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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
: :::. : ____,
In Memory, : :: : : |_ _; Karl Marx
,~~ : :::'istorted : `|| says:
--)( : :::. :::: : || "Aufheben!"
()= : :: :igital ::. rection : []
HOOKAH! : :::' :::: :
22 February 1994 : Text File #10 Mongoloid Telecom
An Extra-Special Note From ... Amphetamine Gobbler!
Hey, I don't want to steal Aza's thunder or whatever, but hey!-
it isn't every day that DDE #10 is released. What a swell thing.
I didn't expect much response. Already, though, both Spirit of
Entropy and Az A. Thoth have contributed files, with some on the
way from Petula Clark and others. Yep ... anyway ... on with the
'The Rights of the Masochist:
Let the Beatings Begin'
by Az A. Thoth
With the number of lawsuits being brought against police
departments having been brought to much greater public attention
than ever before, it must be believed that the number of police
beatings will, in some small way at least, decrease.
Now that's fine for some people, whose civil rights have
been violated--and I guess it's nice that unwanted physical
attacks should be on a downswing--but there is another, smaller
group of people who's right to be willingly violated is being
infringed upon.
Of course, I am talking about the masochists. There is a
small minority that, unlikely as may seem to most people, find
ecstasy in pain, and have been enjoying a sort of revival with
the easily accessed beatings they can receive right outside their
own cars or homes of late. Thanks to the soft heart of the
American populace, and the shining beacon of the media, however,
the cost of lawsuits being taken up against local police
departments is deterring the trusty officers from dispensing
their own tough brand of love.
This small group of people, of which the author is a
definite member and therefore an authority, should legally have
the right to consensual pummelings, without their dominator
having to fear legal action. And, in this age of political
correctness and multi-culturalism, should not everyone be exposed
to the joys of pain? After all, how does one know they would not
enjoy a good beating if they never receive one? And how can one
fully understand the masochists around them if they do not take
the time to experience the joys of this sub-culture?
As a form of expression protected by the first amendment to
the Constitution of the United States, the reception of pain and
mutilation provided by a trained professional such as a member of
the local police, or, on an intellectual level, a member of
congress, must be protected from the recent passivist stances
taken by society.
We are here, and we will not be denied. As a legitimate
minority, it is the author's belief that masochists should also
be granted the same special considerations by lawmakers currently
granted other, more vocal and more established minorities. By
first taking into account the reaction of the masochists, further
disputes over laws can be avoided.
Until such time as we are recognized, we will continue to
fight, even if we don't dish it out: after all, we thoroughly
enjoy taking it.
Distorted Digital Erection February 1994 Text File #10
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