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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
June 1990
Roy A. C. Ramm
Detective Chief Superintendent
International and Organized Crime Branch
Scotland Yard
London, England
In January 1988, the British press published accounts that
portrayed an upsurge in Jamaican-based crime and the emergence of
an organized crime group within the United Kingdom described as
``The Yardies'' or the ``Black Mafia.'' Shortly thereafter,
Scotland Yard initiated an inquiry to identify the elements of
Jamaican organized crime, if it existed.
Unfortunately, disturbing information came to light as a
result of this inquiry. Distinct similarities existed between
what was beginning to take place with regard to organized crime
in the United Kingdom and what had been happening in the United
States for some time. The inquiry identified a picture of
ethnically based crime that was not only growing but was also
occurring in areas where policing is often difficult and
During the 1950s, while England was enjoying a post-war
economic boom, the British Government encouraged immigration to
the country to fill existing job vacancies. As a result, many
Afro-Caribbeans immigrated in search of a better standard of
living. They mostly found unskilled employment, and because
wages were low, sought cheap housing in the run down, inner-city
areas. When the country's economic fortunes changed, many in
this new work force were among the first to feel the recession.
Second-generation Caribbeans, in particular, found it difficult
to match achievements with aspirations.
Within the low-income, Afro-Caribbean communities of
London, crime is not unlike that found in many major American
cities. Living in poor-quality housing--often public or
``project'' housing--the people comprise a disproportionately
high ratio of the unemployed. Violence, usually drug related,
continually plagues residents.
Over the years, police relations with residents of these
communities have often been strained, and on occasion, violently
confrontational. Policing ethnically sensitive and volatile
areas was difficult and demanding, although considerable
progress was made in developing the citizenry's trust in law
However, the relationship between law enforcement and
low-income, ethnic communities deteriorated rapidly when a new
influx of immigrants arrived in the United Kingdom during the
late 1970s. Unlike those who preceded them, these immigrants did
not adhere to a Christian work ethic, nor did they come seeking a
better life. Rather, they came as criminals, often fugitives, to
earn money from crime. Gradually, these ``Yardies'' (1)
distinguished themselves from the local communities.
Yardies are generally single males between the ages of 18
and 35. They are usually unemployed, often by choice, although
some will claim to be involved in the music business as singers,
musicians, record producers or promoters, or disc jockeys when
challenged. Although determining the nationality of those who
arrive is difficult, Jamaica is by far the predominant country of
origin. Entering the country as tourists or to ``visit
relatives,'' Yardies usually assume false identities and carry
forged credentials. Many have criminal convictions or are wanted
by the police. Because they are known only by their street names
to their associates, they are extremely difficult to identify.
Some even travel on false or fraudulently obtained British
The United Kingdom became an attractive destination for
Yardies because of its long-standing association with its former
colonies in the Caribbean. Both share a common language and many
cultural, social, sporting, and religious values-- factors upon
which legitimate immigration is built.
Unfortunately, with the immigration of convicted criminals
and fugitives, a criminal infrastructure arose within the
community that is hostile toward the police and provides a refuge
for fugitives. Clubs, bars, and house parties that tend to
imitate Jamaican street life provide the venues for crime.
Even though Yardies find support in these established ethnic
communities, the United Kingdom is not the destination of choice
for them; that honor is bestowed on the United States. However,
as Jamaican violence and drug trafficking has grown, U.S.
immigration authorities and other Federal agencies have become
aware of the dangers posed by Jamaican gangs. The United States
has made it increasingly difficult for Jamaican criminals to gain
entry into the country; consequently, they have been forced to
look elsewhere, particularly to the United Kingdom. In many
cases, though, Britain has simply become the staging point for
entry into the United States on fraudulently obtained British
Once in the United Kingdom, the Yardies who assimilate
into the community usually become involved in drug-related crime.
Such crime is primarily introspective, that is, it is the
community itself that is damaged the most. Drug sales are made
predominantly to other residents; violence, usually drug related,
is directed toward those who live there. Inevitably, and no
doubt as a direct economic necessity, the crime spills over into
other areas of the community with burglary and robbery being
committed outside the defined areas to fund drug abuse.
In many ways, the cultural strengths of the Afro-Caribbean
communities are being debased and abused as vehicles for serious
crime. Organized Jamaican reggae parties are used frequently to
conduct drug transactions. International travel by couriers and
traffickers is masked behind the ``international culture of
music.'' Nonauthorized radio stations are prolific advertisers
of musical events where drugs are distributed.
The traditional use of marijuana has given way to cocaine
and ``crack cocaine.'' Here, the methods of production and
distribution of drugs emulates those of U.S. inner cities.
Heavily armored doors, alarmed and protected by locks and grills,
define the perimeters of drug houses. The use of pagers and
mobile phones are common among the dealers. Yet, the greatest
concern is the increasing use of firearms.
For the most part, British police are unarmed. Also, access
to firearms by the general public is strictly controlled. In
comparison with the United States, shooting incidents are rare.
The most common criminal use of firearms is during an armed
robbery, although discharge of the weapon rarely occurs. For
example, in 1987, shots were fired in only 79 of the 18,102
robbery cases recorded by the Metropolitan Police Force in
London. Of the 685 homicides in England and Wales in 1987,
firearms were used in only 13 percent of the killings, although
this percentage is distorted by the fact that one man shot 16
Unfortunately, there is a greater willingness among Jamaican
drug dealers to settle disputes with a firearm. The fatal
shooting of ``Yardie Ron'' on the streets of a busy London suburb
during the course of dispute involving drugs evidences this fact.
Eight shots were fired from three different weapons, an
occurrence totally alien to the United Kingdom. In some areas
where the unarmed British bobby has struggled to gain the
confidence of the community, some Yardies routinely wear guns as
macho displays.
It is difficult to determine by the intelligence gathered
whether Yardie or Jamaican crime is organized and comparable to
other crime groups like the La Cosa Nostra. Yet, one key element
of organized crime--providing illegal goods or services--is
clearly evident in Jamaican crime groups. Without question,
these groups are involved in supplying marijuana, cocaine, and to
a certain extent, prostitutes. They also use force and violence,
but here is where the analysis becomes more complex.
Traditionally, organized crime has been perceived to rely on
corrupt public officials to maintain its monopoly. Yet, Jamaican
crime groups do not have a monopoly, or anything approaching it.
Nor is there any substantial evidence of them being involved
in public corruption or the criminal infiltration of existing
organizations, such as unions or businesses. There is also no
evidence of any intent to establish quasi-legitimate
corporations as ``fronts'' for criminal activities.
By far, the most vexing questions are those of leadership
and group structure. Jamaican crime in the United Kingdom does
not have a select group of senior figures controlling a complex,
criminal pyramid. Rather, Jamaican crime groups have relatively
small, flat organizational structures. The rise to the top is a
relatively short step for anyone with access to drugs and the
willingness to use force. In most cases, the ``top man'' not
only imports the drugs but is also personally involved in street
Occasional conflicts between groups are manifested in street
violence, but for the most part, groups support each other. In
fact, it is not uncommon for members to belong to more than one
group. Groups are not durable and frequently break up and
reorganize. The dynamics of the groups are chaotic; the only
common denominator is the ethnic origin of the members.
The lifestyles and cultural traits of those involved in
Jamaican crime groups increase the danger to public order.
Members show limited aspirations for material gains; their
loyalty is to the streets and the so-called ``front lines.'' One
effect of this loyalty is that those who are perceived by their
peers to be successful in crime are constantly providing role
models for youngsters just becoming involved in crime.
Structuring an approach to combat these disparate, mobile
targets is particularly difficult, especially since the police do
not want to be denounced as racist and oppressive on one hand or
oversensitive and ineffective on the other. One successful
approach is multiagency operations based on carefully researched
intelligence, coupled with a sensitivity to cultural issues.
Also, immigration officers experienced in Afro-Caribbean affairs
are essential components of operations to determine true
Planning and intelligence gathering must take into account
the mobility of the Jamaican criminal, the ``transferable
culture,'' and the nature of the offenses. International
intelligence indices will often reveal true identities and
outstanding arrest warrants. Checks of these indices have
revealed that many suspects in the United Kingdom are also wanted
for serious offenses in the United States and Jamaica, including
Exchange of intelligence information has identified those
who frequently travel across the Atlantic and who are currently
suspected of crimes on both sides. In one instance, a Jamaican
crime figure was denied entry into the United Kingdom as a result
of information obtained from a New York law enforcement agency.
The individual had a narcotics conviction under an assumed alias.
Law enforcement agencies must ensure that Jamaican crime
groups do not find a niche in society, either by accident or
design. For the most part, group members who move constantly
from one jurisdiction to another do not fall into tidy categories
law enforcement agencies tend to create. Early recognition of
minor characters can prevent their elevation to positions of
power within their respective organizations. Only through
intelligence analysis can today's foot soldiers be prevented
from becoming tomorrow's generals.
(1) The term ``Yardie'' is a moniker given by the Jamaican
people themselves to someone recently arrived in the United
Kingdom from Jamaica, which is referred to as the ``back yard''
(meaning back home).