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HEYHEYhey, hey, hey, it's ATI!HEY
Issue #33...January-something, 1989
** YIPPIE! **- - - - - - - - - - .
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Activist Times, Inc. ATI is a
journalistic, causistic, /
/cyberpolitical /
/organization, / 4 more info?
/trying to / send SASE
/help y'all, and us / stamps???
change the world / to:
radically, in less / ATI
than two minute / c/o Kelly
increments. / BRO Box 94
- - - - - - - - - Groton, Ct.
Hello, and welcome to ATI33. In this
issue, we focus on the media and its
recent antics. As always, we have a
wealth of inspiring, thought-provoking
info..all in one little action-packed
file. Read on!
* editorial * thoughts from fah-q
FIGHTS..Just a few things in the news
in the past few months. i have been
following them very closely. i don't
know if anyone else has come out and
said it, but i am pretty sure they are
all connected. first we announce that
we are planning to attack a chemical
weapons plant in libya and a plane
carrying american students,american
military, and american tourists is
threatened and (by the way the threat
was not told to the public of the
united states,but was announced on
the foreign short wave broadcasts a
few days before the event) then blown
up. then 2 of our fighters down two
libyan MIGs. were we just on a daily
flight routine or were we there to
see what trouble we could stir up so
that we could take action and not be
the bad guy? seems to me that they
could've attacked right away. If they
were armed (and i'm not saying they
weren't),why did they just follow and
not try to lock on in the airspace off
the libyan coast? now a commercial jet
crashes again in england. could this be
all related? we don't want them to make
chemcal weapons (i see the point in
that), but we and 24 other countries
make them. they attack without warning,
while we tell them days,weeks sometimes
months in advance,so they can move
civilians. our press seems to me to be
making us look like the fools. in their
eyes we can do no right. if we down one
of their fighters, they run us through
the ringer. one of their commercial
jets comes into restricted airspace
and them is warned and signaled 12
times with out a reply or turning out
of the space,so it is shot down for
security reasons (i think they could
have waited a few more seconds...but
for all intent we were in the right)
we go wild...but let one of their
missles hit one of our military ships
in international waters and sink it.
they say "oh-we-are-sorry-but-we-made-
the press thinks that is acceptable.
my stand is this.....(and this is my
personal opinion) stop dealing with
these assholes. they take 1 or 2
americans and say they will release
them if we set 20 of their guys free?
bullshit...we tell them we will kill
their 20 if they don't let ours go.
they want to bomb one of our planes?
good. go ahead. we bomb one of their
major cities. and the PLO? do they
really think the world is gonna let a
bunch of madmen have a country,who have
stated they would kill anyone they had
to in order to get it? maybe if they
weren't such assholes and sat and
talked to the world and not blow up
planes and act like monkeys for the
world to see they might get somewhere.
! !
! personal notes !
! from your buddy!
! Ground Zero !
Greetings. Those of you who
know me are surely aware that the
above opinions do not reflect my own.
I take a different view on terrorism
and the other topics discussed. I
am not in favor of terrorism, nor do
I support or advocate any terrorist
groups in any way. However, I take
the time to understand the causes of
terrorism. This is important, because
in order to deal with terrorism
effectively, we must understand that
it does not exist in a vacuum. Groups
resort to terrorism because they are
It's easy for us, as Americans
to sit back and turn on the tube and
say 'What a bunch of crazy ragheads'
when we hear of trouble in the Middle
East. Our own ethnocentrism, combined
with a blind sense of nationalism
prevents us from gaining an under-
standing of the many complex issues
that come into play in the Middle
East. A man like Qaddafi may be a
bit outspoken, and may even appear to
be crazy. Since he's easy to poke fun
at, he has become an easy scapegoat
for the problems that exist today with
terrorists. If you believe that Libya
is deserving of being bombed, then I
would like to point out that there was
no real evidence linking Qaddafi
with any terrorist activities. After
the US bombed Libya in '86, our
gov't later admitted that it had no
evidence that Qaddafi was responsible
for the things he was accused of,
namely the bombing of a West German
discoteque frequented by American
servicemen. But, this admission was
ignored by most in the militaristic
fervor that followed the bombing.
Also, I would like you to
consider your own definition of
"terrorism". It's obvious that there
are many groups that exist whose
activities include terrorism, but
we fail to take notice when our own
government commits acts which could
be also be defined as "terrorism".
The bombing of Libya in '86 included
destruction of civilian targets, such
as a hospital for the handicapped.
Also, our government's support of the
contras in Nicaragua - a band of
mercenaries who regularly attack
civilians in a brutal manner -
certainly constitutes terrorism in my
opinion. And the CIA even provided
them with instruction manuals
encouraging VERY questionable prac-
tices. Please remember these facts,
and keep an open mind.
And..now for something completely
different that I feel compelled to
bring to your attention. A fellow
activist friend of mine subscribes to
quite a few political magazines,
leaving him on the mailing lists of
many organizations soliciting money.
One such organization called the
Government Accountability Project sent
him some very interesting information
which he thought I should share with
you folks. The following is an
exerpt from their literature:
The chicken you buy was most
probably plucked and cleaned in an
automated processing plant. So-called
"protective" government agencies are
permitting gross and shocking laxity
in the treatment, handling and inspec-
tion of chickens in these plants.
Because of this, more people could die
during the next two decades from the
filth, excrement and toxins in chickens
than died in Vietnam.
Machines that mechanically pick
the feathers, remove the entrails and
wash the chickens with high pressure
water have increased profits but have
also increased the amount of invisible
fecal contamination. Because of this
40% of the chickens on the market are
contaminated with salmonella strains
100 times more dangerous and resistant
than before.
Inspectors are being forced to
speed up so that they now have less
than two seconds to look at each
chicken. Under what is called "the new
streamlined inspection system", they
are not allowed to look at the back,
bottom, sides or insides (where DO
they look at?? -GZ), where the
contamination usually exists.
The final washing of chickens is
done in a vat of seldom-changed water
which is rarely kept at the right
temperature and is so laden with dirt
and waste matter that it is virtually
"fecal soup!"
Salmonella is bacteria. It can be
killed by thoroughly cooking the
chicken. However, a real danger is
passing the Salmonella on to other
foods through use of the same knife,
cutting board or your own hands. That's
why we suggest the following tips:
1-Keep poultry and meat isolated. For
example, rewrap chicken and place it
in your refrigerator, making sure that
the chicken does not touch other food.
2-Wash chicken thoroughly and remove
all skin.
3-Wash all utensils that the chicken
has been cut with, or has been sitting
in. Do not use a wooden cutting board
(because it is pourous).
4-Wash your hands well after prepar-
ing the poultry, espacially before you
go on to cook the rest of the meal.
5-Rinse sink and utensils with a
bleach and water mixture.
6-Cook chicken thoroughly. Do not eat
rare meat or poultry.
I hope you find the above info
useful. I did not provide it to groce
you out. I included it in this ATI
in hopes that it might prevent a few
cases of food poisoning. And I would
also like to mention that the above
information was discussed on the March
29, 1988 version of the CBS show "60
Minutes", and has led to 5 hearings
in Congress last spring. Let's hope
that better conditions are eminent.
And now for the rest of ATI....
diaWATCHmed Media Watch! iaWATCHmedia
Speaking of the CBS network,here's
a transcript of a news segment showm a
few months ago that you might enjoy:
Transcript of CBS News segment on the Hackers Conference
filmed 7 Oct 88, aired 8 Oct 88.
Anchorman ("High Technology" logo and drawing of chip): An unusual
conference is under way near San Francisco. The people attending it
are experts on a technology that intimidates most of us, but has changed
the way we live. John Blackstone reports.
Narrator (trees and outdoor scenes at conference): A small revolutionary
army is meeting in the hills above California's Silicon Valley this
weekend, plotting their next attacks on the valley below, the heart
of the nation's computer industry. They call themselves computer hackers.
Jonathan Post: "The people who are gathered here changed the world
once; if we can agree on where to go next, we're gonna change it again."
Narr (conference scenes, blinking lights): What hackers have learned
to do with computers has changed the world, for both good and bad.
They're the people who dreamed of and built the personal computer industry.
Because for a computer, the only difference between a hundred and a
million is a few zeros.
Donn Parker, (SRI International, in office): "And so, in fact, criminals
today I think have a new problem to deal with: and that is how much
should I take. They can take any amount they want."
Narr (phone central office): Telephone companies are the most victimized
because those who break into phone company computers can link up for
free to computers around the world.
Richard Fitzmaurice (Pacific Bell, in office): "You'll hear the term
computer hacker, computer cracker; we call them computer criminals."
Narr (blinking lights): But much more frightening are the hackers
who crack American military computers. Earlier this year in a lab that
does some classified research, astronomer Clifford Stoll discovered
someone had broken into his computer. He says it was like finding a
mouse running across the floor.
Stoll (in office): "You watch and you see, he's going in that hole
over there, and you say, ooh, he's going in that hole; that connects
to a network that goes to a military computer, in Okinawa."
Narr (Stoll playing with a yo-yo in a machine room): The breakins
to American military computers went on for several months. Eventually
Stoll traced them to a hacker in West Germany.
Donn (in office): "A hacker today is an extremely potentially dangerous
person. He can do almost anything he wants to do in your computer."
Narr (at conference, video games, stabbing and fighting on screen): But at
the hackers' camp in the hills, there's recognition that in any
revolutionary army there will be a few rogues and criminals. But that's no
reason, they say, to slow down the revolution.
John Blackstone, CBS News, in the hills above Silicon Valley.''
...And now, a review of the ABC
show "Beach Party Vietnam",oops..I mean
"China Beach":
The show begins with a doctor
talking philosophically into his tape
recorder about sex. Then, we cut to
a scene of some of the show's women
lying down in partially open robes, in
quarters surrounded by amenities such
as rugs, makeup and hairdressing
equipment. 'Doc' then plays golf in
preppy-style golf clothes, while a
female major in her middle years is
plauged with the earth-shattering
problem of onsetting menopause.
While one of our women prances
around their quarters in 80's-style
cutoff shorts and tank top, another
complains of a lost investment
opportunity: tourism in the Vietnamese
coastal area (Ah, capitalism's finest!)
The women, including the major
lounge by the poolside with a blender
of mixed drinks, discussing their
common woe, while a cigar-toting Col.
parachutes into the scene. He looks at
the women confidentally and blares out
a self-absorbed line about owning the
world while the women swoon.
In the next scene, the women all
stand admiring him lifting weights,
and the Col. later has individual
meetings with all three of them. He
knows no shame, using the same line
on each of them: "You have a sense of
mystery about you. I think we have
The base sponsors a luau, in which
the women adorn themselves in Hawaian
style dress. A wounded soldier with
delusions of being Chuck Berry and a
Black female nurse perform a few
numbers onstage at the luau, then we
cut to a scene of the Col. and our
reluctantly aging major in bed, mixed
with images of a base dweller surfing
on the nearby beach.
Makes you just want to go out and
enlist to go fight wars as pleasant
as this, does it not? That's the idea.
In "Club Med:Saigon", oops, I mean,
"China Beach", the glorification
of militarism takes a very hedonistic
And now a word on Drew Barrymore.
She was in films like "E.T." and
"Firestarter". And now she's in the
focal point of the media due to her
drug and alcohol problem. I read the
article in People magazine which
described her problem in her own words,
and frankly, I was appalled that even
a magazine like People could allow such
conceit and misdirected thoughts in
their pages. In the article, she
refers to several people, including her
own mother, as "asshole", and is very
self-involved in her story. People
magazine, in this issue just glorifies
the ramblings of a 13 year-old brat,
spoiled by fame, and non-repentant of
her wrongdoings.
Consider these advertisements for
TV shows:
"She was young, attractive....and
MARRIED. (Saxaphones blaring in back-
ground.) During a separation from her
husband, she had a brief affair. When
she finally went back to her husband,
she discovered that her lover filmed
dozens of home movies of their
lovemaking. And this time, THE WHOLE
TOWN WAS WATCHING. (Music speeds up).
Tonight on 'A Current Affair', we
talk to the young lady trying to get
the pieces of her life back together.
It's an X-rated tale of seduction and
betrayal, on 'A Current Affair'."
(woman's voice) "..And I asked
him, HOW can you preach against these
things when you do them yourself? And
he told me, 'I am preaching to myself
as well as the others'". (announcer) "A small-town preacher in Texas
preaches piety on the pulpit, while
PREYING on several of the women of his
congregation" (another woman's
voice, with deep Southern accent)
"My body just froze when he touched
me..." (advertisement for NBC show
"Inside Edition")
Why the hype? Seems like the
sensationalistic, souped-up yellow
journalism genre has made its way to
TV programs. These type of programs
just demonstrate the fact that TV
has completed its journey......into
the gutter.
* more notes from ground zero *
Ok, folks, first off, you might
have noticed that the ATI mailbox
is gone. Yes, it is. The reason makes
an interesting story in itself, which
will most likely be unfolded in a
future ATI. But, take note that there
will be a new ATI mailbox up very soon.
Watch for it in a few weeks.
Also, a correction. The first
version of ATI32 stated that the Wasp
was busted in connection with the
breakins of the Livermore Labs UNIX
system. This is incorrect. He was
busted for crashing Bell systems. How
was he caught? He would crash a system
and then proudly sign off with the
words, "You've just been stung by
The Wasp". It's my opinion that with
the networking that exists between
telco security, law enforcement, and
informants, it wasn't hard at all to
locate and monitor Mr. Wasp.
Nice going, guy!
More news: Thomas Covenant, an
East coast hacker,was busted last
week, on January 14th. We can't release
the details yet, but we'll have more
info on this in future issues.
And, some HAPPY news! Doc Telecom
and Raider are getting out of jail on
January 23rd! There are some major
drawbacks to the situation, like the
fact that for 3 years they will be on
probation, and for that amount of time
they can't leave California. Also,
they will NOT be geting back their
computers EVER. But, I am happy to
report that they will no longer be
That's all for ATI33. Look for
ATI34 soon, in about a week or so.
Take care, and this is Ground Zero,
saying, "Be Creative!"