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Volume Number Two,Issue Number Five Dated 12/9/91
Table of Discontents:
[1] OK, Where the Hell Have we Been ?
By Mercenary
[2] The BEIGE BOX Revisited !
By Mercenary
[3] Completely Useless Trivia Knowledge (PART 2)
Written By: Knight Hack
[4] Tip on Telephone Privacy I
Written By: TESLA
[5] Tip on Telephone Privacy II
Written By: TESLA
[6] Nicotine Sulfate
Written By: Saint Anarchy
[8] End of the Year Comments
Written by: Mercenary
[9] Listing of PHANTASY Distribution Sites
All information in PHANTASY is from USER contributed material
The Publishers and Editors of PHANTASY and THE IIRG disclaim
any liability from any damages of any type that the reader or
user of such information contained within this newsletter may encounter
from the use of said information. All files are brought to you for
entertainment purposes only! We also assume all information infringes
no copyrights and hereby disclaim any liability.
PHANTASY is (C) 1990 by The IIRG
Section [1]: OK, Where the Hell Have We Been ?
Here's a Quick overview of what happened to the I.I.R.G. over the last
eleven months since our last issue.
Well for starters, Lets disclaim a few rumors I've heard over the lines,
1. NO, we didn't get busted for any reason and I can't think of any
reason why we should have.
2. NO, I didn't blow myself up trying one of the Saints recipes, That
rumor was started by Knight Hack as an excuse for his own inactivity.
3. YES, I was tired and needed a rest - I just took too long of one.
Well now that the rumor mongering is done lets discuss what really
happened, As many of you already know - The Rune Stone BBS is gone,
I just got tired of running it for the group.
The quality of Hackers has greatly diminished in the last year. To Tell
the truth many of our peers have sold out for money. The new attitude
seems to be "CONSULTING", oh God How I have come to hate that word.
Hell, I like money just as much as the next person, but some of you
out there have forgotten where you came from!
Mostly what we were getting on the board was your standard collection
of codez kidz, and warez leeches. I really didn't mind this but it gets
tiring after a while. I would like to Thank You folks from Mass,NY,and
the 414 Area. They were the real contributors and benefactors and I
won't mention names but you know who you are.
As for the rest of the year, I spent it goofing off in general.
April was Fishing,June was Drinking,Sept to Nov was Hunting.
There really isn't too much to tell, I guess I was Just a lazy bastard.
But know Im back, and the groups waking up for the winter and as you may
have noticed, I did take Monthly out of the Header but may replace it if
we can hit issue 12 without skipping a month.
So grab a can of Jolt, an order of General Tso's Chicken, and a
2 liter Dessert of Mountain Dew and join us for the ride.
Section [2]: The BEIGE BOX Revisited
Article Written By: Mercenary
For years now, the only Instruction file I've seen for making your
own linemans handset is the File by The Exterminator and Terminal MAn.
There File is good, but if you follow there directions completely,
you trash a perfectly good phone.
The plans for the I.I.R.G.'s Beige Box are extremely simple and all
parts are available at your local Radio Shack. The cost of our phone
is extremely LOW as compared to actually purchasing a linemans handset
for the unheard of prices manufacturers ask, usually $65.00 to $300.00
in most catalogs I've seen.
Now, Heres your Parts list as Taken out of the 1992 Radio Shack
Catalog,Number 472.
Quantity Catalog Number Description Price
1 43-500 ET-126 Mini*Fone Telephone $19.95
1 279-390 5 1/4" Mod to Mod $ .99
1 279-358 4-Cond Inline Coupler $ 2.49
1 270-378 1 1/4" Mini Aligators $ 1.69
1 278-1627 Heat Shrink Tubing $ 1.79
TOTAL COST =$27.02
Now I'm not saying you have to buy the Radio Shack phone, it just has
the features you will want, We grab ours at computer shows for $5.00
you may have a phone or can get it cheaper, Just get one with Re-dial,
Ringer on/off,switchable tone/pulse--You'll be glad you did in the long
1. Take the Mod To Mod, Pick a desired length from one end,
(We use 1 foot 2 inches) and cut the wire.
2. Now Carefully take a razor blade or knife and strip back two
inches of the gray wire covering, MAKING SURE NOT TO CUT
3. Strip 1/4 inch covering off the GREEN and RED WIRE
4. You can either cut off the yellow and black or bend them back
for future use (We cut ours since you'll have enough left
over to make more)
5. Put Proper Size shrink tubing over wire down on to gray covering
6. Take the Green Alligator Clip, Solder the Green wire to the Green Clip
7. Take The Red Clip, Solder the Red wire to the Red Clip
8. Bring shrink tubing back up to cut end, place just over gray material
(1/4 Inch) and shrink with heat gun or hair dryer
9. Place Inline coupler on mod end of Gray cord, attach other end of
coupler to white wire mod end of phone.
10. Pat yourself on Back, you're done.
Now with our Beige Box, to use the Phone like normal just take off
inline coupler and plug phone in jack like normal.
To use it as a Beige Box, you just hook up coupler to phone and take
your trusty 7/16 Inch Hex driver (Available at Hardware Store,Sears,Caldors,
K-Mart,Got the Idea Yet?) And open up your local Green Tower or switcher
Hook Red Clip to "R" Ring terminal and Green Clip to "T" Tip terminal
and listen for Dial tone.
This is great for apartment buildings,condos,and hotels where
junction boxes are easily available on side of building or basements.
For more Hints on Uses, Read Exterminators and Terminal Mans File.
Note: Some junction boxes will be locked and cannot be opened with
7/16 Hex Driver, Don't forget your lockpicks.
Section [3]: Completely Useless Trivia Knowledge (Part 2)
Written by: Knight Hack
In an effort to alleviate the everyday strain of life and mostly
because at some point and time, someones going to force you into a game
of Trivial Pursuit or some similar game of stupidity, we offer these facts
to you so you don't look like an idiot in front of the wife or girlfriend.
1. The worlds widest road,the monumenatal Axis in Brazil, is wide enough
for 160 cars to drive side by side.
2. In Siberia, Milk is often sold frozen on a stick like an ice-lolly.
3. The skeletons of most birds weigh less than their feathers.
4. Instant coffee has been in existence since the middle of the
eighteenth century.
5. Male monkeys sometimes go bald, just like men do.
6. The Yo-Yo was originally a weapon of war in the Philippines
7. The male sea horse is the only male that gives birth.
8. Snails can sleep for three years without waking up
9. J.S. Bach once wrote a cantana about coffee.
10. Two Million Hydrogen Atoms could sit on a pin head.
I hope to make this a running article with 10 new facts in every issue
E-mail your Facts for this article to Mercenary at: Lightning Systems
Section [4]: Tip on Telephone Privacy I
Written By: TESLA
Your home style single line telephone can easily become a "Hot Mike"
in the hands of a skilled technician. Hot Mikes are capable of picking up
conversations in the area while the handset is still in the cradle,
(Still on the hook) without affecting normal operation of the phone.
Unless you (or a friend) is a trained electronics or telephone
technician, it is doubtful that you will notice any modifications made
to your phone even if it has been turned into a Hot Mike Set, because
nothing is added to the phone,and nothing is removed.
The modification simply requires the technician to change the position
of two wires inside the phone,taking only seconds from start to finish.
Some phones come with this modification already made, allowing phones to
be monitored at the nearest punch-down junction (phone box) without the
worry of having to enter the home.
The simplest way to defeat an attempt to Hot Mike your home or office
is to dissconnect the Black and Yellow Wires where your phone plugs
into the wall.
Some of the newly installed phone lines use white wires with blue
tracers and white wires with orange tracers. In these cases, remove
both orange-white wires from the mounting block.
Whether you have a modular (Plug in) or hard wired telephone,touch
tone or rotary, the process is the same.
NOTE: Disconnecting these wires on a multi-line phone may disconnect
one of your numbers, so use this method only with single line sets.
CAUTION: Remove the handset from the cradle (Take phone off hook)
before touching any wires. Ring voltages on the ring and tip
(red/green or blue/white) wires can be excessive if someone tries
to call while your working.
Section [5]: Tip on Telephone Privacy II
Written By: TESLA
Many people are aware of government telephone taps and other methods
of listening in on private telephone conversations, though few are aware
that private citizens, with the minimum of equipment and skill can do
exactly the same thing, and it is legal.
Those who own home satellite dishes can easily receive signals from
satellites which contain the microwaved conversations of thousands of
long distance callers. The satellite dish owner simply has to scan the
various satellites and transponders until he comes across a channel with
"dead-air", or a blank soundless screen. This is an indication that the
transponder channel may be used for carrying data or telephone
Once the proper satellite and transponder are located, the eavesdropper
runs an antenna line (Shielded, of course) from the video output of the
downconverter (necessary for all home satellite reception) to the antenna
input of a standard highband scanner. Once the scanner is placed into the
"scan" mode, the scanner will stop scanning every time it detects a signal
(telephone conversation). The listener simply has to scan the entire range
of the band, and stop on any conversation that he feels like listening to.
In addition to scanners (which can be purchased anywhere from a hundred,
to thousands of dollars),one may also use a shortwave radio for the same
purpose. The connections are all the same.
While the average eavesdropper may not be able to locate a specific
conversation (intentionally),experienced persons may be able to pinpoint
a specific conversation by knowing where the call is being placed from,
and to, in advance. This allows the listener to determine the exact
routing that the call will take (Which satellite,which transponder).
Because of recent court rulings which declare that the airwaves are
public domain, and that the monitoring of frequencies used by mobile and
other type of cellular telephones does not constitute an invasion of
privacy, satellite monitoring is not considered illegal. In fact,
it is suspected that several law enforcement agencies (with the assistance
of telephone companies) are using these tactics to gather evidence rather
than obtaining a court order for a traditional wiretap.
With all the privacy invasion tactics that can be used by the government,
as well as private citizens, one should be very conservative as to what
forms of communications are used, and where.
Never say anything on a telephone that you wouldn't yell out in a
shopping mall.
Section [6]: Nicotine Sulfate
Written By: Saint Anarchy
This is one of the most lethal poisons available to the anarchist at
large. It is an insect poison found under several names.
The most common is "Black Leaf 40" and can be purchased or stolen from
any well stocked garden or discount store.
This stuff is 40% Nicotine Sulfate, just a few drops in any drink is
undetectable and will kill very quickly,usually within a few minutes.
The best way we've found to obtain the Nicotine Sulfate is by evaporation.
This should be done until the mixture is like a thin syrup and forms into
drops when put in a medicine dropper.
One of the glories of Nicotine Sulfate is that it is absorbed by the
skin and is fatal within minutes. Death by Nicotine sulfate can only be
detected by someone taking a blood test. This is seldomn given unless the
autopsy has been ordered when foul play is suspected.
A fine way to use Nicotine Sulfate is to carry it in a soft drink cup
and act like you accidently spilled it on your intended victim.
If he or she doesn't wash it off within a matter of seconds, the person
will be dead in a matter of minutes. There is very little chance of
the victim being able to wash it off if he or she doesn't realize what
it is. If they try to rub it off, it will be absorbed into the skin
all that much sooner.
Section [7]: Phantasy Tidbits
Written By: Mercenary
Missing an Issue of Phrack,ATI,NIA,CDC,TOXIC SHOCK,CUD.....
Missing a Hacker in Your collection?
Then Have they got a catalog for you,
CYBER-SHARE's Hackers catalog - Just in time to spend that Christmas
gift money! One of the best Catalogs we've seen of Hacking Material
available. Text Files,Hackers,Books... Too many to mention...
Send $2.00 Check or Money Order to:
P.O. BOX 161
Mention Code: PHANTIIRG and get a free gift with your Catalog !
Provided By: The Digital Online System
MAYNARD, Mass. -- November 20, 1991 -- Digital Equipment Corporation
has combined a portfolio of products and services into a new group
designed to help customers plan for and recover from natural or
man-made disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, fires,
power failure or vandalism. This new group -- Business Protection
Services -- assists customers in identifying overall business
vulnerabilities and in developing strategies to protect their
businesses and computing investments in the event of a disaster or
other extended power outage.
Business Protection Services -- pooling resources from Recovery
Services, Environmental Products and other areas of expertise --
provides a single-source solution to help customers with
mission-critical environments where downtime is unacceptable.
The Business Protection Services portfolio now includes:
o Contingency Planning Assistance, providing consulting and
training support to help customers plan and implement
effective contingency strategies
o Total Recovery Planning System (TRPS), a PC-based software
package that helps customers develop and maintain disaster
recovery plans
o RESTART Services, offering customers quick access to two
fully equipped Hot Sites to resume critical business
processing within hours of disaster notification
o 11 Business Recovery Centers (BRCs) across the United States
offering customers round-the-clock access to back-up office
space and network access to Digital's Hot Sites during
o Recover-all Services, providing priority repair or
replacement of multivendor equipment damaged during
o DECmove Services, specializing in equipment relocation
o DECsite Services, offering computer room planning, design
and construction
o Environmental Power Protection Products, protecting
computer equipment from the desktop to the datacenter
o Environmental Monitoring Systems, offering hardware
and software that provide automatic warnings of abnormal
environmental conditions
"No one expects a catastrophic event, but accidents and natural
disasters do happen," says John Fischer, U.S. Vice President
Systems Integration Services. "When a disaster strikes a customer's
computing environment, one of the most serious casualties is often
the effect on business investments. By combining Disaster Recovery,
Environmental Products and DECsite businesses into one portfolio,
we're able to provide a single-source solution to our customers'
business protection needs. This enhanced portfolio of products and
services reflects Digital's commitment to protect our customers'
open business environments with a broad range of planning,
preventive and recovery offerings."
Digital's portfolio of Business Protection Services is
available worldwide.
Recover-all, RESTART, DECsite and DECmove are
trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation.
TRPS is a registered trademark of CHI/COR
Information Management, Inc.
Provided By: The Digital Online System
Many software modules develped for the MIT Athena Project have been accepted by
the Open Software Foundation (OSF), so the products based on them carry the
insurance of open-systems industry standards.
The success of MIT with Project Athena has been noted, and the distributed
network emulated at other universities, among them Iowa State University, the
University of North Carolina, Sweden's Royal Institute of Technology, and
Australia's Bond University.
Several of Digital's commercial customers also saw the potential for managing
their own distributed workstations, and purchased Digital's implementation of
the new technology.
Two such companies are SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, a division of a
transnational healthcare organization headquartered in Great Britain, and
Eastman Kodak Company, the photographic goods manufacturer based in Rochester,
New York.
Provided By: The Digital Online System
MAYNARD, Mass. -- December 5, 1991 -- Digital Equipment Corporation
announced today the winning of a multimillion dollar award from
Lockheed Aeronautical Systems Company to deliver a comprehensive
software engineering solution for the development of systems
software for the F-22 Advanced Tactical Fighter project. The F-22
will be the newest entry into the U.S. Air Forces's stable of
fighter aircraft. The initial award, totaling $8.5 million in
hardware, software, and services, represents the first in an
anticipated series involving the Lockheed F-22 team.
Lockheed ASC, teamed with General Dynamics Fort Worth Division
and Boeing Defense and Space Group's Military Airplanes Company, was
selected by the U.S. Air Force to develop the F-22 Advanced Tactical
Fighter to replace the aging F-15 Eagle as the superiority fighter
of the future. As the future vanguard weapon in America's air
defense arsenal, the F-22's design goal for all areas calls for a
100 percent improvement over the F-15.
Digital's recently announced COHESION ASD/SEE (Aerospace-
Defense/Software Engineering Environment) is the basis for Digital's
selection to provide the software development environment to the
F-22 team. The COHESION ASD/SEE solution will be used to develop
the several million of lines of Ada software code required by the
aircraft's systems. COHESION ASD/SEE is a component of Digital's
COHESION set of integrated software products and services for
computer-aided software engineering (CASE).
The award signals government recognition of Digital's intent to
support the COHESION ASD/SEE environment throughout the lifecycle of
the F-22 project, which could extend up to 30 years.
According to Martin Hoffmann, Digital Vice President and
General Counsel, "The widespread use of VAX VMS in government
applications, the certified DEC Ada programming language, and the
capabilities of the COHESION software development environment all
contributed to Digital's selection to provide the environment for
the F-22 project."
Jack MacKeen, Digital Vice President, Government Systems,
added, "The COHESION ASD/SEE solution was designed to address the
increasing number of critical business and technical challenges the
aerospace defense industry faces in developing and integrating
software for mission critical systems."
Digital's COHESION integrated solution for computer-aided
software engineering is a comprehensive set of products and services
that provides an evolving unified environment in which to develop,
deploy, manage, and maintain all types of software. Based on
Digital's Network Application Support (NAS) architecture and
designed for both VMS and UNIX platforms, the COHESION environment
brings together multiple computing platforms, vendors, tools,
application types, computing styles and support services for
development project of all sizes.
VMS, VAX and COHESION are trademarks of Digital
Equipment Corporation.
Dateline Dec 91: Navy 'C2 Trusted Automated Information System (AIS)
Security Accreditation INIT/CDEV Support for Small
Computer System Interface (SCSI) Micro-computers
with a Local Area Network (LAN) put to bid.
The Navy Has put to bid the system listed above for development,
their objective is to design,develop,test and evaluate and submit for
accreditation by the National Security Agency (NSA) Computer Security
Association; INIT/CDEV routines hosted on a SCSI Based,LAN equipped
micro computer necessary to support all AIS requirements comprising a
'C2 Trusted Automated Information System providing the following:
Discretionary Access Control: "NO TRESPASS" warning upon boot,
membership control for groups of Users,
and control access to SCSI/LAN peripherals
by groups
Identification and Authentication: An authorized users list,non-vocabulary
passwords for each user,group unique
keyboard procedures.
Audit : Export the event log in LOTUS or EXCEL format
(A user option) Record each access to
SCSI/LAN peripherals.
System Integrity : Deny access to Unauthorized SCSI/LAN
peripheral(s). Provide operator security
messages if Unauthorized peripherals are
Security Testing : Recognize and log every INIT and CDEV present
at boot-up. Provide access to authorized
INIT's and CDEV's only.
Section [8]: End of Year Comments
Written By: Mercenary
Well, so much for 1991. Two whole Issues for the year.
As for 1992 We hope to release each issue on the last day of the month
Phantasy is looking for writer of ORIGINAL articles for each Issue
Contact me on any of the Listed Distribution nodes to arrange your
article submission. Since the Rune Stone is down articles may be
mailed to us at our private mail box, mail a disk 360 or 1.2
and we'll return it with the Newest Issue of Phantasy.
862 Farmington Ave Suite 306
Bristol,CT. 06010
I hope everyone has a happy holiday season and a prosperous
new year, With the recession and eventual depression I know
some of us will be hard hit.
Of course the Government see's fit to waste huge amounts
of money on foreign aid. Come on Congress, help the United States
not a bunch of third world trash.
Lets see the United States take our technological lead in the
world back from Japan, Lets the Soviets rot in Hell.... I'd like to
quote Dimitry Manuliski, an instructor at the Lenin school of
political warfare in Moscow, 61 years ago in 1930 he said....
"War between communism and capitalism is inevitable, Today (1930),
of course, we are not strong enough to attack. Our time will come in
30 or 40 years. To win, we shall need the element of surprise.
The western World will have to be put to sleep, So we shall begin
by launching the most spectacular peace movement on record. There
shall be electrifying overtures and unheard of concessions. The
capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to
cooperate in their own destruction. They will leap at another chance
to be friends. As soon as their guard is down, we shall smash them
with our clenched fist"
Sounds quite a bit like whats going on now, huh folks?
So for 1992 I'd say lets all collectivly watch our butts, lets not
let our guard down. The hacking community right now is in the
lime-light of attention, and the government has seen fit to try to
wipe out our spokesman and fore-runners.
Of course ignorance is a fact of life in Washington,DC.
Anything that cannot be controlled or dominated is a threat to them
and by God lets stay free men from both our enemies, Foreign and
Mercenary - Dec 7,1992
Sort of Ironic isn't it
Section [9]: Phantasy Distribution Sites
Phantasy's Distribution Site's have changed,we apologize if you called a
board and didn't find the Mag. But were getting organized a little better
now and these will be the permanent sites as long as these systems are up
and operating.
1. Lightning Systems
19,200-1200 BAUD, 24 hours a day
(414) 363-4282
2. Sycamore Elite
19,200-1200 Baud HST, 24 Hours a day
(815) 895-5573
3. The Works BBS at (617-861-8976)
Largest Text Files BBS in the world, 3500+ text files online.
2400-300 Baud, 24 Hours a day
4. Pipers Pit BBS
19,200-9600 HST ONLY!!
24 Hours a Day
Over 370 Megs of Amiga and IBM
5. Restauo 2403251
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