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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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Ode to Elvis
by Gross Genitalia
Toxic File #43
Centre of Eternity 615.552.5747 HQ of Toxic Shock and The Esoteric Society
O pay homage to Elvis the King.
Elvis the keeper of all that is good
Will bring us through troubled times.
O give tribute to Elvis Presley
Guide of time and travel
Sacrifice your shoes.
Praise he who brings forth rain
And once-a-month menstrual cramps
Lay down your dog upon the Graceland altar.
Worship Elvis who controls your mind
And drives a big pink cadillac
Hunk-a hunk-a burnin' love.
You ain't nothin but a hound dog
Pour forth your soul for he
Almighty Elvis Aaron Presley, alive and with us now.
O pay homage to our beloved Elvis, King.
Keeper of your soul
Think of he who rids your bodily wastes.
Elvis is alive and well and living in your home
Give thanks and blessing to The King
And prosper in his power.
O praise Elvis Juice
Poured out by yout Elvis Glands
Which keep The King alive.
Give praises to the Elvis god
We must not upset his awesome power
He provides us sacred nectar of chicken liver.
O hail Almighty Elvis Man, guide us with your light
Sing to us with brilliant sound
And protect all buffalo feces.
Priscilla guides us daily in
Our quest to find your undying truth
Although her wisdom is that of regurgitated testicles.
Elvis Presley, lord of fruitfulness
Provide us with the gift of Elvis Sex
Protect our contraceptives.
Show us all your mighty strength
We listen to thy albums daily
Deliver to us day by day.
Urinate upon our lives your Elvis Wastes
Golden showers enlighten our Elvis worship
Bring to us your divine intervention.
All kneel and hail Elvis Presley
Whose spirit is alive among ourselves
We must go now among the Elvis fans.
"Elvis magnus rex pacis est."
(c)1990 Toxic Shock.
The Followers of Fetus Are Now Found:
Bloody Afterbirth
Fetal Juice
Gross Genitalia