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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
The object of any illegal act should be to gain either money or
power or both. Although there are many ways to aquire both money and power I
have written this text to explain to you some of the simplest ways to
steal and profit from it. This text will begin it's explanation at strong arm
robbery, building a base for other crimes which will use what you acquire in
previous acts.
*Strong Arm Robbery*
Well my motto has always been that the best way to get something is to
take it. So as long as you understand that basic principle I think there
should be no difficulty in perfoming the task of strong arm robbery. Ok first
let's look at robbery from a common sense standpoint, these are some general
rules to follow.
1. Don't look suspicious. (i.e. Ganster clothes, Hat on backwards.)
2. Try not to do anything in broad daylight.
3. When in doubt DONT.
4. Never try to fuck with someone bigger than you, unless there is a
3 to 1 ratio.
5. NEVER NEVER NEVER do anything with a girl. ANYTHING!!!
I've found that the best place for robbing people is nightclub and
bar parking lots. That may sound strange but look at it this way. Who is
going to be easier to fight, a drunk stumbling out of a bar or a shopper who
hasn't had anything to drink and is completely sober? The drunk obviously.
So I suggest waiting outside a nightclub or bar and waiting for somebody
who is extremely intoxicated, keep in mind that you really dont have to sneak
up on someone who is drunk because they are usually oblivious to the fact
that anyone is around them. Now before approaching the victim I have a personal
tactic that you may want to use. Pepper Gas!, or basically any chemical
defense spray. These sprays are useful and I highly suggest them because
they: Temporarily blind the person, completely disable them and it makes them
so much easier to hit. Just casually stroll up behind the drunk and ask him
for a cigarette or something and when he turns around, Spray him!
Then get them to the ground quick and rip off all of their jewelry, but most
importantly, GET THEIR WALLET OR PURSE! Wallets and purses not only contain
cash but they contain credit cards, checks, etc... These can be used in very
lucrative ways which I will discuss in the following sections.
*Credit Cards*
With a stolen credit card their are many things you can do. The
safest and best way to profit from a stolen credit card is to find a friend
who works in a department store and go use it there. If you dont have a friend
who works in a store, the next best thing is to buy cartons(2) of cigarettes
from gas stations. Remember don't charge anyhting over $50. Anything over that
amount, and they have to call and verify that it is a good credit card.
Another way to profit from a credit card is mail order. If you have a
vacant house in your neighborhood, order something from a mail order catalog
and have it shipped 2nd day air mail. Then on day it's supposed to arrive,
park a car in the drive way and hang out playing basketball with your friends
until the UPS truck shows up.
The final and safest way to use the credit cards is order plane
tickets from travel agencys. Do everything by phone! Just tell them over
the phone that you will be sending your nephew to pick up the tickets so
you don't look suspicious walking in asking for tickets for your flight to
Las Vegas.
Once again here is a situation where you have to have a friend who
works in a store where you can write checks, unless you know someone who looks
like the person you robbed. In that case you can use the victims license and
identification and just write the check yourself.
Remember!! The key to success in crime is thoroughness!!!
Blade Runner