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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
= F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. =
Looking at himself in the mirror....reflecting back a stud in
tight black leather pants, a fishnet shirt, and a leather collar with a
silver metal ring. Attached to that ring is a short chain. The chain is
used more for fun and looks than anything else. After this last passing
glance, he's on his way out.
On his way to _The Dungeon_, the premiere bondage club, he ponders
his expectations of the night. Why is he even going? Will he feel like a
poser because he's not really into bondage all that much? Some people
make it a lifestyle; they own a wide array of whips, nipple clamps,
paddles, and other "torturous" toys and use them on a regular basis. Some
couples even go as far as role-playing: That is, the slave/master bit.
The master being called 'top' (dominant) and the slave being called
'bottom' (submissive).
The bondage scene is not very "society-orientated;" most people in
the lifestyle (scene) do not talk about it publicly. And if they do, it's
most likely that they do it more for attention or fashion than getting
actual pleasure out of it. The rumor about bondage is that it is all pain,
pain, pain, and no pleasure. This misrepresents the whole meaning of
bondage; as the majority of people who engage in the act of bondage really
do enjoy it.
There are certain degrees of bondage: one being the type of person
that is very hardcore about it, and actually gets into the painful part of
it. The big question for them is, "What is my partner's pain-threshold?"
These people are quite heavily into flogging, melting hot wax, biting,
nipple clamps with teeth on the end (ends being the part that squeezes the
nipple), small amounts of electric shock, and vigorous paddling. Another
type are the ones who are not into pain at all. They may use handcuffs,
telephone cord for the phreaks, cat-5 cable for the haxors, rope, duct or
electrical tape, gentle biting, ice, hot wax, and whips and paddles as
well, but only teasingly. The last type, where the majority falls in, is a
combination of both. This is where the term "pleasurable pain" comes in.
To clear up confusion, melting candle wax on a partner is both a
pleasurable and painful experience. It's all psychological; if you want
to be pleasured from it, that's the result you'll get. Same goes for
As he arrives, he scans the dance floor and checks out the action.
Anything can happen at these kinds of places. He wonders if there are any
computer-literate grrrls in the house tonight. As he's thinking that, he
looks at the beauty and forgets about the brains. Some hot chixors come up
and teasingly tug on his chain. He feels more insecure by the moment. He
watches the action on the stage; there is a big St. Andrew's cross, to
which someone is bound, and getting "the royal treatment." Wow, there are
a lot of seemingly hardcore people here.... He wonders if he is in over
his head when he's getting pulled over to a corner and asked if he's like to
join in the menage de trois. Fr3aKy.
The swirling colorful lights, the loud fast techno music, all the
people, all the blackness..... was overwhelming. He escaped the "friendly"
atmosphere. In the men's room, he looked himself in the eye in the mirror.
He could have fun here, if he would just relax. But he had absolutely no
control here. He just can't get the hang of this whole bondage scene; he
feels so out-of-place and so out of control. He feels so insecure, as he
realizes he isn't into this scene, and that makes him feel that he is *being*
controlled. (No no no, I need to be in a place where i understand the
system and control it). This place was the sort that his mother had
warned him not to go to, for fear of her son coming back corrupted. ;)
Just then, he realized that he is such a poser that he'd better go home
and practice.
He blows goodbye kisses to the grrrlies and goes home, to his
computer. But he does some serious thinking....he wants to break into
this scene. He needs to practice, gain skills, but with who? Brainstorming,
he gets connected and peruses the Yahoo Personal Ads. Ha, here we go, an
innocent sounding grrrl with a wicked website. It's time to practice.....
Sitting and staring at the blank screen momentarily, he is suddenly hit with
exactly what he should write:
"I'm a 23yo DWM (dominant white male) Sadist
5'10" 180# w/medium length black hair, and blue eyes.
I have a B.A. in Cinema and I presently work in the
construction trade. I was involved in a six yr. BDSM
(bondage/S&M) relationship when I was in the Philippines.
I would still be in that relationship, but my slave got her
stupid ass arrested. From the tone of your post, I would
be pleased to correspond with you. You seem like
a sub who will require an extremely short leash.
I enjoy that. To give you a preview of some of
the discipline you will endure under my ministra-
tion. I have extensive experience in the use of
flogs, paddles, crops, bamboo canes, switch,cat
belt etc. U will know crucifixion, mummification,
suspension, and sensory deprivation. I will use
hot wax, ice, and nipple clamps on your nipples
and bound breasts. Ropes,chains,cuffs,tape,
gags etc.will be used on your squirmming body.
Toys of various shapes and sizes will invade
your dripping cunt and puckered ass. There will
be days, when you disobey me, that you have
so many cloths pins and surgical clamps on your
sweat drenched body that you will be certain of
your impending madness. You will experience heart
pounding fear, bone chilling pain, and mind
numbing ecstasy in the same breath. And
that's when you'll know that you are truly mine.
My masochist submissive.....my slave. If this
is the relationship that you need, e-mail me
and we will discuss it. But be advised, I am a
strict Master. And if you disobey me, these
things WILL happen to you. E-mail to:
nimbus38@mychoice.net "
.....and he hit the send button. For a split second, he could imagine
himself doing these things and felt he had control over the "scene" as
well...... *hmph* a few more letters like this and he will be master.
*this "scene" can be fun, but is not for everyone*
= Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, Submissions =
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