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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
I. Introduction.
Our local Internet network, 128.109, is connected to NC
campuses, government labs, and companies via the CONCERT
Network by routers (mostly cisco) and by a few ethernet level 2
bridges. It is then gatewayed at the CONCERT NOC to
ANS/NSFNET. On the subnet 193 ethernet is a gateway on the
national backbone. External routing is under the control
of routing daemons on the backbone gateway.
The policies stated herein are directed only to hosts,
gateways, servers, etc. that are capable of sending and
receiving IP and ARP packets and of routing IP packets to the
subnet 193 ethernet.
Local IP subnet administrators must realize that their local
ethernets are just as much a part of the Internet as is the
DDN Networks or the ANS/NSFNET backbone. What appears on
the local ethernet can and may be transmitted across the coun-
try and may do immense damage along the way. When an offend-
ing node or network is identified, various Network Opera-
tions Centers (NOCs) start a defined procedure to solve
the problem. Procedures range from advising the
local administrator to fix the problem to immediate discon-
nect of the offending node. In no case are problems ignored
for very long and the severity of the action is in relation
to the seriousness of the event. Because we (network 128.109)
must be responsible participants in the Internet and because
we have had serious problems, it is necessary that we main-
tain policies and procedures in the operation of our network.
II. CONCERT Network Operations Center.
NSFNET has recommended that regional and state networks set
up a Network Operations Center for coordination, monitoring,
and management of Internet traffic and activities. The CON-
CERT NOC as described herein is modeled after other NOCs
and is comprised of those persons at the MCNC Center for
Communications responsible for maintaining the local
Internet and its gateways and interfaces to the out-
side world. These people must ensure that our ANS/NSFNET
facilities do not disrupt the national nets and that
we maintain good connectivity to the Internet for all
statewide users. CONCERT will not make unreasonable demands
upon local subnet administrators but cooperation is needed
and local subnet administrators must be responsive to our
requests. When problems arise we will advise the local
administrator while we attempt to filter offenders at the
bridges where possible. However, in severe cases it may be
necessary to shut down links in order to clear the problem
until the local problem is located. In general, any
host/subnet generating bogus packets that make their way
onto the Internet or cause disruption of routing on our
local network will be cause for immediate action against
the offending host/subnet.
III. Local Network Administrator.
Every local subnet (128.109.X) must have appointed an IP
subnet administrator registered at the CONCERT Network
Operations Center (NOC). Send mail to subnet-
reg@concert.net to register an administrator or change
registration. (An alternate may be advantageous.) The local
network administrator will be the person contacted when
problems arise with that particular local subnetwork. The
administrator will be expected to respond with appropriate
priority. Registration should include telephone number and
mailbox. A US mail addresses is desired also. This person
should be reachable during normal business hours. If it is
important that your local subnet maintain connectivity nights
and weekends, then provide a contact procedure for use at
such times.
IV. Host Registration.
The CONCERT NOC maintains a registry of TCP/IP hosts within
the network on ncnoc.concert.net. Subnet-administrators should
ensure that their hosts are included as changes and additions
are made. Registration should include host name, host type,
IP address, and ethernet address. To register hosts, send
mail to host-reg@concert.net.
V. Connecting New Hosts.
The NOC requests that all local subnet administrators
advise the NOC of connection of new devices that participate
in the Internet, including gateways and servers of any type,
prior to connecting such devices. In addition, it is
recommended that packets from such devices be filtered by the
appropriate gateways and/or bridges until proper operation is
verified. For new devices, notification should include host
name, host type, IP address, and ethernet address. Advise
the NOC via mail to host-reg@concert.net.
VI. Technical Assistance.
In order to assist the local IP subnet administrators in
maintaining proper network configuration and routing
information, the CONCERT personnel will provide a basic
technical guide on how to set up a host/gateway for
connection to the local network. Subnet administrators may
request assistance with network problems by addressing mail
to help@concert.net.
VII. Subnet Assignments.
Subnet numbers (128.109.X) are assigned by the NOC. Send
requests for new subnets to subnet-reg@concert.net. Please
understand that Internet address space is a limited quantity
and be prepared to provide justification for your needs. At
the same time the CONCERT NOC is prepared to provide
addressing to meet those needs.
VIII. Reporting Problems.
To report problems with network operation or other abnormal
network events, send mail to trouble@concert.net. Persons
on this list have various responsibilities that collectively
insure that any situation that might occur will get prompt
attention. The CONCERT NOC can be reached at 919-248-1111.
IX. Network Use Policy
The CONCERT Network supports use policies in accordance with
its supplier of Internet connectivity and will enforce those
policies to the best of its ability. Intra-CONCERT use is
generally less restrictive but CONCERT supports those ele-
ments of Internet policy that demand network etiquette
and due consideration for user's rights to privacy and free-
dom from exposure to offensive material. Internet policy
is contained in two documents available from
ncnoc.concert.net, NSFNET.policy and ANSNET.policy.
This document is available from the NOC via anonymous FTP.
To obtain a copy, FTP to NCNOC.CONCERT.NET with login=anonymous
and password=guest and change to the directory doc. Get
file CONCERT.policy or CONCERT.policy.ps. Other information
on IP networking is also available from host ncnoc.
Revised 2/1/91.