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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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- -=>PHANTASY<=- -
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- THE -
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- Hacking,Phreaking,Anarchy,Survivalism,Commentary -
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Volume Number Four,Issue Number Fourteen Dated 02/06/93
Editor is Mercenary : mercenar@works.UUCP
Article Submissions: The Mercenary/IIRG
862 Farmington Avenue
Suite 306
Bristol,Ct 06010
Phantasy Headquarters BBS: The Rune Stone
14.4K HST
Invitation Only
All H/P/A, 2500+ Files
IIRG World Headquarters BBS: Dark Shadows
19.2/9600 Baud HST
1.2 Gigs Online
(Down at this Time)
Table of Discontents:
[1] Phantasy Distro Sites Needed
[2] Rune Stone BBS Information
By: Mercenary
[3] "Operation Gray Chip Completed"
By: Knight Hack
Supplied By: Bulletin Boards Across the Country
Edited by: Mercenary
1. Blitzkrieg BBS Goes Down!
2. AT&T Smart Card Voice Prints Increase Security of NCR ATMs
3. DEA Security - Not That Secure!
[5] The Rumor Mill (Unconfirmed Rumors From the Underground)
Edited By: Mercenary
1. Possible Loser Alert?
2. IBM Working on Super Drive?
3. Grim Reaper of TDT a Narc? (So says Pepsi Man)
[6] PHANTASY TIDBITS: News and Views of Interest
1. Cellular Highway Robber
2. Phantasy Makes Honorable Mention
3. Wired Magazine Premieres
4. TIME Magazine Article
5. FREE Virtual Sex Poster
6. NCSA FREE Book Offer
7. Information Requests
[7] Listing of IIRG Distribution Sites
[8] Listing of PHANTASY Distribution Sites
[9] IIRG Special Announcements
All information in PHANTASY is from USER contributed material
The Publishers and Editors of PHANTASY and THE IIRG disclaim
any liability from any damages of any type that the reader or
user of such information contained within this newsletter may encounter
from the use of said information. All files are brought to you for
entertainment purposes only! We also assume all information infringes
no copyrights and hereby disclaim any liability.
PHANTASY is (C) 1990 by The IIRG
Section [1]: Phantasy Distro Sites Needed
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The International Information Retrieval Guild is looking to expand
its distribution network in 1993. We would prefer BBS's that mainly
cater to the Hack/Phreak/Anarchy Underground.
Two Forms of distribution are currently available to those sysops
who choose to participate and meet certain criteria.
1. Phantasy Magazine Distribution
2. Complete IIRG File Distribution
1. Phantasy Distribution
Phantasy is the IIRG's Online Newsletter/Magazine for the
H/P/A community. Phantasy Distribution for your bbs means
that all new Issues of Phantasy will be uploaded by a courier
to your BBS within 12-24 Hours of its release date.
Your only responsibility is to provide a File area.
2. IIRG File Distribution
The IIRG Archives contain a vast wealth of information
gathered over the years from the underground. IIRG file
distribution will provide you with a courier and file list.
Your responsibility will be to edit the file list to your
tastes or Needs and provide it to your courier.
Over a short period of time the courier will provide the
files you've selected.
As always this is a free service from the IIRG at no
cost to you, the sysop.
LIMITATIONS: The IIRG has no overseas couriers at this
time, Overseas Sysops will be provided with a No Ratio,
No Limit Account at an IIRG Distro Site and will be
responsible for there own distribution until a
courier can be provided.
The IIRG May be Contacted Through Mercenary at:
or by Snail Mail at:
862 Farmington Ave.
Suite 306
Bristol,CT. 06010
Section [2]: Rune Stone BBS Information
By: Mercenary
Well Folks, I've got good news and I've got bad news.....
First the bad news, The Rune Stones public line will not be installed most
likely until May of 1993. This is due to the fact that I'm moving again.
For those IIRG Members with access to the private line, please note that
that the number will be changing. Please pick up the newest member package.
My move is prompted by the current economy, hence where the money is, so am I.
So whem Im settled in at my new location, so will the Rune Stone.
Now the good news...
The Rune Stone BBS number will be made generally available to all readers of
Phantasy and when you log-on and become a Validated user,you will have
access to over 3000 H/P/A Text Files.
Please note that due to my changing locations, the next several Issues of
Phantasy may be slow in appearing as I'll be busy and wont have much time
to devote to the magazine till after the move.
Thanks for the Help and Support
Section [3]: "Operation Gray Chip Completed"
By: Knight Hack
The FBI,US Customs Service,and Internal Revenue Service along with
detectives from Santa Clara,San Jose,and Fremont California have just
completed a four month sting operation code-named "Operation Gray Chip".
Undercover agents and detectives reportedly bought and sold allegedly
stolen semiconductors and computer parts on the "Gray" Market.
The sting operation targeted brokers and dealers in California,Taiwan,
Argentina, and Singapore. Most of these dealers have reportedly been
selling parts to legitimate computer companies in the United States and
Far East for years. Some 30 "Gray" Market brokers have been arrested
as a result of the sting operation.
The sting operation is said to have been designed to send a message to
those who purchase semiconductors,disk drives, and other parts from less
than legitimate sources According to Sgt. Paul Kirby of the Santa Clara
Police Department.
Those individuals arrested have been charged with criminal conspiracy,
and multiple counts of attempted receipt of stolen property. Names of
those arrested and the companies involved are expected to be released
Parts for the sting were provided by Intel,Quantam Corp,and Conner
Peripherals,along with other well known companies. The sting involved
sales by undercover agents to brokers who thought they were getting a
deal because the merchandise was HOT.
More than 2 Million in Cash and 1.55 Million in parts were confiscated
over the 4 month duration of the operation.
Section [4]: FOR THE PEOPLE
Supplied By: Bulletin Boards Across the Country
Edited by: Mercenary
% %
% The end of Blitzkrieg %
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% Transcribed by Phantasm [01/09/93] %
% %
The following text is transcribed from a message which was left on Predat0rs
answering machine at 502-499-8933.
Hello, this is John or Predat0r the former SysOp for Blitzkrieg BBS. I'd like
to say as of the 12th of January, 5.00pm, 502-499-8933 will no longer be an
active line which means the system's gone.
When I get a new line and a new number I'll put it on Pentavia, Ripco, other
real popular boards like that. I'd like to say thanks for everybody who
supported the system while it was up.
>From February of 1990 to January 1993 it had 27,834 callers. The last official
user to call was Sinister Solution.
I'd like to say when the new system goes back up it'll be bigger, better and
even more underground than it was now.
I officially retire as Predat0r and I officially retire Blitzkrieg. So when the
new system goes up, I'll have a new handle and a new name for the board.
If you need to get in touch with me, use the post office box, there still good
and if you want my new voice number you'll figure out how to get it.
Stay free and I'll see you all again real soon...
SAN ANTONIO, Texas -- NCR Corporation and AT&T Smart Cards
have demonstrated a prototype of a new generation of automated
teller machines (ATMs) they are developing that will use AT&T's
contactless smart card technology to offer customers additional
services, like a security system that works by verifying the
cardholder's voice print.
The prototype and several potential applications of the new
terminals are being shown at the Retail Delivery Systems Con-
ference here this week.
The two AT&T units also announced that AT&T's smart card
readers can be connected to NCR's point of sale terminals, and
that they will begin working with banks to develop new smart
card-based applications that will run on ATM and point of sale
NCR, a unit of AT&T, is the world's largest supplier of
ATMs. AT&T Smart Cards is a leading supplier of contactless
smart cards and applications.
AT&T contactless smart cards look like other bank cards--
they're the same size and just as thin--but they have
microprocessors and memory chips laminated within their plastic
Developed at AT&T Bell Laboratories in the United States,
their electronic memory can hold the equivalent of several pages
of typewritten information, personalized to the card's user.
That data is accessed by a reader/writer device, which, in
addition to being installed in an ATM, can be connected to a cel-
lular or wired telephone, personal computer, automobile (for
electronic toll collection), or other device. Because the reader
has no moving parts, it is more reliable than contact-card
"Our smart card can be viewed as a secure, portable, per-
sonal database that will provide banking customers with enhanced
security and a broad spectrum of new services," said Diane
Wetherington, president of AT&T Smart Cards.
{familiar ATM into a new kind of financial transaction
station," said Jim Adamson, vice president of NCR Self-Service
and Financial Systems Division in Dundee, Scotland.
"One obvious benef{ion beyond PINs (per-
sonal identification numbers), which a thief might be able to
find out. For example, one of the demonstrations at the Retail
Delivery Systems Conference will be a voice-based security system
that works by comparing the cardholder's voice print with one
stored on the card. Unless the two match, access to the account
is denied.
"But that's just the beginning," Adamson adds. "Since much
of a customer's account information is stored on the card, he or
she doesn't necessarily need to go to an ATM if all they need to
do is check that information. You can use a personal computer
with a smart-card interface, for example, or a similarly equipped
public telephone.
"Of course, security features on the card will prevent users
from changing the information on the card when they are not
linked to their bank's computer network."
When customers do go to an ATM, they are given customized
menu options based on their account profile stored on their smart
cards. This might even include offering them a connection to a
financial institution not normally on the ATM network, such as
a brokerage house where they have a money market account.
In addition to convenience and security, another benefit of
using AT&T contactless smart cards with NCR's terminals, is that
a single card can be used for multiple applications--a solution
to consumer complaints about the proliferation of cards they need
to carry around.
Using AT&T's communications network and NCR's installed base
as a backbone, AT&T can develop and deploy applications for a
variety of customers. For example, a single card could serve as
an ATM card, an insurance information card, and a debit card for
making purchases in a store, placing phone calls, paying highway,
bridge and tunnel tolls, paying mass transit fares, and even
buying from vending machines.
Funds for each of these uses can be transferred at any ATM
from the customer's bank account to the debit portion of the
card. With a smart card reader/writer connected to an NCR point
of sale terminal, the consumer has access to a full range of pay-
ment options.
AT&T smart cards also make it possible for ATMs to expand
beyond mere banking functions. For example, "electronic tickets"
for airline travel, sporting events, plays, or concerts could be
purchased at an ATM and loaded onto the smart card. The card
would then be accessed at the airport, stadium, theater or con-
cert hall.
"The AT&T contactless smart card reader is a perfect example
of the potential for joint technology development between NCR and
AT&T," said Adamson.
AT&T plans to make the smart card interface available to
other terminal developers, as well.
NCR, an AT&T company, develops, manufactures, markets,
supports and services enterprise-wide information systems for
worldwide markets.
AT&T Smart Cards, based in Bridgewater, New Jersey, is an
AT&T strategic business unit that develops and markets smart card
products and applications.
The business does all of its development and manufacturing
in the United States (its factory is located in Little Rock, Ar-
kansas). AT&T also has a cooperative agreement with Nippondenso
Co. to market smart card applications in Japan.
# # #
NCR is a registered trademark of NCR Corporation
AT&T's smart card consists of an 8-bit microcomputer, and
features its own operating system, 3 kilobytes of electrically
erasable read-only memory (EEPROM), an asynchronous serial data
link, and a security system to prevent files from unauthorized
AT&T's smart card differs from other smart cards in several
important ways:
o It uses a contactless interface to provide power to the card
and to perform data transfer. Other smart cards have ex-
posed metallic contacts, which produce reliability problems
with wear, contamination, and damage due to electrostatic
discharge. AT&T pioneered a design that allows the smart
card to transmit data to a card reader without metal-to-
metal contact. The card transfers data by changing the
charge on capacitive plates in the card and the reader.
o The microprocessor uses a flexible, UNIX(TM)-like operating
system designed specifically for AT&T's smart card. Host
computers or terminals can interact with the card using
predefined, high-level software commands.
o Security is also enhanced by the inclusion of a security al-
gorithm. Encryption, decryption and message authentication
can be performed to facilitate secure transmissions over in-
secure links to and from the host system or terminal.
o The card's file management architecture allows a number of
applications to reside on one card. For example, in
banking, one card can be used to hold information on a
customer's checking, savings, loan, and line-of-credit ac-
counts, while also storing biometrics, such as the
customer's signature, voice and fingerprints for security.
In addition, that same card can be used for travel or other
o The card has built-in security features. Information stored
on the card can be isolated in such a way that access to
data in a particular file on the card can be limited to
users authorized to access that portion of the card. This
allows different applications to reside on the same card
without giving all handlers access to the entire database.
AT&T smart cards are already being used in several ways:
Without stopping, drivers approaching a toll plaza insert a
smart card into a transmitter mounted on their dashboards. In-
formation stored on the card is transmitted to the toll station
via radio link, and the cost of each toll is either debited from
a pre-paid amount on the card or recorded for billing later.
Italy's post office is now using a pension-administration
system supplied by Olivetti that uses AT&T's smart card as a
record-keeping device for pensioners.
Other customers are using the AT&T smart card to limit ac-
cess to computer systems containing proprietary information.
Authorized users dial into the systems from their portable com-
puters, and the systems have been programmed to interface with
a smart card. Without the card, the systems cannot be accessed.
AT&T has several applications in the U.S. and Japan in which
the smart card is used for employee identification and building
access control.
But these are just the beginning. The government could use
smart cards to replace printed food stamps, driver's licenses and
voter registrations. And a medical smart card could provide a
physician with a patient's complete and up- to-date medical
record. The same smart card can also store insurance information
in a separate file. Having this information on a card would also
expedite admittance to a hospital.
"The 1990s is a decade of customization," says Wetherington.
"Businesses will need to redesign the way information is gathered
and processed, in part because customers' definitions of ac-
ceptable service times and intervals are changing.
In some cases, this will require reengineering where and how
products and services are delivered. "Smart cards will
revolutionize personal and business information access and
processing by providing instant point-of-need transactions," she
The Government Accounting Office (GAO) has just released a new report
titled "Computer Security: DEA is Not Adequatly Protecting Sensitive
Drug Enforcement Data".
It seems DEA Agents reguraly made standard Security Violations in the
areas of,
1. Sharing Computer Passwords
2. Left Passwords Taped to Terminals
3. Used easily identifiable Passwords (Such as "DEA")
4. Threw out Classified Materials in the Trash
So for all you Console Cowboys hacking the DEA, times a Wastin
these boys know nothing of proper security procedures!
Section [5]: The Rumor Mill (Unconfirmed Rumors From the Underground)
Edited By: Mercenary and Anubis
The IIRG recieved the following message at Mercenary's mailbox from an
unidentified user at llwnet.linknet.COM (Cheshire HS) and we found it most
interesting, We'll explain why afterwards...
HANDLE: Homicidal
REAL INFO: Jason L.(IIRG Deleted)
(IIRG Deleted)
Wallingford, CT 06492
(203)(IIRG Deleted)
AGE: 16
This kid is every pirate's nightmare. In his infinite
stupidity, he lost his access on the one major Connecticut
pirate board he had access on. Then he wanted revenge. He
called up the SPA (Software Publishers' Association) piracy
reporting hotline and the Apogee piracy hotline. He turned in
several big-time pirate boards. He gave BBS names, BBS
numbers, Sysops' handles, Sysops' real names, Sysops' voice
numbers, Sysops' addresses, Sysops' ages, his accounts on
small-time pirate boards, EVERYTHING! This kid fucked
EVERYBODY over! Several decent pirate Sysops deleted their
entire hard drives for fear that the FEDS would come knocking
at their doors. He shattered the fragile trust that exists
between the members of Connecticut's pirate community. In a
taped phone conversation (which was eventually made into a
Sound blaster VOC and then distributed) he admitted to
turning in pirate boards and also uploading viruses to
several BBS's. He also said that his "master plan" consisted
of bringing down all pirate boards and trashing the local
modem scene with "outside help from ex-modemers" who
supposedly hold grudges against current-day users. He turned
in kids who were hacking Internet also. If this kid ever
calls your BBS, just fucking delete his punk ass!
We didn't know if the information was true as Mercenary is based in CT. and
He'd heard nothing of any Major BBS Busts or actions in the area.
But all of a Sudden this appeared in the Paper as well as in CUD 5.03.
From the 1-7-93 Issue of The Cheshire Herald (Front Page)
Typed by Lord Valgamon (YUNSANJ@YALEVM.YCC.YALE.EDU)
Former CHS Student Also Charged in Case
by Amy Carpenter, Herald Staff
Three Cheshire High School students and a former student charged
with the theft of $23,000 worth of computer and electronic equipment
from the high school have turned themselves in to Cheshire police.
Jared D Bishop, 17, of 500 South Meriden Road, William J Vallo,
17, of 1081 South Meriden Road, and John Beltrami, 17, of 12 Woodland
Drive, have each been charged with 6 counts of third-degree burglary,
6 counts of third-degree conspiracy to
commit burglary and first-degree larceny by common scheme,
police said.
Brendan Monahan, 17, of Littleton, New Hampshire, was
charged with third-degree burglary, third-degree conspiracy
to commit burglary and third-degree larceny, police said.
-Lesser Charges
Monahan, a former CHS student, received the lesser charges
because he is believed to have participated in only 1 of 6 burglaries
at the high school, said Detective Thomas Stretton.
Bishop and Vallo turned themselves in last week, and Beltrami and
Monahan turned themselves in early this week, Stretton said.
All four were released to the custody of their parents
and are scheduled to appear in Meriden Superior Court on
January 14, police said.
It seems funny to us that these two incidents would originate from the same
place, so there may be some validity to the Rumor we recieved.
IBM Corporation is rumored to be working on a read/write head for hard-disk
drives that will propel disk bit densities up into the range of 8 billion bits
per square inch. Current leading edge Winchesters area densities are in the
neighborhood of 250 million bits per square inch.
Even this may fall short of the rumored that students at the University of
San Diego are working on a head capable of 10 Billion bits per square inch.
Oh No!, Mr. Narc has kicked me out of TDT!
Today at about 6:00 Central time I was talking with my girlfriend.
I clicked on my call waiting button and it was The Grim Reaper
(Mike A.(IIRG DELETE). He told me to call him back because his didn't want
to pay for the phone call. I told him I would call him back in 5 minutes and
he said fine. I was called back 10 minutes later by Grim and he told me I was
kicked out.I asked why and he said it was because I hadn't called him
back. He said I didn't respect him and wasn't loyal to him. He went on and
on about how I've never done anything for TDT, but now that
he has kicked me out,I guess I might as well tell everyone the real story
about The Grim Reaper.
The truth is Grim is a narc. He is the one who got Mind Bomb nailed.
He went off on Sought After and has been trying to get him busted for
a while. His next targets are Renegade Chemist and Butcher. He always
told me that all other cracking groups would eventually die out. And the
way this would happen would be through his great ability to narc. Why do
you all think I followed him from FLT to OFG to TDT? Remember Infinite Range
Rock? He wasn't loyal to Grim, he was nailed. I've stuck with that fucking
Narc for 3 groups. He has told me a lot of shit, and now I'm going to tell
it all to you.
I have nothing against TDT, I have nothing against Sought After, or
anyone in the pirate scene. I do have something against Grim. He was the
person who took the fun out of all the groups I was in. He wanted people
to fear him. And when I wouldn't kiss his ass he kicked me out.
Grim didn't even go to court when he got busted with TNSHB. I don't
know all the details about the deals he cut, but I know he is a narc.
He is putting out shit about me not doing anything for the group which is
complete bullshit. People like the Grim Reaper should not be in the pirate
scene. He kills accounts, he busts people, and ruins BBSing to further
Luckily, I have a life! People like the Grim Reaper who quit
college, have no job, and no friends to BBS are sorry. I'm going to lay
low for a while, and just hang out on a few boards. I'm done with groups.
TDT is and will be my last one. I have a girlfriend, I have school, and
now I don't have to deal with Grim's bullshit. My warning to guys in TDT
and the pirate scene. Grim is a NARC, you don't screw with people like
that. I've learned my lesson. All I can say is get out of TDT. Get out
from under the thumb of Grim. He will fuck you over.
Grim Repear [TDT/NARC] DD Go ahead bust me. I can care less. Hell, you can
even post my address and come to my house. The last time we talked I had
it .VOC'ed. I kept tabs on you Mike. I'm not going to release it unless
you try something. Like I said before, I'm not here to take TDT down or
do any bullshit like that. I'm here to tell the truth. Don't fuck with
me Mike. The only way to learn from a narc, liar, and thief like you is
the hard way. I've learned, and now it's over. Go to hell, die, and
get a life fat ass.
Sought After [TDT] DD I have nothing against you. You are cool Zach.
Everything I thought about you was wrong. I was brainwashed by the big
Narc. Get out while you can. You know he busted Mind Bomb, you were
on the fucking phone, don't deny it.
To All DD I never tried to break apart TDT after I found out I was kicked
out. I'm not interested in going after Grim or narcing on him,
unless he pulls his bullshit on me.
Pepsi Man
Section [6]: PHANTASY TIDBITS: News and Views of Interest
The LA Times reports that an enetrprising telephone phreak reached out and
touced someone 11,7333 times in August from a freeway emergency callbox in
Orange County,California.
The System that monitors the emergency callboxes attributed 25,875 minutes of
calls to the unknown phreak to points all over the globe.
The Phreak apparently succeeded in making the calls by matching the callboxes
electronic serial number.
Phantasy Magazine has been mentioned in Mondo 2000's new Book, "A Users
Guide to the New Edge" on Page 286.
Phantasy is Mentioned along with ATI,PHRACK,And The Syndicate Report
under the Catagory of Zines On-Line.
Be on the lookout for a new Mondo 2000 look-alike Magazine, "WIRED" on sale
at newstands now. The first issue appears well written and contains several
articles of interest including "Cellular Phreaks and Code Dudes" and "War is
Virtual Hell" by Bruce Sterling.
For other collectors of information, be sure to grab the Feb. 8 edition of
time magazine and check out the cover story article on Cyberpunks.
Get a FREE poster of the Virtual Sex Scene in the "LAWNMOWER MAN" by
calling 1-800-858-1810 and ask for Department C76.
This is a free promotional offer from CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR and they will
send along a copy of there Data Book with the poster.
They may ask if you have time to answer a few questions as they did when we
called, they're just looking for Company Background Info.
The National Computer Security Association will send you a FREE copy of
their "Information Security Wishbook" and may be obtained by calling
We've obtained a copy of the book and its roughly a 24 page catalog of
Books,Newsletters,and Research Reports with some "DISINFORMATION" charts
thrown in to scare the novice system operator.
For Example;
Number of Hacker Attacks on US Workplace Computers
350,000 in 1989
395,000 in 1990
675,000 in 1991
Come on Guys. Give us a break Name the Companies that reported 675,000
attacks individualy and I'll eat your Jock Strap.
At the IIRG, we often recieve strange,bizarre, and sometimes normal
requests. Although Mercenary does'nt have the time to answer everyone
individually. He hopes to answer some of your Questions here as we recieve
1. Where can I get Info on Cellular Phreaking.
Mercenary Reply: There are numerous files on Cellular Phreaking and Hardware
hacking available on any larger Hack/Phreak BBS.
If you don't want to spend the time looking for them I would
suggest sending $49.95 plus $4.00 S/H to:
P.O. Box 564
Westmont,IL 60559
or COD orders may call (708)-971-1585
For your cash, They will send you a copy of,
"The Cellular Telephone Hackers Guidebook" and this should
guide you through the basics.
Section [7]: IIRG Distribution Sites
(or Gateways to Oblivion)
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IIRG World HQ: Dark Shadows
19.2/9600 Baud HST
24 Hours a Day
1.2 Gigs Online
Sysop: Anubis
2 Nodes
IIRG Distribution Site 1: Wired World BBS
INC Europe
TPC Courier (WHQ)
IIRG Distribution Site
Sysop: Digital Justice
IIRG Distribution Site 2: Cyberdyne Network Germany
United Forces
Sysop: E605
IIRG Distribution Site 3: The Sanitarium
Sysops: Morbid Angel [INC/ACID]
Spectral Illusion [ACID/RAZOR]
IIRG Distribution Site
ACID Member Board
INC Courier Board
RAZOR 1911 Courier Board
VISA World Headquarters
IIRG Distribution Site 4: The WareHouse
(203)-231-8589 14.4
(203)-231-8588 9600
Sysop: Ionizer
IIRG Distribution Site 5: The Rune Stone BBS
14.4k HST
Phantasys Home Board
Complete IIRG Archives
Invitation Only
Section [8]: Phantasy Distribution Sites
Phantasy's Distribution Site's are continually growing,we apologize if you
called a board and didn't find the Mag. Network Distribution Sites will
have the Issues first, we suggest calling one of them if a problem does
1. Lightning Systems
(414) 363-4282
Sixty Million Bytes OnLine
USRobotics Dual Standard HST/V.32bis
2400 thru 14.4k v.32bis/HST
2. Sycamore Elite
19,200-1200 Baud HST, 24 Hours a day
(815) 895-5573
3. The Works BBS
Large Text Files BBS, 3500+ text files online.
2400-300 Baud, 24 Hours a day
4. Pipers Pit BBS
19,200-9600 HST ONLY!!
24 Hours a Day
THG Distro Site 1300 Megs
(203)PRI-VATE [2 Nodes]
(Please Note, Numbers have Changed at Pipers Pit)
5. The Dickinson Nightlight
Der WeltanSchauung Distro Site (World View Magazine)
Phantasy Distro Site
The IIRG has just released The IIRG's Acronym List [V7.00] and should be
available on a H/P BBS near you.
Also for IIRG members the New IIRG Member Encryption System has been
released and can be Picked up on The Rune Stone BBS.
The IIRG shall be releasing around June, the IIRG's Hackers Survival
Guide for the 90's, note withstanding any problems with Mercenary's move.
PHANTASY(C) IIRG 1991,1992,1993
May Odin Guide Your Way!