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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
alpha v0.02
 Internet Traveler Guide. The Alternative Journey.
By Yaron Bloom & Uri Hasson
June 1994
Ever get tired of the way your desktop looks? And I don't mean
the windows one! Yes... All those trashy little pieces of paper all
holding strange numbers like or Well, my
friend and I really got fed up with all that IP address crap running
'Round on the desktop and decided 'twas about time we had something
This HyperText database you have at your fingertips holds
the most of the more important information that two certified
netsurfers have gathered in their time. We have made no deletions to
the original database that we made. For example , we didn't erase the
BBSftp site branch etc'. This product is not even a `ware` . it's
just a convenient way to organise your net sessions, with a DOS TSR.
All the USEFUL info is right there for you. If there are any problems
in the technical aspects of operating this software then you cab reach us
Urihason@www-mail.huji.ac.il (Uri Hasson)
Yaron.Bloom@f411.n402.z2.fidonet.org (Yaron Bloom)
We have made no deletions in this database comparing to the one
we use personally. There are no limitations to the distribution or
usage of this database. In fact, distribute it freely. All we ask in
return is that if you have one or more address or info you think will
find their place in this database, then please send the info to the
address mentioned six lines up. ( Yes.. That's the one) . If it is
not a synonym for one already appearing, then it will be included in
the next edition.
Many months have been spent in collecting the info included
in the database. Giving it away to UltraNewbies will do
them more damage than good. We all know the importance of
netsurfing to the development of one's personality, and we
urge you give them that opportunity.
sincerely, Yaron Bloom
Uri Hasson
June 1994.