.3 FC Beast begins climb up the slanted roof. Gaston awakening
in background
23935 7.4 CU Beast climbing. Reaches out for Belle's hand
24113 2.7 FC Closeup of Belle's hand enclosing Beast's left thumb
24177 8.2 CU Beast: "You came back". Thunk sound. Beast roars."
24374 1.3 FC Gaston with hand around knife that's in Beast's back
24406 3.0 CU Gaston pulling knife out
24479 2.1 FC Gaston pulls back for another strike, but loses grip,
arms swingning wildly
24529 14.5 CU Belle reaches for Beast, pulling him back to the
balcony. Gaston falling down very deep chasm
24876 10.8 FC Belle holds Beast, lying on ground
25134 2.4 RA Shot of Belle, with Beast on ground
25192 4.8 FC Beast on ground: "You...you came back"
25308 20.5 CU Belle: "Off course I came back..we're togeher know,
everything's going to be fine, you'll see". Crying.
25800 22.4 FC Beast: "At least I got to see you one last time".
Grunts. Hand slips off Belle's face"
26337 12.0 CU Belle: "No...please don't leave me...I love you"
26626 13.8 FC Last leaf of rose falls. Lumiere, Mrs. Potts, Cogsworth
look on despondently
26958 16.8 CU Belle crying over Beast. Sparkling raing begins to fall
27361 5.3 FC Beasts body rising, Belle pulls back amazed"
27489 18.5 CU Beast spinning in mid-air, begins transformation"
27934 1.3 FC Belle looks on
27965 47.3 CU Beast transforms: "Belle....it's me"
29101 9.0 FC Belle looks up into his face
29317 2.4 CU Tight shot of his eyes
29374 1.3 FC Belle's eyes opens wide in recogntion
29405 20.9 CU Belle: "It is you". Embraces. Kisses. A rocket fires
29907 3.2 FC Rocket bursts in the air
29984 25.7 CU Sparkling rain transforms castle, gargoyles, Lumeiere,
Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, Chips, Foot stool
30601 1.4 FC Mrs Potts picks up Chip
30634 11.7 CU He lifts Belle up, spins her...transition to indoors
30914 27.3 FC Lumiere and Cogsworth argue.
31568 60.2 CU Belle and ex-Beast dance while others look on. Chip:
"Are they going to live happily ever after Momma?"
Mrs Potts: "Of course my dear. Of course..." Pull back
from ballroom. Ends with stained glass window shot
33012 253.3 FC End Credits
39090 0.8 Black
39109 12.5 Walt Disney Pictures Logo
39409 2.0 Black
39456 End of side 3
- END -