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| Subscribers : 2146
DemoNews Issue #121 - April 13, 1996 | Last Week : 2125
------------- | Change : +21
DemoNews is a newsletter for the demo scene. | Archive Size : 2533M
It is produced by Hornet at the site ftp.cdrom.com. | Last Week : 2301M
Our demo archive is located under /pub/demos. | Remaining : 453M
Top Downloads
Introduction................................Snowman and Rimbo
Music Contest 4 Announcement................GD
Tribute CD Review...........................Dan Wright
4DOS 4DEMOS: Part 7.........................Snowman
BlasterSound BBS Advertisement..............Mikel
Date Event Location Concact Points
--------- ------------------- --------- -------------------------------------
12 Apr 96 Scenest Hungary melan@dlux.sch.bme.hu
26 Apr 96 Saturne France e4068@iut-orsay.fr
31 May 96 Naid Canada naid@autoroute.net
02 Jun 96 The Scene Singapore ckiang@singnet.com.sg
04 Aug 96 Summit Israel high.dive@kinneret.com
More information is at http://hagar.arts.kuleuven.ac.be/~sdog/party.html
=-[Top Downloads]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
NOTE: Statistics are sometimes slightly off due to symbolic links, mirrors,
renamed files, and other things that affect the log files.
Pc Times FileName.Ext Pc Times FileName.Ext Pc Times FileName.Ext
-- ----- --------.--- -- ----- --------.--- -- ----- --------.---
1 00427 cp17.zip 1 00245 headache.zip 1 00087 SASHA.JPG
2 00397 cp16.zip 2 00207 animate.zip 2 00074 impcybor.zip
3 00395 cp1666.zip 3 00191 nooon_st.zip 3 00066 balerina.lbm
4 00265 scrmt321.zip 4 00149 2ndreal1.lzh 4 00057 x-files2.zip
5 00257 ft206.zip 5 00143 unreal11.zip 5 00049 glb-eng.zip
6 00245 headache.zip <MUSIC LIST> <CODE LIST>
7 00222 xtcp065c.arj 1 00427 cp17.zip 1 00196 voxelspc.zip
8 00207 animate.zip 2 00397 cp16.zip 2 00189 stargate.zip
9 00205 digitr31.zip 3 00395 cp1666.zip 3 00169 araidsrc.zip
10 00196 voxelspc.zip 4 00265 scrmt321.zip 4 00158 plaswarp.zip
5 00254 ft206.zip 5 00123 tinystar.zip
<Files downloaded total : 062492>
=----------------------------------------------------------[File Information]-=
All files listed are on ftp.cdrom.com /pub/demos. Ratings are subjective.
If your file transfers are too slow, there are several alternatives:
Try our mirror at ftp://ftp.luth.se/pub/msdos/demos
Try getting files from the web at http://www.cdrom.com/pub/demos
See /hornet/demonews/demonews.102 for details about ftpmail.
Our code mirror is ftp.co.iup.edu/code. ftpadmin@ftp.co.iup.edu for help.
You may also wish to check out a couple of other good demo sites:
ftp://hagar.arts.kuleuven.ac.be/demos maintained by Sleeping Dog / Natives
ftp://ftp.arosnet.se/e:\demo maintained by Zodiak / Cascada
Here are also a few good WWW links to try out (under construction):
http://www.th-zwickau.de/~maz/sound.html for music and sound utils
Location /demos/music Size Rated Description
=-------------------------------- ---- ----- ---------------------------------=
/disks/1995/a/aftrburn.zip 1460 *+ Afterburn by Sangreal
/disks/1995/a/aps-nyc.zip 1670 *** New York City by Perisoft
/disks/1995/a/assidge1.zip 1209 **** [1/2] Assidge by Cybelius
/disks/1995/a/assidge2.zip 1081 **** [2/2] Assidge by Cybelius
/disks/1995/b/blndemot.zip 1749 *** Blind Emotions by Mozart
/disks/1995/b/bmd9501.zip 1372 * Boomerang Music-Disk by Boomerang
/disks/1995/b/bp_amb.arj 2034 ***+ Ambient by Blue Pearl
/disks/1995/c/chipchip.zip 77 **+ Chiparus by BNP
/disks/1995/r/rpinject.zip 2163 *+ Injection by Red Power
/disks/1996/a/alloy-2.zip 1424 **+ Alloy Musicdisk #2 by Alloy
/disks/1996/a/aw_5year.zip 1261 ** Alternate Worlds 5 Years by ???
/disks/1996/c/c_mind.zip 527 **+ Cathrtic Mind by Attitude Adjuster
/disks/1996/c/cb-md3pt.a01 1182 *** [2/2] Music Disk #3 by CBR
/disks/1996/c/cb-md3pt.arj 1456 *** [1/2] Music Disk #3 by CBR
/disks/1996/f/fm-blurr.zip 2009 **** Blur Religion by Mellow-D
/disks/1996/i/incubus.zip 2944 *** Incubus by Gnosis
/disks/1996/m/moz-aetv.zip 1397 **** Autoemotive by Liam the lemming
/disks/1996/m/moz9603a.zip 1062 **+ [1/3] moz[IC]art March '96
/disks/1996/m/moz9603b.zip 1337 **+ [2/3] moz[IC]art March '96
/disks/1996/m/moz9603c.zip 1159 **+ [3/3] moz[IC]art March '96
/disks/1996/m/myst0396.zip 1128 *** Mystique musicdisk March 1996
/disks/1996/m/myst03up.zip 225 **+ Mystique Update Disk 3/96
/disks/1996/n/nms-avan.zip 1449 *** Avantgarde by Riders
/disks/1996/p/ph-0396a.zip 1408 ***+ [1/2] pHluid March 1996 by Acid
/disks/1996/p/ph-0396b.zip 1204 ***+ [2/2] pHluid March 1996 by Acid
/disks/1996/p/pn-chips.zip 42 ***+ Chips & Dips by Pinion
/songs/1992/mod/e/epsonic.zip 134 **** Epsonic by NHP & BKH
/songs/1992/mod/s/stardust.zip 111 ****+ Stardust Memories by Jester
/songs/1993/mod/e/electrif.zip 163 ** Electronification by ???
/songs/1993/mod/f/florence.zip 164 ****+ Florence by Audiomonster
/songs/1994/mod/h/hideaway.zip 236 ****+ Hideaway Blues by Chorus & Sid
/songs/1994/s3m/q/qstpower.zip 253 ***+ Quest for Power by Ng Pei Sin
/songs/1994/s3m/s/sig-nls.zip 228 **+ No Longer Sad by Sigmatic
/songs/1995/mod/e/excellat.zip 298 **** Excellate by Probe
/songs/1995/mod/r/rage.zip 144 **** Rage is Relentless by Jester
/songs/1995/mod/r/raising.zip 152 ****+ Raising Hell by Virgill
/songs/1995/s3m/e/e-prds.zip 424 **+ Paradise by Phonc(ie)
/songs/1995/s3m/e/e-untld.zip 253 **+ Untitled by Phonc(ie)
/songs/1995/s3m/f/flightmx.zip 221 * F.T.T. Virulent Mix by Lunarc
/songs/1995/s3m/f/flp-wnds.zip 174 **+ Windstorm by Mondo
/songs/1995/s3m/m/msbash1.zip 278 * Microsoft Bash I by Stein
/songs/1995/s3m/m/msbash2.zip 374 * Microsoft Bash II by Stein
/songs/1995/s3m/o/ollaksem.zip 500 *** Ollaksemme reh. by Silvery+Luovi
/songs/1995/s3m/r/rythym.zip 54 * The Rhythym by Decker
/songs/1995/s3m/s/scan.zip 105 ** Scan by Julien Lariviere
/songs/1995/s3m/s/scn_prod.zip 420 **+ Prodigy Remix by Digital Pain
/songs/1995/s3m/s/scn_wiz.zip 221 *** Wizards of the Sun by Paco
/songs/1995/s3m/t/tibet.zip 193 + Dreaming of Tibet by Brian Searcy
/songs/1995/xm/e/e-ever.zip 419 *+ Everlasting Love by BaTjO
/songs/1995/xm/q/quickie.zip 13 * Quickie by Darius
/songs/1995/xm/r/ravhard2.zip 122 *+ Rave Hard II by Nomad
/songs/1995/xm/s/spacetim.zip 359 ****+ Space and Time by Rage
/songs/1996/it/h/h_armour.zip 208 * Armor Amour by H.P. Lovecraft
/songs/1996/it/h/h_trisct.zip 115 * Triscuit by H.P. Lovecraft
/songs/1996/it/n/neb-apth.zip 58 * Apathy in Rage by MikPos
/songs/1996/it/n/neb-dltr.arj 145 *+ Deltar by MikPos
/songs/1996/it/s/smadre.zip 331 + Sierra Madre by Galahad
/songs/1996/it/t/timeago.zip 51 *** But, That's a Long Time. by Zastar
/songs/1996/mod/e/elekfunk.zip 151 ****+ Elekfunk by Moby
/songs/1996/mod/m/medal.zip 76 *** Medal by LaLa
/songs/1996/mod/m/mot-inso.zip 404 **+ Insomnia by moT
/songs/1996/mtm/k/k_cover.zip 145 *** The Coverup by Maelcum
/songs/1996/mtm/k/k_syschk.zip 203 *+ System Check/Head Check by Maelcum
/songs/1996/s3m/e/e-force.zip 410 **+ Force of Remixing by Phonc(ie)
/songs/1996/s3m/e/e-hplnd.zip 274 **+ Vibes from the Happyland by Jay
/songs/1996/s3m/e/e-ravezn.zip 322 *** Rave Zone by Phonc(ie)
/songs/1996/s3m/e/e-ride2r.zip 405 **+ Ride 2 Da Rhythm by Jay
/songs/1996/s3m/e/e-rw2.zip 202 **+ Rave World 2 by Jay
/songs/1996/s3m/e/echo.zip 134 *** Echo by Qyv
/songs/1996/s3m/e/elements.zip 81 *** Elements by Griffin
/songs/1996/s3m/e/empty.zip 151 **+ Empty Mind by Kezoomer
/songs/1996/s3m/e/epilogue.zip 55 *+ Epilogue by Tromp
/songs/1996/s3m/e/es-pain.zip 211 ** Pain Cycle by Evil Seed
/songs/1996/s3m/e/eternit2.zip 259 ***+ Eternity v1.01 by Daedalus
/songs/1996/s3m/f/fa-bung.zip 249 **** Animated Bung. by Future Assassin
/songs/1996/s3m/f/fa-phob.zip 251 ***+ Phobic by Future Assassin
/songs/1996/s3m/f/fdn-ffg.zip 188 ** Fall From Grace by Ender
/songs/1996/s3m/f/flp-su01.zip 75 ** Strange Dreams by Suicide
/songs/1996/s3m/f/flp-su02.zip 68 ** Helmie's Got a Sheep. by Suicide
/songs/1996/s3m/f/flp-su03.zip 34 *+ Collision by Suicide
/songs/1996/s3m/g/ga-flim.zip 79 ** Flimbar! by Gamera
/songs/1996/s3m/g/ga-long.zip 174 **+ Distant Longing by Gamera
/songs/1996/s3m/g/gd-ato.zip 271 ***+ Ato by GD
/songs/1996/s3m/g/gf_delit.zip 83 *** Flagrant Delit by Ghost Fellow
/songs/1996/s3m/g/gf_dhomm.zip 106 **+ D'Hommages by Ghost Fellow
/songs/1996/s3m/h/henki.zip 277 * Toivon Henki by Silvery
/songs/1996/s3m/i/imitat2.zip 178 * Imitation by K. Herrebout and.
/songs/1996/s3m/i/intro.zip 195 + Some Kind of Intro by K. Herrebout
/songs/1996/s3m/i/inwbull.zip 293 * Thunderbull II by K. Herrebout...
/songs/1996/s3m/j/jbthis_e.zip 182 *** This E's for Me by Schizoid
/songs/1996/s3m/k/k_chiba2.zip 216 **** Chiba City Lig. by Chuck Biscuits
/songs/1996/s3m/k/k_mdma.zip 302 ** mdma by Zake
/songs/1996/s3m/k/k_spiral.zip 298 ***+ Spiral Dream by Leviathan
/songs/1996/s3m/k/kickass.zip 144 *+ Kick Ass by K. Herrebout
/songs/1996/s3m/k/killhb.arj 257 ** Kill Him Before by Utopia
/songs/1996/s3m/k/knor.zip 207 * Knor...by K. Herrebout...
/songs/1996/s3m/k/kong2.zip 115 **+ Dreaming of Clouds by BadDude
/songs/1996/s3m/k/kong3.zip 141 *** Technoman by BadDude
/songs/1996/s3m/k/kulak94a.zip 523 *+ Cow...by K. Herrebout...
/songs/1996/s3m/l/lballad.zip 48 ** Love Ballad (nature remix) by Alex
/songs/1996/s3m/l/lemon.zip 668 + Lemon (remix) by Stein
/songs/1996/s3m/l/letsgo.zip 150 *+ Let's Go! by Black Monk
/songs/1996/s3m/l/letsgo2.zip 153 *+ Let's Go! (remix) by Stein
/songs/1996/s3m/l/looser.zip 60 *+ Looser Motion by K. Herrebout
/songs/1996/s3m/l/loosy.zip 103 *+ Loosy Motion by K. Herrebout
/songs/1996/s3m/m/manna.zip 108 **+ The Manna Garden by Strago
/songs/1996/s3m/m/massive.zip 316 *** Massive by Kezoomer
/songs/1996/s3m/m/mdark.zip 58 ** Moderately dark by Karl Herrebout
/songs/1996/s3m/m/memories.zip 404 ***+ Lasting Memories by Porus
/songs/1996/s3m/m/mini2.zip 1 **** Mini2 by Kezoomer
/songs/1996/s3m/m/mystery.zip 379 *** Waves of Mystery II by W!ND
/songs/1996/s3m/m/mystfur4.zip 90 **+ Mystery in fur by Karl Herrebout
/songs/1996/s3m/n/n_ar.zip 151 **+ Alien Rave by Subliminal
/songs/1996/s3m/n/nitevces.zip 67 *** Night Voices by Peter Kendell
/songs/1996/s3m/n/no-cryin.zip 133 ***+ Crying Heavens by Delta X
/songs/1996/s3m/n/no-dirty.zip 141 *** Dirty Laundry by shawnm
/songs/1996/s3m/n/no-isoor.zip 363 **+ Illegal Space Out of R. by Drutten
/songs/1996/s3m/n/no-seria.zip 247 **+ He's a Serial Killer by Harry
/songs/1996/s3m/n/no-tire.zip 151 **+ Tireless by Van Halen
/songs/1996/s3m/n/nostrey.zip 44 * Nostril Journey by Karl Herrebout
/songs/1996/s3m/p/pa-gloss.zip 208 ***+ SemiGloss Memories by PyroAngel
/songs/1996/s3m/p/patricia.zip 419 *+ Patricia, I luv. by Karl Herrebout
/songs/1996/s3m/p/pgm_fear.arj 231 **+ Faces of Fear by PGM
/songs/1996/s3m/p/pn-azure.zip 250 ***+ Azure Eyes by Pinion
/songs/1996/s3m/p/pn-force.zip 121 **+ Positive Force by Pinion
/songs/1996/s3m/p/pn-fuse.zip 186 *** Short Fuse by Pinion
/songs/1996/s3m/p/pn-peace.zip 179 **+ Peace of Mind by Pinion
/songs/1996/s3m/p/pn-sense.zip 233 ** Sensory Feedback by Pinion
/songs/1996/s3m/p/pn-urban.zip 267 *** Urban.Gruv.Complex by Pinion
/songs/1996/s3m/p/pn-water.zip 273 *** Waterscape by Pinion
/songs/1996/s3m/p/poyta.zip 254 *** Kylla se poyta siin. by Silvery
/songs/1996/s3m/p/pr-natrl.zip 256 **+ Natural Color by Darkwolf
/songs/1996/s3m/q/quality.zip 79 + Quality by Stein
/songs/1996/s3m/r/radio.zip 333 ***+ Radio Statica by Darkwolf
/songs/1996/s3m/r/rat_ctn.zip 139 **+ Clinging to Nothing by Catspaw
/songs/1996/s3m/r/rat_eot.zip 69 *** The End of Time by Dude
/songs/1996/s3m/r/relax.zip 157 + Relaxation by Cutter
/songs/1996/s3m/s/sanct.zip 276 **** Sanctuary by Sirrus
/songs/1996/s3m/s/sh-bossa.zip 225 **+ Bossamba by Shinobu
/songs/1996/s3m/s/shock.zip 229 *** Shock by Kezoomer
/songs/1996/s3m/s/sitrus.zip 264 + Sitrus by Silvery
/songs/1996/s3m/s/smeg_alt.zip 48 **+ Altchabbon by Smeghead
/songs/1996/s3m/s/smeg_b_x.zip 152 **+ Brand X by Smeghead
/songs/1996/s3m/s/smeg_bsm.zip 196 *** Brothersome by Smeghead
/songs/1996/s3m/s/smeg_cor.zip 549 *** Corridor by Smeghead
/songs/1996/s3m/s/smeg_flt.zip 98 ** Filterless by Smeghead
/songs/1996/s3m/s/smeg_kor.zip 315 ** Korsakoff's Psychosis by Smeghead
/songs/1996/s3m/s/smeg_mec.zip 173 *** Mechanisms by Smeghead
/songs/1996/s3m/s/smeg_ret.zip 206 **+ Retroplexia by Smeghead
/songs/1996/s3m/s/smegfred.zip 190 ** Obnoxicopia by Fred and Smeg
/songs/1996/s3m/s/starsmuz.zip 427 ****+ Soundtrack to Stars by Groo
/songs/1996/s3m/s/sxpr50.zip 100 *+ Sound Exp. 5 by Lord Shakath Jei
/songs/1996/s3m/t/t_fnkojz.zip 61 **+ Funko-Jazzy by ThInK
/songs/1996/s3m/t/taz-pee2.zip 241 * I've Been Drinking - Remix by Taz
/songs/1996/s3m/t/tb-hydro.zip 120 *+ Into the Hydroxide by Maelstrom
/songs/1996/s3m/t/tb-itera.zip 171 ** Iteration 4.1 by Maelstrom
/songs/1996/s3m/t/tb-open.zip 151 **+ Opening Your Eyes by Maelstrom
/songs/1996/s3m/t/tech.zip 41 ** No Name For This One by Zenecade
/songs/1996/s3m/t/tek-acr2.zip 270 ***+ Acrobatics: Wave Remix by DJ Tek
/songs/1996/s3m/t/tek-acro.zip 317 *** Acrobatics by DJ Tek
/songs/1996/s3m/t/tek-wmix.zip 187 ***+ Wasteland '96 Remix by DJ Tek
/songs/1996/s3m/t/terr2.zip 64 + Ter-Riff-Ic by Stein
/songs/1996/s3m/t/tm-envi.zip 318 **** Envisions by Quasian
/songs/1996/s3m/t/trail.zip 140 + Trailblazers by CrimeDay+WirUZ
/songs/1996/xm/e/e-3moon.zip 356 ** 3 Moons by KoM'AH
/songs/1996/xm/e/e-bttf.zip 323 *+ Back to the First by KoM'AH
/songs/1996/xm/e/e-fly2.zip 650 **+ Are You Ready to Fly v2 by BaTjO
/songs/1996/xm/e/e-myst.zip 289 *+ Mystic Flower by KoM'AH
/songs/1996/xm/e/e-ultmtr.zip 265 **+ Ultimatter Nebula by KoM'AH
/songs/1996/xm/e/e-worlds.zip 276 ** Worlds Apart by KoM'AH
/songs/1996/xm/e/echnaton.zip 220 **+ Echnaton by Scolnick
/songs/1996/xm/e/epi-synp.zip 42 **+ Synphonique by Riders
/songs/1996/xm/f/floabric.zip 203 *** Floating Bricks by Rama
/songs/1996/xm/f/flp-di01.zip 195 *** A Return 2 Reticence by Dinugz
/songs/1996/xm/f/fm-negat.zip 247 **** Negation by Mellow-D
/songs/1996/xm/g/g_baby.zip 302 ** Groovy Baby by Humanoid
/songs/1996/xm/g/ghetto.zip 143 + Ghetto Dawn by Cohen & Galahad
/songs/1996/xm/g/ghg4.zip 378 + Lies! by The Great Horny Guru
/songs/1996/xm/g/gl-rapt.zip 413 **** Rapture by GliTcH
/songs/1996/xm/g/gl-silen.zip 483 **** Silence by GliTcH
/songs/1996/xm/g/grv_mars.zip 247 **** Marsian Girl by Radix
/songs/1996/xm/g/grv_sun.zip 204 **** Sunjammer by Radix
/songs/1996/xm/g/gti-dttb.zip 256 *** Dance to the Beat by The Borg
/songs/1996/xm/g/gti-fnd.zip 396 ***+ Find the Way by The Borg
/songs/1996/xm/h/h2-aquap.zip 282 **+ Aquapulsar by Trajic
/songs/1996/xm/h/hacustic.zip 102 *+ Hacustic by Riders
/songs/1996/xm/h/harthart.zip 351 ***+ Hart by House by Sybaris
/songs/1996/xm/h/hnz-humn.zip 337 ***+ The Humming by Hunz
/songs/1996/xm/i/identity.zip 3291 + Identity by TSW
/songs/1996/xm/i/in.zip 274 ** In by Mild
/songs/1996/xm/i/it-dream.zip 77 ** Dreamon by It-Alien
/songs/1996/xm/i/it-ftgld.zip 265 *** Future Gladiators by It-Alien
/songs/1996/xm/i/it-missd.zip 128 ** Missed Control by It-Alien
/songs/1996/xm/i/it-ntcll.zip 50 ** Nightcall by It-Alien
/songs/1996/xm/i/it-relxs.zip 57 *+ She Relaxes by It-Alien
/songs/1996/xm/i/it-retrn.zip 69 ** Return by It-Alien
/songs/1996/xm/i/it-south.zip 83 *** Southern by It-Alien
/songs/1996/xm/i/it-stop.zip 184 *** Stop 'n Go by It-Alien
/songs/1996/xm/i/it-strng.zip 87 *+ Strange Feelings by It-Alien
/songs/1996/xm/i/it-tctrl.zip 46 **+ Total Control by It-Alien
/songs/1996/xm/i/it-thght.zip 40 **+ Thought by It-Alien
/songs/1996/xm/i/it-wave.zip 38 **+ Wave by It-Alien
/songs/1996/xm/j/jz-oft2.zip 455 **+ OffTranceTechno by Jazz
/songs/1996/xm/k/k_childr.zip 540 ***+ Children by Bert
/songs/1996/xm/k/k_electr.zip 352 **+ Electronic Experience by Vivid
/songs/1996/xm/m/maxmlsm.zip 561 ***+ Maximalism by Mick Rippon
/songs/1996/xm/m/miles.zip 265 **+ Static Miles by Electronic Y
/songs/1996/xm/m/momentsf.zip 134 ** Moments of Friendship by LaLa
/songs/1996/xm/m/mot-cant.zip 428 **+ I can't stop raving by moT
/songs/1996/xm/m/mot-genx.zip 44 ** Generation X by moT
/songs/1996/xm/m/mr_exist.zip 273 **** Existing [remix] by Mick Rippon
/songs/1996/xm/m/mr_strid.zip 463 ***+ Astrid by Mick Rippon
/songs/1996/xm/m/mukke.zip 110 *+ TRIP Rules by TheAvatar and Lobo
/songs/1996/xm/m/myst_g20.zip 9 **+ Mystique by Rage
/songs/1996/xm/n/n_gmeat.zip 67 **+ Ground Meat by Subliminal
/songs/1996/xm/n/ned-just.zip 252 *** Just for Tonight by Nedeljko Gajic
/songs/1996/xm/n/no-story.zip 12 ***+ Story by Benoit Charland
/songs/1996/xm/n/notruth.zip 339 *** No truth by Rage
/songs/1996/xm/o/o-ambip.zip 314 **+ Ambient paradiz by Oona
/songs/1996/xm/o/o-biz_ex.zip 322 ** Bizarre (extended mix) by Oona
/songs/1996/xm/o/o-biz_rd.zip 242 ** Bizarre (radio mix) by Oona
/songs/1996/xm/o/o-funky.zip 283 ***+ Funky by Oona
/songs/1996/xm/o/o-irave.zip 539 *** Invarave by Oona
/songs/1996/xm/o/o-jung1.zip 626 **+ Melodic Jungle Song 1 by Oona
/songs/1996/xm/o/o-sv_hc.zip 348 **+ Sonic Vision by Oona
/songs/1996/xm/o/o_link.zip 344 **+ Brainlink to You by Otis
/songs/1996/xm/p/pi-wakyn.zip 38 ***+ A Pleasant. by Primitive Instinct
/songs/1996/xm/p/ploff-02.zip 328 ***+ Scorpionella by Ploffer
/songs/1996/xm/p/pmb-pola.zip 157 *+ Polaris by Pepito
/songs/1996/xm/p/pmb-trip.zip 314 **+ Trip In Side by Pepito
/songs/1996/xm/r/r-crimew.zip 108 ** Crimewave by LaLa
/songs/1996/xm/r/r_elite.zip 88 * The Killer Elite by Ryan
/songs/1996/xm/r/r_harem.zip 146 *+ Harem Sunrise by Ryan
/songs/1996/xm/r/raf-artm.zip 293 ** Artificial Minds by Trifixion
/songs/1996/xm/r/raf-fevr.zip 302 * Party Fever by Zovirax
/songs/1996/xm/r/raf-mess.zip 349 *** Messenger of Light by Zovirax
/songs/1996/xm/r/raf-miss.zip 312 **+ Missing by Zovirax
/songs/1996/xm/r/raf-tkno.zip 540 **+ Tekknocracy by Zovirax
/songs/1996/xm/r/rebirth.zip 872 ***+ Rebirth by In Tense
/songs/1996/xm/r/receiver.zip 128 *+ Reciever by Static
/songs/1996/xm/r/retract.zip 220 + Retract by TheRedder
/songs/1996/xm/r/romance.zip 87 **+ Romance by LaLa
/songs/1996/xm/s/sik-cast.zip 475 **** Castaway by Sikamikanico
/songs/1996/xm/s/simon.lzh 329 **+ Dejavu D. by Akintunde Omitowoju
/songs/1996/xm/s/spyd_tts.zip 345 ***+ To The Sky by Spyder
/songs/1996/xm/t/tf_iwb.zip 206 ***+ In a World of Butter by TheFear
Location /demos/graphics Size Rated Description
=-------------------------------- ---- ----- ---------------------------------=
/disks/1995/agen-art.zip 891 *** Pureness sketches by Agen of WL
The Party 1994 Graphics (TP94:grfx:)
/images/1994/s/slaine.lha 147 **** ??: Tete Final by Slaine of Ivory
=-----------------------------------------[Introduction]--[Snowman and Rimbo]-=
Hello all, and welcome to DemoNews issue 121.
This week marks the official announcement of Music Contest 4. Sometimes I
have difficulty believing that the whole series started back in 1993 when a
Chinese philosopher came to my house and told me "If you hold it, they will
come." I would also have difficulty believing that the contest actually
started back in 1987 with Music Contest -5. Even less realistic is the
notion that people just started uploading "MC1" songs back in 1993 and I
later invented a contest around them. In any case, MC4 is nearly here.
You know, 4 is a really big number if you think about it.
I went out to eat with RaD Man / ACiD this week. Now some of you might be
thinking "Oh yucky! Those ansi sceners have cooties!" In many cases, you'd
be right. However, RaD Man impressed me... more than a little bit. He's
the current organizer of ACiD and has 6 years experience in the ansi scene.
He is thoughtful, mature, and well organized. Many of the organizational
challenges faced by the ansi/art scene are more closely related to those
of the demo scene than I had originally thought.
Tension continues to grow within our group as the new file cataloging
system for the Hornet archive is slowly designed and implemented. If you
see files being moved around, directories suddenly vanishing and
reappearing, files sitting in /incoming even longer than normal, or
00_index.txt files looking totally goofed up, don't be alarmed! I can't
even begin to list the advantages and features that this new "level 4"
system will give. It will probably be at least 4 months until this system
is up and working properly. As the scene changes, so must we with it.
Last but not least, Rimbo offers an explanation of my introduction in
_____Rimbo Writes
Okay, I'd like to right just a little bit about Snomans intruduction last
week. Frist and foremost, the hole thing was a JOKE!
Let me try and explaine the joke for you who missed it. First, he talks
about how much quality has improved in DemoNews. Than, he makes a bunch of
deliberit misteaks such as "Quebec tried to SUCCEED from Canada." He KNOWS
that its spelled "secede," he was making a -JOKE-. He even re-iterated the
fact at the end of the introduction just too try and make things more plane.
Snowman is a awesome editor, and never misses a misspeling or an grammer
mistake, and you can be sure this are so because he edited this little
letter of mine himself and it is completely flawless without any run-on
sentences or speling flaws or typos so there.
Snowman / Hornet - r3cgm@cdrom.com
Rimbo / Lucid - rimbo@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
=----------------------------------------[Music Contest 4 Announcement]--[GD]-=
Got that tracking fever?
Hornet is proud to announce that MC4 is approaching! The contest will
officially begin on May 31, and all entries will be due by July 15.
An MC4 intro is being produced to announce the contest. Kiwidog is writing
the code and Leviathan will be tracking the music for it, so it should be a
real crowd-pleaser!
Once again, ftp.cdrom.com will serve as the host site to the contest. With
the tremendous growth of the music scene, the increased exposure of the demo
site, and the previous growth of prior Music Contests, it is our hope that
this will be the biggest and best such contest in demo scene history.
Due to Floss' recent hardware problems and his sometimes unstable email
account which became a factor during MC3, he will be unable to help out with
MC4. I (GD) will be assuming this position for MC4, and will be the editor
of the MC4 Updates Newsletter.
_____MC4 Updates Newsletter
This year, we are going to release a bi-weekly newsletter containing any
updates or changes which occur once the contest has begun. This will be the
central location to find information on MC4.
There will be six releases of this newsletter during the contest. The
mailing list is now available, and I suggest you subscribe if you plan to
enter or be a judge for the contest.
How to subscribe:
Mail to : listserver@unseen.aztec.co.za
Body : subscribe mc4-updates [first_name] [last_name]
The listserver will send the MC4 Newsletter to your e-mail's return address.
_____Changes since MC3
First of all, the song size limit has been increased to 1,000,000 bytes. The
limit in MC3 was 524,288 bytes (512 kb) and judging was limited to owners of
Gravis soundcards. However, this soundcard restriction has been removed for
MC4 to encourage more people to vote.
Why 1,000,000 bytes? It's just easier to look at.
There will once again be two entry divisions, rookie and veteran. There
will be two rounds of voting this time around to provide a more accurate
ranking of the songs.
We have more changes planned which you'll find out about soon! An "alpha"
version of the MC4 rules is scheduled to be released to the public within
two weeks. This will give everyone a chance to look for flaws and make
Please note that the plans are still being made and all information is not
yet final. I will attempt to handle any email sent to me, but it is still
early yet, and I may not be able to answer all questions.
This contest has been held annually since 1993. It is well organized,
professional, and FUN! :) You don't even have to leave your seat to
enter. Why not become part of the experience?
GD / Hornet - gd@ftp.cdrom.com
=-------------------------------------------[Tribute CD Review]--[Dan Wright]-=
There is a new mod CD in town. It is called Tribute and is produced by
Diffusion/Xerez out of Denmark. This BBS ready CD contains 286 megs of
"authors" mods (91 directories), 42 megs of "rave labels," 99 megs of music
disks, 200 megs of different styled music (classic, country, rock, techno,
etc.), your favorite players (Cubic Player, CMOD, IPLAY, etc.) and a buggy
menu interface.
All of the music files on the CD are zipped so your choices on players are
limited--Cubic Player is provided but it still can't play tagged files (one
after the other) like a Cappa Mod which can't unzip files. The CDs menu
interface is nice but too buggy and featureless to be of any use. So a
Mod4Win might be your best bet in playing the music on this CD.
The CD booklet/backliner are professionally printed (in color) with well
done computer generated art--a surreal underwater effect. The 4 color art
on the CD--even though it is a dupe of the cover art--impressed me the most.
The Cost of TRIBUTE is 100 Danish Krone. Translated to US dollars at
(5.6959Dkk to $1US) the CD sells for $17.55. Throw in postage and your
price rises to around $24 for US airmail delivery with the European mail
rate being much less.
The down sides of the CD are the buggy interface, cost, and the fact that
all the modules are zipped. Most players, unlike Cubic Player, can not
uncompress ZIPs on the fly and play the modules. The good side is a
professionally packaged "non commercial" CD with tons of great tracked
music. Get it for your collection or get it to support Rene and future
productions (namely audio CDs) under his Underground Records label.
For more information contact:
WWW: http://www.vision.auc.dk/diffusion/tribute/
E-mail: rvc@vision.auc.dk
Dan Wright - dmw@gate.net
=_-------------------------------------------[4DOS 4DEMOS: Part 7]--[Snowman]-=
Welcome back to the 4DOS trainer series! It's been a little while since
I've done one of these so I might be a tad rusty. In any case, this series
is not dead (unlike Trixter's "VGA Tricks" series?). :) Since these
tutorials have been going on for over 10 months now, I'm getting kind of
anxious to finish them up and remove them from my "todo" list.
Today we'll show you how to set up a multi-config environment in dos, how
to do a basic tricky-prompt, and learn an undocumented feature of 4DOS that
I discovered.
_____General Overview
This article assumes you have read Parts 1 through 6. Be sure to follow
all of the steps I listed there. We will be relying on them now. Just for
reference, here is a list of what we have covered so far (and what we will
cover today):
Multi-config is a built-in MSDOS feature allowing you to select one of many
system configurations at boot time. For a PC demo scener today, at _least_
two configurations are necessary. I usually have between 3 and 5.
Now you are yawning, thinking "but I already _know_ how to use
multi-config!" You do not. :) There is a certain feature of multi-config
that can be used intimately with 4DOS. This would have been a logical
place to tell you what that feature is.
Let us cut the chit-chat... here's how you set it up. Assume you want
three configurations: a meaty config (CDROM drivers, network drivers,
etc.), a normal config, and a bare-bones config (for demos that won't work
under meaty and normal).
In your config.sys file, you would put something like:
Menuitem=BMEATY, --Meaty Boot-------- CDROM, Network, Mouse, VESA
Menuitem=BNORMAL, --Normal Boot------- Mouse, VESA
Menuitem=BBONES, --Bare Bones Boot--- Himem.sys and a lot of love
; put everything here that would be used in all 3 boot configurations
; put everything here for the meaty boot
; put everything here for the normal boot
; put everything here for the bare bones boot
The only non-intuitive thing above is probably the "Menudefault=BMEATY,2".
That simply means to wait "2" seconds before automatically booting up with
After you select the desired configuration, DOS sets up an environmental
variable called "config" which will be used in our autoexec.bat as well as
other things in later tutorials. Now you know what the secret feature is.
Now we just have to make a few modifications to our autoexec.bat to reflect
our new boot options:
@echo off
: put everything here that would be used in all 3 boot configurations
: remember that SUBSTituted drives belong here and not in ENVIRON.BTM
goto %config%
: put everything here for the meaty boot
goto END
: put everything here for the normal boot
goto END
: put everything here for the bare bones boot
goto END
That's it. Now you can flip between different configurations depending on
what you want to do. Even after we are completely done booting, that
"config" variable remains set. We will use it later.
_____The Basic Prompt
Do you know how boring that looks? What is it going to tell you? Current
drive and directory you say? <yawn>
The prompt should be your friend. You see it every time you type something
in. It is now time to make that prompt mature and grow, add color and
information, let it become the king of all prompts.
Setting up a complex prompt poses two minor problems. First, most
DOS-based text editors will not display more than 80 columns on the screen.
If you go over 80 characters, you either word wrap the line too early or
you can not see the entire setting at once. This makes it difficult to
write the prompt. Second, the prompt itself is somewhat limited in space
(I think 255 bytes maximum can normally be allocated to it). We will find
work-arounds to both problems.
First let us discuss adding information to your prompt. Back in part 5 of
this tutorial, I talked about basic level function calls. It is time to
solidify some of those concepts. We will be using our ENVIRON.BTM file to
set our prompt up. Did you add all those section headers from part 6 of
this tutorial? :)
Think of the most critical pieces of information about your system's
configuration. How about BASE, XMS, and EMS memory? It is very easy to
add these to your prompt. Observe:
SET PROMPT=base:%%@DOSMEM[k] ems:%%@EMS[k] xms:%%@XMS[k] $_$p$g
Now our prompt might look something like:
base:610 ems:15670 xms:15670
Note that the "$_" above simply means to issue a newline. If we left it
off, our prompt would have just looked like:
base:610 ems:15670 xms:15670 c:\>
Now, this example looked ok because our "SET PROMPT=" statement was not
very big. Things are quickly going to get very hairy and unorganized if we
do not break our prompt up. Let us redo the above example. In your
ENVIRON.BTM file you could put something like:
: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
: SET PROMPT - Makes my prompt look just the way I like it. :)
: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Base Memory
: EMS Memory
SET P_EMS=ems:%%@EMS[k]
: XMS Memory
SET P_XMS=xms:%%@XMS[k]
: Ending Stuff
: Deallocate variables
All we have done is to make little happy subvariables out of each prompt
part. We set all of these up, make our big prompt, then destroy them. This
gives us the opportunity to keep things organized in a logical manner, as
well as let us see everything on-screen. In a future tutorial, I will show
how to create local variables so we can even eliminate the "Deallocate
variables" section.
There is one problem with the above section. If we left it the way it is,
DOS would see these mini-variables, do the function calls, and assign an
unchanging result value to our prompt. For example, our
subvariable might be evaluated to
SET P_DOSMEM=base:610
and then assigned to our prompt. Our prompt would then always say that we
had 610k of base memory regardless of what the actual value was. We need
to prevent our little subvariables from being evaluated prematurely.
Luckily, there is a way to do this. The command is called "setdos" and it
controls several DOS attributes including variable expansion. Observe:
: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
: SET PROMPT - Makes my prompt look just the way I like it. :)
: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Do not expand the following environmental variables
setdos /x-35678
: Set our little subvariables here
: From this point on, we want to expand the environmental variables
setdos /x0
: Now make our big prompt
Now the function calls in our subvariables are not evaluated when they are
created. Rather, they are evaluated _after_ they have been assigned to the
BIG PROMPT. These functions will be evaluated every time our prompt
appears, giving us an accurate picture of what our system currently looks
The next part of this tutorial will discuss adding color to your prompt.
_____The UNKNOWN_CMD Alias
4DOS has a very special alias. It is called UNKNOWN_CMD. Observe:
C:\>start Cubic Player v1.666 NOW!
Unknown command "START"
C:\>ALIAS UNKNOWN_CMD=`echo Sorry man... I can't`
C:\>start Cubic Player v1.666 NOW!
Sorry man... I can't start Cubic Player v1.666 NOW!
So what have we learned? We can change our "Unknown command" error message
to something a little more abusive or creative. This might be cool, but is
not really useful.
But instead of just changing the UNKNOWN_CMD alias to a different message,
why don't we actually change it to a different _command_? I am proud to
say I discovered this one myself and do not believe it to be documented
publicly anywhere until now. Observe:
Unknown command "DOS"
We've actually made a bad command into a good one. Instead of issuing an
error message, 4DOS tried to change directories to the command you typed.
Think about it. All we have to do is type in the name of a subdirectory
and 4DOS changes to it. We can completely navigate our hard drive without
ever using the "CD" command! Having our CDPATH variable set (see part 3)
along with UNKNOWN_CMD gives you an _extremely_ efficient way of getting
I haven't even seen a UNIX shell that can boast this kind of efficiency.
DOS is dying a slow and painful death, taking 4DOS with it. However, 4DOS
has been converted to several other PC-based operating systems. In future
editions of this article I'll start to discuss how to port your own 4DOS
environment to Windows 3.1, NT, 95, and OS/2.
With the basics covered, we are starting to get into some very cool topics.
The next edition of this series will talk about an intermediate level
prompt, using escape sequences in odd places, and moving your autoexec.bat
file out of the root directory.
And remember, 4DOS 4EVER!
Snowman / Hornet - r3cgm@cdrom.com
=-----------------------------------[BlasterSound BBS Advertisement]--[Mikel]-=
New! Ftp site BlasterSound BBS ftp://ftp.siapi.es/blastersound
The best ftp Demosite in Spain.
Mikel / Iguana - mikel@siapi.es
_____How to subscribe to DemoNews
Mail to : listserver@unseen.aztec.co.za
Body : subscribe demuan-list [first_name] [last_name]
The listserver will send DemoNews to your e-mail's return address.
_____Back Issues
Older issues of DemoNews can be located under /demos/hornet/demonews.
Newly released issues of DemoNews are posted to /demos/incoming/news.
For questions and comments, you can contact us at r3cgm@cdrom.com
Your mail will be forwarded to the appropriate individual.