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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
= F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. =
The New Year
The pharse a "New Year" implies a fresh start, or at least that is what I
always think of. Maybe it's because of the song that is always sung "May all
be forgot...", you know the song.
A new start would be nice, wouldn't it? I think back and would I do things
differently if I would have known what I know now! You know what? I wouldn't
re-live any of it for anything in the universe. Because, everything I have
been through the good, the bad, the ugly, has all helped me who I am today
and even though I sometimes get down on myself, I'm thankful that I am who
I am, and I wouldn't want to have to repeat anything. It was bad enough to
go through the first time.
I use to think that the New Year somehow magically wiped out any problems
people had with each other, and that things would automatically turn all good.
Wouldn't that be nice? Eh..
Events that change lives, can really change how we think, feel, and do. The
New Year is a great time to start some of sort of change. For the last two
years I have made a New Years Resolution and I've kept to it. I don't do
it because I need to, but because I want to be a better person, a better me.
Sometimes, it's about how much I am going to help others or what I am going
to try to accomplish by that time next year, yet other times, it is something
simple that elvoes solely around me being happy. But, that's what a New
Year should bring, right? Happiness to you ...
Once you figure out what makes you happy you should never let it go. Tuck it
inside your heart, and never let go of it. Always be able to reach inside,
and be happy. Never let the world tear you down, and remember that thing
that makes you happy. What makes you smile, when things are down and all you
want to do is frown.
"Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry alone.".
Happiness isn't always laughing or smiling, sometimes it is more of a content-
ment, with yourself, life, or something else. A peace, inside of you. And,
other times it is something you found really fun, and cheered you up.
There are always going to be things that will bring you down, but if you never
have anything that brings you up, how are you ever going to be happy?
When you are happy, you should try and not let anything ruin that, but there
will always be some point in time when that happiness wears off. And, when
that happens, you need to be able to hold on.
It's not only what makes you happy, but what you can do to help yourself be
What better time to do that, then the New Year?
This New Year, I hope that each of you can find the happiness or contentment
that you seek or long for, and the hope and love that you so desire. Just
remember, 'Everything you need in life to make yourself happy is within you.'
That was on a bookmark I got from my mother one time, and I laughed when I
saw it. I thought, 'yeah, right.', now through the passage of time, I've
discovered it -is- true.
Here's to a fresh start, a new year, and to the years before - we've made
it this far, we can make it the rest.
December 28th, 1997
= Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions =
= Mail: jericho@dimensional.com (Mail is welcomed) =
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