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| There Ain't No Justice |
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| #42 |
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- Poetry Interlude 04 -
by the AC908 Poets Society
Welcome to Yourself - Hairy Leech
fingers hover above the keys, don't know what to press. wrong keystroke
could be fatal. could ruin me. could do me in. could end the world as i
know it. could set me free..
i express myself through the keys i press, the letters that form the words,
the words that convey the thoughts swirling around in my mind..
i express myself with my hands more so than i do with my mouth.
i am mute.
i express myself through the art i make with my hands, with my with my
body, with my being.
i express myself through all external contact. the tone of my voice, the
look in my eyes, the way my face contorts, the way i touch, the way i hold,
the way i strike. i am the inside, i am one with the outside, together we
make a complex machine.
11 o'clock on a friday morning.
i am a proton, a neutron, an electron, an atom, a molecule, a cell, a
building block.
i am a bit, flickering on-off, on-off.. 1, 0, 1, 0, yes, no, yes, no, yes,
i am a renegade bit. i flash maybe, and .5 and anything else i see fit.
renegade bits create erroring bytes. erroring bytes create corrupted data.
i am corrupted data.
i am slurred speech.
i am the damp, rancid air that howls out of a drunk's throat.
i am the moisture in the breath, always changing forms.. solid, liquid,
gas.. going up, going down, collecting, evaporating..
i am you.
i am inside of you.
i am corrupting your mind.
i am a bad thought.
i am poking at you from the inside.
i am ripping holes in your shallow beliefs.
i am gouging your eyes out, so that you might see.
"..hullo? it's me."
can you hear me in there?
"what.. what's the matter with you?"
i am the knife that cuts your heart out.
"the tools, they will be swinging.."
i am the tune you cannot get out of your head.
"the tools, they will be swinging.."
i am the god of my own world.
"but we will not be beaten down.."
don't hesitate.
i've never cried a cold tear.
on-off, on-off, on-off.
here a bit, there a bit, everywhere a bit, bit..
"you carry out your noble actions.. we will carry our noble scars.."
"you will do what looks good to you on paper.. we will do what we must.."
oh, to be a caveman.
i am you; you are me.
my thoughts are your thoughts.
explore me.
explore yourself.
see who i am?
see yourself.
i am a mirror of reality.
as are you.
i look at you to see who i am.
"this time it's real.."
when mirrors shatter, they become splinters of a former self. tiny bits and
pieces. tiny bits.
when i look back through time and compare my current self to my former, i
see that i am but a bit of what i was. but a bit.
on-off, on-off, on-off.
i don't believe in luck.
i am but a splinter of my former self.
in all the directions i could have grown, i grew in this direction.
other choices pushed aside.
i find myself needing a chair.
i am hairy leech.
i am nitsuj.
i am justin.
pleased to meet you.
welcome to yourself.
11:24 on a friday morning.
fringe's writing impresses me lots.
i should go boil myself in a kettle now.
Assorted Poems by Kel'anth
- ---
Well, before I spew poetry at you, let me introduce myself. I'm
Spartacus, or I was. Now I'm Kel'anth. This is my new handle. New handle,
meet all the people. People, meet my new handle. This here is an odd mix, I
think. Lots of different kinds of stuff, a lot of it is depressing and
deathlike. Have fun, don't hurt yourself. I'll throw in a famous Hairy
Leech style "---" after each thing, so it looks nicer.
"A Fish Dish"
The world turns inside out
As we watch shaking with fear
The people scream and shout
They know that death is near
Mountains crumbling, sky beneath our feet
The world is in a fish
Inside out, prepared to eat
The Earth sits on a dish
Dismembered corpses scattered all around
Warped wood draped with entrails sticks half into the ground
Fish guts are our universe, above the scaly sky
Survivors falling through the void forever till they die
Cities burn and mountains fall
Forests turn to stone
Leprous mothers weep and babies squall
seeing firstborn sons stripped to the bone
The vulture's out of business
The children eat the dead
Zombies roam in darkness
And smash in babies' heads
The universe in ruin lies
Within a rotting fish
Entropy has paid its call
The flies now lick the dish
"Darkness Unheeded"
Darkness descends
Night without end
On a world without life
It is dead
A cinder, an ember
Spinning through space
Without life without light
It was slaughtered
Crumbling skulls litter the ground
Among the blackened ashes
Brains spill out as they split wide open
Nothing to eat them but the cold cold wind
The vultures are dead
The flies are dead
The mildew is dead
They died with the men
Craters where once stood cities
Filled with icy water by the falling rains
It glows in the darkness
A fire that burns in flesh
The living death wrought by men
Men who killed each other
Men who killed their world
Men who killed their cause
Men who killed their dreams
Men who killed their future
Men who killed themselves
Eternal darkness falls
There's no one left to care
God and Satan play chess
On a board that is round, a world
God makes the rules
Souls are the pawns
Souls of men and angels
God wins
As he knew he would
Satan protests
"I want a rematch!"
God says, "Go to hell,
And take your damn pieces with you!"
And guides him with a swift kick
Throws after him the box
With Satan's pieces
And unaligned pieces
Souls of men and angels
Satan burns
The box burns
The pieces burn
Souls of men and angels
Satan's men and Man's men
In eternal pain
God laughs at their screams
"Dark Phoenix"
I walk in darkness
A thick black cloak
A billowing cloud of pestilence
Trailing, bringing pain and death
I am the harbinger of misery
Look on me and beware
Children tremple at my coming
And at my passing cry or die
But like the Phoenix of ancient lore
From the dark flames rise new-born men
Born to darkness, born to pain
Risen from hellfire
They follow close, these men of strife
My army, wielders of Death's sword
They spread the new-found life
"Terrible Secret"
The world ended today
Not with a bang but a whimper
I'm the only one left on Earth
Why am I writing this?
If you are a visitor
A being from space
This warning is meant for you
Spread it far beyond the stars
Or all this will happen to you
Our death was our fault
And by our own hands
We sought to know
That whisch best lay undiscovered
We sought to know
The mind of God
And all that we found was death
Despair killed us all
The despair of the lost
At the terrible secret we found
Every last man, woman, child took his life
Leave this world and seek not to find
The words that destroyed a race
I will not repeat them
My pity for the universe
At what I know
And none can know and live
Prevents such a last desperate act of cruelty
I write this in the blood
That spills from my throat
The blood of all the Universe
Ignorance can be bliss sometimes
Guard it carefully
It's your life
"Alone at Last"
I am alone
Bodies strewn before me
Alone at last
Corpses piled behind me
I have won
Worlds burn all around me
I've killed tham all
I am alone
There is one more
One more to kill
And there will be silence
Silence unbroken
Peace at last
Eternal peace
I take the last life
All is empty
Ball of stone
Marble spinning
Around a great fireball
Too far to be seen
Dwarfed by it all
Ball of fire
Firefly flitting
Within a swarm
One among billions
Dwarfed by it all
Spiral of stars
Pinwheel spinning
In a park full of others
One among so many
Dwarfed by it all
And I am one person
Speck of dust on a marble
Invisibly small
One omong billions
Yet never am I
Dwarfed by it all
"Another Romeo"
I lie beneath the ground
My flesh decaying
Worms live in my eye sockets
And eat of the spoiled meat
That was once a man
A man who loved a woman
She lies here beside me
Hand clasped in mine
The worms, our last friends
They remember
And mingle our dust
The only consummation
Of a love too great
For death to overcome
We lie beneath one monument
She and I
By a vow taken by our souls
Though not our lips
Plague stole her away
But could not keep her from me
Now at last
I am hers
And she is mine
Run away
Into black night
Into dark woods
Thorns tearing
Ripping flesh
The blood flows
Runs down
Feels good
Pain clears your head
Calm, refresh, restore, invigorate
Breath grows short
Panting you stop
Walk back again
Meet your problems
Your friends your foes
Your world
"Guess Who"
Death came softly, like a thief
But more like an old friend who covers your eyes
Disguises her voice, and makes you guess who
I welcomed this visitor, felt no grief
One who lives in pain doesn't mind when she dies
The night only brought me some welcome relief
You'll only understand if it happens to you.
"House Mouse"
Hurrying, scurrying
Tiny feet pattering
Searching for snacks on the kitchen floor
On comes the light
The others are scattering
Run away now, you'll come back for more
The ground shakes below
Listen to the music of the Earth
Worldwide rhythm
We all shake in unison
With the planet
With each other
Cities crumble forming concrete heaps
But we shall rebuild them
Together we fall
Together we shall rise
"City Sidewalk"
I stand in the door, watching
Watching the people go by
With vacant eyes
With balnk faces
They pass me by
In a mindless dance
They pass each among the others
Never seeing
Never touching
A puppet choreography
"No Escape"
I took the pills, a handful
Began to drift, welcoming darkness
But the darkness lifted
Replaced by sterile bright white
When the tubes came out
They took me away
My new room has walls of rubber
And they watch me
And they watch me
And I can't escape the pain
And I share a cell with Napoleon
Clean suburban house
Clean-cut family
Nice neighborhood, but
Down here, beneath
Murky darkness
Putrid filth
I am unclean
But I make them clean
They need me, but
They are ashamed
I live beneath, ignored
But beware
One day I'll back up
Puke up my filth
On their spotless floor
"Joy Ride"
Open road, far as the eye can see
One hand on the wheel, the other one left free
Cas pedal on the floor, accelerating
Downshifting with your free hand, exceed the ratings
Feel to power, feel the speed
The wind in your hair is all that you need
Assorted Poems by Spectre
Help me
it stalks me, hiding in the shadows of my
corrupt soul, a being so hideous, it cannot be
help me
it reaches for me, clawing, ripping, seeking the one
thing that it can truly reach, my heart
Help me
I run in fear, run, but to no avail, for it is
than I am, yet I try to escape
Help me
I try to hide, to cower in fear, hoping it will not find me
but it always finds its Quarry, and flushes it.
Help me
I try to fight, try to keep it away, but it has caught me
it has finally caught me. the beast has caught me
Help me
It tears apart me, not my body, not my heart, but my mind
I scream
I scream in anger, frustration pain
at not being able to stop it, but my screams go unheard
and the Beast Claims me.
HElp me. Please.
blinding searing pain, cutting into me like a knife, over and over
I scream, in torment, scream in pain
Knives, cutting my soul, cutting my heart, i seek out the weilder yet he is
I scream in torment, scream in pain
he weilds his knife with cruel efficiency, knowing exactly where to cut
knows all the vulnerable spots.
I scream in torment, scream in pain
he is slowly cutting me apart, piece by piece, and I cannot stop him, can
I scream in torment Scream in pain
he cuts my mind, slicing through the memories of love, and sweetness, and
drawing the blood of anger and pain
I scream in torment scream in pain
he cuts my heart, slicing through the love. slicing through the hope,
drawing the blood of jealousy and hatred
I scream in torment scream in pain
He tries to cut my soul, but his knife meets the barrier, the barrier I set
up to keep out love, to keep out others, has saved me
I scream in triumph
but the bladesman finds an opening, and cuts into my soul
I scream in fright
I reach out, grab the bladesman, Pull his knife from his hand, and meet no
I scream in Torment, I scream in pain.
I look at the knife, and see the weilder
I scream in recognition
(authors Note: you figure out who the bladesman is, its not hard, think on
the hunted
I am the hunted
a hapless quarry, being sought out by a hunter
I see him, he lifts his weapon, and aims
I am frozen, I cannot move, yet death stares me in the Face
he pulls on the trigger, a shot.
the light
I stumble about in the darkness, looking for escape
I see a light
the darkness created by myself, I wander around in it, lost, hopeless.
I see a light
the demons that took the light have left, not caring about me, my torment,
yet I will to love
I see a light
a voice, a voice tells me that it is all right, to seek the light, for the
darkness is not total, 'tis a shadow of myself
I see alight
I head towards the light, praying it is escape
I see a light
I reach the light, yet the pull of the darkness is strong, yet the light
beckons, pleads.
I see the darkness
I see the light
A struggle within myself, a struggle to hide in the darkness, or to face
the light.
I choose the light
sound of a heartbreak
ever hear the sound of a heart breaking?
a sound so painful to the ears, some people refuse to hear it
a sound so loud, yet some people are deaf to it
I know what it sounds like, for I have heard it within my own chest
ever hear the sound of a heart breaking?
a sound rushes to my ears, a hollow sound, of an empty vessel
a vessel, once full, that has been drained of all.
ever hear the sound of a heart breaking?
a sound, a sound of pain, of torment, a scream, so loud it rings in my
ears, I look to see who else has heard it, no one has.
Ever hear the sound of a heart breaking?
a sound, a sound of death, a thing once alive has died, and no one weeps
for it, because it has died alone.
ever hear the sound of a heart breaking?
i have
I hide in My shelter
let no one in, never leave it.
yet I see her, looking at my shelter, yet seeing no one
My hand quivers, I start to reach out, but I pull my hand back.
I hide in my shelter
a shelter I created because of the very people I watch
yet, I want to let her in, but my mind has taken control of my heart
I hide in my shelter
and watch
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