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Computer underground Digest Thu July 13, 1994 Volume 6 : Issue 64
ISSN 1004-042X
Editors: Jim Thomas and Gordon Meyer (TK0JUT2@NIU.BITNET)
Archivist: Brendan Kehoe
Retiring Shadow Archivist: Stanton McCandlish
Shadow-Archivists: Dan Carosone / Paul Southworth
Ralph Sims / Jyrki Kuoppala
Ian Dickinson
Copper Ionizer: Ephram Shrustleau
CONTENTS, #6.64 (Thu, July 13, 1994)
File 1--Summary of Issues in CPSR/FOIA - 2600 Case
File 2--Update on the CPSR/2600 FOIA Suit
File 3--Response to - Sysop Liability for Copyright (CuD 6.62)
File 4--Higher Education Technology Conference
File 5--Net-Letter Guide 7/10
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preferred to short responses. Please avoid quoting previous posts
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DISCLAIMER: The views represented herein do not necessarily represent
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responsibility for ensuring that articles submitted do not
violate copyright protections.
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 93 11:49:21 PST
From: Dave Banisar <tc@well.sf.ca.us>
Subject: File 1--Summary of Issues in CPSR/FOIA - 2600 Case
((MODERATORS' NOTE: We reprint the following post from Dave Banisar in
1993, which summarized the issues in the alleged Secret Service spying
on a lawful and peaceful gathering of 2600 "club" computer enthusiasts
in a public setting. Brock Meeks, author of the second post, broke the
story that what seemed to be the result of mall security was in fact
an incident precipitated by, and "ram-rodded" by the Secret Service.
If reports are correct, it would seem that the Secret Service exceeded
its mandated authority. As in the case of the Steve Jackson Games
incident, in which the USSS lost a civil suit for its over-zealous
methods of search-and-seizure, it seems that the USSS is again about
to be embarrassed for violating the very rights it is sworn to
protect. The USSS denied involvement, But, As Brock Meeks
colorfully says:
Those pale faces you see are from the Secret Service as
they watch their denial being chewed away in great hunks
like so many wounded tuna in the middle of shark feeding
CPSR filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to obtain
USSS documents related to the case. But, the USSS stalled until
CPSR filed suit to obtain the documents'release. In the last issue
of CuD (6.63), we reprinted the judge's decision in favor of the
CPSR suit. Here, we refresh readers memories with the issues in the
case in this file and Brock Meek's update in the next)).
As you may recall, last November (1992) at a shopping mall
outside of Washington, DC, a group of people affiliated with the
computer magazine "2600" was confronted by mall security personnel,
local police officers and several unidentified individuals. The
group members were ordered to identify themselves and to submit to
searches of their personal property. Their names were recorded by
mall security personnel and some of their property was confiscated.
However, no charges were ever brought against any of the individuals
at the meeting.
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility ("CPSR")
filed suit under the Freedom of Information Act and today received
the Secret Service's response to the FOIA lawsuit, in which we are
seeking agency records concerning the break-up of the meeting. I
think it's safe to say that our suspicions have now been confirmed --
the Secret Service *did* obtain a list of names from mall security
identifying the people in attendance at the meeting.
There are three main points contained in the Secret Service's
court papers that are significant:
1) The agency states that the information it possesses
concerning the incident was obtained "in the course of a criminal
investigation that is being conducted pursuant to the Secret
Service's authority to investigate access device and computer fraud."
2) The agency possesses two relevant documents and the
information in those documents "consists solely of information
identifying individuals."
3) The information was obtained from a "confidential source,"
and the agency emphasizes that the FOIA's definition of such a source
includes "any private institution which provided information on a
confidential basis."
Taken together, these facts seem to prove that the Secret
Service wanted names, they had the mall security people collect them,
and they came away from the incident with the list they wanted.
The agency asserts that "[t]he premature release of the
identities of the individual(s) at issue could easily result in
interference to the Secret Service's investigation by alerting these
individual(s) that they are under investigation and thus allowing the
individual(s) to alter their behavior and/or evidence."
CPSR, in conjunction with EFF and the ACLU, is planning to
challenge the actions of the mall security personnel, the local police
and the Secret
Service on the ground that the incident amounted to a warrantless
search and seizure conducted at the behest of the Secret Service.
David Sobel
CPSR Legal Counsel
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 94 22:58:01 PDT
From: Brock Meeks <brock@well.sf.ca.us>
Subject: File 2--Update on the CPSR/2600 FOIA Suit
Jacking in from the "Cough It Up" Port:
Washington, DC -- A recent ruling in federal district court here
could hold the key that finally unlocks a bizarre, two-year-old
mystery that blends a questionable search and seizure incident, a
group of young hackers, the Secret Service, a public mall, Santa
Claus and cheese fries with all the subtlety of an industrial grade
On July 1, U.S. District Judge Louis Oberdorfer kicked the slats
out of a year old attempt by the Secret Service to keep secret
documents that detail its involvement in the November 1992
"Pentagon City Mall Raid," an incident in which about 30 young
hackers were rounded up, detained and their person's searched with
no explanation or purpose.
The judge ordered the documents turned over to the Electronic
Privacy Information Center (EPIC), which brought suit under the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) under its former affiliation,
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.
This quiet court drama hinges on something called the "Johnson
Factor," which has all the elements of a spy novel: Cunning,
intrigue, and the fate of a community hanging in the balance.
The "Johnson Factor" is so-named for then mall security director,
Al Johnson. The day after the incident took place, Communications
Daily, an industry trade publication, broke the story of the Secret
Service involvement after interviewing Johnson -- on tape -- in
which he admitted that the Secret Service "ramrodded this whole
The Secret Service, then and now, continues to deny any involvement
in the incident. The EPIC suit and Judge Oberdorfer's ruling
combine to turn over the rock under which the agency has been
stashing its thinly veiled deception.
The Judge writes in his memorandum ordering the Secret Service to
cough up the documents that the agency "has failed to demonstrate
that the release of each of the documents it has withheld would
interfere with the ongoing investigation" in any way.
The Secret Service has steadfastly refused to discuss the issue of
whether or not an investigation of any kind involving one of the
2600 members was underway at the time the incident occurred.
The judge's memo continues: The Secret Service's "public filings
state that the investigation involves allegations made by a private
corporation of telephone fraud... Thus, [the agency] cannot fear
the possibility that release of the withheld documents might reveal
[its] involvement in this type of investigation."
The judge made these decisions after reviewing some 50-plus pages
of "in camera" documents submitted by the Secret Service. These
are documents that can only be viewed by the judge because they
reportedly hold damaging information.
"Usually these in camera documents are filled with horror stories
about the damage that could be done if the documents they protect
are released," said David Sobel, EPIC's legal bulldog. Sobel filed
papers asking the judge to let him see the in camera documents.
"No chance," was essentially the judge's decision on that request.
Still, Sobel says the overall order is a very good sign.
"I think it's significant that the judge didn't buy it... the
argument that no documents could be released," Sobel said.
Usually, such secret background papers equal a cakewalk for the
government bluebloods, with judges ruling overwhelmingly in their
favor, Sobel said.
Another section of the judge's memo on his ruling opens up yet
another gaping wound in the Secret Service claim that they weren't
involved: "[T]he fact that the documents at issue are responsive to
[EPIC's] FOIA request indicates that those documents concern the
breakup of the November 6, 1992 meeting at Pentagon City. Thus,
[the agency] cannot claim... to withhold documents based on the
possibility that the documents would reveal that investigators were
interested in that meeting."
Those pale faces you see are from the Secret Service as they watch
their denial being chewed away in great hunks like so many wounded
tuna in the middle of shark feeding frenzy.
Although the Secret Service claims to be withholding some eight
documents because their release could compromise "confidential
sources," in reality, they may be jealously trying to guard
themselves from a civil lawsuit.
This two-year old incident turns on the events surrounding an
evening "raid" on a monthly "2600 Meeting." Such meetings -- held
every month throughout the U.S. ---bring together young hackers,
which are loosely identified under the banner of the "2600"
moniker, the name of a hacker's magazine. Activities at these
meetings include such hijinks as swapping hacking stories, insults
and swiping each other's cheese fries. You see, the Pentagon City
"2600" meeting isn't held in the bleak bowels of the mall's
concrete infrastructure. Rather, it's held in the most open,
public space available: The food court.
Shortly after 6 p.m. when the meeting started that November, the
mall security guards closed in on the group from all sides,
segregating them from other mall patrons with all the deftness of
novice cowpokes cutting "little dawgies" from a herd. The kids
were told "don't move" as their names were taken, packages,
backpacks and other personal belongings were searched. No
authorization nor explanation for the detention and search was
given by the security guards. They refused to answer any of the
kid's questions.
According the "Johnson Factor," the Secret Service pressed the mall
security guards into action to do their bidding, a move that
contains its own legal tumbleweed. The unwarranted search and
seizure of property raises the specter of civil rights violations
under the 4th amendment.
A month after the original incident, a reporter attended the
December 2600 meeting at Pentagon City. The reporter repeatedly
questioned a man associated with the mall about the incident. The
man, who at several different intervals identified himself as "a
store employee"; "the person responsible for the food court"; a
person "who just wants to make sure the shoppers have a good time";
and finally "Santa Claus" eventually had the reporter physically
removed from the mall under threat of arrest. The man was later
identified as the mall's operation's manager.
The mall management to this day refuses to discuss the raid.
EPIC's Sobel declined to speculate what the Secret Service's next
move would be. However, by law they have 60 days to file an
appeal. The clock's ticking.
Meeks out...
Date: 11 Jul 94 01:57:24 GMT
From: dbatterson@ATTMAIL.COM(David Batterson )
Subject: File 3--Response to - Sysop Liability for Copyright (CuD 6.62)
RE: Sysop Liability for Copyright (CuD 6.62)
"George Frena is the sysop of a BBS in Florida called 'Techs
Warehouse.' His BBS carries, among other things, adult material.
At the time of the court decision, Frena provided free access to
users who purchased products from him, and charged $25 a month to
those who did not. Frena allowed subscribers to upload whatever
they wanted onto his BBS, and uploads were apparently immediately
available for downloading."
I'm a computer journalist, specializing in online services, BBSs,
e-mail, modems, etc. I found this case of particular interest, since
I am also an ex-sysop myself, and personally know many sysops.
The third sentence in the paragraph is very significant, and probably
the reason why the courts ruled against Frena--and rightfully so.
All responsible sysops do NOT allow immediate downloading, for two
obvious reasons: files must be screened for viruses, and also checked
to see if they would infringe copyright laws.
If you allow immediately downloads, you are providing tacit approval
for users to upload commercial software programs, which could then be
available for immediate download. Such a policy by unscrupulous
sysops does show they know what is going on; it is a bogus
"wink-wink" attitude, i.e., "I'll pretend like I don't know what they
are doing, thus I'm not responsible." Most sysops simply do NOT
stoop to this unethical level, as Frena did. He is guilty, and
deserves his punishment.
"First, even if Frena himself did not copy the pictures, the
Court said that was irrelevant. The mere presence of the images on
his BBS was enough:
There is no dispute that Defendant Frena supplied a product
containing unauthorized copies of a copyrighted work. It does
not matter that Defendant Frena claims he did not make the
copies himself.
Second, even if Frena did not *intend* to violate PEI's
copyrights, the Court held this too was irrelevant:
It does not matter that Defendant Frena may have been unaware
of the copyright infringement. Intent to infringe is not
needed to find copyright infringement. ... [E]ven an innocent
infringer is liable for infringement ... ."
I think the Court is more perceptive than you give them credit for
being. That sysop--Frena-- knew EXACTLY what he was doing, and that
was a bogus means to avoid obeying U.S. copyright laws in this
country. His intent to infringe is obvious to anyone who understands
the BBS community.
"The Court in FRENA has essentially put the burden on BBS
sysops (at least those that charge money for access) of reviewing
all files on their boards for possible copyright and trademark
infringements. Regardless of the sysops' good faith or efforts to
remove infringing files, the sysop will be liable for copyright
trademark infringement for those files that escape detection."
And rightfully so. It's not that difficult to tell if a file is
freeware, shareware or otherwise in the public domain. It's also
a store's burden to make sure it is not selling counterfeit copies of
videos, CDs, T-shirts or Dali prints.
"Several aspects of the FRENA decision are open to question and
the opinion certainly will not be the last word, especially when a
case is decided by a court more attuned to the technology involved."
I think the decision will be upheld by higher courts.
"However, one can wonder about the Court's unquestioning
application of this principle to files uploaded by users. Are a
BBS's file directories similar to paper publications, as the Court
assumed without discussing the question, or are they more like a
swap meet or shopping mall where the sysop provides the space, and
the users provide the goods? Holding a sysop strictly liable for
the legal pedigree of every file on the BBS significantly limits
the core innovation of BBSs -- free two-directional file transfer."
On the BBS I ran with a friend, we NEVER allowed commercial software
files in the download section. If someone uploaded such a program--
which occasional happened--it was deleted. Never did we assume
that it was OK to allow commercial programs online since the BBS was
merely an electronic conduit for distributing files.
"A newspaper publisher cannot claim not to know what is in the
newspaper; the publisher makes the decision what to include and
what to leave out. The sysop does not necessarily do this, or know
what is on the BBS at any given time."
Responsible sysops check file uploads on a regular basis, and
ascertain which ones are permissible to add to the download section.
It's not that big a deal.
"Given the ability to upload and download files without the
sysop's knowledge, is it proper to hold the sysop strictly liable for
the presence of infringing files?"
Of course it is!
"The Court in FRENA imposed liability regardless of the sysop's
knowledge of what users were doing on his board."
Nonsense. Frena knew exactly what his users were doing, and so did
The Court.
"Would the Court have reached the same conclusion so easily if
Frena had been the owner of a shopping mall leasing space to a tenant
who was (without his knowledge) selling Metallica T-shirt rip-offs?"
This is NOT a valid comparison. Frena wasn't providing space for
others to make money; HE was the one making money (charging $25/mo.)
by allowing users to illegally obtain copyrighted materials.
"The Court also appeared to misunderstand the nature of a BBS
when it held that the availability of the image files violated the
"display" right aspect of a copyright. The Court apparently
believed the images were actually *displayed* to the user, a
capability that is only offered by some large commercial BBSs, and
is limited by the user's communication software."
The images can be displayed as soon as they are downloaded, by using
widely available image-viewing software. So the fact that they
were not viewable while on the BBS is irrelevant in my opinion. You
can read a description of files on any BBS, so you know basically
what you will SOON be viewing offline.
"These problems with the FRENA opinion demonstrate that the
courts continue to struggle to understand computer communication
That may be true, but the courts CAN recognize copyright infringement
when they see it. And so can I, without being a lawyer.
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 1994 20:30:38 GMT
From: syllabus@NETCOM.COM(Syllabus Press)
Subject: File 4--Higher Education Technology Conference
UC-Santa Cruz and Syllabus Press (publishers of Syllabus magazine) are
co-sponsoring a conference on the use of technology in higher education.
Due to the location of conference, we will be having some diving
activities in Monterey Bay, probably a boat dive and myabe a few beach
dives. Below is a brief synopsis of the conference.
For either a print or electronic conference registration package, please
contact Syllabus Press via e-mail or or call 800-773-0670.
Syllabus T94 A Higher Education Technology Conference August 14-17
University of CaliforniaPSanta Cruz Santa Cruz, CA USA
Co-sponsored by Syllabus Press and Board of Education, UC-Santa Cruz Learn
the latest about new technology for higher education AND enjoy the
spectacular Monterey Bay region this August!
Syllabus T94 is a conference for faculty, department chairs,
administrators, and technology staff who want to learn about the latest
technology for higher education. Professionals who work in technology and
textbook publishing companies are also invited to attend this conference.
In addition to the informative topical sessions, ample opportunities will
allow participants to interact with their colleagues from around the world
and learn more about issues relating to the use of technology in higher
The conference will be held at the University of California, Santa Cruz, a
campus of uncommon natural beauty, set in a Redwood forest overlooking
beautiful Monterey Bay and the Pacific Ocean. Numerous Rextra-conferenceS
activities are planned to take advantage of the location of this
summertime conference.
Cross-platform and cross-technology: All computer and technology
platforms will be covered, including DOS/Windows, Macintosh, and UNIX, as
well as multimedia, laser discs, presentation devices, quantitative tools
and other technologies.
Cross-discipline focus: The commonalities of technology use across
disciplines will be emphasized to stimulate participantsU thinking about
the use of technology in their respective fields.
Pre-conference Workshops: Sunday, August 13 will include a full day of
workshops providing detailed instruction and hands-on use of a variety of
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Mornings: A variety of plenary sessions
will be devoted to important higher education technologies, including
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Afternoons: Hands-on labs will give
participants an opportunity to explore the technology firsthortunity to
explore the technology firsthand; discussion groups will explore other
issues of concern to higher education professionals. Tours and off-site
activities will allow participants to enjoy the Monterey Bay region.
For conference fees and registration information, send an e-mail to:
Syllabus@netcom.com and request a conference brochure. Registration is
available by phone at (800) 773-0670.
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 1994 17:34:28 -0400 (edt)
From: John Higgins <higgins@DORSAI.DORSAI.ORG>
Subject: File 5--Net-Letter Guide 7/10
-=-=-=--=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=NET-LETTER GUIDE-=-=-=--=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
A newshound's guide to newsy periodicals available through the
Internet. Updated July 10, 1994
Copyright 1994 John M. Higgins (higgins@dorsai.dorsai.org) All rights
reserved. Additional copyright information at bottom.
+Additions (usually stuff that's been around a while, but only recently
discovered because I'm an idiot): +AIDS Information Newsletter;
+AsiaInfo; +Bits And Bytes (misc. computers); BONG (journalism);
+Education Policy Digest; +Legal Bytes (computer law); +Navnews (U.S.
Navy); Patent News; Physics News Update; +Somalia News Update; +What's
New (physics)
Seeking info on:
-=-=-=-=-=-=-THE BEST NET-LETTERS-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Late Show News (TV); Fitz's ShopTalk (TV); Edupage (Infotech); Computer
Underground Digest; AIDS Daily Summary; RFE/RL Daily Report (E. Europe)
WHY THE GUIDE?: My favorite things on the Internet are informative,
high-quality newsletters. The quality of info contributed to what Mitch
Kapor describes as the Net's "gift economy" is amazing. However, despite
some excellent e-pub guides, tracking down good NEWSY letters can be
frustrating because they get lost in the flood of zines and very
technical pubs.
So this list aims to point people to the news-oriented net-letters with
somewhat broader appeal. It's not intended to be as comprehensive as
other guides, but helpful nevertheless. The list is tremendously biased
toward e-mail delivery. Very technical and fanzine newsletters are not
included because they are well covered by other guides.
Don't necessarily expect to find the latest, startup letters on this
list. I'm starting to hold back on listing new publications until they
demonstrate a consistent publishing schedule. Subscribing to a letter
that fails to keep its promises is annoying; even it's free. If the net
is indeed a community, even volunteers follow through on commitments.
GIMME FEEDBACK!! This is just 40 or so encountered Gopher-trolling and
from tips. Some are well-known, others are not. Send me your favorite
net-letters, particularly if you're the editor. Include any subscription
and archive information.
HOW TO GET THE NET-LETTER GUIDE: E-mail (higgins@dorsai.dorsai.org;
SUBSCRIBE NET-LETTER); Usenet (alt.zines, alt.etext, misc.writing,
rec.mag, alt.internet.services, and the *.answers groups). Fishing for
other arrangements. (Any volunteers?)
Far more exhaustive lists of electronic publications include:
*The E-Zine-List by John Labovitz: FTP (etext.archive.umich.edu:
pub/Zines/e-zine-list); Gopher (etext.archive.umich.edu:
Zines/e-zine-list); WWW (http://www.ora.com:8080/johnl/e-zine-list/).
*The giant e-pub archive: (ftp.etext.org; gopher.etext.org; www.etext.org)
*Factsheet Five-E; Gopher (gopher.well.sf.ca.us).
FITZ'S SHOPTALK: Daily dispatches on the TV business, both networks and
local stations by media headhunter Don FitzPatrick. Primarily summaries
of wire-service and major newspapers, but also includes some full-text
reprints. Fairly short.
How to get it: E-mail (shoptalk-request@gremlin.clark.net, SUBSCRIBE
LATE SHOW NEWS: A guy who obviously stays up way too late puts out a
weekly newsletter on the late-night talk show wars. It's biased toward
Letterman but contains surprisingly good industry dirt on Leno, Conan,
etc. (even for those of us writing about television for a living). Short.
How to get it: E-mail (listserv@mcs.net; SUBSCRIBE LATE-SHOW-NEWS
YOUR@ADDRESS), Usenet (alt.fan.letterman and rec.arts.tv), FTP
+BONG -- The official newsletter of the Burned-Out Newspapercreatures
Guild which appears to consist of a single witty and bitterly cynical
Dayton Daily News reporter. Sample commentary on today's headlines: "So
how come Nicole Simpson's dog, and the renter of her ex-husband O.J.
Simpson's guest house, were both named Cato?" Short.
How to get it: E-mail: (bong-l@netcom.com; SUBSCRIBE BONG-L YOUR NAME)
ARTNEWS: Synopsis of the print media's coverage of the art world,
collectors, museums, artists, art and government. Very promising, but
suffering multiple startup glitches. Be patient, or wait until August to
How to get it: E-mail (artnews-request@arttrak.metronet.com; SUBSCRIBE).
CABLE REGULATION DIGEST: Weekly summary of news on cable regulation
published by Multichannel News. Moderate length.
How to get it: E-Mail, distributed to the TELECOMREG mailing list.
(listserver@relay.adp.wisc.edu, SUBSCRIBE TELECOMREG YOUR NAME); FTP
(ftp.vortex.com:pub/tv-film-video/cable-reg); Gopher (gopher.vortex.com)
SKYGUIDE: This monthly's from a Brit who doubtless watches too much TV.
The Euro cable and satellite television scene. Concentrates on BSkyB but
also romps off onto the continent.
How to get it: E-mail (bignoise@cix.compulink.co.uk; SUBSCRIBE SKYGUIDE
YOUR@ADDRESS), Usenet {preferred!} (alt.satellite.tv.europe).
SATNEWS: Bi-weekly on satellite television broadcasting worldwide.
How to get it: E-mail (listserv@tqmcomms.co.uk; SUBSCRIBE SATNEWS YOUR
NAME); Usenet (rec.video.satellite).
SATELLITE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL: One issue featured usual sat news plus
an Iranian cleric's "fatwah" banning home dishes and how Pakistanis evade
government censoring of Miss Universe pagent broadcasts. Fairly short.
How to get it: Usenet (rec.video.satellite); FTP (itre.uncecs.edu:
/pub/satellite/sj); WWW (http://itre.uncecs.edu/misc/sj/sj.html)
SATELLITE NEWS DESK: Yet another satellite TV letter. The surprising
thing is that they're all pretty high quality. Headline news from British
satellite newsletter Transponder. Moderate length.
How to get it: E-mail (editor@trponder.win-uk.net)
CYBER-SLEAZE: Overhyped and a bit tedious, Cyber-Sleaze is composed of
low-grade gossip and put out by former MTV VJ Adam Curry. This address
may not be good for long (since Curry's being sued by MTV for trademark
infringement). Short, thankfully.
How to get it: E-mail (csleaze@mtv.com)
EDUPAGE: Tasty tip sheet on information technology and media issued
three times weekly. Quickie summaries primarily of newspaper articles,
primarily from the majors. Moderate length.
How to get it: E-Mail (listproc@educom.edu; SUB EDUPAGE YOUR NAME).
CYBERWIRE DISPATCH: Very high quality coverage of the Internet and
cyberspace, particularly looking at the various miscreants tromping
around the net. Editor Brock Meeks (a real reporter for Communications
Daily in civilian life) became famous by getting sued for libel by a
"make.money.fast"-type. But will SOMEONE get this man a listerver? At the
very least post it to Usenet. Short.
How to get it: E-mail on the Com-Priv mailing list
(comp-privacy-request@pica.army.mil; SUBSCRIBE COM-PRIV); Gopher
HOTT: Hot Off The Tree re-emerged with a lot of self-hype promising
articles on latest advances in computer, communications, and electronics
technologies. Great stuff, but only part one of the first gigantic issue
arrived here and and one of the principals hasn't responded to several
e-mail messages. Oh well...
How to get it: E-mail (listserv@ucsd.edu; SUBSCRIBE YOUR@ADDRESS
+BITS AND BYTES -- Good computer miscellanea. But why do so many
publications grab stuff from Edupage? On the long side.
How to get it: E-mail (listserv@acad1.dana.edu; SUBSCRIBE
BITS-N-BYTES); FTP (ftp.dana.edu: /periodic; Gopher (gopher.dana.edu:
Electronic Journals).
NETWORKS & COMMUNITY: The emphasis here is on "community" in
Internet-land. Short and less techie than you might expect. Too much
excerpting from other net sources, particularly Edupage. How To Get It:
E-Mail (rre-request@weber.ucsd.edu; SUBSCRIBE YOUR NAME)
Gopher: (gopher.well.sf.ca.us or gopher.nlc-bnc.ca).
COM NET NEWS: Newly-launched letter on community networking -- as in
public access on the highway -- by a technology market research guy. Not
very newsy, but thoughtful. Fairly short.
How to get it: E-Mail (contact rbryant@hydra.unm.edu).
PRIVACY FORUM: Tidbits about threats to privacy from government snoops
to credit agencies. Good commentary. Moderate length.
How to get it: E-Mail(privacy-request@vortex.com); FTP
{ftp.vortex.com}; Gopher {gopher.vortex.com}.
COMPUTER UNDERGROUND DIGEST: The latest news on cyberspace issues.
CUD's best when screaming about the latest hacker or BBS raid, good when
picking apart government policy issues. And give 'em credit, they haven't
reprinted the entire agenda for some upcoming computer conference
(YAWN!!!) in a few months. Moderate length.
How to get it: E-Mail (listserv@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu, SUB CUDIGEST YOUR
NAME); Usenet (comp.society.cu-digest); FTP (etext.archive.umich.edu:
/pub/CuD/; or ftp.eff.org: pub/Publications/CuD).
EFFECTOR: The Electronic Frontier Foundation's membership newsletter,
great for telecom policy updates. Short
How to get it: E-mail: send request to brown@eff.org; FTP (ftp.eff.org);
Usenet: {preferred!~} (comp.org.eff); Gopher (gopher.eff.org).
RISKS FORUM: Tidbits about the risks computers present in society. One
edition touched on industrial espionage, data escape from prison, and a
strange tale of e-mail stalking. Moderate length.
How to get it: E-mail (risks-request@csl.sri.com); Usenet {preferred!}
(comp.risks); FTP (crvax.sri.com).
CURRENT CITES: A monthly letter for library technology, composed of
pointers to magazine articles. On the dry side, partly because
of its format.
How to get it: E-mail (listserv@library.berkeley.edu; SUB CITES YOUR
NAME); FTP: (ftp.lib.berkeley.edu:/pub/Current.Cites).
+LEGAL BYTES -- A strong review of computer law issues by Austin law
firm George, Donaldson & Ford. The big snag is it only comes out
quarterly, so don't expect the latest news. Long.
How to get it: E-mail (gdf@well.sf.ca.us)
RACHEL'S HAZARDOUS WASTE NEWS: Good but lengthy weekly letter from the
Environmental Research Foundation. (Who's Rachel?)
How to get it: E-mail (erf@igc.apc.org; include name, phone # plus
e-mail AND postal addresses. Fund-raising pitch to follow, no doubt.);
FTP (ftp.std.com: /periodicals/rachel) Gopher (gopher.std.com)
DAILY REPORT CARD: A great summary of news in K-12 education. Very
newsy. Recently cut back to thrice-weekly and comes out of the National
Education Goals Panel.
How To Get It: E-Mail (listserv@gwuvm.gwu.edu; SUBSCRIBE RPTCRD YOUR NAME).
+EDUCATION POLICY DIGEST: Put out by educational publisher Scholastic
Inc., EDPOL addressing edu-politics, aimed primarily at teachers. Not bad.
How to get it: E-mail (listproc@scholastic.com; SUBSCRIBE EDPOL-D YOUR
CHOICE-NET REPORT: This sort-of-weekly comes of the California Abortion
and Reproductive Rights Action League-North, culled from clips and
announcements. Short and pretty good stuff. So far, they've kept it very
newsy (Who needs preachy?).
How To Get It: E-Mail (dtv@well.com; SUBSCRIBE CHOICE-NET); Gopher:
(gopher.well.sf.ca.us); Usenet (alt.activism, talk.abortion, soc.women).
INFORMATION POLICY ONLINE: Counterprogramming the privacy advocates,
IPO come from the Information Industry Association and covers legislation
regarding government restriction on information. Too little real news,
too many items about the direct mail industry's lobbying. But a welcome
counterpoint to the net's generally one-sided privacy debates. (I'm a
reporter; I WANT your driving records!) Moderate length.
How to get it: E-Mail (iiaipo-request@his.com; SUBSCRIBE YOUR NAME)
TRADE WEEK -- Digest of newspaper and magazine stories on international
trade by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. Strong, brief
overview. Also publishes companion letter on NAFTA.
How to get it: E-Mail (kmander@igc.apc.org; SUBSCRIBE TRADE-WEEK
+NAVNEWS: The Navy News Service is an internal newsletter published by
the U.S. Navy. News-lite, properly sanitized for the troops. One issue
discussed consideration of a 2.6% pay increase, a program track for
seamen to rise to the rank of admiral, and how one ship finally
introduced pay phones at sea. Moderate length.
How to get it: E-mail (navnews@opnav-emh.navy.mil; SUBSCRIBE
YOUR@ADDRESS; Gopher (marvel.loc.gov; Government Information/Federal
Information Resources/Information by Agency/Military Agencies)
+PHYSICS NEWS UPDATE: Digest of physics news items from the American
Institute of Physics.
How to get it: E-mail (listserv@aip.org; SUBSCRIB YOUR NAME)
+WHAT'S NEW: News, mostly tracking government research funding,
compiled by The American Physical Society. Sample headline: "DEFENSE
+PATENT NEWS SERVICE -- More news wire than newsletter, this is an
excellent service on patents, both regular news bulletins and lists of
new patents.
How to get it: E-mail (patents@world.std.com; HELP)
AIDS DAILY SUMMARY: A great clipping service from the Center For
Disease Control, the kind of stuff Internet cheerleaders can brag about
(because it's about the real world, not just insular cyberspace). High
How to get it: E-mail (ben@maggadu.queernet.org; SUBSCRIBE DAILY
SUMMARY YOUR@ADDRESS); Usenet (sci.med.aids).
+AIDS INFORMATION NEWSLETTER: A lengthy, technical bi-weekly put out by
the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs AIDS Information Center in San
Fransisco. Known on usenet as the VAMC Newsletter. Good quality, but
needs a listserver.
How to get it: Gopher (gopher.niaid.nih.gov; VA AIDS Information
Newsletter; Usenet (sci.med.aids)
HICNet MEDICAL NEWS DIGEST: Something painless from a dentist. Broad
bi-weekly newsletter on medicine by Health Info-Com Network, put together
by dentist David Dodell. One week featured sleep apnea and snoring plus
hemlock (!) The downside is conference announcements (OK, on things like
techniques for identifying corpses, but they're still conference
How To Get It: E-Mail (mednews@stat.com); FTP:(vm1.nodak.edu).
RSI NETWORK NEWSLETTER: For and by victims of repetitive stress injury
(e.g. carpal tunnel syndrome).
How to get it: E-Mail (majordomo@world.std.com; SUBSCRIBE RSI); FTP and
Gopher (world.std.com:/pub/rsi).
CFS-NEWS: Chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers. Moderate length.
How To Get It: E-Mail (listserv@list.nih.gov; SUB CFS-NEWS YOUR NAME).
LYMENET: Launched to rise above Usenet flame wars, LymeNet Newsletter
explores research and treatment of Lyme disease, a mysterious and fairly
disabling disease prevelant in the Northeast. Moderate length.
How to get it: E-mail (listserv@Lehigh.edu; SUBSCRIBE LYMENET-L YOUR
NAME); Usenet (sci.med); FTP (ftp.Lehigh.edu: /pub/listserv/
NASA DAILY: NASA and other space news.
How to get it: E-mail (pds-listserver@space.mit.edu; SUBSCRIBE YOUR
NAME); Gopher (world.std.com:News); WWW (http://delcano.mit.edu/)
+-------------------------------Foreign News-----------------------------
+ASIAINFO HEADLINE DAILY NEWS -- Daily offering 30-40 headlines from
Asian markets plus 3-5 brief articles. The business-oriented headline
service is bait to lure $$$ subscriptions for a full news report. (A
great idea!) The free version is a good sampler, but so-so as a
stand-alone pub.
How to get it: E-mail (listserv@asiainfo.com; SUB HEADLINE Your Name)
RFE/RL DAILY REPORT: News on Eastern Europe popped out by Radio Free
Europe/Radio Liberty. Very cool, but heavy volume.
How to get it: E-Mail (listserv@ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu; SUBSCRIBE RFERL-L
CHINA NEWS DIGEST: Very active news service on China and various
ex-pat communities in several flavors: Global (daily), US, Canada, Europe
& Pacific, and a magazine in some Chinese dialect. High volume.
How to get it: E-Mail (cnd-info@cnd.org; INFO)
+SOMALIA NEWS UPDATE -- Irregularly published but good; comes out of
How to get it: E-mail (bernhard.helander@antro.uu.se and ask nicely)
BANGLADESH NEWS DIGEST: Newsy compilation with clips from publications
and Reuters plus summaries of BBC World Service and Radio Netherlands.
Much better than the more common digested newsgroups.
How to get it: E-mail (dwright@metz.une.edu.au)
Copyright 1994 John M. Higgins. This list may be redistributed provided
that the article and this notice remain intact. This article may not
under any circumstances be resold or redistributed for compensation of
any kind without prior written permission from John M. Higgins. That
includes publication by magazine or CD-ROM. But if you're interested,
talk to me.
End of Computer Underground Digest #6.64