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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
= F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. =
Hi Fundie
I've been involved in several religious debates, both on IRC and in
"real life". With this experience, I have been able to come up with many
conclusions, many of which I've written about, such as the purpose of the
"God" concept, the value of fear to the Christian religion, and the necessity
of all religion to satisfy the ego whether it denies it or not.
Unfortunately I've also learned that open-mindedness is a virtue in
today's society. While it might seem "high and mighty" of me, I tend to
think that I can keep an open mind in most situations. Open-mindedness led me
to my religion, which I used to make fun of quite often(Before I learned
about it, of course).
It seems the Christian religion itself tends to frown upon
open-mindedness, unless one is to "read the Bible with an open mind". Many
times people have told me this; "read it with an open mind!" I try, but
sorry kids--it's just a book in my eyes, not the "Holy Word of God". Someone
might throw that in my face and say "Now that's not openminded!" but alas
I've given the religion quite awhile to prove itself to me, and the Bible
seems more and more ridiculous each time I read it. I say just as easily ask
them to read a Greek Myth with "open-mindedness". Open-mindedness is not
willingness to believe, it's willingness to UNDERSTAND, to drop prejudices
and learn for yourself. Once one understands, it's up to them to believe.
Since faith demands they have "no other Gods" Christians tend NOT to be
"openminded"(by their concept of the word) towards other religions or lack
thereof. I can understand this, dogma is dogma. In fact, I often find
myself thinking "HOW CAN YOU BELIEVE IN GOD!?" while a Christian might ask
"HOW CAN YOU NOT BELIEVE IN GOD!?" I can accept their dogmatic nature; but
it's when foolish fundies make statements with no backing that I find myself
quite frustrated.
Fundies[Fundamentalist Christians] tend to attack things like evolution,
and to the uninformed they might seem effective. Unfortunately, evolution is
not "the process of which chimps become men." Another thing they'll do is
rant and rant and rant on how if there is no God we're merely the by-products
of chance, matter and energy. These rants are nothing more than appeals to
the ego, and they can grow quite annoying. Atheists find nothing cheap about
being *A* complex product of the universe.
Other silly things said are "No self-respecting scientist beliefs in
evolution", "You can't prove evolution", etc. Unfortunately..evolution *is*
science. Belief in evolution is like belief in friction. "You can't prove
evolution" is a silly statement indeed--prove your God. "But that's faith!
And science relies on faith too!" Science doesn't deal in proof or faith.
"It's only a theory!" Scientific theories are not assertions; "Creationism"
is. Science gathers the evidence and makes predictions. When it fails to
make sense, it changes with time. Unfortunately the Bible cannot do this
easily, so people end up saying things like "You take it too literally" or
"That's human error". These rants can go on forever, and why shouldn't
they, because anyone can have their own fucking opinion on what "Paul really
meant" or whatnot.
The tactics used in this type of "debate"[most utilized by FUNDIES, I'm
not saying Christians in general are incapable] are nothing more than
"victory by signs of frustration in the nonbeliever". If a fundie pisses you
off enough, he/she might consider themself the victor. Do not allow this!
Retain the upper hand! Fight stupidity with blatant, harsh, and sometimes
vulgar frankness. Blasphemy also works...just to make them give you your
telltale sign of victory--"I'll pray for you!" or "You're going to hell!"
Here are a few examples:
"Everything you've said so far is bullshit. I'd like to see you back up
one, just one of your statements. Every statement you can make against
evolution can be refuted in no time. I have no time for idiots like you."
"If there is a God, why would he make blatantly ignorant fucks like
"An omnipotent, all good and all loving God cannot exist in a universe
with hell. Period."
"God is dead. Shut the fuck up."
"Jesus was a bastard."
"Rege Satanas!"
"I find your Christ revolting."
People might say "You only stupe to their level", but hey, when logic
and reason fail, show the person exactly how stupid they are. They might
consider themself a victor, but you being a true victor can both revel in
your victory and in the knowledge that they believe they are victorious
indeed! To answer bottomless drivel with brutal frankness is better than to
say, tell them you're tired and allow them any chance of believing they fared
= Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions =
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