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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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BLaH <20> <20> <20> <20><><EFBFBD> <20> <20>
File <20><><EFBFBD> <20> <20><> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> Written August 3rd, 1992
#008 <20> <20>ig <20>ong <20><><EFBFBD> <20>nd <20> <20>airy
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"Identity Crisis"
<20> by <20>
Guido Sanchez
<20> <20><> <20>
OR: How to Get Any Knowledge on Anyone
NOTE: This tfile is for entertainment purposes only, and the entire tfile
is fictitious. The author does not condone any of the actions below, just
likes to fantasize about them [and clergy members]. Thanks.
{---Insignifigance, Anyone?----------------------------------------------}
Darn, I so hoped I wouldn't need to put a disclaimer in my tfiles. Pshaww.
What better way to celebrate the one day anniversary of BLaH then to make
life hell for someone? Isn't Life Great.
{---The Culprit!?--------------------------------------------------------}
Hmm.. let's take a number. Any number. Say, there's a new 708 WaReZ board
out called NoX GeO. Except, it's not really new. You see, the old sysop,
whose name was Gorp, is now going to college. So, he was offering the BBS
on disks to anyone who cared. Someone I know named <secret. you'll find out
later> decided it'd be cool to post my real information on a board, and then
set up this NoX GeO himself, COMPLETELY unmodified, with no originality
whatsoever. The sysop name is even the same. Well, it seems this little board
would be perfect for our example. Its number is 708/251-1488. Call Today.
{---What To Do-----------------------------------------------------------}
Now, let's say you have someone's phone number, and that's all. How would
you ever get more? Especially if it's a BBS number? Well, that's the beauty
of CN/A. Customer Name/Address. There are plenty of tfiles out there that
offer a comprehensive list of CN/As across amerika. The one for 708/312 <MY
NPA! Oh, joy..> is 708/796-9600. So, I call up this CN/A and give them this
number. They give me a name, <secret. Try it yourself. We wouldn't want any
legalities, now would we?> and I think "great, I've got a name". Oh joy. I'd
sure like a voice # to wardial into the wee hours of the morn. Ta Daa! 555-
1212 is information! Give them the name and city, they'll give you the phone
number. But wait a sec, what if the person has an unlisted number? Ta Daa
again! There's a wonderful little internal Bellco office called a DPAC. Find
out the number from another one of those obnoxious five-year old tfiles <the
files, not the writers ;) >, and ask for the name/address or number of the
person. The DPAC has no way of knowing if the number is listed or unlisted,
being an internal office and all. So, you've got the target's Name, Address,
Voice # and Data #. What BETTER way to annoy them then to destroy their credit
rating! Oh Joy! So, you call up your local DMV <Department of Motor Vehicles>,
and give them the person's name and address. You can get their license # and
social security number if you are suave enough, and also their date of birth
using one of those wonderful little Driver's License # programs. Fun, eh? But
what if the target has no driver's license? Someone in their household must
have one! If you can't make life hell for someone, I alway say, make life
hell for their loved ones. Once you have a social security number, my friends,
you can do ANYTHING. Go to the post office, and get a tax return form. Fill
it out with the victim's name and SSN. Send it off, returning it to a PO Box,
and voila! You have the victim's list of bank and credit accounts. Including
numbers! So now, using one of those wonderful little carding tfiles, you can
buy anything you want if you're cautious. So now, let's recap, shall we?
You've got:
City, State, ZIP
Date of Birth
Voice #
Data #
Driver's License #
Social Security #
Bank Account #s and other info
Credit Card #s and other info
Yes, with these helpful facts and a payphone, you can virtually BECOME a
person. That's all you need to know! Isn't it scary how so much can be gained
from so little? Doesn't it make you wish you had a phone number that didn't
exist, like mine? I've called DPAC and CN/A, and my number simply does not
exist. It's not unlisted, it just isn't there. Yet, I get a phone bill for it.
Great. Doesn't it make you in the least bit paranoid? Get rid of all of these
accursed numbers! Destroy your credit cards and driver's licenses! Revolt!
<cue the CIA assassin>
The purpose of this tfile is to illustrate how we are nothing but numbers
in this country, how all sense of individuality is completely gone, and to
make life hell for the owner of 251-1488. The End.
{---End of File... Safe-T-Nutz v0.90<EFBFBD> says "6050 Bytes Total"------------}
All Gin and No Tonic Makes Gweed a WaCKy Boy ...
BLaH <sigh>ts
Doesn't Exist! Neither Does This!
Nun-Beaters Anonymous | <708>251-5094 | 110/16.8k
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^
Hell Bound | <708>965-8965 | 2400/14.4k
Call today and get the latest BLaH crap. If you're interested in joining
BLaH, download the application from the above boards or wherever you got
this. Any comments on or suggestions to BLaH would be appreciated. Send them
to SERVER@STORMKING.com. If you don't get any response, dial the BLaH VMB
at 911-1827. Thanks a bunch!
To the owner of 251-1488... you know who you are! Why did you do that anyway?
It seemed so.. childish. As is the expected response. Nighty Night!
{-------------{Waist Line}-----------------------------------------------}
Anything below is propaganda. Anything above doesn't count.