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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
w _____ ____ 1 333 000 "GwD is..." w
D // | \ 11 3 0 0 by www.googlism.com D
* || ____ | || | 1 333 0 0 *
G || || \ / | || | 1 3 0 0 issue #130 of "GwD: The American Dream G
w \\___// \/\/ |____/ 111 333 000 with a Twist -- of Lime" * rel 06/10/03 w
--- -- - -- --- -- - -- --- -- - -- --- -- - -- ---
[The following file is the result of a search for "GwD" on www.googlism.com.
The lines marked with asterisks (*) are the ones we feel are the ones that
best describe GwD. - Ed.]
* GwD is
* GwD is a general application to ease collaborative web development for all
types of organizations
GwD is platform
* GwD is a member of the general consulting group
GwD is eigenlijk een webserver op zich
GwD is misschien vader
* GwD is required to test its water on a quarterly basis
* GwD is a single source provider of a full range of wireless data products
and integrated services for software companies
* GwD is an important resting spot for numerous shorebirds including greater
and lesser yellow legs
GwD is on duri
* GwD is talented
* GwD is caused by a roundworm about one meter long that lives under the surface
of the skin
GwD is a further step in expanding the availability of our cdma 1x products
* GwD is in its final phase of completion and will probably be approved by the
european commission and parliament just before summer 2003
* GwD is now almost completely gone from asia
* GwD is currently working on several other projects shown below
* GwD is seen to be the dominant term
***** GwD is number 1
***** GwD is the coolest entity on the planet
GwD is guardedly optimistic
* GwD is several months in the future and nothing can be done to move it to
the left be sure to adequately explain why
* GwD is a web server itself
* GwD is dominant in the
* GwD is your complete internet resource
***** GwD is second to none
* GwD is still around
* GwD is to warm the too cold polar region
* GwD is to warm the "too cold" polar regions
* GwD is shareware software
GwD is responsible for management of fifteen
GwD is another dutch program
GwD is available so that this information can be included at the main gf
GwD is available so that this information can be
* GwD is planning to construct the los carneros reservoir to increase its
storage capacity
GwD is managing director of the joint venture
* GwD is currently the second sexiest actor at # 2
***** GwD is looking for a clan to scrim with
GwD is to improve systematic nwp model errors
GwD is proposed at specific stages of
GwD is to effectively isolate the pilot
***** GwD is a paramilitary fanatical political activist group dedicated to
making GREENY, son of the goddess Grene, emperor of the world
* GwD is a new internet based media design and management enterprise setup by
***** GwD is wonderfully evil
GwD is well known from his work on forever knight
* GwD is comprised of all professional individuals and we have a genuine
concern for all our clients
GwD is the #4 clan on gameslave
GwD is sep 2000
* GwD is an indicator of the effectiveness of the drainage canals in
controlling the water table
GwD is one of these o405nh's
* GwD is still under construction
* GwD is intended to hold the company's interest in the candle lake and
colorado diamond projects
* GwD is very much localized in the tropics
GwD is a low
GwD is only a
* GwD is installed in a grounding circuit with a ngr that limits the ground
fault current to 1 ampere
GwD is niet op haar van toepassing omdat ze al voor de invoering daarvan
gevangen zat
GwD is een landelijke wet en staat los van fci bepalingen
* GwD is only available as an *
GwD is a warped version of the wd where the warping
* GwD is also responsible for national policy on zoos
* GwD is applied __
GwD is impaired compared to gwe personnel and due to potentially modifiable
risk factors
* GwD is also missing #3
* GwD is concerned with this item because it was not included on the comb
* GwD is expected to perform comparable to existing highly tuned
implementations when exploiting a single level of parallelism
* GwD is preferable to use of the ad hoc conformance process
GwD is a specialised liquid for use in glass washing machinery dosed by
automatic equipment
***** GwD is known to be important
--- -- - -- --- -- - -- --- -- - -- --- -- - -- ---
Issue#130 of "GwD: The American Dream with a Twist -- of Lime" ISSN 1523-1585
copyright (c) MMIII www.googlism.com /---------------\
distributed MMIII by GwD Publications/GwD, Inc. :LIFE KILLS LIFE:
a production of The GREENY world DOMINATION Task Force, Inc. : GwD :
Postal: GwD, Inc. - P.O. Box 16038 - Lubbock, Texas 79490 \---------------/
FYM -+- http://www.GREENY.org/ - editor@GREENY.org - submit@GREENY.org -+- FYM