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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
E ** H-Net Magazine ** E
H Volume One, Issue 1, File #07 of 20 H
>This is an address list of all the JANET mnemonics that can be accessed via
>the JANET Packet SwitchStream Gateway.
>The list is sorted in numerical order using the machine address.
>The list is divided into 3 columns which show:
>a. The numeric address (DTE address)
>b. A mnemonic for the address
>c. A description of where the machine is located.
>Address List
Frm 2; Next>
>_______ ________ ___________
>000000000002 RLIB IBM 3081 VM/370 at Rutherford
>000000000002.XXX RLIB
>000000000002.XXXP RLIBP RAL IBM full screen 3270 emulator
>000000000003 RLIC RAL IBM MVS
>000000000003.XXX RLIC
>000000000003.XXXP RLICP RAL IBM MVS full screen.
>000000000003.XXXS RLICS RAL IBM MVS
>000000000006 RLPA PRIME at Rutherford (Prime A)
>000000000023 RLPC EBL PRIME at RAL (Prime C)
>000000000025 WKPA PRIME at Warwick
>000000000033 RLVS Starlink VAX 11/780 at Rutherford
>000000000040.PSS PSS
>000000000040 RLXA RL GEC 4160 PSS Gateway
>000000000065 RLVB BCRG VAX 11/780 at Rutherford
>000000000067 RLGM GEC 4190 - ALVEY Mail Machine
>000000000069 RLVC RAL VAX 11/750 St/CB in R26
>000000001200 ZIIA IBM 4341 Imperial College
>000000001200.XXXP ZIIAP IBM 4341 Imperial College
>000000002101 RLPF PRIME - Technology Division
Frm 3; Next>
>000000002102 RLPE PRIME - Lab overheads.
>000000002104 RLPG Ral Tech Division PRIME
>000000002105 RLGB ICF GEC 4090 - RLGB at Rutherford
>000000002202 RLXC Reverse Pad at RAL
>000000002251 BAPA BATH Prime 2250
>000000002500 RLGD RL ISG 4090
>000000002507 XXDB Oxford PDP-11/70
>000000002600 GXVA RGO VAX 11/750
>000000002602 GXVS RGO STARLINK VAX 11/780
>000000004012 RLDE R3 PDP-11 SNS
>000000004200 RLPH RAL Technology Div. PRIME
>000000004400 RLNA R25 Nord (EISCAT Project)
>000000004600 RLVA HEP VAX 750
>000000004601 RLVE CD VAX 11/750 (VMS)
>000000004602 RLVD IKBS Vax 11/750 at RAL
>000000004603 RLVF ALVEY VAX DEV.
>000000004605 RLVI EBL VAX
>000000004606 RLVJ Technology Div. Microvax II
>000001000200 DLGD DL GEC at DL (Network converter)
>000001000200*D:NETSTAT NETSTAT
>000001000200*D:ITP.1000450.046400 TELLDL
>000001000200*D:ITP.1000450.04FE00 HELPDL
Frm 4; Next>
>000001000200*D:ITP.1000450.46500 NETMON
>000001000200*D:ITP.1000450.44400 LOG
>000001009400 DLGE DL GEC 4090 at Daresbury
>000001002000 DLVA DL SRS VAX 11/750 at Daresbury
>000001002100 DLGM DL GEC 4065 MAIL machine
>000001003000 DLVB DL VAX B
>00000100900000 DLIB DL - MVS service
>00000100900010 DLIB DL - MVS service
>000001011700 DLGA DL CSE/1 GEC 4190 at Daresbury
>000001011750 NNGA DL NSFD/R1 at Daresbury
>000001080500 LEVA VAX at Leeds University (Mech Eng)
>000001500100 NEDA Newcastle DCS-UNIX front-end
>000001500200 NEVA Newcastle VAX 11/780
>000002002100 ZKGA GEC 4065 at Kings college, London
>000002005002 ZUVS Starlink VAX at UCL
>000002005003 ZUPA PRIME at UCL
>000002009001 ZMVA QMC Physics VAX.
>000004008100 HQGA GEC 4090 at NERC Swindon
>000005112300 ZUVA HEP Vax at UCL (Physics Dept).
>000005181000 RHVA Vax at Royal Holloway.
>000006000000 YKXA DEC10 Gateway at York (BALHAM)
>000006000003 YKDB S/W Technology Vax 11/750
Frm 5; Next>
>000007002002 REVS Starlink VAX at ROE
>000007004001 EKVA East Kilbride Kelvin Lab VAX
>000007012001 PAVA Paisley VAX
>000008002020 CAXA X29 G/way to Cambridge Data Network
>000008005001 CAVS Starlink VAX at Cambridge
>000008006001 EAPA PRIME 550 at East Anglia
>000008006002 EAVA East Anglia (Stocker) VAX
>000008006003 EAVB East Anglia (CPC) VAX
>000008012701 CAVB HEP Vax at Cambridge
>000009001001 CPXA Cernnet Gateway
>000009001003 CPXB CERN reverse PAD (Test)
>000009003001#0 CPXC CERN Memotec Pad.
>000009003002#0 CPIA CERN WYLBUR
>000009003003#1 CPVM CERN Aleph Development Vax
>000009003003#3 CPVL CERN L3 Vax 11/750
>000009003003#5 CPVG CERN VXGIFT
>000009003004#1 CPVC CERN Omega Vax 11/780
>000009003004#2 CPVF CERN Aleph Test Beam Vax 11/750
>000009003004#3 CPVA CERN OC Development Vax 11/750
>000009003004#4 CPVD CERN Merlin Vax
>000009003005#3 CPVV CERN Central Vax 8600
>000009003006#1 CPVN CERN VXNA31
Frm 6; Next>
>000009003007#1 CPVS CERN VXBSSY
>000009501001 DYVB Tasso VAX 11/780 at DESY, Hamburg
>000010100001 MAVG VAX 11/750 at Manchester CGU
>000010109001 MAVS Manchester Starlink Vax 750
>000010120200 MAGB DL GEC 4190 at Manchester
>00001012030002 MANV2 Manchester Physics Vax 2.
>000010216001 UMPA PRIME at UMIST
>000010404000 LAVB Lancaster University VAX
>000010411000 LAVA Lancaster University HEP VAX.
>000010501460 LLIA Liverpool HEP IBM 4331
>000010501460.XXXP LLIAP Liverpool HEP IBM 4331
>000011200250 QUVA Vax in Applied Maths Belfast
>000012110002 BDGA GEC 4090 at Bradford
>000014000300 DUVS Durham Starlink VAX
>000014901000*P7*W2.SPCP NRS NRS Prime
>000020013201 BHIA IBM 4341 BIRMINGHAM
>000020013201.XXXP BHIAP IBM 4341 BIRMINGHAM
>000020013301 BHVS Starlink VAX at Birmingham
>000020013501 BHGB DL NSF GEC 4065 at Birmingham
>000021000008 NMPA PRIME at Nottingham
>000021110101 LTGA ICF GEC 4090 at Loughborough
>000040000040.PSS LPSS JNT London PSS Gateway
Frm 7; Next>
>000040000040 LNXB JNT London 4160 PSS Gateway
>00004960000001 ESSEX Essex Computer Service.
>00005000500150 RLGJ GEC 4190 - JNT/NE NMU
>000050005002 RLGG GEC 4160 - JANET News Machine
>000050005002 NEWS GEC 4160 - JANET News Machine
>000050200013 XXVE Oxford Comp. Centre Vax
>000050200014 XXVF Oxford Comp. Centre Vax
>000050250050 XXVA Oxford Physics Vax
>000052005000 WKGA GEC 4000 machine at Warwick.
>000052100100 MUVA MSSL Vax/780
>000060210005 BRVA Bristol Physcis Dept VAX.
>000060500001*P7*W2 EXPA Exeter Prime.
>000060500003*P7*W2 EXPC Exeter Prime.
>000060500004*P7*W2 EXPD Exeter Prime.
>000060500005*P7*W2 EXPE Exeter Prime.
>000071100009 GWIA IBM 4341 at Glasgow
>000071100009.XXXP GWIAP IBM 4341 at Glasgow
>000000000068 GWIA IBM 4341 at Glasgow
>000000000068.XXXP GWIAP IBM 4341 at Glasgow
>000071104001 GWGA GEC 4180 at Glasgow
End of file - Frm 8; Next>
[Hackernet BBS,LEEDS,UK(0532)557739, 24hrs. Home of H-Net Hacking magazine]