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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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"also this day (sept 5) happens to be the day that one
of the greatest figures of love and compassion - Mother
Teresa of Calcutta - left this life to enter into the
fulness of life."
Welcome to another fine example of Activist Times Zine.
Well, of course that's just my opinion but the rules
of advertising say you must remain 100% cocky at all
times. :P
Wait, you mean I don't have to advertise? Great!!!
The Two Hundred Eighty Nineth edition no less. No more
either. On this day 01090923 Hours.
_____ _ _
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>| | | |( (___ | |_ | || \_/ || |\__, \| |_
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> _____
> (_ _)_ ATI zine 289.
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> (_) (_)(_) (_) (_)`\____)(____/
A little after the full moon.
And what an august one it was!
I'm behind on my zine again. Just been really busy! I'm trying
to learn LINUX and Cool Edit Pro in addition to all the other
things I normally do per day. Yikes!
I just put my Bush protest story up to Indy. Lede was that he's
getting protested everywhere he goes. Everywhere.
OK, one last thought, and I'm "outie."
You'll know your tail is prior service or active duty when he
coughs into his elbow. I don't konw anywhere else besides the
U.S. military where THAT is taught, do you?
ps: now it's 01092050 hrs. Try not to let that confuse you. :)
& Let Us
> Hello,
> I thought you might be interested in a website called youngrebels.com.
> Example of content:
> "There are many of us who are determined to live a life of peace. We're
> not supposed to recognize each other. We're not supposed to hear about
> each other. We're not supposed to think for ourselves. It's simply not in
> the best interests of the dominators. But we are here. There are infant
> minds of all types in every direction desiring a peaceful existence in
> order to explore our minds, our lives and the universe we find ourselves
> in.
> For the first time in human history, our technology allows us to witness
> the condition of life on Earth. We can choose to proceed along a
> destructive path, or we can reach out to each other and exist in peace.
> There's no reason why we should be anything other than a community of
> friends. It is our choice to make."
> www.youngrebels.com
> Please forward this e-mail to anyone interested in a peaceful future.
> Thank you
> Tom McCann
to ati@etext.org
>Dear Sir or Madam,
>The following column is from my new ezine, "The Pelican's Briefs,"
>dedicated to promoting some important scientific and technical issues to
>the public. This particular column describes a new rule that applies to
>all the media: we are subject to prosecution by the state Professional
>Engineering Boards for misrepresenting the facts in technical matters.
>P.E. Boards can punish anybody - not just engineers - and the can sentence
>people for hard time, situation permitting. I have a number of additional
>examples detailed in the ezine, on my web site at the link below.
>Thank you for your consideration of this important issue.
>Bill Clark, P.E.
Pax Romana
During the campaign season in the Fall of 2000 I was a staff
columnist with the student newspaper at the University of
Texas at Austin, the Daily Texan. I had a few columns
published, but most were rejected because they implied
the government should have something other than a political
conscience. Journalists have their in house rules to publish
only the facts, and they resent the fact that these rules are
superceded by another requirement: the facts they publish must
be scientifically correct. Theoretically, every major newspaper
should have all their stories vetted by a qualified professional
- and journalists per se do not qualify in this capacity.
I had several long conversations with Victoria Hsu, the
Executive Director of the Professional Engineer's Licensing
Board here in Texas. As a P.E. myself, I was concerned about
how my columns might be interpreted. What Ms. Hsu told me could
very well change the way the media operates.
Simply put, it is unlawful for anybody, anywhere to misrepresent
the facts to the public. The P.E. Board is responsible for
enforcing this law (and every state has a similar Board, enforcing
similar rules), and violators don't have to be engineers. Anybody
who misrepresents the facts to the public is liable, for penalties
up to and including hard time.
Consider an example. I had one column on gun control that
described how hand guns could be made safe. I literally designed
a new handgun using a few paragraphs of carefully chosen words.
If anybody other than a P.E. had done this it would be "designing
without a license" and punishable as such.
In other words, journalists can present facts; but only licensed
Professional Engineers can make inferences from those facts.
Consider another example. The FCC shut down a couple of low power
radio stations here in Austin last year because they were critical
of a big Fortune 500 conference in town. The authorities said they
were illegal because they had no license. However, their power was
so low that their signal did not go beyond the city limits, and the
FCC rules apply only to stations with a signal much stronger than
that. The authorities who shut down these stations were misrepresenting
the facts, and are technically liable for this to the Texas P.E. Board.
From my conversations with Ms. Hsu, I have no doubt the Board would
prosecute this case aggressively if one of those radio stations were
to present their case to the Board.
A few more examples: The President has implied that Global Warming
is not a problem. The Administration, in promoting only drilling in
Alaska as a solution to our energy problem, has implied that energy
conservation is not a viable technology. Both instances are patently
incorrect. The President, as a legal resident of Texas, could be held
liable for "designing without a license" and for misrepresenting the
facts to the general public. The President can say whatever he wants
about public policy. However, when it comes to engineering and
technology, what he says must be factual. It must be clear,
unambiguous, and not subject to any interpretation so as to
mislead the public. He cannot say one thing, while actually
implying something else between the lines - not if what he
says is technical.
That goes for everybody else as well -
Especially politicians.
to: ati@etext.org
You, my friend are way behind on marking up your zines.
What gives. Just summer as your excuse?
Blue Ribbon
[ed note: yeah, and a good one for our being up to
a week and a half late each week too, eh? But did
you see the full moon? What a doozy, huh?]
to: ati@text.org
288 wasn't your strongest. I wonder why?
[ed note: because you didn't participate, maybe?]
Hi there,
I was just writing to tell you that I saw your ad
while posting one of my own. You struck me as
the type of person that looks for opportunity just
as I do.
About 3 months ago I joined a free discount
shopping club, It's an online mall like no other,
It had ALL my favorite stores!
Singer C.
[ed note: what ad? We don't have any ads running
do we? Accounting, get me payable and receivable
on the giffy!!! - er, uh. Yeah, umm. no thanks.
unless your mall can get me Tom's of Maine tooth
paste refills, Brita filters and parts for my '94
mountain bike, my 1964 guitar, my 75Mhz pentium
linux box, my 1986 Volvo car or my harmon/kardon
tube stereo, I think you're outa luck there.]
& Just a Note:
ATI received more than 11 offers this week, (count 'em
12) to transfer amounts as high as $28,600,000:00 (TWENTY-
record from a couple months ago of 5.
The storm before the calm perhaps???
"Perhaps that is because while they [Europe] built their wealth
on colonial slavery, they never worked as hard as the United
States to systematically disunite and oppress millions of black
people - for a century after slavery - within their own borders."
--Derrick Z. Jackson
It was during one of those late nights that Kolody first met
a powerful businessman who, through his own intricate past,
had developed strong ties to the intelligence community.
This person was our aforementioned Tennessee contact.
As an accountant to Fortune 500 companies, he must
remain nameless in order to protect his current business
For our purposes we<77>ll call him Echelon.
Echelon studied the facts of the case and, seeing the potential
damage that a massive fraud and copyright infringement suit could
pose to Coke<6B>s bottom line, decided to help Kolody get to the next
He began by warning Kolody that he was not dealing with a
regular corporation. Kolody begged for elaboration. In a long
and detailed explanation Echelon broke down the facts of Coke<6B>s
links to the CIA and its historical role as a global front for
the U.S. intelligence community. It was this topic that had so
fascinated me upon my first meeting with him and one that I will
touch upon briefly before getting back to Kolody.
Throughout the late 1950<35>s and early 60<36>s the CIA began expanding
its operations. In order to effectively fight the Cold War on a
global scale, it needed to establish bases in every major country.
This meant that agents would need a plausible cover in order to
penetrate the borders of international frontiers. They couldn<64>t
just show up with CIA stamped on their passport and foreign
governments were getting wise to the tricks the Company had
been employing to get their agents across borders. As a
solution to the problem the CIA was able to convince Coca-Cola,
one of the first truly globalized companies with product
distribution operations in virtually every corner of the
world, to be used as a cover for the U.S. intelligence agency.
O H ! ! N O ! ! !
People pausing, almost stuttering or stammering before
saying "regardless."
You know they wanna say "irregar..."
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _
And as always you can comment or submit
Articles or whatever to: ati@text.org
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For a free subscription of this 'zine send:
Get back issues at:
See our never-official website at:
& don't forget 2 DIAL W/ CARE.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _
we end with two poems by Eve Merriam
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _
Perhaps sharks act that way
because we mistrust them.
Why don't we try loving them
for their sharkly lovable qualities?
For their shark teeth,
for their snapping jaws,
for their gulpability.
A smell
rides up on the escalator with me
as we ascend
higher and higher the stench
from the factory
stamping medals for the Nixon era
of shit cast in bronze.
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Members of the band Ozomatli did NOT ask for this.
But I thought you really should know where they're
playing the next couple-few weeks. If you miss them
I can only say "your loss."
9/22/01 Pearl Street Northampton, MA All Ages Show
9/23/01 Paradise Rock Club Boston, MA
9/24/01 The Bowery Ballroom New York, NY
9/25/01 State Theater Falls Church, VA
9/28/01 Rosebud Pittsburgh, PA
9/29/01 Alumni Hall Bloomington, IN