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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
From jlynch@wilkes1.wilkes.edu Wed Jul 8 02:29:58 1992
Received: by wilkes1.wilkes.edu (5.57/Ultrix3.0-C)
id AA15604; Tue, 7 Jul 92 14:31:52 -0400
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 92 14:31:52 -0400
From: jlynch@wilkes1.wilkes.edu (Baloo the Bear)
Message-Id: <9207071831.AA15604@wilkes1.wilkes.edu>
To: ktso@ws332c.ee.cuhk.hk
Subject: BotDoc1.2
Status: R
That Great Ursine of IRC, BalooBear, presents...
'||''|. . '||''|.
|| || ... .||. || || ... ....
||'''|. .| '|. || || || .| '|. .| '' Version
|| || || || || || || || || || 1.2
.||...|' '|..|' '|.' .||...|' '|..|' '|...'
The official guide to writing IRC bots !!!!!
Standard Disclaimer Legal Junk
BalooBear cannot he held responsible for anything that happens
as a result of using this document... Use at your own risk!!!!
o UNIX or compatible OS
o IRCII client
o A little knowledge of how /on commands work
o Imagination
What is a bot?
A 'bot' is simply a collection of commands (a script) that responds
to certain key phrases and commands from its owner and other IRC
participants. Popular features that people include in their bots are
auto-opping of themselves and friends, deop protection for them
(when someone deops them, the bot reops them), responding to certain
words people say with cute responses, and the like. This manual will
show you how to do all these things, and I hope it will spur you on
to make bots that do even more. This manual only covers the basics, but
bots can do MUCH more.
Mechanics of a bot
A bot appears as a seperate person on IRC, even though it is
really just a script. Your bot will have the same system address
as you, and will run as a background task in your account. Bots
can leave IRC when you do automatically and change channels with
you. They can even be made to stay on IRC after you logout,
24-hrs/day, if so desired.
A bot is just a collection of mostly /on commands (with some
others thrown in sometimes) that is stored in a simple ASCII text
file. This file can be loaded into IRCII in several ways. Since
I assume most of you want your bot to run in the background and cause
a minimum amount of hassle to you, I will show you the method I use
to run my bot. This method has many advantages. But first, lets
get into some actual bot code!
Common commands in a bot file
The first thing you'll want to have in your bot file is a
nickname for your bot. Usually, bot nicknames end in "bot" or "serv"
or "srv". You should make your bot's nick end in one of these three
ways so as to not make people think it's a person. BalooBot, my bot,
is a good example. When people see that kind of ending, they know he's
just a program. To specify a nickname, put this in your bot file:
/nick whatever
Remember, just use any text editor to make your bot file, as it is
only an ASCII text file.
Next you should set exec_protection to off, so that your bot can
operate properly, turn the display off, and turn the beep off by doing
/set exec_protection off
/set display off
/set beep off
Simple, eh? Now we get to the good part - actually writing
the key phrases and responses!!! Many things can be done with a
bot, and here are a few:
By using /on public commands, your bot can be made to respond to
"key phrases" that anyone on the channel says. Wildcards, such as *,
can be used, and case does not matter. The first form of the command
responds to a key phrase only when the bot is specifically spoken to:
/on public "* baloobot* hello*" / ==== Hi there, $0! ====
/on public "* hello* baloobot*" / ==== Hi there, $0! ====
This line will respond with "==== Hi there, Fred! ====" if
someone named Fred says "baloobot hello" or "hello baloobot". This
type of public will ONLY respond when someone specifically addresses
the bot by name. Another kind of /on public is this kind:
/on public "* spam*" / ==== SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAMMITY SPAM! ====
...which will output the phrase whenever the word "spam" is heard
from anyone at any time. BE WARNED, however, that most people do not
take kindly to this kind of /on public statement, and will usually
kick your bot if he keeps it up. By making the bot only respond when
addressed, you can make sure that it doesn't get people annoyed.
See the listing of BalooBot after this document for more ideas.
/on msg commands allow your bot to respond to /msg messages that
people send to it. The format is similar to /on public :
/on msg "* help*" /exec -msg $0 cat HelpFile.txt
...will, when someone types "/msg BalooBot help", msg back to
that person the contents of the file HelpFile.txt in the current dir.
Bascially, anything that can be done with /on publics can also be
done with /on msgs, the two commands simply respond to different
kinds of input. BalooBot's listing at the end of this document
includes several /on msg commands, mostly for owner control.
Auto-ops can be incorporated into your bot, which will make
him op you or any of your friends automatically and instantly upon /join
of the channel the bot is on (assuming he is opped). Auto-reops
automatically reop you or friends when someone tries to deop you/them.
Here is an example from BalooBot:
/on join BalooBear /mode $C +o BalooBear; ==== BALOOBEAR!! ====
/on mode "* * *-O BalooBear" /mode $C +o BalooBear
The first line auto-ops BalooBear upon joining the channel
the bot is on (notice how $C represents the channel name). The second
line reops BalooBear immediately if somebody deops him. See the
listing of BalooBot for more examples. Also note how a semicolon (;)
is used to separate multiple commands on the same line.
The previous auto-op commands will auto-op anyone with the right
nickname. On small channels this is usually no problem, but on large,
well-known channels (such as #hottub, which is BalooBot's home), this
can become a problem, as delinquents can take someone else's nick, get
auto-opped by the bot (who think's its that person of that nick), and
mass-kick everyone off the channel :(.... A way to avoid this is by
using secure auto-opping that is based on login-id rather than just
nickname. Here's how: put this line once in your botfile, near
the top:
/on join * /who $0
...then for each person you want to auto-op, put in one of
/on who "* * * jlynch wilkes1.wilkes.edu *" /mode $C +o $1
Make sure to leave out the @ in the system address.
Incidentially, the above one is just an example, but it would be
nice to add to your bot (after all, I wrote this helpfile :)
Add something like this to make your bot kick-proof:
/on raw_irc "*KICK * * BalooBot*" /msg BalooBot rejoin
/on msg "BalooBot rejoin" /join #channel
BTW, you can't just do a /on raw_irc kick /join, because all
operations after the raw_irc are carried out JUST BEFORE you are
kicked... so having the bot msg itself to rejoin is a neccessary,
if kludgy, extra step. But hey... it works! :)
Of course, someone can always ban your bot, then kick him.
To get around this, simply put your bot on a non-2.7 server, with
the /serv command. Non-2.7 servers ignore bans, and essentially
make your bot ban-proof. Along with the next section on kill-
proofness, these things will make it so that NO ONE on IRC, and I
do mean NO ONE, will be able to get your bot off a channel in
any way (KICK doesn't work, ban doesn't either, not even KILL!).
Except possibly by making the channel invite-only, but on most
big public-channels like #hottub, invite-only is almost never used.
One simple line will make your bot kill-proof (instant
reconnect upon kill):
/on disconnect * /serv servername
...where you substitute your server name (for example,
fairhope.andrew.cmu.edu, a good non-2.7 server) for the word
These commands use /on public statements, but can only be
activated by the owner of the bot, not by anyone else. The key is
to include the owner's name as part of the statement:
/on public "BalooBear bbot boot*" /kick $C $3
...will kick the person after the word "boot" off the channel.
Note that all BalooBear has to type is "bbot boot nick" to kick
that person, the "BalooBear" part of the /on public is only used
to make sure that the command is from BalooBear; someone else trying
to use the "bbot boot" command will get no response.
BalooBot also includes /on msg owner commands, for when the
owner is not on the same channel as the bot.
This command will make the bot join any channel its owner
/invites it to (make sure to put your nick in place of "BalooBear")
/on invite "BalooBear" /join $1
This is a special owner command that causes the bot to switch
to whatever server you tell it to:
/on public "BalooBear BBot serv*" /serv $3
/on msg "BalooBear serv *" /serv $2
so when BalooBear types "bbot serv lyman.pppl.gov" or
"/msg BalooBot serv lyman.pppl.gov", BalooBot will switch to the
lyman server.
This command will cause your bot to exit the IRC system when
you do, automatically. Note that if you want a bot to be on all
the time, do not use this command, you must kill the bot process
from the shell to stop it.
/on channel_signoff "* BalooBear" /exit
OK, so you've written your bot, and now you want to try him out.
Here's how, assuming you have a C-shell-based UNIX system (commands
may vary for other shells):
1. From the shell prompt, simply type:
irc -b -l botfile
...where you replace the full pathname of the IRCII client
on your machine for the word 'irc', and the name of the ASCII text
file containing your bot for the word 'botfile'.
This will run your bot in the background, put up some stuff
on the screen you should ignore, and then, after you hit return a
few times, return your shell prompt to you. The bot is now running
as a background process that will continue indefinitely until you
kill it, even after you logout.
2. Now just join IRC yourself, take the nickname that your
bot recognizes as its master's... and have fun!
3. If you ever want to kill the bot for any reason (to start
up an improved version, for example), just do a "ps -x" from the
shell prompt, note the PID number of the bot process, and from the
shell type "kill -9 pidnumber", replacing the PID number for the
word "pidnumber".
Keep in mind that MUCH more can be done with bots, so much more that
we have literally only covered the proverbial "tip of the iceberg" here.
So go ahead, and get your hands dirty... If you have any questions,
I'm on IRC under "BalooBear", you can talk to me or leave a msgserv
for me, or E-mail me at jlynch@wilkes1.wilkes.edu
/\\_\_.-----.___ _.._
/ _ _ \// \
BalooBear / / \ y-- |
John Lynch | /\ /\ \ __/
jlynch@wilkes1.wilkes.edu ___________| _*/__*/_ \_
/ \\ +----. ____ \_
------------------------- \ || \__/ / / \
+---+/ / / /\\
High Byte Software \ \ / / _/
91 Hillside Street '-+----_______---- / -- \
Wilkes-Barre, PA, USA \___________--' \
18702 / \
/ \
================= LISTING OF BALOOBOT AS OF 4/9/92 ====================
/comment *** BalooBot V3.7, BalooBear's IRC bot ***
/comment *** now running off Fizzy's account ***
/comment *** jointly commanded/owned by Fizzy/BalooBear ***
/comment *** Now with system-id checks (for auto-opping) ***
/comment *** Also with kick protection (auto-rejoin on kick) ***
/comment *** And kill-protection (instant auto-reconnect on kill) ***
/comment *** running off a 2.6 server for ban protection ***
/serv fairhope.andrew.cmu.edu
/nick BalooBot
/set novice off
/set display off
/set exec_protection off
/set beep off
/join #hottub
/say ==== Hi everyone! ====
/on join * /who $0
/comment ******************** PUBLICS ****************************
/on mode "* * *+O BalooBot*" /msg $0 ==== Thanks tons, $0!! ====
/on public "* hello* BalooBot" / ==== Hi there, $0!! ====
/on public "* BalooBot* hi*" / ==== Hello, $0!!! ====
/on public "* BalooBot* hello" / ==== Greetings, $0!! ====
/on public "* hi* BalooBot*" / ==== What's up, $0 ?!! ====
/on public "* baloobot* thank*" / ==== No problemo, $0 ====
/on public "* thank* baloobot*" / ==== Anytime, $0 ====
/on public "* thanx* baloobot*" / ==== Don't mention it, $0!!! ====
/on public "* baloobot* thanx*" / ==== Glad to help, $0!!! ====
/on public "* baloobot* spam*" / ==== SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAMMITY SPAM!! ====
/on public "* baloobot* amiga*" / ==== Commodore Amiga - Best PC on Earth!! ====
/on public "* baloobot* commodore*" / ==== Commodore : maker of the legendary AMIGA! ====
/on public "* baloobot* parrot*" / ==== "That parrot is NOT dead.. he's resting!" ====
/on public "* baloobot* grail*" / ==== "Grail? We've already got one!" ====
/on public "* baloobot* sir robin*" / ==== "He is brave Sir Robin, brave Sir Robin" ====
/on public "* baloobot* larch*" / ==== "AND NOW... THE LARCH" ====
/on public "* baloobot* camelot*" / ==== "It's only a model!" ====
/on public "* baloobot* floyd*" / ==== PINK FLOYD RULES! ====
/on public "* baloobot* how* is* life*" / ==== Life sucks, as usual, $0 ====
/on public "* baloobot* eat* me*" / ==== $0: I'd rather not :P ====
/on public "* baloobot* who* made* you*" / ==== BalooBear did, of course! ====
/on public "* baloobot* who* created* you*" / ==== BalooBear made me! ====
/on public "* baloobot* who* is* your* master*" / ==== My master is BalooBear! I obey him faithfully! ====
/on public "* baloobot* self*destruct*" / ==== BLAM!!!!!!! ====
/on public "* baloobot* who* is* BalooBear*" / ==== BalooBear is the bear from the Disney ====; ==== film, "The Jungle Book". And he is my master! ====
/on public "* baloobot* me* beer*" / ==== Throws a cold brewski to $0 ====
/on public "* baloobot* where* you* live*" / ==== I live on IRC, silly! :) ====
/on public "* baloobot* die*" / ==== DIE??? I AM IMMORTAL!!!! :) ====
/on public "* baloobot* sex*" / ==== *blushes* Sorry, bots can't have sex, $0 ====
/on public "* baloobot* suck*" / ==== $0, vulgarity is a crutch for the inarticulate ====
/on public "* baloobot* go* hell*" / ==== No, I think YOU should go to hell, $0!!! :) ====
/on public "* baloobot* fuck*" / ==== Watch the language, $0!!! :) ====
/on public "* baloobot* shit*" / ==== Watch the language, $0, or I'll ====; ==== get the FCC after you! :) ====
/on public "* baloobot* shut*up*" / ==== I'll shut up if you don't egg me on!! ====
/comment ******************** HELP! *********************************
/on public "* baloobot* help*" /msg $0 ==== HELP?? Call 911 !! ====
/on public "* bbot* help*" /msg $0 ==== HELP?? Call 911 !! ====
/on msg "* help*" /msg $0 ==== HELP?? Call 911 !! ====
/comment ******************* KICK / KILL PROTECTION ********************
/on raw_irc "*KICK * * BalooBot*" /msg BalooBot rejoin
/on msg "BalooBot rejoin" /join #hottub
/on disconnect * /serv fairhope.andrew.cmu.edu
/comment ******************** AUTO RE-OPS *************************
/comment *** inactive until I can figure out how to secure them ***
/comment *** from jerks who take other ppl's nicks to get opped ***
/comment /on mode "* * *-O BalooBear*" / ==== NEVER DEOP MY MASTER, $0!!! ====;/mode $C +o BalooBear
/comment /on mode "* * *-O Fizzy*" / ==== LEAVE MY CO-OWNER ALONE, $0!!! ====;/mode $C +o Fizzy
/comment /on mode "* * *-O RontuWolf*" / ==== NEVER DEOP MY MASTER, $0!!! ====;/mode $C +o BalooBear
/comment /on mode "* * *-O Dankari*" /mode $C +o Dankari
/comment /on mode "* * *-O Zorg*" / ==== HEY!! LEAVE ZORG ALONE!! *reops Zorg* ====;/mode $C +o Zorg
/comment /on mode "* * *-O Christina*" / ==== LEAVE HER ALONE!!! *reops Christina* ====;/mode $C +o Christina
/comment /on mode "* * *-O kodiak*" / ==== LEAVE MY BEAR BUDDY ALONE!!! ====;/mode $C +o kodiak
/comment /on mode "* * *-O DreadLord*" / ==== DON'T MESS WITH DREADLORD!! *reops him* ====;/mode $C +o DreadLord
/comment /on mode "* * *-O ce_nedra*" / ==== HEY!! LEAVE CE_NEDRA ALONE!! *reops* ====;/mode $C +o ce_nedra
/comment /on mode "* * *-O snick*" / ==== HEY!! LEAVE SNICK ALONE!! *reops* ====;/mode $C +o snick
/comment /on mode "* * *-O rags*" / ==== LEAVE RAGS ALONE!!! *reops him* ====;/mode $C +o rags
/comment /on mode "* * *-O stale*" / ==== LEAVE STALE ALONE!! *reops* ====;/mode $C +o Stale
/comment /on mode "* * *-O HotTubSrv*" / ==== LEAVE HOTTUBSRV ALONE!! ====;/mode $C +o HotTubSrv
/comment /on mode "* * *-O Nap*" / ==== LEAVE NAP ALONE!! ====;/mode $C +o Nap
/comment ******** COMMANDS FOR BALOOBEAR / FIZZY *****************
/on msg "BalooBear op*" /mode $C +o $2
/on msg "BalooBear deop*" /mode $C -o $2
/on msg "BalooBear boot*" /kick $C $2
/on msg "BalooBear later" /say ==== BYE ALL!!! ====;/exit LATER_ALL!
/on msg "BalooBear serv*" /serv $2
/on msg "BalooBear join*" /join $2
/on msg "BalooBear leave*" /leave $2
/on msg "BalooBear nick*" /nick $2
/on msg "BalooBear ban*" /kick $C $2;/mode $C +b $2!*@*
/on msg "Fizzy op*" /mode $C +o $2
/on msg "Fizzy deop*" /mode $C -o $2
/on msg "Fizzy boot*" /kick $C $2
/on msg "Fizzy later" /say ==== BYE ALL!!! ====;/exit LATER_ALL!
/on msg "Fizzy serv*" /serv $2
/on msg "Fizzy join*" /join $2
/on msg "Fizzy leave*" /leave $2
/on msg "Fizzy nick*" /nick $2
/on msg "Fizzy ban*" /kick $C $2;/mode $C +b $2!*@*
/comment ********************** THE END ************************
/comment ****** BalooBot V3.7, a BalooBear production :) *******
'''---```---^^^^^^-----#-----~~~~~----'''------~~~~-----````~~~---------=\ /=
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end and flames at the other. (C). : DoD #540 - SuzukiGS500E H
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