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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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The Lawles Society
Issue #3
As you can probably see,(if you are concious at all)
the times of blind following, and faithful trust, are now
over. We cannot, sit and let others, who were blindly elected,
or appointed, run our lives, and tell us what is right &
wrong, legal or illegal. How can we make sure, our lives are
following the right path or not? How can we be sure the
elected officials, have the good of the people in mind? Or,
for that matter, how can we assure ourselves, that our own
neibhors, are not plotting against us?
As OUR government does, I believe in a strong
system of "checks and balances". The only way to assure our
peace, and longevity, is to do what the government does.
Our government seams to think it is acceptable for
them to check on themselves, or other civilian partys (let
alone, other governments). Although it is illegal for a
private civilian organization to "check up" on the government.
By no means, is this a message of forced rebellion,
or induced anarchy. I like to think of it as a slow
revolution. The ultimate goal is to make our world a better
place. One way of doing so, is through knowledge.
Our age presents us a virtual unlimited amount of
resources. Technology, has gotten to big to stay private. My
goal is to make it public. Electronic intelegence (computers)
in league with the government, has on many accounts been
infiltrated, and in many occasions, has proved a fruitful way
of maintaining the civilian/government checks and balances.
But in this day, it is much harder to do, and easier to get
caught. Why get caught, if you don't have to?
Many things, througout your home, are usefull to
our goal. For instance, with an inexpensive, radio control
unit, you can do many things, and not get caught (if you are
not stupid). For instance, bomb detonators, camera survellance,
And with the help of a few other items, bugging devices,
private alarm systems (from your home, to a desk drawer).
If the parts cannot be found in your home, they can be
purchased from an electronic store, for a small amount of
money (usually under $20.)
Chemical Explosives
Some good chamical explosives and incidiaries are as
Powdered Bleach, and Brake Fluid. Although this does not
pertain to electronics, it is a cheap, and easy way to start
a quick, large fire. Since these two ingredients are easy to
conceal, the chances of getting caught are slim.
Put the powdered bleach in a pile, next to, or on
whatever you want to light up. Pour about the same amount of
brake fluid on the bleack (enough to cover bleach pile).
A few seconds after mixing, you should notice some
bubbling or fizzing. At this point, stand back...the mixture
will give off a potent toxic chlorine gas. Depending on the
quality an amount of materials used, the fizzing will continue
for another 30 seconds to 2 minutes. The final result will be a
large colum of flame. Using a 3 inch pile of chlorine, I
obtained a 3 foot colum of fire.
Gasoline. Gasoline is a good, common and cheap explosive AND
incindiary. Its an incindiary, unless contained or compressed.
A VERY convienient way to ignite gasoline is with a "Solar
Flare" (rocket engine igniter). All you need is an igniter, 2
double a batteries, and some wires. You can obtain an igniter
from any hobby store. As far as I know, you do not need a
license to buy them. Remember, gasoline does evaporate rather
quickley. Best uses are as follows...
Fill up a mayonaise jar with gas. Attach the two AA
batteries (in series... +battery1- +battery2- ). Put the solar
flare on the rim of the jar, with the sulfer end inside the jar
and screw the lid on. Now you have 2 metal wires hanging out of
the mayonaise jar. Run a wire from the positive terminal on
battery #1, to one of the wires hanging out of the mayo jar.
Run another wire from the negative terminal on battery #2, to
a switch, or tripwire*(covered later). Run another wire from
the switch (or tripwire) to the other wire hanging out of the
jar. DO NOT submerge the igniter in gasoline, because gasoline
does not burn, only the fumes.
Make sure you are not near the jar when igniting.
A large explosion will immediately follow. (if you couldnt
b \
a \
t --- ********
1 / * Mayo *
- / * *
+ / ********
b /
a /
t /
2 /
- --------*********
* switch*
Black Powder. One of my personal favorites. Black powder can be
picked up at any gun store, and some sports stores with hunting
sections. It requires no license, or identification. It packs
a punch, with just a little amount. You can use it in many ways
For some examples, try drilling a large hole on the top of a
cars headlight. Fill the light with black powder. Garunteed to
total the car. Or fill up a container, and bury an igniter in
the powder. Use a similar ignition device like above.
Black powder is rather cheap, and 1 pound can blow
a wall out if used properly.
Solar flares were discussed earlier, so I wont dwell
on it. To make some nice simple switches, all you you need is
some simple household things. Like a clothespin (hinged type)
and some tin foil.
Tripwires...Open the clothespin. Wrap one end of the
clothespin (the end that clips to the clothes themselves) with
tinfoil. Do the same to the other side of the clothespin (the
other side attached to the clothes). Nail one of the flat sides
of the clothespin, to a tree or something similar. Open the
clothespin, and clamp it on a twig or popcical stick. Tie a
string from a tree to the twig in the clothespin. Keep it close
to the ground (bout 3 or 4 inches off the ground). In effect,
when the "PREY" walks across the string, the string pulls the
twig out of the clothespin, which makes the clothespin close,
and the two pieces of foil touch, and WHallaH!.
If you attach some wire from each piece of tinfoil, you have a
great tripwire.
Wire1 !! Wire2
** !! **
{} {}
[] []
[] [] ****** Tin foil wraped
[] [] around clothespin
[] [] ends.
Play with this awhile, and I come up with Some more
nasty ways to blow things up. And maybe, and modem blower, or
listening devices. So make sure to get the next issue
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The Lawless Society
The Syndicate BBS . . .
(908)/506-6651 - 2400/USR9600
(908)/506-6892 - 2400 ONLY