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Helter Skelter Issue 1 Editor's Note
If there were any people I would dedicate this issue to, it
would be Trevor Davis, editor of Washington Commie Spotter(local
zine) for the inspiration and help, and whoever puts out Small
Victory (a half-sized punkzine out of the bay area). I'd also like
to thank Nick and Ben for the art.
Just in case any of you care, this probably won't come out
on any set schedule, maybe once every 2-4 months. There's just
too much going on. Anyway in this issue we've got three good
artists and some nice articles this issue. I'll try to get some
interviews next issue. (You know what's fun? Calling two
different Domino's on three-way and hooking them together.
Definitely good for a cheap laugh.)
If you have anything (art, articles, zines, music, anything)
send it to me. If it's art or articles I'll send you a free copy
(two if I use it.) Zines I'll review and send you one of mine.
Music I'll review (I'll give you some free advertising if I like
it.) Also, any DC show info would be greatly appreciated. If it
gets here in time I'll print it. If not I'll get some friends
together and we'll go.
If anyone has enough money to give me some "financial support"
it would greatly increase quality and decrease cover price. I'll
run free ads for bands,labels, and zines. Here's my address:
Helter Skelter c/o
Derek Teslik
3519 Woodbine St
Chevy Chase MD 20815
DerekTesl@Aol.com or
Get out and get involved
---How to Build Your Own Underground Television Transmitter---
---Using Commercially Available Parts---
Yes, for some time now it has been possible to construct a
clandestine television station, which you can operate from your
Telecommando Lair, or modify for Mobile Media Guerrilla campaigns.
We have named this device the Snow Box, due to its cool
nature, and the snow seen on blank television channels waiting to
be commandeered.To put together a TV station you will need this
A VCR or Camcorder with video or RF outputs
A Ham Radio 6-meter Band Linear amplifier
(This boosts the RF signal from the VCR for broadcasting)
(The Linear Amp should have a bandwidth of 6 MHz for best
A cable television RF distribution amplifier may also be
Coaxial cable with UHF connectors
(Connects the Linear Amp to the Antenna)
A cable-TV patch cable with an F-connector and a UHF connector
(To connect the RF signal to the Linear Amp)
(F-connectors are the small ones used with cable TV)
(UHF connectors are the large ones used for Ham Radio)
If your VCR does not have RF outputs:
An external RF modulator (converts video to channel 3,6,12,
A cable with RCA connectors (a standard stereo cord is OK)
A 6-meter Ham radio antenna.
If you do not have a pre-made 6-meter antenna:
About 20 feet of strong wire 3 ceramic antenna insulators
Another UHF connector
Likely places to get the linear amplifier, connectors and cables
are a Ham Radio swapmeet, a Ham club news-letter's classified ads,
a Buy-Sell-Trade paper like The Recycler, or at a store
specializing in Ham gear. RF modulators are available at
specialty video stores, or major VCR dealers.
Setting Up the Transmitter:
Using a VCR with RF out:
[VCR/RF]F------U[Linear Amp]U-------U[Antenna]
weak RF Power RF
Using an External RF Modulator:
video weak RF Power RF
Diagram Symbols:
U UHF-connectors (Ham radio)
F F-connectors (cable TV)
R RCA connectors (stereos)
--- coax, cables, wires
[] devices (name of device in brackets)
<I> ceramic insulator (the kind with a hole at each
Building The Dipole Antenna:
wire wire
| |
Short coax | |
[U] UHF connector
The antenna is set up much like a clothesline with the
wires tethered straight out horizontally. The outer insulators are
used to isolate the antenna from the tether lines, which should be
rope or nylon cords for good results. The inner insulator isolates
a gap between the two long wires of the antenna.
The length of the wires used for the antenna is critical.
Look up the length in feet for the channel you want to use in the
table below & make each of the two long wires that length. As a
rule of thumb, a wire half-wave antenna's length in feet is equal
to 468 divided by the frequency in MHz.
VHF Television Channel Data
TV MHZ ---carrier--- antenna
channel range video sound lengths
------- ----- ----- ----- -------
2 54-60 55.25 59.75 8.47 ft
3 60-66 61.25 65.75 7.64 ft
5 76-82 77.25 81.75 6.05 ft
6 82-88 83.25 87.75 5.62 ft
7 174-180 175.25 179.75 2.67 ft
8 180-186 181.25 185.75 2.58 ft
9 186-192 187.25 191.75 2.49 ft
10 192-198 193.25 197.75 2.42 ft
11 198-204 199.25 193.75 2.34 ft
12 204-210 205.25 209.75 2.28 ft
13 210-216 211.25 215.75 2.21 ft
(All frequencies in MHz)
(Lengths are for half-wave antennas)
For Further information: Look in the ARRL Handbook published by the
American Radio Relay League for detailed plans & theory for
antennas, transmitters & linear amplifiers. The info in that book
can be used for setting up an underground AM or FM radio station.
Public Education: Make a videotape of each step in the process of
constructing your transmitter. Show this tape in your broadcasts,
"For informational purposes only," of course.
Short-burst zipping: From a fixed or mobile base of operation show
short snippets of graffiti-like computer graphics, quick subliminal
messages, images & suggestions, or brief manifestos. Commercials
are an opportune time to break into TV broadcasts.
Cable TV Piracy: With modifications it may be possible to feed the
power RF signal directly into a cable TV system, overriding
cablecasts or commandeering unused channels.
Mobile Operation: Using storage batteries and a 110-volt inverter
the transmitter may be modified for mobile use to avoid detection
by the FCC during long broadcasts. Battery operated mobile linear
amps and portable camcorders are also available.
anarchy \ann-ar-KEY\ [ML anarchia, fr. Gk.
fr. ararchos, having no ruler, fr. an +
archos ruler] 1c: a utopian society made up
of individuals who have no government and who
enjoy complete freedom. [taken from
webster's new collegiate dictionary].
NOTE: this is the definition in which i use the word
'anarchy' through out this article unless specified as anything
other. the reason being, the word 'anarchy' directly means
'without ruler.'
quite flexible.
contrary to popular belief, anarchy, on the whole, has intent
and ethics (what?!?!) for the good of the people. to start out
i'd like to state that 'blowing shit up' is NOT anarchy. anarchy
is a political belief and is not necessarily connected with
violence, about as much, if not less than any other political
system. to put it bluntly, 'blowing shit up' is exactly that and
nothing else (unless of course, you are a surrealist).
anarchy has an appeal to "young people" because we tend to have
this thing about rebellion, truth is, most don't understand that
anarchy is very hard to achieve and requires society as a whole
to share a similar belief. which is a very difficult task, it
takes complete participation of the members of the society and a
different state of mind. the idea of non-violence poses a
problem due to the commonly stated phrase "violence is natural
human behavior" that i believe to be true, but that is not
something to be proud and has been proven to be a changeable
behavior. people are violent because they don't care enough to
be non-violent, and in a society that offers no hope, is corrupt,
apartial, owned by the rich few, etc. violence is viewed as
wrong, but "since life sucks anyway, why not?" one undoubted
cause of our violent society is due to the content on television,
i'm sure you've all heard the "a child has viewed 1500 murders
before the age of twelve" statistic. not only that the "faster
than the eye can see" advertising techniques of half-naked,
young, white women on beer and car commercials after a
gratuitously violent program must contribute to the growing rise
in rape.
anarchy CAN be achieved. the common argument is that it is
against human nature to have a successful anarchistic culture for
a long period of time, or "it'd be fun for a little while until
someone creates a military and it becomes fascism" that would be
common in a small tribe situation, one tribe conquering the other
tribe. but we are a world of 5+ billion people, telecommunications
are a common house-hold object in many countries, people are
dependent on a source of information every day, if we, as a planet
tried, anarchy would succeed.
i must agree if all governments fell, in the condition that we
are in now, it would be a disaster, that is the reason i chose
the word *achievement* of anarchy, implying that a successful
utopian anarchistic society takes effort and not simply the
destruction of government. this effort is not hard to come by,
for an example: religion. if people with religious beliefs were
doing their part for anarchy in the name of jah, or allah, or god,
or jehovah, or shiva, or elvis, or FOR THE HELL OF IT, anarchy
can and will be achieved. or else extinction of the human race.
anarchy must be maintained though, thus we must influence the
rich and or powerful to not control us with an oligarchy,
monarchy, dictatorship, etc. by threatening them with revolution.
they create apartheid, we create chaos, they do not compensate us
in a socialist behavior, we burn the mother fuckers in the
we have achieved much in this world so far. partial liberation
of women and basically anyone else except a white, heterosexual,
christian male in many "first world countries." we must achieve
complete liberation of those that have no negative effect on the
world (those who do not fit in this category:
murderers, rapists, thieves, etc.). and the solution for the
"baaad" people i just listed, is re-education, social support, and
a less manipulative atmosphere in an attempt for prevention of
now, some of this may sound like the ideals of democracy and
socialism, and their is a reason for that, these ARE the ideals
of democracy and socialism. though, in my opinion, democracy is
a failure and socialism is good, so why not better (anarchy)?
the US has one of, if not THE, highest crimes rates of the world.
proving democracy faulty, and like i said, anarchy would be in a
similar situation in this society. the achievement of anarchy is
the cure for that, it would provide proper motivation to evolve
into a higher (no pun intended), peaceful, and free existence.
many people are still oppressed today, racism, chauvinism,
homophobia, etc. are still concepts shared by many people in the
world. calling for a more efficient education. but no matter
how much you learn in school, it is nothing compared to what you
learn on television or in the street (guess which one is a
reflection of the other. wrong). our rulers and law enforcers
are very major contributors to this situation, and like wise must
be illuminated against hatred and greed. many of the laws today
are unjust and profitable to the ones that make them. including
the 'drug' laws, especially the ones pertaining to addictive
'drugs'. for an example, a popular drug among rich, white
businessmen is cocaine, a popular drug among oppressed black
people in the ghetto is crack, a different process of preparing
cocaine. the amount of crack for a sentence of, say, ten years
is 1/100 or so the amount of cocaine for ten years. not only
that, the speculated drug use and or abuse of 'drugs' in the
white community which makes up about 70% of the US populace is
around 70%. the speculated use and or abuse of 'drugs' in the
poor, inner-city, "non-whites" which makes up about 20% is, *drum
roll* 20%. the arrests in the inner-city are 90-95%. an example
of the corruption of those who are supposed to protect us.
open your mind, and abolish your hatred and fears, and by all
means don't oppress someone. we do not have to live in the state
that we are in, and if you are not feeling the un-pleasantries of
capitalism, you will if you are not one of the 1% that is causing
this shit to hit the fan. so liberate yourself before you are
oppressed (it's easier that way) and liberate others that are
rise above.
The Problem With American "Justice"
Over the course of human history there have been two main
types of laws. The first type, disciplinary, are created to punish
and rehabilitate those who effect the lives of others and impose
on their personal freedoms. The others, preventative laws, are
used to keep people within the accepted moral bounds of society.
While disciplinary laws are used to preserve the freedoms of the
great part of society, preventative laws are used only to limit
freedoms and fit the country's citizens into a pre-defined mold
Disciplinary laws include those outlawing murder, assault,
discrimination, etc. In other words, these are the laws that
protect the average citizen from those that would seek to harm
them, and when these offenders are found, to rehabilitate them.
This kind of legislation is unfortunately needed to keep the
populace from becoming excessively violent and self-destructing
(Judging by the social climate and the news they haven't worked
too well.) Although not always just, these laws are sadly a
Preventative laws include those outlawing drug use, certain
kinds of sexual contact, and other kinds of social behavior that
affects no one but the offender. These are laws that try to
replace a strong set of morals. As such, they are made to conform
to the current societal standards of conduct, and not to those
rights that this country was founded upon. Because drug use and
sexual contact, when consentual, are personal issues to whoever
undertakes these practices, the legislature has no grounds to
regulate them.
Don't get me wrong. Whenever there is a crime committed
against another person the offender should be punished to the full
extent of the law. If we removed from jail those who were not put
in jail because of a disciplinary law, the overcrowding problem in
the prisons could be alleviated. Those who were a danger to society
could be removed from that society and rehabilitated, not put back
on the streets in a matter of years.
Those who are seen as a danger to themselves only should be
left to their own devices. Society should not pay $40,000 a year
or more to have an individual removed from the populace who is
not threatening to that populace as a whole. In fact, drug users
and sexual deviants are less likely to be "rehabilitated," because
they will less often believe that their own actions are wrong.
By making deviants criminals, society is implementing a
form of thought crime legislature. "If you do not think as we do,
you are wrong. Even if you hurt no one except possibly yourself,
you should be incarcerated." This is exactly the beliefs the
founding fathers were running away from in England. To keep these
kinds of laws on the books is a disgrace to both the people and
the founders of our country.
Jesus was a Punk
Last night I was watching a TV Minister for some amusement
and I was surprised at the similarity many of his ideals had to the
"Punk Dogma." This particular sermon was titled "As you sow, so
shall you reap." After listening for a while I was amazed at how
familiar his words seemed after reading so many DIY (Do It
Yourself) articles. In the local community I'm seeing some people
sowing, but many us "reaping" and complaining about the harvest.
True, the DC punk scene is not what it was in the 80's. I've heard
a lot of people saying it's dead and gone (I wouldn't go that far.)
I guess it's just moved on. There's a LOT of interest out there,
and all people need to do is get involved.
Whatever you want to do, I can personally guarantee you are
not alone. Even if you're not ready to get up and start something,
support your local scene. Every dollar you use to buy a 7", a
zine, local art, or a ticket to a show will be better spent to
improve the scene than if you buy some major-label album or go see
Stone Temple Pilots or Pearl Jam or something. Of course, if
there's nothing you want to support, make something. I'm not
writing this just to get it out or make money(actually I'll
probably go broke doing this) but to give some exposure to local
bands, labels, and movements and my friend's art and to get my
ideas out there and considered. I might even inspire some people
to do things.
Help your own. Go and learn to play. Write out your ideas
and send them to some zine or write your own. Start a label for
your band and your friend's bands. Most importantly, go out and
do it. You are not alone, and there are people that can and will
help if you tell them about it. But use your initiative and make
a difference. And hey! if Jesus said it, it must be true.
My America
The moment in history that now and forever will belong to me
is that of the early Nineties. These are the Clinton-Bush years,
a time when two leaders with opposite rhetoric embrace strangely
similar policy. Hypocrisy seems to be the guiding force of
presidency. Patriotism has died. The country is not the land of
freedom and liberty as the songs call it, but in the big cities it
is a land of warfare. Our presidents gladly war with countries
overseas to take the attention of the populace away from the
battles in our streets. This destruction is both a distraction
from and an excuse for ballooning budgets. These wars are fought
not in the fields but on CNN and CBS, as are the occasional battles
on the home front, such as those in L.A. and Mount Pleasant.
Everything is for sale, although no one but the Japanese has the
money. Jobs are scarce, and the metropolitan areas have more people
than they know what to do with. Gun control advocates slowly eat
away at the second amendment while guns eat away at our inner
cities. The quest for racial unity has led only to more
separation, as people stress their differences than their
similarities. There is a "black" culture and a "white" culture,
but no clear american culture. The underground has become the