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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Making Shareware Pay
Shareware is an interesting concept. Basically it boils down to an
interesting paradox. If men were angels, payment is unquestioned,
unfortunately, angels don't use software. The question then
becomes, "who actually registeres shareware and why?". I have
been asking myself that question for a long long time. As a code
writer, I have heard every postulation. I have even witnessed
organizations spring into existance with packaged "methods"
gauranteed to bring results. I have seen frustrated authors
cripple their code only to stimulate bored hackers into action
who then engineer "fixes". I have witnessed ego, jealousy and
outright fighting amoung authors whose very problems should
dictate close relationships. Some less pragmatic souls are
crying "Shareware is Dead", yet, "the movement" to convince the
software using public that Electronic Bulletin Boards (the main
means of Shareware distribution) are "Virus Ladden Evil's", is
{the movement} stronger today than ever before. Why such a strong
barrage of attack if the marketing medium {BBSes} is really
ineffective? Well, I wont recommend looking under your bed every
night for an "evil corporate giant" but I will suggest that the
instinct of self preservation is alive and well in every institution
just as it is in the individual.
In conclusion, I am wary of any organizations that promise results
from membership; and that includes the Association of Shareware
Professionals. Selling hasent changed since Adam bought the apple.
Why should you spend money for techniques that are as old as man.
The rules are basic but often neglected. First, find something that
fill's a NEED. Second, show that it is AVAILABLE. And, third, ASK for
the business. It dosent matter how you re-label it, "The Pitch", "The
Hook" and "The Close" or whatever. The basic elements are always
there and, it takes ALL three, to be suscessful. If it is not useful,
even "almost free" wont sell it. If it cant be found, no one will
ever know about it. And finally, if it dosent have a price tag
affixed, odds are it will never reach the checkout counter.
Now, lets elaborate. A big mistake in finding a market nitch is to
bypass something thats been done before. Original product overkill
vrs a little creative simplicity can produce a winner. Four years
ago I wanted to write a terminal program. Everyone advised against
it. Who could possibly outdo ProCom or Qmodem. The answer was KISS
and Slick Terminal was born. [(K)eep (I)t (S)hort & (S)imple]. No,
I don't sell thousands of copies every year; but, my sales versus
time invested has been five times better than average U.S. wages.
Get it out into the marketplace. UpLoad, UpLoad, UpLoad. Don't
depend on other so called "distribution networks" to do your work
for you. Join TeleNet, get a good timed execution communications
package with automated script capability and let your computer
do all the work for you (at night while you sleep). Remember,
advertising penetration leads to market penetration. Don't just
hit the biggest BBS in every city. Frequently, smaller is better.
Finally, INCLUDE an order form file with a request to purchase!
Its that simple and it works! AVOID using hooks. But, if you
must, make them reasonable. Like, offering "printed" documentation
with registration or voice support. No, the odds are you wont get
rich. But, you can certainly support yourself and meet a lot of new
and interesting people plus, enjoy life in the process!
Gary Raymond, Author & SysOp
SlickBBS (504) 283-9785
New Orleans, La.