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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
# Action code by PosterBoy
# 1-22-94 -- Implemented by TF
# Stolen from some lame ass BBS chat :)
# aka WildChat :)
ALIAS AFK /me is away from his keyboard ..
ALIAS AHEM /me clears throat ..
ALIAS APOL /me apologises to $0 ..
ALIAS APPLAUD /me applauds $0 for that wonderful feat ..
ALIAS BACK /me is back and is ready to talk ..
ALIAS BACKRUB /me gives $0 a backrub..
ALIAS BBL /me says, "Have no fear, I will be back later!"
ALIAS BEARHUG /me gives $0 a bone-crushing bear hug ..
ALIAS BED /me is ready for bed ..
ALIAS BITE /me bites $0 ..
ALIAS BLINK /me blinks in amazement ..
ALIAS BLUSH /me blushes and turns bright red ..
ALIAS BOW /me bows humbly ..
ALIAS BRB /me will be right back ..
ALIAS BSLAP /me bitch-slaps $0 with fire in his eyes ..
ALIAS BTOSS /me tosses a beer to $0 ..
ALIAS BURP /me burps rudely ..
ALIAS BYE /me is leaving us ..
ALIAS CARESS /me caresses $0 gently ..
ALIAS CARN /me presents $0 with a boquet of carnations ..
ALIAS CHEER /me cheers with great gusto ..
ALIAS CHOP /me drops a 20 ton canary on $0 ..
ALIAS CLAP /me claps wildly ..
ALIAS COMFORT /me offers comfort and sympathy to $0 ..
ALIAS COOKIE /me hands $0 a choclate chip cookie ..
ALIAS COUGH /me coughs up a lung ..
ALIAS CRY /me cryies his poor little heart out ..
ALIAS CUDDLE /me cuddles up with $0 next to the fire ..
ALIAS CURSE /me casts an evil curse on $0 ..
ALIAS DANCE /me dances around the room with $0
ALIAS DIE /me dies ..
me is dozing on his keyboard ..
say nbxjhvanvjnv0lkejy
me wakes up ..
ALIAS DROOL /me drools everywhere ..
ALIAS DROP /me drops a 50 foot redwood on $0 ..
me hits a button and is ejected through the roof ..
leave *
ALIAS EYEBROW /me raises an eyebrow at $0 ..
ALIAS FAINT /me faints dead away ..
ALIAS FEEL /me sneaks up behind $0 and gets a cheap feel ..
ALIAS FLEX /me flexes, showing off his big muscles ..
ALIAS FLIRT /me flirts with $0 ..
ALIAS FLOWER /me presents $0 a big boquet of flowers ..
ALIAS FLY /me flies around the room ..
ALIAS FORGIVE /me forgives $0 for being so foolish ..
ALIAS FRENCH /me frenches $0 ..
ALIAS FROWN /me frowns ..
ALIAS GAG /me gags ..
ALIAS GASP /me gasps for air ..
ALIAS GIGGLE /me giggles uncontrolably ..
ALIAS GIVE /me gives $1- to $0 ..
ALIAS GLARE /me glares stangely at $0 ..
ALIAS GREET /me greets $0 ..
ALIAS GRIN /me grins slyly ..
ALIAS HAND /me shakes hands with $0 ..
ALIAS HELLO /me waves hello ..
ALIAS HIDE /me hides ..
ALIAS HUG /me gives $0 a hug ..
ALIAS IGNORE /me ignores $0 ..
ALIAS JOG /me jogs over to $0 and smiles ..
ALIAS KILL /me looks ready to kill $0 ..
ALIAS KISS /me kisses $0 ..
ALIAS KLEENEX /me hands $0 a kleenex ..
ALIAS KSLAP /me goes to slap his knee but misses ..
ALIAS LAMER /me thinks $0 is a real lamer ..
ALIAS LAP /me jumps into the unsuspecting lap of $0 ..
ALIAS LAUGH /me laughs profusely ..
ALIAS LICK /me licks $0 ..
ALIAS LOL /me laughs out loud ..
ALIAS LOOK /me looks around the room ..
ALIAS MASSAGE /me massages $0 ..
ALIAS MOAN /me moans in ecstasy ..
ALIAS MUTTER /me mutters something under his breath ..
ALIAS NIBBLE /me nibbles on $0 ..
ALIAS NOD /me nods his head in agreement ..
ALIAS NUDGE /me nudges $0 ..
ALIAS NUKE /me drops a nuclear bomb on $0 ..
ALIAS OIL /me sensually massages $0 with hot oil ..
ALIAS ORGASM /me writhes in the throes of an orgasm ..
ALIAS PANTS /me deftly pulls $0's pants down to his/her ankles ..
ALIAS PAT /me gives $0 a pat on the back ..
ALIAS PELT /me pelts $0 with rotten fruit ..
ALIAS PIE /me throws a cream pie at $0 ..
ALIAS PILLOW /me hits $0 over the head with his pillow ..
ALIAS PINCH /me pinches $0 on the cheeck ..
ALIAS PLAY /me jams to $0- on his air guitar ..
ALIAS POINT /me points a finger at $0 ..
ALIAS POUNCE /me pounces on $0 ..
ALIAS PROD /me prods $0 with a ten foot pole
ALIAS PUKE /me pukes all over $0 ..
ALIAS PUNCH /me punches $0 in the nose ..
ALIAS RAISE /me raises his hand ..
ALIAS ROLL /me rolls on the floor laughing ..
ALIAS ROSE /me presents $0 with a single perfect rose ..
ALIAS RUB /me rubs his hands together and laughs ..
ALIAS SARC /me is being sarcastic ..
ALIAS SCREAM /me screams his fool head off ..
ALIAS SHAME /me makes the international sign of shame at $0 ..
ALIAS SHRUG /me shrugs ..
ALIAS SIGH /me sighs heavily ..
ALIAS SING /me (singing): $0- ..
ALIAS SLAP /me slaps $0 ..
ALIAS SLEEP /me falls asleep ..
ALIAS SMACK /me backhands $0 across the mouth ..
ALIAS SMILE /me smiles happily ..
ALIAS SMOOCH /me smooches with $0 ..
ALIAS SMOTHER /me smothers $0 with his pillow ..
ALIAS SNARL /me snarls like a tiger ..
ALIAS SNEEZE /me sneezes ..
ALIAS SNICKER /me snickers stupidly ..
ALIAS SNIFF /me sniffs pitifally ..
ALIAS SNORE /me snores loudly ..
ALIAS SPAM /me throws a jiggling lump of Spam at $0 ..
ALIAS SPANK /me gives $0 a good spanking ..
ALIAS SPELL /me has casted a wicked spell on $0 ..
ALIAS SPIT /me spits at $0 ..
ALIAS SQUIRT /me squirts $0 with his squirt gun ..
ALIAS STOP /me holds up a stop sign ..
ALIAS STRIP /me does a slow-strip tease for $0 ..
ALIAS SUBJECT /me hopes to change the subject ..
ALIAS SUN /me pulls his Ray-Bans down and looks around ..
ALIAS TEASE /me teases $0 ..
ALIAS THANK /me thanks $0 ..
ALIAS THINK /me is in deep thought about the topic ..
ALIAS TICKLE /me tickles $0 to death ..
ALIAS VOMIT /me vomits all over the floor ..
ALIAS WAVE /me waves frantically ..
ALIAS WAVES /me waves his fingers in awe ..
ALIAS WELCOME /me warmly welcomes $0 to the channel ..
ALIAS WHINE /me whines pitifully
ALIAS WHISTLE /me innocently whistles a simple tune ..
ALIAS WINK /me winks slyly ..
ALIAS YAWN /me yawns quite noticably ..
ALIAS YELL /me (yelling): $0- ..
ALIAS ZAP /me zaps $0 with his 1.5 Megawatt probe ..
ALIAS ZONK /me zonks $0 on the head with a blunt instrument ..
echo *** Loaded actions. (Action coding by PosterBoy)