3816 lines
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3816 lines
191 KiB
Mike's List,Michael Panayiotakis (mpan@acrogate.ath.forthnet.gr) August 1995
Origin: Athens, Greece. List last update: 05/08/1995, 3816 lines long [+129]
August Quote : A blush on the face is better than a blot on the heart.
[NEW] --------- (changes from previous update,"N" New,"-" add/update)
New this revision :
- DEMOS, ftp site about Assembly'95 demo competition, new web site
- UNIX related, ftp site to get new Kernels for Linux
- E-MAIL, address of authors of compressing programs, updated info
- TELNET, BBSes, Youth education BBS, Rusty & Eddies BBS
- UNIX accounts, NetK2NE provider, CRCnet
- LYNX, The Ultimate Wave web site
- GAMES, web page about Pac-man games, new web page about shareware games
- ROMANCE, Jenny McCarthy web page, Tiffani-Amber Thiessen web page
- MOVIES, Drew Barrymore homepage
- LISTS, Demonews, updated info, WinNEWS newsletter
- FSP, many new sites, web sites about FSP
- TELNET, BBSes, ARC Onlines Systems BBS, Prism Hotel BBS
- IRC, new ftp site for IRC stuff
- MACintosh, Aladdin systems ftp and web pages
- GAMES, new web page with links to games
- MIDI, new web site
- MPG (AVI, etc.), new ftp site for movies
- USENET, web site to get newsreaders, etc.
- UNIX accounts, iii.net services
- LYNX, c|net online web page
- MOVIES, Sci-Fi channel web page
- USENET, ftp site to get x86 assembly FAQ
- Various alterations here and there
This list preassumes that you have an average knowledge of the internet,
you know how to use a gopher or a World Wide Web shell program.You pro-
bably already know how to use ftp or telnet, otherwise you wouldn't be
reading this list but a book about internet and unix commands.. :-) Help
will be provided where necessary.
Use the search option of your favorite editor to go to various places in
this file.If you want to search for a specific topic/category, start your
search string with "o " (no quotes).An example of a topic is "o ROMANCE". If
for example you want to search for that specific topic in the list, search
for the string "o ROMA" (no quotes).You will soon know how you can move back
and forth in this list with ease and fast.
NOTE: Not everything listed here is checked out. Most of the information
found here comes from various sources, some more reliable than others. I
personally thank everyone responsible for my sources and I apologise for
it wasn't possible to list them all here.If you want to correct, or add
something, e-mail me using the address above.
This list is PC oriented.Most sections refer to PC programs, unless other-
wise stated.
Every directory path and filename listed, must be used as typed in this
file. UNIX operating system is case sensitive and the word 'MAKE' is not
the same as 'make'.
Addresses in the form of ftp://something.goes.here/dir1/dir2 can be acces-
sed via world wide web,but can also be used via an ftp client.The site na-
me would be something.goes.here and the directory to change to,/dir1/dir2.
Addresses in the form of gopher://another.thing.here/bla_bla/ are gopher
addresses for world wide web programs such as Lynx or Netscape.
Addresses in the form of telnet://telnet.site.br:1234 are telnet addresses
for world wide web browsers.You can use telnet to login to these sites as
usual: telnet telnet.site.br 1234
Address in the form of mailto:blabla@talk.com are email addresses for
world wide web browsers (you can write a message using the browser). The
proper email address you would use in a mailer is blabla2@talk.com
Web browsers can also read newsgroups if they were set up correctly.The
actual newsgroup name whenever you encounter something like news:something
is 'something'.The prefix 'news:' is needed when you browse the messages
through a web browser only.
[IP <-> site name]
If you want the IP (number address) of a site, just use the command
nslookup. For example, if you want to find the IP number of nic.funet.fi
you should type in the prompt of your unix shell : nslookup nic.funet.fi
and you' ll get the numbers. If you have the IP number and you want to
find the name of the site, type the following in the prompt : nslookup
(IP address) and you' ll get the site's name.The command "nslookup"
should be available to every account.The number address of a site can be
used anywhere the common name of the site can be used..
Sites containing information and files for the Amiga home/personal
Ftp sites :
Gopher sites:
gopher://gopher.eunet.sk, Archive of EUnet Slovakia/Amiga Archive
o ANIME, animation (cartoons)
Japanese (not only) cartoons.MPG video files and images.
Site Name
You can also browse the following sites using ftp, or a web browser
ftp://acme.ftp.com W.B. cartoons, images, information
ftp://lisa.apana.org.au Tiny toons, animaniacs
Quick start :
Search for specific file or topic.If local archie is not available, use
telnet://archie.doc.ic.ac.uk and give archie at log on.Type prog [subject]
and after a while a few lines will appear indicating the sites where you
can find files relative to the subject.Most servers can be reached via
telnet.If a server prompts for a login, try "archie".
Details :
Once you get connected you can type HELP to get detailed online docume-
ntation, but mostly you need only a few commands to get started:
set maxhits 20 This causes any search that results in more than
20 matches to stop at 20. This prevents the search
program from running for a very long time finding
thousands of matches but with no output, then sud-
denly being done with the search and sending you
the matches for the next hour. Better to have it
abort after just the first 20 matches and show them
to you, then you can see why it's getting so many
matches and perhaps give a more precise query next
time that doesn't result in so many matches.
You can give any number; not just 20.
set search sub This causes any search to be done in case-insensi-
tive mode. The default, if this command isn't given
first, is to be case-sensitive like Unix.(It de-
pends on the host..).
prog <FilenameKwExp> Search for a file (called 'program' here) by name.
The expression is a 'regular expresion' from Unix
infamity. It's case-sensitive, so if you want any
case of "dog" you must say [Dd][Oo][Gg].
whatis <TopicSubstr> Search for a file by keywords in its description.
servers Shows list of archie servers available.
Other archie servers : (use telnet and login as archie)
If your server cannot find the name address of a site, use the IP number.
If you are using a web browser, type telnet://IP where IP is the number
address (IP number) of the site.For example if your server says "Unknown
Host", "Error" etc. when you are using
then, use the following:
Name Address IP numbers Country
telnet://archie.doc.ic.ac.uk United Kingdom
telnet://archie.hensa.ac.uk United Kingdom
telnet://archie.uni-linz.ac.at Austria
telnet://archie.univie.ac.at Austria
telnet://archie.funet.fi Finland
telnet://archie.univ-rennes1.fr France
telnet://archie.th-darmstadt.de Germany
telnet://archie.ac.il Israel
telnet://archie.unipi.it Italy
telnet://archie.uninett.no Norway
telnet://archie.rediris.es Spain
telnet://archie.luth.se Sweden
telnet://archie.switch.ch Switzerland
telnet://archie.cs.mcgill.ca Canada
telnet://archie.uqam.ca Canada
telnet://archie.unl.edu USA (NE)
telnet://archie.internic.net USA (NJ)
telnet://archie.rutgers.edu USA (NJ)
telnet://archie.ans.net USA (NY)
telnet://archie.sura.net USA (MD)
telnet://archie.twnic.net Taiwan
telnet://archie.ncu.edu.tw Taiwan
telnet://archie.wide.ad.jp Japan
telnet://archie.hana.nm.kr Korea
telnet://archie.sogang.ac.kr Korea
telnet://archie.au Australia
telnet://sol.deakin.oz.au Australia
You can use archie via email also.Send a message to archie@server where
the word 'server' should be replaced by the server's name address (or IP
number,as above), and type the commands in the body of the message.
For example if you would like to use server archie.funet.fi, you would
send a message to archie@archie.funet.fi.
NOTE: This may not work on all available archie servers.
Useful files :
ftp://noc.sura.net/nic/archie.manual (29K) (IP:
| Unix 'man'-style introduction to accessing 'archie' file-finder
| service interactively or via email.
Art in the form of images, drawings.. Art in general.
Web sites:
Krannert Art museum
Graffiti art gallery
http://mistral.enst.fr Famous drawings
http://siggraph.org Computer graphics
http://www.btw.com/dce/pix Art images
http://www.art.net Art Net (many links)
http://artaids.dcs.qmw.ac.uk:8001 ArtAIDS
http://www.canuck.com/Fire/fire.html Collection of fake stamp art
Sculpture works
http://www.gate.net/~diskart Art on computer disk
Erico Menczer web site
Horror, fear, grotesque in Art
http://infolane.com/infolane/mari Mari Broenen, abstract painter
http://www.willamette.edu/~jpatters/art Photography mainly
http://bazaar.com/Art/mendoza.html Antonio Medoza's Digital Art
Gallery at Underground.Net
Photographs of paintings
http://amanda.physics.wisc.edu/show.html Internet art show by Jacobsen
Electronic artworks
http://www.mcs.net/~wallach/arthole.html Virtual gallery, Internet art
http://www.3w.com/art The ArtNet
http://www.artn.nwu.edu (Art)^n Laboratory
http://www.ipp.com/ipp/art.html Art Studio - various artists
http://www.terra.net/artonline/index.html ArtOnline - ethnic prints
Atelier Nord, electronic art
Chez Rampart Art Gallery
EEG's Digital Picture Archive
Fineart Online
The Lincoln OnLine Gallery
http://www.uio.no/~mwatz/art/gallery Marius Watz' Art Gallery
http://sunsite.unc.edu/otis/otis.html OTIS, Online art gallery
http://www.tagsys.com/Ads/Morton/index.html Sandra Morton Fine Arts
shows her Bali Collection...
The Electric Gallery
http://wentworth-art.com Wentworth Gallery
Art Source
ArtWorld - information service
http://www.wimsey.com/anima/ATLAShome.html ATLAS Arts and wimsey's ANIMA
Banned Books Online
http://www.solutionsrc.com/PHOTOPIA Photopia
Le WebLouvre,Famous exhibition
http://rubens.anu.edu.au ArtServe
A hypermedia exhibit of Amiga-
generated art (images, movies)
Postmodern Culture, the online
http://www.bradley.edu/exhibit/index.html Digital Photography '94
http://rubens.anu.edu.au Art-History-related images
http://heiwww.unige.ch:80/art/Giger H.R.Giger art gallery
Gopher sites:
Art Gallery, links
The Kandinsky Image Archive
Online Photo Gallery
Ftp sites:
ftp://siggraph.org Computer graphics
ftp://aug3.augsburg.edu/files/jpeg Get monalisa.jpg and other (?)
great pictures
Ascii art, ascii animations, etc.
Web sites:
For those who don't have access to web :
Sites or information related to universe.
Ftp sites : ftp://jplinfo.jpl.nasa.gov/news
Web sites : http://sir.univ-rennes1.fr/ASTRO/astro13e.html
Gopher sites : gopher://stsci.edu Space Telescope electronic
information system
gopher://gopher.uic.edu University of Illinois
gopher://gopher.adfa.oz.au Astronomy topics and more)
Telnet sites : telnet://bbhost.hq.eso.org Login: esobb
See also: NASA, TELNET - Libraries
Get books/information about books in ascii format, via ftp, gopher or
world wide web.
Using gopher : gopher://ora.com O'Reilly and Associates (publisher)
gopher://ftp.spies.com Wiretap/Online Library
Using Ftp : ftp://mrcnext.cso.uiuc,edu/etext
Many books in electronic format,
Project Gutenberg
Using Web : http://www.netsurf.com/books
(Reviews of Books about internet)
(McGraw-Hill book company)
(Frederick Roeber's unofficial Gutenberg Master Index)
Contact them via email:
O'Reilly & Associates mailto:adv1@gnn.comm
o COMPANIES, industries, etc.
Sites, general information for well known companies or publishers.
Ftp sites:
ftp://ftp.creaf.com/pub/creative Creative Labs site
ftp://american.megatrends.com/pub American Megatrends (AMI)
ftp://ftp.microsoft.com Microsoft site
ftp://ftp.borland.com Borland site
ftp://ftp.cirrus.com/pub/support/desktop Cirrus Logic
ftp://ftp.usr.com USRobotics site
ftp://ftp.qdeck.com Quarterdeck site
ftp://software.watson.ibm.com IBM ftp site
ftp://ftp.adaptec.com Adaptec Inc
ftp://ftp.autodesk.com Autodesk Inc
| Novell Applications
ftp://ftp.wdc.com Western Digital Corp.
ftp://ftp.intel.com Intel site
ftp://ftp.symantec.com Symantec ftp site
ftp://ftp.boca.com Boca Research
Web sites:
http://www.creaf.com Creative Labs
http://www.demon.co.uk/cluk Creative Labs Europe
http://www.sgi.com Silicon Graphics server
http://www.ibm.com IBM web server
http://www.apple.com Apple Homepage
http://www.microsoft.com Microsoft www pages
http://www.sony.com SONY web site
http://www.diamondmm.com Diamond Multimedia
http://www.lotus.com Lotus
http://www.adobe.com Adobe systems Inc
http://www.internex.com/DTP/Aldus.html Aldus Corp.
http://www.aol.com America On-Line
http://www.atitech.ca ATI Technologies Inc
http://www.bsdi.com OR
http://www.berksys.com Berkeley Systems
http://www.borland.com Borland International
http://www.ccmail.com cc:Mail Inc
http://www.claris.com Claris Corp
http://www.compaq.com Compaq computer corp.
http://www.compuserve.com Compuserve
http://www.coolsoft.com Cool Software
http://www.us.dell.com Dell Computer Corp.
http://xmission.com/~wwwads/delphi.html Delphi
http://www.digital.com OR
http://www.dec.com Digital Equipment Corp.
http://www.frontiertech.com Frontier Technologies Corp
http://www.genie.com Genie Information Systems
http://www.intercon.com Intercon
Semiconductor Corp
http://mcom.com/mosaic Netscape Communications Corp.
http://www.novell.com Novell Inc.
http://www.oberon.com Oberon Software
http://www.qdeck.com Quarterdeck Office Systems Inc
http://www.ssi1.com Silicon Systems
http://www.spry.com Spry Inc
http://www.spyglass.com Spyglass
http://www.supra.com Supra Corporation
http://www.symantec.com Symantec Corp
http://www.telebit.com Telebit Corp.
http://www.wdc.com Western Digital Corp
Zenith Data Systems
http://www.zyxel.com Zyxel USA
http://www.quantum.com Quantum manufacturer
Telnet :
telnet://hpcvbbs.cv.hp.com (login: new) Hewllet Packard BBS
Gopher :
gopher://ns.novell.com Novell Netware archive
Email, Compuserve accounts :
Note: See Email topic later on this list for info on how you can
send a message to a Compuserve Account via internet email.
Quarterdeck support service mailto:support@qdeck.com
America OnLine Inc mailto: info@aol.com or
mailto: ahotline@aol.com
American Megatrends mailto:robs@internet.megatrends.com
ASP Assoc. of Shareware Profess. 72050,1433 (Compuserve)
ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536 (Compuserve)
ATI Technologies Inc. 74740,667 (Compuserve)
Autodesk Inc 71241,2067 (Compuserve)
Berkeley Systems Inc mailto:osw@berksys.com
Boca Research 75300,2672 (Compuserve)
Borland mailto:customer-support@borland.com
Cardinal Technologies Inc mailto:cardtec@aol.com
cc:Mail Inc mailto:marketing@ccmail.com
Compaq Computer Corp mailto:support@compaq.com
CompuServe Inc 70006,101 (Compuserve :))
Cool Software Inc mailto:ronl@coolsoft.com
Dell Computer Corp. mailto:support@dell.com
Delphi mailto:INFO@delphi.com
Delphi Internet Services mailto:askdelphi@delphi.com
Dvorak Development 71333,11 (Compuserve)
E-Tech Research Inc 74774,301 (Compuserve)
EINet mailto:winweb@einet.net
Ensoniq Corp mailto:davep@ensoniq.com
Epson America Inc 70205,1152 (Compuserve)
Frontier Technologies Corp mailto:tcptech@FrontierTech.com
General Videotex Corp mailto:bix@genvid.com
Genie Information Services Inc mailto:feedback@genie.geis.com
Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc mailto:tech_support@hayes.com
Hercules Computer Technology Inc mailto:hercules@netcom.com
ImagiSoft Inc 70632,1177 (Compuserve)
Impact Software 71630,1703 (Compuserve)
Impressions Software Inc 71333,463 (Compuserve)
Intellicorp mailto:vajda@intellicorp.com
Intercon mailto:info@intercon.com
Irwin Computer Engineering 71370,1513 (Compuserve)
MVP Software 70363,15 (Compuserve)
National Center for Supercomp. Appl mailto:mosaic-w@ncsa.uiuc.edu
NetCom On-Line mailto:info@netcom.com
Netscape Communications Corp. mailto:info@mcom.com
Novell Inc mailto:ftp@novell.com
Omen Technology mailto:caf@omen.com
Packard Bell ELectronics Inc 76711,503 (Compuserve)
PC Computing mailto:yli-ron@pcc.ziff.com
PCX 70216,174 (Compuserve)
Pearl America Inc 71043,674 (Compuserve)
Photodex Corp mailto:photodex@netcom.com
Pkware Inc mailto:PKWARE.Inc@mixcom.com
Practical Peripherals 70007,4074 (Compuserve)
RCCO Research. 71053,55 (Compuserve)
Silicon Systems 72451,327 (Compuserve)
Spry Inc mailto:sales@spry.com or
Spyglass Inc mailto:info@spyglass.com
Supra Corporation mailto:supratech@supra.com
Telebit Corp mailto:info@telebit.com
US Robotics Inc mailto:support@usr.com or
Voyetra Technologies 71141,3422 (Compuserve)
Websters Lexxicon Publishing Corp mailto:sales@websters.com
Zyxel USA mailto:brentm@hydra.sdsc.edu
Programs that show off the abilities of today's PC computers.
Official demo site is now ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/demos .Check also
previous official demo site ftp://ftp.eng.ufl.edu/demos which won't
be there for long..
Mirrors : ftp://ftp.luth.se/pub/msdos/demos
ftp://ftp.luth.se/pub/msdos/demos_upload (for uploads)
Ftp sites : ftp://ftp.uniserv.com/pub/gamesnet/pure Pure releases
Web sites : ftp://ftp.eng.ufl.edu/demos/dw/dw.html
ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/demos/dw/dw.html (unchecked)
http://mits.mdata.fi/~jpm/emf.html EMF demogroup page
http://www.mcs.com/~trixter/html/demos.html PC Demos Explained
Hypnosis web page
Nostalgia web page
Success web page
Demo Scene photos
Various demo files can also be found at
ftp://ftp.mpoli.fi/starport or
Helpful files :
ftp://bitnic.educom.edu/ANONYMOU/EMAIL.GUIDE (48K) (
ftp://hydra.uwo.ca/LIBSOFT/LISTSERV_GUIDE.TXT (95K) (
| A Resource Guide to Listservers, BITNET, Internet, and Usenet
ftp://hydra.uwo.ca/LIBSOFT/EMAIL_SERVICES.TXT (15K) (
| Services Available via Standard E-Mail
ftp://hydra.uwo.ca/LIBSOFT/email_address.txt (15K) (
| List of techniques for finding somebody's e-mail address given
| the name.
All e-mail messages have a limit of 64KB each for most mailers.
o ANONYMOUS mail.You can send a message to everywhere in the world,
anonymously, using the services of anon.penet.fi.You can even send
messages to Usenet areas.. (only those that are received at penet.fi
though).. For more details,send a message to mailto:help@anon.penet.fi
with the word "help" in the body of the message.
The same text in German is available from mailto:german@anon.penet.fi
(deutsch@anon.penet.fi) or in Italian from mailto:italian@anon.penet.fi
o Anti-virus programs : Support for various anti-viruses programs and
virus infections.
Scan 2.x.x : (McAfee productions)
mailto:support@mcafee.com : support
mailto:virus_research@cinnamon.mcafee.com : virus samples or false
F-Prot : (Fridrik Skulason)
mailto:support@complex.is : technical support and samples of new
mailto:sales@complex.is : orders and related subjects
mailto:frisk@complex.is : private E-mail to Fridrik Skulason
ThunderBYTE North :
mailto:bondt@dutiws.TVI.TUDelft.NLs : No details known.Ask for more
o CIX : Send e-mail to everyone that owns an account in the commercial
network service CIX, via internet e-mail. The address would be
alias@cix.compulink.co.uk where alias is the CIX nickname of the
o Compressors : Email addresses for authors of various shareware [..]
compressing programs.
AIN : mailto:100125.3526@compuserve.com (Transas Marine Ltd.)
AR : mailto:74050.1022@compuserve.com (Haruhiko Okumura)
ARJ : mailto:robjung@world.std.com (Robert K Jung)
ARJZ : mailto:Bulat.Ziganshin@f10.n5049.z2.fidonet.org
ARX : mailto:mkosior@acad.bryant.edu (Michael A. Kosior)
CODEC : mailto:telvox.teleinf@bologna.nettuno.it (Telvox Teleinform)
CRUSH : mailto:100031.3537@compuserve.com (J Rollason)
GZIP : mailto:jloup@chorus.fr (Jean-loup Gailly)
HA : mailto:harri.hirvola@vaisala.infonet.com (Harri Hirvola)
HAP : mailto:feldmann@xs4all.nl (Harald Feldmann)
HPACK : mailto:pgut@cs.aukuni.ac.nz (Peter Gutmann)
HYPER : mailto:in307@dhafeu11.bitnet (P. Sawatzki)
INFOZIP: mailto:info-zip@wkuvx1.bitnet (Info-ZIP)
JRCHIVE: mailto:jrsys@io.org (JAYAR Systems)
LHARC : mailto:coo236@sinet.ad.jp (Haruyasu Yoshizaki)
LIMIT : mailto:jlim@cs.stanford.edu (J Y Lim)
MDCD : mailto:76676.1362@compuserve.com (Mike Davenport)
PKZIP : mailto:support@pkware.com (Pkware Inc.)
PUT : mailto:73057.3113@compuserve.com (Jim Hass)
QUANTUM: mailto:davids@cruzio.com (Cinematronics)
SQWEZ : mailto:74131.1704@compuserve.com (Jim Miller)
SQZ : mailto:Jonas.Hammarberg@p24.f107.n200.z2.fidonet.org
RAR : mailto:as@hq.icb.chel.su (Eugene Roshal)
UC2 : mailto:desk@aip.nl (Ad Infinitum Programs)
X1 : mailto:sv@id.dtu.dk (Stig Valentini)
YAC : mailto:as@ashurna.msk.ru (Alexander Shurna)
ZOO : mailto:dhesi@bsu-cu.bsu.edu (Rahul Dhesi)
If any of the above addresses has changed, please email me.
o Compuserve : Send e-mail to everyone that owns an account in compu-
serve, via internet e-mail.Just replace the comma with a full stop
and send it to first.second@compuserve.com.Where first,second is
the actual compuserve account.For example if you want to send an
e-mail to 100021,3321, you should write to 100021.3321@compuserve.com
NOTE: Be careful when using this service.I don't know whether every
account in Compuserve accepts email from internet (for technical
or other, reasons).
o FidoNET : You can send a message using internet to a person that
is a point or a node in the FidoNET message netwrok.For example if
you want to send a message to John Smith whose address is 1:2/3.4
you would send a message to john.smith@p4.f3.n2.z1.fidonet.org
Note that this gateway has serious problems and don't use it for
reasons of high importance.
o FILES By E-MAIL : Obtaining files by e-mail
o EXAMPLE : mailto:ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com (FTP from specified host)
See below for other servers.
For details, send an e-mail to ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com (with help
as the body of the message).
To receive files, or listings of directories, you should send a
message to ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com with ftp-by-mail commands in
the body of the message.
Commands you can use in the body of the message (one per line):
reply <MAILADDR> set reply addr, since headers are usually
connect [HOST [USER [PASS [ACCT]]]]
defaults to gatekeeper.dec.com, anonymous
ascii files grabbed are printable ascii
binary files grabbed are compressed or tar or both
chdir PLACE "get" and "ls" commands are relative to PLACE
(only one CHDIR per ftpmail session, and it
executes before any LS/DIR/GETs)
compress compress binaries using Lempel-Ziv encoding
compact compress binaries using Huffman encoding
uuencode binary files will be mailed in uuencode format
btoa binary files will be mailed in btoa format
chunksize SIZE split files into SIZE-byte chunks (def: 64000)
ls (or dir) PLACE short (long) directory listing
index THING search for THING in ftp server's index
get FILE get a file and have it mailed to you
(max 10 GET's per ftpmail session)
quit terminate script, ignore rest of mail message
e.g. to get pkz204g.exe from /pc/arcers at garbo.uwasa.fi, enter the
following as the body of your e-mail message addressed to
mailto:ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com ...
connect garbo.uwasa.fi
chdir /pc/arcers
get pkz204g.exe
And you should get an uuencoded copy of pkz204g.exe in the mail
some hours later (the amount of time needed may vary).
o mailto:ftpmail@ftp.sunet.se (FTP from local host, ONLY)
Send a message to the address ftpmail@ftp.sunet.se with the word
"help" in the body of the message for more information.
You'll get directions on how you can get files from ftp.sunet.se
o mailto:ftpmail@easy.nl (FTP only from local host - BBS)
To use the 'FTP-by-mail' service you must send a message to our hub
BBS EASYBOARD at 'ftpmail@easy.nl'. In the messages text put the
commands which you want executed, put one command per line. Start
with the command with the BEGIN keyword and end with END.
The valid commands for the FTPMAIL services are as follows:
HELP - This list of commands
GET <area> <file> - Retrieves a file
GET <area>\<file> - Retrieves a file
GET <area>/<file> - Retrieves a file
LIST - List all file areas
LIST <area> - List all files in that area
DIR - List all file areas
DIR <area> - List all files in that area
The following <area> names are valid on the EASYBOARD system:
CUFILES - Communiqu<71> Communications Terminal
RAFILES - RemoteAccess Support Directory
MCSFILES - Motor City Software Utilities for RA
XPRESS - Silver Xpress Offline Reader and Doors
FDFILES - FrontDoor, the fidonet compatible email program
FDUTILS - FrontDoor Utilities
PKWARE - Pkware Datacompression Programs
E.g. This gives you a list of all FTP'able files in the Communiqu<71>
o mailto:mail-server@cs.ruu.nl (FTP from local server only)
Send a message to mail-server@cs.ruu.nl with the contents:
send HELP
to get information on the offered service.
o mailto:mailserver@nic.funet.fi (FTP from nic.funet.fi only)
Send message with the word "help" (no quotes) in the body of the
message for information.
To receive various files or directory listings, send a message to
mailserver@nic.funet.fi.. in the body of the message, you can use
the following commands : (one per line)
REPLY-TO return-mail-path If you don't trust your mailer...
PARTSIZE <sizeexpr> Delivery partitioning mechanism.
(Command alias: SIZE) (Default: 64k, max: 1M)
PARTS <part list> If only few parts are needed for
(Alias: PART) multipart request retry, this can
be used to pick only that/those.
MAILQUOTA <sizeexpt> Delivery limitation mechanism
Default limit 1M -- 1 MB worth mail.
ENCODER <keyword> Delivery encoding option
LOCATE <regexp-pattern> Locate files by case insensitive
(Command alias: FIND) regexp search.
CHDIR <path> Change default directory to new one.
PWD (no arguments) Show current default directory.
SEND filepath | dirpath Sends a file/dirfull of files with
(Alias: SENDME) present packing and encoding.
ARCHIE <arguments> A PROSPERO archie interface
DIR <ls args> Gives directory listing.
(Command alias: LS) Default is short format `ls'
listing! Not `ls -l' !
o Other ftpmail servers (similar to the EXAMPLE server above) follow.
Send message with the word "help" in the body of the message.
Finland (Garbo) mailto:ftpmail@garbo.uwasa.fi
France mailto:ftpmail@grasp.insa-lyon.fr
Australia mailto:ftpmail@cs.uow.edu.au
Germany mailto:ftpmail@ftp.uni-stuttgart.de
Great Britain mailto:ftpmail@doc.ic.ac.uk
Ireland mailto:ftpmail@ieunet.ie
Sweden mailto:ftpmail@luth.se
USA mailto:ftpmail@sunsite.unc.edu
USA mailto:ftpmail@ftp.uu.net
o FILESERV : FILESERV is Sam Houston State University's automated file
distribution service which uses electronic mail facilities to deliver
files.Send message
HELP (in the body of the message)
Get file FILESERV_HELP.TXT for help regarding FILESERV.
o Finger by e-mail : You can use the unix command finger by sending a
message to mailto:dlangley@netcom.com with a subject of "#finger
user@site" (without the quotes).You can send a message to the same
address with a subject line "#help" to get more details.
o Oracle : Send questions to mailto:oracle@cs.indiana.edu and you'll get
some strange but helpful answers ! (-: The subject of the message must
be "tell me" (no quotes).For details send an empty message with a sub-
ject of "help" (no quotes) to the same address.
You have to answer a question yourself, too !!
o TOP 100 GAMES : You can get the internet top 100 games list from
o PCFORMAT magazine : Best selling UK magazine for PC computers.You
can contact the editors via the following addresses :
mailto:dslingsby@futurenet.co.uk (for letters)
mailto:kbath@futurenet.co.uk (about the CD included in the magazine)
mailto:ericketts@futurenet.co.uk (for anything else)
See also : LISTS, USENET
Known sites for various software emulators of older 8bit/16bit machines
and more..
For Mac:
ftp://ftp.ardi.com/pub/executor-faq.ascii FAQ for Executor emul.
ftp://vorlon.mit.edu/pub/ardi/Executor_DOS Macintosh Executor
emulator for the PC
For Spectrum:
ftp://ftp.ijs.si, /pub/zx
For Commodore:
watson.mbb.sfu.ca, port 21 [FSP] Commodore 64 emulator and files
ftp://frodo.hiof.no Commodore 64 emulator, mirror sites
ftp://apricot.com |
ftp://ftp.netcom.com |
ftp://ftp.giga.or.at |
http://www.engr.wisc.edu/~conover/c64.html C64 Emulator web page
http://www.engr.wisc.edu/~conover/lennon/ftpfiles/pub/c64/games (?)
For Amstrad:
ftp://ftp.nvg.unit.no/pub/cpc Amstrad emulator site
Games by Vortex Software
ftp://ftp.ibp.fr/pub/amstrad -"-
ftp://math.uni-hamburg.de/pub/pc/cpc_emu Mirror of sunshine and
For Oric:
Euphoric Oric emulator for PC
Oric emulator for Unix/X11 (newer
version may be available)
For MSX:
ftp://riaph.irkutsk.su Games for the MSX emulator
For CP/M:
ftp://ftp.demon.co.uk/pub/cpm Software for CP/M machines
Alternative file transfer protocol to ftp.It's slower but more robust.
ftp.mpoli.fi port 21 Starport BBS - Demos,sound
ftp.sunet.se port 13021 Pretty big site (SimTel mirror)
| port 21 /graphics/pictures/people for
great pictures
| port 2141 Music files & astro images
atlas-f.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de port 21
dolphin.csudh.edu port 21 Apple Unix (A/UX)
doomgate.cs.buffalo.edu port 21 Doom/Heretic/DoomWeb info
fsp.idsoftware.com port 21 ID software site
fsp.inf.utfsm.cl port 21 GNU mirror, Linux Distributions,
some MSDOS and Windows software,
fsp sources
fsp.luth.se port 6969
ftp.bilkent.edu.tr port 21 Amiga,GIF,GNU,Linux
ftp.cs.uni-sb.de port 21 Unix related stuff
ftp.cse.ucsc.edu port 21
ftp.duke.edu port 21 X11R6, GNU
ftp.germany.eu.net port 2001 Big German archive
ftp.metu.edu.tr port 21 Windows, Linux, Novell, Banyan
ftp.tu-clausthal.de port 21 Atari/Linux/Amiga/Dos/TeX
ftp.uni-mannheim.de port 21 Various (Linux, GNU, mosaic)
ftp.wi.leidenuniv.nl port 21 PC audio; Research reports
genie.lut.ac.uk port 21
glau.student.harvard.edu port 88 mods, OmniFSPd
hal.gnu.ai.mit.edu port 21 GNU Alpha releases
infant2.sphs.indiana.edu port 21 Netrek stuff
info2.rus.uni-stuttgart.de port 21 TeX Archive
mosaic.cs.caltech.edu port 21 BSD386/Usenet
nctuccca.edu.tw port 21 Largest server in ASIA
nirvana.imo.physik.uni-muenchen.de port 21 Computer simulation of
membranes, Parallel computing,
and neural networks.
src.doc.ic.ac.uk port 21 Sunsite
terra.stack.urc.tue.nl port 21
wuarchive.wustl.edu port 21 Amiga/IBM/Unix
xmission.com port 21 Internet Access for Utah
About FSP:
http://www.ee.ualberta.ca/~charro/fsp List of fsp sites
Great sites : ftp://ftp.uni-paderborn.de
To get a list of the latest uploads from SimTel or its mirrors, read
the file FILES.IDX in /pub/msdos directory.(See Also: SimTel section)
Browse also the following :
Specific files via FTP:
ftp://ftp.wustl.edu/pub/msdos_uploads/modplayers for latest DMPC
ftp://ftp.uml.edu Apogee official site.
ftp://tsx-11.mit.edu Official Linux site
ftp://nic.funet.fi/pub/gnu GNU programs
ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com/pub/GNU |
ftp://ftp.uu.net/systems/gnu |
ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/systems/gnu |
ftp://nic.funet.fi/pub/drivers for various drivers (cdrom, etc.)
ftp://ftp.cis.ksu.edu/pub/pictures for various images
ftp://ucselx.sdsu.edu/pub/doc/etext/world.text CIA World factbook
(newer versions may exist by the time you read this)
ftp://ftp.spies.com/library/fringe/ufo/build.ufo (!!)
ftp://cathouse.org/pub/cathouse/humor/standup Various quotes
ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/pics for various graphics files
ftp://pomona.claremont.edu/pub Graphics
ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/pictures Various images
ftp://ftp.mpoli.fi/hardware Various drivers and utils for cdrom,
graphics cards, hard disks, etc.
ftp://ftp.pkware.com Pkware programs (Pkzip, Pkpak etc.)
ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/turbopas SWAGs - Great source code for Pascal
ftp://ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/pack Various compression programs
ftp://ftp.kiae.su/msdos/arcers |
ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/arcers |
This address was put there because it links to various ftp sites:
http://www.mi.net/act/act.html for compression programs and
information about them.ACT list.
TRICKLE/FTP server: telnet://vm.ege.edu.tr:1953 []
All files are sent to you at the email address you give at logon, or
at the ftp site (accepting anonymous login) you specify.For help,email
Official games site is ftp://ftp.ulowell.edu Check it out.
Check out, also :
---> /msdos/games
ftp://ftp.epicgames.com Epic Megagames ftp site
ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com ID ftp site
ftp://ftp.ea.com Electronic Arts ftp site
ftp://altair.stmarys-ca.edu/pub/tradewars Tradewars ftp site
Telnet sites:
telnet://chess.lm.com:5000 Chess server
login: guest - Backgammon server
login: games - Games server
telnet://ics.uoknor.edu:5000 Internet Chess server
FIBS backgammon server
Fsp sites:
fsp.idsoftware.com port 21 ID fsp software site
Web sites :
Games Domain provides information and FAQs about games.Solutions, links
to game demos and internet on-line games, like chess etc. Pointers to
web homepages and various game sites.
Use web to log on to http://wcl-rs.bham.ac.uk/GamesDomain
Also :
http://www.primenet.com Easy access to great demos and reviews
http://www.epicgames.com Epic Megagames web site
Email :
Read Email, Contacting Compuserve accounts via internet email first
if you want to contact anyone with a Compuserve account.
o Epic Megagames : Help at mailto:help@epicgames.com
o ID software : Help at mailto:help@idsoftware.com
o Strategic Simulations (SSI) : Known game developer-publisher.You
can reach them at mailto:StratSim@aol.com
o Apogee Software: Compuserve account number is 72550,634.See Email
topic for information on how you can contact Compuserve members
using internet email.
o Millenium Software Inc has a Compuserve account : 72560,2466
o Sierra Solutions email address is 545-0183@mcimail.com (is this the
infamous Sierra game publisher?)
Menu hypertext system.
Veronica is a gopher service similar to archie for ftp.It can search
through gopher sites and find the ones with the keywords you specify..
Using Gopher on a remote machine :
telnet://ux1.cso.uiuc.edu login: gopher
telnet://rs.internic.net login: gopher
Related files:
Turbogopher, Mac :
WinGopher, Windows: gopher://boombox.micro.umn.edu/gopher/windows
DosGopher, Msdos : gopher://oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu/public/dos/misc
For Unix systems : ftp://boombox.micro.umn.edu/pub/gopher
Interesting sites:
gopher://wiretap.spies.com Internet wiretap
gopher://rs.internic.net Internet Net Information Center
gopher://marvel.loc.gov Library of Congress
gopher://dewey.lib.ncsu.edu N.Carolina St.Univ. library
gopher://gopher.peachnet.edu PeachNet Information service
gopher://gopher.well.sf.ca.us Whole Earth electronic magazine
gopher://megasun.bch.umontreal.ca University of Montreal
gopher://gopher.csc.fi Center for scientific computing
gopher://csbh.com Computer solutions
gopher://sylvia.lance.colostate.edu Colorado optical computing lab
gopher://gopher.enews.com:2100 Electronic NewsStand
Large collection of information
gopher://twinbrook.cis.nab.edu/hwebNews.80 Newsletter about web sites
gopher://refmac.kent.edu Business site (economics,accou-
nting, management etc.)
gopher://gopher.sunet.se Veronica service available
gopher://uts.mcc.ac.uk Gopher services/The Joke File
Anecdotes collection
o GREECE, Greek sites
ftp://ftp.ntua.gr Polytechnic University of Athens
ftp://ftp.duth.gr University of Thrace ftp server
ftp://ovo.lib.auth.gr Univ. of Thessaloniki, library
http://festival.ed.ac.uk:8888 About Greece
http://www.forthnet.gr Forthnet, Crete web site
http://www.hol.gr Hellas on-line
http://www.compulink.forthnet.gr Compulink
http://www.ntua.gr Polytechnic University
http://www.ariadne-t.gr Ariadne
http://www.onned.forthnet.gr ONNED site
http://www.hpc.ntua.gr Computing Lab-Polytechnic Univ.
gopher://gopher.forthnet.gr Forthnet gopher service
telnet://egnatia.ee.auth.gr Login: rserver
Univ. of Thessaloniki lynx server
and other information
telnet:// (BBS) Athens Eurolink Center (Forthnet)
o INTERNET access
See : UNIX accounts
Internet (or International for others) Relay Chat.Talk with many people
from all around the world at the same time.When using IRC, type /help
to see a list of the commands you can use.
Common commands:
/join #channel Join an IRC channel
/topic "theme" Changes the topic of the channel to "theme"
/msg User Sentence Private message to the person with handle User
which will see the Sentence
/whois User Gets information on User
To execute a script, type load <script_name>.The file <script_name>
should not be an executable one (should not have executable privile-
Get Phoenix tools from ftp://wentz21.reslife.okstate.edu.Send email
to its author mailto:mordy@wentz451.reslife.okstate.edu for questions
regarding Phoenix.Phoenix consists of various valuable scripts to
everyone using IRC.Load the Help script and type /phelp to see the
help pages.
For complete details on accessing and using Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
groups send for the e-mail IRC FAQ file. Here's how:
Address E-mail to: mailto:mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu
Subject area: (leave blank, or just insert a period)
Put this command in your message area: send usenet/news.answers/irc-faq
Related files:
ftp://www.vocaltec.com/pub Internet Phone program
ftp://cs-ftp.bu.edu/irc/clients IRC clients for Unix, DOS, etc.
| Almost anything about IRC
IRC or local BBS teleconferences via telnet :
telnet://, login:irc, Password:irc
telnet://suncc.ccu.edu.tw login:guest, give irc at prompt.
telnet:// ComputerLink Teleconference
telnet://obelix.wu-wien.ac.at:6969 Try also, ports: 6677,7766,6996
IRC servers : (you can try connecting using telnet)
cs-pub.bu.edu irc.eskimo.com irc-2.mit.edu
irc.colorado.edu irc.iastate.edu
ug.cs.dal.ca atlantis.cc.mcgill.ca degaulle.hil.unb.ca
irc.yorku.ca io.org fox.nstn.ns.ca
sokrates.informatik.uni-kl.de noc.belwue.de
uni-karlsruhe.de uni-stuttgart.de
serv.eng.abdn.ac.uk shrug.dur.ac.uk stork.doc.ic.ac.uk
irc.nada.kth.se krynn.efd.lth.se
irc.ube-c.ac.jp bohemia.jaist.ac.jp
IRC servers supporting IPHONE:
iphone.interserv.net iphone.pulver.com
iphone.vocaltec.com iphone.wau.nl
Interesting channels :
#eliza A computerized psychologist is waiting for you to discuss
your problems - mainly an IRC effort at the known eliza
#30plus #40plus #abortion #AIDS/HIV #analsex #aSiaNSeX
#bdsm #bearcave #beastsex #big-folks #bisex #bondage #breasts
#crazysex #cybersex #d&s #darksex #desade #dirtsex
#dirtysex #Dom/Sub #erotica #eroticsex #exhibitionists #femdom
#femuscle #femwicca #FistFuck #flirt #Foxy-Lady #Fuck #funsex
#FutureSex #gay #Gay #gayamputee #gayasian #gayATL
#gaychicag #gayfeet #gayFLa #gayfr #gayfuck #gaygifs #gayhelp
#gayjo #gayLove #gaymuscle #gaync #gay.nl #gayoral #gayrltn
#gaysex #gaySFBay #gaySFchat #gayUncut #GAYSM #goddess
#gay30 #groupsex #hardcore #hearts #hetero #HighHeels #hornyguy
#hot #hotsex #hottub #intergen #irchelp #jack-off #Kinkysex
#lesbian #lesbians #lesbos #lingerie# lonley #lovers #loves #nancy
#masturbate #moan #netsex #OralSex #Ozgay #OzSex #pagan
#pantyhose #party #PartyLine #partytime #passion #peesex
#pervert #phonesex #playmate #pornshop #pussy
#rapesex #redheads #redhot #Redsex #romance #Romantic
#romance2 #roughsex #-sex- #SEXFR #sexgifs #sexteen
#sexual #Sexy #sexy2 #sexybabes #sexyfoxxc #sexxxgifs
#Sex-o-Ram #single #singles #sizzle #softsex #spanking
#sweetsex #Teensex #toiletsex #transgen #tru-sex #Truelove
#youngsex #vampires #voyeurs #Weirdsex #wetstuff #wildsex
All these channels have to do with sex, one way or another.
Some of them may be private.
See Also: Telnet, BBSes (they offer internet access to IRC or local
o LISTS via e-mail
Write to mailto:listserver@oliver.sun.ac.za and type HELP in the body of
the message for info on lists.Note that oliver.sun.ac.za is NOT the only
list provider.Whenever you want to find more on a list provider and what
it offers send a "help" message as described above to that provider.
Note that if you want to subscribe to a list, you would normally send
an e-mail message to the provider of the list, with the following in
the main body of the message : "subscribe name_of_the_list [your_real
_name]" (no quotes).Your real name is not really necessary, unless you
are asked for it.To unsubscribe from a list, type in the body of the
message : "unsubscribe name_of_list your_internet_address". Usually,
you get directions on how you can unsubscribe from a list.
o Astronomy and Space related lists : Mailing lists with information,
and/or for discussion of astronomy-related topics.
SPACE Digest : Mirrors the Usenet split of sci.space. To submit
messages, the addresses are:
To submit to: Send email to:
-------------------- -------------------------------------
space mailto:space-tech@isu.isunet.edu
spacepol mailto:space-policy@isu.isunet.edu
spacesci mailto:space-science@isu.isunet.edu
space-sh mailto:space-shuttle@isu.isunet.edu
To subscribe or unsubscribe to any of these lists (rather than to
submit postings to them), email mailto:listserv@isu.isunet.edu
The message body should be one of
help (get help document)
info genintro (get intro document)
subscribe <listname> <your name> (add yourself to a list)
signoff <listname> (remove yourself from a list)
subscribe space John Public
signoff spacesci
If you need to communicate with a human list maintainer rather than
the listserv, email mailto:space-request@isu.isunet.edu
Elements is a moderated list for fast distribution of Space Shuttle
Keplerian Elements before and during Shuttle flights. NASA two line
elements are sent out on the list from Dr. Kelso, JSC, and other
sources as they are released. Email to
mailto:elements-request@telesoft.com to join
Space-investors is a list for information relevant to investing in
space-related companies.
Email mailto:space-investors-request@lunacity.com to join. The list
maintainer is Michael Wallis ( mailto:mwallis@lunacity.com ).
Space-tech is a list for more technical discussion of space topics;
discussion has included esoteric propulsion technologies, asteroid
capture, starflight, orbital debris removal, etc.
Email mailto:space-tech-request@cs.cmu.edu to join.
Ron Baalke ( mailto:baalke@kelvin.jpl.nasa.gov ) runs a mailing list
which carries the contents of the sci.space.news Usenet group. Email
him to join the list.
o Cybersex : Subscribe to a list about on-line sex, erotic software,
hi-tech sex toys, home-made videos etc.Send a message to the address
mailto:LISTSERV@soundprint.brandywine.american.edu with the words
"subscribe CYBERSEX".To unsubscribe send a message with the words
"unsubscribe CYBERSEX".(no quotes)
o Demo news : A list regarding the demo scene (programs with great gra-
phics and sounds, showing the potentials of the computer) (mainly the
PC scene).HORNET's primary site is ftp.cdrom.com.Check out /pub/demos
How to Subscribe : Send an e-mail to:
On the first line of the body of the mail, write:
subscribe demuan-list Firstname Lastname
Note: This list is read only and one post is sent to you every week
(the demonews newsletter).
o EPIC Megagames : Subscribe to Epic list, by sending a message to
mailto:list@epicgames.com with the following in the body of the
message: "SUBSCRIBE EPIC" (no quotes).If you want to be removed
from the list send a message with the words "UNSUBSCRIBE EPIC".
o F-PROT list (well known antivirus program) : If you don't have FTP
access, there is an automatic F-PROT mailer service for users that
would like to obtain the latest version of the F-PROT shareware
product directly from the source. To use this service, you send an
E-mail message to mailto:f-prot@complex.is
Currently only the following commands are offered:
send-to: email-address
send-as: form
The commands must be located at the start of the line.
'email-address' must be a valid E-mail address of the recipient.
'form' must be one of: 'uue' or 'xxe' and shows how the file should
be encoded.It defaults to 'uue'.
o GAMES-L list : List about games.Tips, update information everything
regarding games is here.To subscribe to the list, send a message to
mailto:listserv@brownvm.brown.edu with the words "subscribe games-l
[your real name]" (no quotes) in the main body of the message.You
can contribute to the list, by writing to the address
and all the people who have subscribed to the list will get your
message.You may leave the list at any time by sending a "SIGNOFF
GAMES-L" command to listserv@brownvm.brown.edu.You get additional
help when you subscribe to the list.
(List warning : 60-100 messages per day)
o HotWired : List about changes or additions to the hotwired web site
( http://www.hotwired.com ) related to WIRED magazine. Send message
to mailto:info-rama@wired.com with the words
subscribe hotflash
in the body of the message.If you want to unsubscribe, send a
message with the words "unsubscribe hotflash Your_internet_address"
(no quotes).
o GARBO-ANN : List which provides information on newly uploaded files
to garbo.uwasa.fi ftp site.Similar to msdos ann (see UPLOAD ANNOU-
NCEMENTS below).Send a message to mailto:Majordomo@Garbo.uwasa.fi
and type in the body of the message "info garbo-ann" (no quotes) for
information regarding the list, or "subscribe garbo-ann" to subscribe
to the list.
o MOVIE magazine Now Showing list : A movie magazine with interesting
articles, movie reviews, interviews, etc.Get each issue via email
by sending a message to mailto:a12323@mindlink.bc.ca with a subject
of NOW SHOWING SUBSCRIBE and in the body of the message write your
real name and below your email address.
o MUSIC BANDS and more, lists : Lists concerning various music groups,
artists or music in general.Note that for most of the following lists
you can send a message to the specified address with the word "help"
in the body of the message to get more directions on the list.
AEROSMITH - mailto:aerosmith-fans-request@dartmouth.edu
Send,in the body of the message,the command: subscribe aerosmith-fans
ALICE IN CHAINS (Angry Chair) - mailto:angrychr@hebron.connected.com
Put "Subscribe" in subject line of message,specify standard format *or*
weekly digest format in message body.
List coordinator: Khadejah Dein < mailto:angrychr@hebron.connected.com >
AMBIENT MUSIC - mailto:ambient-request@hyperreal.com
Covers ambient artists like Brian Eno, the Orb, Steve Hillage, etc.
Put "subscribe" in the body of the message.
List coordinator: < mailto:ambient-owner@hyperreal.com >
AMOS, TORI - mailto:really-deep-thoughts-request@gradient.cis.upenn.edu
BEASTIE BOYS - mailto:majordomo@world.std.com
In the body of the message: subscribe beastielist
BEL CANTO - mailto:dewy-fields-request@ifi.uio.no
Discussion about the Norwegian band Bel Canto and related artists.
List coordinator: Kjetil Torgrim Homme < mailto:kjetilho@ifi.uio.no >
BIG COUNTRY - mailto:bc-request@specklec.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de
Send an e-mail that contains the word "subscribe" in the body of the
message. We are talking about everything concerning Big Country; the
list has existed since June 1994, so it is rather new.
List coordinator: Markus Schoeller
< mailto:ms@specklec.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de >
BLACK SABBATH - mailto:sabbath-request@fa.disney.com
The list covers Black Sabbath and, to a limited extent, its former
members. The list is only available in a digest form. To subscribe
you need to send your name as well as your address.
List coordinator: Michael Sullivan < mailto:sullivan@fa.disney.com >
BLUES MUSIC - mailto:listserv@brownvm.brown.edu
To join, subscribe with the following in the message body:
SUB BLUES-L [your name]
CAREY, MARIAH (Vision) - mailto:vision-request@biogopher.wustl.edu
List coordinator: Hugh < mailto:vision-dude@biogopher.wustl.edu >
CLAPTON, ERIC (Slowhand) - mailto:slowhand-request@daacdev1.stx.com
This is a digestified list, which means you will at most receive one
message a day containing all of the messages sent to it.
List coordinator: < mailto:slowhand-owner@daacdev1.stx.com >
CLARKE, VINCENT - mailto:majordomo@tcp.com
Send, in the body of the message, the command: subscribe vincent-clarke
Discussion of the works of Vincent Clarke, including Erasure, Assembly,
and Yaz.
List coordinator: Jim Lick < mailto:majordomo-owner@tcp.com >
COSTELLO, ELVIS - mailto:costello-request@gnu.ai.mit.edu
The EC Music List is an unmoderated forum devoted to the music, lyrics,
trivia and angst of Elvis Costello. Discussions of other artists and
EC collaborations are always welcome. There is a digest version too.
List coordinator: Daniel J. Hernandez < mailto:djh@gnu.ai.mit.edu >
CROWDED HOUSE - mailto:listserv@listserv.acns.nwu.edu
Discussion of Crowded House, Split Enz, and the splinter groups
(Tim Finn, Schnell Fenster, The Makers, etc.).
To subscribe, the body of the message should read:
subscribe house <your name here>
There is also a digest version; to subscribe to that, body of message
should read: subscribe house-digest <your name here>
List coordinators: Marck Bailey & Elizabeth Wasserman
< mailto:ch-adm@nwu.edu >
List coordinator: Nancy Everson
< mailto:owner-babble-m@anthrax.ecst.csuchico.edu >
CURE, THE UNMODERATED - mailto:babble-request@anthrax.ecst.csuchico.edu
List coordinator: Nancy Everson
< mailto:owner-babble@anthrax.ecst.csuchico.edu >
DEPECHE MODE (bong) - mailto:majordomo@cis.ufl.edu
To subscribe to bong, send the following in the body (not the subject
line) of an email message: subscribe bong
Bong is for the discussion of the mostly-electronic band Depeche Mode
and related projects like Recoil. Depeche Mode incorporate synth-pop,
industrial dance, Kraftwerkian electro, ambient, techno, and rock
influences in a dark blend of innovative alternative music.
List coordinator: < mailto:bong-approval@cis.ufl.edu >
DURAN DURAN (Tiger-List) - mailto:tiger-request@acca.nmsu.edu
This list is devoted to the discussion of Duran Duran, its members,
spinoff acts, and the cultural phenomena that Duran Duran spearheaded
in the early 80s to the present. This is a high traffic list (up to
50 msgs/day), and a digest is available. Email the manager for info on
the digest.
List coordinator: Robert Novak < mailto:rnovak@acca.nmsu.edu >
ELECTRONIC DREAMS (emdreams) - mailto:emdreams-request@cs.uwp.edu
A discussion list for members of the Electronic Dreams Organization,
emdreams is a forum for discussions about Electronic Music and musi-
cians."emdreams" (proper lowercase "e") is the official Internet list
forum for Electronic Dreams, an international organization of folx
who love E-music. You are required to become a member of Electronic
Dreams before you can be a part of emdreams. Email elana@netcom.com
for the Electronic Dreams information kit, and specify whether you
want the ASCII version or the (much better) snail version. The list
is available as a daily digest and reflector.
List coordinator: Dave Datta < mailto:emdreams-request@cs.uwp.edu >
ENYA - mailto:majordomo@cs.colorado.edu
Discussion of the music of Enya and Clannad. To subscribe, e-mail a
request with the words "subscribe enya" in the body of the message.
List coordinator: Tim Hunter < mailto:tim@boulder.colorado.edu >
Bounce mail only - digest mail available in the near future.
List coordinator: Roy Sette < mailto:kl7@rahul.net >
ETHERIDGE, MELISSA - mailto:Etheridge-request@cnd.mcgill.ca
This list is available in bounce, digest, and moderated info-only
formats.Please specify which format you wish to receive when you
ask to subscribe. Also your full name is needed. (It need not be
publicly available, though.)
List coordinator: David Johnson < mailto:dave@cnd.mcgill.ca >
GABRIEL, PETER - mailto:listserv@listserv.acns.nwu.edu
In the body of your message, to subscribe, send:
sub gabriel {your real name}
then, to receive digests instead of bounce mail:
set gabriel mail digest
List coordinator: Joe Germuska < mailto:j-germuska@nwu.edu >
GENESIS (Paperlate) - mailto:paperlate-request@atom.ansto.gov.au
Paperlate: The Genesis Mailing List discusses the band Genesis and all
of its related spinoff solo projects. Current and former members, as
well as significant spinoffs like Brand X, are all discussed. We have
extensive online archives including a complete discography, FAQ, lyrics,
interviews, etc.
List coordinator: Sue Town < mailto:slt@atom.ansto.gov.au >
GIBSON, DEBBIE (Between the Lines) - mailto:btl@egbt.org
Monthly newsletter and optional supplemental bouncing mailing list.
Moderators: Myra Wong < mailtto:mkwong@ucsd.edu >,
Felix Ng < mailto:fng@acca.nmsu.edu >
GUNS 'N' ROSES - mailto:majordomo@teleport.com
To subscribe to gnr, send the following in the body (not the subject
line) of an email message: subscribe gnr
List coordinator: < mailto:gnr-approval@teleport.com >
HARRY, DEBORAH & BLONDIE - mailto:gunter@yarrow.wt.uwa.edu.au
List coordinator: Gunter Ahrendt < mailto:gunter@yarrow.wt.uwa.edu.au >
HENDRIX, JIMI (hey-joe) - mailto:hey-joe-request@ms.uky.edu
List coordinator: Joel Abbott < mailto:abbott@ms.uky.edu >
INDIGO GIRLS - mailto:indigo-girls-digest-request@indigo.mese.com
INTELLIGENT DANCE MUSIC - mailto:idm-request@hyperreal.com
Put "subscribe" in the body of the message.
Covers the new breed of dance music as exhibited by bands like Future
Sound of London, the Aphex Twin, and labels like Warp and Astralwerks.
List coordinator: < mailto:idm-owner@hyperreal.com >
INXS - mailto:inxs-list-request@iastate.edu
Discussion of INXS, an Australian pop/rock band. Simple mail reflector,
no digest or automation.
List coordinator: Jason Braddy < mailto:jlbraddy@iastate.edu >
JARRE - mailto:jarre-request@cs.uwp.edu
A forum for discussions about music of the Jarre family. Primary
discussion is of Jean-Michel and artists that work with him. The
discussions are not moderated, but the discussions have some small
relation to Jarre. The list is available as a daily digest and
List coordinator: Dave Datta < mailto:jarre-request@cs.uwp.edu >
JETHRO TULL - mailto:JTull-Request@remus.rutgers.edu
JOEL, BILLY - mailto:joel-request@chaos.bsu.edu (instant version)
mailto:joel-digest-request@chaos.bsu.edu (for digest
To subscribe, send a message with the subject "Subscribe" and with
"SUBSCRIBE <e-mail address>" in the body of the message.
For more information, send a message to joel-request@chaos.bsu.edu
with the subject "help" or "info".
List Administrators: Reid Fishler < mailto:redhead@chaos.bsu.edu >
Chael Hall < mailto:nowhere@chaos.bsu.edu >
JOHN, ELTON - mailto:elton-john-request@uiuc.edu
subject: "subscribe"
List coordinator: Jim McKay < mailto:jjmckey@uiuc.edu >
KANSAS (The People of the Wind) - mailto:kansas-request@world.std.com
The People of the South Wind is a mailing list for discussing Kansas
(the band, not the state :)).
List coordinator: Ryan Waldron < mailto:rew@nuance.com >
KLF, THE (Trancentral) - mailto:majordomo@xmission.com
"subscribe klf" or "subscribe klf-digest" in body of message.
This list is for the discussion of music performed or produced by Bill
Drummond and/or Jimmy Cauty. This includes the KLF (formerly the JAMS
and The Timelords, now known as The K Foundation) as well as directly-
related projects such as Brilliant, Disco 2000, Space, and any of the
dozens of other groups that have been touched by the hands of Drummond,
Cauty, and company. It is *not* for the discussion of The Orb.
List coordinator: Lazlo Nibble < mailto:lazlo@xmission.com >
LAUPER, CYNDI (shebop) - mailto:shebop@erasure-sl.cc.emory.edu
List coordinator: Stuart Myerburg < mailto:labspm@unix.cc.emory.edu >
LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, MUSIC - mailto:listserv@iubvm.ucs.indiana.edu
Any topics related to music libraries or music librarianship.
To subscribe, send a mail message which consists of one and only line:
SUBSCRIBE MLA-L <yourfirstname yourlastname>
Mngrs: A. Ralph Papakhian < mailto:papakhi@iubvm.ucs.indiana.edu >
Richard Griscom < mailto:rwgris01@ulkyvm.louisville.edu >
LIGHTHOUSE (Beacon) - mailto:lighthouse@qmusic.com
The mailing list beacon provides information about the latest goings-on
with the revival of the legendary Canadian band "Lighthouse" who were
well known in the late 60's and early 70's.
List coordinator: Donald Quan < mailto:dq@qmusic.com >
MADONNA - mailto:madonna-request@mit.edu
Reflector; List volume is high!
List coordinator: Joe Barco < mailto:jwb@mit.edu >
MARILLION/FISH (Freaks) - mailto:freaks-request@arastar.com
(listserv address)
Discussion of Marillion/Fish/related groups and projects.
Send "subscribe freaks My Name" (where "My Name" is *your* name) to the
subscription address (which is a program).
List coordinator: Brian Vogelsang/Ken Bibb
< mailto:freaks-owner@arastar.com >
METALLICA (Damage Inc.) - mailto:affouj@rpi.edu
subject=ADD ME
List coordinator: Jason Affourtit < mailto:affouj@rpi.edu >
MINOGUE, KYLIE - mailto:poulet@shell.portal.com OR
This list also discusses Dannii Minogue and Stock Aitken Waterman
List coordinator: Paul Burnim < mailto:paulb@cs.uq.oz.au >
MOODY BLUES, THE - mailto:lost-chords-request@mit.edu
The list is currently unmoderated, and no digest form is available.
Traffic is 20-30 messages per day. If someone wants to offer a digest
version of the list, it would be much appreciated. Also, if someone
wants to take the list over, that would be appreciated, too.
List coordinator: < mailto:lost-chords-request@mit.edu >
MTV EUROPEAN TOP 20 CHART - mailto:eu20-request@gnu.ai.mit.edu OR
Weekly European chart from MTV Europe.
Message: subscribe eu20 your_name your_e-address
List coordinators: Robert Novak < mailto:rnovak@nyx.cs.du.edu >,
Adri Verhoef < mailto:a3@a3.xs4all.nl >
MUSICALS - mailto:majordomo@world.std.com
To join the list, send mail with the message: subscribe musicals
This forum is intended for the general discussion of musical theater,
in whatever form it make take, but related non-musical theater topics
are welcome too. This is a gateway of the newsgroup rec.arts.theatre
Owner: Elizabeth Lear Newman < mailto:musicals-approval@world.std.com >
MUSICALS-MAIL - mailto:majordomo@world.std.com
To join the list, send mail with the message: subscribe musicals-mail
This list is intended for the discussion of musicals theatre, in what-
ever form it may take. This list is not related to the newsgroup
Owner: Elizabeth Lear Newman
< mailto:musicals-mail-approval@world.std.com >
NEW ZEALAND BANDS (The Kiwimusic List) mailto:kiwimusic-request@mit.edu
The Kiwimusic List covers New Zealand bands, particularly (but in no
way limited to) those on the Flying Nun label. These would include
bands like the Chills, Bailter Space, the Bats, the Clean, Dimmer,
Chris Knox/Tall Dwarfs, Look Blue Go Purple, etc.
List coordinator: Katie Livingston < mailto:katiel@MIT.EDU >
NUMAN, GARY (Numanews) - mailto:numan-request@cs.uwp.edu
This list is for the discussion of any topic related to Gary Numan and
related artists. The list is available only as a weekly digest.
List coordinator: Dave Datta < mailto:datta@cs.uwp.edu >
ORB, THE (Cumulonimbus) - mailto:majordomo@xmission.com
"subscribe orb" or "subscribe orb-digest" in body of message.
This list is for the discussion of music performed or produced by Alex
Paterson and Kristian ("Thrash") Weston. This includes the Orb as well
as directly-related projects such as System 7 (known as 777 in the
United States) Fortran 5, and any of the dozens of other groups that
have been touched by the hands of Paterson, Weston, and company. It
is *not* for the discussion of The KLF.
List coordinator: Lazlo Nibble < mailto:lazlo@xmission.com >
ORCHESTRAL MANOUEVRES IN THE DARK (OMD) - mailto:omd-request@cs.uwp.edu
A forum for discussions about the band Orchestral Manouevres In The
Dark.The discussions are not moderated but they should have something
to to with the band or ex-band members. The list is available as a
daily digest and reflector.
List coordinator: Dave Datta < mailto:omd-request@cs.uwp.edu >
OYSTER BAND, THE (oysters) mailto:oysters-request@blowfish.taligent.com
List coordinator: Christophe Pettus < mailto:cep@taligent.com >
PET SHOP BOYS (Introspective) - mailto:majordomo@tcp.com
Send, in the body of the message, the command: subscribe introspective
List coordinator: Jim Lick < mailto:majordomo-owner@tcp.com >
PINK FLOYD (Echoes) - mailto:echoes-request@fawnya.tcs.com
For and about things related to Pink Floyd, including present and past
members.Religious arguments, e.g. Dave vs. Roger, strongly discouraged.
We've been labelled "erudite" at times.
List coordinator: h.w. neff aka "bear" < mailto:bear@tcs.com >
POLICE, THE - mailto:majordomo@xmission.com
Send message the command, in body of message:
subscribe police
or for the digest, in the body of your message, the command:
subscribe police-digest
List coordinator: Lazlo Nibble < mailto:lazlo@xmission.com >
PRINCE/O - mailto:prince-request@icpsr.umich.edu
This mailing list is devoted to the exchange of information and opinion
regarding Prince, The Artist Formerly Known as Prince, O(+>, or whatever
he chooses to be called this week, and related artists.
List coordinator: Jon Brode < mailto:brode@icpsr.umich.edu >
PSYCHEDELIC MUSIC (DroneOn) - mailto:listserv@ucsd.edu
Send a message with "subscribe (youraddress) droneon" in the body of
the message.Psychedelic music in general: Spacemen 3, Spiritualized,
and others.
List coordinator: Matthew Maxwell < mailto:mmaxwell@ucsd.edu >
PUNK/HARDCORE MUSIC - mailto:punk-list-request@cpac.washington.edu
The above address is for those in South and North America.
Subject: ADD -or- SUB; this is an automated server.
The above address is for those everywhere else.
Mention the country you're calling from - at the moment, these requests
are handled manually.Punk/Hardcore music (records,bands,concerts,
politics,ethics etc.) Sorry, no digest format available.
Mngrs: Tero Viikari < mailto:tv87098@cs.tut.fi > (HQ's of the list),
BT Garner < mailto:bt@cpac.washington.edu > (for S+N America)
R.E.M. (Murmur-digest) - mailto:murmur-digest-request@lynchburg.edu
"subscribe" in body of letter. This is a digest-only mailing list
which exists primarily for those who don't have access to the USENET
newsgroup rec.music.rem.Users should not subscribe if they have
access to this newsgroup as all murmur posts are gatewayed there
(the gateway is uni-directional, however, and does not operate in
the other direction).
List coordinator: Kipp Teague < mailto:murmur-mgr@lynchburg.edu >
ROLLING STONES - mailto:undercover-request@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca
A daily digest of Stones info - crossposted to alt.rock-n-roll.stones
List coordinator: Steve Portigal
< mailto:stevep@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca >
ROXETTE - mailto:owner-Roxette@eiunix.tuwien.ac.at
Discussion of Roxette, and the members Per Gessle & Marie Fredriksson.
This is not an automated list, so don't expect an answer within two
minutes (although is has happened) -- requests will be handled as soon
as time permits, i.e. usually the next working day. There is also a
"Digest" version available for subscription.
List coordinator: Martin Schoenhacker
< mailto:owner-Roxette@eiunix.tuwien.ac.at >
SIOUXSIE & THE BANSHEES (SATB-L) - mailto:Listserv@brownvm.brown.edu
SATB-L is the mailing list dedicated to the discussion of the band,
Siouxsie & the Banshees and their members and side projects such as
The Creatures and The Glove. All are welcomed to join the list.
To subscribe, put the following line in your mail: SUB SATB-L your name
The subject will be ignored.
List owner: Marshall Vale < mailto:Marshall_Vale@brown.edu >
SISTERS OF MERCY (Dominion) - mailto:dominion-request@ohm.york.ac.uk
The list is primarily for discussion of The Sisters Of Mercy. This
means in practice any of the works of Andrew Eldritch and also other
bands appearing on the Merciful Release lable. It is NOT a forum for
discussion of The Mission.
List coordinator: Pete French aka -bat. < mailto:pete@ohm.york.ac.uk >
SPRINGSTEEN, BRUCE (Backstreets) -
List coordinator: Kevin Kinder
< mailto:backstreets-request@virginia.edu >
SUGARCUBES/BJORK/ICELANDIC MUSIC - mailto:listserver@morgan.ucs.mun.ca
Body of message should be: subscribe blue-eyed-pop Your Full Name
Also available in digest form, add "set blue-eyed-pop mail digest"
in subscription request.
Mngr: Gord Locke < mailto:glocke@morgan.ucs.mun.ca >
TANGERINE DREAM - mailto:tadream-request@cs.uwp.edu
A forum for discussions about the German electronic band Tangerine
Dream and related artists. The discussions are not moderated, but the
discussions have some small relation to Tangerine Dream (solo works
and instrumentation discussions are welcome). The list is available
as a daily digest and reflector.
List coordinator: Dave Datta < mailto:tadream-request@cs.uwp.edu >
TEARS FOR FEARS - mailto:tears4-fears-request@ms.uky.edu
Discussion of the bands Tears for Fears and The Graduate.
List coordinator: Joel Abbott < mailto:abbott@ms.uky.edu >
TIFFANY - mailto:tiffany-request@nyx.cs.du.edu
This list discusses the music and career of Tiffany Darwisch, and
collection of items related to her.
List coordinator: Robert Novak < mailto:rnovak@nyx.cs.du.edu >
U2 (Wire) - mailto:u2-list-request@ms.uky.edu
List coordinator: Joel Abbott < mailto:abbott@ms.uky.edu >
VANGELIS (Direct) - mailto:direct-request@celtech.com
Discussion of the work of Vangelis. There are both daily digest and
bounce modes. Please state your preference when subscribing.
List coordinator: Keith Gregoire < mailto:keith@celtech.com >
VEGA, SUZANNE (Undertow) - mailto:undertow-request@vader.cc.emory.edu
List coordinator: Stuart Myerburg < mailto:labspm@unix.cc.emory.edu >
WHO, THE - mailto:majordomo@cisco.com
Send e-mail with the following in the body of the message (NOT in the
Subject: line):
subscribe thewho
Mngr: Paul M. Moriarty < mailto:thewho-owner@cisco.com >
YES (Notes From The Edge) - mailto:nfte@sol.cms.uncwil.edu
Discussion of Yes, Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe and related musicians.
Editor: Jeff Hunnicutt < mailto:hunnicutt@vxc.ocis.uncwil.edu >
Associate Editor: Mike Tiano < mailto:miketi@microsoft.com >
YOUNG, NEIL - mailto:majordomo@death.corp.sun.com
ZTT - mailto:majordomo@xmission.com
Send message the command, in body of message:
subscribe ztt
or for the digest, in the body of your message, the command:
subscribe ztt-digest
The ZTT list is for discussion of producer Trevor Horn's UK record label
Zang Tuum Tumb and its associated artists. The list is low traffic and
generally informational in nature. Bands covered include Art of Noise,
Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Propaganda, Act, Andrew Poppy, Seal, 808
State, and Shades of Rhythm, to name a few.
Mngr: Lazlo Nibble < mailto:lazlo@xmission.com >
o NASA press release information obtained at mailto:domo@hq.nasa.gov In
the body of the message (not the subject) type the words "subscribe
press-release" (no quotes).
To unsubscribe, send email to the same address with the words
"unsubscribe press-release your_internet_address" (no quotes).
o Net-happenings : Send a message to mailto:net-happenings@rs.internic.net
with the word "help" in the body of the message.
o Netserfer digest : Send a message to mailto:beta@netsurf.com with the
words "subscribe nsdigest-text firstname lastname" (no quotes) to sub-
scribe to a weekly magazine about internet.Mainly a newsletter which
acts as a live bridge to the internet.To unsubscribe send a message
with the words "unsubscribe nsdigest-text".
You can also get the digest in HTML format and browse it with lynx or
Mosaic.In this case, you should send a message to the above address
with the words "subscribe nsdigest-html firstname lastname".To stop
receiving it, send a message with "unsubscribe nsdigest-html" in the
body of the message.
o POST CLASSICAL MUSIC list : mailto:post-classical-request@cs.uwp.edu
It is a mailing list for the discussion of artists and their works who
fall within the following boundaries:
1) Derivative
- artists generally considered outside the classical genre but whom
incorporate traditional classical components in a predominantly
unconventional manner. Instrumentation may either be accoustically
or electronically generated, but usually fused with another musical
2) Experimental
- artists generally considered within the classical genre but whom
work outside the boundaries of traditional classical structure.
Instrumentation is usually acoustically generated, but often by
unconventional means.
Here are a few artists who would might be discussed on the list:
Shinjuku Thief, In The Nursery, Art Zoyd, Univers Zero, Daniel Denis,
Pete Namlook, Peter Frohmader, Graeme Revell, Laibach, Autopsia, Mynox
Layh, Frame/Cut/Frame, Edgar Varese, John Cage, Karlheinz Stockhousen,
Michael Nyman, Steve Reich, Harry Partch, Morton Feldman, Mossolov, and
Iannis Xenakis.
NOT discussed on this list are:
- Klaus Schulze & Tangerine Dream: though they incorporate many elements
of classical structure, both are discussed extensively on the
Space-Music and Tangerine Dream mailing lists.
- Orchestration of popular music (ie. Royal Philharmonic doing Genesis)
- Semantics of musical labels
The list is available as a daily digest and reflector.
List coordinator: Dave Datta < mailto:post-classical-request@cs.uwp.edu >
o UPLOAD ANNOUNCEMENTS : Getting upload announcements by e-mail (updated
MSDOS-Ann is a moderated one-way mailing list which is used by SimTel,
the Coast to Coast Software Repository (tm), to announce new additions
to the msdos collection.To add yourself to the mailing list send e-mail
with this command in the body of the message:
subscribe msdos-ann
To subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from,
such as a local redistribution list, then add that address to the
"subscribe" command; for example, to subscribe "local-msdos-ann":
subscribe local-msdos-ann@your.domain.net msdos-ann
If you wish to unsubscribe, send mail (from the same address where you
were when you subscribed) to listserv@SimTel.Coast.NET with this command
in the body of the message:
unsubscribe msdos-ann
Send mail with the word help in the body of the message to get a
complete list of commands and their syntax.
o WinNEWS: WinNEWS is a newsletter posted by Microsoft about Windows 3.x,
Windows 95 and probably Windows NT.To subscribe, send a message to:
the body of the message (no subject needed) should read
subscribe winnews
Lynx is a hypertext web navigating system.Check out "lynx" and "www"
commands.If they are not available, telnet://info.cern.ch and find more
about web..
Using Lynx on a remote machine:
telnet://www.twi.tudelft.nl login as lynx (dead?)
telnet://ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu login as www
telnet://www.njit.edu login as www
telnet://vms.huji.ac.il login as www
telnet:// login as www
An up-to-date list of remote web clients is available on the Web as
http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/FAQ/Bootstrap.html and should
be regarded as an authoritative list.
Related files :
for Mac, MacWeb ftp://ftp.einet.net/einet/mac/macweb
for Mac, NCSA Mosaic ftp://ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu/mosaic/mac
for Win, WinWeb ftp://ftp.einet.net/einet/pc/winweb
for Win, NCSA Mosaic ftp://ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Mosaic/Windows
for Win, NetScape ftp://ftp.mcom.com/netscape
for Win, Cello ftp://cica.indiana.edu/pub/pc/win3/winsock
for Win, SlipKnot ftp://oak.oakland.edu/SimTel/win3/internet
for Dos, Dos Lynx ftp://ftp.cc.ukans.edu/pub/www/doslynx
for Unix, Xwindows ftp://ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Mosaic/Unix/binaries/2.5
InternetWorks Lite ftp://ftp.booklink.com/lite
Alternatively, you could use ftp to login to the above sites.For example
for MacWeb, use ftp ftp.einet.net, and search in /einet/mac/macweb dir.
You can send email messages using Lynx or any web browser (?).Type at
the "URL to open" prompt, "mailto:address@goes.here" (without the quotes)
and the program will take care of the rest..
You can read newsgroups using the Lynx browser, or any (?) graphical
browser.At the URL to go, type "news:newsgroup.name.here" (without the
quotes), where newsgroup.name.here must be replaced with the name of
the newsgroup you want to read.For this to work: a) The supervisor of
the host must enable this option, b) the wanted newsgroup must be among
the ones that the Usenet server mirrors.. Ask your sysop about it or
the root@ of the system.
WEB search : Do you want to search among the 1+ million web sites for
special keywords ? Do you want to find with ease what
you need ? Then, the following site(s) is/are for you :
INDEXes of web sites :
The Yahoo Index - LARGE index of web sites updated
very often.Contains links to almost everything,any-
where.Includes also an option of picking up a ran-
dom web site for you.. :)
http://www.webcrawler.com (untested)
Addresses : (Using Lynx : Press g and at URL TO OPEN type)
Help about internet facilities, tools, etc.From beginners to expert
users : http://www.internic.net/infoguide/gopher/using-internet.html
Art in internet
http://www.hotwired.com Hot-wired info
http://english-server.hss.cmn.edu HUGE site.
http://pass.wayne.edu/business.html Business in the internet
http://enterprise.osd.mil Military information
United federation of planets(!)
Web World
About Slipknot
http://www.eb.com Britannica online demo site.
http://www.ag.com/condom/country Condom country
http://harvest.cs.colorado.edu Archie-like web server
http://galaxy.einet.net/gopher/gopher.html |
http://galaxy.einet.net/GJ/index.html Gopher jewels
http://galaxy.einet.net/galaxy.html |
1500 files of GIF clipart
http://www.xmission.com/~americom/ Find phone area codes
http://dmf.culture.fr 18th century french art
Family Times online
A novel, 500K text, 250 photos
Internet Press
OS/2 Homepage
http://www.compuserve.com Compuserve www pages
http://web.mit.edu MIT research center
Useless web sites
http://lcweb2.loc.gov/amhome.html Library: AVI,Photos,Biographies
http://www.digex.net/2xist.html Male photos, underwear
http://asdwww.harvard.edu/GA/ General aviation site
http://www.mid.net/NET Net-happenings mailing list
http://www.hilink.com.au/ Countries, Times around World
http://www.rahul.net/bryanw/index.html Graphics, FAQs, Software
http://software.net Software distribution site
http://www.clark.net/pub/murple/home.html Collection of links to sites
http://www.eff.org Electronic Frontier Foundation
web page - Graphical ftp site
http://www.ensta.fr/internet Pointers to computer programs
http://www.cnam.fr/bin.html/imageWWW ------ CHECK IT OUT --------
http://www.primus.com/staff/paulp/useless.html Useless web sites (!)
http://gnn.interpath.net/gnn/ GNN.Internet information,links
http://www.pluggedin.org Plugged In - surf the net
http://igor.cisr.bc.ca/CISRhome.html The Centre for Image and Sound
Research, Vancouver, B.C.
http://www.cc.gatech.edu/gvu/gvutop.html GVUC, the Graphics, Visuali-
zation, and Usability Center
http://ucmp1.berkeley.edu Museum of Paleontology
http://www.wimsey.com/teletimes.root/photon_94.html Photon '94
http://www.msen.com/~peterw/gallery/gallery.html The Anecdote Gallery
http://sunsite.unc.edu/Dave/archive.html The Doctor Fun Archive
Heather has Two Mommies is a
story about a little girl's
trip to the zoo
About Internet
http://www.elmail.co.uk ElectricMail - Cool sites
http://www.open.gov.uk British government
http://sunsite.unc.edu/Dave/drfun.html Dr.Fun page
http://www.dealernet.com Web page about known cars
http://www.best.com/~bryanw WWW Graphics page
http://www.paranoia.com/~dominate The Ultimate wave web site
http://www.cnet.com C|net online
If you have a high speed internet connection and a Mac or PC, check out
---> cu-seeme.html
o MACintosh computer related
Sites for programs or information regarding Macintosh computers.
Ftp sites:
ftp://mac.archive.umich.edu/mac/sound/midi Macintosh midi archive
ftp://ftp.aladdinsys.com Aladdin Systems
Web sites:
http://www.aladdinsys.com Aladdin Systems web page
o MAGAZINES, publications
Magazines on-line, or previews of the actual thing.
Via Web : http://www.ziff.com
http://forteana.mic.dundee.ac.uk/ft/ Fortean Times
http://www.futurenet.co.uk/index.html Futurenet Publishing
(.net, pc/amiga/mac format, pc gamer etc. magazines)
http://www.netsurf.com/nsd/index.html Netsurfer Digest
http://www.timeinc.com Time magazine
Netguide magazine
http://mosaic.playboy.com Playboy magazine
http://www.penthousemag.com Penthouse web page
http://www.hotwired.com Hotwired (WIRED mag)
http://ftp.etext.org/Zines/InterText InterText magazine
RUNE: An MIT Journal of
Arts and Letters
The Unit Circle
http://www.vibe.com VibeOnline! Music mag
http://www.mecklerweb.com Internet World
http://www.telegraph.co.uk The Daily Telegraph
`---> free till May 1995
Via ftp : ftp://ds.internic.net/pub/the-scientist Scientist magazine
(Info at mailto:garfield@aurora.cis.upenn.edu )
ftp://mosaic.playboy.com Playboy magazine
ftp://ftp-in.wired.com WIRED-specific files
Via telnet: telnet://kanga.ins.cwru.edu On-line newspapers
Via gopher: gopher://chronicle.merit.edu Academe this week
gopher://gopher.netsys.com:2100 Electronic Newsstand
o MIDI related
Many MIDI files can be found at ftp://ftp.cs.ruu.nl/pub/MIDI site.
A list of the songs is in /pub/MIDI/SONGS/LIST, midi programs in
/pub/MIDI/PROGRAMS.MIDI specs and lots of more doc in /pub/MIDI/DOC
More ftp sites can be found in the file /pub/MIDI/DOC/archives.
All these files can be obtained by e-mail. Send a message to
mailto:mail-server@cs.ruu.nl with the contents: send HELP.
Check out also :
ftp://wagner.musicnet.ua.edu/pub/music/patches/jv80 Patches for Roland
JV-80/880/1000 in directory
ftp://oak.oakland.edu/pub/eps EPS/EPS-16+/ASR samples in /samples
EPS info is in /docs
programs for the EPS in /utils
ftp://ftp.uwp.edu/pub/music/lists/kurzweil Kurzweil K2000 related
ftp://bach.nevada.edu/pub/k2000 Kurzweil K2000 related
ftp://qiclab.scn.rain.com/pub/music contains various conversion programs
ftp://lotus.UWaterloo.ca/pub/sgroup Roland related files
TX16W samples, get back issues of the
TX-16W newsletter in directory
The Music-Research Digest
ftp://sweaty.palm.cri.nz EMAX (I and II) ftp site
ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/msdos/sound/cakewalk Cakewalk files
ftp://ftp.cs.colorado.edu/users/mccreary/archive/cakewalk Cakewalk
mccreary/archive/vfx, VFX archive
ftp://mort.isvr.soton.ac.uk/pub/pc/cakewalk Cakewalk
ftp://ftp.cica.indiana.edu/pub/pc/win3/sounds MIDI programs for Windows
ftp://ftp-os2.cdrom.com/pub/os2/2_x/mmedia and /pub/os2/2_1/mmedia
contain MIDI-related files for OS/2
ftp://kilroy.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/D70 D-70-related files
several infos/sounds/programs of interest for
Yamaha SY users
ftp://ftp.ecn.nl/pub/RP-1 DIGITECH RP-1 MIDI guitar effect
pedals and some other midi stuff
ftp://ftp.ircam.fr/pub/music IRCAM site: Programs and information
on music,DSP, multimedia, infosystems,
networking, etc. for unix platforms,
macintoshes and PC.
ftp://ftp.mcc.ac.uk/pub/cubase Cubase archive.Contains Atari, Mac
and MSWindows demos
ftp://ftp.waldorf-gmbh.de Site with information, patches etc. of
Waldorf products, contains also a lot
of Midi stuff.
ftp://ftp.und.ac.za/pub/pc/midi Programs for the Sound Canvas and
ftp://ftp.mcc.ac.uk/pub/MIDIMISC MIDI stuff
ftp://loose.apana.org.au/pub/dw8000 Patches for the Korg DW/EX8000
ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/jo/jonin/midi/x3 Korg X3 ftp site
ftp://musie.phlab.missouri.edu/pub/korg info related to Korg music
ftp://ftp.ep.susx.ac.uk/pub/sandell SHARC Timbre Database.A database
with timbre information of musical
If you are on the World Wide Web, these pages may be interesting:
http://www.eeb.ele.tue.nl/midi (midi home page)
http://enuxsa.eas.asu.edu/~rutledge/music.html (electronic music)
http://www.hk.net/~prs/midi.html (classical midi sequences)
http://www.ircam.fr (lots of Music stuff, including midi files)
http://alf.uib.no/People/midi/midi.html (The Alf MIDI Site)
Sound Canvas User's Group WWW Homepage
http://anjovis.tky.hut.fi/~ws Korg Wavestation Mailing List web site
http://www.hk.net/~prs/midi.html Classical Midi Sequences
o MOD,S3M and various related files
Files with musical information that can be played via your soundcard.
Ftp sites :
Players for this kind of files.You can find songs
in the same site in the directory
ftp://ftp.brad.ac.uk/misc/mods and /incoming/mods
o MOVIES, (cinema, tv)
Everything related to movies on the big or the small screen.TV series
are also covered here.
Ftp sites :
ftp://elbereth.rutgers.edu/pub/sfl for Science fiction films,shows,books
Web sites :
http://www.mca.com Universal Pictures
http://www.paramount.com Paramount
http://www.mgmua.com United Artists
StarTrek site
http://gagme.wwa.com/~boba/trek.html StarTrek site
Star Wars Multimedia archive
http://useattle.uspan.com/mavin.html Movies review site
http://cathouse.org:8000/BritishComedy Pointers to British comedy sites
http://www.cityscape.co.uk/channel4 British TV Channel 4 web site
http://www.leo.org/Movies Movies site
http://www.msstate.edu Cardiff movie database
http://www.cm.cf.ac.uk/Movies Movie Database
http://www.disney.com You know what :)
http://batmanforever.com About Batman:Forever movie and
Batmam-related information
http://beavis.cba.uiuc.edu Beavis and Butthead comics info
Drew Barrymore homepage
http://www.scifi.com Sci-Fi channel
o MPG, MOV, AVI files
Video files.Can be reproduced in any machine with the appropriate player
and drivers.MOV files are quicktime video files made for or using Mac
computers.You need the Apple Quicktime drivers for Windows and a .MOV
player to see them, if you own a PC.
Suggested machine : 386DX, 8MB memory and fairly fast hard disk.
Suggested players : [MPG] VMPEG (Dos,Win), Xing Mpeg player (Windows)
[AVI] Windows Media player
[MOV] Quicktime drivers and player for Windows
Ftp sites:
ftp://smartnet.net/pub/LoneWolf/Apps VMPEG player for Win
WWW sites:
See also: Anime, animation (cartoons)
o MUD (Multi-user Dungeon)
Play along with users from all around the world.The following does not
and will not ever serve the purpose of a full MUD games index, but just
a pointer to various interesting sites.
Telnet : telnet://sachs.cs.colostate.edu:2525
telnet://cave.tcp.com port:2283 Cavemuck adventure
telnet://rivendel.slip.umd.edu:5000 CyberEden
telnet://teaching4.physics.ox.ac.uk:4001 BabeMUD
telnet://prometheus.bsd.uchicago.edu:6789 Budapest
telnet://mustang.us.dell.com:9173 Mustang
telnet://cs3.brookes.ac.uk:6789 Sleepless Nights
telnet://muselab.ac.runet.edu:6715 Tyrann II
telnet://alpha.dsu.edu:6789 Utopia
telnet://mud.butterfly.net:4000 LoveMUD
telnet://godshome.solace.mh.se:3000 Gods' Home
telnet://helpmac.its.mcw.edu:8888 Abyss II
telnet://chaos.bga.com:4000 Chaos
telnet://jive.rahul.net:6666 Dark Castle MUD
telnet://xbyse.nada.kth.se:4000 Elite
telnet://supergirl.cs.hut.fi:6969 Imperial
telnet://kitten.mcs.com:4500 Mozart
telnet://fpa.com:4000 Phantazm
telnet://p107.informatik.uni-bremen.de:4000 Realm of Magic
telnet://sampan.ee.fit.edu:4000 Silicon Realms
telnet://stone.cis.ufl.edu:4000 SillyMUD
telnet://ukko.rowan.edu:5000 Tazmania
telnet://huey.ee.cua.edu:7777 The Final Level
telnet://surf.tstc.edu:4000 The Glass Dragon
telnet://tdome.montana.com:5555 Thunderdome
telnet://drake.eushc.edu:9000 Wayne's world
telnet://gauss.ifm.liu.se:3000 5th Dimension
telnet://palikka.jyu.fi:2001 BatMUD
telnet://cix.compulink.co.uk:4242 Discworld
telnet://kcbbs.gen.nz:6000 Enigma
telnet://looney.cp.tn.tudelft.nl:8888 LooneyMUD
telnet://birka.lysator.liu.se:2000 NannyMUD
telnet://castor.acs.oakland.edu:5195 Overdrive
telnet://prime.mdata.fi:3000 Prime time
telnet://ragnarok.teleport.com:2222 Ragnarok
telnet://krynn.solace.mh.se:7373 StarMUD
telnet://quark.gmi.edu:5150 Timewarp
telnet://valhalla.com:2444 Valhalla
telnet://gorina3.hsr.no:3287 Wonderland
telnet://linux1.sjoki.uta.fi:3333 ZombieMUD
telnet://liii.com:8000 Barren Realms
telnet://trekmoo.microserve.com:2499 TrekMOO
telnet://tcp.com:2035 AnimeMUCK
telnet://iglou.com:4999 Delusions
telnet://epona.magibox.net:8888 Desires
telnet://step.polymtl.ca:3026 BattleTech
Check out :
http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~lwl/mudinfo.html MUD pointers and links
Shadowrun, RPG pages
List, links to MUD sites
The internet can be a great host for music artists and their work.You
can browse the following sites :
Ftp : ftp://ftp.eff.org/pub/EFF/Graphics Aerosmith pics,sounds
ftp://bobcat.bbn.com/public/beatles Beatles related
ftp://asylum.sf.ca.us/pub/klf files about the KLF
Web : http://www.southern.com Music site
http://www.eff.org/pub/EFF/Graphics Aerosmith web pages
http://www.stones.com Rolling Stones www pages
http://www.teleport.com/~arcana/ Violet Arcana site (ambient)
Vangelis site
Rock'n'Roll, rockers site
Internet Underground Music
Archive, music online!
The On-Line Music Database
Pointers to music pages
The Catherine Wheel Home Page
The Elvis Presley Home Page
The Yes Archive
Zappa pages
Doc Watson, Folk Legend
http://www.acns.nwu.edu/gabriel Peter Gabriel site
"Techno tribal rhythm fusion"
Trance Mission
Mixed Company group
http://www.echonyc.com/unled Jimmy Page & Robert Plant
New album : No Quarter
WNUR-FM Jazz Information Server
http://kzsu.stanford.edu KZSU Student Radio Station
Landphil records
http://iia.org/~cuddihd/gsn.html "God Says No!" Records
techno/dance recording label
Moonshine Music
4 AD label
City of Tribes
Computer Music Journal Archive
http://mtv.com MTV channel Web Server
Folk Music Home Page
http://www.acns.nwu.edu/jazz/artists Artists of Jazz Index
Styles of Jazz - a map
UK Indie/Alternative mus. scene
Jazz Fest Info
The Acoustic Music Server
The Ann Arbor Edge Track Samples
http://underground.net Underground.Net
http://www.iuma.com Internet Underground Archive
Telnet : telnet://cdconnection.com
Compact Disc Connection type CDC at opening prompt
Usenet areas about music: (see USENET below)
See also : LISTS by email, MUSIC lists
National Association of Space Administration.You can read and learn about
the last technology innovations, and information about space explorations.
For the latest news telnet://ned.ipac.caltech.edu
Telnet : telnet://spacemet.phast.umass.edu
telnet://stinfo.hq.eso.org (login as stinfo)
Hubble Space Telescope
telnet://ned.ipac.caltech.edu (login as ned)
NASA extragalactix database
Part of NASA's Goddard Fl. center (login: gof)
High Energy NASA Astrophysics Archive (login:
XRAY, then type help)
Ftp : ftp://ftp.hq.nasa.govpub/pao/pressrel/1995/96budget.txt
Budget briefing package
Web sites : http://skview.gsfc.nasa.gov/skyview.html
http://newproducts.jpl.nasa.gov/calendar Calendar of events
Gopher : gopher://krakatoa.jsc.nasa.gov
Library X at Johnson Space Center
gopher://gopher.gsfc.nasa.gov Goddard Space Flight center
gopher://technology.com Mid-Continent technology transfer
gopher://naic.nasa.gov Network Applications and Informa-
tion center
See also: E-mail, Nasa announcements by e-mail section
TELNET, Libraries
o ROMANCE and/or sex
Everything related to romance or sexual preferences.Some of the material
found in the sites listed below may offend the viewer.Don't browse them
unless you are 18 or more years old.You have the full responsibility of
your actions.
Web sites:
http://zoom.lm.com Big collection of pictures
http://www.mall2000.com Dating service
http://www.playboy.com Playboy magazine web page
http://www.penthousemag.com Penthouse web page
Samples of adult CDROMs
Dating service
http://www.public.com/personals Personals page
http://wwa.com:1111 -''-
http://world.std.com/~amb Castle von Buhler (?!)
It may not exist.Check it out.
http://www.gate.net/~dmusic/aim.html CDWorld Adult catalog
http://www.gate.net/~beyond/adult.html Adult CD titles to order
http://www.webcom.com/~dml/sex/intro.html Adult toys
http://telescope.com/telescope/dwf Adult gift gallery
http://hamilton.netmedia.com/date Web personals
http://www.evn.com Adult video site
http://www.sirius.com/~fearless Naughty sound bites
http://netmart.com/macjam Neighbour girls web page
http://www.umich.edu/~dradde/pam.htm Pamela Anderson home page
http://www.thrills.com/bigthrills (..) images
Jenny McCarthy Page
Tiffani-Amber Thiessen web page
Ftp sites:
GIF, JPG files
| Not checked recently
ftp://ccnet.ccnet.com/users/bjhigh/at Tasteless files
| JPG files
Telnet sites:
telnet://lifestyle.com ( Lifestyle online Adult BBS
Email :
o Send a message to mailto:orfan@delphi.com and specify TEXT or
HYPERTEXT in the body of the message and get a free trial issue
of CyberBabes.
o Send email to mailto:jmp@cyber-mall.com with the word "SUBSCRIBE"
in the subject header (no quotes though) and you'll get a subscri-
ption to "Backroads of the Infobahn", an electronic journal.You have
to be over 18 years old to subscribe.
Sites with information on Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and more..
Ftp sites :
ftp://stanzi.bchem.washington.edu/pub [CHEMISTRY]
Gopher sites:
gopher://helix.nih.gov, Molecular Biology Database option
gopher://pdb.pdb.bnl.gov [BIOLOGY]
gopher://wiretap.spies.com, Wiretap Online Library/Assorted Documents
Telnet sites:
telnet://genbank.bio.net Login: genbank, Password: 4nigms
telnet://e-math.ams.com Login: e-math [MATHEMATICS]
telnet://bnlnd2.dne.bnl.gov Login: nndc [PHYSICS]
telnet://camms2.caos.kun.nl:2034 [CHEMISTRY]
o SHOPS on-line
Buy on-line using the internet services.Note that you need a major
credit card to make some orders.
o Computer Express (cexpress.com) on-line shop.
Various hardware and software products for PC and Macintosh
computers.You need a major credit card to order.
E-mail address : mailto:info@cexpress.com
info at : mailto:service@cexpress.com
Login using web, http://cexpress.com:2700
o Essential Data (Mail delivery company).
Send a message to mailto:edi-specials@marketplace.com to get the latest
special prices.To receive price lists, mail TWO messages to
mailto:edi-prices-one@marketplace.com and
Other shops: (using web)
http://www.demon.co.uk/trinity/home.html Trinity mail-order
http://marketplace.com Big internet mall
http://www.qnet.com On-line shop
http://plaza.xor.com Shopping mall
http://shop.internet.net Internet Shopping Network
o SimTel
A large collection of shareware and freeware files, updated constantly.
SimTel, the Coast to Coast Software Repository (tm), is located on
SimTel.Coast.NET, a host that cannot be accessed by anonymous ftp
users, however its files are available by anonymous ftp in directories
/SimTel/msdos, /SimTel/win3, /SimTel/nt, and /SimTel/vendors on the
primary mirror site ftp://ftp.coast.net ( located in
Detroit, Michigan, and from the secondary mirror sites:
Australia: ftp://archie.au/micros/pc/SimTel
Lancaster, England: ftp://micros.hensa.ac.uk/mirrors/simtel
London, England: ftp://src.doc.ic.ac.uk/pub/packages/simtel
Finland: ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/oak.oakland.edu/Simtel
France: ftp://ftp.ibp.fr/pub/pc/SimTel
Tuebingen, Germany: ftp://ftp.uni-tuebingen.de/pub/simtel
Paderborn, Germany: ftp://ftp.uni-paderborn.de/SimTel
Hong Kong: ftp://ftp.cs.cuhk.hk/pub/simtel
Israel: ftp://ftp.technion.ac.il/pub/unsupported/simtel
Netherlands: ftp://ftp.nic.surfnet.nl/mirror-archive/software/simtel-msdos
Craycow, Poland: ftp://ftp.cyf-kr.edu.pl/pub/mirror/simtel
Warsaw, Poland: ftp://ftp.icm.edu.pl/pub/simtel
South Africa: ftp://ftp.sun.ac.za/pub/simtel
Slovenia: ftp://ftp.arnes.si/software/SimTel
Sweden: ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/pc/mirror/SimTel
Switzerland: ftp://ftp.switch.ch/mirror/simtel
Taiwan: ftp://NCTUCCCA.edu.tw/PC/simtel
Thailand: ftp://ftp.nectec.or.th/pub/mirrors/SimTel
Turkey: ftp://ftp.metu.edu.tr/pub/mirrors/simtel
Rochester, USA: ftp://OAK.Oakland.Edu/SimTel
St. Louis, USA: ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/systems/ibmpc/simtel
Norman, OK, USA: ftp://ftp.uoknor.edu/mirrors/SimTel
Corvallis, OR, USA: ftp://ftp.orst.edu/pub/mirrors/simtel
SimTel files may obtained by e-mail from various ftp-mail servers
or through the BITNET/EARN file servers. For details send e-mail
to mailto:listserv@SimTel.Coast.NET with this command in the body of
the message: get simtel-mailserver.info
World Wide Web (WWW) users can also access SimTel files via the URL:
Gopher users can access SimTel files through Gopher.Oakland.Edu
( gopher://gopher.oakland.edu )
CD-ROM copies of the entire collection are available from Coast to
Coast Telecommunications, Inc., 5850 Dixie Highway Clarkston, MI
48346, U.S.A., telephone (800) 536-3373 or (810) 623-6700, or FAX
(810) 623-1469. A WWW Forms Interface for ordering CD-ROMs -
http://www.coast.net/SimTel/cdrom.html - is also available. This
CD-ROM set includes the entire collection, which is not true of
CD-ROMs offered by some other vendors.
For information send e-mail to mailto:cdrom@Mail.Coast.NET
To order send e-mail to mailto:order@Mail.Coast.NET
Quarterly update subscriptions are available at a substantial discount.
Dealer inquiries are welcome. Purchases of this CD-ROM set from Coast
to Coast will provide direct support to SimTel.
UPLOAD: If you want to upload a file to be added in the monstrous ;)
SimTel collection, send a message to Keith Petersen (his email
address follows) and ask for directions.. Remember, this is a
PC only file collection.
Keith Petersen
General Manager of SimTel, the Coast to Coast Software Repository (tm)
Internet: w8sdz@SimTel.Coast.NET ftp://ftp.coast.net/SimTel/
Uucp: uunet!simtel.coast.net!w8sdz http://www.coast.net/SimTel/
See also: LISTS, get SimTel upload announcements
You should visit the following sites :
telnet://telnet.w3.org CERN - information site, anything can be
found here.Offers archie, web, gopher.
Metro navigator of major cities
telnet://compuserve.com Compuserve Information Service.Possibly, you
have to be a subscriber to enter.For the link
to work correctly, you should set the telnet
parameters to :
Enable binary
Disable escape
Enable CRLF options
Set terminal type to VT100
Set line mode
telnet://phantom.com ?
login: fifeuser - Databases, sattelites info
NBA program of matches
telnet://chemm.ucsd.edu login: webster - Webster's dictionary server
telnet://martini.eecs.umich.edu:3000 Geographic server
BBSes: (This list can be found in http://dkeep.com/sbi.html (web)
or in ftp://dkunix.dkeep.com/pub/sbi .You can get the same
list via finger at the address sbiq@dkeep.com)
A World Locally ? (
Absolute Connection a-c.in.net (
Access Nevada spillway.accessnv.com (
ACE InfoSystems aceinfo.com (
AdeptXBBS adeptsoft.gate.net (
Advanced Data Services BBS bbs.adsinc.com (
AECNET (tm) aecnet.com (
After Hourz BBS ahbqs.com (
Afterimage Information Matrix aim.novasys.com (
Aladdins Palace aladdin.bc.ca (
Albuquerque ROS abq-ros.com (
Alien's SpaceShip BBS Aliens.com (
Almac BBS almac.co.uk (
Amateur Radio INTERNET BBS wb3ffv1.sed.csc.com (
America's Suggestion Box asb.com (
Anarchy-X BBS bbs.ax.com (
The Annex! annex.com (
Another World(tm) awol.com (
Appraisal Professional Online apo.com (
Aquila BBS aquila.com (
ARC Online Systems bbs.arcos.org (
Arizona InterActive Systems azi.com (
astro.net BBS astro.net (
The Atlanta Windows BBS bbs.atlwin.com (
Atlantis BBS atlantis-bbs.com (
Atlas BBS ? (
Austin Clubhouse BBS club.fc.net (
Barney's Rubble rubble.fidouk.org (
Barter America BBS barter-usa.com (
BBS One Online Service bbs.prgone.com (
The Big Easy bigeasy.com (
Black Gold BBS bgbbs.com (
Blitzkrieg Information BBS blitzinfo.com (
Boardwatch Magazine BBS boardwatch.com (
Boston Dungeon Society bdsbbs.com (
Brainstorm BBS bstorm.bgs.com (
Bryant Software bryant.com (
Canned Ham Bulletin Board anarky.tch.org (
Caribbean Online Network for Info ? (
The Castle BBS castlebbs.com (
CCS World ccsnet.com (
Cetys BBS cetysbbs.mxl.cetys.mx (
CHANNEL 1 (R) bbs.channel1.com (
Christie's Internet Matchmaker bounced.email.net (
Cleveland's Worldnet worldnetoh.com (
Close Encounters Adult Close.packet.net (
Closer to Home BBS close2.brisnet.org.au (
Cloud City cloud.com (
Colossus Box colossus.com (
Columbus Online cols.com (
Comm 2 ? (
COMM Port OS/2 juge.com (
Comp-U-Find Online ? (
ComPart BBS compart.fi (
Compu-Plane ? (
The Computer Factory tcf.com (
ComputerLink Online, Inc. mbbs.compulink.com (
Con-X-Tion conxtion.com (
CONNECT 2000 BBS ? (
The Connection BBS connection.com (
Country Online online.music-city.com (
Courier Online col.evansville.net (
COWZ - The Cattle Crossing cow.net (
CRIS (Concentric Research Corp) cris.com (
The Crystal Ball BBS theball.fileshop.com (
The Crystal Barrier bbs.delta-eng.com (
Crystal Quill cq.cqi.com (
Cutting Edge Technologies BBS cetbbs.cet.com (
The Cutting Edge! tce.net (
Cyber Warrior Network outland.cyberwar.com (
Cyber/Chat! cybercom.com (
The CyberDen cyberden.com (
Cyberspace BBS cyberspace.grnet.com (
Cyberspace7 BBS cyberspace7.ptd.net (
CyberStation Flnet.com (
Cyberverse cyberverse.com (
Datacom datacom.net (
DataSafe Publications BBS dsafe.com (
The Davasoft BBS dava.com (
deltaComm Online delta.com (
Digital Concepts BBS dconcepts.com (
Digitec Online bbs.digitec.co.za (
Doctor's Office BBS / Falken Supp docs.dgsys.com (
Dragon Keep International dkeep.com (
Dream Link Online Information auburn.maine.com (
Dreamscape BBS dreamscape.com (
Dreamscape Entertainment S dscape.cyberstore.com (
DSC BBS / Voicenet dsc.voicenet.com (
DSP Information & Entertainment dsp.com (
Eager Beaver Computers MBBS beaver.com (
Eden BBS edenbbs.com (
Edex rainbow.galviz.co.uk (
EDR's BBS Server anarchy-online.com (
Edward Lowe Foundation BBS bbs.lowe.org (
Electronic Lucidity elbbs.id.net (
Elysian Fields castle.elysian.net (
Empty Spaces BBS bbs.empty.com (
Endless Mountain CyberSP emcyber.microserve.com (
The English Palace palace.com (
Entertainment and Consumers Net ecn.ecn.com (
Escape Escape.com (
eSoft Support and Demo BBS esoft.com (
EuroGate iit.nl (
Europe / Eurolink! ? (
EveryBaudy's BBS busstop.com (
Exchange BBS exchange.org (
Exec Talk BBS bbs.mpcs.com (
ExecPC bbs.execpc.com (
Executive Network Information gateway.execnet.com (
EXiT 13 vegas.roc.servtech.com (
Eye Contact BBS bbs.eyecon.com (
The Eyes of Time BBS eyesoftime.com (
EZLink Internet Access ezlink.com (
EZNet eznetny.com (
Fairfield Community Connection fcc.com (
The Fetish Network BBS fetish.wisenet.com (
The File Bank BBS bbs.tfb.com (
Final Frontier BBS ffbbs.seanet.com (
FlOaTIng PAncReAs sfpg.gcomm.com (
The Flower Link BBS flowerlink.com (
FOUR.net FOUR.net (
France Online france.com (
G.L.O.B.I.E. net1.intserv.com (
G.O.D. acadh2.isisnet.com (
Galacticomm DEMO System gcomm.com (
The Game Master gm.gamemaster.qc.ca (
Game Power Headquarters BBS ? (
GaRBaGe DuMP BBS ? (
Gateway Online bbs.gatecom.com (
Global InfoNet california.com (
GRAFIX grafix.com (
Grand Rapids Online gronline.alliance.net (
The Granola Board BBS ? (
The Graphics Alternative tgax.com (
Green and Yellow greenandyellow.btm.com (
Ground Zero BBS gzero.com (
HACOM BBS bbs.hacom.nl (
Hal 9000 hal9k.com (
Heartbeat BBS heartbeat.org (
Hi-Teck's Place htp.com (
High Society hs.wisenet.com (
The Hole in the Wall holnwall.sos.net (
Hotel California kincyb.com (
IACC ONLINE BBS iacc.housing.umich.edu (
Idaho Interactive BBS ? (
The INDEX System (tm) index.com (
InfiNet=81 shakti.txinfinet.com (
Infinite Data Source On-Line bbs.idsonline.com (
Infinite Loop BBS ? (
Infinite Space Online ispace.com (
InfoNet (Information Superhighway infonet.isl.net (
InfoNet Bulletin Board System infousa.com (
InfoPort infoport.com (
Instant Access instbbs.camba.com (
Instant Global Access ? (
Interact! BBS bbs.ohana.com (
Intercom Online InterCom.com (
Interludes BBS ? (
InTheNet BBS inthenet.com (
IONX ionx.com (
IPlay On-Line iplay.interplay.com (
Iris BBS iris.mother.com (
Jaguar BBS jaguar.pue.udlap.mx (
Janis II - Tokyo asianet.net (
The Jungle BBS jungle.net (
KBBS Los Angeles ? (
Kingston Online Services ? (
The Kobayashi Alternative BBS tka.com (
LaserBase Communications laserbase.com (
LeClub BBS lia.infolink.co.za (
LegacyNet lgn.com (
Liberty BBS liberty.com (
LIFESTYLE ONLINE lifestyle.com (
Liquid Sky BBS liquidsky.com (
Livewire ? (
Logic Circuit Logicom.com (
LOIS: the Link Online in Santa Ma lois.org (
Love Bytes ? (
Magnus Online online.magnus1.com (
The Male Forum mforum.com (
Maloca BBS Toronto bbs.maloca.com (
Maloka BBS Warsaw bbs.maloka.waw.pl (
Meeting House BBS tmh.bbsnet.com (
Metro Online BBS nycmetro.com (
Metropoli / StarPort BBS unix.mpoli.fi (
Metropolis methub.metrobbs.com (
MHVnet mhv.net (
Micro Village BBS mvbbs.siae.com.sg (
Mike's BBS bbs.gar.no (
Miller's Party Board mpb.com (
MindVox phantom.com (
mixBBS mixbbs.commdesign.com (
Mnematics Videotex vtx.mne.com ((changes))
The Modem Nation bbs.modemnation.com (
MPI Online Services ? (
Mr. Natural's BBS bbs.mrnatural.com (
Multi-Comm Las Vegas mcomm.mclv.net (
Multiverse telnet.multiverse.com (
NandoNet camelot.nando.net (
Nasty Playmates np1.com (
Needful Things BBS ? (
NET-LINK ONLINE net-link.com (
NETIS bbs.netis.com (
New Jersey Computer Connection pluto.njcc.com (
The Newtonian BBS newton.com (
NFE BBS (Naperville File Exchange nfebbs.nfe.com (
Nitelog BBS ? (
Nucleus Information Service nis.nucleus.com (
Nurse Net Nederland bbs.nursing.nl (
Odyssey Online odyssey.ody.com (
Olympia Online uranus.olympia.com (
On-Line Entertainment connect.on-line.co.uk (
Onix BBS onix.com (
Online Computer Distribution MAIN.ONCOMDIS.ON.CA (
Online Data Systems ods.net (
Online Montgomery ? (
Online Orlando oo.com (
ONline WElcome bbs.onwe.co.za (
OS/2 Shareware BBS bbs.os2bbs.com (
Pacific Connections paccon.com (
Pacific Horizons pacific.seanet.com (
Pacifier Online Data Service pods.pacifier.com (
Paradigm Online ? (
Paradise Play Line BBS pplnet.com (
Party Line Entertainment bbs.party.com (
PC Genius ? (
PCS Online Services bbs.pcsonline.com (
PENN-COMM BBS mailer.pennet.com (
Pennsylvania Online! paonline.com (
Phantasy BBS bbs.phantasy.com (
Pics On-Line BBS bbs.pics.com (
Pink's Place BBS pnx.com (
Point Blank pointblank.com (
The Porch BBS bbs.theporch.com (
The Power Exchange tpe.com (
Powersystems BBS pwsbbs.com (
The PressRoom pressroom.com (
Principle of Obscurity BBS obscurity.pd.mcs.net (
Prism BBS prism.com (
Prism Hotel BBS bbs.fdu.edu (login:bbs)(
Prolink ? (
Promised Land tpl.wis.com (
Prostar Plus Information Network prostar.com (
Proton Palace proton.com (
Public Data Network bbs.chatlink.com (
Rain Forest Systems, Inc (RFSI) ? (
RCI (Ripco Communications Inc) foley.ripco.com (
Revolution! Online Services revolution.com (
Rock Garden garden.hvs.com (
Rock Pile BBS rockpile.com (
Rusty & Eddies BBS (
S & H Computer Systems BBS sandh.com (
Sacramento Exchange BBS iccse.com (
Salt Air BBS ? (
Silicon Matchmaker BBS silicon.email.net (
SIO Support BBS ? (
Smurph Land BBS smurph.com (
Software Connection Online sco.softconn.co.za (
Software Creations swcbbs.com (
Softworks softwork.com (
Southern Star BBS sstar.com (
The Spa! the-spa.com (
Spider Island BBS spiderisland.com (
SPIN spin.com.mx (
The Spring Guide spring.com (
Starship II BBS starship.com (
Starship Sirius sirius.america.com (
Strategic Online ? (
Studio PC Information Services studio.com (
Sun.One news.jou.ufl.edu (
Superlink bbs.superlink.net (204.97.320.5)
SuperStation BBS dias.diro.com (
SVIS svis.org (
Synergy Entertainment Network sen.com (
Synergy Online Communications bbs.soc.com (
TDS Online International dstar.com (
Techlands BBS bbs.techlands.com (
Telecommunications, Inc. ? (
TnT Online TnTonline.com (
Toledo's TBBS toltbbs.com (
Top Secret BBS ? (
Topgun BBS topgun.cvinet.com (
Trader's Connection (TCON) trader.com (
Tranquility Base ? (
TRIBnet ? (
Trilogy On-Line Service (tm) trilogy.net (
Twinturbo Demo System twinturbo.ais.net (
The UPS Depot depot.netnet.net (
VIA*Net ? (
Villa BBS rvik.is (
The Virtual Gatway vgateway.com (
The WELL well.sf.ca.us (
West Coast Online BBS bbs.calon.com (
Wingham Online wingham.com (
Wireworks Christian & Community wireworks.com (
Women's Wire wwire.net (
World Data Network BBS wdn.com (
WorldCHAT BBS bbs.wchat.on.ca (
WorldWorks Symposium worldworks.com (
Youth Education BBS yebb.com (
Zagreb zagreb.gcomm.com (
A friendly BBS, offers usenet news and games
telnet://net.xnet.com login: bbs - Another, good one, BBS
login: launch - A BBS offering Usenet and..
telnet://fdabbs.fda.gov login: bbs - Food and Drugs administration BBS
Libraries :
Boston Library Consortium (select BLC, 5)
telnet://host.clic.edu Cooperating Libraries in Consortium
| login :
| Augsburg College apac
| Bethel College bpac
| College of St Catherine scpac
| Concordia College cpac
| Hamline University hpac
| Hamline Law Library lpac
| Ireland Theological Library aimlpac
| Macalester College mpac
| University of St Thomas tpac
Univ. of Fresno (login: remote, for password,
just press enter)
telnet://pac.carl.org Massachusetts USA (login : PAC)
Lunar and Planetary Institute (login: LPI)
DALNET (Which host: WSUNET, then type LUIS)
telnet://luis.nerdc.ufl.edu Florida Univ. System (login: luis)
telnet://shrsys.hslc.org HealthNET (login: SAL)
Legal Information Institute (login: www)
telnet:// MARMOT Library Network
telnet://msusgw.umn.edu Minnesota Univ.System (enter destination:PALS)
telnet://vxlib.cern.ch CERN Scient. Information Service (type ALICE)
telnet://sun.nsf.ac.uk JANET, access to every host in UK (login:janet
for password just press enter)
Give 'connect dante' at prompt, Good library
o UNIX accounts
Internet access providers and sites you can visit (or stay :)).Note that
most times you need a major credit card in order to subscribe to one of
the following providers.Visa or Mastercard should be sufficient.
Internet providers:
Rednet : http://w3.rednet.co.uk (UK)
Cityscape : http://www.cityscape.co.uk (UK)
NetK2NE : http://k2nesoft.com (US)
telnet://k2nesoft.com login: guest
The World : telnet://world.std.com login: new (US)
CRCnet : http://www.cris.com
telnet://cris.com login: new, User-ID: Zmlbc (US)
(for a month free)
iii.net : http://www.iii.net
telnet://iii.net login: new (UK)
If you wish to get Internet access from your area, contact the Internet
Network Information Center at +1-619-455-4600 (fax: +1-619-455-4640,
email: mailto:refdesk@is.internic.net ).
Visiting other sites:
telnet://suncc.ccu.edu.tw login as guest
telnet://freenet.hsc.colorado.edu login as guest (Colorado freenet)
telnet://hela.ins.cwru.edu (freenet)
telnet://heartland.bradley.edu login as bbguest (freenet)
telnet://lafn.org Los Angeles freenet
telnet://bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us login as visitor (Florida freenet)
telnet://freenet.fsu.edu login as visitor (Florida freenet)
telnet://prairienet.org login as visitor (Illinois freenet)
telnet://bigcat.missouri.edu login as guest (Missouri freenet)
telnet://ozarks.sgcl.lib.mo.us login as guest (Missouri freenet)
telnet:// login as bbs (Montana freenet)
telnet://freenet.buffalo.edu login as freeport (New York freenet)
telnet://tso.uc.edu login as visitor (Ohio freenet)
telnet://freenet.columbus.oh.us login as guest (Ohio freenet)
telnet:// login as visitor (Ohio freenet)
telnet://freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu login as guest (Ohio freenet)
telnet://yfn.ysu.edu login as visitor (Ohio freenet)
telnet:// Rhode Island freenet
telnet://rgfn.epcc.edu login as visitor (Texas freenet)
telnet://scn.org login as visitor (Washington freenet)
telnet:// login as guest (Brit.Columbia freenet)
telnet://freenet.victoria.bc.ca login as guest (Brit.Columbia freenet)
telnet://freenet.carleton.ca login as guest (Ontario freenet)
telnet:// login as gast (Germany freenet)
telnet:// (BBS) Athens Eurolink Center (Forthnet)
See Also: TELNET, BBSes (some offer internet access)
o UNIX related
Where and what :
ftp://prep.ai.mit.edu GNU programs/sources
ftp://cse.unl.edu/pub/mgleason ncftp program
(gets the HTML file from the specified web site)
ftp://tsx-11.mit.edu/pub/linux/ALPHA/Wine Wine, windows emulator
for Linux
ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux Linux Unix operating system
DOS emulator for Linux
ftp://hydra.helsinki.fi/pub/Software/Linux/Kernel Kernels for Linux
Linux sites:
tsx-11.mit.edu /pub/linux
(official site for Linux' GCC)
sunsite.unc.edu /pub/Linux
(Ftp-by-email service: ftpmail@sunsite.unc.edu)
ftp.funet.fi /pub/OS/Linux
net.tamu.edu /pub/linux
ftp.mcc.ac.uk /pub/linux
src.doc.ic.ac.uk /packages/linux
fgb1.fgb.mw.tu-muenchen.de /pub/linux
(official site for Linux' GCC)
(Ftp-by-email service: ftp@informatik.tu-muenchen.de)
ftp.informatik.tu-muenchen.de /pub/comp/os/linux
ftp.dfv.rwth-aachen.de /pub/linux
ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de /pub/Linux
ftp.Germany.EU.net /pub/os/Linux
ftp.ibp.fr /pub/linux
kirk.bond.edu.au /pub/OS/Linux
ftp.uu.net /systems/unix/linux
wuarchive.wustl.edu mirrors/linux
ftp.win.tue.nl /pub/linux
ftp.stack.urc.tue.nl /pub/linux
srawgw.sra.co.jp /pub/os/linux
cair.kaist.ac.kr /pub/Linux
ftp.denet.dk /pub/OS/linux
nic.switch.ch /mirror/linux
monu1.monash.edu.au /pub/linux
cnuce_arch.cnr.it /pub/Linux
For the newcomer in the Linux world, look at sunsite.unc.edu, directory
/pub/Linux/distributions, where several distributions are placed.One of
the most popular Linux distributions is the Slackware distibution.
Get FreeBSD unix operating system.. Read the following passage.
From: "Jordan K. Hubbard" < mailto:jkh@freefall.cdrom.com >
The FreeBSD Project team is very pleased to announce their release of
FreeBSD 2.0; a full 32 bit 4.4 BSD Lite based operating system for
Intel PCs (i386, i486 and Pentium class).
For more information on what's new with FreeBSD, or what general
features it offers, we strongly suggest that you simply download our
boot floppy and boot from it. You can easily read the release notes
on it using a simple menu, and with no danger to the contents of your
hard disk (unless you deliberately chose "proceed with installation",
in which case your fate is in your own hands! :-).
Those unable or unwilling to download the boot floppy may also get the
release notes by mail - send mail to <info@FreeBSD.org> for an
automated reply. Updated information will also be provided on a more
or less continuous basis in our WEB pages:
FreeBSD 2.0 RELEASE is or will be available for ftp in the following
Primary ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/2.0-RELEASE
U.S-2 ftp://ftp.dataplex.net/pub/FreeBSD/2.0-RELEASE
U.S-3 ftp://kryten.atinc.com/pub/FreeBSD/2.0-RELEASE
U.S-4 ftp://ref.tfs.com/pub/FreeBSD/2.0-RELEASE
Taiwan ftp://netbsd.csie.nctu.edu.tw/pub/FreeBSD/2.0-RELEASE
Australia ftp://ftp.physics.usyd.edu.au/FreeBSD/2.0-RELEASE
France ftp://ftp.ibp.fr/pub/freeBSD/2.0-RELEASE
Finland ftp://nic.funet.fi:/pub/unix/FreeBSD/2.0-RELEASE
Russia ftp://ftp.kiae.su/FreeBSD/2.0-RELEASE
Comments, as always, to mailto:hackers@FreeBSD.org
[on behalf of the FreeBSD Project team]
See Also: FSP
World-wide message areas.. Be prepared for lots of messages per day.
You can manually add newsgroups to your favourite unix (host) news
reader, by altering the file .newsrc located in your home directory
of your unix host.. Each line of .newsrc contains a newsgroup that you
have subscribed to.Use your favourite editor to add some more lines
with newsgroup names, instead of searching among the 5000+ proposed
newsgroups using your reader to find the ones you are interested in.
Remote usenet NNTP servers : news.fu-berlin.de
news.demon.co.uk (no posting)
news.uni-hohenheim.de (no posting)
ccnews.nctu.edu.tw (no posting)
debbie.cc.nctu.edu.tw (no posting)
news.nsysu.edu.tw (no posting)
news.uni-stuttgart.de (no posting)
nntp.club.cc.cmu.edu (no posting)
nntp.gmd.de (no posting)
shakti.ncst.ernet.in (no posting)
You can send a message to a specific usenet message area, by sending the
message to news.group.name@nic.funet.fi
Related files :
NewsWatcher, Mac : ftp://ftp.acns.nwu.edu/pub/newswatcher
Newsreader, Windows: ftp://ftp.coyote.csucm.edu/pub/winworld/news
View, Msdos : ftp://ftp.demon.co.uk/pub/ibmpc/view/view.zip
alt.binaries.pictures FAQ
comp.lang.asm.x86 and
alt.lang.asm x86 Assembly FAQ
http://www.iag.net/~ubr/notes.html Newsreaders, graphics tools, etc.
Related sites :
ftp://ftp.clark.net:/pub/usenet-bible/report/ Information on Usenet-
ftp://ftp.clark.net:/pub/usenet-b/info/ FAQs, etc.
Usenet FAQ, NNTP servers
gopher://unix.tpe.com Look under Online Resources/Usenet
The following don't serve the purpose of a full newsgroups index, but
just a pointer to some weird or interesting message areas.
news:alt.alien.visitors Stuff related to aliens, UFO.
news:alt.amiga.demos About Amiga demos.
Binary files uuencoded are sent here.Mostly
graphics, creations..
About MIDi files.MID files often posted here
news:alt.cd-rom Discussions about CD-ROM.Hardware, software.
news:alt.destroy.the.earth How you can destroy Earth.
news:alt.folklore.science Discussion about scientific misconceptions
news:alt.paranet.ufo For those who believe in UFOs.
news:alt.romance Discussion about romantic affairs and romance
news:alt.startrek StarTrek related discussions
news:comp.binaries.amiga Uuencoded files for the Amiga computer
news:comp.sys.ibm.pc.demos Discussion about PC demos
news:comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action About action games
news:comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.adventure About adventure games
news:comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.flight-sim About flight simulators
news:rec.arts.anime.stories Anime - Japanese graphics
news:rec.arts.fine Discussions about the arts (..)
news:rec.arts.manga Manga - famous Japanese video cartoons
news:rec.arts.startrek.tech StarTrek technology in real world
news:rec.games.programmer Discussions about game programming
news:rec.games.video.arcade Arcade machines (coin-ops) related
news:rec.humour Jokes and funny incidents
news:rec.humour.funny More of the above
news:sci.astro Astronomy, general
news:sci.astro.amateur Amateur astronomy equipment, techniques, info
news:sci.astro.research Moderated, for discussion of current research
in astronomy and astrophysics.
sci.astro.{fits,hubble,planetarium} - topic-specific subgroups
news:sci.geo.eos Discussion of the Earth Observing System
news:sci.space.news Moderated, for mission status reports,
news announcements, etc.
news:sci.space.science Moderated, space & planetary science.
news:sci.space.shuttle Discussion specific to the space shuttle,
including launch/landing schedules and mission
news:sci.space.tech Moderated, technical/hardware issues.
(for music related newsgroups, see MUSIC topic above)
See also : TELNET, BBSes that offer usenet
o VIRUS (anti-viruses)
Various anti-virus programs can be found in many sites, especially in
SimTel mirrors under the SimTel/msdos/virus directory.
Thunderbyte Antivirus (TBAV) :
McAfee, SCAN v2.x.x :
F-Prot anti-virus :
Also : http://www.datafellows.fi Information regarding viruses
http://www.mcafee.com McAfee Associates
ftp://kaiwan.kaiwan.com/user/chaos Virus information and sources
| Virus related files
Look in SimTel/msdos/virus directory in SimTel archives.See SimTel
section for more information.
See Also: Email, support for various anti-virus programs
(Information as of May'94.Newer information may be obtained from
ftp://sipb.mit.edu/pub/whois/whois-servers.list )
The procedure for accessing the whois servers will vary depending on your
host's operating system, and on what software is installed. On UNIX sys-
tems, the preferred method is
whois -h server_name name_of_person
If there is no whois program, sometimes it will work to type
telnet server_name 43
and then type the "name of person" on a separate line. (The usefulness
of this will vary depending on the details of the telnet clientimplemen-
tation installed on your system.)
Alternatively, you may be able to compile a whois program yourself,star-
ting from source code available at various anonymous FTP sites. As a
start, you might try searching archie for files named 'whois.tar.Z'.
This list was collected and compiled by Matt Power of M.I.T.Questions
or comments about this list should be sent to the address:
Preferred server name Associated institution
camb.com Cambridge Computer Associates
gte.com GTE Laboratories C=US
whois.pacbell.com Pacific Bell C=US
wp.psi.com Performance Systems International
whois.sunquest.com Sunquest Information Systems C=US
teetot.acusd.edu University of San Diego C=US
zippy.telcom.arizona.edu University of Arizona C=US
ducserv.duc.auburn.edu Auburn University C=US
whois.bates.edu Bates College C=US
whois.berkeley.edu University of California at Berkeley
bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu State University of NY at Binghamton
bsu.edu Ball State University C=US
caltech.edu California Institute of Technology C=US
horton.caltech.edu California Institute of Technology C=US
csufres.csufresno.edu California State University - Fresno
csuhayward.edu California State University - Hayward
csus.edu California State University - Sacramento
whois.cwru.edu Case Western Reserve University C=US
cc.fsu.edu Florida State University C=US
gettysburg.edu Gettysburg College C=US
gmu.edu George Mason University C=US
whois.dfci.harvard.edu Dana-Farber Cancer Institute C=US
hmc.edu Harvey Mudd College C=US
indiana.edu Indiana University C=US
kean.edu Kean College C=US
acad.csv.kutztown.edu Kutztown University C=US
prdb.merit.edu Merit Network C=US
whois.rsmas.miami.edu University of Miami, Rosentiel School
of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
mit.edu Massachusetts Institute of Technology
whois.msstate.edu Mississippi State University C=US
vax2.winona.msus.edu Minnesota State University - Winona C=US
info.nau.edu Northern Arizona University C=US
whois.ncsu.edu North Carolina State University C=US
nd.edu University of Notre Dame C=US
earth.njit.edu New Jersey Institute of Technology C=US
vm1.nodak.edu North Dakota State University C=US
acfcluster.nyu.edu New York University, Courant Institute
sun1.mcsr.olemiss.edu University of Mississippi C=US
austin.onu.edu Ohio Northern University C=US
ph.orst.edu Oregon State University C=US
osu.edu Ohio State University C=US
oswego.edu SUNY College at Oswego C=US
whois.oxy.edu Occidental College C=US
ems.psu.edu Pennsylvania State University,
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
info.psu.edu Pennsylvania State University C=US
cs.rit.edu Rochester Institute of Technology C=US
whois.cc.rochester.edu University of Rochester C=US
whitepages.rutgers.edu Rutgers University C=US
whois.sdsu.edu San Diego State University C=US
sonoma.edu Sonoma State University C=US
stanford.edu Stanford University C=US
camis.stanford.edu Stanford University C=US
hpp.stanford.edu Stanford University C=US
whois.slac.stanford.edu Stanford Linear Accelerator Center C=US
stjohns.edu St. John's University C=US
sunysb.edu State University of NY, Stony Brook
syr.edu Syracuse University C=US
whois.bcm.tmc.edu Baylor College of Medicine C=US
tstc.edu Texas State Technical College C=US
directory.uakron.edu University of Akron C=US
uc.edu University of Cincinnati C=US
thor.ece.uc.edu University of Cincinnati C=US
directory.ucdavis.edu University of California at Davis C=US
uchicago.edu University of Chicago C=US
oac.ucla.edu University of California at Los Angeles
whois.ucsb.edu University of California at S. Barbara
ucsd.edu University of California at San Diego
weber.ucsd.edu University of California at San Diego,
Division of Social Sciences
cgl.ucsf.edu University of Calif. at San Francisco,
School of Pharmacy
whois.uh.edu University of Houston C=US
whois.umass.edu University of Massachusetts at Amherst
umbc.edu University of Maryland, Baltimore County
ub.umd.edu University of Baltimore C=US
umd5.umd.edu University of Maryland C=US
umn.edu University of Minnesota C=US
ns.unl.edu University of Nebraska at Lincoln C=US
whois.uoregon.edu University of Oregon C=US
whois.upenn.edu University of Pennsylvania C=US
x500.utexas.edu University of Texas at Austin C=US
netlib2.cs.utk.edu na-net (linear algebra on computers)
whois.vims.edu Virginia Institute of Marine Science
whois.virginia.edu University of Virginia C=US
whois.wfu.edu Wake Forest University C=US
wisc.edu University of Wisconsin C=US
wpi.wpi.edu Worcester Polytechnic Institute C=US
ibc.wustl.edu Washington University C=US
vm1.hqadmin.doe.gov U.S. Department of Energy Headquarters
wp.doe.gov U.S. Department of Energy C=US
llnl.gov Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
x500.arc.nasa.gov NASA Ames Research Center C=US
x500.gsfc.nasa.gov NASA Goddard Space Flight Center C=US
larc.nasa.gov NASA Langley Research Center C=US
wp.nersc.gov National Energy Research Supercomputer
seda.sandia.gov Sandia National Laboratories
whois.nic.ddn.mil DDN Network Information Center C=US
whois.nrl.navy.mil Naval Research Laboratory C=US
wp.es.net Energy Sciences Network C=US
ds.internic.net Network Solutions, Inc.
whois.internic.net Network Solutions, Inc. C=US
whois.lac.net Latin America & Caribbean Whois Server
pilot.njin.net New Jersey Intercampus Network C=US
whois.ripe.net Reseaux IP Europeens C=NL
whois.morris.org Morris Automated Information Network
whois.wu-wien.ac.at Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien C=AT
archie.au Australian Academic and Research Network
whois.adelaide.edu.au University of Adelaide C=AU
wp.adelaide.edu.au University of Adelaide C=AU
deakin.edu.au Deakin University C=AU
whois.monash.edu.au Monash University C=AU
uwa.edu.au University of Western Australia C=AU
whois.gu.uwa.edu.au University of Western Australia,
University Computer Club
sserve.cc.adfa.oz.au University College, Australian Defense
Force Academy
jethro.ucc.su.oz.au University of Sydney C=AU
whois.kuleuven.ac.be Katholieke Universiteit Leuven C=BE
elem4.vub.ac.be Inter-university Institute for High
whois.belnet.be Belgian National Research Network C=BE
whois.doc.ca Communications Canada (The Federal
Department of Communications)
ac.nsac.ns.ca Nova Scotia Agricultural College C=CA
whois.queensu.ca Queen's University, Kingston, Canada
whois.unb.ca University of New Brunswick C=CA
panda1.uottawa.ca University of Ottawa C=CA
dvinci.usask.ca University of Saskatchewan, Engineering
whois.usask.ca University of Saskatchewan
phys.uvic.ca University of Victoria, Physics &
whois.uwo.ca University of Western Ontario C=CA
horton.yorku.ca York University C=CA
nic.switch.ch SWITCH Teleinformatics Services C=CH
whois.ci.ucr.ac.cr University of Costa Rica Computer Center
whois.cr CRNet NOC C=CR
whois.mff.cuni.cz Charles University, Faculty of
Mathematics and Physics
whois.vutbr.cz Technical University of Brno C=CZ
whois.fzi.de Forschungszentrum Informatik C=DE
dfnnoc.gmd.de Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik und
hermes.informatik.htw-zittau.de HTW Zittau/Goerlitz Elektrotechnik/
whois.th-darmstadt.de Darmstadt University of Technology C=DE
whois.tu-chemnitz.de Technische Universitaet Chemnitz C=DE
deins.informatik.uni-dortmund.de University of Dortmund C=DE
whois.uni-regensburg.de Universitaet Regensburg C=DE
whois.uni-c.dk Danish Computing Centre for Research and
whois.eunet.es EUnet, Goya, Spain C=ES
whois.dit.upm.es Tech. Univ. Madrid, Telecommunications
cs.hut.fi Helsinki University of Technology C=FI
cc.jyu.fi Jyvaskyla University C=FI
oulu.fi Oulu University C=FI
vtt.fi Technical Research Centre of Finland
whois.citilille.fr CITI Lille - France C=FR
whois.univ-lyon1.fr Universite Claude Bernard Lyon I C=FR
whois.forthnet.gr FORTHnet (Foundation of Research and
Technology Hellas)
wp.forthnet.gr FORTHnet (Foundation of Research and
Technology Hellas)
sangam.ncst.ernet.in National Centre for Software Technology
isgate.is Association of Research Networks in
dsa.nis.garr.it GARR-NIS c/o CNR-CNUCE C=IT
whois.nis.garr.it GARR-NIS c/o CNR-CNUCE C=IT
whois-server.l.chiba-u.ac.jp Chiba University C=JP
whois.cc.keio.ac.jp Keio University C=JP
whois.cc.uec.ac.jp University of Electro-Communications
whois.nic.ad.jp Japan Network Information Center C=JP
whois.nic.nm.kr Korea Network Information Center C=KR
whois.tue.nl Eindhoven University of Technology C=NL
cantsc.canterbury.ac.nz University of Canterbury C=NZ
directory.vuw.ac.nz Victoria University, Wellington C=NZ
waikato.ac.nz Waikato University C=NZ
whois.elka.pw.edu.pl Faculty of Electronic Engineering,
Warsaw University of Technology
whois.ia.pw.edu.pl Institute of Automatic Control, Warsaw
University of Technology
archie.inesc.pt Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e
chalmers.se Chalmers University of Technology C=SE
whois.gd.chalmers.se Gothenburg Univ. Computing Centre
kth.se Royal Institute of Technology C=SE
sics.se Swedish Institute of Computer Science
whois.sunet.se SUNET (Swedish University Network) C=SE
whois.uakom.sk SANET (WAN of Slovak academic
src.doc.ic.ac.uk Imperial College C=GB
whois.lut.ac.uk Loughborough University C=GB
info.cnri.reston.va.us Corporation for National Research
Initiatives, Knowbot interface
hippo.ru.ac.za Rhodes University, Grahamstown C=ZA
whois.und.ac.za University of Natal (Durban) C=ZA
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-*- End of text -*- Big thanks to everyone that contributed to this list --