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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
"Kenyon's Very Own Non Alien Run REPLIES TO: STEVENSJ
Electronic Magazine" INTERNET: "Stevensj@VAX001.Kenyon.edu"
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Introduction: Welcome to the Tabloid Edition, mild format
changes, other terribly dull stuff,why Not Skip This Section and
Move on To Something More Interesting?, More!
News: I Can't Even Begin.... See For Yourself.
OTISian Rants: Presenting "SPODE" the World's First Word
Disassociation Party Game, and "SCUD" The BITTERLY IRONIC Persian
Gulf War Drinking Game!
Other Rants: A Prominient Discordian Talks About "Popes" and How
to Become One!, More Newsish Stuff, MORE!
(Everything Forbidden is Optional)
(Excuse me while I climb out from underneath this rock).
Hi de o! Welcome to the first ever Purps Tabliod Special!
That's right folks, I awoke to find this morning that we had a
huge backlog of left over news articles here at the now fully air
conditioned, and climate controlled Purps headquarters, and
decided that most of them were just to plain funny to delete.
So, since I took such a long vacation there over the holiday
break, and ended up owing you all a few extra issues, I thought
I'd crank out a special edition dedicated solely to what is,
after all, one of our most popular features, news.
Now don't look at me like that. I know that news is a dirty
word these days, all of our eyeballs have probably gone dry the
last few weeks from watching CNN (and now we know WHY it's on 24
hours a day, don't we?) waiting for the Israeli prime minister to
anounce that after all this time being patient he's giving up on
the US restraint policy and going nuclear, or for a pentagon
official to come on and explain how he decided that since the
ground toops were going to have to go in ANYWAY he thought why
not just send them in NOW and get it over with, and we've all had
it up to here with that kind of news.
Oh no! We here at Purps HAVE NOT abandoned our firm policy
of keeping depressing reality and this magazine at least an arm's
length apart. No CNN here. No, instead, we have FUNNY NEWS.
That's right, true believers, no straight-faced field reports
here, just the kind of good wholesome quality news one finds in
magazines like the Fortean Times and Weekly World News. That's
right, true believers, Captions like ELVIS IS CARRYING MY CHILD!,
not Pentagon Says War Will Last Months.
Which is not to say it's all news. For example, SPODE (TM)
the Party Game is introduced this week (in the spirit of a long
standing IGHF flirtation with marketing failures), and I stuck a
long article about peace protests (alright, a little bit of
reality) in the "Last Word" section because a: I think peace
should have the last word, and b: I know Scott Simpson will be
interested in that and he tells me HE NEVER READS THIS ALL THE
WAY THROUGH. Well, you'll HAVE to this week, won't you Scott?
The world's been monopolizing your television set a lot lately.
Stop for a minute and poke fun at it.
HEY BLATHERHEAD! Quartz.rutgers.edu has GRACIOUSLY
posted some of the Purps.arh materials at their anonymous FTP
site. If You have Unix, go get 'em.
> 1/18/91 - A judge admonished the Radnor, PA police fro pret-
> ending that a Xerox copy machine was a lie detector.
> Officers had placed a metal colander on the head of
> a suspect and attached the colander to the copier
> with metal wires. In the copy machine was a type-
> message which read "He's lying". According to UPI,
> "Each time investigators received answers they did
> not fancy, they pushed the copy button. Out came
> the message, "He's lying"." Apparently convinced
> the machine was accurate, the suspect confessed.
When police officers in Hermiston, Oregon, left the interrogation room
briefly after questioning 36-year-old Richard Meacham about arson charges in
December, Meacham reportedly set fire to his chair.
One of 2 horses killed by a truck on a highway near Houston in March was
buried on the median strip by a uniformed burial crew. A representative of
Houston's solid waste management department whose crew arrived after the
burial said he had no idea who the free-lance crew was or where it came
NEWS from CNN:
A large protest occured yesterday in Red Square. Hard Line communists were
calling for the arrest of Boris Yeltsin, and the resignation of Gorbechev.
Also present were arabs chanting anti-american slogans.
-The Antichrist
From the corrections column in a July _Fresno (Calif.) Bee_: "An item in
Thursday's [issue] about the Massachusetts budget crisis made reference to
new taxes that will help put Massachusetts `back in the African-American.'
The item should have said, `back in the black'"
High school baseball coach David Moskovitz, charged with soliciting a
prositute in Daytona Beach, Florida, in August, denied he charge. After the
police decoy testified that she asked Moskovitz and his friend if they
wanted sex and that both men nodded their heads, Moskovitz countered, "She's
saying we implied an answer by the nod of our heads."
In July a New York appeals court upheld a 1983 verdict against the NY
Transit Authority. Celestino Lucas had leapt onto the subway tracks & lay
spread-eagled across them briefly but then tried to get up as a train
entered the station. He sued the transit auth. because the engineer was not
able to stop the train in time, resulting in Lucas losing both legs below
the knee. Lucas could be awarded as much as $600,000.
In September the prosecutor in Virginia Beach, VA, dropped the charges
against Aimee Ashton, 17, for holding a dripping ice cream cone outside her
car window. The prosecutor said it was a "close" decision to drop the case
because a "large amount" of ice cream was involved.
Evelyn Sharpe filed a $750,000 lawsuit in Knoxville, TN, in July against
hair-dresser Ruth Coatney, who had accused Sharpe of having a case of "dog
mumps" when she came in for her appointment. Further, Coatney allegedly
"barked" at Sharpe, causing her to flee, trip & fall, and break her hip.
From: VAX001::SCHROEDER "Screaming Prophet of OTIS Triumphant"
Subj: SPODE -- the game
The Reverend Rhobb, Screaming Prophet of OTIS Triumphant, hereby announces
the divinely-inspired discovery of a new entertaining diversion for all true
followers of OTIS! Ladies and gentlemen, ocelots and tree frogs, this is
what you've all been waiting for:
The Word Disassociation Game
Number of Players: 2 to Lots
Object: To win, or just to generally have fun, while converting innocent
bystanders to the Last True Faith On This Pathetic Little Planet.
Players need to sit or stand or whatever in a roughly circular formation.
One person, probably the one who has taken it upon him/her/it self to be the
person who says "Hey, let's play Spode," shall start. This person says a
word. Any word. The next person counterclockwise around the circle says
that word and then another word. The second word must have absolutely
nothing to do with the first word. If the two are related, the player is
out for the round. The next player counterclockwise starts over with a new
There is some time limit imposed on each player, but not one that is
measured or anything anal like that. It's fairly obvious when someone is
so boggled by what's just been said that they're not going to say anything
coherent for minutes. If you want to try to speed things up by imposing a
stricter time limit, do so. See what I care.
Note: Short phrases are to be considered suitable "words" for the game.
After one person has won the round, all players chorus "HAIL SPODE!" for the
edification of their audience.
A sample four-player game might go something like this:
1) Antelope.
2) Antelope awning.
3) Awning Star Trek.
4) Star Trek intestines.
1) Intestines leapfrog.
2) Leapfrog dismantle.
3) Dismantle genitalia.
4) [Falls out of chair giggling...]
1) Yellow.
2) Yellow banana. [Realizes that these are connected.] Damn!
3) Kumquat.
1) Kumquat leopard.
3) Leopard alchemy.
1) Alchemy trestle.
3) Trestle woodpecker.
1) Woodpecker tube socks.
3) [Stares into space with sweat beading on forehead. Brain has
1) Time's up! I win!
How related words can be and still be allowable is a matter to be decided by
those who happen to be playing at the time. We decided that a combination
like "Blood medicine." was allowable, though barely. "Carton milk." is
right out. Any combination of the words "rock," "paper," and "scissors" is
to be frowned upon. One player objected to the use of the word "sperm
whale" on the grounds that sperm whales are the center of the Universe and
therefore anything he said would be related to them. We didn't let him get
away with it. Even though a player had meant "large metal object that
shoots things" when he said "tank," the next player was disqualified for
saying "Tank fish."
A variant of this could be developed as a drinking game fairly easily. We
were sober when we invented the game, though most of us had just finished a
sweat and were rather "high on life." We played for a good hour, in a
coffee shop, giggling loudly the whole time. Four people were in on it, but
I'm sure that pretty much any number could play. Be warned: it really does
boggle the mind. Enjoy.
Brought to you by Reverend Rhobb, Screaming Prophet of OTIS Triumphant.
Thanks to Chris Patterson, Kenny Talley, and Jason Orloff for being a part
of the inspiration.
From: VAX001::WINS%"FAUVAX::BARKER@SERVAX.FIU.EDU" 2-JAN-1991 07:46:36.18
Subj: Religious bombardment
(I got me a usenet feed now yippie!)
Post: 1726 of 1728
From: telecom@eecs.nwu.edu (TELECOM Moderator)
Newsgroups: comp.dcom.telecom
Subject: Praise the Lord and Pass the RF Filters
Date: 1 Jan 91 06:00:00 GMT
Organization: TELECOM Digest
Approved: Telecom@eecs.nwu.edu
X-Submissions-To: telecom@eecs.nwu.edu
X-Administrivia-To: telecom-request@eecs.nwu.edu
X-Telecom-Digest: Volume 11, Issue 3, Message 5 of 5
[Moderator's Note: This article first appeared in TELECOM Digest on
Thursday, June 22, 1989. (Volume 9, Issue 208). I thought newer
readers would enjoy seeing it and older readers might enjoy a repeat
as we end one year and start another. Since this was written, most of
the problems have been corrected. PAT]
Indiana Bell service in the northeast section of Hammond, IN has gone
to hell, but the telco says its not their fault, and they are trying
to work with the people involved to correct the problem.
For instance, consider the case of Steve Gescheidler, a resident of
north Hammond, living just a few blocks from the Illinois/Indiana
state line: he shares a party line with Jesus. When he picks up his
telephone, a voice will often be on the wire reading from Ephesians,
or bellowing at him to repent before he Burns In Hell forever.
Sometimes the voice is trying to sell him spiritually enlightening
audio tapes -- Visa and MasterCard accepted, of course.
His neighbor around the corner, Judy Maruszczak, has a heavenly
instrument also: When she tries to make a phone call, it will often
times be drowned out by hand-clapping gospel music. Her VCR also likes
to preach to her.
The Hammond legal firm of Efron and Efron owns a pious dictaphone
machine. When the secretary is in the midst of transcribing legalese,
threats of fire and brimstone suddenly are heard on the tape. In
addition, their phone system is electronic, and when they put calls on
hold, as often as not a few seconds later the hold is broken and the
call is lost. Several times per day the phone will ring, and no one is
on the line at all.
Linda Reynolds, another resident in the area said her television, her
VCR and her cordless phone all began urging her down the righteous
path last fall. She said sometimes at night the cordless phone begins
ringing by itself, and going off hook for no reason, tying up their
Nine year old Tommy Kotul learned how to find salvation while he was
trying to play 'Sports Baseball', an Atari game cartridge. He also
said that one day in school, a choir started singing hymns over the
school's public address system, which is in the form of speakerphones
connected to the intercom phone on each teacher's desk.
Although the sanctified interference shows up in the damndedest ways,
on all sorts of electronic gizmos, it invariably is on the phone lines
of the good (and presumably by now, God-fearing) residents of North
Hammond, an Indiana community which straddles the Illinois state line
with the communities of Burnham and Calumet City, Illinois to the
south and west, and Chicago at it's northwest tip on the state line.
So people began asking Indiana Bell, "what the heck is this, anyway?"...
WYCA-FM Christian Broadcasters, Inc. ... that's what it is ... this
religious station, operating at 92.3 on the dial, licensed in Hammond,
IN, with transmitter facilities in Burnham, IL is the culprit.
Operating with an antenna height of 500 feet, and 50,000 watts of
radiated power, the folks at WYCA-FM Christian Broadcasters, Inc. are
literally *saturating* a two mile area around the northern end of the
Indiana/Illinois state line, 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
Gescheidler lives about four blocks from WYCA's transmitter. He first
began noticing the sanctified interference last fall, and it became
louder and louder as the months went on, always on his end. "It seems
like when I am in the middle of an important conversation, some
preacher always comes on and tells me I'm going to Hell," he said,
adding that the phone lines had already gone to hell, and no one
seemed to give a damn about it.
After complaining several times to Indiana Bell, Gescheidler and his
neighbors complained to the Federal Communications Commission, the
Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission, and finally to the radio
station itself. No one, he realized, least of all the radio station,
was willing to take any responsibility for the problem.
WYCA isn't breaking any broadcasting rules according to Paul Gomell,
an FCC Chicago office technician whose duties include periodic
examination of WYCA's equipment. "The home equipment is probably not
adequately filtered," he said.
"The problem has nothing to do with Indiana Bell's equipment," said
Delores Steur-Wagner, Indiana Bell's community affairs manager for
Hammond. "If there are complaints, they should go to the FCC."
Chris Alexander, Dallas-based Vice President-Engineering for WYCA-FM
Christian Broadcasters' parent corporation said, "The signal is so
strong, you expect this kind of interference in devices that are not
well-shielded. We try to advise people as best we can, and we have
worked closely with Indiana Bell and Illinois Bell to resolve
In November, 1986, the station raised its antenna to 500 feet from 400
feet, and increased its power from 30,000 to 50,000 watts, Alexander
said. "We made these changes only after receiving permission to do so
from the Federal Communications Commission." Alexander said that this
change in power and antenna height created a so-called 'blanketing
area' -- an area of about 1.7 miles in any direction of the
transmitter and antenna -- where the signal is so strong and so
permeating, it is literally everywhere, in everything.
"Indeed this is the case," said one neighbor five blocks from the
site. "I have gone for early morning walks in the open field where
the antenna is constructed. In the crisp, early morning air, you can
almost feel the signal; smell that ozone; sense the corona."
Alexander said, "We operate completely within the law. We observe all
FCC regulations at all times." He noted that one condition for the
change in antenna height and power output being granted by the
Commission was that WYCA was ordered to assume responsibility for
correcting certain types of radio interference in an area 1.7 miles in
any direction of the station for a period of *one year* afterward.
Alexander said during that time they worked closely with the telcos
involved and "....anyone who complained about interference was given
free of charge the filtering devices they needed ... some of our
people helped install them ... just what the FCC said we had to do, we
did it, in the geographic area required, for the length of time
Alexander noted one of the first complaints about the increased power
came when prosecutors in a federal drug trial in Hammond tried to play
wiretap evidence for the jury: instead, the tape recorder offered up
hymns and homilies.
Paul Gomell of the FCC noted that they have received complaints about
the station relating to answering machines, speed-dialing equipment,
cordless phones, cheapie phones, hold buttons, Touch-Tone service, and
VCR's. These appurtenances and others -- like the preaching Atari game
-- lend to the appearance that God is everywhere, at least in Hammond.
One Indiana Bell service representative spoke, on the condition that
she could remain nameless, saying that the telco had handled over 130
WYCA-related problems in the past year, but Bell spokeswoman
Steur-Wagner said the company does not keep track of such things and
she had no way of confirming this report.
The next step to reduce the interference -- with no guarentees that it
will completely end -- is to have all the interior phone wire shielded
in steel casings, said Tim Timmons, Indiana Bell's regional
maintainence manager for northern Indiana, "...plus of course have
good filtering where the phone lines come into the building..."
"What a deal!", said Gescheidler. He recently priced the job at $300
per phone from an independent contractor. "Indiana Bell said *maybe*
they could do it a little cheaper for us ... but they say it is not
their obligation to resolve the problem any further." He mentioned
that, "...one day some guy from WYCA came here with a phone man; they
had some cheapie looking filter they plugged in ... it didn't seem to
do any good."
Although the parent corporation of WYCA in Dallas may have good public
relations, the neighborhood says local staff at WYCA-FM Christian
Broadcasters, Inc. isn't at all concerned any longer. "They have heard
so many complaints I guess they quit listening to them any longer,"
said a neighbor. "When I called one day -- one day when it seemed like
they were much louder than usual -- and asked them in a nice way
couldn't they modulate their signal a little better, a lady there told
me I was being blasphemous. She told me it was anti-religious to
complain. She said I should be thankful that I was able to hear the
Word of God, and she hoped I would someday realize I would Burn In
Hell without accepting Jesus as my Savior. That's the last time I
bothered calling *them* to complain. Now the FCC and Indiana Bell say
*they* can't do any more either?"
No madame, they cannot. As Chris Alexander, VP-Engineering has
explained time and again when asked, the Corporation follows all FCC
rules at all times. "We ALWAYS do exactly what the government tells us
to do," he said.
And Indiana Bell brings the wire to the drop by your house. They say
the line is as clean as it can be at that point. You do the rest.
An old folk-prayer says, "My Lord ... nothing is going to happen that
You and I can't handle together. Amen." But one can have too much
togetherness, as the residents of North Hammond will attest.
Said Steve Gescheidler, "On the radio, they are praying for me.
Meanwhile, I am praying for a phone line I can talk on without being
disrupted by the choir and the organist."
Radio Station WYCA-FM
Studios and Executive Offices
6336 Calumet Avenue
Hammond, IN 46301
92.3 on FM dial throughout northern Illinois and northern Indiana.
[Moderator's Note, appended 1/1/91: Shortly after this article
appeared, tbe FCC instructed WYCA to intensify their efforts to
resolve the problems of the Hammond residents. 'Better' RF filters
were devised and technical help was given in their installation. For
about a month, WYCA was required to announce over the air at intervals
that assistance would be provided freely on request to anyone within a
1.7 mile radius of the transmitter experiencing problems. There have
been no recent complaints, so I assume things are better now. PAT]
From: VAX001::WINS%"<liza@media-lab.media.mit.edu>"
Subj: a new version of Star Trek...
From brent@media-lab.media.mit.edu Tue Jan 22 13:39:53 1991
To: big-politix@media-lab.media.mit.edu
Subject: in case you missed it...
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 91 13:28:40 EST
From: Brent Britton <brent@media-lab.media.mit.edu>
------- Forwarded Message
[many headers deleted]
From: berryh@udel.edu (John Berryhill)
Newsgroups: talk.bizarre
Date: 20 Jan 91 07:18:40 GMT
Organization: University of Delaware
The order of channel-hopping is NBC, ABC, CBS, and CNN, at each commercial,
unless otherwise indicated by further rules, the channel is changed.
If you hear someone on TV say "scud," take a swig of beer and change
the channel except during scud attacks (see below).
If someone says "Patriot," everyone in the room must salute. The last
person to salute takes a shot.
If a scud attack is reported, everyone must hold their breath. The first
person to breathe must go to a sealed room while everyone else takes a shot.
That player remains in the room until the "all clear" is sounded.
If someone says "somewhere in eastern Saudi Arabia" everyone must shout
"Dhahran." The last person takes a shot and must forego the next "scud."
The same applies for shouting "Riyadh" upon hearing the phrase "a large
airbase in central Saudi Arabia." Anyone naming the wrong city must
also take a shot unless they shout "Taif" before they are called on the
Whenever Wolf Blitzer appears on the screen, everyone must shout
"woof woof" and drink a wine spritzer.
A shot of Kahlua and coffee is kept on the table. Whenever the phrase
"ground war," "ground assault," or "ground attack" are used, the first
person to grab the shot gets it.
Every time Dan Rather says something stupid, all shout "change the
channel." The last person to do so takes a shot and is forced to watch CBS
on another TV until the next "scud." I realize that this one is a judgement
call, but the odds are that it won't be long before he says something
stupid anyway. Of course, if Sam Donaldson is on ABC change the channel
immediately but I probably don't have to tell you that.
- - - --
John Berryhill
- - ------- End of forwarded message -------
Have fun,
(in which everything worth knowing about absolutely everything will be
(in which absolutely nothing will be revealed at all)
THIS WEEK: How To Become a "Pope", Movie Blunders, More!
-< A place to discuss religion and religious philosophy >-
Note 12.5 The Discordian Society 5 of 64
SITVXC::U91_RBAIN "Sir Realist" 103 lines 1-MAY-1990
-< You're a Pope? So what! >-
this bit is not from the Principia.
You have been warned.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On =Popes= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A curious thing has occurred in several religions--the
general public of the "conventional" faiths has somehow been convinced
that a hierarchial structure is inherent in the tenets of their
delusional system. Usually, this takes the form of one "Prophet", High
priest, "Pope" or whatever at the top, and a whole bunch of helpers.
This could be considered a good thing, as it gives the religious
(sometimes accurately referred to as "sheperds") a form of gainful
employment, keeping them off the streets.
Unfortunately, it also causes the infamous SNAFU Principle ("Accurate
Communication is only possible between equals") to latch on
to the "Church", with the inevitable results--Hardening of the
Orthodoxies, Inquisitions, Stagnation, and other bad vibes. In more
anarchistic (anarchism="without governors") faiths, the petrification
tends to be much slower, and I humbly submit that we in the One True
True Faith (that's DISCORDIANISM, you bozos!) have found a simple and,
in retrospect, glaringly obvious way to avoid joining the Defamation
League--since it is inherent in our faith that EVERYONE can contact
thw Goddess Eris Discordia directly via their Pineal Glands, EVERYONE
has the One True Faith for themselves, and is totally infallible on
theological and moral matters. Most people do this automatically--"I am
RIGHT. You are WRONG." being the most common example. Thus, the only
logical thing to do was to make EVERYONE a =Pope=, and let them do
whatever they damn well pleased. Non-Discordians are also all =Pope=s,
and can be informed of this fact by being given "=Pope= Cards". But
now, the electronic media has supplanted the printing press, which
gives me a dandy idea: the Catholic Vatican, run by some old queen who
thinks he's the ONLY "=Pope=", (we sent him a =Pope= card, so he's a
Catholic =Pope= and a Discordian =Pope=, too!) recently announced that
"Cardinals" (a sort of priest) can give "Indulgences" (a way of buying
off Hell Time) over the radio. Well, if they can Indulge sins over the
radio, we can give Ponifications via computer.
As of this moment, EVERYONE reading this message is officially
a =Pope= of the Discordian Society,
and thus may:
1: Contact Eris by meditating on their Pineal Gland.
(If the Pineal doesn't seem to be working, try the Appendix which works
almost as well.)
2: Excommunicate anyone they don't like--this means when
they die, they don't go where you do, which MIGHT be a good thing for
both of you...
3: Be Totally Infallible on all matters of Religion,
Ethics, and Politics. (It IS possible for multiple conflicting views to
all be correct--rember the five blind men with the elephant?)
4: Give themselves Holy Names,(we're not the only ones who
do this - was Pope Paul the son of Mr. & Mrs. VI?) start their own
try to attract gullible followers, act as pompous as they like, and
5: "Henceforth take crap from nobody," as =Pope= Dr.
Mordecai Malignatus said.
Subj: movie goofs list
Reply-To: bakker@batserver.cs.uq.oz.au
Organization: Computer Science Department, The University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Australia
Lines: 152
Apparently-To: hopkinsm@vax001.kenyon.edu
List of Movie Goofs - sent in by kind netters.
(Apparently no-one on the net has collated an ongoing list of these
yet! I am willing to receive any goofs that folks
send to me, and mail updated lists to all those who ask.)
Total Recall : In the 'elevator' scene, Richter and his men are
running to the elevator...past a blue screen
Star Wars : When the stormtroopers break into the control room,
one of them bangs his head on the door.
The Breakfast Club : When the teacher is in the basement looking
at the files, the index card on the open drawer is in two different
positions depending on the angle of the camera.
watch pretty woman - while they are having breakfast - watch the
donut/roll/pancake julia roberts is eating - it keeps switching -
very bad editting!
There's a scene in Wall Street where Gekko is walking around giving
a speech in a boardroom. It's dark outside, and the boom mike is
clearly visible in the window following him around.
_Video_Review_ magazine does a monthly column on mistakes,
such as Sean Connery's self-buttoning collar button in _The
Untouchables_. It's a lot of fun.
* Handmaid's Tale
Scene where Ophra(sp?) is holding yarn for Major's Wife, the amount
of yarn jump around erratically.
* Clockwork Orange
Scene where Alex returns to "Home" were he raped the author's wife.
He is eating some spagetti and drinking some wine, the amount of
wine in his glass and the amount os spagetti on his plate jumps
around in a unnatural manner.
Total Recall:
Just after arnie has killed his first four he goes back to his apartment and
talks to his wife. He places boths hands on either side of her head and
pretty much immediately afterwards he shows her his blood covered hands.
She doesn't of course have any blood on her face!
In the scene where Demi and Pat are making pottery in the middle of
the night, they both cover their hands in wet clay. Before you know
it they're bumping and grinding and running their hands through each
other's hair - and their hands are clean!
From the book "Film Flubs: Memorable Movie Mistakes" by Bill Given:
Sample given in newspaper article about the book
* Pretty Woman
Julia Roberts starts undressing Richard Gere, Gere's tie and collar
go from being untied and unbuttoned to being tied and buttoned, then
back again, all in a matter of seconds.
* Born on the Fourth of July
set in 1968-69 includes Don McLean's American Pie, released in 1971
* Intolerance [1916]
shot includes director's assistant clad in coat in tie in scene set
in ancient Babylon\
* Die Hard II
Pacific Bell phones in Dulles Airport
* Green Berets
John Wayne goes eastward into the sunset
* Cleopatra
She goes thru that arch. Cleopatra died in 30 BC, the arch was
consturcted in 300 AD.
* Jagged Edge
Glenn Close's outfit changes from gray to blue to brown in a
a courtroom sequence.
* The Jewel of the Nile
Kathleen Turner jumps onto a train wearing canvas slip-on that
change to leather sandals that change back to canvas shoe later
in the scence.
* Anatomy of a Murder
Lee Remick has a skirt when she gets up to leave a cafe. By
the time she gets outside, she's wearing slacks.
* Batman
In the scene in which Jack Nicholson and his gang deface
a collection of of paintings, one canvas has pink handprints
on it in one shot bun not in a later shot.
* The King and I
During Yul Brynner's "Is a Puzzlement" number, the earring he
wears in some shots is absent in others. It also shifts from
ear to ear.
* Look Who's Talking
While John Travolta and Kristie Alley drive around in search of a
missing child, Travolta has on sunglasses in the shots taken from
outside the car but not those taken inside.
* Twins
During a conversation between Arnol Schwarzenegger and Danny
DeVito in a bar restroom, a bottle of beer shifts from one
towel dispensor to another.
* The Two Jakes
Although the film is set in 1948, Jack Nicholson strolls past
an automatic teller machine.
* Scarface
Set in 1980, the movie includes a billboard for a 1984 Corvette
and a vending machine for USA Today, which began in 1982
* Born on the Fourth of July
In a protest scene outside the 1972 Republican convention, a
Vietnam veteran has on Reeboks, which weren't introduced until
* Driving Mis Daisy
Jessica Tandy and Morgan Freeman's encounter with state troopers
clearly takes place in Alabama. The trooper, however, wear
George Patches on their uniforms.
* Halloween
Although the story takes place in Illinois, all the cars have
California license plates.
* Gremlins
Zach Galligan's Volkswagen changes color twice in the course
of a few minutes.
* Pet Sematary
While daddy Dale Midkeff kneels by his son's grave, the nearby
flowers change from purple to yellow.
Thanks to: Mike Gaines, Owen Blevins, Mark Anderson,
Rick Bakker, Sweaty Betty, Lee Cochenour, Bill Given, Bryce Rumbles.
--Paul Bakker email: bakker@batserver.cs.uq.oz.au
--Dept. of Scatology "Love between the ugly
--University of Qld Is the most beautiful love of all"
--Gondwanaland - T. Rundgren
This Week: Peace Protests Around the World!
From: VAX001::WINS%"FAUVAX::BARKER@SERVAX.FIU.EDU" 24-JAN-1991 17:21:07.49
Subj: riot round up
From: eiverson@NMSU.EDU
Subject: [hmuskat@cdp.UUCP: DEMO ROUNDUP FROM PEACE NEWS 1.2.9]
To: paul_iverson@qmrelay.mail.cornell.edu, LI01040@UMNACVX.BITNET,
eiverson@NMSU.EDU, bwdavies@rodan.acs.syr.EDU, barker@ACC.FAU.EDU,
keating@ux.acs.umn.edu, eap@gauss.pha.jhu.EDU, mleisher@NMSU.EDU,
shelmrei@NMSU.EDU, niall@NMSU.EDU, owhite@dante
Message-Id: <9101242111.AA04164@NMSU.Edu>
From: hmuskat@cdp.UUCP
Newsgroups: alt.activism
Date: 23 Jan 91 12:40:00 GMT
Reed (kpfa) -- you may have alreadyseeen this,
but thought I would flag it for you just in case.
/* Written 5:24 pm Jan 22, 1991 by gn:warresisters in cdp:mideast.actions
/* ---------- "DEMO ROUNDUP FROM PEACE NEWS 1.2.9" ---------- */
The first demonstrations against the Gulf war began minutes
after it was confirmed that US warplanes had bombed Baghdad.
In the USA, spontaneous protests began outside the White
House, Washington DC, and the United Nations building, New
York City, as well as in several other cities.
Lafayette Park (also known as Peace Park) in Washington has
had a continuous peace presence since the night of 16 January.
On Saturday 19 January between 30,000 and 100,000 attended a
demonstration which had been -- prior to the outbreak of war -
- a major bone of contention between rival groups within the
peace movement. In Boston, 200 supporters of the war attacked
anti-war demonstrators, while in Los Angeles, San Francisco,
and Birmingham, Alabama there were mass arrests. In San
Francisco, the Bay Bridge has been blocked twice by
The scale of protest in GERMANY has been massive, with opinion
polls suggesting that 70-80 per cent of the population oppose
the war. All major German universities, with the exception of
Munich, are either occupied or on strike. Students have
rallied to the slogan "It's war time. Boycott your usual
routine", and have set up blockades on streets, roads, and at
airports to draw attention to the war. In Berlin,
demonstrators rolled barrels of paint from the Iraqi
diplomatic mission to US army headquarters, leaving a
blood-red trail between the two buildings.
Media coverage in Germany has been very supportive. In the
state of Lower Saxony, the prime minister, a Social Democrat,
called for mass public participation in anti-war
demonstrations. Die Grnen have called for resistance to
military service as a response to the outbreak of war, and
groups throughout the country have offered sanctuary, both to
soldiers deserting from belligerent armies and to Arab
residents of Germany who are being victimised by the police
and others.
In PARIS, a demonstration was announced for the evening of the
17th but was banned by the city's chief of police. After
urgent interventions by British CND and the Finnish peace
movement, the ban was rescinded, and despite the lack of
notice 100,000 turned out. The CGT trade union federation
asked workers to start assemblies, debates, consultations, and
strikes in response to the outbreak of war. Demonstrations
have continued in all major French cities.
In BELGIUM, Forum voor Vredesaktie (the renamed Flemish WRI
section) held a daily vigil, demanding "active diplomacy", at
the Foreign Affairs Ministry in Brussels from 10-16 January.
Since then, the Coalition to Prevent War in the Middle East
has held vigils at the US and Iraqi Embassy and a
30,000-strong demonstration on Sunday, 20 January.
IRISH peace activists have picketed Shannon Airport since
December, demanding an end to landing rights for Gulf-based US
military flights (there have been 88 refuelling stops since
August). On 17 January 1200 people attended an all-day rally
in Dublin, and additional rallies have been held outside the
US and British embassies, as well as the foreign ministry.
Irish CND is pressing the Irish government to go to the
International Court in the Hague to seek an Advisory Opinion
on UN Resolution 678. They argue that this violates Articles
41 and 42 of the UN charter. Meanwhile, the Irish government
refuses to impose the press censorship rules for Gulf coverage
adopted by the USA, the UK, and France.
In BELFAST, Santa Claus took a letter to the US consulate the
day the bombing began: "in December it's peace and goodwill,
in January it's obliterate them". A daily vigil is being held
at City Hall and Mairead Maguire (ne Corrigan), Nobel Peace
Prizewinner, has begun a 40-day fast for peace.
In CATALONIA, people have been placing white sheets with black
ribbons in their windows as a protest against the war.
Demonstrations throughout the state of Spain the previous
weekend had attracted close to two million.
NORWAY has one ship in the Gulf, and has sent missiles "on
loan" to Turkey. Demonstrations have been low-key, due to the
death of the king on 17 January, but there have been small
demonstrations in front of parliament and the US embassy.
An anti-war organisation in SWITZERLAND has declared Geneva to
be a protection zone for military deserters. There were
demonstrations in the Square of Nations on the Thursday and
In AUSTRALIA, news of the war brought people out on to the
streets in Sydney and Melbourne, blocking traffic; on Saturday
there were large demonstrations in all major cities, with
60,000 in Sydney and 15,000 in Adelaide. Constant vigils have
been maintained in Sydney and Melbourne. On 21 January
demonstrators converged on Canberra for the reconvening of
parliament. (Australia has two frigates and a supply ship in
the Gulf.)
A national day of women's protest was held on the 18th in
CANADA. A fast for peace has been started in Montreal.
Impromptu rallies were held in small and large cities across
the country, while in other centres organising efforts for 26
January, the previously-designated international day of
action, have continued.
Groups in INDIA have held actions calling for an immediate
ceasefire. There have been clashes between groups of
protesters in BANGLADESH, while in PAKISTAN, pro-Iraqi
demonstrations have taken on an anti-government tone. The
Iraqi press attache in Islamabad has been declared persona non
grata after being suspected of organising proSaddam
demonstrations. (Pakistan has troops in the southwest and
northeast of Saudi Arabia, under Saudi command.)
There have been mass meetings in TURKEY, now the base for the
US-led alliance's "second front" against Iraq. A young woman,
arrested for putting up a poster reading "No to War!" at her
school, spoke to a meeting in Istanbul, following her release
from prison where she spent two months on remand. She faced a
ten-year sentence for her "offence".
In the UK, 5-6000 marched down Whitehall to hold a "people's
assembly" against the Gulf war in Parliament Square on the
night the UN deadline expired. Two days later, a similar
number returned to protest against the start of hostilities,
but were forced to turn back. On the 19th, demonstrations were
held in London, Oxford, Brighton, Leeds, York, and Glasgow,
but turnout was much lighter than on the previous Saturday,
when about 50,000 had demonstrated in London and 10-12,000 in
From Peace News 2338 (1 February 1991). Please attribute if
reprinting. Information gathered from PNB (World Peace
Council, Helsinki), IPCC (Vredeshuis, Brussels), and GreenNet.
See also topic "Contact numbers from Peace News" in this conference.
From: VAX001::CARLBERG "REID S. CARLBERG" 14-DEC-1990 20:36:44.49
Subj: some information
Here is some information that, while not weird, I would love for you
to spread via you dis list.
Address for Bush:
President George Bush
The White House
Washington, DC 20500
comment line: (202) 456-1111
US Senate
Washington, DC 20510
House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
Phone number for congress
(202) 224-3121
Please use these to tell the people we pay to adminstrate our country
what you think they should do about the Gulf. I only wish they were hooked
to internet. That would be easy. Theyw ould hate us.
Neither censored nor edited. Deal.