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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Legions of Lucifer ('l<>jen ov l<>cif<69>r) n. 1. Any multitude of followers
of the chief evil spirit, Satan. 2. A group of Anarchists and Computer
Experts that work together as one to cause havok in the anarchy bound
society of this nation.
PHUCK : Phone Hackers United Crash Kill
Legions of Lucifer merged with PHUCK, INC on January 15, 1991 at 11:41pm PST!
We are now: L.o.L/PHUCK
Table of Contents:
I. Marijuana....................................By: Tripin Face
II. Acid (LSD)...................................By: Tripin Face
III. Cocaine......................................By: Tripin Face
IV. Inhalents....................................By: Tripin Face
a. Whippits
b. Glue
c. Liquid Paper (White Out)
d. Nail Polish Removers
e. Lighter Fluid
f. Scotch Guard
V. Over the Counter Drugs.......................By: Tripin Face
a. NyQuil
b. Listerine
c. Scope
d. Sudafed
e. Actifed
f. Excedrin P.M.
g. Motion Sickness Pills
h. Cough Syrup
i. Vanilla Extract
j. Sleeping Pills
VI. Getting Nitrous Oxide FREE...................By: Tripmaster Monkey
How to use Drugs!
First of all, Lemme tell ya something about me.
I have used the following drugs ;
Almost every pill made
ALL Inhalents!!!!!
Well, I would love to go into my drug use and shit but no time.
Marijuana (weed)
Well, the best drugs that I think you should do a LOT is Trips and weed.
with weed, its better to roll small joints. Not pinners but small ones.
Dont make them pregnant and shit, because then they canue like crazy.
When you take a hit, don't inhale one hit at a time, suck it all down at
once. Hold your hit as long as you can, the longer you hold it in, the
more stoned you get. Smoke weed with friends, the more the better, but
less stoned you get. Use a bong with water, better hits! Bowls are cool,
but you have to keep on packing 'em and shit all the time. Three feet jokers
rule! Also with bongs and bowls, its better to light it, and tap the head
for air so you can keep the weed lit. Now with some weed, you can smoke an
Oz, and just be stoned longer, but if you get the good shit, the more you
smoke the more stoned you get. If the weed has a good sniffy, then it might
be good weed. Clam baking works cool. Close all windows and prepre to clam!
Smoking weed in your house sux, but its cool for food and shit. RULE > Dont
ever get your ass in rehab! they brain wash you and your parents!
Adding weed or hash to food is cool, but you get hungry quicker, and you get
less stoned and shit. Its cool to be with chicks, they get all horny and
then you get laid. If you have very little weed, put in a bowl, and when you
take a hit, cover the bowl with your fingers, this way not all the weed gets
burned when you are holding in a hit. For cooking weed, nuking it makes a
kick ass smell, my parents didn't like it. Stick about a handfull (oz) in
the microwave, now put it in for 1 minute on high, but within 20 seconds
take it out, it should be smoking. Now take the weed and put it in some tin
foil, and put in the oven. Just a regular oven. Put the heat to 450 Degrees,
for about 4-5 minutes. Take it out, and it should be pretty hot, let it cool
down for a while. Now when it cools down, take out the weed. It might be a
little wet, its all hash oil. Don't drain it, smoke it with the oil. Its get
you fucked up big time. I have found that if you smoke big buds, you get
better hits, and it burns pretty slow. Then you have more weed to smoke and
you can get more stoned. Now, the best way to get a rush, this is something I
made up and its called: "The Face Rush". What you do is, hold a hit, and
bend down so your head is in between your legs, now hold it in for a long
time, and when you let the hit out, stand up straight, and then stretch your
arms back. (I think I will do it right now) Feeling good, yeah me too...
heheheh just a little joke... A good way to come down real quick is getting
busted by a cop. Just thought i'd add that in there. It happend to me twice
and it sux!! A good place to hide weed is in the trunk, the pigs can't look
there unless you get busted, or they have probable cause. So don't drive by a
pig and toke. Seeds, I love em. They get ya fucked up, but also kill twice as
many sperm cells as weed. But who cares... you get stoned, thats what counts!!
A good way to make bowls is from a soda can. Take a fork a poke a few holes on
the side of the can. Now on the other side of the holes, make a big hole. The
size of your thumb. That is a carb, gives ya killer hits. Now you have a full
working bowl. wow... 2nd hand hits work sometimes, if the weed is very good.
But the best way to get 2nd hand hits is through a chicks mouth. Let her take
a hit and then she will blow it to you through her mouth, then you get to fuck
her. I am saying this from past experince. Cunt blowing is pretty cool, blow a
hit into the chicks cunt then eat her out, pot smoke with pussy. My favroite.
Yum Yum... If you are using a bong with water, drink the water when you are
done, it tastes like shit, but it has all sort of reson in it. Gets ya fucked.
Sure does boyz. Going to school all stoned is fun, but I get all paranoid
before a class. So smoke after school, but make sure you have money for
munchies. I have found that wasting all your money on drugs and not having any
left sux. Cause you meet some chicks and you cant go any where. Well, I really
don't take chicks out, I just fuck em. But thats a different story. Will take
me a while. Always make sure you have more weed left over, cause some times I
bring back a trip when I smoke, and then I have more to bring it up. Drink
orange juice, it has some sort of acid, and it can help ya bring back a trip.
Of course it wont work unless you have triped before. =ME STONED= Mary Jane
likes big bones. Just a little saying.. When you go to nigs to buy weed, ask
for ses. They like that word. Dont smoke with people who have never got stoned
before, they just waste the weed and they dont get stoned. Most people who
smoke for the first time DO NOT get stoned, I dunno why, its just fucked up I
think... Who carez... When you get down to a roach, use a clip, duh... but if
you dont have one, I know that holding the way chicks do, gets ya better hits.
Now, how do chicks hold joints, with fuckin 2 fingers over the 2 sides,
covering the holes on the side. If a joint canues, lick your fingers, now
with the wet fingers go over the side where the Jay is canuing. It helps get
rid of the canuing. Always toke at safe fun places, you get a better high that
way. So if your behind the movies, it sux. Kills the high so fast. But if you
smoke at your house in someones car or something, you can get higher better.
Smoking weed in a warm place gets ya higher, COLD kills highs. Pot smell stick
on anything and sits there for a while. So if you smoke in your room, open a
window, and take visine for the eyes. DO NOT CAUSE ANARCHY WHEN YOU GET
STONED. At least for me, it kills my high, unless I am tripin, I sometimes
dont care, but I usally bug out big time. Smoke a cigarette after you are done
toking, if helps the high. Actully smoke a whole fuckin pack who carez, you
are stoned. I am.. Always warm up a joint after you roll it, it tightens the
paper. Use 1 1/2 size, its best. Double Widers is cool if you have a lot of
weed and wanting a big fat bitch. DO NOT DRINK AND DRUG. I dont like drinking
and smoking, it doesnt work for me. Some people like it, but I dont like to
mix my drugs, unless its acid and weed. A cool way to save weed is put enuff
for one hit in the bowl, so each person adds there own weed, that way you dont
waste any. But if you have a pound or so who gives a fuck. "But as long as we
get stoned" Killer hits comes only to the few who know the power of the magic
of Mary Jane. I know that when people cough after smoking weed for a while is
the sign that they are stoned. So if someone coughs after toking, you know
they are stoned. Most people who toke for the first few times can't hide their
high. I can hide as long as I am not completly baked and shit. Its hard to
fake it, but you need to be a master of the toking world. Which only a few
people can get that power. It takes years of practice to achive such power.
I just wanna mention, to all the users who lie about there drug use, fuck you.
But to the ones who really toke, -Toke till you die-
Smoking pot a lot for a long time can reduce sperm count, so get some chick
pregnant soon. Me not a father. The use of illegal drugs is decreasing in the
United States. WHY?!?!?!?! Please keep on toking, and get more people to toke.
I always try to convince people to try weed, its a good drug. Also smells can
be wrong, I got a bag once with awesome sniffy, but the weed sucked. So make
sure you get the weed from someone you know. Its a lame <- Isnt it great you
dont have to be 21 to buy drugs. Just some spare change. Ahhh, the smell of
burning weed, gets me going, me take hit now. you hold. Me getting stoned,
yeah... A good way to beat people is take a small dime, take some weed out of
it, and add some herb tea to it, and put it on the bottom, so when they smell
the shit they will smell the weed. You get stoned and money, the 2 things that
are very important to a drug user, of course chicks are the 3rd, but chicks
are always around. Ask chicks to smoke at a party, you dont know, maybe they
will have some weed and everybody can get stoned and laid. WORKS FOR ME BOYZ..
In order to be a complete drug addict, you must able to take hits through
your nose, and blow it out through your nose. I have done a few times, gets
your nose runny but its fun to fuck with it. And it makes me and other people
laugh. Do not take hits and blow them out like cigarette smoke, its a waste
of air and smoke. Hold it in for as long as you can. I wanna make sure you
understand the point of it. Why does holding in a hit longer gets people
more stoned. I figured this out when I was stoned one time, the smoke goes
to the lungs and spreads the power of it, the longer the smoke is in you, the
more time it has to cause the damage needed to get stoned by Mr. Stoned.
Alot of people asked me, whats the point of doing drugs, well, I always say
that there is no reason, but its good for the mind and you get baked, and as
long as I get baked I dont give a shit why I smoke. I smoke to get stoned, I
dont think there are many people who smoke pot not to get stoned, but as a
tool to get close to other people. Remember, if someone wants to be your
friend, ask them to get ya drugs, I know some chick who bought me like 100's
of dollars worth of weed so I can pick er up, I didn't mind. I got stoned and
money, the 2 things needed to survive in this cruel world. Always listen to
soft cool tunes, heavey metal sux!!! And I dont understand why people listen
it when they get baked, I like the fucked up music of The Beatles, figuring
out the hiding message suits me fine. Pink Floyd is GREAT! God, this file is
long. Why am I writing this file, well, I am fuckin baked and I always wanted
to write something about drug use, its cool. It brings back some cool memories
of my past. Remember, AA and NA do work, just not for me, If you want it to
work, it does. Another fun thing to do all stoned is go see movies, those big
ass screens are so cool, plus the movie makes sense for some reason. For some
reason everytime I toke I get stoned. Could it be me? Veging, one of my
favroite past times, yeah...
Veging is not a right, its a privlege of the few. Now what exactly is veging?
Its a cool thing to do when you are all sorts of baked, go out to like a field
and sit there for a while and just veg at the field and the view, then get get
laid. Pretty fun, huh? I think so..
I think we are done for today boyz. Have fun.. Send me hits in the mail!
this file was writen by the ultimate toker - Tripin Face -
(C)1991 <20>egions <20>f <20>ucifer/PHUCK, Inc.
Acid (LSD)
Also known as LSD, trips, loony. Wow, there is so much shit I can say about
trips, but I will try to get in all I can. Acid was legal up to the year 1963,
then it bacame outlawed. Why, since the army and the government were using it
to test it on people to study the fuck, people liked it and started buying it
and making it. Trips is the most fucked up drug in the world, I know, I OD on
acid. People ask me how did you OD on it, well I really just bugged out big
time, and I was home so my parents called the cops and the paremedicts and
shit. So, if you are about to take a few hits, make sure you take em at a safe
place and a place where no one can bug you. If you take hits at a non-safe
place it can make you have a bad trip. Along with tripin comes a very bad
thing called paranoia. It kills me, I bug out so fuckin bad!. There are all
sorts of diffrent acid, I mean different forms, it could come in blotter
(piece of paper) Or it could be dropped on a sugar cube, but if you really get
lucky, you get liquid acid, thats the best. Just a few drops in your eyes and
you are set for a while. Most acid trips last for about 10-12 hrs... Thats
an average trip. But if you take 20 hits like me, you can trip for more then
a day or so. But you dont get a 2nd peek. A peek is when you really start to
trip face. When you take the hits, it doesnt kick in for about an hour or so.
Then you climb up with the trip, and after about 4-6 hours or so you get to
become the most triped out you will be on this trip. But like I said liquid
acid is best, cause it works instantly. Wow, I love tripin, fuck I wanna trip
now so bad arrrr. A great thing to fuck with is when you start to trip face,
wave your hand around you face, you should see trails. The name is very well
known, people talk about trails till this day. I sometimes judge my trip by
how good are the trails. And if you do enuff acid like me, you can get
permenant trails and flashbacks. Now with flashbacks, no doctor can tell ya
how long these flashbacks are going to be happenin. For me I have been getting
flashbacks for more then a year now, I mean they are not as bad as they used
to be, but they R pretty cool. A cool way to get trails if you are not tripin
is smoke a cigarette fast, I mean suck it down. Now you get a head rush, go
next to any sort of light and start waving your hands, I love that shit. I
really dont remember what LSD stands for, but who cares, as long as I get to
trip thats all that counts. It is not cool or safe to trip alone, always
trip with more then 1 person, so you can have a 3way conversation, I sometimes
bug out if I can only talk to one person. I dunno, maybe its me. Anyway,
a cool way to waste the time after you take the hits, I mean when you first
take the hits, you wont get to trip for another hour or so, so while you are
waiting smoke a joint. You get stoned and then you remember you just took hits
and you luv it. I do, Well I love every kind of drug there is. Even sex. I was
addicted to sex way back, but I got over it, thanks to some lil' fuckin chick
this story is not for you to fuckin know. Gee, you must be laughing now, yeah
he was addicted to sex. Anyone can get addicted to sex, if you have a lot of
GOOD sex. Ok, lets go on boyz. Always listen to cool soft music when you trip
like drug bands, beatles, rush, all the good ones. And try to figure out what
the song means, every drug song has a hiding meaning that only people who trip
can understand it. I figured out the part about the Stairway to Heaven from
Led Zeppelins movie. Dont ever make plans on staying at one place all night.
Its not cool, you always need to move when you trip. Thats why I had such a
bad trip, I triped at my house with 1 friend at night. Oh yeah, trip at nite.
During the day you cant do shit, since trips last for 12 hours or so, you need
to have something to do, talk to people and shit. Don't ever go to school all
dosing. It is the most fucked up thing in the world. I always felt like I was
stuck in class and couldnt do shit, so I jumped up and started to yell & shit
in the middle of class. So, that was da last time I went to school all tripin.
Driving while tripin is very cool, fun, but fucked up. It all depends on how
bad I am tripin. Also, people say to me yeah I triped and I saw micky mouse.
YEAH SURE! You dont see anything thats not there, besides the trails and some
lines on the wall and dots. You dont see naked chicks or anything like that.
If you have any hits send me some in the mail, its so hard to get them here.
The best place to get acid is at any dead show. All you have to do is go up
to anyone who has a tydine shirt and ask for some doses. You can get sheets
pretty cheap. I know. I didn't mind, of course all the time that I go, I
never get to see the show, since I would spend all my money on the 'cid.
I dont think anyone can get physcly addicted to trips, I know I was addicted
in some way, since I said to myself I had to trip everyday or else I would
stop living. I think its only me, but dont be too sure man. Oh BTQ, drink alot
of orange juice, it has some sort of acid that makes the LSD in your body
go up and make it better. When you take acid, the LSD stores in your brain
cells & your back. So if you trip for a while, and then you get stoned, you
can bring back a trip very easly since pot burns and brain cells, and then all
the LSD gets realsed and shit. Its pretty cool, you get the best trails. Plus
it can kill the flashback effects, but it hasn't for me. Watching TV is so
fucked up, but its cool. Go out and buy those color posters, with all those
fuckin colors, I have 2 of those in my room, and everytime I trip I love
to just sit there and stair at em. Until I bug out and wanna get the fuck
out of my house. But thats the price you have to pay to vegge. I always
wonderd where acid was made. I met someone who was the rep. for some place
factory in California who makes it. Yea, they had a sales rep. Wow, so I asked
him for hits, but he doesnt carry the acid on him. So if any of you wonder
who makes acid, now you know. If you want to make quick bux of acid, there are
two ways to do it. The first one is buy a sheet of acid. And charge five bux
a hit, I bought a sheet for a 100 bux, and I sold 10 hits and I made 50 bux.
But I dosed on the rest. So that doesnt work 4 me to well, but for some people
it will work fine. Also a quick and easy way to beat people is to take any
stamp, and sell to some acid head like me, and say its awesome trips man.
Oh yeah, Do not do bart simpsons hits! I heard the new ones are rat posion.
The ones I took were preety fuckin cool. I was buying cid at a dead show
and I heard the announcment the dead made, I was outside and I heard it. They
said to all the people who are trippin to stop taking bart simpson hits.
Just thought I'd warn you guyz. Shit, what else can I say about acid. Yeah,
when you trip, your eyes become so fuckin huge, well I mean your eye pupils
become big as hell, they cover up your whole eye. So dont stair into the sun
or any bright light, it could fuck you up. You become sorta like a gremlin in
a way. Sex with acid just doesnt work, I admit I love sex, but when I trip I
rather bug out then get fucked. Well, oral sex is cool, but not fuckin. Just
doesnt work for me. But once I come down of my peek I wanna get fuckin laid by
every chick I see, my girl friend dident like that. But who carez, I am a drug
addict. With 'cid you dont really get hungry or anything, just a little bit
thirsty, but not anything like the munchies. I mean last summer I triped for
a whole week straight and I only had a few bowls of golden grahms, and thats
it. I was fucked, but I am feeling much better now. Now with acid, one of
the worst things about it is that you can never tell if its real acid or not.
Unless you know the dude, other wise you are fucked. Do not ever shoot up LSD,
there is no point of it, cause if you have liquid acid, just drop it any where
in your body, but it works best in the eyes. You can play a sicko trick on
your teacher, put a few hits in her coffee and sit back and relax. And then
you find out later on that the teacher bugged out in class. I must admit, it
was one of my best ones. Dont ever try to get to sleep, well you really cant
since your eyes will not close at all, but if you do try or fall asleep you
might not wake up and shit, I figured out that if you have a dream about you
dying, the body might think its dead and shut down, this wont happen to any
one, just people who sleep and trip. Never take a flight anywhere when you
are tripin, you bug out and think you are trapped on this fucking plane.
If I had the chance to be dosing for the rest of my life I would do it. But
I havent got enough liquid acid to do a shot glass full yet. But I will
someday man. For the first time tripers, you only need about 1 or 2 hits to
trip, since the tollernce of acid builds up like crazy. If you don't trip
for a while then your tollence will come down fast. But if you trip on 2 hits
one night, you can take 2 hits the next time and barly get off. It takes me
around 5 hits these days to get off. So I really need some acid man. Also
with some acid, it could come double dipped, that means its twice as strong,
or maybe tripled dipped. Thats what happen to me when I OD. I took 8 Tripled
dipped hits. So the doctors told me its around 25 or so hits. I didnt think so
Oh shit, I forgot to tell ya how to take regular acid, if its blotter, just
put it on your tounge for a few minutes, then swallow the hit. With Liquid
acid, like I said just put it in your eye.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention that Jimi Hendrix goes great with acid, some
people might know that and some might not. Watch this video by D-lite. With
all the colors and shit, its fuckin insane.
Me done now..
Writen by - Tripin Face
(C)1991 <20>egions <20>f <20>ucifer/PHUCK, Inc.
Cocaine is the most powerful drug, like I said in my other file, I have done
cocaine quite a lot. But I quit all hard drugs after I got my ass in rehab.
Cocaine is a very unusual drug, its more of a money maker then a drug. Since
you can cut up coke so many times, what I mean by cutting coke is that when
you first get coke, it comes in a rock form, and you cut it into little
peices like crack, but not like that, and after it gets cut about 50 times
it gets to be shit. You will never get 100% pure cocaine, unless you are
a drug cartel. The most common mix of coke is 60-40. I really dont know all
the shit they put in there but I know they add sugar a lot. If you look at
it really close you can see shiny things that look like little pieces of
glass. Thats the cocaine it self. Cocaine as most people already know, can be
taken in 3 diffrent ways: 1. Snort it 2. Smoke it 3.Shoot up.
Snorting cocaine is cool, it gets your face all fucked. I have been off
coke for a while, so this is making me jonse big time. Smoking cocaine is
hard since its powder, the best way is get a bowl and put some weed in it and
put the coke on top of it and toke. Works quite fuckin awesome!! Shooting
cocaine up is fuckin sick, I can't say that I have never done it. But it
wasn't my favroite way of abusing coke. One of the best things about coke
is that it makes feel like the king of the world. Plus you get so much power
like a maniac. One time I did so much cocaine I had to run around my house,
dont ask me why, I was racing my dog. And I won, if that means anything.
There are a few easy ways to tell if someone is wired, look at their eyes and
the nose, if they sniff every second and the eyes are blood shot, you can
probably tell. Cocaine is very VERY expensive, Most dudes pay around anywhere
from $80-100$ a gram. I get it for 35 bux, well used to. If you go to any
dealers they will give ya an 8th for 10 bux. They rip ya off. I am going to
talk to you like you are about to do some coke. Put the coke on your teeth and
gum, feels good? sure does, it makes yer teeth & gums all numb and shit, feels
like a novocaine shot. A cool way to free base is take some rolling papers and
put some coke in the paper and smoke it. Ofcourse you gotta use a bowl with it
Most people who snort make lines and shit, I used to make lines, but after a
while as soon as I would get the coke I would suck it all down. And make a big
U-turn back to downtown. Cocaine works great with alcohol, if you are drunk
and do a few lines, you will be undrunk in like 2 seconds, yeah undrunk is the
word. What I am about to say might not comeout the way I want it to. Ok before
you do coke, you are at level 0, you do a few lines you get wired and your
level 200, when you come down, you comedown hard to level -200. So you need
more lines just to get back to normal, but if you do some shots of any kind
of hard liquor it will make you come down slower. I used to be on the football
team last year, and sometimes before practice I used to do a few lines. So I
can get some power for the practice. It was cool for a while, but you come
down of coke so fast it sucked, and when you do you become so goddamn tired.
Another bad thing about coke is you dont even wanna eat at all, when I was
snorting I lost like 25 lbs. I looked like a pretzel, and I was playing
football and shit. So I had to stop, I mean I didn't stop I just cut down.
Also with coke its very easy to beat people, just take any kind of powder
thats white, like sugar baking soda etc..and just mix the fuckers. Since
cocaine is so adictive girls will do anything for it. So if you have alot of
coke you get laid easly. Just say blow me for a few lines, it works. Going to
school all wired is fun, but by the time I had gym I was already fuckin beat
so it was alright. Doing shit in school was cool, go to the bathroom and toke
and line a few. Coke is also very easy to do at different places cuz it doesnt
smell, so you can do it anywhere. Dont ever shoot coke in your dick. I know
some guy who shot coke in his dick to fuck his girlfriend all night. He woke
up the next day and his dick was gone. Fell right off the bed, That kills me.
There is so much I can say about coke, but I dont know how to put it into
file words.
A cool way to snort coke is through a coke nail, its just a pinky nail thats
4 inches long. I used to have one of those, but the coach made me cut it. Fuck
him and the whole goddamn school. I hate school, drop out right now. Dont go
to school anymore. Be a dumb-ass like me its great. One of the worst things a
drug addict can do is have a money card. Thats just a thing to say to U, Yeah
I have money lets go get fucked. I took out around $350 dollars last month
for only drugs. So I am sitting here writing a drug file and no money to go
get fucked. I have $10 dollars right now, anyone who wants to help a drug
addict please donate money for my drug use. After a while of using cocaine you
dont even like the high, you just wanna do it cause you are addicted, thats
what happend to me, thats why I could stop my addiction to it so easly. Now
if you wanna go into mary jane and trips, off forget it man.
I forgot to mention where the fuck coke comes from. The name of it comes
from Coca Leaves, found anywhere in south america. I dont know how to make it
or anything but I know where it comes from. Don't ever fuck with a coke dealer
coke dealers always have money and money means power and power means deaths.
Just a little advice from past experince.
You wanna try a fucked up thing, as soon you snort the coke, light up a butt.
Its get ya so fucked, since coke makes all hyper and nicotine makes you mellow
it mixes wrong and you get fucked up the ass. I wish I knew how to cook coke
so I can make crack and make money. I think its cooked up with baking soda and
some amonia and shit. Having sex when you are all wired is so fuckin cool. You
fuck the chick non-stop fer as long as you are wired, once I start to come
down I have to stop and rest. Me become very tired and me dont wanna fuck.
Cocaine has so many names diffrent names, I am not going to go into all the
names since they are so many fuckin names. One of the things I always wanted
to try is coke and acid, I never had the money to get both, I'd either get
acid or coke. Coke at parties is cool since people get so juiced they dont
care and you can suck down all their coke. Its cool to do sexual favors for
drugs, of course if the chick looks like your mother I wont even touch her.
Remember if you have a chance to fuck someone for drugs, do it. Works fine
for me. Except for one chicks brother who wanted to actully kill me. Since I
fucked his sister and took all her dope. And just happend that the dope was
his. So I got my ass fucked up. So remember, find out who the chick is, and
if her brothers just came out of jail and shit. It may save your life.
Well, I think I done for now. I probably forgot to add some good shit in
there, but someday I will revise these filez and shit.
For more information to score some dope, you can find me on any good elite
Have a good time getting fucked.
-Tripin Face (The King of Drugs)
(C)1991 <20>egions <20>f <20>ucifer/PHUCK, Inc.
There is about 20 diffrent kind of inhalents, and I have done em all. I will
start with the most common one, Whippets. The best place to get this is in
a whip cream bottle. Dont shake the bottle, push the little nose thing side-
ways and suck the air. If a little whip creams comes out its ok. Now hold in
the air for about 15 seconds or so, and let it out. You wont feel anything
the first hit, do this 3 or 4 times. And on the fourth hit or so, Hold it in
for as long as you can. You will feel very funny, if you ever smoked pot
before, its like blowing out a killer hit. The gas in the whip cream bottle
is called Nitrous Oxide otherwise known NO2 (Laughing Gas) used by your
dentist and doctors during surgery or a root canal. If used extensivly will
cause extreme laughter also known as a high. Also whippets come in little
cartriges found in any hardware store. Used the same way as whip cream.
Unfortunatly this high only lasts for a few minutes if that.
Please note that when you get the Whip Cream, let it sit upright for a while,
this will cause the Whip Cream to settle to the bottom and have the gas on
top, and take long hits, you will get a feeling of euphoria and you will
feel like god! This is a very cheap form of getting high and doesn't kill
as many brain cells as Marijuana or any other drug. But notice that the
high will be very short, about 1-3 minutes... so it's cool to do Nitro before
class, or a test!! Haha... it's great if you just had a fight with your
parents.. you will forget all about the fight!
Gas: Model Air Plane Gas
Gas, first you need to get some any kind of gas, or airplane gas works good.
Get a Jerrycan and pour all the gas into it. Now cover up the hole with both
your hands and suck all the air. Do this rapidly (in-out in-out) for about
5-10 minutes. This will cause you to full very lightheaded and in some cases
it can bring back a trip. It sometimes does for me, but I usally only do
gas when I am joensing for a high. The Fumes from the gas cause the mind
to not get enuff clean air into the lungs and heart. So the body relaxes for
a while, meaning you get fucked. Make sure you have room to pass out, I
passed out quite a few times, well thats becuase I sucked the gas for like
a half hour straight. And drink a lot after you come down, you body loses
a lot of liquid in this process. This high only lasts from anywhere to 20-30
minutes max.
Not all glues work, you need airplane glue. Get a brown paper bag, and squeeze
the whole fuckin tube into the bag. Now stick your whole face in the bag, and
start sucking it down real fast. Do 5 hits, then hold the fifth for as long
as you can. Now take 5 more and the fifth hold it in. After doing this for
about 5 minutes, lie down and relax for a few seconds. Now as you are laying
down do the same routine of breathing for 10 more minutes. Using glue quite
a lot can cause intense hallucination for quite a long time, and sometimes
it may not. It depends on you and the glue. Most glue highs last for anywhere
from a half hour to two hours. I have got a glue high for more then an hour.
I was just sitting on the floor watching my dog look out the window. Pretty
fucked up, eh? Yeah well glue fucks you up big time.
White Out (Liquid Paper):
Using the white out thing, make a line on any peice of paper. Make it about 3
inches long. Now stick your face as close as you can to the paper without
touching it. And suck in all the air. Do this for about 2 minutes. Now get
rid of the paper. Open the white out bottle and stick your nose very close to
the bottle and fucking suck the air down. This causes quite a fucked up
high. You see everything but your mind doesnt quite understand it. I figured
this out when I was stoned and I sucked down every goddamn inhalent and tried
to understand how it work and what it does. You can say I am fucked up.
Nail Polish Remover:
Get any bottle of any kind of nail polish remover. Open the bottle and fucking
suck the air. Jesuz even my dog can do that. Do this for about 10 minutes.
With this it takes a while to work, and for some people you wont able to
see or feel that you are fucked up. But when you do this, think about all
the things you did when you got fucked up, and tell me if they were normal.
This high lasts for about a half hour or so, but the worst thing about it
is that it gives you a massive headache when you come down. So I recommend
resting or laying down after you are done suckin the air out of the bitch.
And when you do feel your headache coming suck some more down. It helps the
headache and gets ya more fucked up.
Butane (Lighter Fluid):
This is fucked up so bad. Its hard to get a hold of alot of this. So just buy
10 lighters. Break the damn lighter and put all the butane in a small cup,
perferably plastic so you can get rid of it when you are done. Now just like
all the other inhalents suck down the air for about 10 minutes or so. It
smells nasty but gets ya all fucked up and shit. This high lasts for only
about 10 minutes or so. Well, it might last longer but I only did about 4
lighters full. Dont ever drink the shit, its nasty. Remember, dont smoke
while you are doing this, if you do, your whole face might explode.
Oh yeah! You can get shit loads of Butane fluid and buy it by the Oz.'s ...
get it from Zippo Lighter Fluid Bottles..
Scotch Guard:
Scotch guard is one of the most fucked up inhalents. You can use any bottle
of scotch guard found in any house hold utlities store. When you have the
bottle in your hand, spray a shit load of air into your sweat shirt. I mean
pull up the bottom your sweat shirt and spary it. Now sitck your face into
the shirt and start breathing in all the air non-stop. Do this for about 5
minutes non-stop. Take a rest for a few seconds and breath more. Now spray
some more on your shirt and breath it up man. Now after doing this non-stop
for about 10-15 minutes you should be feeling pretty fuckin insane. What this
causes is severe head rush, I mean you can even stand up. But the worst thing
about this is that it only lasts for around 20 minutes or so. But its a fuckin
great high dude. Try it now...
This file was writen by the ultimate toker (Tripin Face)
(C)1991 <20>egions <20>f <20>ucifer/PHUCK, Inc.
Over The Counter Drugs (BTW: Chasers = Soda, Water, etc..)
I will begin by saying there are so many ways to get fucked off over the
counter drugs, and each one of them will fuck you up a different way. I
also wanna mention that when I was addicted to all drugs I used to get
all sorts of shit so I can just be fucked. Remember if you use these
kind of drugs you are either desprate for a high or just acheing to get
fucked. Unfortunatly I do it because of both reasons. So please if you are
addicted to drugs, get help. I know I need help, but I am so fucked I
don't even want the fucking help, so keep your mouth fuckin shut and
listen son.
Can be found at any supermarket or pharmacy. Nyquil has about 25% of
liquor in it. Also it has this narcotic in it, I am not sure what name
is. The best way to get fucked of this is do a few shots at a time. It
comes with a little shot glass thing thats plastic, fill that and its a
shot. Of course if you don't use chasers you get more fucked up. Once the
bottle is finished you have completed the process of getting fucked. I
can't tell ya what you're doing now because I can't see you. Its like getting
drunk and taking a few perkasets together, pretty cool high man.
Also found at any supermarket or pharmacy. Used for dental hygine. This
bottle has about 40% alcohol it in. Drinking it makes you fucking drunk
as hell, but has a bad ass taste. With this chasers are needed to not
throw up. This bottle also has some sort of chemical that fuckes with
the mind. If you have ever triped before, this may sometimes bring back
a trip like fuckin crazy. I drank 2 bottles once and I ended up going on
a 5 hour trip, this happend to me because I just came down from the trip
a few hours before I drank this. So if you do trip, this is very cool for
the mind and soul. If you dont trip, its still cool gets ya all drunk
and shit. The time I went on a 5 hour trip, I was drunk for a while but
then I forgot I was drunk. Have a good time getting juiced.
Can be found at any supermarket and some pharmacy. This is a plain mouth
was that has some alcohol in it. I think it has 20% alcohol, I am not
sure I dont have a bottle here with me. So if you drink about a bottle
full you can get a good buzz. Some people might get drunk, but since my
tollerance is so high I only got buzzed. Pepermint flavor is better, it
has the same amount of alcohol but it tastes better. Also make sure you
use alot of chasers with this, I threw up a few times cause I didn't
wanna use chasers at all. If you have any sort of pain killer pills this
makes a wonderful combination for a great fucking high.
A small box of pills that can be found at any supermarket or pharmacy. I
really dont know what it has in it, but if you take about 10 pills or so
you can fucked up. This is a very wierd high. It causes some wierd
hullucinations. I was looking into my physcedelic poster and it was like
I was tripin. I knew I wasn't tripin but I knew these pills were fucking
me up. I was also with this chick who told me about this, she told me
she thought the exact same thing I did, so I phreaked out since she
thought the exact same thing I did, then I fucked her and went to the
bathroom to take a shit.
Small box of pills found at any supemarket or pharmacy. These pills are
used for head colds are alergies. Taking about 10 pills or more can
cause hallucinations like sudafed. I am not sure what is in the pills
but I know what they do to me. I would to take about 50 of these pills
but I have had the money to buy I would buy acid or weed. I used to use
these pills since they only cost about 4 bux per bottle, so its cheap
way to get fucked up. What do you want from a suffering drug addict who
never has any money. I forgot to say the are pills red, small and come in
12 pills per box, or 24 one or the other. I also want to say that me and
Captain Swashbuckler are stoned...
Excedrin P.M:
You can find this at any goddamn store. These pills are for people who
have a headache and want to go to bed. The last time I did these pills I
took 9 pills and I swear to god I couldn't stop moving my legs and arms.
I couldnt sleep for a few hours, I had to move my whole body around I
couldn't stay in once place. These pills fuck you up big time. Again I
dont know whats in these pills. For some reason these pills have some
sort of drugs to help you sleep, but I couldnt stop moving around and
couldn't even stay in bed. So take about 6 or so, unless you want to feel
the same thing I was then take a few for now, later on you can take more
if you want. Remember dont take more then 15 pills at once. You will
totally lose it and die.
Motion Sickness Pills:
These pills can be found at supermarkets and any pharmacy. People take
these pills when they go on airplanes or boats. Take about 5 of these
pills to start with. Give it about a half hour to go to your system and
then it will hit you. You feel dizzy, but not bad dizzy but good. You
can't see everything so clearly, it comes in waves. When my friend was
talking to me one time, I thought it was my mother and I bugged out and
ran out of the room. So be careful with these drugs, you dont know what
they might do to you and shit. If you feel sick at all, drink alot it
helps calm you down, orange juice works great with this drug. On the
other hand food sucks. You think about the food then you become all sick
and shit. So dont think about food, think about sex drugs and rock&roll!!
All Cough Syrups:
All over the counter cough syrups have the same shit in them. They all
have about the same amount of alcohol in 'em. Usally drinking the whole
bottle will get anyone fucked. Some bottles have better flavors then
other but they all do the same the shit. Since they taste like this
chasers are a good thing. If you drink a bottle of cough syrup and a few
beers you can really get fucked up. I don't need to describe what
happens to you when you get drunk, if you never got drunk before and you
are reading this file you must be the stupidest man on the earth, next to
Walter Mondale, just a little joke boyz. No offense to the any one who works
for the government of the Unites States, I also want to mention that me
and Swash are fuckin baked our minds and shit. Its great, if you get a
chance smoke some marijuana today.
Vanilla Extract:
Extract is a flavoring for cakes and all sort of shit. Its concentraded
vanilla. It has the proof of about 180 or so. You dont really need alot
of this. The Bottles they come in are very small, enuff for about 5 or 6
shots. And thats really all you need to get fucked. It has a strong
flavor and taste but some people can drink it straight, and some need
chasers. I don't need shit to drink anything, I can even drink grain
straight, well after I am already fucking juiced out of mind.
Sleeping Pills:
All sleeping pills are the same, again I can't tell whats in these pills,
but if take about 1 or 2 you will get a good night sleep. But if you
take 10 like me, you can have some good times. I never really got into
it because after a few hours I just fall asleep and I can't stay awake.
This is a very cool high but it sux since you cant really stay up for to
long since these are sleeping pills, you will end dead asleep on the
floor. This makes you feel on top of the world, talking to any one makes
you feel good. I really don't like telling you about all the shit I use,
but I wanted to write these kind of files for a while now, so whenever I
get half way sober I try to write files. Its hard since I get baked all
the time. Have a good time with this bitch.
This file was written by the master toker: Tripin Face
(C)1991 <20>egions <20>f <20>ucifer/PHUCK, Inc.
-> Free N20 <-
Written by : TripMaster Monkey
Nitrous Dioxide, more commonly known as laughing gas; one of the greatest
drugs of all time. Not addicting, lasts for less than five minutes, pure
ecstasy while you are high. Only one downfall however, it is expensive. We
have our ways of getting around that though, don't we? I have discovered a
sure-fire way of getting free Nitrous, namely, ripping tanks of the shit from
dentists' office. You may have heard that sometimes dentists' use this drug
as a type of anesthesia. Well, it's true, and practically every doctor's
office has a few tanks of the stuff lying around somewhere.
Now the first step to obtaining your very own tank (or tanks for that matter.)
of Nitrous is to scope out the local neighborhood for some little dentists'
office. Now you don't want to hit any establishment too big, for they are
more likely to have alarms, but even this is a very remote possibility. Next,
you want to find a friend to help you out with this endeavour, as a full
Nitrous tank is fairly heavy. Also, plan on bringing a fairly large car along
with you, preferably a truck if you plan to take more than tank. Now you
have to do the dirty work. Here is where you are on your own. You have to
decide how to break in, and that depends on the particular dentists' office.
First, look for any sign of alarms. If you see any type of alarm and can't
disarm it, then fuck it. A few hits of Nitrous isn't worth going to Juvi or
even jail for. The most important advice I can give you at this stage is to
use your common sense. Obviously, don't go for a hospital, or a lighted area,
and ALWAYS do this late, very late at night, say around 3 or 4 in the morning.
Now once you find where the Nitrous tank are, you want to make sure you
take the right ones. Yea, that's right. In addition to N2O tanks, dentists'
also have a supply of oxygen and other gases lying around. You obviously
don't want one of those. First let me tell you what the tanks look like.
They are usually blue, about five feet tall, and look just like those Oxygen
tanks that scuba divers use, except only bigger. Now when you finally get in,
you'll notice that they are usually 4 tanks connected. First check to see if
they're actually N2O. Then turn the valves on all clockwise (to the right)
as far as they will - this will turn them off. This is to insure that you
don't waste any valuable N2O when you perform the next step. Now you want to
cut the interwining metal tubes connecting all the tanks. This isn't as hard
as you might think. Just be sure to use some heavy-duty bolt cutters or
something of the sort, and this should take less than 4 or 5 minutes. Now
once you've performed this task you are pretty much all set. Just check the
PSI (pounds per square inch) valves on the tanks to make sure you are picking
up the ones with the most compressed N2O in them. Most dentists' usually keep
two in-use tanks and two reserve. If at all possible, take ALL of them
(hehe), but if you don't have the room in your car or truck, take the reserve
ones. They'll most likely be completely full (just check the PSI gauge if you
aren't sure). Most dentists' leave notes on the tanks saying "Reserve Tank"
and "In-Use Tank." These are your cue. Now snag your tanks and get the fuck
outta there!!!!
Now that you have your tank(s) you have a number of options. You can either
keep them all for yourselves, or make some money off your hard work. There
should be a metal tube obtruding near the valve on the tank, and when turned
on, you should hear the N2O just oozing outta the tank. Well, either keep the
m for yourself, or sell them. Better yet, if you are up to it, you can go to
a Grateful Dead show or some other Hippie deal drug fiend (like we aren't!)
type show and sell balloons of the Nitrous. This method will be the most
risky (always have to be on the look out for those pesky Stadium security
guards), but will yield the best results. You could sell balloons of the
stuff for 5 bucks a piece, and depending on how full the tank was that you
ripped off, you could walk outta the concert a rich man. Or, once you've
completely used up the tank (if you got lucky and got a completely full one,
this won't be for a while), you can try and get the tank refilled at your
local Chem department store like 'JanCo', or some store that specializes in
such things. Say you need some for your car (tell them 2O PSI), and have some
fake ID ready saying you are over 18. Or, you can sell the empty tank to one
of your buddies at school or what not. But before doing the above, make sure
that you completely scratch off ANY serial numbers on the tank or any trace
of where the tank came from. You never know what can happen, or who would
narc on you. It just pays to be safe. Well, that's all that I can tell you
now. Now just get those tanks and buy those balloons!
- Tripmaster Monkey
(C)1991 <20>egions <20>f <20>ucifer/PHUCK, Inc.

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- Anarchist
(<28>)egions (<28>) (<28>)ucifer / (P)hone (H)ackers (U)nited (C)rash (K)ill
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