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Disclaimer -
To those who read this file we wish to make clear the following.
: FoG itself is an absolutely fictional society who's express purpose is
an abstract form of roleplay.
: We are not politically orientated ( at least to any politic of this
day and age) in any way shape or form.
: Any information you might find in the following is meant purely for
your amusemant ,not subversive activity against the corporate entity.
: We in no way support such DERISIVE behavior as Phreaking ,Hacking or
: Any threats or opinions are meant really in the best way possible as
well as any admission to certain acts is completley untrue and meant
only to amuse.
<20> <20><> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> FoG News 01 <20> Billy Jesus The Sentinel <20>
<20> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> Dt 00/00/00 <20> Roots Radical The Neon Nihilist <20>
<20> Section 1 <20> Introduction and Preface on FoG by the President of FoG <20>
For those who would inherit is a message of the simplest kind;
quiet revolution. There are those who say the meek shall inherit the
Earth, I am inclined to agree. And I say that we, the computer users,
the Hackers, the Phreaks, Crashers, and even Pirates, are the meek.
There are none more suited to take the reigns of authority in this age
so quickly spiraling to the tune of silicon opiates. We are the future
as we so often hear from the totalitarian fascists the system has the
nerve to call teacher, from the burnt husks we acknowledge as elders.
They tell us that we hold the keys to a future they would be happy to
What will we then? Will we be any more than educated slaves?
In my eyes there is only one solution to this; a quiet
revolution of more than verbal outcries that will only fall upon deaf
ears anyways.
My solution is this; rise up while you still can. You as a
computer user are beyond suspicion, you are the gems in the eyes of
society. Rise up against the immense bulks of data floating, awaiting
eagerly to be absolutely and irrevocably raped for all their worth.
Take what you can and destroy the res. Leave an unmistakable mark of
impact in the name of change.
As well as electronic havoc, there are other ways to voice your
displeasure with our current diseased society. By way of guerilla
Being users meat is usually inconsequential to us who
concentrate mainly on more asthetic and challenging aspects of daily
existance (Meat being muscle, and whatnot). There are those who would
take advantage of this with the sheer force of ignorance and violence.
These are the fools that would rule over us with intimidation and fear,
part of a long chain of supression. We cannot fall victim. If you are
having these sorts of difficulty, then read, learn, and remember these
words. Take no more abuse. Stand up!
Billy Jesus [FoG]
<20> Section 2 <20> FoG Newsletter 1 Intro <20>
The FoG newsletters are tools to use in the fight against
informational supression. The letter contains many sorts of things.
There are anarchy oriented files, retaining to real-world conflict,
physical superiority over your enemy. There are Hacking files, to give
the ignorant the power over the Net that all deserve. There are also
programs to use in your daily struggle (Utilities, Viruses, whatnot)
against those who would hoard the resources that belong to us all.
This first letter is a sort of introduction to FoG, to show you
what we're about, what we stand for, and what we're going to do about
it. Its to allow you to make your decisions, decide what you beleive
in, where you stand.
The letter is also to bring to light problems which the public
does not realize, under their blanket of induced ignorance. To show you
who you really are and what you can do. You can make a difference.
<20>The Sentinel<65> [FoG] - Together, we can change the world
<20> Section 3 <20> Current News and Events <20>
This is the events of the area that seem to have some importance
or relevance to some people. They may be inconsequential to some, but
not to all. This is what happened in our eyes.
The Fist of God comes into existance, for the purpose of ending
the opression of the weak. A Free Information Society dedicated to the
destruction of the sacred data institutions.
A group whose purpose is to create little files on other
people's personal info and give it to the public. It seems to me that
this group must be comprised of all the people who used to be classroom
whiners and squealers, whose prime source of entertainment is to watch
others hurt because of something they, the squeal, did. Its the lowest
form of insecurity and ego boosting.
The file, ARJ240, was a file package created by us that was sent
to Octopode one night while we were mildly intoxicated. By some twist
of fate, it has found its way onto other boards. This is most probably
the work of a user named Benjamin who is in charge of files on that BBS.
The original file (ARJ300) is included in this file package. Benjamin
caught the package because he knows the ARJ company and that the highest
version they were up to was 230, thus it is our suspoicion that he was
the culprit (As the 240 would show that someone knew the current version
well). The ARJ package contained a masked FISH virus. Nothing to
damage with, it was mainly to get past the File Scanner and into other
people's computers, or even infect via the scanning process, so each
scan would either be infected, or the scan would say that there were
viruses in memory.
-Virus Epidemic-
Well, we admit to putting out the viruses that cant be scanned
for, but it was only for our purposes in some areas, Ie, to one bbs or
two, it was from these bbs targets that they got to other boards.
Therefore you can blame us in some ways, but its not us who are directly
responsible for your problems. Besides, what you do with your system,
or what other things do with your system, is not our concern.
-PetroCan Loop-
This is mainly towards all the try-hard elitists who've been
using and spreading the petro-can loop number. Its monitored, and
you're diggin your own grave. You're not untouchable, nor are you cool
for using a public knowledge divertor.
<20> Section 4 <20> Charter of User Rights from Opression <20>
It has recently come to my attention that some system operators
seem to think that they can manipulate and control users as they please.
I will use my example of my recent visit to Octopode.
It was made clear to use that we were to stop swearing and to
start being curteous or we would be devalidated. Our good curteous and
honest friend Benjamin threatened my access there.
I'll make this very clear. Opening your system is like opening
your home. If you let people in, then you cannot tell them what to do,
they came in by their own will, and will leave when they will and do as
they please, unless you can stop them. Its the way the world works. If
someone is going to fuck with my access then I will retaliate with
whatever means nessecary to make them hurt. I will not be the
submissive little sheep and conform to someone else's ideals. I am who
I am, and if you dont like me, or others like me, then you shouldnt have
opened yourself to the real world in the first place.
By that right, I have drawn up the Charter of Rights for the
user. These are YOUR rights, you must beleive in them and fight for
<1> Every user has the right to an account, without neccesity of
payment, on any system which is at all accessable by them (Accessable to
the public in general). If a person chooses to open a system, then they
must allow the people on it, and forcing them to pay is a crime in
itself. This is doubly so if its in the guise of donations (Ie, you
dont need to donate, but you only get 30 seconds per day if you dont).
<2> Every user has the right to access any information which does not
directly affect the personal safety of another. This is data inclusive,
meaning all files must be accessable to all users.
<3> No user can be forced to change for the benefit of the System
Operator. A person is what he is, and you have no right to change that.
You must accept a person for who they are, or you should not encounter
other people at all.
<4> Each user has freedom of speech. You must be allowed to speak your
mind and beleifs. To supress a persons beleifs is the worst crime you
can commit, punishable by any means available. You can say anything you
like. Only the insecure will assert their power over you for this
These rights are just extentions of basic human rights. If you
do not have these rights and privledges then you are not human.
Therefore it is justified to fight for and to die for these rights and
privledges, for life as a conformist sheep is worse than death as a
free human being.
M<>bius Sobriquet
Those who find it in themselves to to breach these
afforementioned rights WILL encounter immeasureable HARDSHIP!
<20> Section 5 <20> Virus Tid-Bits <20>
Yes, boys and girls, they've done it again. If you all recall
when PKLITE and LZEXE appeared, there was some commotion about the fact
that these programs, in compressing the files, altered the HEX values
that identified the various viruses. But McAfee, those wily guys in
california, designed their SCAN.EXE to see through both PKLITE and
LZEXE. That put an end to about 2 weeks of rampant fun and games with
previously obsolete viruses. Well, its back....
The relatively new DIET.EXE is another in that genre of
programs. It compresses a file while allowing it to stay executable.
SCAN does not pick up viruses, even those it normally would, when
they're DIETed. This is the reason the FISH virus managed to spread
like it did, in the DIETed file, ARJ300 (Aka ARJ240).
So, as a bonus to our subscribers and avid fans and worshippers,
we have included your very own copy of DIET.EXE and a few already dieted
files (Including the ARJ240 in its original form, for you collectors out
there.) so that you may inflict damage to any non FoG supporting BBS you
may choose.
<20> Section 6 <20> Urban Terrorism <20>
- Flamingo Suprise -
As it seems a rule that all assholes have lawn ornaments, here
is a simple way of getting at these individuals.
First, get a piece of copper tubing about the same width as the
hole that the lawn ornament sticks into. Then stick a shotgun shell
down the tubing, with a pebble against the primer and the bottom of the
tube. Then go onto the person's lawn, and rudely remove the flamingo,
or gnome, or whatever, and stick the tube/shell down the hole; and walk
The result : When the individual sees his ornament laying on his
lawn, and forces it back into the hole, he loses a arm or a head.
- BrakeBomb -
First you might if you were so inclined ,find the vehicle of your
choice;note it's color and make. After this point get yourself some
transparent red tape ,6ft of electritions wire a crowbar and a wire stripper.
Go to the vehicle strip the elc wire crack the brake light pop the gas cap
and run the stripped wire (wich you have hopefully spraypainted the color of
the car) connect it to the brake light and then run it into the gastank. After
wich you should tape the broken light casing with red tape and walk away
The result ;if all has gone right the next time the owner of the vehicle
steps on the brakes his car with make a nasty crack sound and thereafter blow
straight to hell.
- Living in Fear -
In all of our lives there is that one special person that inspires an age old
emotion in us all;hate.
This individual or group of individuals may be school yard bullies or
perhaps that neighbor will never stop having the loud parties that interrupt
you sleep. Whatever the case may be here is a simple efficient and clean
non-violent way to deal with it. Everyone no matter how loathsome and evil
lives or at least frequents someplace.
Find this place ,hopefully their house or apartment. After thisi point you
must get a camera of types preferably a poloroid. Or, if you have access to a
photolab, developed photos look more professional. <grin>. (black and white
for the most optimal scare). When you do such a thing, it makes great clout to
scare the crap out of someone.. if you know where they live, and make them
think that you have some covert surveillance setup, they're not gonna see you
as a highschool kid, or, a modem "geek", they're gonna see this mysterious
individual behind the camera as a very serious threat to their existance. Next
step: Draw, or print or somehow have crosshairs(targets-like through a rifle
scope)on the guys head, or his arms if you want to come off as a
sadist(heheh). And, basically, it is as easy as mailing them, or taping them
to his door or dropping them in his mailbox. When he comes home from work, or
the bar. He'll find pictures of himself going into his house, with corsshairs
on his head, going into his "safe" abode, like he is now. Except, he won't
feel so safe........
-One Step-
Cheap effective ways to create landmines are a dime a dozen. The
problem being that most homedeals will only remove select parts of your
unfortunate victims. This is a remedy to this problem.
First you should get a hold of two peices of ceramic tile a foot long
and wide ,after wich you must obtain twelve solid or buckshot for a 20
or 12 shotgun shells. As well the shells purchase copper tubing in wich
they might fit ,then slot them in the asighned tubes.
With that complete take one of the ceramic sheets and glue six ball
bearings adjacently to each other on the ceramic. When they have dried
firmly glue the tubes holding the shell with the primer snug to the
bearings .
When these too have set then glue the other sheet of ceramic over the
shells. If done right it should resemble two ceramic sheets held apart
by two columns of roman pillars twelve in all. Now you are set to bury
the mine. Keep in mind it takes very little weight to aggravate the
primers so remain alert at all times.
The desired result if all go's well would be a multiple blast
sufficient to take out a small vehicle and most certainly a person ,or
in cases of buckshot several persons.
<20> Section 7 <20> The Local Scene <20>
Our local scene is at best unhealthy. We are plagued by idiotic
pay boards run by power hungry social outcasts. As well as inept sysops
we are ridden with inbred semi sentient users who feel that the modem is
an extension of the social lifes they wish they truly had.
The users are of course inconsequential ,they can at least be
ignored the sysops are a different story altogether. Their are several
systems in the city that deserve nothing more than contemp (and of
course the occasional virus) I won't name them for you because we of FoG
are not in the buissness of distributing opinion. If you can't pick them
out then perhaps you were meant for them.
Althoogh I am sure you can think of several boards that would be
deserving of unwelcome attention ,I know I can.
There is of course a solution to this problem ;education through
fear. If a sysop is being particularly facsist or restrictive in any way
,crash his system ,visit him with immeasurable grief. Perhaps next time
he will consider his actions more carefully.
In our opinion all boards unless offering some truly fantastic
service is not worth paying for; this includes chat. There are ways to
pay for your system aside form taxing the user ie.Advertising. Boards
that persist in this corporate frame of mind deserve the trouble that
will surely come their way.
Also the local scene seems to be very globally unaware ,most make
no attempt to communicate with the outside world. This really is a
shame. Some people have to realize that there is a world beyond local
chat boards. Hacking is as well almost unheard of and most off those who
do venture that way are of the caliber you often read about in the local
papers ,,,,,,,,busted.
FoG beleives fully in freedom of information meaning that in
return for info. we will divulge ours. Also in a grteat many instances
we will simply make our knowledge as we come by it,,,,,freely availible.
We encourage others to the same.
By the end of August we plan to network and become very active
until then we will be sending the odd newsletter and basically enjoying
a lull. Yet we encourage people who are interested in joining our ranks
to drop us a line at the well of souls 270 8504. The board itself is
relativley lethargic currently ,but a few users could change that
,,,access is denied to none provided you are least honest about the
questionaire ,we regret to even place one but for reasons of security it
necessary. The info is only accessible by the sysop of W.O.S. and by no
means would be abused.
-Billy Jesus-
<20> Section 8 <20> Philosophy <20>
Free Reign Of Babylon
Over the last few years, our world has been tortured and brought to its
knees. Our world, some call 'CyberSpace', I and I call it the World. In many
ways it is like the _REAL_ World. In frightening ways, it is very much like
the world that can be alternately peered into on the 6 'o-clock news. There
be no dying because dying already happened. Individuals(I and I uses this
term very loosely) appear to be far more content without innovation or
creation. I and I mean You and Me. Mean the common man.
Those others, for there are many of them -- refuse to embrace love, and
new ideas. They, so unhappy with what they have.. break down what others
have, and what others someday may have. And all locations assume the same
faces. Death, is to die.. to die inside possibly even before birth. And
that, children is what is called Babylon. This is only a reflection and
projection of our shatter world. A World in which things can only change.
And for change, it starts here.
(Roots Radical)
"Oh, there is a way out. It's a natural plan, the natural plan. How many
days do we sit around? While they keep on burying our leaders in the ground.
Organize, centralize. It's time for us to fight for our lives. Destroy
-Bad Brains
<20> Section 9 <20> Spread the Words <20>
The only way to overcome our opressors is to beat them at their
propaganda war. Strike back with malicious hate, and calculated
cunning. Their subjugation overcome by education. The more who know,
the more who fight the rule of those who would make us slaves. Even if
a single percent of the people who read this beleive or act on it, then
we will have accomplished our goals.
You can be instrumental in this, by spreading these words to
everyone you can. If you know of a system that does not have this
package, then upload it there. If you know of a person who doesnt have
the files, give them to him/her. If you are reading this and dont have
a computer, then copy and distribute. You can make a difference.
Operators of Bulletin Board Systems, you must decide whether
your system is to be free of the bonds of opression, or whether it will
be assimilated like its predecessors. If you support the upheaval, then
place the letters "FoG" at the upper left hand corner of your title
screen. This will show everyone that you aren't subscribing to the will
of the corporate entity and that you support freedom of the data stream.
In this we would ask that any crashers or simmaler minded
individuals give these boards amnesty from their attention. Note
especialy if you have aqquired your method of destruction through us.
Following this there dependant on the reaction we recieve we
shall publish other news letters. With info on Neo-Trojans ,virus hiding
,uploading ,local accessable systems. And other fun Stuff. Till next