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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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- -=>PHANTASY<=- -
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- THE -
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Volume Number Three,Issue Number Six Dated 2/3/92
Table of Discontents:
[1] I.I.R.G. Announces New Distribution Network
Written By: Mercenary
[2] Making Your Own Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)
Written By: Saint Anarchy
[3] USA World Head-Quarters Busted
Written By: NotSoHumble Babe
[4] Response to USA World Head-Quarters Busted
Written By: Anonymous
[5] Introduction to Telecommunications
Written By: The Phone Knome
[6] Informal Interview with The Mercenary
Written By: Knight Hack
[7] PHANTASY TIDBITS: News and Views of Interest
[8] NEW FEATURE: " For the People "
Compiled by: YOU the BBS,Network,and System User !
Edited by: Mercenary
[9] Listing of PHANTASY Distribution Sites
All information in PHANTASY is from USER contributed material
The Publishers and Editors of PHANTASY and THE IIRG disclaim
any liability from any damages of any type that the reader or
user of such information contained within this newsletter may encounter
from the use of said information. All files are brought to you for
entertainment purposes only! We also assume all information infringes
no copyrights and hereby disclaim any liability.
PHANTASY is (C) 1990 by The IIRG
Section [1]: I.I.R.G. Announces New Distribution Network
Written By: Mercenary
The International Information Retrieval Guild announced on Jan. 28th,1992,
the Re-Formation of the I.I.R.G. Official Distribution Network.
So far as of this Articles Printing, the following BBS's are being
Incorporated into the New Network.
IIRG World HQ: Dark Shadows
19.2/2400 Baud HST
24 Hours a Day
400 Megs of Files
IIRG Distribution Site One: Restaurant at the End of the Universe
1200-2400 Baud (3 Nodes!!)
24 hours a day
130 Megs of Files
(203)567-8903 2 Nodes 2400
(203)567-4808 1 Node 1200
The IIRG is Currently looking for BBS's to Join the Distribution Network
Nationwide, If You are a Sysop and Currently Have over 100 Megs of Space
Please Contact Mercenary or Anubis on Dark Shadows and Request a Distribution
Site Application.
The IIRG offers its Distribution Sites the Following benefits,
1. Access to the IIRG Library,(Over 5,000 Hack/Phreak/Pirate/Anarchy/Virus
2. First Distribution of all New Phantasy Issues
As the group grows,so will the benefits... Its been some time since the
old Network was running so we hope to smooth out the rough edges over the
next few months. Forward All Inquiries to Mercenary or Anubis
Section [2]: Making Your Own, Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)
By: Saint Anarchy
This phile is a special treat for all you dopers in the audience,
I don't normally write "Drug" philes,but I thought a recess from my
anarchy might do us all well, Nothing like a well deserved R and R break.
Laughing Gas was one of the early anesthetics. After a little while of
inhaling the gas, the patient becames so "Happy", he couldn't keep from
laughing. Then he would drift off into peaceful slumber.
Some of you "Home Chemists" have died while taking laughing gas, This
is because they had the gas generated through a plastic bag while their
head was in the bag. They were simply suffocating, but were to bombed
out of their minds to care,or realize it. Hence, their demise.
But there are worse ways to go I suppose.
The trick is to have a plastic clothes bag in which you generate a lot of
the gas. Then you stop generating the gas and hold a small opening of the
bag under your nose, or suck on it like a whippet.
This way you get plenty of oxygen while inhaling the gas.
To make Laughing Gas, you start with Ammonium Nitrate, Im not going in to
detail on how to obtain it, but all you Backyard Chemists should Know how
and where to obtain it.
1. Place a metal Pie Pan in Freezer for at least 2 hours
2. Now, dissolve a quantity of Ammonium Nitrate in some Water
(Preferably use Pure Steam distilled Water, available at CVS or
Drug Store)
3. Evaporate the Water over the stove!
NOTE!!!: Use your lowest heat setting, Ammonium Nitrate can Explode!!
While evaporating the water the Nitrate should be like a heavy syrup
or brine, When all the water is nearly out remove the pie plate.
Take a drop of solution and let drip on pie plate.
It should solidify instantly, if not your brine still has too much
water in it.
4. When Brine is ready dump all of it in pie plate and let solidify
5. A spoonful of mixture is Now ready to be taken and put into a flask
with a one hole stopper, put pyrex tube in stopper and place bag over
6. Heat mixture in flask to 480 Degrees F., if white smoke appears the
mixture is too hot, it will explode at 600 Degrees F.
7. Now sit back, invite some buds over and have a gas... Literally...
PRELUDE: The Pirate Group USA seems to have been busted, the following two
articles are from Text files currently Circulating the Underground
The IIRG has not confirmed the contents of these articles.
But hopes to have more info for Phantasy 7
Section [3]: USA World Head-Quarters Busted!
Written By: The NotSoHumble Babe
Well, I am sure you have all heard that I had a small legal problem today,
and I know how stuff gets blown out of proportion, so I thought I'd
explain the story myself. Here goes...
I have carded a few items in the past 3 days, and I have NEVER done this
before. The Grim Reaper got CBI accounts and placed orders, and I picked
them up. Well, one of the places Grim ordered from was Paradise Computers,
they knew it was a bogus order, but told us the package was shipped. Then
they called the FEDS. Anyhow, the Feds must have been watching the pickup
spot, then following me around till I met up with Grim to deliver his share
of the stuff. As soon as we went to make the exchange, the Secret Service,
FBI, state police, and local police were running at us with bulletproof
vests and automatic guns. They handcuffed us, separated us, and took each
of us back to our homes for them to search.
So I haven't talked to Grim Reaper since I saw him lying next to me on
the ground being arrested. But here's my story. About 20 agents came
to my apartment and grabbed all computer equipment without a receipt. So
we still have 1 modem, and this computer system. Anyhow, they grabbed
every piece of paper they could find. Unfortunately, I am a very
organized person, and had "the who's who in the pirate world" written
down for my use. So if you ever gave me your real name, number, or
address, it is now in the hands of the Secret Service and FBI. This
list was quite large, as it took 2 years to compile.
These boys did their homework. They knew Enterprize was USA HQ and they
knew my handle, and they knew I supplied the group with software. They
weren't going for just anyone here guys, they knew they needed to bust a
group leader. Well, they did. Got me on carding, pirating, and a ton of
other legal terms having to do with both of these.
I was charged with 6 different counts, each holding a 5-30 year prison
sentence. It doesn't look good for me at all. I'll post a file as
soon as I get arraigned and let you guys know what is going on.
But I will say this now, and I MEAN it. I love the groups, the software,
and the competition. But regardless of what happens to me, I am done
forever. No more NotSoHumble Babe, no more USA. I hate to do this to
everyone, but I really don't have a choice. And regardless of who I am
that got busted, be strong and support what you believe in your hearts:
piracy. Don't let them win. You guys can all go on without me. Just
promise me you won't give up and throw in the towel. If anyone wants
to contact me, you can leave e-mail on Enterprize for me, or call voice
AT YOUR OWN RISK. They told me they were tapping the phone lines.
Just got to say a few goodbyes...
Genesis: man, this stuff is in your blood, don't allow my mistakes to
mess up something you've loved your whole life. You Gotta Ski!
Silencer: well, you warned me and I didn't listen. I needed to listen to
the kid with a knowledgable mind. Sorry, the second time I left
a group and left you hanging...
Cool Hand: Joe, you are a really nice person to talk to, and you've got a
wife and kids. Remember that man, is this stuff worth it?
Line Noise: Neil, I guess you are one of the happier ones to hear of my
bust. No THG, no USA. You will rule the world man, but be
more careful than I was.
The PieMan: Well, you can quit threatening to turn my board in if you ever
get caught. My board was officially busted.
Fab.Furlough: Deep down inside, you are a backstabber. But I still love
you man...
And to all I didn't say anything to, doesn't mean I don't care. I hope USA
will continue to live and prosper. And I will do anything I can (legally)
to help USA prosper. Goodbye...
The NotSoHumble Babe
Section [4]: Response to USA World-Headquarters Busted
Written By: Anonymous
Date : 01-XX-92
Time : Who knows
Commenter : [> ANONYMOUS <]
Of course, that was the version she wanted to play to the general
public. The NotSoHumble Babe and The Grim Reaper were not just doing this
for the first time, it had been a routine thing for quite a while.
(For at least 4 months, when The Grim Reaper (TGR) carded his 486/33).
I guess it would be helpful to take a few steps back, and get a look
at the whole picture as I know it (From reliable sources, and from personal
experiance with these two people).
The NotSoHumble Babe (TNSHB) was always known for her good contacts in the
software field, that is the reason for USA's quick appearence. People
probably wondered how she did it? I am sure she had many ways, but the one
tactic she used which gained her the interest of the FBI was telling the
software Co's she was a distributor. All of them believed this except for
one. When this one checked her Employer Identification Number, and found
it didn't check out with her, they knew something was up. They then had
her lines monitored, and because of this found out they had more then a
business fraud on their hands, they found out they had a veteran Credit
Card abuser, and the leader of a major pirate group. This then in turn
caused a lot more investigation to take place, and in turn the interest
of the Secret Service (SS). Since they were being monitored, the SS knew all
their plans. When TGR had ordered his next shipment of carded goods, the
SS notified the company of what was going on, and set the trap. Now,
after several months of investigation on The Grim Reaper (Mike Arnolds)
and The NotSoHumble Babe, the case was about to come to a close, they
had everything they needed to convict these two people in court, and whoever
else they wanted.
As Amy said in her text above, she and Mike were on the way to meet each
other to split the goods they had carded. When Amy went to FedEx to pick
up her shit, and go meet Mike, they were surrounded, and arrested.
This took place on 1-29-92 at approximately 2:27pm.
Mike and Amy were taken back to their houses, where all of their equipment
was looked over. As she said, anything without a receipt was confiscated.
Then, came the big talks from the Feds - Interrogation.
This day totally changed Mike's and Amy's life drastically. Things would
not be the same. And because of this, they were both pretty moved.
Because of this insecure feeling, and because they are both unable to take
this shit themselves, and not implicate other people, they decided to
cooperate 100% with the authorities. Anything they didn't have on paper,
anything the Feds found unclear, Mike and Amy are/were right there to make
a clear picture for them. Amy failed to say this, I see. I know first hand,
The Grim Reaper and The NotSoHumble Babe are going to drag as many as they
can with them. A loser thing to do, but that's what they are going to do.
Looks like it's time for us all to either call it quits for a while, or
be very fucking careful. TGR and TNSHB are both history. They fucked up.
And now they will pay for their mistakes. But we don't need to be party to
their bullshit. Delete their accounts from your board, blacklist them,
lock out newusers, change the system pw, and even go as far as deleting all
USA affiliates if you feel it is necessary.
What about USA? What about Genesis and BBS-A-Holic? Well, Genesis was one
of her partners in crime. Thomas always made it a habit to get something out
of each of her shipments, so to do this, he had to contribute somehow, nothing
is free. He helped card about 25% of the shit they got, so I am sure he is a
nervous mother fucker right now. The Feds are monitoring his local FedEx
anyway, so if he goes there to pick up his last package, his ass is in jail
too. He also was a very avid user of the 950-0511 extender, as the Feds are
aware of, and they might pop him for this, who knows? The board? USA?
I have heard, but not from Genesis, that USA is now officially dead.
BBS-A-Holic is down, and no idea when it will come back up.
But when it does again come online, I will not be a member on that system.
Thomas is considering turning himself in, if he does this, he said he too will
cooperate with the Feds, which means if you were his friend yesterday, and
helped him card shit, or anything, then you might share his cell tomorrow.
What do you know about The Grim Reaper, The Void, and Vision-x? -
The Grim Reaper is getting popped for the second time, therefore, I think
his ass will be in jail a few years, once he is sentenced.
The Void? I am not sure, but I assume since he had carded all of his computer
equipment, that it was all confiscated, along with all of his backups.
Mike being in jail, or not, will never again run a board.
As for Vision-x, who knows.
Warlord has not made a public statement yet, so no one knows yet.
He does live in 313 as did the other two, so if I were him I would be scared
shitless, especially since he was supposed to receive a carded 386/25 from
USA. Felony Net and Toxic Net are all history. Perhaps Warlord will bring
them back, though, but I don't foresee this any time soon.
The Grim Reaper and The NotSoHumble Babe were charged with Credit Card Fraud,
amounting to 18,200$, and software piracy adding up to 72,000$.
Once you add Genesis' (Thomas') part in, the credit card fraud will probably
amount to 21,000$, but, that's just my guess, based on all this shit he told
me about that he assisted in, and some he did on his own.
When TNSHB says to call her board and leave her your questions, or number
to call you back at, it is just a simple way to drag you in. Dont fall for
it. Lives and freedom are too precious to ruin for a bitch like her.
Just for the hell of it, here are their telephone numbers, if you want to
verify all this shit, just call and ask them. (I advise you do this from a
payphone a LONG way from your house, and dont identify yourself)
The Grim Reaper (Mike) 313-981-1903/313-981-1296
The NotSoHumble Babe (Amy) 313-442-2523
Genesis (Thomas) 213-328-7507
Hope this has all been helpful. If you want more history on these people,
send a public message on OoofNet in care of [>ANONYMOUS<], and I will give
the desired history out.
Section [5]: Informal Interview with The Mercenary
Written by: Knight Hack
Over the next few issues, I'll be attempting to bring you a behind the
scenes look at some of the members of the I.I.R.G.
Our First interview will be the Mercenary, founder and current leader of
the organization. I wrangled an invite to one of his favorite haunts,
the gun range, and this is what I came up with.
Handle: Mercenary
Past Handles: None, Has always used Mercenary
Call Him: Merc
Age: Mid Twenties
Computers: 286 Clone,Amiga,C-64,PDP-11 Homebrew
KH- Will denote Knight Hack,The Interviewer
MC- Will Denote Mercenary
KH- Merc, Why the Handle Mercenary ?
MC- I've always been into weapons, and when I got my First CB back in 1980
My friends just gave me the Handle, so in 82' I just carried it over
to the Computer.
KH- So you've been into computers for 10 years now?
MC- Pretty Much, Got a C-64 with a 1541 and 1670 back in 82, Got together
with several sysops and formed the IIRG back in 82' so this is our 10
year anniversary.
KH- WHy I.I.R.G. ? Where did the name come from.
MC- Well, to tell the truth I was sitting around with a bottle of
Wild Turkey 101 while we were spitting names out, one of our members
who has since left us, Was trying to come up with Something to go
with IRS, Information Retrieval Service came up, but I knew of a hack group
called IRS and didn't want to be Associated with there Acroynym.
So I spit out IIRG and hence the Name came forth.
KH- Who were the founding members of I.I.R.G.
MC- Mercenary,RRP,and Wizard then came Bounty Hunter
KH- Of the 4 Who's Left?
MC- Myself and RRP
KH- How many people are currently in the Guild?
MC- Lets see, 7 Hard core and several floaters
KH- What Happened to Wizard and Bounty Hunter?
MC- Well Wizard broke the by-laws and got trashed from the Guild
Bounty Hunter got busted for drug violations and got some
slammer time,Last I knew he was out and married with a kid
KH- Why did you reactivate the Guild Publicly?
MC- Too much B.S. in the Press and on T.V. about Hackers,
Hell, half the idiots they show on TV are has beens
who wouldn't know a PBX from PBS, anything for the
old 15 minutes of fame.
KH- Whats the Purpose of IIRG?
MC- Our main purpose now is education, I'd like to see a better
distribution of Information,since Info has power.
Thats why the IIRG was formed, to spread files to there
members and distro sites
KH- Thats why your re-activating the network ?
MC- Yes, I'd like to see a 20 Board network by August
KH- Think it'll happen ?
MC- Don't Know, did it once, think we can do it again.
KH- When did the Guild switch to the IBM scene?
MC- About 4 years ago now, the Commodore scene was rapidly dying
out, Some of the Guys went Amiga, and I picked one up about a
year ago, but everyone knew the IBM would win in the end.
KH- I noticed you said "a PDP-11 homebrew" in computer types,whats that
all about?
MC- I obtained some DEC Parts from a generous benefactor of the I.I.R.G.
and put together a PDP-11 with the Dec parts I've accumulated over
the Years. Not a bad Unit for communication, great little private
group BBS.
KH- Any Predictions for the Near Future?
MC- Economic collapse of this country, bringing world-wide chaos by the
year 2000.
KH- I've heard your into survivalism, You really think its possible?
MC- Who knows, better not to take a chance, I hope it happens
This country is full of Dregs, the whole damn place needs a good
cleaning out, starting in Washington DC.
KH- Well I notice its a cease fire,and its time to set up? Any last words?
MC- Yes, Archivist, we owe you dinner in China Town.
Contact me at Dark Shadows,
KH- This concludes my Interview with the Mercenary, Till Next Time
Knight Hack
Section [6]: Introduction to Telecommunications
Written February 1, 1992
By: The Phone Knome
Sysop of The Bill System
This is the first in a series of articles about the Public Switched Telephone
Network as it functions in the United States and Canada. The purpose of the
series is to expand the horizons of any individual who desires to increase
their awareness of how all these machines that are connected to each other
function together as a network.
These articles are not copyrighted. Let no one do so. They shall be free for
distribution anywhere at anytime. They are dedicated to the millions whose
need to communicate with each other have given me a career.
********************** Reality Alert & Warning *******************************
On With the show...
In the Science of telecommunications there are two major sub-sciences
that work as a team to get the job done. They are ***Transmission***
and ***Switching***. Transmission will be covered in the first few
issues. Switching will be briefly defined but basicly dealt with later.
Transmission is not a gear box as far as this series is concerned. It is
the Transport of an electrical or accoustic energy (message) from one point
to another. In its simplest applications it is copper wire. Due to the
basic concept of Ohms Law & attenuation the range of wire alone is somewhat
limited. The only thing I know of that has a wider bandwidth for direct
connection is optical cable. The need to send a signal greater than it was
possible useing wire alone caused the evolution of several generations of
increasingly sophisticated transmission systems. The greed asociated with
money added motivation to continue to develop systems that would increase
the throughput of existing transmission components thereby cutting costs,
and since our utility bills never go down if a Telco (Telphone Company)
can cut operating cots their profit just goes up.
By far one of the most important concepts that will serve as a foundation
of enlightenment in this series is that of Digital Transmission with the
MOST PREVAILING FORMAT being **** T1 ***** sometimes referred to as DS1.
A T1 circuit is basicly a pipe that goes from one location to another to
pass telephone calls, and or Private line Data Services Back and forth.
In common applications it contains 24 telephone lines in a digital format.
The format is serial synchronous in nature with a line rate of 1,544,000
bits per second. Hauling ass compared to 14,400 huh?
T1 ckts are used mostly to tie a Telephone Company Switch in one location
to a switch in another location. Their use is also on the rise for Private
Point to Point Communication in virtually endless possible applications.
Most of the larger Telcos and LD Carriers now offer Line Services to Larger
Commercial Customer in Metro areas in a T1 lie format.
Many great enhancements with few drawbacks came with the introduction of T1
technology in the early 70s. Line noise has all but disappeared in most
connections useing the larger carriers. If we time warped 2 hst modems
back to 1955 we would be lucky to get a 2400 baud connect. It alo brought
about the ability to call coast to coast without spending a fortune. They
dont require as much maintenance as analog networks so zillions of jobs
went away through the years.
One of the requested topics has been that of wire taps. T1 has made this
a lot easier to implement and nearly impossible to detect by the tapped
party. In nearly 90% of the USA a telephone signal is analog for a short
distance on each end of the connection, From the serveing Telco to the
telephone set or modem. A digital signal is the easiest to monitor with
no affect on the analog lines. A digital test set with an impedance of
1000 ohms on the input will not even cause a click when the test cord is
inserted in the jack. most digital switches provide for Maintenance
monitoring of analog lines by electronicly bridgeing a D to A convertor
to the line just after it is converted to digital from analog in the
transmit direction and just before it is converted from digital to analog
in the receive direction. Bottom line is that anyone who can gain the
cooperation of the telephone company with or without a court order can
eavesdrop without haveing any affect at all on the circuit that goes out
to the telephone set. This total circuit isolation makes it impossible
to detect this kind of tap.
There are many So Called Tap detectors on the market. They function on
the premise of detecting abnormal voltage or current levels associated
with the line inbetween the serving telephone company and the users phones.
They are incapable of detecting any thing beyond the first line transformer.
In effect even without telco help it is very easy to insert a device any
where in the line betwwen the phone & the telco that can isolate the phone
side of the circuit and alow monitoring equipment to be attatched with no
side affects to your line. Such devices can even be field calibrated so
that all voltage and attenuation characteristics that were present prior to
its installation are repeated torwards the phone. They can be adjusted to
within a millivolt for the DC characteristics an .05 db for the analog
At the risk of gossiping about the many law enforcement agencies that might
try to tap a line I have an opinion or two.
1. If the Feds want to listen they probably will, you cant tell, and if
they are that interested you are probably toast any way, they are just
trying to find out who your associates are by listening.
2. Many States, Counties, Large Cities & even a few Fed agencies can contract
with individuals who have the equipment needed to do this kind of dirty work.
3. Most small town or county agencies would be likely to try it with an
analog tap that a third grader could find with a multimeter. 20 bucks &
a trip to Radio Shack would probably do the trick on building a gizmo that
would make a light go on if someone tried a crude tap.
Edited By: Mercenary
Dateline: Dec/1991
BOSTON, Mass. -- December 11, 1991 -- Digital Equipment Corporation
President Kenneth H. Olsen announced today with Mayor Raymond L.
Flynn that Digital would hold DECWORLD '92, its customer symposium
and solutions conference, in Boston's World Trade Center April 27 to
May 15, 1992.
The multi-million dollar program, last staged in Boston in
1990, is expected to draw about 25,000 invited executives from some
of the world's most prestigious organizations. DECWORLD '92 is
expected to inject some $40 million into the local economy,
according to Patrick Moscaritolo, President and CEO of the Greater
Boston Convention and Visitor Bureau. With nearly 200,000
participants at DECWORLD programs held around the world since 1983,
the program is considered one of the most pre-eminent single company
events in any industry.
Commenting on today's announcement at the World Trade Center,
Digital President Kenneth H. Olsen said "This will be one of the
most important events in our history. Since the 1990 DECWORLD,
we've improved and expanded virtually our entire line of products
and services with open technology, services and business practices.
Open computing has caught on in the industry, and Digital is clearly
in the lead.
"We will have a very impressive line up of products from
personal computing to supercomputing along with all of the
networking, service and support offerings to demonstrate and talk
He characterized DECWORLD as "one of the most rewarding
marketing investments the company makes. Customers, prospects and
our own sales organization learn and experience the best solutions
to business problems available from Digital and hundreds of our
business partners who are an integral part of the strategy."
Mayor Flynn said that Digital's decision to hold DECWORLD '92
at the World Trade Center "reflects Boston's international
reputation as one of the premier cities for education, research and
high technology as well as one of the most historic cities in
America. DECWORLD '92 will provide a significant boost to Boston's
economy and further our continuing efforts to attract business and
investment in Boston."
John Drew, President of the World Trade Center, said "we are
absolutely delighted that Digital decided to return to the World
Trade Center. The importance of DECWORLD to the hospitality and
transportation industries here in the Boston area is enormous. We
look forward to working with Digital, state and city government and
various arms of our local travel and tourism industry to assure
another hugely successful conference."
Deborah Nicholls, Engineering Planning Manager for Digital and
DECWORLD '92 Chairperson said the program will focus on customers'
business needs and provide proof points of the company's 'Open
Advantage' service, business practices and technology strategies.
She added that nearly 5,000 Digital employees will have some
responsibilities in shaping and staging DECWORLD. "In addition to
what it does for our customers, DECWORLD has become an important
positive rallying call for all of our employees as well. It's an
event that we've always been proud of."
She added that the program will take over the entire 120,000
square foot exhibition hall and all of the available conference
areas at the World Trade Center, in addition to an estimated 45,000
room nights at the leading Boston hotels where scores of other
meetings and events will also be held.
DECWORLD will be organized around the industries represented by
the customers and prospects. Solution workshops, seminars,
exposition visits and technology demonstrations will be offered in
customized tracks to meet each participant's business objectives.
DECWORLD is a trademark of Digital Equipment
MOSCOW -- December 12, 1991 -- Digital Equipment Corporation today
announced plans for its entry into Russia, Ukraine, and other
neighboring republics, featuring sales and service offices, an
education center, and a long-term commitment to providing the
information technology and related services that will help
facilitate the economic restructuring and infrastructure development
of the newly independent republics.
At a press conference in Moscow, Digital detailed its plans for
establishing a leadership position in these potentially large
computer markets, concentrating initially on Russia and Ukraine, and
expanding into other republics as their requirements become clear.
During its inaugural weekend, Digital will host events for local
customers and prospects and will sponsor performances of the Youth
Orchestra of a United Europe, conducted by Claudio Abbado, in Moscow
and St. Petersburg.
Alberto Fresco, Digital's Vice President (Europe), who has
overseen Digital's successful expansion into Central and Eastern
Europe, said, "We arrive here in the midst of historic and difficult
change, not only as a company that foresees major opportunities, but
also as a partner in the process of managing change. Information
technology has a large role to play in many of the complex
challenges facing the republics. As they forge ahead with reforms,
world-class computers and software applications will become
increasingly important and we believe Digital's presence will truly
add value to the process."
Martin R. Hoffmann, Vice President and General Counsel,
represented Digital's corporate management team at the event. "This
announcement marks another step in the increasing cooperation
between Western industry and the developing market economies of the
republics," Hoffmann said. "This is a critical time in the history
of this region, and Digital looks forward to bringing its experience
and expertise to bear as rapidly and as practically as possible. We
are already supporting a number of our multinational customers that
have begun operating here. Our presence adds value to their
investments as well."
Digital will market, sell and service a wide range of products,
in full compliance with all applicable export laws. Contracts have
already been signed with several new customers for projects in the
automotive, aviation, hotel, finance, and natural resources areas.
Digital has identified nearly 50 projects for which proposals are
under consideration.
Digital also announced the signing of an agreement with the
Academy of National Economy to open a Digital Education Center in
Moscow, equipped with Digital computers and applications to be used
for training. The center, which will open in early 1992, will
feature visiting Digital lecturers from various countries. The
Digital Education Center will house a demonstration center. The
Academy of National Economy is Russia's leading training center for
senior managers, offering courses on business, technical, and
economic subjects to over 3,000 people per year.
Digital's Russian headquarters are in Moscow, with an
additional office to be opened soon in St. Petersburg. In Ukraine,
an office in Kiev will open early next year. Digital has already
begun hiring local employees and will continue to build a staff
specializing in sales, marketing, service, and administration.
The announcement is the latest in a series of Digital
investments over the past two years toward establishing a lasting
presence in the emerging markets of Central and Eastern Europe.
This process began in the spring of 1990, with the formation of
Digital Hungary and a multifaceted strategy to address the
opportunities created by the unification of Germany. In June 1991,
Digital Czechoslovakia opened its doors as a wholly owned
subsidiary. In October 1991, Digital officially announced a
subsidiary in Poland. Digital has already hired over 200 local
citizens to work in these new Central and Eastern European ventures.
Those local employees are backed up by over 50 people in Western
Europe dedicated to provide marketing, sales and technical support
for the development of business in Central and Eastern Europe.
Peter Sipos has been appointed Digital's General Manager
responsible for the republics. He has been working to establish
Digital's entry into these markets for the past 10 months. With
nearly 25 years of experience in R&D and sales and marketing
management in high technology, Sipos holds a PhD in Cybernetics and
speaks seven languages.
"Digital has taken a long-term view, and we intend to invest
accordingly as we build our new organization," said Sipos. "During
our preparation stages, we participated in the COMTEK exhibition in
Moscow last April, and experienced an extremely high level of
interest from potential customers, government officials, and the
news media. With combined population of 280 million people, we
believe substantial opportunities will exist in these republics for
Digital over time."
"There is tremendous technical talent in many different areas,"
continued Sipos. "In particular, we are seriously considering ways
to utilize the significant software development capabilities to work
on projects in areas such as telecom, banking and finance,
manufacturing, aviation, energy, health care, education, and public
Dateline: Jan/12/92
American Agents Set Virus loose in Iraqi defense computers
Several weeks before the air campaign of Operation Desert Storm began,
U.S. intelligence agents notched up the odds for the American-led coalition
a bit.
The agents had identified a French-made computer printer that was to be
smuggled from Amman Jordan, to a military facility in Baghdad, where it was
to be used in a computer network critical to the coordination of Iraq's
formidable air-defense batteries.
They were said to be second only to those of Moscow.
According to two senior U.S. officials familiar with these events,
this is what happened next.
The U.S. agents in Amman replaced a computer microchip in the French-made
printer with another microchip provided by the National Security Agency (NSA)
in Fort Meade,Maryland. Technicians there had designed a computer virus into
the tiny electronic circuits of the microchip.
The virus was designed to disable a mainframe computer the officials said,
but by attacking through a printer, known as a "peripheral" piece of
equipment, it was able to circumvent the electronic security measures
designed to protect mainframe computers from such interference.
The virus was cunningly designed, and must have driven Iraq's air-defense
computer technicians to distraction.
Once the virus was in the system,the U.S. officials explained, each time an
Iraqi technician opened a "window" on his computer screen to access the
information, the contents of the screen simply vanished.
The virus seems to have worked as planned,the two officials said. The irony
is that it was probably not needed.
The coalition's overwhelming air-superiority would have ensured pretty much
the same result whether the Virus had been used or not.
Source of this Tidbit: Boston Sunday Herald 1/12/92
Dateline: Jan/1992
Federal auditors have ended a challenge to the use of $18 million in
federal funds to pay benefits for employees doing research at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
MIT will be reimbursed that amount this year. The funds were jeopardized
by a federal audit that said MIT was trying to overcharge the government
a total of $22 million
The school agreed to subtract about $4 million from the request, saying
it had overestimated project research data.
Digital To Market and Sell Cray Research Entry-Level Supercomputer
MAYNARD, MA -- January 14, 1992 -- Cray Research, Inc. (NYSE:CYR),
and Digital Equipment Corporation (NYSE:DEC), announced jointly
today a comprehensive agreement that grants Digital worldwide rights
to market, sell and distribute the CRAY Y-MP EL supercomputing
systems. The agreement is effective today, and Digital sales of
CRAY Y-MP EL systems will begin immediately. Digital announced its
intention to price the CRAY Y-MP EL supercomputer systems starting
at under $350,000.
The CRAY Y-MP EL is an air-cooled, entry-level supercomputer
that is fully compatible with Cray Research's entire supercomputer
product line, and integrates easily into Digital's open distributed
computing environment. Under terms of the agreement, Digital will
sell the Cray Research system in conjunction with Digital's own
high-performance technical computing (HPTC) products: the VAX vector
systems and the DECmpp line of massively parallel systems.
This agreement provides for an orderly marketing and sales
transition. For the first six months of the agreement--through June
30, 1992--both Digital and Cray Research will market and sell CRAY
Y-MP EL systems. This agreement does not apply in certain limited
cases, such as CRAY Y-MP EL systems sold in Japan and to certain
government customers. Starting July 1, 1992, with those limited
exceptions, customers will purchase supercomputer systems
exclusively through Digital sales representatives. Cray Research
will provide back-up sales support and applications expertise for
the CRAY Y-MP EL system.
"The CRAY Y-MP EL is the price performance leader in the
entry-level supercomputing market," said John A. Rollwagen, Cray
Research chairman and chief executive officer. "Today's agreement
substantially broadens the marketing and distribution of this
superior product through Digital's well-established global channels.
We expect CRAY Y-MP EL sales volume to increase significantly in the
next few years because of this agreement. We also expect a number
of new CRAY Y-MP EL customers who will purchase larger Cray Research
systems as their computing needs grow."
According to Kenneth H. Olsen, president of Digital Equipment
Corporation, "This agreement reinforces all three levels of
Digital's open advantage strategy. The agreement integrates new
technology into the open Digital environment, satisfies customers'
needs through open business practices, open services and support
"Cray Research's network supercomputing strategy stresses `open
systems' compatibility with major hardware and software vendors in
today's distributed processing networks," said Ed Masi, Cray
Research's Executive Vice President of Marketing. "Among other
things, this agreement means that users of Digital platforms linked
to Cray Research systems can access more than 1,000 additional
third-party application codes that currently run on the CRAY Y-MP EL
and the entire Cray Research product line. These application codes
accelerate product development, increase R&D productivity and reduce
R&D costs for customers."
"By adding the CRAY Y-MP EL systems to Digital's supercomputing
product line, we will make maximum use of our existing
infrastructure," said Ed Barker, High-End Marketing Manager for
Digital. "We have highly trained sales and sales support personnel,
and have invested significant resources in the entry-level
supercomputing market customer. This agreement allows us to
capitalize on that effort and expand our market share. Now, we can
offer a complete range of superior price/performance solutions,
including the CRAY Y-MP EL systems."
Barker said the Cray/Digital agreement demonstrates Digital's
open advantage strategy. "Customers can now create HPTC systems in
an open technology environment, integrating appropriate super-
computing processors from both vendors into a single distributed
network solution. The agreement shows Digital's long-term
commitment to open business practices, developed to satisfy each
customer's unique needs."
Digital agrees to sell at least half of the CRAY Y-MP EL
systems originally planned for sale in 1992. Today's agreement does
not change Cray Research's estimate of more than 100 CRAY Y-MP EL
sales in 1992. Cray Research announced this product in October 1991,
and to date has received approximately 50 orders from customers
The initial agreement runs for three years, with provision for
extension by mutual agreement. After 1992, the number of CRAY Y-MP
EL systems committed to by Digital and Cray Research will be
determined by Digital sales plans. Officials of both companies said
they consider 1992 a building year for this relationship, and that
they expect the benefits of the agreement, including sales volume
increases, to become more evident in 1993 and succeeding years.
A separate Cray Research/Digital agreement covering service for Cray
Y-MP EL systems is expected to be signed in the near future.
Together, the two companies offer a broad range of
supercomputing solutions targeted toward such markets as government,
energy, aerospace, automotive, university, chemistry/pharmaceutical,
environmental sciences, and petroleum industries. These solutions
include the VAX Supercomputing Gateway, a system that enables
Digital's VAX systems to interact with Cray Research supercomputing
DECmpp and VAX are trademarks of Digital
Equipment Corporation.
CRAY Y-MP EL is a trademark of Cray Research,
Section [8]: For the People By the People
Compiled By: You the BBS,Network,System User
Edited By: Mercenary
This new section will be run in every issue of Phantasy. It is devoted
to news and text files floating around the telecommunications community
that our readers find of interest and submit to us for your enjoyment,
shock,pleasure, or dis-pleasure.
As the name states, this area of Phantasy is truly "FOR THE PEOPLE,
We hope you enjoy it it and will submit your curios.
Notice to ALL Sysops:
If you have a user named AVENGER on your board, DELETE HIM!!!
I caught him hacking into my system where he dropped to DOS!
If you are running AmiExpress, delete any DOORS directories in ALL
Conferences! I won't explain why but DO IT!!!
There is a serious bug in AmiExpress. As a registered user, I will
inform Mike Thomas.
Avenger is from Madrid, Spain
He left his home voice phone as: [Edited by IIRG]
If he hacked into my system, I'm sure he's done it to other AmiExpress
--- Q/Crystal, sysop of Realms of Chaos
Realm of Chaos [1:Crystal Cavern]
I have been informed that there is a "MAJOR" bug in the ami-express ver1.1s.
The probelm is that it lowers account editing in youonfig file down to 10.
According from Mike Thomas he never released a 1.1s so if your running it
check and see if you config is messed up.. Special Thanks goes to Sultan for
finding this error and brining it up ....
Message : 92 of 99 Posted : 12/25/91 at 6:07
Subject : .. To : All
>From : amplitude User Note: Regular User
Crime Slave called me up last night and told me the whole story so I will
summarize it before I leave...
He was turned in by The Arsonist of Midnight Oil IV
They Called his Board under the Handle Yaesu and said that they lived in 313
(Detroit Michigan). He validated him thinking he was real and the guys
downloaded some shit (They, and they guys is referring to the Feds). The next
day they came knocking on his door and took him in.. They also took all his
electronic equipment in his apartment.. He was turned in for carding by The
Arsonist but luckily the merchandise had no serial numbers on it.
They now have his dialing list and are investigating Oil III and Oil IV.
Sysops especially, watch out for the feds... I suggest (at least for the next
few weeks) voice validate EVERY user that gets on. And by all means USE A
He is out on 5000 bond. His lawyer and the police told him that he was looking
at approximately 2 years in prison and 10 years on probation. They may be
using him to get a message across, but please all be very cautious.. He asked
me to tell you all this so please capture it and post it on any boards that
don't already have it..
By: Muad'Dib
To: Mercenary
Re: Operation Overkill Players ( Parties! )
* Forwarded from "ICN Office"
* Originally by Truth Hurts
* Originally to All
* Originally dated 8 Jan 1992, 0:01
The Exact Origin of this Message is: Unknown
For Obvious Reasons even the Nodelist of the system that sent
this message has been Faked to protect the Party who sent out
this Message. In other Words, STOP HACKERS and PIRATES NOW!
It was strange that Ice Nine announced the disbandment of Operation
Overkill as a kid was taken into custody by a certain agency of law-
enforcement. It appears that Op O-K is now on the lamb and in fear of
being caught by and brought to justice. Yes the little twit that got caught
is singing his heart out for all to hear. He is spouting out names of
people that may raise an eyebrow or two. Here is the latest of names
that has come forth from the little twits mouth.
Kyle Rose aka Kelson Haldane proported to run a bbs Flexible Leftovers
914-221-7991 phone disconnected
aka Barney Bishop
aka Mr Fingers
aka Fastrash
aka fatass
aka overtoady
Brian Hirsch aka Slab runs a BBS (Full Volume BBS)
aka Kendar or Ken Dar
Karl Wreckstrom aka Ice Nine runs (PowerSurge BBS)
other names that have been given that have
law enforcement officials interested are
Phil Parker (Dark Angle) 914-562-3607
Al Draper (the Slayer) 914-691-3919
Chris ? (hippy hacker) 914-462-5305
Sysop 18 of Hanger 18
All of these people are now under investigation. If you have any other names
that may help this investigation should be forewarded to the Local FBI .
If you feel that this Information is In-Accurate Get a Lawyer and Then Call
The F.B.I. to try and clear your name if you truly are Innocent. If Not
then Run for Cover as the Next time your Doorbell Rings it could be ME!
Film at Eleven............
This is a Forwarded message.. From Fanastasia Maximallion
AKA Planet Buster..........
--- D'Bridge 1.30/002128
* Origin: Midwest Anti-Hacker News! No Phone # No Problem ! (91:602/310)
Section [9]: Phantasy Distribution Sites
Phantasy's Distribution Site's are continually growing,we apologize if you
called a board and didn't find the Mag. Network Distribution Sites will
have the Issues first, we suggest calling one of them if a problem does
1. Lightning Systems
19,200-1200 BAUD, 24 hours a day
(414) 363-4282
2. Sycamore Elite
19,200-1200 Baud HST, 24 Hours a day
(815) 895-5573
3. The Works BBS at (617-861-8976)
Largest Text Files BBS in the world, 3500+ text files online.
2400-300 Baud, 24 Hours a day
4. Pipers Pit BBS
19,200-9600 HST ONLY!!
24 Hours a Day
Over 370 Megs of Amiga and IBM
5. BlitzKrieg BBS (TAP)
PHANTASY(C) IIRG 1991,1992
May Odin Guide Your Way!