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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
This is also an e-zine version of punk zine DZOOM made by Rimas - friend of mine.
What can I say about it? It is punky pynky punky punk. All the stuff is dedicated for punk. And it contains mostly info about foreign bands, and made also for foreign eyes. So is it. Enjoy!
(to avoid troubles on my head, i've made one change - all over the text there are f**k,
what it mean I think you know very vell. A original text is with full typing of this word)
for any info about this or not you can,
NO, MAN - YOU MUST contact me:
interwiev with Marco
Dz.How appeared idea to play?
In the year before 1980 in our city the punk scene was not very big (about 40
people) but we had a good time.We squatered buildings and have a lot of fun.
But some of us want more to do with the problems in our world.So in April 1988
we started our band,so that we could say in our lyrics what we like and not like
in this world.And all of us enjoyed playing music.Music is our life!
Dz.Why the name "Changing Systems"?
A lot of people say they like anarchy.We allso but it is impossible to realize
because there are always people who can not live without rules.So if anarchy
is impossible,we try to change the f**kin systems inthis world.We try to do this
by our lyrics.Besides political lyrics we have allso lyrics about personal
problems.And we hope that the people who see/hear us willthink about our lyrics
and maybe someday the world will be a better place to life.
Dz.Does the band have problems?
Like almost every band,the begining was difficult.Trying to find a good place to
practise.Sometimes our band was throwing out of the practise place,because our
music was too loud,and a neighbour could not hear his television.
And we have had problems with some players who have left the group,and we must
try to find new good players.But the last years all is going well with us.Half
year ago we have a second guitar player in our band.He is a boy from England
who lives now in Holland.With 2 guitar players our sound is now more fuller (
and more noise!!).
The only problem we now have is that the singer has broken his arm (on 3 spots)
(ed.-hope now he's ok) and the broken bones have damaged the muscles.Now it is
not sure that he can ever use his arm normally.That's F**k.And the car of the
band is broken down again.But that's life.Biggest problem:trying to find gigs!
Dz.What does influence your music?
Difficult question to answer.We think that every song of us has different
influence.We try to make our songs as various as possible.We do not like bands
who make songs like :one song ia almost the same as other.Because members of our
band do not have the same favourite bands the influences are very different.
Also an influence to our music are the lyrics.When a lyric is about something we
really hate,then our music gets more aggressive.
Dz.Your favourite bands?
We shall introduce ourselfes:
Jan vocals:HC/punk bands like Crass,Misfits,Mudhoney,Fugazi,No Means No,Minor Threat.
Maarten-Jan guitar and vocals:funk music like Fishboe,and music like Jimmi
Hendricx and Frank Zappa.
Neil guitar:metal music like Antrax,Suicidal Tendencies.
Marco bass:HC/punk music like Exploited,Sex Pistols,Suicidal Tendencies and ska
music like Specials,Shaferlatine.
Dave drums:Hc/punk music like Exploited,Bad Religion,Suicidal Tendencies and ska
music like Madness,Specials.
Dz.Is good beer in Holland?
Yeah,there is a good beer in Holland!!Heineken is the moust famous and you see it
over almost whole world.But we prefer more beer like:Dommelsch or Grolsch,because
there is more taste to it.We find Heineken to sweat in the taste.
But we like also wodka,Tequila and all other bottles with alcohol.Sometimes we
drink too much before playing.That is not good,but we like to drink a lot and
getting drunk so for a short time we forget all the problems.
DZ,Please tell the funny stories from band life?
Last year we have had some "funny expierence with our band.
We should mention some:the singer was once,when we were playing in Germany,so
drunk on stage,that he felt down two times.
Another time in Germany we played on a sunday,outside in a open car(that's great
-ed).We think the whole city hated us(f**k 'em all-ed).Next to us was a little
group of people playing on accordeons .The peole did not hear them,because of our
noise.So two times some one pulled out our current and peole were walking by with
both fingers in them ears.
Once we played in a little city in Holland,but the organizer thought that we were
a reggae band,so again the current was pulled out.When it happens it is not funny
but after we can laugh about it.
Dz.Your favourite cartoon?
We all do not see often television,because we prefer to make or listen to music.
But sometimes we look at some cartoons.The best we like are the Walt Disney
cartoons like Donald Duck etc.Not the cartoons with a lot of violence or science
Dz.What do you know about Lithuania?
Not much!We know that your country is now independent.When that happened your
country was on the news every day,but now we do not hear anything about your
country anymore.
Dz.What would you change in your life if you can?Your greatest dream?
We answer these 2 questions in 1 answer,because our greatest dream is the same
as the thing that we would like to change in our lifes.
Our greatest dream is that we have enough gigs to play and that we don't need
another job for money.It is not that we would like to be stars,but we want to
play as much as possible ,because that is what we are living for.We allso
want to make a cd,but we don't have the money.
Dz.What does make you nervously in this life?
The f**king wars everywhere on this planet ,and peole starving to death because
they don't have food.That makes us nervously,but allso angry.We wish that more
people listen to our lyrics and act to that,then the world would be a better
place to life.We know that it is impossible for us to change the whole world,but
we know we are not the only ones.So people must be united and together we can
change every system.
Dz.Something to add...?
First we wish the people of Lithuania a peaceful 1994.
Further we thank Rimas of Doom zine for sending this interview to us.We really
were very surprised to get a letter out of Lithuania.Another country with people
like us,so more friends all over the world.
A few years ago some friends of us went to Moskow and we gave them a cassete
of our band.Our friends went to a bar in Moskow and the people in the bar allso
liked our music.
So people who want to write to us ,for information,or to tell us how is life
in Lithuania can write to following address.
Greatings from all of us,and keep on with the good work!
Changing Systems
p/a Marco
Adelaarslaan 42B
7331 AX Apeldoorn
Dz.Lets start this interview with the last news on Hypernoid...
Dave.O.K.Up to the minute(Feb.94) Hybernoid news is that we are due to play
Holland,in early April 94.Our first 7" has been out 3 months and has sold 800
copies.We geta feature on a Displeased Records compilation cd and are awaiting
our second 7".We also plan to start recording our album in the summer.
DZ.What could you tell about the scene in England?and in Britannia?
D.Well Britania only has a population of about 200 so there isn't much musical
diversity to speak of.As for England,Erm,I don't follow any particular scene
in general,I enjoy all types of musican diversity.I do follow the underground
doom/death/grind scene,as that is where Hybernoid are geting their exposure.
If it weren't for this scene Hybernoid would never developed this far.
DZ.Well,tell me as much as possible about "Ophthaphobia"..Are you satisfied
with it?
D.I would like to tell you as little as possible about "Ohpthaphobia " as it
extreamly dated,and doesn't represent Hybernoid in the slightest.
DZ.Did you ever catch your father f**king each other?
D.No but when I was small my father once came into my room,and buggered my anu
into a bloody,shitty,pulp!Quite nice actually!!!Yummy,yummy,Daddy,Bummy!!
DZ.What kind of animal you'd like to be after your death?Do you believe in
D.Reincarnation seems quite logical when you think about it.Everything seems to
go around in a circle,so why not life.I think a spoilt cat would be perfect.
You keep your wild instincts and get some human mug to feed you and keep
you warm.
DZ.Lets talk about your songs writing...How long does it take to get one song
completely finished?
D.It must take us a month or so.The tune doesn't take long,or the lyrics.But
we then spend a little time fine tuneing the order and structure.
DZ.Don't you think that religions sucks?Your opinion about catholics?
D.Big subject this.I think christianity is probably one of the most perverted
set of ideas.If your going to believe in anything then the aboriginal,dreamtime
seems to be one of the best,and least harmful.
DZ.Could you tell some about your last gig?
D.Our last gig was local with Corpus Vile(Bristol) and Filthy Charity (France).
It was good.There were plenty of people there,and we even managed to make a small
profit.I wish they could all be like that,but sadly its not the gase.Thanks
Chaps and Filthy Charity for nearly burning my house down and poisonong me in my
bad with toxic smoke!
Dz.What does makes you nervous in time mostly?
D.The thought of nervousness make me nervous.
DZ.How often do you masturbate?
D.As soon as I awake I commit my first act of masturbation.Then I get out of bed
and head off to the toilet for my second.Then,downstairs for my breakfest,
followed by my third wank into the downstairs toilet bowl.My fourth wank usualy
falls on the mid day period before getting stuck into some serious wanking action before bed.All in all thats an average day.
DZ.Would you eat the chick if she had a yeast infection?
D.I usualy find them more apetising during a period of yeast infection,but an
ample serving of slurry water is usual more agreeable to the palate!
DZ.Now about the music you listen to:the last lp,ep or demo that "killed" you?
D.The first Gathering lp.Springs to mind as doe's some Ship of fools.I bought
a Neworder and Naughty by Nature 12"'s on impulse of sheer enjoyment,last year.
DZ.What are your upcoming plans?
D.Just play Holland,and get our lp/cd out this year.That would suite us alright.
DZ.What is your fave cartoon?
D.Erm,,,Daffy Duck,Buggs Bunny,Fog Horn,Leg Horn.All that early Warner Bro's
DZ.Hybenoid...Tell me how did you found that name?
It's a name of song from a band before Hybernoid.The song was about a person
seeking to hibernate from the world and their life.Somehow the word Hybernoid
came up as its title.
DZ.What do you know about Lithuania?
D.Sadly not a lot other,then it was once a part of the USSR.I write to a lot of
people in Lithuania such as INfernal Beauty,Vital Vound and In Your Dream.
DZ.Do you ever have sex with any variety of animals?
D.Well,variety is the spice of life,and you should always keep your sex life
unusual and varied.My list so far includes,dogs,cats,hens,sheeps,cows,donkeys,
goats,pigs,gerbils,hamsters,guine a pig and hedgehogs.I would like to explore
the explicit world of the insect,very soon.
DZ.What note you'd like to see on your gave?
D.Probably..."Here I lie,for now I'm dead,so no more sheep will fill my bed"!!
DZ.Could you tell something about deal with R.P.Records?Are you guys planning
split ep with Tixic Narcotic?
D.Thats P.S.Records(USA) ,I think you mean.Erm,yes we sent him a couple tracks
in June 93.Nothing has come of it yet(Feb94) and no it wasn't a split with
Toxic Narcotic.
DZ.Something for closing...
D.Hello to Mass(Blasphemyr),Jeff(Thy Sinister Bloom),Andy Farr,Yishai(Betrayer),
Ron(Displeased Records),Filthy Charity,Maciek (Incarnated),Erik(Monster Metal),
Pete(Verbal Aggression),everyone who read this please write.Our first 7" is
2.50/$5 from D.Evans,8 William St,Britannia,Bacup Lancashire,England OL139TD.
Thank you to everyone who has helped us this far on.
8 William St.
Interview with Otto
Dz.The last news on bands?
Well,I play in two bands,Forca Macabra and Selfish.Well,the latest news...We are preparing new songs with both bands and with Forca Macabra we go to studio in one monht and we shall release two ep's and one split ep with Uutuus!So we have to rehearsea also a few times before that...we have also arranged a bunch of gigs...Besides ,Forca Macabra was just with Uutuus playing a tour in east-block!It was ten days of hardcore massacre,yeah!!!Really great places and good gigs!!!Selfish was also going to come,as well as one brazilian band called Tubaroes Voadores,but brazil band cancelled their tour in europe and Selfish just "didn't come",eh...eh,also with Selfish we are doing new and good songs because we are going to release in summer '94 an own 12" that will be an ultimate killer,yes!Also could mention that the european tour in October '93 was good!Oh,and also split lp with Doom is out and split ep with japanese band Disclose!Those are ok-stuff as well as a tape called "Anarchy and destruction".
That is a tape only release for seling in east-block and other poor countries because many of them have no record player.This tape have our ep with a bit different sound,all the comp.tracks we've made,the split ep with Disclose and also some live as an extra!And we can sell it for cheap prices!Also a tape pressing of Selfish/Doom split lp was made because of the same reason...
DZ.Tell about your european tour...
Well,so the tour was in October'93 with Selfish and another finnish hardcore band Uutuus that is also really good!We played shows all around europe but focus was on western europe...Besides our first tour wasin summer '92 when Selfish played also in in Poland and Czschoslovakia.And in summer '93 we played in Czesh Republic and now we have here again a tour in May'94 with the bands and we play at least in Poland and Czech Republic.And when we have the next big tour in August/September '94 we shall make it wider by going also to east and south!
Nevertheless,we've already performed in most european countries and the previous tour was interesting...we met really many dedicated persons and visited cool places.Great time we had once again and thanks to all people involved.This time we traveled by van/the first time was by train with IR-cards!/and the van was shit and we had to repair it many times and it caused us a lot of problems...like we missed one gig because of that...also we had to pay to lots of money in various garages,shit...grrrr...by the way,this time we realised that all the gig-arrangers do not feel full responsibility for what they're doing:some of them just cancelled the gigs without any "good" explanations....strange...??But shit happens .. on the tour we are going again to lose lots of money...I wonder how those bands from the US can come over here to play...??
Dz.Maybe some words about your releases?
Well,you can see there in the first question already some stuff about them...So,Selfish has two demo tapes/from '90 and '93/ and from both of those songs are on many international compilations-there are too many to reember and to wite down.Then we have only one own 7" ep and it was released by Belgian good label Genet records and we are very thankful for him.Even though the quality of the ep is a bit bad...the sound was raped in the pressing plant...also some mistakes in playing!Well,then we have split lp/released also as cd and tape/ with UK band Doom out on German label Ecocentric Records.THis record has also really wimpy sound,shit.Then we have also this split ep Disclose.It is released by DIY Records.And then we have this tape released by Malarie Records.The tape has our ep+other stuff...by the same label was released the tape version of Selfish/Doom split lp,this is how we can sell it very cheap!!Great!
Forca Macabra has released three demos /'91,'92,'93/ and from each of those we have songs on international compilation vinyls!Also we have two split ep's:with Corpus Christi from Belgium and with Homo Militia from Poland.New stuff by both bands is soon out...
Dz.Why did Selfish released a split cd with Doom?
Yeah,it's not only cd release!The label contacted us originally a long,long time ago and offered us a split lp with Doom with very good conditions and we agreed-but eventually the label Ecocentric Records did us a ripp-off by doing the stuff like we told him not to do-for example,he changed our layout/lyric things and that is f**kin wrong!!Also he originally said it will be out in all formats but soon he said that he will do only cd's!We got really pissed and said that he must do vinyls too,so after many letters and asking and pleasing he made also the vinyls-but with cheap shit quality!!!The tape release was made possible only by us -Selfish- and our good friend,very honest label from Czesh Republic,Malarie records.We asked him to do the tape and it is a product of co-operation of DIY -punk people -not bussinessmen like Matthias Weigand and Ecocentric Records!Support DIY-punk!!!!
As for CD's -all members are more or less against them and personally I very strongly dislike them...so here's a question how we ever got ourselves into this CD-thing...dunno but this was probably the last time...I hope so!Please,don't buy CD's you are helping the destruction of the nature and also the good old vinyl manufacturing!
Dz.What do you think about anarchy?
Our vocalist believes in personal anarchy and he is belonging to some group but all of us others don't believe in anarchy-it's just a dream!This is so spoken subject that can't say much new about it...simply:it just won't work!There is a clear line between a dream and reality so please wake up and take a look what's happening now and don't count anything on some dream that is non-existing everythere else except in your teeny-tiny barains....ok!!?
Dz.Is it difficult to play in some bands?
Ah,do you mean,that it's difficult to be in so many bands...We'',not at all as we don't rehearse so often - only some 5 in 6 months- including the gigs!Naturally I get lots of mail and I take care of some 70% of that...then I also make lyrix for the bands so it takes some time as I also arrange the gigs/tours,etc.But on the other hand this is motivating for me and also I'm unemployed so I've got rather lot of time to spend on variour shit...
We really rehearse only before the studio or sometimes before the gigs...And gigs we can't play often in Finland because are banned in so many places!!!!We are acting too crazy...too drunk or something...but we never break the places or hurt the people!We are against unnecessary violence...but naturally you can always stomp a nazi or two..
Dz.What about beer?
Ha ha haa!!Yeah,we used to drink a lot as f**k and be totally trashed always on the gigs and so but I stopped taking drugs in summer'93 and after that I've been only drinking a bit...before that we have tried lots of shit from pills to heroin...the other members still tae the same stuff as before but I think their focus is on hash and only drinking really much...not harder stuff around here...
Yeah,we also rehearse drunk almost always and many gigs have been a big chaos because of too much drinking...the same happens on the tours abroad and in Finland!Maybe not so much anymore with Selfish Because we tried to drink a bit less that we can play better/for me it's no problem because I ain't drink much anymore/ but with Forca it's getting to the opposite direction all the time ha ha!Foe example,one of uor previous gigs was quite brutal!It was in Finland and when we played we started the gig by breaking and burning fascist records and agitating the people...then we started to play but the guitarist was so drunk that he fell down the stage with the amplifier and then he came back and passed out on the stage!Our vocalist was really insane and he grab the guitar of the guitarist and smashed the guitar to the stage some ten times and it was it thuosand pieces...the crowd was screaming wild and then he falls down and passes out and lays there on the guitarist...Me and our bass player tried to play something but the last thing I remember was that I fall down the drum stage...pheew!Also often happens that someone of us passes out before the gig and then just wakes up to go to play on the stage and naturally you are still then in quite massed up and can't think too much so it's a big drunken chaos!
Dz.Into what you convert your enemy if you can?
Eh,do you mean what is my enemy or what??I'm sorry but didn't understand it exactly...if so then I guess my enemy are all those who try to trample me down and put some chains on me!That means idiotic work can be an enemy because it gives you chains and you are a slave and it destroys your creativity!Also naturally crazy bastards like militaristic,nationalistic,patriotic,racist,fascist,sexist,homophobic,etc. are my "enemies".It's quite much that those people who oppose me - I'll oppose them and fight back!And tell all you to do the f**king same - f**k the f**kers!!!This system where we are living in is our first and real enemy because it creates this atmosphere of hate and distrust around us!!Question authority!!!!!!
Dz.Your greatest dream?
Hah ...with the band or what???WE don't have any special dreams...WE are just going to release those few records and so ...make some touring,etc.One thing we'd like to do is to tour Japan!And if it's possible it takes at least some time...so maybe that is a some kind of dream...??Dunno...
For me personally I would like to have a rich/not by money/ and full,balanced/peaceful life on this shitty planet!Naturally I hope everything could be better...and if only one thing then it would be :EQUALITY!!
DZ.Where is better ,in Czesh or in Finland?
Ummm...In Finland there is a really deep economical deppression right now...We've there some 5 000 000 inhabitants and 5 20000 of them are unemployed so it's very much if you think that Finland used to be some welfare stste...naturally there is good social security and standart of living in Finland,but it sometimes just sucks...Here in Czesh everything is very cheap and is more warm?ha ha I don't like too much ultra-cold weather/..Also the history is interesting and nature's too ok!Music scene here in Czesh is much poor than in Finland!Like you know Finland always had really many bands,etc.but here in Czesh everything is new and young...and even the few bands musicwise really shit!Only 2-3 groups I can listen to...But very nice people of course!Czesh punks are also politically active and almost all of them are vegetarians/vegans that is very good!Many foreign bands play here quite often and so...In Finland we don't have so many foreign bands touring...perhaps because of the shit situation of the country...Czesh beer is also better than finnish,but not much,and you can get more drunk from finnish one!!Ha ha!!!
Dz.What do you know about Lithuania?
Naturally I know where it is and some facts about it what I learnt in school,but back then you were still part of USSR.I have also visited your neighbour country Latvia.It was back 4-5 years ago and it was quite poor back then.I wonder what has changed after that...if anything?Some people I know from Lithuania?and the other Baltic,tooo?because they write to me and I know a bunch of groups but all of them are terrible-I would like to hear some Lithuanian Discharge stylish group!Is there any?Naturally I'm also aware of the difficult economical situation you are facing and also remember the process for your independency...well,and have read some scene reports from your country...and I think you had luck you got away from that big murder-stste:;Russia!
Dz.Last words to readers...
Ok,thanks a lot for this good interview Rimas!Keep up the good work and cheers for all Lithuanian punks!Maybe we will play'visit your country soon bacause the way is Not so long...people who can help could contact us,please!Also anybody into getting any stuff by my bands can send me a blank tape and something to cover up postage fees and I can record you the tapes...And if you wanna buy our releases the ep's are to Baltic countries 3$ postpaid and the same price for the tapes!The lp/cd is 10$ postpaid for you!I've got a distribution "Raw Punk Distro"so I've also some other stuff for fair prices-very,very interested we are in getting more interviews so zine editors pleez drop us a line now,Thanx!Also all the releases and hundreds more are available from:Bruno,POBox 447,9000 Gent 1,Belgium.Write to him as he is a ultra-cool guy!From he also stuff for wholesaleprices...that's it!!PEACE,LOVE AND HARDCORE!!!!
Contact:Otto Itkonen
Pekantie 26
58500 Punkaharju
THanx Otto for your interview and time you spend writing it,I hope one day you'll play in Lithuania and we'll meet!
V35 - 4J1 CANADA.
TOXIC NARCOTIC formed during the winter of 1989 in Boston,Massachusettes.
With members WILL SULLIVAN on guitar,KEVIN BARNELLO on drums and BILL DAMON
on bass guitar and leadf vocals,this Boston-based power trio quickly gained
a large and avid following in the local music scene.
TOXIC NARCOTIC released their first demo in the summer of 1990 . This forty
minutes long cassette displayed a wide variety of TOXIC NARCOTIC's diverse
musical influences .Unfortunately,the recording quality of this release was
Later in the spring of 1991 , they released WUNT DUNT DUNT ! , a three song
cassette that proved to be a vast improvement musically , as well as having
an excellent sound quality . This was recorded at FORT APACHE studios , in
Cambridge MA . Since that time , they have sold over one thousand copies in
the Boston area throughout the summer and fall of 1991.
TOXIC NARCOTIC is well known for their energetic and sound live perfomances
as well as angry,yet intelligent lyrics . With a wide range of influences ,
ranging from Hard Core ,Punk ,Death ,Grind and Crustcore ,to Industrial and
Psychodelic music.
RODENT POPSICLE RECORDS is a small,independent , D.I.Y. label out of Boston
and will be releasing the upcoming TOXIC NARCOTIC seven inch vinyl . For
more information on TOXIC NARCOTIC music and merchandise,write to :
c/o R.P.Records
P.O.BOX 335,
Newton Ctr.,MA
GHOST:Lets start this interview with the last news on the TOXIC NARCOTIC...
BILL:Otherwise the latest news is that we released the 7" in September and
we have sold out a 1000 copies in 3 months (congratulations!!)which is good
for out 1st self release . We are almost done with the new 7" which will be
be out in Jan/Feb area.
K:Why not ? We figure it means a lot and it's catchy name that might even
make some people think about it for a monute or two!
G:Maybe a few words about your the first demo ?
B:Well,we (T.N.) wasn't a band formed out of old bands,so we were all very
new at this back then!And well,it sounds bad (recording quality) but it was
40 minutes long and had some really good music on it , but we didn't really
promote it,because it sounded like shit.
G:How do you imagine yourself after 1o years ? Is it possible ,that you'll
start to play pop music ?
K:In 10 years I hope to have been consistantly making music that is
different,unique and enjoyable.
B:Even if it's only us and few other people,that enjoy it !
K:I also hope by that time (10 years) we will seperate some of the elements
which cripple our creative process !
B:And pop sucks ! The question is will the pop audience buy into Punk/Hard
Core/Thrash etc...It's beginning to now and over the last few years !
G:Do your parents support your music or they think , that's just a waste of
time ?
B:Our parents are mostly neutral about it ! Not really too supportive , but
they often say "Well,they could be doing nothing". So at least they know we
keep ourselves out of trouble and are commited to something.
G:What music do you like ?
B:I like a lot of Punk and Grind/Crust/Hard Core/Metal(Thrash,Death,etc...)
I hate stupid metal,that's what we call it.I don't think I have to tell you
what I mean by that .We listen to a lot of stuff like SKA & Reggae Hardcore
Rap,some 60's rock,jazz,fusion especially.All kinds of shit.
G:Your Fave books and movies ?
B:For me movies would be "Taxi Driver",no specific book ,I don't read much.
G:Your attitude towards life ?
K:I believe you should try to live the best you can at your own expense and
no one else's . People should be able to do what they want as long as it
causes .
B:Knowledge is the key , always know you know nothing and always be willing
to learn . If more people tried that there might be more tolerance on this
G:Tell some about your song writing. How long does it takes to get one song
completely finished ?
B:We have had songs that have take us a year to finally get around to
finnishing it and we have written a whole song in a day lyrics and all . We
almost always try to progress songs and are sometimes continually changing
them as time goes on.Other wise they get stale and boring anyway.
G:What does make you nervous in this life mostly ?
B:Almost everything you eat is poisoned and it's getting worse.
K:Extremists ! Any kind !
B:Especially ignorant misguided ones !
G:Your last words ?
B:Ignorance is the enemy , it's a problem we must all be aware of . If we
continue everyone will be dead.No more music,no more nothing . Maybe it'll
be for a better !Thanks for interview and feel free to write us - we answer
all our mail.Peace !
GHOST : Let's start with the short history of the band and with the last
news on COUNTESS.
Zenon : COUNTESS materialized during the summer solstice in the year 1992,
after the bastard's birth .Then band was only Vercingetario and me . Now we
are joined by Ariesse and Orlok .Maybe the line - up will be extended more
in the future,but this line - up will record our album during winter 1992.
When COUNTESS materialized during summer solstice 1992 , we unmediately
recorded our demo "PERMAFROST".
G:What does the name COUNTESS mean ?
Z:Everybody who is into Black Metal know what our name mean.
G:Tell me your opinion about satanism.Do you interested into it ?
Z:Myself I'm a Satanist , but I cannot speak for the others . But I believe
they are all satanists too.We all have different opinions about some things
but as all dark souls know there are 7 gates of HELL... ...
G:Maybe a few words about your demo ...
Z:It has 5 songs , more than 30 minutes in all . Something could have been
better of course and when we recorded "PERMAFROST" we couldn't play but the
atmosphere is great , totally dark and cold like in the old days . We are
G:Is it easy to be adeath metal band in Holland ?
Z:Yes,far too easy.Every child is in a death band almost.
G:Could you tell a little bit about song writing .How long does it takes to
get one song completely finished ? And when you write the lyrics , do you
write the lyrics in your language fi9rst of all or in english at once ?
Z:How long does it takes depends on the song.Sometimes one hour,sometimes 3
months.So far I wrote all the music by myself and some lyrics ,but Ariersse
writes most of the lyrics . We both write in English unmediately . We also
write music and lyrics seperate & put them together afterwards.
G:Do your parents support your music or they think , that's just a waste of
time ?
Z:Most of our parents don't know about the COUNTESS and if they did ,they'd
hate it,like it should be.
G:Now about the music you listen...The last LP,EP or demo ,that killed you?
Z:We mostly listen to only old stuff ,new stuff ,that really killed us was
SAMAEL's "Blood Ritual"CD and MASTER's HAMMER's last demo.
G:What do you say for closing this interview ? Your last words ?
Z:If you are into cold,dark ,brutal ,primitive Black Metal , then order our
demo.Watch out for our new album in 1993.Hail Sathanas,Kill yourself ...
CAT RAPES DOGS "Moosehair Underwear" '93
This stuff comes from Swedish "Energy" Records.Fact is that Energy Records
haven't send me this cd.Actually this is good thing to listen!Swedish
technocore rules!Industrial beats,sharp guitar riffs,low vocals - all these
things makes their music more faster and faster!Get it!
MORIBUD YOUTH "Turk Hardcore" tape
Yeap,turkish killers!Too bad that I lost their address...These guys plays not
typical hc with some punk influences.It's got a lot of energy,fast
rhytms,you'll love it!Fact is that I got this tape about year ago,I'm not
sure,I think the band still exist.I guess the band have changed their name to
Turmoil yet.
I'm not sure about address but try this:
c/o Taylan,7-Kisim a23,BD.107 Atakoy,Istambul 34750 Turkey.
SOLEMN "Exile at the Well of Souls" demo
Actually this must be rewiev of great band called Solemn.Leader of the
band,Rob also runs the zine called Cheese Factory,but about it somewhere
else.Solemn means a new sick/brutal/noisy mixture of gorerific
death/grind/doom industrial.Rob also has nicefeeling of black,morbid, and
clinical humour,so if you like them,get in touch:
Solemn,Rob,55 Ward St.,Clifton,NJ 07011,USA.
MARIA ZERFAL "Tote Zone" tape
Maria is not ordinary artist that comes from the city near Dusseldorf.Some of
their first tape called "Menschlickeit" used on Mekka Concervenu compilation.
She uses voice reverber,distortion,and sometimes keybords.All her music is
kind of unusal industrial music.I love first track it's so noisy!Anyway if
you love the sound that makes you sick,some sounds between Ministry and Nine
Inch Nails,you better get this tape.
NOVA DROGA "Mad of the End" demo
Nowa Droga is young pollish band that comes from Liublin city.Nine tracks of
this tape were recorded in "Music Deaver" studio in September 93.It's hard to
conceal that most weakest side of Nowa Droga is a bit naive lyrics,that is
like to do their music more commercial,to make easiest way to users.Nowa
Droga reminds such bands as Youth of Today,Insted or Sheztek,but it's not
"that kind" band yet.This tape was published by label "Tabula Rasa",that is
working with straight edge bands(Jarek).
Tabula Rasa,Adam Malik,ul.Kosmonautow 3-40,41-303 Dembrowa Gornica,Poland.
APATIA "Bog,Honor,Ojczyzna" tape,cd
This material was prepared in late 89,but it was recorded in October 92 on
"Zlota Skala" studio.It's sum of all different material that was published on
different tapes of Apatia,it was published with the only difference without
characteristic roughness,but with new-more soft sound,with more melodic
playing.Musically it's crushed,melodical fumes of sound with personal
lyrics,that are published on cover plus one antifascist hicior H.C.P.
The members of Apatia couple years ago played in band called H.C.P. plus
bassist of Cymeon X.When I've got this tape I could'nt listen to anything
else for couple days.This tape was published on Nikt Nic Niewie label.It's
worth to get it.(Jarek)
Apatia,ul.Zupanskiego 2a/26,61-562 Poznan,Poland.
Nikt Nic Niewie,pobox 224,41-900 Bytom,Polska.
This demo (all members of Neighborhood paid for recording by themselves)
contains 3 tracks,that were recorded at "PJ 3 Havs" Records,on August 93.
Neighborhood music is fast hc with two guitars,that reminds all bands
influenced by Suicidal Tendencies.All songs are in english.Technical side of
this demo is very good,but the whole could be better.I think that we'll hear
about this band in nearest future,I goess,it could be the band is honest to
all Poland scene,I mean like Homo Militia.One member of it is playing in
Neighborhood.ul.Traktorowa 74A/50,91-129 Lodz,Poland.
v/a "Back to Front" CD
Wow! This wonderful cd comes from Incognito Rec,from Germany.Stuff from
1977-82.Great punk77 from various countries:Germany,UK,US,Australia,Austria
,Sweden,even Japan.Mostly little known bands.19 bands and 19 great punky
songs.From very melodical like Rivals to more aggresive like Lunch Brothers
"Kill me I'm rotten".Every new vol comes every 2 months.Really great stuff,
worth to listen,so check it on Incognito records.
Incognito Rec,Hermannstr.1,70178 Stuttgart,Germany.
Well,this one sounds like That's a zine with big difference!One
something new in this area... the most interesting acts,I ever seen.
Interviews with Napalm Death 90(!) pages full of interviews with not
(70 questions + answers),L7, only gods of death metal like Impetigo,
Master,Nocturnus,Impaler,My Immortal Fate,Candiru,Fear Factory,
Dying Bride,Decomposed, Biocide,Carcass and with punk legends
Absolution,Surgery,Revelation, Fear,Christ Drivers,Capitalist Casualties,
and tons of another.Also punch Famous Tea and other.Everyone writing
of tales,lyric,films and tapes in will recieve a "free" autographed
reviews.I suppose #5 will be picture of Bruce's neighbour Stan.So,
out soon as interesting thing what you have to loose?$4(USA),$5(world)
too.So,any contributions are Bruce Reeves
welcome and check out at: 26222 Sanz #A
STEADY DIET 'zine Mission Viejo,CA 92691
24 Hopyard Lane USA
Redditch,B98 OJH
Well,now I'm gonna tell you about first LP That I've got from DISORDER
band.Now,as I know DISORDER is one of the best punk/HC band in Norway,
so this act make me open-minded!songs are cool,especialy lyric,like
"A prayer for Cliff Richard" or "Police state".MUSHROOM ATACK sounds
pretty too.Well, you must get it!Write to:
Desperate Attempt DISORDER
Records postboks 3420 Bjolen
1320 South Third Street or N-0406 Oslo
Louisville,KY 40208 Norway
As Beavis said "We killed that This zine promotes throught provoking/
frog",this frog is still alive! revolutionary/anarchist/protest peoples
Interviews with Disaffect, ,bands,labels,zines,projects.Articles,
Spherelazza,One By One,Slobs,a lot reviews,interviews about protest and
upcoming articles including "Why resistance all over the world.So,if
can you f**k the bible".Also bunch the label fits,write to Pablo and he'll
of zines,tapes reviews,comixes...and help out with reviews,passing on news,
the most important thing...if you're making you a star(just kidding) or
ordering this issue you get 8 bands whatever.Back issues are still and will
compilation tape.I don't know really always be available(no12 to no4)
how much it can cost,so get in touch: for the price of SFR 1.50 or $2(airmail+$1)
Spock Prod.,112 Rue D'alembert,38000 for a single issue!Get it from
Grenoble,France. Resistance prod.,POBox 3142,2500 Biel 2
Well,I don't really know what's This one is acctually 'old' issue.As I
inside,as I know in germany only know #8 is out now.Here you can find
few words.Like "Scheise" or interviews with Gulag,Inkisicao,Shutdown,
something.Including Guns'n'Racist Sons of Ismael,Slander,Resist,Mushroom
(cheers to Axl),Turkish&Polish Attack,Go3,Doctor&the Crippens,No Fish
scene reports,"Nazis raus" festival on Friday,Chaotic End,Acoustic Grinder,
"punks in der DDR" ,Born Against and and ton more.Plus tons reviews,articles,
more.3 DM or equilent to: scene reports from all over the world.
PAPIERTIGE $2(europe) $3(rest) for Ripping Thrash
c/o Sielwallhaus Steve,Stapenhill,Burton on Trent,
Sielwall38,Bremen Staffs,DE 1S 9AQ,UK
Demolish serious art!!!Well,no That's kinda excelent stuuf!This one go's
reviews,interviews...Only cool fanzine that covers garage,rock'n'roll and
drawing and lyric like"There various styles.This is an 'A4' size produce
he sits up on the p ole.His usually 26-30 sides long.Each issue is $2
Third time out this week.... (includes p&p) or special offers are pour
All stuff wanted for zines, issues for 4 pounds only.Cash to
labels.All this for only $1 Andrew Harris,117 Southdale Road,Carlton,
anywhere.Write to: Nottingham Ng4 1EW,UK
Jouni Vaarakangas,Kaarelantie Tricia Mickling,140 Haywood Road,Mapperley,
86.B.28,00420 Helsinki, Nottingham NG3 6AF,UK.
VERBOSLAMED pornographical issue
Well,it seems howw excellent is woman work.As I know they haven't
a lot of brain...But I'm not a racist!Rebecca!Your VERBOSLAMMED is
really cool!I enjoyed it!So,anyone must get it!This issue contains
exclusively interviews with Take That,(They dance really nice),a lot
of upcoming articles.
VERBOSLAMED,908 17 st.,Arcata,CA 95521,USA.
Wow,it's sounds really like J.M.Jare. Compiliation CD 1993
It will blow your mind.Sounds This is creature of Poko Rec.
excelent to see some another tapes, Featuring The Music of the 69 Eyes,
but... Anyway 32 minutes of electronic Dead Allison,Going Public,Hybrid
instrumental,Ihave no coments... Children,Isebel's Pain,Jolly
Just get from: Jumpers,Psychoplasma,Skins & Bodies
John Balabaugh,4273 N.6 th street, and Wanna Bees.
Harrisburg,PA 17110,USA. That is the second CD that we get.
First was Matthew Alexander the
famous folk singer.This CD is full of
HC,industrial and weird tunes.I suppose,
it don't need more advertising,order it!
Poko Records OY,POBox 483,33101 Tampere,
DOC HOPPER "Aloha" CD (Ringing Ear)
Really good fast pop punk,along the lines of Seatle bands Sicko- it has
enough speed to keep it away from being too poppy and enough harmony to make
it stick in your head.It's fun and there is a great Go-Go's cover to boot.
SINKHOLE "Groping for Trout" CD (Ringing Ear)
This is beautiful album.In my opinion,this is best kind of music.It ranges
from mid-tempo to fast,has plenty of hooks and melody,and yet manages to
retain lots of intensity.Sounds like Samian at times,but I don't want to make
cheap conparison for a band as good as this,'cause they obviously put a lot
of thought and effort into their music.And besides that,they actually manage
to make Styx'"Come sail away" enjoyble.
Ringing Ear Records,9 Maplecrest,Newmarket NH 03857,USA.
NAKED "Anus Horriblis" mCD(
This cd is something new in industrial music.This music is wonderful and
charming danceindustrialshocktherapy.For those who likes really and
unboring industrial music,this cd should inpress you.If you like such bands
as Nine Inch Nails and Ministry,don't waste time,write and order this cd.
The sharp suond and industrial guitars riffs will damage your brains.
RHYTM COLLISION "Girl with the Purple Hair" EP (
Yeah ,it's difficult to invent anything new in punk music,but progress is and
this proove Rhytm Collision.Funny,stright,fast with slow insertions
songs.Guys play really cool and it's seems will have a briliant future.In
this ep is Fine Young Cannibals cover "She drives me crazy",it soundspretty
cool.Anyway if you are in fun+fast punk,get it.
Dole Drums Distribution,C.Ireland,
special "battle scared warrior" issue!Hand written fanzine with Attila The
Stockbroker,The Velvet Underpants,Critical Mess plus Durham Pub&Chese Pastie
review,some info on footbal(or soccer),cool joke page,reviews,couple
interesting artworks.There are no tommorow,just yesterday pain.Price-25 p.
It's cool,get it.Andy,8 Cross Lane,Sacriston,Durham,DH7 6DD,UK.
Woww,this is cool zine from seatle.Contains interviews with Jesus Lizard,The
Didjits,Hush Harbor,Catfood,Zipgun and more,also tons of sound advice,news,
scene reports. It's only 1,50$ so don't hesistate,get it.
10 Things,1407 NE 45th St #17,Seatle,WA 98105,USA.
PUDCHAIN issue#4,5
Cool colledge zine with the difference!Contains Chachi On Acid,Clay,Pee
Tanks,Tonie Joy and lots more!Some cool illustrations,printed by
computer,etc,etc.Fact is that this zine doesn't exist anymore.I hope Tim will
creat something else in future..Contact addres:
Tim,8248 Rupert Rd.s.,Hillersville,MD 21108,USA.
THE SWINDLE 7"(Incognito Records)
This is an ep of Czech rare punk band.Sounds great and amazing.The Swindle is
one of the most known Czech bands!Vocals are in Sex Pistols line,second song
"For Mico" contains excelent guitar work.
FUCKBOYZ 7"(Incognito Records)
First song title reminds like Theraphy?Cover?(Going nowhere).Anyway,this rock
like motherf**ker!Fuckboyz is everything that you could want in the band and
probably even more.
THE WAY "English" 7"(Incognito Records)
This reminds me of no one particular.It's not that original but it's not that
bland or repetitious either.The lyrics are very political.The guitar reminds
me some of the stuff I listen sometimes...ordinary punkrock.It's actually
pretty good though.You'll just have to listen.
THE WAY "Austrian" 7"(Incognito Records)
The same band ,but the different music.Pure punkrock,but I think austrian is
better then english.It's got a lot of energy,but some of the slower songs
kinda sap away from more untempo punk-pop or pop-punk.Lyrically the best is
fifth song called Scheiss Kibarei(english translation is F**k The Police...).
The vocals can actually be figured out frm time to time plus the guitar is
really good.
BERTZ RACHE 7"(Incognito Records)
Here we go again.This ep contains 4 excelent tracks.Lyrically the best song
is No Olympia,written against olympic games in Berlin...It was long time ago
I guess.First song called Berta,seems like love lovesong or something.Quite
nice guitar line.Im Osten Gibt's Kein Telefon soun kinds of monotonic.Last
one is called Kekse.
Cool.Adult naked people!Including Anal Parthership,Ass Class,Tanja Loves It
Hot,Where sex is therapy?Hot Dinner for a dirty duchess-this is one of
international(I'm not sure this could be called erotic...)Few nice
faced,assed chicks,well mostly on anal sex...Oh yeah,one stinky dude reminds
Paul Newman,only by face...cool is also that there are some words.Thing is
written in four languages,it could be popular in Europe.I'm not sure maybe
it's possible to ask for promo copyfrom:
Silwa Film,Postfach 1128,53821 Troisdorf,Germany.
HYBERNOID "Dust in the wind" EP
Here's coming something new in industrial doom metal scene.Their music is
influenced by a lot of bands.This reminds me Ministry,Gathering and Fear
Factory in one time.At times this ep can get so heavy and when you think it
could not possibly get more heavier than it is,it does.
Hybernoid,Dave,8 William st.,Bacup,Britania,Lancs,England.
Demolish serious art!No news,interviews,reviews,only cold draving and some
hippies poetry,like "There he sits up on the pole.His third time out this
week..."All stuff needed for zines,etc.All this for 1$ postpaid anywhere in
the world by surface mail.
Jouni Vaarakangas,Kaarelantie 86B28-00420 Helsinki,Finland.
SKINTRADE "Skintrade" CD
Yeap,I don't know much about this band,...Guitar riffs sounds really
excellent ,the problem is that vocals totally stinks!My opinion is that the
band must kick out Matti Alfonzetti (that's the name of vocalist) and find
something better.If you want to find something to listen in this cd,try song
no 9 called "Null and Voill".Fact is that it's the best musically.They've
used the distortion or something on vocals,so it's sounds more better!I could
describe SKINTRADE's music like something between Red Hot Chili Peppers and
early Alice in Chains...
I don't know who is Adelheid Stredel,but his experience is tottaly cool!
Adelheid Stredel Experience is the band from the Gags'N'Gore(this is the name
of zine)people.They're called after a woman who tried to kill a leading
German politician in 1990.Nice peole ,quite good HC plus something else(it's
really difficult to describe they style!) and an excelent "minus one idiot"
lyrics book(written in german and english...)This ep is brand neww one!In
fact it contains seven songs with some antifascist and resistance lyrics.I'd
like to mention track called"Harmony Fails".That really kills with own
emotionality,rhytm and guitar sounds!
A.S.E.,Bismarckstr.120,28203 Bremen,Germany.
Acid Rain Dance band exist since 1989,they play quite interesting style of
music!It's something between Hardcore and Death Metal.The wirst
song"Wurstensturm"(Desert Storm)is the best lyrically Cover contains english
translation og all lyrics.Fact is that is something new in HC seems:it's
difficult to listen to all sound,like sharp giutar riffs,fast hc rythms,cold
and brutal. All this makes Acid Rain Dance music more
powerful,melodic(despite Fred's scratchy vocals).I know that all members of
the band had played in local punk band before.They also brought out a 12 and
we are very nice people ,so check themout at:
First of all i'd like tothank the singer of Korruptsinger Smeagol for all
bremen area records.Their music is old,good,rarepunkrock with intelelegent
lyrics.The band exist since 199 and all Korrupt members are in the scene for
alot years.Their first record wasa double ep.Well,i,m not sure about their
title, I know that this double contains eight killer track!All songs are
written in german,so I'm not sure what they are about,but this stuff is worth
to listen!
I heard a couple months ago thay releaseda split ep with Kuchenspione(Kitchen
spy) from East Germany city Weimar.This ep contains 5 songs of ultimate punk
rock influencedby DK,Sex Pistols and Ramones.You're no more punk if you
haven't listen to Korrupt.F**k everything and get it.
+Interesting stuff from California!Four killer HC track,that really kick
inteligent asses.It's too difficult to talk about material,that is so
excelent...Check Econochrist out at:
Econochrist,pobox 3458,Berkley,CA 94703,USA.
BRAINWAVE "Flower of Destruction" demo
I don't know...I really hate that kind of stuff1Tunes of Metallica,Jon Bon
Jovi and Take That...It's not metal,hc or pop ...Ultimate bullshit!
Abyss ep contains four songs in NY hc climate!It's cool and it's really
aggressive.I enjoyed the manic singing of...I don't know the name of
singer,sorry..."I won't win,I'll be another victim"-lyrics deals important
confession,greed,fear and etc.I could recomend you the track called
Confession that is kind excelent one.I guess it's still possible to get this
ep from:
Summersault "Holger Ohst" Wenderberg 32,38444 Wolfsburg,Germany.
ORGY OF PIGS "Where Feelings Die" CD
Here comes some stuff from Dominators Records from Australia.You know,I'm
starting really enjoy Australian music.Australian thrash core doesn't sounds
like thrash core,it contains something else like some emotional things that
it's hard to describe.This cd represents past and present of Orgy Of Pigs.I
feel like killed!The guitar crunch is very heavy,that a bit reminds
Macabre,the vocals low with some hc "Drive-In" and the bass with drums
driving in good "mosh pit " fashion!!!
KOITO issue#2
This issue got the unusual 52 pages,with semi-professional printing.You'll
find amazing interviews with Genital Grinder,At The Gates,Nuclear Death and
alot others.Also heaps of reviews contained,plus some articles,a special
place with other zines addresses.All this is dedicated to the underground
vinyls.The price is 4$(Eur)(I think a bit expensive,ah?),5000 ITL or 5$
(elsewhere) from:
Sebastian Leoni,Via Gran Sasso 14,65025 Manoppeuo-Scauo(PE),Italy.
Could be better...
KNK c/o Saras,Box 114,KAUNAS 3005,LITHUANIA.
IRON CURTAIN issue #4,5
And this must be called the zine?F**k!It has better quallity than silly
Metalhammer.Killer lay-out,killer bands(Pink
Flamingos,Vaginalmassaker,Dystrophy,Carcass,Gorefest,Bolt Thrower,Impaled
Nazarene)No it's isn't better then Metalhammer,it's more better!Here 's only
the old address:
Iron Curtain,Ebelingsrabe 14 1.Aufgang E6,Berlin-Friedrichshain,Germany.
& pages,monthly.Every issue contains an interview.This one has Krapp(as i
know editor of Stonkage zine Dave plays in this band)Fanzines,records,mostly
from UK area..It's like,if you want something from the UK,just ask them!
P+D HQ/2 Westacre Dr./Quarry Bank/West Midlands/D45 2EE/UK:
BHP issue #5
BHP presents:neo-nazi propduction,music by the corporate rockers,costumes by
SS-Jurracist Park.Well,I like BHP!Dawn by Law,Pseudohippies(kaput...),I'm too
sexy for a job,Born Against,SNFU,Shreds,Compulsion,Lifetime etc.32
pages,killer lay-out.Editor also plays in band Couch Potatoes.If you are into
supporting and continuing hardcore in any way,please write them now!The price
of BHP (what the hells does it means?) 50 p. or 1$ to:
BHP-1 Chandos Road,Tunbridge Wells,Kent TN1 2NY,UK.
SMITTEN issue #1
Another feminist rag.Raped chicks on cover looks very pretty.Including
interviews with Flinch,No Means No,Oil Seed Rape,Chicken Bone Chocked,Growing
Up Skipper,some questions are a bit silly,but our 2nd was the same...Nice
work!It cost 50p,but you always write to Hillary,she's a nice dude!
Hillary Ellis,16 Storey's Way,Cambridge CB3 ODT,UK.
BARBLES issue #7
Cool!This thing is only like comics zine!Editor of the zine,Ros is pretty
girl(!!!) with good kind of humour.This issue includes comixes from D.Worden
(not so bad),Adam Bertram,Ros,Heather McAdams(totally cool),Greg Fiering
(cool too),etc.Also a lot of reviews on fanzines,nice Ros poster,blah,blah.
Get it for a stamp (24 p.) or 2 IRC's (us) or trade
Ros 5,New House Close,Canterbury,Kent,CT4 7BQ,UK
Huh!Feminist are cool!This Verboslamed(it means then men talk derocatorily
about women in the presence of a woman without having any idea it might
bother her) issue is 80% for women baseball:Julie Groteau,Sophie
Kurys,Dorothy Schroeder,Audrey Wagner,etc...Every girl is a riot grrrl,Judges
who blame victims,etc.I'm like in love with Rebecca,she's still cool!!
RIOT issue #3
32 pages,absolutely 100% non profit making you cheapskates.I don't know much
what to tell you about this issue of Riot.joe ,the editor send me kind of
antique issue-about four years old...As I know issue #7 out and it looks like
a bit better one (with Health Hazard,dead Wrong,hellnation,Econochrist).Issue
#3 contains stuff on Cambodia,Cowboys Killers,Scherzo,Kalus.
$3 world or 2 pounds uk,well wraped concealed cash to:
Joe Riot,21 Ebnal Road,Shrewsbury,Shropshire,SY2 6PW,UK.
STONKAGE issue 5
Well,I don't like much that kind of zines.They're too small!This contains
only 12 pages!Anyway,stuff inside is really cool!Interviews with Pushead;Joey
fat,Urban Excretia,The Rickets and a lot of more.Editor of zine is also
playing bass in punk band.20p+sae(A5)size or 30p + 2nd class stamp to:
Dave Morris,756 St Johns Rd,Clacton on Sea,Essex,CO16 8BN,UK.
Fighting Talk is the magazine for militant anti-fascist published by AFA
London are.They urge all readers to send any information on fascist or nazis
in your area direct to AFA.This is the only way to guarantee the Militant
Anti-fascist movement has the necessary information to successfully beat the
fascist.Also alot of information about critical situation in
Germany,organising Resistance in London.
AFA,BM 1734,London WC1N 3XX,UK.
Oh,boy how difficult is hungarian language.I could describe only the famoust
names like Diamanda Galas,Swans,Foetus,Skinny Puppy,The Ex,God,Monster Magnet
and tons of others.Wow this is one of the best zines I've ever seen.110
pages,a5 size.I gues this zine could be an important concurent for MRR,if
it'd be written in english...
Racz Mihaly,Budapest 1172,XIII.u.35,Hungary.Tel/fax 35 1 158 6410.
QQRYQ issue 16/17
I've got only old number of this zine.QQRYQ-it's like cock noise or
something.Well really cool!It's pretty thick(88 glossy pages),contains
maximum information on bands,gigs,labels.Interwievs with Fugazi,MDC,So Much
Hate,Oi Polloi,Trybuna Brudu,Raising Hell.Some cruelty comix enclosed.Wel the
only problem that it's written in pollish.Anyway-cool!I guess it's possibly
to get from:
QQRYQ Productions,POBOX 451,02-792 Warsaw,Poland.
These guys are specialising in the found and stolen graphics.Couple of
illiustrations! some of them used in this issue of Dzoom.All Colective
Visions,Alternate Graphics or Shields Factory are anti-copyright!So,you can
copy it freely!How to f**k luxury,Down by gore,Drug people,Andre the
giant,etc.Don't think too much,just write to catalog:
Alternate Graphics,410 Angel Street,Rhode Island 02906,USA
Don't forget to to send them something,like old photos,drawings,etc.All this
is really appreciated!
NORDLANDIA newsletter 94
Oh,I'm not sure is this kind of usual fanzines.No way.This newsletter is for
people who enjoying trvelling.It's possible to find some "bed + breakfest
addresses from all over the Europe.Also some articles about old
civilizations,religions,it's kinda interesting thing.A propo -it's
absolutelly free!Just write and ask:
Andre,86 H.DeBrouckere Avenue,B-1160 Brussels,Belgium.Phone:3226607359