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Volume 1, no. 2
September 1990
Library Technology Watch Program
University of California, Berkeley
Edited by David F.W. Robison
ISSN: 1060-2356
Mark Mentges, Teri Rinne, Vivienne Roumani, Lisa Rowlison, Roy Tennant
Optical Disc Technology
Andrews, Chris. "Understanding CD-ROM Software." CD-ROM
Professional 3(4) (July 1990):59-62.
Elshami, Ahmed M. CD-ROM Technology for Information Managers.
Chicago: American Library Association, 1990. This recently
published book "attempts to simplify and demystify optical
disks...not only for librarians and archivists, but also for the general
reader." Includes chapters on the technology, standards, production
and applications.
Herther, Nancy K. "MultiMedia Solutions From IBM: An Interview
with IBM's Peter Blakeney." CD-ROM Professional 3(4) (July
1990):13-18. Peter Blakeney, Manager of Sales Support for IBM's
Multimedia Solutions division discusses the future of multimedia
capabilities, heralding multimedia as the "heartland of the personal
systems business in the coming decade." To back up such a
statement, he cites IBM's aggressiveness in the market, doubling or
tripling its resources on multimedia in the last month and a half.
McQueen, Howard. "Remote Dial-in Patron Access to CD-ROM LANS."
CD-ROM Professional July 1990 3(4):20-23. This article discusses
the thorny issue of remote communication access to CD-ROM LANS.
The issues explored include licensing costs, 'remote control
communications software, and dedicated hardware. Although dial-in
access is possible, the article concludes that current market
conditions present many obstacles.
Expert Systems
Graham, Taylor. Expert Systems in Libraries. London, England:
Taylor Graham, 1986. A collection of five papers presented at a
conference on expert systems held in Birmingham, England, in 1985.
Although the papers are five years old they nevertheless provide a
good basic background of the nature of expert systems as applied to
the field of Library Science. Technical jargon is both kept to a
minimum and well explained. 97 pages including an extensive
Networks and Networking
Arms, Caroline R. "A New Information Infrastructure." ONLINE 14(5)
(Sept. 1990):15-22. An excellent introduction to networks and
networking for librarians. In addition, the article provides
explicit instructions for accessing the Internet and BITNET,
as well as some "lists" that are available.
Association of Research Libraries. "Linking Researchers and
Resources: The Emerging Information Infrastructure and the NREN
Proposal" ARL Briefing Package No. 4 (July 1990).
Delfino, Erik. "E-Mail Connections: It's Still a Jungle out There...But
it's Getting Better." ONLINE 14(5) (Sept. 1990):31-35. For those of you
who are ready to try e-mailing outside the library here is some
documentation on what problems you may encounter and what to do. With
your Library E-Mail account you can send mail to people on other
systems, e.g. ALANET, BITNET,CompuServe, MCI Mail.
Drummond, Louis. "Going Beyond Online." ONLINE 14(5) (Sept.
1990):6-8. Drummond discusses some of the challenges to our current
concepts of information on the network: access to online catalogs and
databases through the Internet; use of computer network conferencing
as a way for persons with similar professional interests to communicate;
electronic journals as a means of disseminating information through
national networks.
Marks, Kenneth and Steven Nielsen. "Libraries and Local Area
Networking." Computers in Libraries 10(6) (June 1990):16-17. An
introduction to the use of Local Area Networks (LANs) in the library
setting. This is the first of a bimonthly column on the subject.
Future issues will cover various aspects of LANing in the library.
Metz, Roy.. "Integrating Local Systems and Services into a Campus
Network Environment." Computers in Libraries 10(6) (June
1990):18-20. A discussion of the use of library catalogs on a local
campus network and the Internet using Case Western Reserve as an
example. Discussion of the implications of such use on library
budgets, staff, and user expectations. Also included are some
recommendations for future actions. [As you may know, GLADIS is
available world-wide on the Internet].
"Using the National Networks: BITNET and the Internet." ONLINE 14(5)
(Sept. 1990):24-35. A basic guide to the mechanics of using your PC
to gain access to the Internet and BITNET, including basic UNIX
Information Transfer
Cummings, Steve. "PCs Get Optical Character Recognition." Computer
Currents (July 31-August 13, 1990):16-23. This article reviews
and evaluates OCR (optical character recognition) technology,
discusses what is available in the market, and the advantages and
disadvantages of this technology.
LePoer, Peter M. "Importing Downloaded Bibliographic Records Into
dBase III+ and dBase IV: Tools and Methods." Database (February
Pro-Cite Bibliography Software. Five electronic mail messages from
Public-Access Computer Systems Forum describing various
applications of Pro-Cite including its use with OCLC, as a document
delivery tool, and for compiling a search only local database on
popular search topics.
Rubin, Charles. "Managing the DOS and Mac Mix." Personal Computing
14(2) (Feb 1990):88-96. Rubin outlines a variety of
approaches and strategies for achieving connectivity within a mixed
PC and Macintosh environment whether the data transfer is taking
place directly between two computers, among several machines on a
local area network, or among computers at various sites.
Sutton, Brett. "Extending the online Public Access Catalog into the
Microcomputer Environment." Information Technology and Libraries
(March 1990):43-52. This article describes the basic structure of
PCBIS, a database program for MS-DOS microcomputers that
features a utility for automatically converting OPAC search results
into structured database files.
"BYTE 15th Anniversary Summit: 63 of the World's Most Influential
People in Personal Computing Predict the Future, Analyze the
Present." BYTE 15(9) (September 1990):218-367. The title says it
all. While you have the mag, check out BYTE's picture-filled
summary of the last 15 years of personal computing beginning on p.
News Bits
"Caere Hand Scanner for PCs." Computer Currents (August 14-August
27, 1990):11.
"800-dpi, 64 Gray-Level Hand Scanner." Computer Currents (August
28-September 10, 1990):50.
"Integrated Image Editing and Gray-Scale Processing for Windows."
Computer Currents (July 31-August 13, 1990):41.
Lewis, Peter H. "A scanner in hand, worth several typists at desks."
New York Times 139 sec.3 (August 12, 1990):col.1 p.F7(N).
"Low-cost Full-page Flatbed Scanners." Computer Currents (July 31-
August 13, 1990):40.
"Newsbytes now daily, available by fax." Computer Currents (August
14-August 27, 1990).
"OSI pilot/demonstration project between library networks in
Europe for interlending services." Interlending and Document Supply
18(1) (1990):34.
Current Cites 1(2) (September 1990) ISSN: 1060-2356
Copyright (C) 1992 by the Library, University of
California, Berkeley. All rights reserved.
Copying is permitted for noncommercial use by computerized
bulletin board/conference systems, individual scholars, and
libraries. Libraries are authorized to add the journal to their
collections at no cost. This message must appear on copied
material. All commercial use requires permission from the editor,
who may be reached in the following ways:
drobison@library.berkeley.edu // drobison@ucblibra // (510)642-7600