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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Relay-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/18/84; site calmasd.UUCP
Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/18/84; site ritcv.UUCP
Path: calmasd!sdcc6!sdcc3!sdcsvax!dcdwest!ittatc!decvax!genrad!panda!talcott!harvard!cmcl2!seismo!rochester!ritcv!spw2562
From: spw2562@ritcv.UUCP
Newsgroups: net.general
Subject: internet mailing summary
Message-ID: <9072@ritcv.UUCP>
Date: 25 Nov 85 18:43:12 GMT
Date-Received: 28 Nov 85 13:54:48 GMT
Reply-To: spw2562@ritcv.UUCP (snoopy)
Followup-To: net.followup
Distribution: net
Organization: Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY
Lines: 158
Keywords: internet, arpa, usenet, uucp, bitnet, phonenet, csnet, mailnet, dec enet, janet
Here's my promised posting of internetwork mailing.. There was a
HUGE amount of mail in response to the original posting.. ppl are
really interested in this... It took me 3 days to sort out all
the mail... 8-)
Here is a summary of the current information at NETSERV about some
of the networks that are connected to the ARPA Internet (CSNET X25Net,
Arpanet, Mailnet, etc.) and to CSNET PhoneNet.
Please note that the use of the ARPA Internet is restricted to authorized
individuals and is regulated by the Defense Communications Agency.
Internet ==> Internet user@host.ARPA
Internet ==> PhoneNet user%host@csnet-relay.ARPA
PhoneNet ==> Internet user@host
Note: CSNET-RELAY rewrites the address and
appends ".ARPA" to the host name.
Internet ==> BITNET user%host.BITNET@wiscvm.ARPA
BITNET ==> Internet BSMTP with "user@host.ARPA"
Internet ==> DEC ENET user%host.DEC@decwrl.ARPA
DEC ENET ==> Internet RHEA::DECWRL::"user@host.ARPA"
Internet ==> JANET user%host.JANET@ucl-cs.ARPA
JANET ==> Internet user%host.ARPA@ucl-cs
Internet ==> MAILNET user%host.MAILNET@mit-multics.ARPA
MAILNET ==> Internet user%host.ARPA@mit-multics
Internet ==> UUCP user%host.UUCP@seismo.ARPA or
Note: The seismo and harvard hosts use the
"pathalias" software to find the correct UUCP
routing address.
UUCP ==> Internet hosta!...!hostz!seismo!user@host.ARPA or
Note: "hosta" is the sender's nearest neighbor.
The sender must specify a UUCP routing path to
"hostz", a host with a direct connection to some
UUCP->Internet gateway, such as "seismo" or
Internet ==> XEROX user.registry@XEROX.ARPA
Note: Do NOT use "%" between "user" and "registry".
Some Xerox registries are "pa" and "wbst".
XEROX ==> Internet user@host.ARPA
PhoneNet ==> PhoneNet user@host
Note: CSNET-RELAY rewrites the address and
appends ".CSNET" to the host name.
PhoneNet ==> Internet user@host
Note: CSNET-RELAY rewrites the address and
appends ".ARPA" to the host name.
Internet ==> PhoneNet user%host@csnet-relay.ARPA
PhoneNet ==> BITNET user%host.BITNET@csnet-relay
Note: Some PhoneNet hosts have software that
allows "user@host.BITNET". Ask your CSNET liaison.
BITNET ==> PhoneNet BSMTP with "user%host@csnet-relay.ARPA"
Note: See Info Message sites-8 for details of BSMTP.
PhoneNet ==> DEC ENET user%host.DEC@decwrl
DEC ENET ==> PhoneNet RHEA::DECWRL::"user%host@csnet-relay.ARPA"
Phonenet ==> JANET user%host.JANET@ucl-cs
JANET ==> Phonenet user%host%csnet-relay.ARPA@ucl-cs
PhoneNet ==> MAILNET user%host.MAILNET@csnet-relay
Note: Some PhoneNet hosts have software that
allows "user@host.MAILNET". Ask your CSNET liaison.
MAILNET ==> PhoneNet user%host%csnet-relay.ARPA@mit-multics
PhoneNet ==> UUCP user%host.UUCP@seismo or
Note: The seismo and harvard hosts use the
"pathalias" software to find the correct UUCP
routing address.
UUCP ==> PhoneNet hosta!...!hostz!seismo!user%host@csnet-relay.ARPA or
Note: "hosta" is the sender's nearest neighbor.
The sender must specify a UUCP routing path to
"hostz", a host with a direct connection to some
UUCP->Internet gateway, such as "seismo" or
PhoneNet ==> XEROX user.registry@XEROX
Note: Do NOT use "%" between "user" and "registry".
Some Xerox registries are "pa" and "wbst".
XEROX ==> PhoneNet user%host@csnet-relay.ARPA
[All messages from PhoneNet sites are relayed through CSNET-RELAY.ARPA.
Thanks to Richard M. Alderson, III <Alderson@SU-Score> for corrections
to MAILNET information in the original CSNET-FORUM article. --CDM]
Arpanet ==> BITNET user%node.BITNET@gateway
Arpanet ==> CSNet user%node.CSNET@csnet-relay.ARPA
Arpanet ==> Usenet ...!user@gateway
Usenet ==> Arpanet ...!gateway!user@arpanode
gateway = seismo or ucbvax
Usenet ==> BITNET ...!psuvax1!user%bitnode.BITNET
gateway = psuvax1 or talcott
Lots of ppl inquired about this one...
To send from BITNET to Usenet, construct a file as follows...
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Start of file
HELO yournode.BITNET
TICK 0001
MAIL FROM:<youruid@yournode.BITNET>
RCPT TO:<user@node.UUCP>
Date: Current date goes here
From: youruid@yournode.BITNET
To: user@node.UUCP
Subject: gateway
< Put the text of your message here. The blank line between the sebject and
< the beginning of you text is necessary. End you text with a '.' on a line
< by itself, and end the mailing with 'QUIT' on a line, as shown below.