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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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The Three Dildoed Goats Rough
A Parody of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff"
Toxic File #32
by Gross Genitalia
Centre of Eternity 615.552.5747 HQ of Toxic Shock and The Esoteric Society
Once there were three perverted goats named Rough.
They wished to go into the sleaziest part of town and eat the warm sweet
pussy that roamed there. They were very horny and hadn't had sex in a long
while, and there was no pussy on their side of town.
But there was a bridge over which they pass to reach the sleazy pussy-filled
section of town, and under the bridge which they must cross lived a smelly
old nigger.
"I will go first," said the little perverted goat, and he started across
the bridge.
'Trip trap trip trap' went the bridge.
"Who in THE hell goes trppin out ova my BRIDGE ya damn sonuva bitch?!"
roared the nigger.
"It's I Cuz - I'm the little dildoed goat Rough," said the little perverted
goat. "I go up into the sleaziest section of town and eat the sweet pussy."
"I think I'll eat you," said the nigger.
"Oh don't do that Mr. Nigger," said tthe little goat. "My bigger brother
is coming. You'd better eat him."
"Arright den, getcha ass outta here!" said the nigger, and the little goat
hurried on, 'trip trap trip trap' over the bridhe and into the sleazy side
of town to eat some pussy.
Soon after, the next dildoed goat Rough came along.
'Trip trap trip trap' went the bridge.
"I mean who da FUCK goes trippin out ova my BRIDGE?" roared the nigger.
"Yo man, it's me. I'm the second dildoed goat Rough. I'm going on over
here into this sleazy side of town to eat some pussy with my brother."
"I think I'll eat you," said the nigger.
"Oh don't eat me. My big brother is coming. You'd better eat him. I want
pussy, I don't got time to be fuckin around here with a sweaty smelly
nigger like you."
"Well get da hell outta here assho! You pissin me off!" said the nigger,
in a half-jive dialect.
But just then up came the BIG dildoed goat Rough.
'TRIP TRAP TRIP TRAP' went the bridge.
"Now I say who in THE fuck is so dumbassed enough to be a'crossin my
damned BRIDGE?" roared the nigger.
"It's me motherfucker. I'm the big dildoed goat Rough. I go up into the
sleazy section of this town to eat good quality pussy."
"Now I'm a'comin up there and eatin yer ass gadamnit I'm sick o'dis shit!"
roared the nigger, pulling himself up onto the overpass. He wore around his
sweaty neck a Free Africa symbol.
"Come on then you smelly fuckin nigger!" said the big dildoed goat Rough,
who had a great hoarse voice of his own. He lowered his pants and, when the
nigger climbed up on the bridge, he showed the nigger his humongous fifteen
inch cock. The nigger couldn't believe that anyone, or anyTHING, that
wasn't black could have such a big big dick. The nigger fell to his knees
and changed into a stone. The big dildoed goat Rough kicked the shit out of the stone and knocked it over the bridge and onto the road below. He killed a
few passing pedestrians.
If you travel all over the country you'll noticed that everywhere that the
pavement is black. That's because the stoned nigger broke into several million
little pieces and his raunchy sweat bonded him with the road. Economists
found this a very inexpensive way of polluting the air, thereby killing the
ozone layer, and a good way to protect roads for rain and sleet. They ordered
the mass production of Nigger Powder (commonly called asphalt) by using a
laser-based process on imported niggers from Africa. James Brown is scheduled
to be used in a pothole in front of the White House sometime before the end
of the century.
And the big dildoed goat Rough went 'TRIP TRAP TRIP TRAP' over the bridge
and up into the sleazy section of town to eat pussy.
And if the sleazy sickening pussy is not all eaten, licked, sucked, fucked,
and raped, the three brother dildoed goats Rough are eating there yet.
(c)1990 Toxic Shock.
The Followers of Fetus Are:
Bloody Afterbirth
Gross Genitalia
Fetal Juice