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Editors: Dr. Menace
Angel of Death
The anti Big Brother association
- - - -
aBBa: The legally questionable digest for open
Disclaimer: The information in this publication perataining to things such as,
but not limited to, computer hacking, phone phreaking, drug
making, weaponsmithing, and other illegal acts is provided on a
so you know policy. We take no responsibility if you actually
do the shit!
P.S.: Don't get caught, d00dz! Have p/h/u/n!
----- -------
Letter from the head guys:
Hey! This is Dr. Menace and Angel of Death. We're the guys in
charge of all this bullshit. We imagine you are no doubt thinking,
"Oh god. Another fly-by-night underground computer hacker
magazine!" Well, we actually have a purpose for this one. Here's
the story:
One day Angel of Death and myself were sitting around. We realized
that "Hey, there are magazines on drugs, magazines on weapons,
magazines on phreaking, and magazines on hacking, but no really
wonderful compilations all of the above." (Of course, I am para-
So here is the fruits of our effort. I hope ya like it.
This month's letter from Dr. Menace:
'Sup d00dz? Well here we are...shit almost a month into
aBBa... how ya liking it? We're going to be making some
changes as to specific subject matter in the next couple of
months...make sure to stay tuned for that.
Umm from the 14th of December to the 31st Angel of Death will
be totally in charge of aBBa...I'm taking a 10 day vacation to
Miami and a 4 day vacation to the Bahamas...very much looking
forward to it!!!
This months shout-outs go to: The Chief, and Phearless over at uXu,
All of the X-LoD/H staph, the crew at Phrack, and a big thanx
to the Chief for letting The Escapade Macabre distro uXu...
later guys! (Angel of Death is kinda square...and well...and hasn't
been into hacking and stuff as long as I so cut him a little slack
ok? l8a.)
( / / /
/ ___ /___ / __
/ / ) / ) / /__) of Kontentz...
/ (___/( (_/____/ (__/ (___
Sektion I Sektion II Sektion III
------- - ------- -- ------- ---
Weapon/Bombsmithing Drugmaking H/P/Electronics
|======================| |===================| |=======================|
|The best Sektion!!! | |Make stuff to get | |Hacking into systems, |
|Info on Bomb Building,| |high. Hallucen- | |virus information, |
|Weapon making, recipes| |agenics, stimulants| |illegal use of the .|
|etc. | |etc. | |phone system... |
|======================| |===================| |=======================|
Sektion I - Weapon and Bomb Smithing
Phile #: 1
Author: Dr. Menace
Title: Sling
Date: 12/10/93
Sup dudez...The sling is a relatively good weapon that's
cheap (Even free if you can manage to steal the supplies,
which was the path I opted for. What it does is fling
things at people. (Note it's a SLING, not a slingshot.)
Supplies Needed:
Around 3' of rope.
A 6" by 4" piece of cloth.
(Yes, that's all!)
First take the cloth. You will need to cut holes in each
corner of the cloth, like this:
| |
| O O |
| |
| |
| |
| O O |
Alright, now take the length of rope and cut it in half.
now the ends where you cut the rope should fray into
around 4 parts. Now tie the frayed rope sections through
the holes in the cloth so that you have a piece of cloth
with pieces of rope coming off of each side like this:
------------------==+=. .=+==------------------
------------------==+=. .=+==------------------
Now pick up a an end of the rope in each hand, with the cloth
hanging at the bottom. You should have a little pouch formed
by the cloth, than you can put something in, such as a rock.
Using the sling:
This is kind of difficult to get the hang of, but extremely
powerful and graceful once you do. (It's great for tossing
contact explosives long distances.) What you do is put
something like a rock or whatever in the pouch, and hold
one end of the rope in your pinky and ring finger, and the
other end between your middle and index finger. Now spin
the sling above your head very fast and let go of the end
between your index and middle finger, and the projectile
should fly out very fast and far!
have phun.
Phile #: 2
Author: Dr. Menace
Title: Blow-Gun (And darts.)
Date: 12/09/93
You've probably seen those ninja movies where
the guys take a piece of bamboo and a rose
thorn and blow it at someone and it flies at
there neck, pierces there jugglar vein, killing
them without any noise whatsoever. Well this is
not totally accurate, as it ain't that simple, but
you too can do that!
Supplies Needed:
Several strands of yarn (Around 1.5" long each.)
A pencil.
A 2 1/4" long needle, beaded at the base. If that's not
available just tape the base.
2-3 1/4' long pipe. (PVC or Alluminum.) 1/2" in diameter.
Making the Darts:
Carefully twist off the metal part (The eraser too, duh.)
THen take the pin and start putting 5-7 yarn strands on it.
Then push them up through the hollow part of the head where the
pencil was. That should make a decent dart. See diagram:
>>>>>-----/ # is the yarn
> is the head of the pencil
- is the pin
/ is the head of the pin (The sharp end.)
Take the finished dart and stick it in the tube. (If it's too
small then put more yarn on, duh.) Aim the tube at your dad's
ass or something. Blow very hard on the pipe. Watch as the
dart flies out and sticks into something! Some of the pipes
will have been cut in such a way that they are sharp, when this
is so wrap it with black electrician's tape, that should fix it!
(Toilet paper and scotch tape provides a cheaper solution too.)
Sektion II - Drug Making
Phile #: 1
Author: Dr. Menace
Title: Yum-Yum Biscuits
Date: 12/09/93
Hey guys...this is probably going to be the most silly
recipe we have yet...but I couldn't resist but put it
Supplies Needed:
1 full tin of nutmeg
20 teaspoons of sugar. (Yes TWENTY.)
3 1/2 slices of bread
3 tablespoons of flower.
1 oz. of Vanilla extract.
2 cups of milk.
5 pinches of caffeine. (Or ground coffee beans.)
Now take the crust off the bread, and put all this
shit in a LARGE bowl. Mix it very thoroughly.
(And I mean VERY THOROUGHLY.) You should get a
nasty cold sweet smelling porridge. Well take
this and roll it into little balls, about 1/4th
the size of the palm of your hand. Nuke these
in the microwave (If you don't have one, fucking
get with it lamer!) for about 20 seconds, flip 'em
over, and nuke 'em for 30 seconds. Now pick each
biscuit up, and squeeze out the moisture into the
sink. Now nuke them all for 15 seconds, flip
over again and nuke for 10 seconds. Wrap them
all thoroughly and paper towels and let dry for
2 hours. When they're done eat them and have a spatula
ready to peel yourself off of the fucking wall!
What it does:
---- -- -----
The sugar gets you buzzed almost instantly, and
that gives the caffeine will then have time to
get going and speed up the nutmeg which should
fucking get you very high.
Don't take that nutmeg shit lightly. Low-funded jails
have been found to use it to reform cocaine addicts.
Too much of it will give you a cardiac arrest and kill
you, so watch it.
Phile #: 2
Author: Dr. Menace
Title: Garden Ferns made Useful!
Date: 12/08/93
You know those fucking UGLY, worthless, STUPID shrubs your
mother grows outside of your house?
Well they do actually serve a practical, or impractical
depending on your opinion (huh?) purpose.
Well these shrubs are techinically known as Hydrangea paniculata
grandiflora, of the saxifragaceae family. And the cool thing is
they contain rather noticable amounts of hydrangin, saponin and
cyanogenic which have about the effect of marijuana.
What you do is dry them in the sun (Get one of those things that
those wussy vegetarians you see in Seattle uses to dry home
grown spices in.) and crush them extremely well.
Then simply roll them into cigarettes. It'll get you high for
about 2 hours. Careful though only use 1 cigarette, otherwise
you could get too much cyanide in your system, and then...well
ya know....
If you don't have any growing outside, give the people at your
local nursery (Make sure no cool people see you walking in
there!) the scientific name and they'll be happy to supply you
with some!!!!!!!
Sektion III - Phreaking/Hacking/Electronics
Phile #: 1
Author: Dr. Menace
Title: The Rock Box
Date: 12/11/93
The rock box is a nice device that will channel music
from your stereo or walkman or whatever strait into
a fone...I know it doesn't serve much of any malicious
intent but I had wanted one for so long I couldn't help
but to put it in here.
You will notice the sound quality is not too wonerful.
Well this is not the fault of the box, and in fact there
isn't much that can be done with it. The truth is that even
though telefone lines were MADE to carry voices etc., they
don't do a very good job of it. Here's the plans:
| |
| <------+ F--KKK--H +---> |
| | | ^#^ | +----> | Line out to
Line in | <------*----+ +------* |<Fone
from | | +----> |
Speaker>| <------+ +---> |
F 3 Condensators (1070 (50v))
H 1 Condensator (1060 (16v))
<*> (Also S) 2 Switches (2-Channel)
^#^ (Also K) 1 Transformer (LUN5250B)
~o~ 1 LED Light (Optional)
Hope ya have fun with this one. The best use I've found
is to find some of the...well...less inteliigent radio
stations that still do LIVE requests, and play something like
cop killer, or 2 Live Crew or somet shit.
Really pisses them off!
Phile #: 2
Author: Angel of Death
Title: The Mauve Box
Date: 12/11/93
Okay, I have not acutally tried making this box, it seems rather
silly to me, so don't blame me if it doesn't work. I am somewhat
skeptical about this one, but I've added it to my list of
projects for Christmas break, I'll report back if it works.
Here's what you'll need to build an indirect tap:
2 tupperware or similar 8oz containers
1 small bag earth (dirt) (12oz) (Ash tray sand reportedly works better)
1 pint water
2 lantern batteries
1 nine volt battery
1 battery clip
2 SPST switches
4 ounces of iron shavings
2 polar magnets
5 feet wire
1 set soldering equipment (epoxy can work too)
Okay, try and follow this here: Take your two tupperware
containers, and fill them with an even mixture of dirt and iron
shavings. Cut the red and green wires, and splice the switches
in. From the switches, you then need to solder the wire to the
magnets. Connect the red to the positive end of the magnet, and
the green wire to the negative side of the OTHER magnet. From
the other ends of both magnets, solder wires to the batteries &
the clip. Set the nine-volt battery between the two tupperware
containers and stick the battery end of both magnets into the
tupperware. Then, connect wire to the two ploes of the lantern
battery, and place them in the same containers as the ploes of
the magnets and the 9-volt battery. Here's the weird part: add
some water to the two pots (without electrocuting yourself), and
let them sit in the sun until they bake like bricks.
How this thing is suppoesed to work:
The red and green wires are in a magnetic field which is being
charged continually by the lantern battery. (Didn't you ever
watch Mr. Wizard?) This will supposedly "pull in" the nearest
phone conversation (skeptical). When the 9V battery is
connected, the thing creates enough current for the poles of the
magnet to reverse themselves. Now, you have a phone transmitting
to one or more phones in the near vicinity. It's like a phone
tap, but legal. You can do basically all the same things that
you can with a phone tap.
NOTE: Don't try this in a large apartment building or dormitory.
Appendix A - aBBa BBS List Information.
If run a hacker related Bulletin Board System, perhaps you would like
to publicize your board to the appropriate crowd. If so, call The
Escapade Macabre and leave feedback to Dr. Menace or Angel of Death
telling us the name, number and NuP (if any) of your BBS. Thanx!
Current BBS List:
{Name} {Phone #} {NuP}
The Escapade Macabre 206-565-0786 None
Appendix B - Submitting articles to aBBa
If you have read aBBa, and like what you see, perhaps you'd be interested
in being published in our fine magazine?
If so call The Escapade Macabre and leave feedback to Dr. Menace (NOT
Angel of Death.) that contains the body of the article, the author, the
date, and the title. Most articles will be accepted as long as they are
of the appropriate genre. Thanx!
Appendix C - Receiving copies of aBBa
The best way to receive aBBa is of course by modem. However this is not
possible for all people, and we were at aBBa realize that. Very soon,
you will be able to send a couple bucks to our post office box and get
very nice bound copies of the current aBBa issue. (It looks real good,
printed on a BubbleJet Printer with high quality paper, then carefully
photocopied, and stapled.)
At some point, we do plan on making a special hardcopy edition of aBBa,
featuring bold, italics, and underlines, with different sized fonts,
hand drawn pictures, and a magazine format (Like 2600 sorta.) and
everything, but this is a long way off....
Appendix D - Contacting the Editors
There are a few ways you can contact Angel of Death and I. Here they
1) BBS: The Escapade Macabre, (206)565-0786. A WWiV BBS run by Dr.
Menace and Angel of Death. We can both be contacted their.
2) Yaki-Net: If you are one of the few people who are on Yaki-Net, try
E-Mailing Dr. Menace@2600, or Angel of Death@2600, from any Yaki-Net
BBS. Some Yaki-Net BBS's carry an aBBa discussion area, too.
3) Internet: We can also be reached by InterNet! Dr. Menace is
drmenace@hebron.connected.com, and Angel of Death is
craig@hebron.connected.com. I (Dr. Menace) am also on the Telnet
Citadel BBS's as Dr. Menace, and Angel of Death is also on them as Net
4) IRC: We will soon host a ?weekly? chat for 2-3 hours...probably on
Fridays. We do not have this totally worked out yet, but the channel
name will be "aBBaChat"...
Any form of E-Mail is acceptable for submitting articles, just make
sure you make you include the author, and subject of the article.
Also, submissions may be posted in the "aBBa Discussion" area of
participating Yaki-Net BBS's. (Please DO NOT post articles in the
Hacking Discussion areas on Yaki-Net!!!)
Have fun guyz!
[End of File]