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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
John Plaster, Major
Director of Instruction
Minnesota National Guard Counter Sniper School
St. Paul, Minnesota
You have one shot, one scoped sight, one compressed
controlled breath, one squeeze of a honed trigger. In twenty
one-hundredths of a second, you will be either a ``hero'' who
saved an innocent life or an incompetent who caused the death of
a helpless hostage. Fellow officers, department officials and
city administrators await the sound of your rifle. Possibly,
the entire Nation sits riveted to television sets for news of
the outcome. Life or death, success or failure, is only one
sensitive squeeze away.
One of the most pressured situations in law enforcement
occurs when a police sniper is called upon to neutralize a
suspect. In no other police encounter is so critical a
responsibility reduced to the perfect execution of one shot.
There is no room for error. For example, in a recent hostage
incident, a police marksman's fire hit the suspect three times.
The shot was accurate, but not precise; deadly, but not
instantaneously so. The badly wounded suspect survived long
enough to kill a female hostage before dying himself.
The point here is not to criticize one officer's
performance under incredible pressures. Rather, it is to better
understand these pressures and how to address them in police
rifle marksmanship training.
This article summarizes the critical training techniques
that can contribute to perfect performance during an actual
police sniper engagement. These special shooting exercises can
improve the likelihood of perfect one-shot performance, even
under physical and psychological stress.
The Minnesota National Guard Counter-Sniper School is a
7-day course for sniper teams, including those of law
enforcement. At the beginning of the course, instructors issue
one live round to students and caution them that during the
final course of fire, they must hit a specially designated
target with this single round or fail the course. Throughout
the training, students are continually reminded that their
success depends on hitting one target with this round.
After 7 days of training, and a 10-shot record fire,
instructors provide students with a fresh round for the one
they've carried for the past week. Then, each student is called
upon to engage one special half-size silhouette. The stress
accompanying this shot is purely psychological and largely
self-induced. No one shouts at the students; no physical stress
accompanies this special one-shot kill.
Yet, based on experience, some 33 to 40 percent of all
student snipers fail what is a relatively simple shot. For those
students who are police officers, the failure record is 1 in 12.
These are the same students who achieved high scores in the
preliminary 10-shot record fire. In fact, at times, the same
marksmen shot perfect record fires, only to miss the one-shot
kill event. In all probability, some special stress factors
affected a sniper's performance when emphasis was placed on that
one shot. But the stress factors that emerge during training are
similar to those a sniper must overcome to achieve perfect
one-shot performance during a real incident.
``Know Thyself/Know Thy Rifle''
To achieve near-perfect performance, police snipers must
develop complete confidence in their weapons and their
abilities. To paraphrase an old adage, ``Know Thyself/Know Thy
Rifle.'' Since no two rifles fire precisely the same, officers
should be issued one rifle each exclusively for their own use
and should practice firing it under many different
conditions--summer/winter, day/night, close range/long range,
slow fire/rapid fire, uphill/downhill. Snipers must know
exactly where the round will impact when set for a particular
distance. Although for urban situations the zero at 100 yards
is best, firing at other zero-distances is recommended to become
familiar with the scope or to determine if the scope has a
bullet drop compensator.
Firing only one type of round is also recommended. The
round should be match grade, preferably of the same lot number.
Based on the rifle's performance, snipers should each develop a
``data card'' that notes precisely how the rifle is ``held'' or
``lead'' when engaging targets at various distances under
varying conditions. Consistent use of these techniques develops
a sniper's confidence in the rifle, scope, zero, and ammunition,
so that the sniper knows with certainty where the rounds will
Patience and Discipline
By developing the qualities of patience and discipline
through a concept referred to as, ``This is the last shot for
the rest of my life,'' snipers become conditioned to regard each
round fired in practice as a single, final event with an exact
beginning, a definite end, and a standard for achievement.
During range fire, they should individually remove each round
from the cartridge box, load it, fire it, ``call'' it, observe
the results through the spotting scope, and then record it.
Recording each shot individually is critical. Police
snipers should each maintain a record book to note the history
of their fire with a particular rifle. Not only does this help
snipers to concentrate on each shot, but it also helps them
identify minor deviations in the ``book'' data versus their
rifle and ammunition. This generates information for the data
card. For example, a sniper may learn that the first shot fired
in practice--the so-called ``cold barrel zero''--could vary by
several inches from subsequent shots. It's only through such
exacting attention to detail that the sniper can develop into a
precision marksman who focuses not on three-shot groups but on
individual shots.
Snipers should pace their practice fire by mentally
planning each shot, then analyzing it afterward. It is also
useful to dry fire between each live-fire shot. Only five
rounds should be fired into a single target to better focus the
shooter's concentration. Also, accomplished marksmen should
fire no more than 15-20 rounds total during a practice session
to prevent them from sliding into undisciplined ``banging
away.'' By habitually applying these proven techniques during
practice fire, snipers develop the patience, concentration, and
discipline critical for precision shooting.
Pressure to Perform
Pressure to perform is purely psychological and
self-induced. It is the result of allowing concentration to
waver once the person realizes others expect exceptional
performance. It reflects a drop in self-confidence, a subtle
doubt that success is attainable.
To perform successfully, police snipers must not allow
themselves to feel rushed merely because someone gives them the
``green light.'' All doubts must be channeled mentally into
oblivion. Contrary to belief, public competition does not
alleviate these doubts. The pressure to perform when all
attention is focused on the sniper alone, by those who expect
perfect results, is totally different from the pressure
experienced during competition. During the real incident, a
sniper is competing with no one.
Again, learning to overcome external distractions by
concentration is the matter at hand. During some shooting
exercises, snipers should fire individually while being observed
by teammates, as well as when they are experiencing noise and
light distractions. Even the conspicuous presence of nonsniper
observers increases pressure during firing exercises.
Perfection Expected
The last factor, ``opening day syndrome,'' occurs when
individuals suddenly find themselves facing a situation more
real than what was expected. Police officers joke about rookies
who mistakenly trip the trunk release when reaching for the
shotgun selenoid switch. While fate eventually forgives, this
is not so for police snipers. Less than 100 percent achievement
when called upon to perform is not acceptable.
Police snipers cannot be expected to learn from error,
except in training. This is why proper training and practice
fire is so valuable. Realistic training allows snipers to
prepare physically and mentally to function during a
stress-filled incident. Just as other officers drill in
shoot/don't shoot scenarios and practical pistol courses to hone
their skills in realistic settings, so too must police snipers
train beyond ``bullseye'' shooting so that they can perform
effectively and turn the mechanical act of shooting into a
mechanical act of shooting accurately under pressure.
Taking into account the various stresses under which police
snipers must operate, exercises have been developed to help them
acquire the qualities needed to perform--concentration,
patience, discipline, and confidence. First, practice sessions
should be clearly divided into two phases--practice fire and
exercises. During practice fire, officers fire at bullseye
targets individually and at their own pace, using a
prone-support position with bipod or sandbags. They record each
shot and confirm their zero, thus preparing themselves for the
exercises that follow.
In the second phase, snipers engage specially modified
silhouette targets. Learning to focus on vital areas makes the
exercises more demanding. Therefore, affixed to each silhouette
is a balloon, either on the head or center chest. The size of
the balloon is proportional to distance--3 inches at 100 yards,
5 inches at 200 yards, 10 inches at 300 yards. By using
balloons, a less-than-precise shot that otherwise would be
credited as ``excellent'' now becomes a complete miss. And
psychologically, the instant feedback of watching a ``bad guy''
wave back causes snipers to resolve to hone their skills.
Likewise, confidence soars after repeated successes. The
purpose of these exercises is not marksmanship practice, which
the sniper has already completed, but the application of it.
To underscore further the emphasis of one-shot kills,
snipers receive only one round for each engagement. If they
miss a balloon, they cannot engage it again. This helps them to
recognize mentally the finality of each shot fired. Also, to
instill a ``pressure to perform,'' snipers complete several
exercises individually while others watch or with external light
and sound distractions. For variety, snipers fire the exercises
in daylight and at night under artificial illumination.
Interestingly, most students who fired well during the bullseye
practice have exaggerated expectations when they first fire
these exercises. And typically, they initially miss. However,
after several drills, they quickly acquire the necessary skills
for successful engagements.
The Fleeting Target
This is the most frequent exercise used in training because
it almost duplicates reality. The rifleman, who has been issued
a green light, knows generally where the suspect will appear,
but must wait until the target surfaces, which will only be for
a few seconds.
At the start of the exercise, the snipers are allowed to
see the target and comfortably ``lock on,'' readying themselves
and their rifles for what could be a long wait. Then, the
target is lowered and rotated. At some point over the next 30
minutes, the target reappears only once. Students start with a
15-second exposure, and as their skills improve, the time of
exposure lessens to 5 seconds. This exercise helps riflemen to
develop patience and concentration.
For ranges that lack rotating targets, the same simulation
can be achieved by a range officer with a stopwatch. While
pacing back and forth behind the shooters, the officer suddenly
shouts, ``Green light,'' and slaps a particular shooter's leg.
This puts the shooter on notice that within the next 30 minutes,
the subject will appear and should be fired upon. This version,
too, is conducted randomly.
Multiple Hostages
In this exercise, two similarly colored balloons tightly
bracket a third balloon, which represents the suspect. The
other balloons are the hostages. If arranged horizontally, the
balloons indicate the need for a correct adjustment for wind;
vertically, they emphasize adjustment for trajectory/range. By
adding hostages, the pressure escalates from concern for a
possible miss to concern for accidentally hitting a hostage.
Even a slight crosswind bounces the balloons about, requiring a
very carefully placed shot and forcing the highest level of
concentration. Noise and light distractions and the presence of
observers enhance the pressure applied during this exercise.
Surgical Shooting
This timed exercise elevates the complexity level of
hostage rescue shooting. Down range are three 8 1/2 x 11-inch
portraits juxtaposed on a target. At the start of the exercise,
the shooters, positioned 25 yards from the firing line, are
allowed 10 seconds to study the mugshot of the suspect. Then,
each shooter must dash halfway to the firing line, snatch one
round, low crawl the final 12 1/2 yards to the weapon, load it,
spot the correct suspect, engage the suspect, and dash back to
the finish line with the expended cartridge. The timing starts
from the instant the shooters see the mugshot. The exercise is
a ``no go'' if a shooter fails to hit the suspect, mistakenly
hits the hostage, or fails to bring back an expended cartridge.
This exercise teaches the student to focus on a suspect's face
instead of attire (to preclude changing clothes), as well as to
develop concentration, discipline, and physical conditioning.
Using photographs of similar-looking people increases the
degree of difficulty. For example, targets of all white males
with short hair, using side views of the suspect, or altering a
suspect's appearance with sunglasses or changing the hairstyle
or length of hair make it harder for the shooter to select the
correct target. When firing from more than 150 yards, this
becomes a team event that requires both a sniper and spotter
with a spotting scope to ensure correct identification.
The Simultaneous Engagement
Three balloons are arranged exactly as in the multiple
hostage exercise, only this time there are one hostage and two
suspects. This requires that two snipers engage exactly at the
same time. One officer, called the base sniper, coordinates
fire with a partner, confirms each is ready to engage their
respective suspects, and then calls a ``three, two, one''
countdown. Both fire when they hear the ``n'' in one.
For the base sniper, this drill teaches how to control
breathing in order to be able to both fire and talk. The
partner learns how to time fire the weapon so that an accurate
shot can be squeezed off at someone else's order. In addition
to being useful against multiple targets, this technique can be
used to smash through plate glass with one round and take out a
suspect accurately with a round arriving a split second later.
Noise and light distractions increase this exercise's
difficulty. Also, voice-activated radios enable two snipers to
be positioned some distance apart.
Neutralizing Shots
This exercise demands true precision, for it challenges the
shooter to place accurately a round in a suspect's neural motor
strips or brain stem, the tiny impact points for head shots that
neutralize a human almost instantly. This is a ``no option
left'' engagement, because the suspect is pressing a weapon
against a hostage and anything but a neutralizing shot could
still allow the trigger to be pulled.
Since the intended impact points are less than 2 inches
wide, this exercise should not be practiced or attempted from
more than 200 yards, although 100 yards is preferable. The
targets should be life-size human head photographs, side views
for engaging the neural motor strips (above each ear), or a back
view for engaging the brain stem. These areas should be
highlighted, both to help the sniper focus on the correct impact
point and to evaluate the results clearly.
This exercise can be made more demanding by imposing a time
limit, or by adding visual and noise distractions and the
presence of onlookers. The most demanding level would be to
combine it with the fleeting target exercise.
The Fog of Battle
This exercise pits three or more snipers against a single
target. However, only one rifleman will actually fire and under
considerable peer pressure.
Posted 100 yards down range is a single target board
displaying three different 8 1/2 x 11-inch facial photographs.
All sniper rifles are grounded on the firing line, and the
shooters are clustered behind the line, around the range
officer. On the range officer's command, one or more smoke
grenades are released down range. While the smoke builds, the
snipers study a mugshot identical to one of the target photos.
The range officer then gives one live round to each sniper.
When satisfied the targets are thoroughly masked by smoke, the
range officer issues the green light and all snipers rush to
their weapons.
Peering through rifle scopes, the snipers wait for the smoke
to dissipate enough to identify the correct photo. The first
shooter to shout, ``Got him,'' is the only one allowed to engage,
and this shooter has 5 seconds to do so. Some shooters ``call''
the target prematurely; others miss or don't even get a shot off.
Others are prone to choke up in front of onlookers.
This exercise helps to overcome these handicaps, while
helping snipers to gain confidence in each other's judgment and
shooting abilities. It can be repeated merely by having several
sets of mugshots and photos/targets posted down range. However,
it must be conducted at 150 yards or less to facilitate
identification through a rifle scope.
The Followup Shot
This exercise is actually a contradiction to the philosophy
of one-shot kills. In this drill, snipers must rebolt their
weapon instantly and prepare to re-engage the same target. Why?
Even the most perfectly fired shot can be disrupted by a sudden
gust of wind, can be slightly deflected by an invisible wire, or
can result in only a wounding hit.
For this exercise, two or more balloons are placed on a
single silhouette. The sniper is issued the same number of
rounds, all of which are loaded into the rifle. To add pressure,
this is a timed event that begins when the first shot is fired
and ends with the last shot fired. Regardless of time lapsed,
the shooter earns a ``no go'' if no balloon is hit.
Accuracy is not the sole determinant of a police sniper's
performance. Qualities such as concentration, discipline,
confidence, and patience must be honed to fire successfully
under pressure. These procedures and shooting exercises can
contribute to a shooter being psychologically and physically
prepared to neutralize a suspect--one of the most pressured
situations in law enforcement.