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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #771
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888 888 888 888 888 "HOE Fan Mail"
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888 888 888 888 888 " by Jessica
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From: dustmouse jessica [dustmouse16@hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, August 02, 1999 9:44 AM
To: baldersdod@hotmail.com; phairgirl@hoe.nu; jhjensen@paclink.com
Hello. I am well aware that you belong to three different sites,
but in so many ways your sites are interconnected. I want to tell you that
I understand and see the basis for all you accusations against Christians.
I also want to say that I am one of these Jesus Freaks and that I love God
more than anything in the world.
I want you all to know that humans are fallible- just because we have
been saved by the creator of the universe does not mean that we do not make
mistakes. We do, and many of us misrepresent God in our daily walks. I want
to apologize to you all on behalf of Christians anywhere for anytime you
might have noticed that we are human- and we are human.
One of you mentioned in your page that Christians celebrate the
murder of Jesus. We do not celebrate the fact that He was killed for our
sins- we celebrate the fact that He rose to life again on the 3rd day! The
resurrection is proof of the fact that our sins were atoned for! Did you
know that Jesus spent three days in Hell for you? He died for every sin
that you have committed, are committing, and will commit.
Yes, it is also true that many Christians have horrible pre-Salvation
stories of thier lives- but please know that Jesus died to cover ALL sins-
not just lying or cheating. That is what is so awesome about God- He loves
us no matter what we do, and no sin is too great that He will not forgive us
for it. One of you also said that humans only get one chance to choose, and
then comes eternity- in a very pessimistic light, I suppose that is true,
but look at it this way- every move you make, every breath you breath is
another chance to choose whether you want to love the Creator or not- in a
life time, how many trillions of chances do you have then?
God wants us to love Him- He does not want us to go to Hell, but He
also wants us to choose our own futures. Everyday I choose to follow Him-
it is a constant decision. I did not wake up one morning and say- I am a
Christian now- I say that every day. Everything I do is for Him, and
everything that He gave me I have given back to Him. My choice to believe
and honor is not based on emotion, blind faith, or anything else- it is
based on fact. The FACT that Jesus loves me- the FACT that He died for my
sins- the FACT that I am His beloved child.
I want you to know that I love you all and that Jesus loves you all.
Just know that your actions are not loved. I want you to also know that I
will be praying for all of you so that one day soon you might be able to see
the light of the One who created you in your own lives.
Love in Christ and Praying for you all,
Jessica, Child of God and Co-heir with Christ